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目的:在糖基工程酵母中表达抗流感病毒单克隆抗体CR6261,并对其进行结构分析和活性测定。方法:从GenBank获得CR6261抗体的全基因序列,构建轻重链表达载体pPICZα-CR6261-H-L,电转入糖基工程酵母,利用甲醇诱导型启动子AOX1表达CR6261抗体蛋白,通过SDS-PAGE、Western印迹筛选表达菌株,用Protein A亲和层析、Superdex200凝胶过滤柱分离纯化抗体蛋白,应用ELISA方法对纯化后的蛋白进行活性鉴定。结果:CR6261抗体蛋白分泌在培养上清中,且纯化后的蛋白与糖基工程酵母表达的流感病毒血凝素蛋白HA5、HA7有结合活性,与商业化三价流感病毒裂解疫苗亦有结合活性。结论:实现了抗流感病毒单克隆抗体CR6261在糖基工程酵母中的表达,并初步检测了其广谱活性,可为酵母表达抗体蛋白药物制备提供参考,ELISA初步评价还显示了其在诊断上的应用前景。  相似文献   

由于异源抗体在宠物临床治疗中易引起宿主免疫排斥反应,因此制备基于本动物源的基因工程抗体显示了更大的发展优势和前景。为制备H3N2亚型犬流感病毒(Canine influenza virus,CIV)的重组犬源化抗体scFv-Fc,采集CIV感染犬外周血淋巴细胞提取总RNA,利用PCR技术扩增IgG重链(VH)、轻链(VL)和Fc片段。利用重叠延伸PCR将VH和VL通过弹性肽链linker连接成单链抗体(scFv)片段,并转化大肠杆菌,挑取阳性菌测序。经分析筛选后,将目标scFv与Fc片段链接,构建scFv-Fc重组犬源抗体片段。经诱导表达,获得分子量约为50 kD的scFv和约为89 kD的重组抗体scFv-Fc。抗体活性测定结果表明,scFv能与CIV特异性结合,1 mg/mL scFv的ELISA效价为1∶2~(10),血凝抑制(HI)效价为1∶2~7,中和抗体效价为1∶20。1 mg/mL scFv-Fc的HI效价为1∶2~6,ELISA效价1∶2~5,中和抗体效价为1∶20。本研究成功制备了针对H3N2亚型犬流感病毒的重组犬源scFv-Fc,为该病毒感染的治疗提供了物质基础。  相似文献   

抗人胎盘酸性铁蛋白单链抗体的构建、表达与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:制备人胎盘酸性铁蛋白(PAF),构建、表达并鉴定抗人PAF单链可变区抗体片段(scFv)。方法:设计以SfiⅠ、NotⅠ为酶切位点、以(Gly4Ser)3为linker的2对引物,从抗人PAF单克隆抗体可变区基因的克隆载体中扩增VH和VL基因,用重叠延伸PCR在VH和VL基因间引入连接短肽,构建VH-linker-VL的scFv基因。经SfiⅠ、NotⅠ酶切后克隆到原核分泌型表达载体pUC19/119上,转化大肠杆菌TG1和筛选后测序验证,IPTG诱导表达,SDS-PAGE鉴定其相对分子质量(Mr)。以人PAF为抗原,scFv为一抗,抗His单克隆抗体为二抗,间接ELISA鉴定其抗体活性。结果:重叠延伸PCR扩增产物经凝胶电泳可见约700bp的条带,DNA序列分析证明2株抗体具有完整的scFv序列,并含有c-myc和His。IPTG诱导阳性菌表达产物经SDS-PAGE鉴定有Mr约27000的显示条带,符合scFv与表达标签融合蛋白的理论值;间接ELISA证明表达产物可与PAF结合。结论:成功构建并表达了抗人PAF单链抗体,为进一步建立检测PAF的间接ELISA奠定了基础。  相似文献   

抗肠炎沙门氏菌单链抗体制备及其特异性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用基因工程技术制备抗肠炎沙门氏菌的单链抗体.方法:从抗肠炎沙门氏菌单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞中纯化RNA,反转录后扩增出抗体的重链可变区(VH)和轻链可变区(VL)基因片段,采用重叠延伸的方法,用柔性多肽Linker接头(Gly4 Ser)3按VL-Linker-VH方式将VH基因和VL基因拼接成单链抗体基因片段后,连接到pGEX-4T-1载体上,进行重组转化.挑取阳性克隆,经IPTG诱导后,通过GST柱进行亲和层析,最后利用ELISA检测抗体的活性.结果:成功构建了表达抗肠炎沙门氏菌单链抗体的基因工程菌株,经SDS-PAGE和ELISA检测结果表明,诱导表达的单链抗体scFv分子量约为60 kDa,其能特异与肠炎沙门氏菌结合,但与副甲伤寒沙门氏菌、鸭沙门氏菌、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌有轻度交叉反应.结论:成功构建了抗肠炎沙门氏菌单链抗体的表达菌株,表达的单链抗体scFv可作为沙门氏菌的检测的候选抗体分子.  相似文献   

单链抗体(single chain antibody fragment,scFv)是由抗体重链可变区(variable region of heavy chain,VH)和轻链可变区(variable region of light chain,VL)通过柔性短肽连接组成的小分子,是具有完整抗原结合活性的最小功能片段,包含抗体识别及抗原结合部位。相比于其他抗体,scFv具有分子量小、穿透性强、免疫原性弱、易构建表达等优点。目前,scFv最常用的展示系统主要有噬菌体展示系统、核糖体展示系统、mRNA展示系统、酵母细胞表面展示系统和哺乳动物细胞展示系统等。近年来,随着scFv在医学、生物学、食品安全学等领域的发展,使得其在生物合成和应用研究方面备受关注。本文对近年来scFv展示系统的研究进展作一综述,以期为scFv的筛选及应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

抗人P185^erbB2的scFv—Fc融合蛋白的表达及免疫功能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为提高鼠源单抗用于体内治疗的效应功能及降低人抗鼠抗体反应 ,将编码抗人P185 erbB2 单抗轻、重链可变区 (VL、VH)融合构建的单链抗体 (scFv)基因片段与人IgG1的Fc区基因片段融合构建了scFv Fc融合基因 ,并将其克隆到哺乳动物细胞表达载体pCIDN中。用重组载体转染CHO细胞 ,通过G4 18筛选获得稳定高表达克隆。更换无血清培养基培养 ,经重组蛋白质A亲和层析柱纯化scFv Fc融合蛋白。融合蛋白质在还原SDS PAGE中表现为5 2kD的条带 ;与SK BR 3细胞裂解液共培育可特异性地沉淀出P185 erbB2 蛋白 ;FACS分析表明融合蛋白质识别P185 erbB2 蛋白的胞外段 ;ELISA测定融合蛋白质对细胞表面抗原P185 erbB2 的亲和常数为 7.5× 10 -10 (mol/L) -1。构建scFv Fc融合基因 ,将其克隆到表达载体 ,进一步稳定表达抗P185 erbB2 的scFv Fc融合蛋白 ,为进一步的体外、体内研究鼠源单抗治疗效果创造了条件。  相似文献   

目的:构建天然兔源噬菌体单链抗体库。方法:采用RT-PCR法从未免疫的兔子脾脏中克隆得到抗体重链可变区(VH)与轻链可变区(VL)基因,重叠PCR将VH和VL拼接成scFv片段,将scFv连接到噬菌粒pComb3XSS上,电转入XL1-Blue菌中,得到单链抗体库,并用此抗体库筛选抗肌酸激酶抗体。结果:构建了容量为4×108,基因重组率95%的单链抗体库,DNA指纹图谱显示抗体库多样性良好。以肌酸激酶为抗原,从该库中筛到3株抗肌酸激酶的抗体。结论:分析表明构建的天然兔源单链抗体库质量良好,可用于快速筛选、制备多种单链抗体。  相似文献   

目的:应用噬菌体展示技术筛选针对表皮生长因子受体突变体Ш (epidermal growth factor receptor variant type Ⅲ, EGFRvIII)的单链抗体 (single chain Fv, scFv)。方法:利用原核表达纯化的人EGFRvIIIex蛋白和高表达EGFRvIIIex的小鼠成纤维细胞系NIH3T3免疫小鼠,扩增VH和VL片段并拼装成scFv 基因,连接至噬菌粒pCANTAB 5E,电击转化Hpd3cells,构建噬菌体单链抗体库,并进行3轮富集筛选。在第4轮筛选时,采用了降低抗原浓度的方法。然后将筛选得到的阳性克隆测序分析,转化E.coli HB2151,IPTG 诱导可溶性scFv 的表达。结果:构建了库容为7.9×107 的噬菌体单链抗体库。经过第4轮低浓度抗原筛选,得到了较高亲和力的克隆。取单个阳性克隆测序分析结果表明,该抗EGFRvIII scFv 基因序列长807 bp,编码268个氨基酸。IPTG诱导后表达的可溶性scFv 可分别与纯化的EGFRvIIIex抗原以及细胞表面的EGFRvIIIex结合。结论:利用噬菌体抗体库筛选得到了高亲和力的抗EGFRvIII scFv,为开发针对EGFRvIII的抗体药物提供了靶向载体分子。  相似文献   

目的:应用噬菌体展示技术筛选针对表皮生长因子受体突变体Ш(epidermal growth factorreceptor variant typeⅢ,EGFRvIII)的单链抗体(single chain Fv,scFv)。方法:利用原核表达纯化的人EGFRvIIIex蛋白和高表达EGFRvIIIex的小鼠成纤维细胞系NIH3T3免疫小鼠,扩增VH和VL片段并拼装成scFv基因,连接至噬菌粒pCANTAB5E,电击转化Hpd3cells,构建噬菌体单链抗体库,并进行3轮富集筛选。在第4轮筛选时,采用了降低抗原浓度的方法。然后将筛选得到的阳性克隆测序分析,转化E.coliHB2151,IPTG诱导可溶性scFv的表达。结果:构建了库容为7.9×107的噬菌体单链抗体库。经过第4轮低浓度抗原筛选,得到了较高亲和力的克隆。取单个阳性克隆测序分析结果表明,该抗EGFRvIII scFv基因序列长807bp,编码268个氨基酸。IPTG诱导后表达的可溶性scFv可分别与纯化的EGFRvⅢex抗原以及细胞表面的EGFRvⅢex结合。结论:利用噬菌体抗体库筛选得到了高亲和力的抗EGFRvⅢ scFv,为开发针对EGFRvⅢ...  相似文献   

从抗HBsAg鼠单抗的杂交瘤细胞提取RNA,经反转录得到cDNA,进一步扩增得到鼠重链可变区基因(VH)和轻链可变区基因(VL),按VH-linker-VL的结构将VH、VL基因拼接成单链抗体(scFv)基因;经测序正确后进一步构建了表达重组体p26HBSc并在E.coli中表达,得到一约30kD的外源蛋白;纯化后经ELISA检测与HBsAg有较高的亲和力活性,为下一步的人源化改造奠定了基础。  相似文献   



The hemagglutinin (HA) glycoprotein is the principal target of protective humoral immune responses to influenza virus infections but such antibody responses only provide efficient protection against a narrow spectrum of HA antigenic variants within a given virus subtype. Avian influenza viruses such as H5N1 are currently panzootic and pose a pandemic threat. These viruses are antigenically diverse and protective strategies need to cross protect against diverse viral clades. Furthermore, there are 16 different HA subtypes and no certainty the next pandemic will be caused by an H5 subtype, thus it is important to develop prophylactic and therapeutic interventions that provide heterosubtypic protection.

Methods and Findings

Here we describe a panel of 13 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) recovered from combinatorial display libraries that were constructed from human IgM+ memory B cells of recent (seasonal) influenza vaccinees. The mAbs have broad heterosubtypic neutralizing activity against antigenically diverse H1, H2, H5, H6, H8 and H9 influenza subtypes. Restriction to variable heavy chain gene IGHV1-69 in the high affinity mAb panel was associated with binding to a conserved hydrophobic pocket in the stem domain of HA. The most potent antibody (CR6261) was protective in mice when given before and after lethal H5N1 or H1N1 challenge.


The human monoclonal CR6261 described in this study could be developed for use as a broad spectrum agent for prophylaxis or treatment of human or avian influenza infections without prior strain characterization. Moreover, the CR6261 epitope could be applied in targeted vaccine strategies or in the design of novel antivirals. Finally our approach of screening the IgM+ memory repertoire could be applied to identify conserved and functionally relevant targets on other rapidly evolving pathogens.  相似文献   

B型流感病毒是引起季节性流感的原因之一,严重时会造成重大疾病或死亡。为了检测B型流感病毒2个疫苗候选毒株的血凝素(hemagglutinin,HA)蛋白胞外段在哺乳动物细胞中的表达及在小鼠体内的免疫原性,本研究将带有三聚体标签的HA胞外段(HA-ectodomain,HA-ecto)序列及神经氨酸酶(neuraminidase,NA)全长编码框经密码子优化后构建至pCAGGS载体中,通过线性聚乙烯亚胺将pCAGGS-HA-ecto与pCAGGS-NA共转染293T细胞。收集转染后96h的上清,通过镍离子亲和层析及分子筛层析获得三聚体形式的HA-ecto蛋白,然后将HA-ecto三聚体蛋白免疫小鼠,进行酶联免疫吸附试验(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)及血凝抑制实验(hemagglutination inhibition,HAI)检测HA-ecto蛋白诱导小鼠后产生的抗体水平。纯化结果显示,通过哺乳动物细胞表达系统能够得到分泌型表达的三聚体HA-ecto蛋白。ELISA及HAI结果显示,三聚体HA-ecto蛋白二次免疫小鼠后,能诱导小鼠产生较高水平的同源和异源交叉抗体。以上结果表明,哺乳动物细胞表达的B型流感病毒HA蛋白可作为亚单位重组流感疫苗的候选。  相似文献   

抗肝癌单链抗体的活性检测   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
将抗肝癌单克隆抗体 HAb25的轻、重链可变区基因通过Linker连接起来,构建成抗肝癌单链抗体scFv25,然后亚克隆入含 E-tag检测标签的 pET15b表达载体进行融合表达。表达产物(scFv25-E-tag)采用 SABC法对肝癌细胞涂片进行染色,利用鼠抗E-tag抗体间接检测初步纯化的scFv25的活性,同时采用竞争结合实验检测scFv25的亲和活性。scFv25能够与靶细胞特异性结合,阳性部位主要定位于细胞膜上;scFv25可封闭53%的亲本抗体的亲和活性。scFv25较好地保持了亲本抗体的特异性和亲和活性。  相似文献   



The urgent medical need for innovative approaches to control influenza is emphasized by the widespread resistance of circulating subtype H1N1 viruses to the leading antiviral drug oseltamivir, the pandemic threat posed by the occurrences of human infections with highly pathogenic avian H5N1 viruses, and indeed the evolving swine-origin H1N1 influenza pandemic. A recently discovered class of human monoclonal antibodies with the ability to neutralize a broad spectrum of influenza viruses (including H1, H2, H5, H6 and H9 subtypes) has the potential to prevent and treat influenza in humans. Here we report the latest efficacy data for a representative antibody of this novel class.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We evaluated the prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of the human monoclonal antibody CR6261 against lethal challenge with the highly pathogenic avian H5N1 virus in ferrets, the optimal model of human influenza infection. Survival rates, clinically relevant disease signs such as changes in body weight and temperature, virus replication in lungs and upper respiratory tract, as well as macro- and microscopic pathology were investigated. Prophylactic administration of 30 and 10 mg/kg CR6261 prior to viral challenge completely prevented mortality, weight loss and reduced the amount of infectious virus in the lungs by more than 99.9%, abolished shedding of virus in pharyngeal secretions and largely prevented H5N1-induced lung pathology. When administered therapeutically 1 day after challenge, 30 mg/kg CR6261 prevented death in all animals and blunted disease, as evidenced by decreased weight loss and temperature rise, reduced lung viral loads and shedding, and less lung damage.


These data demonstrate the prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of this new class of human monoclonal antibodies in a highly stringent and clinically relevant animal model of influenza and justify clinical development of this approach as intervention for both seasonal and pandemic influenza.  相似文献   

Oncolytic viruses (OV) have shown excellent safety and efficacy in preclinical and clinical studies. Influenza A virus (IAV) is considered a promising oncolytic virus. In this report, we generated a recombinant influenza virus expressing an immune checkpoint blockade agent targeting CTLA4. Using reverse genetics, a recombinant influenza virus, termed rFlu-CTLA4, encoding the heavy chain of a CTLA4 antibody on the PB1 segment and the light chain of the CTLA4 antibody on the PA segment was produced. RFlu-CTLA4 could replicate to high titers, and antibodies were produced in the allantoic fluid of infected eggs. Furthermore, the selective cytotoxicity of the virus was higher in various hepatocellular carcinoma cancer cell lines than in the normal cell line L02 in vitro, as indicated by MTS assays. More importantly, in a subcutaneous H22 mouse hepatocarcinoma model, intratumoral injections of rFlu-CTLA4 inhibited the growth of treated tumors and increased the overall survival of mice compared with injections of the PR8 virus. Taken together, these results warrant further exploration of this novel recombinant influenza virus for its potential use as a single or combination agent for cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Recombinant single-chain variable-fragment molecules (scFv) were constructed from a cell line expressing a monoclonal antibody against African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) and expressed in Escherichia coli. DNA sequences that encoded the scFv were manipulated to allow scFv expression in insect cell lines. A recombinant baculovirus containing the scFv cDNA was constructed and large amounts of scFv were produced in each of three insect cell lines infected with the baculovirus. However, the scFv were not secreted into the medium by any of the cell lines despite the scFv having been linked to a honeybee melittin leader sequence. The same scFv cDNA construct was introduced into Drosophila DS2 cells and a stable recombinant cell line was obtained that produced scFv that was secreted into the medium. Culture medium containing the scFv was used directly in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests to detect ACMV in plant tissues. Another construct that encoded the Ckappa domain of human IgG was fused to the C-terminus of the scFv that was produced and expressed in Drosophila cells. This scFv derivative also accumulated in the medium and was more active in ELISA than scFv lacking the Ckappa domain.  相似文献   

Forced by major drawbacks of egg-based influenza virus production, several studies focused on the establishment and optimization of cell-based production systems. Among numerous possible host cell lines from duck, monkey, canine, chicken, mouse, and human origin, only a few will meet regulatory requirements, accomplish industrial standards, and result in high virus titers. From primary virus isolation up to large-scale manufacturing of human vaccines, however, the most logical choice seems to be the use of human cell lines. For this reason, we evaluated the recently established CAP cell line derived from human amniocytes for its potential in influenza virus production in suspension culture in small scale shaker flask and stirred tank bioreactor experiments. Different human and animal influenza viruses could be adapted to produce hemagglutination (HA) titers of at least 2.0 log10 HA units/100 μL without further process optimization. Adjusting trypsin activity as well as infection conditions (multiplicity of infection, infection medium) resulted in HA titers of up to 3.2 log10 HA units/100 μL and maximum cell-specific virus productivities of 6,400 virions/cell (for human influenza A/PR/8/34 as a reference). Surface membrane expression of sialyloligosaccharides as well as HA N-glycosylation patterns were characterized. Overall, experimental results clearly demonstrate the potential of CAP cells for achieving high virus yields for different influenza strains and the option to introduce a highly attractive fully characterized human cell line compliant with regulatory and industrial requirements as an alternative for influenza virus vaccine production.  相似文献   

To date, four main mechanisms mediating inhibition of influenza infection by anti-hemagglutinin antibodies have been reported. Anti-globular-head-domain antibodies block either influenza virus receptor binding to the host cell or progeny virion release from the host cell. Anti-stem region antibodies hinder the membrane fusion process or induce antibody-dependent cytotoxicity to infected cells. In this study we identified a human monoclonal IgG1 antibody (CT302), which does not inhibit both the receptor binding and the membrane fusion process but efficiently reduced the nucleus entry of viral nucleoprotein suggesting a novel inhibition mechanism of viral infection by antibody. This antibody binds to the subtype-H3 hemagglutinin globular head domain of group-2 influenza viruses circulating throughout the population between 1997 and 2007.  相似文献   

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