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基准剂量下限作为风险评估的参考点,是剂量评估的重要参数.对美国环境保护暑开发的基准剂量软件BMDS的2.2版中采用的似然比法计算基准剂量下限进行了研究,以二分Logistic模型为例,详细剖析了这种计算方法的运行机制,并将计算结果和BMDS软件的计算结果进行比较,验证了本文介绍方法的正确性.采用这种计算方法设计开发了我国的二分型基准剂量模型评估软件.  相似文献   

刘畅  李凤日  甄贞 《生态学杂志》2014,25(10):2779-2786
基于黑龙江省2010年一类调查数据和重点公益林检测样地(5075块)数据以及同期黑龙江省、吉林省和内蒙古自治区59个气象站的气象数据,以森林碳储量为因变量,以胸径、每公顷株数、海拔、坡度及降雨与温度的乘积因子作为自变量,利用GeoDA软件构建空间误差模型,用全局Moran I 来描述不同空间尺度下模型残差的空间自相关性,计算最佳带宽(25 km)下的局域Moran I来表现模型残差的空间分布,计算组内方差来解释模型残差的空间异质性,最后将模型的预估结果生成黑龙江省森林碳储量的空间分布图.结果表明: 黑龙江省森林碳储量的分布具有空间效应;本文所选林分因子、地形因子及气象因子都显著影响森林碳储量的空间分布,胸径是最主要的因子.空间误差模型可以很好地解决模型残差的空间自相关性及空间异质性.由模型的预估结果可以看出,森林碳储量的空间分布存在很大差异,张广才岭、小兴安岭及大兴安岭地区是森林分布较密集的区域,松嫩平原地区的森林碳储量分布较少,完达山地区处于中等水平.

黄河流域积温数据栅格化方法优选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张燕卿  刘勤  严昌荣  何文清  刘爽 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5580-5585
在获得黄河流域109个气象站点45a的逐日平均气温、各气象站的经纬度以及海拔高度数据和中国数字高程模型的基础上,采用Cokriging、积温垂直递减和"回归分析计算+残差插值"3种方法对黄河流域≥0℃的积温栅格化进行了探讨,结果表明:相关性为"回归分析计算+残差插值">积温垂直递减>Cokriging,T检验的双尾显著性概率Sig.:"回归分析计算+残差插值"<积温垂直递减<0.05<Cokriging,Cokriging方法结果差异不显著,"回归分析计算+残差插值" 方法比积温垂直递减差异性更显著,比较分析可知"回归分析计算+残差插值"是最适合的.  相似文献   

目的:研究ADE模型下小约化体积膜泡的形状。方法:应用数值计算方法中的打靶法,运用Mathematica 7.0软件进行编程。结果:在ADE模型下,计算得到了一系列小约化体积的膜泡的形状,解决了已往小约化体积区域内不存在稳定膜泡的问题。结论:研究表明,在ADE模型下通过适当的边界条件把黏附双层区域的接触势能考虑进去,数值计算结果与实验上的非常相似。  相似文献   

放射治疗的质量保证是保证放射治疗成功的有力方法。对于放疗计划的验证和评估有CT模拟机、仿体等方法,这些方法各有优缺点。文章提出了一种用人体图像数据构造仿真模型的方法,并用蒙特卡罗软件和美国“可视人项目”的数据集计算该模型在接受放射治疗时体内剂量的三维分布。由于采用人体的真实图像数据,以及蒙特卡罗方法计算粒子输运时的准确性,该方法能够得到真实的三维剂量分布。  相似文献   

张凌宇  刘兆刚 《生态学杂志》2017,28(12):3899-3907
基于帽儿山实验林场2004—2016年森林资源二类调查固定样地(共108块)数据,采用全局Poisson模型和4种空间尺度(2.5、5、10、15 km)下的地理加权泊松模型(geographically weighted Poisson regression, GWPR)对天然次生林进界株数的空间分布进行了研究,并对5种模型的拟合效果以及影响林分进界株数的因子进行了分析,利用莫兰指数描述了模型残差在全局和局域两种水平上的空间自相关性.结果表明: 本文所选的林分及地形因子都显著影响天然次生林进界株数的空间分布,林分平均胸径是最主要的影响因子;在小尺度(2.5 km)下GWPR模型拥有很高的拟合精度,产生了最大范围的模型参数估计值,得到了较好的模型参数局域化空间分布效果;在较小尺度(2.5和5 km)下GWPR模型产生了较小范围的模型残差,模型的稳定性得到提升;在小尺度(2.5 km)下GWPR模型残差的全局空间自相关性达到最低,局域空间自相关性显著减小,并形成了不同观测值少量聚类这一理想的空间分布模式;在对进界株数空间分布的模拟效果上,小尺度(2.5 km)下的局域模型明显好于全局模型.  相似文献   

针对传统方法在蛋白质二级结构分类中精度低的问题,介绍了一种基于灰狼优化算法的卷积神经网络图像分类算法.首先,选取卷积神经网络模型中所需优化的参数,并且初始化灰狼优化算法的迭代次数、灰狼数量、搜索边界和空间维数;其次,计算优化参数的个体适应度函数,对个体适应度进行排序,确定历史最优解、优解和次优解,更新灰狼的位置;最后,利用经过参数优化的卷积神经网络模型对蛋白质二级结构进行分类.从蛋白质数据库中获得蛋白质二级结构3D模型,转化为多角度拍摄的2D图像作为数据集进行实验.选取残差网络、AlexNet和VGG16三种模型,分别得到92.6%、87.3%和88.9%的准确率,在同数据集下,使用传统方法中的支持向量机和贝叶斯分类器进行对比实验,得到67.0%和53.0%的准确率.实验结果表明,在蛋白质二级结构分类中,与传统方法相比较,基于灰狼优化算法的卷积神经网络精度更高.  相似文献   

熟鸡肉中金黄色葡萄球菌生长预测模型的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究不同浓度和不同温度条件下金黄色葡萄球菌接种在熟鸡肉中的生长情况,比较3种常见预测模型拟合的准确性,选择最适合的预测模型建立一级和二级模型,为进一步探讨建立三级模型提供数据基础。【方法】测定浓度为102、103和104 CFU/g的金黄色葡萄球菌接种在15-36°C熟鸡肉中的生长数据,使用Matlab软件分别建立修正的Gompertz、Logistic和Baranyi模型,通过比较残差和拟合度(RSS、AIC、RSE)选择最优模型,并且拟合出生长参数(迟滞期、最大比生长速率和最大细胞密度),在此基础上通过响应面方程建立二级模型。最后对模型的可靠性进行了内部和外部实验验证。【结果】36°C和29°C条件下,修正的Gompertz模型最适合;22°C和15°C条件下,最适合模型按接种浓度依次为修正的Gompertz、Logistic和Baranyi模型,综合考虑,最优模型选择修正的Gompertz模型。通过计算预测标准差(%SEP)、平方根误差(RMSE)、准确性因子(Af)和偏差因子(Bf)对建立的二级模型进行数学检验,检验结果均在可接受范围内。【结论】用修正的Gompertz方程和响应面方程建立的一、二级预测模型可以为建立三级模型提供有效、精确的基础。  相似文献   

森林生物量估算中模型不确定性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
秦立厚  张茂震  钟世红  于晓辉 《生态学报》2017,37(23):7912-7919
单木生物量估算是区域森林生物量估算的基础。量化单木生物量模型中各种不确定性来源,分析各不确定性来源对森林生物量估算的影响,可为提高森林生物量估算精度提供理论依据。基于52株杉木地上部分生物量实测数据,建立杉木单木地上部分生物量一元与二元模型。在两种模型形式下,根据临安市2009年森林资源连续清查数据中杉木实测数据,分析单木生物量模型中所包含的2种不确定性,即模型参数不确定性和模型残差变异引起的不确定性。最后利用误差传播定律计算单木生物量模型总不确定性。结果表明,基于一元生物量模型的临安市杉木生物量估计均值为6.94 Mg/hm~2,由一元模型残差变异引起的生物量不确定性约为11.1%,模型参数误差引起的生物量不确定性约为14.4%,一元生物量模型估算合成不确定性为18.18%。基于二元生物量模型的临安市杉木生物量估计均值为7.71 Mg/hm~2,模型残差变异引起的不确定性约为7.0%,模型参数误差引起的不确定性约为8.53%,二元生物量模型估算合成不确定性为11.03%。研究表明模型参数不确定性随建模样本的增加逐渐降低,当建模样本由30增加到40再增加到52时,一元生物量模型模型参数不确定性分别为20.26%、16.19%、14.4%,二元生物量模型分别为13.09%、9.4%、8.53%。此外,建模样本的增加对残差变异不确定性也有一定影响,当建模样本由30增加到42再增加到48时,一元模型残差变异不确定性分别为15.2%,12.3%和11.7%;二元模型残差变异不确定性分别为13.3%,9.4%和8.3%。在2种不确定性来源中模型参数不确定性对估计结果影响最大,其次为模型残差变异。由于模型残差变异、参数不确定性与建模样本有关,因此可以通过增加建模样本来减小模型参数不确定性。二元生物量模型总的不确定性要低于一元生物量模型。  相似文献   

HumGene是一个采用广义隐Markov模型(GHMM)的人类基因预测软件.利用人类基因的结构特点,采用概率模型为基因结构中各个特定区域建立了独立的子模型,能够获得全局统一的评价指数,使得系统整体框架具有一定的扩展性.采用一种新的简化算法,有效地降低了计算的复杂度.介绍了软件的构成,对软件进行了测试,给出了与其它类似软件的结果比较.  相似文献   

北京人工刺槐林化学元素含量特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
 31年生人工刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)林内各种植物的化学元素含量以C素最高,尤以刺槐树干中C含量多。N和Ca在刺槐叶片中含量大。丛生隐子草(Cleistogenes caespitosa)地上部分含K量高于林内其他植物。Fe在荆条(Vitex negundo var.heterophylla)叶片中含量较多。Al和Na在植物细根中含量为大。酸枣(Zizyphus jujuba var.spinosa) 叶中含有较高的Mg和Mn。 刺槐林的乔木、灌木、草本层化学元素积累量以C>Ca>N> K>Mg>P>Fe>Al>Na>Mn>Cu>Zn为序。灌木层化学元素积累量除C和Ca以外,均高于乔木层。对比地表枯枝落叶层化学元素总量与人工林元素的积累量,以Na的比值最高,Ca、Mn、Fe、Zn比值次之,元素归还量都较大。P比值较低,归还量较少。刺槐林土壤化学元素贮存量是以Ca>N>Mg>Fe>K>P>Na>Mn>Al>Zn>Cu为序。植物对土壤中化学元素的富集系数以K、Al和P较高。人工林元素积累量与土壤元素贮存量之比,亦以K、P、Al比值较高。可见土壤中的K、P和Al相对是不足的。  相似文献   

This research was conducted to assess the water quality and the contamination of heavy metals in water, sediment, fish, and frogs, as well as bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) in fish and frogs around the gold mine area. The water samples were analyzed for water quality (temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen). The samples were analyzed for heavy metals by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The water quality was within the standard. The concentrations of heavy metals, including As, Cr, Cd, Pb, Ni, Zn, Fe, Mn, and Cu, in water and sediment samples were measured. Three species of fish were collected: Rasbora tornieri, Brachydanio albolineata, and Systomus rubripinnis. The mean heavy metal concentrations of fish were as follows: Fe>Zn>Mn>Cr>Ni>Cu>As>Pb>Cd. The As, Cr, and Pb concentrations in all the fish species exceeded the standard levels. Five species of frogs were collected: Kaloula pulchra, Microhyla heymonsi, Fejervarya limnocharis, Hoplobatrachus rugulosus, and Microhyla pulchra. The mean heavy metal concentrations of frog were as follows: Fe>Cu>Mn>Zn>Cr>Ni>Pb>Cd>As. The Cr, Cd, and Cu concentrations exceeded the standard levels. The BAFs in fish were in order of Cr>Zn>Ni>Cu>Pb>Fe>Cd>As. The BAFs in frogs were Cr>Zn>Ni>Cu>Fe>Pb>Cd>As. The accumulation of heavy metals was higher in the sediment than in the water. Many aquatic organisms take up heavy metals directly from the environment around the gold mine.  相似文献   

The oxygen consumption of European finches, the siskin (Carduelis spinus), the brambling (Fringilla montifringilla), the bullfinch (Pyrhulla pyrhulla), the greenfinch (Carduelis chloris) and the hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes), was recorded continuously while ambient temperature was decreased stepwise from +30 down to-75°C. The oxygen consumption, body temperature (telemetrically), and shivering (integrated pectoral electromyography) of greenfinches were measured simultaneously at ambient temperatures between +30 and-75°C. Maximum heat production, cold limit, lower critical temperature, basal metabolic rate and thermal conductance (of the greenfinch) were determined. The diurnal variation of oxygen consumption of siskins and greenfinches was recorded at thermoneutrality and below the thermoneutral zone in winter- and summer-acclimatized birds. The diurnal variation of body temperature and thermal conductance of greenfinches were also determined. The diurnal variation of heat production was not seasonal or temperature dependent in the siskin and in the greenfinch. Nocturnal reduction of oxygen consumption saved 15–33% energy in the siskin and greenfinch. Body temperature of the greenfinch was lowered by 2.5–3.4°C. The nocturnal reduction of thermal conductance in the greenfinch was 39–48%. The basal metabolic rate was lowest in the largest bird (hawfinch) and highest in the smallest bird (siskin). The values were in the expected range. The heat production capacity of finches in winter was 4.7 times basal metabolic rate in the siskin, 4.2 times in the brambling, 3.5 times in the greenfinch and 2.9 times in the bullfinch and hawfinch. The heat production capacity of the siskin and greenfinch was not significantly lower in summer. The cold limit temperatures (°C) in winter were-61.2 in the siskin,-41.3 in the greenfinch,-37.0 in the bullfinch,-35.7 in the brambling and-28.9 in the hawfinch. The cold limit was 14.3°C higher in summer than in winter in the siskin and 8.7°C in the greenfinch. Thermal insulation of the greenfinch was significantly better in winter than in summer. The shivering of the greenfinch increased linearly when ambient temperature was decreased down to-40°C. Maintenance of shivering was coincident with season. In severe cold integrated pectoral electromyography did not correlate with oxygen consumption as expected. The possible existence of non-shivering thermogenesis in birds is discussed. It is concluded that the acclimatization of European finches is primarily metabolic and only secondly affected by insulation.Abbreviations AAT avian adipose tissue - bm body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - C t thermal conductance - EMG electromyogram - HP heat production - HP max maximum heat production - MR metabolic rate - NST non-shivering thermogenesis - RMR resting metabolic rate - RQ respiratory quotient - T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature - T c colonic temperature - T 1c lower critical temperature - TNZ thermoneutral zone - T st shivering threshold temperature - V oxygen consumption  相似文献   

In both lupin and broad bean, the root lipids contain paraffins, triglycerides, diglycerides, free fatty acids and polar lipids (phospholipids and galactolipids). The polar lipids and the triglycerides are the more abundant classes. The root galactolipids are mono- and di-galactosyldiglycerides; two steryl glycosides are also present. The phospholipids in both species are: phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, diphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidic acid. This last phospholipid represents 8·3% of total lipid phosphorus in Lupinus against 2·3% in Vicia. The other acidic phospholipids represent 30·4% in Lupinus against 20·9% in Vicia. The lipids of Lupinus are rich in linolenic acid whereas those found in Vicia are richer in linoleic acid. The various subcellular fractions prepared from the roots of both species have an homogeneous lipid composition, reflecting exactly that of entire cells. The calcium passive fixation capacity in microsomes and mitochondria of Lupinus roots is more important than that in the same organelles of Vicia faba roots. Thus a relationship is suggested between the amount of phospholipids in membranes and the passive fixation of calcium.  相似文献   

Polygonum cuspidatum in Japan, we analyzed the chloroplast DNA sequences of a region from the rbcL to the accD gene (ca. 1,420 bp), and found nucleotide variations at 22 sites in 68 samples. The phylogenetic relationship deduced from the sequence variations revealed the existence of at least five groups. The first group consisted of P. cuspidatum var. cuspidatum in the central part of Honshu; in Nagano, Yamanashi, and Shizuoka. The second, a sister of the first, consisted of those plants in Shizuoka-Itoigawa Line. The third group consisted of plants in the northern part of Japan including P. sachalinense in Hokkaido, P. cuspidatum var. cuspidatum in Aomori and var. uzensis in Akita. The fourth consisted of var. uzensis in the Tohoku District. The fifth consisted of var. terminalis in the Izu Islands. P. cuspidatum are differentiated according to their distribution, and two varieties, var. terminalis and var. uzensis, are differentiated genetically. Polygonum sachalinensis, a distinct species morphologically, fell into the accessions of P. cuspidatum on the phylogenetic tree obtained in the present study. Received 9 July 2000/ Accepted in revised form 11 October 2000  相似文献   

The protein α-globulin fromSesamum indicum L. has been characterised for its size and shape using αarious chemical, physico-chemical and hydrodynamic properties. The protein has an S20,w 0 of 12.8, D20,w °f 4.9 × 10-7 cm2/sec and a partial specific αolume of 0.725 ml/g in the natiαe state. The intrinsic αiscosity of the protein was determined to be 3 0 ml/g indicating it to be globular in shape. The molecular weight of the protein as determined by αarious approaches in analytical ultracentrifugation αaries from 2.6–2.74 × 105. The molecular weight from sedimentation equilibrium yields a αalue of 2.74 × 105 in the natiαe state and a αalue of 19000 in the dissociated and denatured state in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. The eαaluation of frictional ratios using Stokes radius and results from electron microscopy confirms the protein to be globular in shape. The protein consists of at least 12–14 subunits. The eαaluation of hydrophobic parameters and energetics of interaction of subunits indicate that the protein is stabilized predominantly by hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

辽河三角洲湿地生长季蒸散量时空格局及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒸散是湿地系统水分损失的重要途径之一,有效量化湿地蒸散量并对其时空格局进行研究具有重要意义。本文以Landsat数据和气象观测数据为基础,利用SEBAL模型估算辽河三角洲湿地1985—2017年共8期植被生长季的蒸散量,并分析其时空格局和影响因素。结果表明:(1)反演得到的蒸散量平均相对误差为9.01%,估测值与实测值相关系数为0.61,基本满足湿地蒸散研究需求;(2)研究区多年日蒸散量均值和相对变化率整体呈双峰态势,极小值出现在2005年,极大值出现在1989年和2014年;(3)日蒸散量具有水陆交界处最低、西部较低、中东部和南部高的趋势,具有显著的空间分异特征;(4)不同土地利用/覆被类型的蒸散量大小依次为:水体区湿地植被区非湿地植被区非植被区(除水体外),多年不同土地利用/覆被类型的蒸散量变化也呈双峰态势,日总蒸散量变化与土地利用转型有关,土地利用/覆被是导致湿地蒸散时空分异的重要因素;(5)平均蒸散量与太阳辐射、气温、风速、相对湿度四个气象因子加权值显著相关,相关系数为0.69,两者年际波动趋势基本一致,蒸散量变化与气象条件变动联系密切。  相似文献   

The Glossosomatid caddisflies, which are stream-insect grazers, have been found to negatively affect the densities of mayfly grazers through intensive periphyton exploitation. The grazing efficiency of a Glossomatid caddisfly, however, is known to decrease with increasing current velocity. A manipulative field experiment was conducted to test the hypotheses that the presence of Glossosoma sp. decreased the densities of three mayfly grazers, Baetis thermicus, Cinygmula sp. and Paraleptophlebia chocorata, and that the decrease was stronger in slower stream-flow conditions. The experiment followed a two-factorial design with flow conditions and Glossosoma densities as the main factors. The periphyton biomass in conditions of reduced Glossosoma density was greater than in natural Glossosoma densities, but was not affected by flow conditions. In partial contradiction of the experimental hypothesis, the experimental reduction in Glossosoma density resulted in a higher density of Baetis, irrespective of flow conditions. The grazing activity of Glossosoma would not be affected by the flow variations that were employed in the present experiment. The reduction in Glossosoma density resulted in higher densities of Cinygmula and Paraleptophlebia only in fast-flow conditions, a result that did not support the experimental hypotheses. The competitive influence of Glossosoma on these mayflies might be altered by flow conditions causing differences in the resource structure.  相似文献   

For the population of 395 semi-free-ranging rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) that inhabited Cayo Santiago in 1976, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase phenotypes of 378 animals were determined. Three phenotypes, controlled by two autosomal codominant alleles,PGDA andPGDB, were found by electrophoretic methods. The frequencies of the alleles are 0.898 and 0.102, respectively. The population, composed of five troops and peripheral males, is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at this locus. The allele frequencies at the 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase locus in the population in 1976 were compared with frequencies in 1973; a statistically significant difference was found in one troop. The phenotypes of NADH-methemoglobin reductase (NADH-diaphorase) were determined electrophoretically for 372 animals. These phenotypes are probably the products of two autosomal codominant alleles,Dia1 andDia2, with frequencies of 0.786 and 0.214, respectively. The population is in equilibrium at this locus also. Tests of homogeneity at the dehydrogenase and reductase loci indicate that the allele frequencies are significantly different among the five troops in the population. Observed and expected phenotypic ratios in progeny were compared at the dehydrogenase and the reductase loci. The only significant deviation from expectation occurs among offspring of mothers heterozygous at the reductase locus. The observed distributions of alleles at the 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase locus and the NADH-methemoglobin reductase locus are probably the results of stochastic processes.  相似文献   

The meiofauna community (especially nematodes, oligochaetes and chironomids) in the streambed surface of two small submountain carbonate streams (Krähenbach and Körsch, Germany) was investigated from April 1998 to March 1999. The Krähenbach stream is relatively sorted and fine-grained, while the Körsch stream is more heterogeneous and coarse-grained. The streams also differ in velocity, water level, conductivity, chloride concentration and organic content of sediment. Total meiofauna density reached a maximum value of 906 individuals per 102 cm in the Krähenbach and 3166 individuals per 102 cm in the Körsch. Rotifers were the most abundant group in the Krähenbach (52% of total fauna), whereas nematodes were dominant in the Körsch (63%). Meiofauna showed one abundance peak in the Körsch and two abundance peaks in the Krähenbach. In the Krähenbach, distinct seasonal patterns at family and species level occurred, whereas in the Körsch even at high taxonomic level only one abundance peak was observed. The most abundant nematode family in both streams were Monhysteridae, followed by Tobrilidae in the Krähenbach and by Tylenchidae in the Körsch. The dominant oligochaete family in both streams were Naididae (especially Chaetogaster langi (Bretscher, 1896) and Nais elinguis (O. F. Müller, 1773)), followed by Tubificidae. The most abundant chironomid genera in the Krähenbach were Stichtochironomus and Corynoneura. Prodiamesa olivacea (Meigen, 1818) was the dominant chironomid species in the Körsch. Deposit-feeding and detritus-feeding animals were numerically dominant in both streams. The increased mean abundance of Diplogasteridae, Rhabditidae, Tubificidae and N. elinguis in the Körsch compared to that in the Krähenbach indicates an organically enriched situation.  相似文献   

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