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不同品种水稻群体冠层光谱特征比较研究   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
应用分光光谱辐射仪对不同株型水稻品种的冠层光谱辐射能进行观测和计算,比较分析了不同冠层群体光谱分布特征的差异性。结果表明,不同株型水稻品种群体冠层内太阳光谱辐射反率α,透射率β和吸收率τ及消光系数K存在明显差异,尤其以蓝光辐射(400-510nm)差异最为显著。在水稻生长后期,这些差异表现更为突出。  相似文献   

多组分植被方向反射系数的解析计算模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于植被介质中的辐射传输理论和几何光学原理,提出了一个计算非随机、多组分植被多波段、多角度反射光谱的综合解析模型.此模型以作者以前建立的叶冠层模型和多组分模型为基础,通过对任意空间取向植被组分对冠层“热点”效应贡献的定量计算及在多次散射系数的估算中考虑冠层所有组分的作用,全面、深入地概括了植被冠层的多种组分以及它们的几何结构和光学性质的空间变化对植被多角度反射光谱的影响。模拟与实测结果的比较得出:模型基本上能抓住多组分植被反射光谱的角度分布特征,模拟出叶冠层模型所不能得到的自然植被方向反射系数和冠层“热点”效应的非对称性分布.模型的模拟结果表明,冠层“热点”效应在冠层组分的平均倾角约20°时达最大,然后随平均倾角的增大,“热点”效应明显减弱.  相似文献   

研究了不同土壤水氮条件下水稻 (Oryzasativa) 冠层光谱反射特征和植株水分状况的量化关系。结果表明, 水稻冠层近红外光谱反射率随土壤含水量的降低而降低, 短波红外光谱反射率随土壤含水量的降低而升高。相同土壤水分条件下, 高氮水稻的冠层含水率高于低氮水稻的冠层含水率 ;同一水分条件下, 高氮处理的可见光区和短波红外波段光谱反射率低于低氮处理, 近红外波段光谱反射率高于低氮处理。发现拔节后比值植被指数 (R810 /R460 ) 与水稻叶片含水率和植株含水率呈极显著的线性相关, 模型的检验误差 (RootmeansquareError, RMSE) 分别为 0.93和 1.5 0。表明比值植被指数R810 /R460 可以较好地监测不同生育期水稻叶片和植株含水率。  相似文献   

开放式空气C02浓度增高对水稻冠层能量平衡的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
大气CO2浓度升高对植物冠层能量平衡的影响是导致植物生长发育和水分利用率发生变化的环境物理原因.利用位于江苏省无锡市安镇的农田自由开放式空气CO2浓度增高(FACE)系统平台,进行水稻冠层微气候和土壤热通量的连续观测,并结合能量平衡分析,研究了FACE对水稻冠层能量平衡的影响.结果表明,水稻冠层显热和潜热通量FACE与对照的差异日最大值出现在14:00左右,与空气相对湿度日最低值出现时间一致;潜热通量FACE与对照的差异日最大值变化在—15-—65J·m^-2·s^-1之间,显热通量FACE与对照的差异最低值变化在12—55J·m^-2·s^-1之间;显热和潜热通量FACE与对照的差异日最大值随冠层上方辐射平衡增加而增大.水稻冠层白天总显热通量FACE均高于对照,而总潜热通量FACE均低于对照.白天总显热和潜热通量FACE与对照的差异在同一生育期内随冠层上方净辐射增强而增大,在不同生育期随生育期推进而减少.开花期至蜡熟期,水稻冠层白天总潜热通量FACE比对照平均低6.7%.FACE使水稻冠层白天总显热通量及其占冠层上方辐射平衡的比例减少,而使总潜热通量及其占冠层上方辐射平衡的比例增大,但对土壤热通量及夜间显热和潜热通量的影响不大.开花期至蜡熟期水稻冠层白天总显热、潜热通量占冠层上方净辐射总量的比例FACE与对照之差平均为5.5%.  相似文献   

综合已有作物模型(包括冠层结构、冠层光分布和冠层光合作用与干物质生产模型)的优点,构建了双季稻光合生产模型.利用独立的田间试验资料,对冠层内的光分布和干物质积累量进行了初步检验;利用模型定量分析了直接辐射在上挺下挺、上挺下披和上披下披3种典型株型水稻冠层内水平面上和叶面上的分布、冠层日光合量及其随叶面积指数的变化特征.结果表明: 模拟值与观测值之间具有较好的一致性,预测双季稻冠层内光分布的根均方差、相对根均方差和相关系数分别为12.01 J·m-2·s-1、8.2%和0.9929;预测双季稻干物质积累量的根均方差、相对根均方差和相关系数分别为0.83 t·hm-2、14.6%和0.9772,表明模型预测性较好;上挺下披株型水稻的冠层日光合量最高,取决于较大的叶面受光量、叶片光合效能和叶面积指数.  相似文献   

水稻冠层光合有效辐射的时空分布特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以2个不同株型水稻品种为材料,设置高、中、低3个施氮水平,利用SunScan冠层分析仪于灌浆期系统测定了不同施氮水平下不同株型水稻品种植株形态和冠层内光合有效辐射(PAR)的时空分布状况.结果表明:施氮量对水稻株高、穗弯曲度和茎叶夹角有明显影响;群体叶面积的垂直分布呈中部>上部>下部的分布特征,最大分层叶面积指数(LAI)出现在0.60相对高度处.冠层内平均PAR透光率从顶部向下递减,且在冠层上中部递减迅速,下部递减缓慢;平均PAR透光率随施氮量的增加而递减;平均PAR透光率日变化表现为早晚较低,中午较高;平均PAR透光率随向下累积LAI的增加呈指数递减,群体消光系数K的日变化表现为早晚较高,中午较低,灌浆期的K值介于0.35~0.50.水稻冠层内PAR的三维空间分布表现为冠层上中部水平面上PAR透光率高,光斑面积大;下部水平面上PAR透光率低,光斑少;同一冠层高度水平面上的PAR光强呈不均匀分布.株型紧凑的水稻品种,冠层透光率高,透光率日变化大,群体消光系数小.  相似文献   

为了探讨水稻冠层光谱对叶片叶绿素含量的响应规律,以双季早稻为材料,设置不同施氮量处理的田间试验,测定水稻冠层光谱和叶片叶绿素含量,计算基于冠层反射光谱的特征变量,研究水稻冠层高光谱特征变量与叶片叶绿素含量之间的关系。结果表明:施用氮肥对反射光谱有明显的影响,在可见光范围内,不施氮处理的反射率高于施氮处理,尤其在波长550 nm左右的绿峰处显著增加,在近红外区反射率随施氮量的增加而增加;与叶绿素含量相关性较好的光谱位置参数是红边位置和红谷反射率,随着叶绿素含量的增加,红谷反射率降低,红边位置向长波方向移动;比值植被指数R800/R550、R750/R553和R990/R553,以及色素比值指数PSSRa、PSSRb与chla、chlb、chl(a+b)呈极显著正相关,可以作为水稻冠层叶片叶绿素监测的特征变量。  相似文献   

作物冠层光分布及光合作用模型,是作物栽培学、作物育种学研究的共同基础,对优化设计和评价作物株型、模拟作物生长发育与对环境变化的响应研究都有十分重要的价值.本文根据水稻群体冠层结构的特点,在虚拟切层法的基础上,建立了水稻群体冠层光分布及光合速率模型,模型包括冠层形态子模型、冠层光分布子模型和冠层光合速率子模型等.利用本模型,对设定的15625种水稻株型的光合速率进行了模拟计算,获得水稻最佳株型模型.结果表明,水稻群体光合速率与叶片数、叶含氮量、叶长、叶宽和叶倾角等5因素密切相关;最佳株型的上述5因素在冠层上部取值大,向下逐渐变小.  相似文献   

遥感技术可应用于大尺度实时监测沉水植物的分布与生长状况。然而沉水植物的光谱特征受其冠层在水下深度的影响,从而影响湖泊和河流中沉水植物的遥感影像解译与信息提取。应用地物光谱仪,通过野外原位测定和室外控制试验,实测了沉水植物水盾草(Cabomba caroliniana)群落冠层在水下不同深度的反射光谱,分析了冠层水深对水盾草反射光谱的影响,并建立了基于光谱反射率和冠层水深的水盾草群落盖度反演模型。研究结果表明(1)不同盖度的水盾草群落光谱反射率的基本特征主要体现在绿光和近红外波段;(2)水盾草群落的光谱反射率与冠层水深基本呈负相关,相同盖度水盾草群落的光谱反射率随冠层水深的增加而减小,在近红外波段尤其明显;(3)水盾草群落冠层水深越小,其盖度与光谱反射率的相关性越强,且水盾草群落盖度越大,其光谱反射率与冠层水深的相关性越显著;(4)水盾草光谱反射率与盖度相关的最佳波段在692—898 nm,与冠层水深相关最佳的波段在710 nm和806 nm附近;(5)在710 nm和806 nm处建立的结合冠层水深的修正模型,无论是回归方程决定系数(R2),还是水盾草群落盖度的反演精度都明显高于仅用光谱反射率反演盖度的简单模型,因此可有效减除冠层水深对反演精度的影响。本研究的结果可为遥感监测沉水植物的分布和动态变化,以及沉水植物生物物理参量反演提供科学依据。  相似文献   

陇中黄土高原春小麦光谱反射特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过田间小区试验,测定了3个春小麦品种(高原602、陇春8139和定西24)在不同生育期和不同种植密度的光谱反射率及对应叶面积指数(LAI)和地上生物量,分析了其光谱反射的一般特征和红边参数特征以及光谱变量与LAI和地上生物量的相关性.结果表明:在整个波段内,春小麦冠层光谱表现为高原602>陇春8139>定西24,其叶片光谱表现为定西24>陇春8139>高原602;春小麦冠层光谱在可见光波段和中红外波段成熟期明显大于孕穗期,而叶片光谱在近红外波段孕穗期明显大于成熟期;随着种植密度的提高,在近红外波段冠层和叶片的光谱反射率逐渐增加;冠层光谱的红边均具有"双峰"现象,从孕穗期到成熟期,冠层红边位置呈现"蓝移"现象;LAI和地上生物量与冠层光谱变量之间存在较好的相关性.  相似文献   

Based on radiative transfer theory in vegetation and geometric-optical principles, an analytical physi-cal mode] for calculating multiangular, multispectral reflectance over a non-random, multiple component vegetation canopy is developed. This model is derived by taking advantages of the previous leaf canopy and multicomponent canopy BRF models. It quantitatively accounts for both the impact of foliage elements' orientation on the canopy hotspot through an innovative algorithm to estimate the hotspot function for any arbitrarily oriented foliage element and contributions of all foliage elements to the reflectance by multiple scattering. Thus, it is characterized by more com-pletely considering the integrative influence of spatial variations in optical and structural properties of all foliage ele-ments on canopy reflectance than any previous analytical BRF models. Simulation results from this model demonstrate that canopy hotspot becomes strongest when the mean inclination angle of foliage elements is ar  相似文献   

水稻冠层结构变化对二向反射率的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
通过对植被二向反射特性的研究,可反演植被冠层结构信息,如叶面积指数、平均叶角、株高、覆盖率等。在大田晚稻(秀水63)移栽后第26、35、41、49、62、67和86d,对水稻冠层结构及二向反射率进行实测,并分析了二向反射率随冠层结构变化规律,结果表明,植被冠层二向反射率对入射角与观测角的敏感性随着植被冠层结构的变化而变化,蕴涵着丰富的植被结构信息。  相似文献   

Summary The structural characteristics of a diverse array of Quercus coccifera canopies were assessed and related to measured and computed light attenuation, proportion of sunlit foliage, foliage temperatures, and photosynthesis and diffusive conductance behavior in different canopy layers. A canopy model incorporating all components of shortwave and longwave radiation, and the energy balance, conductance, and CO2 and H2O exchanges of all leaf layers was developed and compared with measurements of microclimate and gas exchange in canopies in four seasons of the year. In the denser canopies with a leaf area index (LAI) greater than 5, there is little sunlit foliage and the diffuse radiation (400–700 nm) is attenuated to 5% or less of the global radiation (400–700 nm) incident on the top of the canopy. Foliage of this species is nonrandomly distributed with respect to azimuth angle, and within each canopy layer, foliage azimuth and inclination angles are correlated. A detailed version of the model which computed radiation interception and photosynthetic light harvesting according to these nonrandom distributions indicated little difference in whole-canopy gas exchange from calculations of the normal model, which assumes random azimuth orientation. The contributions of different leaf layers to canopy gas exchange are not only a function of the canopy microclimate, but also the degree to which leaves in the lower layers of the canopy exhibit more shade-leaf characteristics, such as low photosynthetic and respiratory capacity and maximal conductance. On cloudless days, the majority of the foliage in a canopy of 5.4 LAI is shaded —70%–90% depending on the time of year. Yet, the shaded foliage under these conditions is calculated to contribute only about one-third of the canopy carbon gain. This contribution is about the same as that of the upper 13% of the canopy foliage. Computed annual whole-canopy carbon gain and water use are, respectively, 60% and 100% greater for a canopy of 5 LAI than for one of 2 LAI. Canopy water-use efficiency is correspondingly less for the canopy of 5 LAI than for that of 2 LAI, but most of this difference is apparent during the cool months of the year, when moisture is more abundant.  相似文献   

冠层光谱反射率直接关系到毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel)林冠层参数的反演,对毛竹林地土壤肥力间接估测具有重要意义。以PROSPECT5、PROSAIL模型为基础,从叶片尺度和冠层尺度分析模型参数对叶片和冠层反射率的影响,构建毛竹冠层叶面积指数(LAI)-冠层反射率查找表并通过代价函数选取最优冠层反射率,从而实现毛竹林分冠层反射率的准确模拟。结果表明,在叶片尺度,PROSPECT模型参数敏感性从高到低依次为叶肉结构参数(N) > 叶绿素含量(Cab) > 等效水厚度(EWT) > 干物质含量(Cm) > 类胡萝卜素含量(Car);在冠层尺度,PROSAIL模型参数敏感性从高到低依次为LAI > Cab > EWT > Cm > N > Car > ALA(平均叶倾角);叶片尺度反射率整体大于冠层尺度反射率;在400~900 nm波长范围内,PROSAIL模型模拟的冠层光谱反射率与实测光谱反射率拟合效果较好,相对误差为6.71%。  相似文献   

李亚妮  鲁蕾  刘勇 《生态学杂志》2017,28(12):3976-3984
缨帽三角(tasseled cap triangle,TCT)-叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)等值线模型是一种反映植被叶面积指数等值线在红光(Red)-近红外(NIR)波段反射率组成的光谱空间中分布规律的模型,在此基础上建立LAI遥感反演模型比常用的统计关系模型更加精确.本文利用水稻田实测数据,验证了PROSAIL模型对水稻冠层反射率模拟的适用性,并对模型的输入参数进行率定,最终确定了PROSAIL模型模拟水稻冠层反射率的输入参数的取值范围.在此基础上构建了水稻田TCT-LAI等值线模型,建立了LAI遥感反演所需的查找表,将其分别用于Landsat 8和WorldView 3数据进行水稻田LAI反演.结果表明: 利用基于TCT-LAI等值线模型建立查找表反演的LAI与实测LAI具有良好的线性相关关系,R2=0.76,RMSE=0.47;与Landsat 8的LAI反演结果相比,WorldView 3反演的LAI值域范围更大,数据分布更离散.将Landsat 8、WorldView 3反射率数据重采样至1 km后进行LAI反演, MODIS LAI 产品的反演结果存在明显低估现象.  相似文献   

高光谱植被指数与水稻叶面积指数的定量关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
基于不同水稻品种、施氮水平和不同生育期下的大田试验,确立了水稻叶面积指数(LAI)与冠层光谱特征参数的定量关系.结果表明:水稻叶面积指数与部分高光谱植被指数存在良好的相关性,其中原始光谱组成的2波段差值指数(DI)形式相关性最好,其次为比值(RI)和归一化(NI)植被指数.相关最好的原始光谱植被指数是由近红外波段组成的差值指数DI(854,760),相关最好的一阶导数光谱植被指数是红光和近红外光组成的导数差值指数DI(D676, D778),但总体上导数光谱指数不如原始光谱指数与LAI关系密切.独立试验数据检验结果表明,以差值指数DI(854,760)为变量建立的水稻LAI监测模型具有较好的表现,可用于水稻LAI的估测.  相似文献   

Light distribution and foliage structure in an oak canopy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 Leaf angle distribution and shoot bifurcation ratio were measured and related to photon flux density (PFD) distribution in an oak canopy. Leaf angle distribution deviated substantially from random and changed markedly throughout the canopy. The observed leaf angle distribution was described by an ellipsoidal function with the single parameter of the distribution, x, changing from 1.6 at the top of the canopy to 3.2 in the lowest branches. In vertically homogeneous canopies, the extinction coefficient for diffuse radiation is expected to decline with increasing leaf area index (LAI). However, in the canopy studied here, the leaf angle distribution changed with height such that the effective extinction coefficient remained constant. Both shoot bifurcation ratio and leaf number per shoot declined with decreasing PFD inside the canopy. Based on these observed relationships, a simple canopy growth model that assumes horizontal homogeneity of the canopy was constructed. Calculations showed that a steady state, when growth in the upper of the canopy is in equilibrium with decline of lower canopy, the total canopy LAI should equal to 4.3. This predicted value of equilibrium LAI is larger than that estimated from measurements of PFD transmission (LAI=3.3), but smaller than that directly determined by litter collection (LAI=6.2 in 1998). Possible reasons for these discrepancies are discussed. Received: 22 June 1998 / Accepted: 7 April 1999  相似文献   

A new moisture adjusted vegetation index (MAVI) is proposed using the red, near infrared, and shortwave infrared (SWIR) reflectance in band-ratio form in this paper. The effectiveness of MAVI in retrieving leaf area index (LAI) is investigated using Landsat-5 data and field LAI measurements in two forest and two grassland areas. The ability of MAVI to retrieve forest LAI under different background conditions is further evaluated using canopy reflectance of Jack Pine and Black Spruce forests simulated by the 4-Scale model. Compared with several commonly used two-band vegetation index, such as normalized difference vegetation index, soil adjusted vegetation index, modified soil adjusted vegetation index, optimized soil adjusted vegetation index, MAVI is a better predictor of LAI, on average, which can explain 70% of variations of LAI in the four study areas. Similar to other SWIR-related three-band vegetation index, such as modified normalized difference vegetation index (MNDVI) and reduced simple ratio (RSR), MAVI is able to reduce the background reflectance effects on forest canopy LAI retrieval. MAVI is more suitable for retrieving LAI than RSR and MNDVI, because it avoids the difficulty in properly determining the maximum and minimum SWIR values required in RSR and MNDVI, which improves the robustness of MAVI in retrieving LAI of different land cover types. Moreover, MAVI is expressed as ratios between different spectral bands, greatly reducing the noise caused by topographical variations, which makes it more suitable for applications in mountainous area.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral reflectance (350–2500 nm) measurements were made over two experimental rice fields containing two cultivars treated with three levels of nitrogen application. Four different transformations of the reflectance data were analyzed for their capability to predict rice biophysical parameters, comprising leaf area index (LAI; m2 green leaf area m−2 soil) and green leaf chlorophyll density (GLCD; mg chlorophyll m−2 soil), using stepwise multiple regression (SMR) models and support vector machines (SVMs). Four transformations of the rice canopy data were made, comprising reflectances (R), first-order derivative reflectances (D1), second-order derivative reflectances (D2), and logarithm transformation of reflectances (LOG). The polynomial kernel (POLY) of the SVM using R was the best model to predict rice LAI, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.0496 LAI units. The analysis of variance kernel of SVM using LOG was the best model to predict rice GLCD, with an RMSE of 523.0741 mg m−2. The SVM approach was not only superior to SMR models for predicting the rice biophysical parameters, but also provided a useful exploratory and predictive tool for analyzing different transformations of reflectance data.  相似文献   

基于PROSAIL辐射传输模型的毛竹林叶面积指数遥感反演   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
采用PROSAIL辐射传输模型建立毛竹林叶面积指数(LAI) 冠层反射率查找表,并结合Landsat TM卫星遥感数据,实现了毛竹林LAI的定量反演.结果表明: PROSAIL模型各输入参数的敏感性由高到低依次为LAI>叶绿素含量(Cab)>叶片结构参数(N)>平均叶倾角(ALA)>等效水厚度(Cw)>干物质含量(Cm),并以LAI、Cab两个主要敏感因子用于构建毛竹林LAI 冠层反射率查找表;基于PROSAIL模型的毛竹林LAI遥感反演结果与实测LAI具有很好的一致性,二者相关系数为0.90,均方根误差和相关的均方根误差也较小,分别为0.58和13.0%,但也存在反演LAI平均值高于实际值的问题.  相似文献   

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