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网状内皮增生病病毒感染SPF鸡对疫苗免疫反应的抑制作用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
我国鸡群中网状内皮增生病病毒(REV)感染已相当普遍,但对其造成的实际危害却不太清楚.本研究结果表明,1日龄SPF鸡感染REV会显著抑制对新城疫病毒(NDV)和禽流感病毒(AIV,H5和H9)疫苗的免疫反应.1周龄用相应灭活疫苗免疫后3周、4周和5周,REV感染组对不同病毒疫苗免疫后的HI效价显著低于对照组.高剂量REV感染组的抑制作用大于低剂量感染组,但统计学差异不显著.REV感染可造成中枢免疫器官萎缩,REV感染组的胸腺、法氏囊与体重比显著低于对照组.本研究证明了,REV早期感染会干扰鸡群对NDV、AIV的免疫效果,特别是会严重干扰对AIV疫苗的免疫效果.  相似文献   

我国鸡群中网状内皮增生病病毒(REV)感染已相当普遍,但对其造成的实际危害却不太清楚。本研究结果表明,1日龄SPF鸡感染REV会显著抑制对新城疫病毒(NDV)和禽流感病毒(AIV,H5和H9)疫苗的免疫反应。1周龄用相应灭活疫苗免疫后3周、4周和5周,REV感染组对不同病毒疫苗免疫后的HI效价显著低于对照组。高剂量REV感染组的抑制作用大于低剂量感染组,但统计学差异不显著。REV感染可造成中枢免疫器官萎缩,REV感染组的胸腺、法氏囊与体重比显著低于对照组。本研究证明了,REV早期感染会干扰鸡群对NDV、AIV的免疫效果,特别是会严重干扰对AIV疫苗的免疫效果。  相似文献   

为了观察使用污染有低剂量鸡传染性贫血病毒(Chicken infectious anemia virus,CIAV)弱毒疫苗后对鸡免疫和体重的影响,本研究通过人工模拟试验观察了CIAV低剂量污染对SPF鸡体重以及对NDV疫苗抗体产生的影响。结果显示使用每羽份污染10个EID50CIAV和5个EID50CIAV两种剂量的NDV疫苗后均造成了SPF鸡体重的下降,与使用未污染疫苗组相比差异显著;并且使用污染两种剂量CIAV的疫苗后NDV抗体水平与使用无污染组相比也降低了,差异显著。使用污染两种剂量CIAV的NDV疫苗后第2周开始均检测到一定比例的CIAV抗体阳性,而通过核酸检测在使用污染疫苗后第1周就检测到很高比例的CIAV核酸阳性。研究结果不仅展示了弱毒疫苗中CIAV污染对SPF鸡生产性能和免疫机能的影响,也提示我们在通过SPF鸡检查法检测外源病毒污染时增加对病毒核酸检测有助于节省检测时间和提高检出率。  相似文献   

鸡白细胞介素 2(IL-2)基因是新近被确定的非哺乳类IL-2基因。将鸡白细胞介素2(IL-2)基因和传染性法氏囊病病毒 (IBDV)多聚蛋白基因 (VP2/VP4/VP3)分别插入真核表达载体pCI的CMV启动子下游 ,制备DNA疫苗 ,免疫 14日龄SPF鸡 ,14d后二免 ,二免后 3d攻击标准强毒株。结果表明共注射鸡IL 2质粒能明显增强DNA疫苗对强毒攻击 ,保护率达 80 % ;能增强DNA疫苗诱导的中和抗体效价 (P<0.05 ) ;能显著促进鸡胸腺、脾脏和外周血液T淋巴细胞及法氏囊B淋巴细胞增殖反应(P<0.05)。这些结果提示鸡IL 2能明显增强IBDV多聚蛋白DNA疫苗的免疫原性 ,是一种优良的禽类DNA疫苗佐剂。  相似文献   

将从山东省东营分离到的1株传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)野毒(暂命名IBDV SDDY株,经鉴定该株与IBDV STC株具有较高的同源性)经SPF鸡胚传代,然后转为细胞培养,取第20代、21代、25代毒,以1倍剂量(3000TCID50/0.2mL)和5倍剂量不同的免疫剂量,分别在7日龄、14日龄对商品代海蓝褐蛋鸡进行免疫,并于免疫前用IBD-ELISA试剂盒检测IBDV母源抗体水平,于35日龄用传染性法氏囊病病毒超强毒(very virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus,vvIBDV)GX 8/99攻毒,在攻毒前再次检测IBDV的抗体水平,攻毒后观察记录各分组鸡的致病率和死亡率,并计算免疫器官体重指数,观察免疫器官的组织损伤情况.试验结果表明3代毒都具有较高免疫原性,但是20代毒仍具有较大的毒性,7日龄接种会引起法氏囊的萎缩,造成持续的组织损伤;21代毒、25代毒保护率高,无免疫抑制,是比较理想的疫苗来源;7日龄免疫较14日龄免疫更易造成组织损伤和免疫抑制,14日龄免疫较为合适.  相似文献   

将从山东省东营分离到的1株传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)野毒(暂命名 IBDV SDDY株,经鉴定该株与 IB DV STC株具有较高的同源性)经 SPF 鸡胚传代,然后转为细胞培养,取第 20 代、21 代、25 代毒,以 1 倍剂量(3000TCID50/0.2mL )和5倍剂量不同的免疫剂量,分别在7日龄、14日龄对商品代海蓝褐蛋鸡进行免疫,并于免疫前用 IBD ELISA试剂盒检测 IBDV母源抗体水平,于 35 日龄用传染性法氏囊病病毒超强毒 (very virulent In fectious Bursal Disease Virus, vvIBDV )GX 8/99攻毒,在攻毒前再次检测IBDV的抗体水平,攻毒后观察记录各分组鸡的致病率和死亡率,并计算免疫器官体重指数,观察免疫器官的组织损伤情况。试验结果表明:3 代毒都具有较高免疫原性,但是20代毒仍具有较大的毒性,7 日龄接种会引起法氏囊的萎缩,造成持续的组织损伤;21 代毒、25代毒保护率高,无免疫抑制,是比较理想的疫苗来源;7日龄免疫较14日龄免疫更易造成组织损伤和免疫抑制,14日龄免疫较为合适。  相似文献   

鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒超强毒株GX8/99株的致病性   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)超强毒株GX8/99,系1999年从广西一自然发病鸡群采集到.用原始病鸡法氏囊悬液连续3次人工感染SPF鸡后,再取其法氏囊制备悬液,分装,在-70℃保存.以此悬液经卵黄囊接种10日龄SPF鸡胚,测定鸡胚的半数致死量(ELD50).随着鸡的日龄和接种剂量的不同,其致死率有很大差异.对28~30日龄SPF鸡,病毒接种量为200个ELD50时,感染后7日内死亡率最高可达73%~90.5%(11/15和19/21);感染量为20个ELD50时,死亡率亦可达53%~92%(8/15和23/25).以500个ELD50感染28~104日龄的SPF鸡,死亡率均在55.1%~67.2%;甚至113~120日龄的SPF鸡,感染后仍有10%~15%致死率.但128日龄的SPF鸡感染后既不引起死亡也不表现任何症状,但抗体全部转阳.人工接种发病死亡的鸡,其法氏囊的出血程度也随感染量和年龄而异.50日龄鸡接种2000个ELD50后,死亡的鸡100%(12/12)法氏囊严重出血;而40日龄鸡感染200个ELD50后,死亡鸡中仅17%(3/18)发生出血.在2、3、4周龄带有母源抗体的商品代蛋鸡,以2000个ELD50病毒接种后,只引起10%(2/20)、35%(7/20)和35%(7/20)的死亡率.但在5周龄商品代蛋鸡,仅接触感染的致死率可达61.3%(98/160).另一批商品代蛋鸡,在4周龄和5周龄人工接种200个ELD50病毒后,死亡率分别是81.6%~94.3%(62/76~33/35)和93.9%~94%(31/33~47/50).通过总共1200多羽鸡的试验表明,GX-8/99株是一个超强毒IBDV毒株,表现为高死亡率(最高可达94%),易感年龄延长至4月龄,中枢性免疫器官法氏囊出血严重和胸腺明显萎缩.  相似文献   

将增强型绿色荧光蛋白基因(eGFP)与鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)的VP2基因融合,插入马立克氏病毒(MDV)CVI988/Rispens的非必需区US10片段中,成功构建表达VP2融合蛋白的MDVCVI988转移载体pUC18-US10-VP2。将转移载体质粒与CVI988/Rispens疫苗毒共转染鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF),筛选获得表达VP2融合蛋白的重组MDV(rMDV)。聚合酶链式反应(PCR)和间接免疫荧光实验(IFA)证明,rMDV传至第31代仍能稳定表达VP2融合蛋白。用rMDV免疫SPF鸡,进行IBDV攻毒保护试验,1日龄SPF鸡分别用1000PFU、2000PFU、5000PFU的rMDV进行免疫,33日龄用100LD50的IBDVJS超强毒进行攻毒,鸡的免疫保护率分别为50%、60%、80%。值得注意的是,5000PFU的rMDV一次免疫1日龄SPF鸡,其法氏囊组织病理损伤等级与IBD中等毒力活疫苗常规二次免疫相当(2·0/1·5),其保护效果无显著差异(p>0·05),而与非重组病毒免疫组相比较,保护效果差异显著(P<0·01),这表明构建的表达IBDVVP2融合蛋白的rMDV可以有效地为SPF鸡提供免疫保护作用。  相似文献   

应用重叠延伸剪切技术(splicing by overlapping extension,SOE),经3次PCR将传染性法氏囊病病毒(infectiousbursal disease virus,IBDV)多聚蛋白(VP2/4/3)基因和鸡白细胞介素2(Chicken IL-2,ChIL-2)基因进行融合,定向插入真核表达载体pCI的CMV启动子下游,获得重组质粒pCI-VP2/4/3-IL-2和pCI-IL-2-VP2/4/3。将其制备成DNA疫苗,肌肉注射14日龄非免疫鸡,2周后加强免疫,定期测定鸡抗IBDV血清ELISA抗体效价及病毒中和抗体效价。加强免疫后3周用IBDV标准强毒株攻击,连续观察3天后全部扑杀,计算保护率及囊体比,并进行组织病理学检查。结果表明:1)融合基因重组质粒pCI-VP2/4/3-IL-2、pCI-IL-2-VP2/4/3免疫后能明显增强IBDVDNA疫苗对强毒的攻击保护(保护率分别为83.3%、91.6%),显著高于pCI-VP2/4/3单独免疫对照组(58.3%);2)诱导产生的抗IBDV血清ELISA抗体效价明显增高(P<0.05),同时能提高DNA疫苗诱导产生的中和抗体效价(P<0.05);3)能显著促进鸡外周血液T淋巴细胞增殖反应。上述结果提示:IBDV VP2/4/3与ChIL-2基因融合后发挥了相互协同作用,ChIL-2产生了分子免疫佐剂效应;融合基因DNA疫苗能增强IBDV DNA疫苗的免疫原性,促进了机体特异性免疫应答。  相似文献   

传染性法氏囊病病毒弱毒株对Vero细胞的适应性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传染性法氏囊病病毒疫苗的传统生产工艺是利用鸡胚纤维细胞增殖IBDV,但易被外源病原污染,且生产成本很高,借鉴国内外流行性乙型脑炎疫苗生产的经验,使用Vero细胞增殖IBDV弱毒株,从病毒高峰出现时间、滴度峰值的高低、对细胞代谢的影响等方面研究了IBDV对Vero细胞的适应性,敏感性以及适应后的种毒的长期保存过程中发现病毒滴度有下降趋势,试用了不同试剂对病毒进行保护。  相似文献   

利用反向遗传技术获得表达H5亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)血凝素(HA)的新城疫病毒(NDV)。克隆NDV clone 30的全长基因,通过在NDV的融合蛋白基因和血凝素-神经氨酸酶(HN)基因之间插入编码高致病性AIV分离株A/chicken/italy/8/98(H5N2)的血凝素基因开放阅读框从而获得两株重组新城疫病毒NDVH5和NDVH5m。NDVH5感染的细胞可以检测到两种HA转录产物。对于重组病毒NDVH5m,NDV位于HA ORF的转录终止信号序列被沉默突变消除,产生2.7个全长HA转录产物的折叠,从而使修饰过的HA得到稳定地高表达。1日龄小鸡的脑内接种证实了两种重组病毒均无致病性。鸡群在NDVH5m诱导产生的NDV和H5亚型AIV HA特异性抗体的免疫力下能够免于致死剂量的NDV与高致病性AIV的感染。血清学研究结果表明NDVH5m免疫鸡群产生的抗体可结合NP蛋白抗体的检测从而用于区分免疫和感染AIV的动物。因此,NDVH5m重组病毒可作为抗NDV和AIV的"二联疫苗",也可成为控制AJ的标记疫苗。  相似文献   

Ge J  Deng G  Wen Z  Tian G  Wang Y  Shi J  Wang X  Li Y  Hu S  Jiang Y  Yang C  Yu K  Bu Z  Chen H 《Journal of virology》2007,81(1):150-158
H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) has continued to spread and poses a significant threat to both animal and human health. Current influenza vaccine strategies have limitations that prevent their effective use for widespread inoculation of animals in the field. Vaccine strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), however, have been used successfully to easily vaccinate large numbers of animals. In this study, we used reverse genetics to construct a NDV that expressed an H5 subtype avian influenza virus (AIV) hemagglutinin (HA). Both a wild-type and a mutated HA open reading frame (ORF) from the HPAIV wild bird isolate, A/Bar-headed goose/Qinghai/3/2005 (H5N1), were inserted into the intergenic region between the P and M genes of the LaSota NDV vaccine strain. The recombinant viruses stably expressing the wild-type and mutant HA genes were found to be innocuous after intracerebral inoculation of 1-day-old chickens. A single dose of the recombinant viruses in chickens induced both NDV- and AIV H5-specific antibodies and completely protected chickens from challenge with a lethal dose of both velogenic NDV and homologous and heterologous H5N1 HPAIV. In addition, BALB/c mice immunized with the recombinant NDV-based vaccine produced H5 AIV-specific antibodies and were completely protected from homologous and heterologous lethal virus challenge. Our results indicate that recombinant NDV is suitable as a bivalent live attenuated vaccine against both NDV and AIV infection in poultry. The recombinant NDV vaccine may also have potential use in high-risk human individuals to control the pandemic spread of lethal avian influenza.  相似文献   

Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) causes a highly immunosuppressive disease in chickens. Currently available, live IBDV vaccines can lead to generation of variant viruses. We have developed an alternative vaccine that will not create variant IBDV. By using the reverse genetics approach, we devised a recombinant Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vector from a commonly used vaccine strain LaSota to express the host-protective immunogen VP2 of a variant IBDV strain GLS-5. The gene encoding the VP2 protein of the IBDV was inserted into the most 3'-proximal locus of a full-length NDV cDNA for high-level expression. We successfully recovered the recombinant virus, rLaSota/VP2. The rLaSota/VP2 was genetically stable, at least up to 12 serial passages in chicken embryos, and was shown to express the VP2 protein. The VP2 protein was not incorporated into the virions of recombinant virus. Recombinant rLaSota/VP2 replicated to a titer similar to that of parental NDV strain LaSota in chicken embryos and cell cultures. To assess protective efficacy of the rLaSota/VP2, 2-day-old specific-pathogen-free chickens were vaccinated with the recombinant virus and challenged with a highly virulent NDV strain Texas GB or IBDV variant strain GLS-5 at 3 weeks postvaccination. Vaccination with rLaSota/VP2 generated antibody responses against both NDV and IBDV and provided 90% protection against NDV and IBDV. Booster immunization induced higher levels of antibody responses against both NDV and IBDV and conferred complete protection against both viruses. These results indicate that the recombinant NDV can be used as a vaccine vector for other avian pathogens.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease virus (NDV) belongs to serotype 1 of the avian paramyxoviruses (APMV-1) and causes severe disease in chickens. Current live attenuated NDV vaccines are not fully satisfactory. An alternative is to use a viral vector vaccine that infects chickens but does not cause disease. APMV serotype 3 infects a wide variety of avian species but does not cause any apparent disease in chickens. In this study, we constructed a reverse-genetics system for recovery of infectious APMV-3 strain Netherlands from cloned cDNAs. Two recombinant viruses, rAPMV3-F and rAPMV3-HN, were generated expressing the NDV fusion (F) and hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) proteins, respectively, from added genes. These viruses were used to immunize 2-week-old chickens by the oculonasal route in order to evaluate the contribution of each protein to the induction of NDV-specific neutralizing antibodies and protective immunity. Each virus induced high titers of NDV-specific hemagglutination inhibition and serum neutralizing antibodies, but the response to F protein was greater. Protective immunity was evaluated by challenging the immunized birds 21 days later with virulent NDV via the oculonasal, intramuscular, or intravenous route. With oculonasal or intramuscular challenge, all three recombinant viruses (rAPMV3, rAPMV3-F, and rAPMV3-HN) were protective, while all unvaccinated birds succumbed to death. These results indicated that rAPMV3 alone can provide cross-protection against NDV challenge. However, with intravenous challenge, birds immunized with rAPMV3 were not protected, whereas birds immunized with rAPMV3-F alone or in combination with rAPMV3-HN were completely protected, and birds immunized with rAPMV3-HN alone were partially protected. These results indicate that the NDV F and HN proteins are independent neutralization and protective antigens, but the contribution by F is greater. rAMPV3 represents an avirulent vaccine vector that can be used against NDV and other poultry pathogens.  相似文献   

H5N1 avian influenza virus (AIV) has caused widespread infections in poultry and wild birds, and has the potential to emerge as a pandemic threat to human. In order to explore novel approaches to inhibiting highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus infection, we have developed short RNA oligonucleotides, specific for conserved regions of the non-structural protein gene (NS1) of AIV. In vitro the hemagglutination (HA) titers in RNA oligonucleotide-treated cells were at least 5-fold lower than that of the control. In vivo, the treatment with three doses of RNA oligonucleotides protected the infected chickens from H5N1 virus-induced death at a rate of up to 87.5%. Plaque assay and real-time PCR analysis showed a significant reduction of the PFU and viral RNA level in the lung tissues of the infected animals treated with the mixed RNA oligonucleotides targeting the NS1 gene. Together, our findings revealed that the RNA oligonucleotides targeting at the AIV NS1 gene could potently inhibit avian H5N1 influenza virus reproduction and present a rationale for the further development of the RNA oligonucleotides as prophylaxis and therapy for highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus infection in humans.  相似文献   

In this study the sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods for the detection of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), avian reovirus (ARV), avian influenza virus (AIV) and avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) was compared to the sensitivity of the corresponding serological tests described in the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.). For this purpose, serial 10-fold dilutions of the respective inactivated vaccines were prepared and groups of SPF chickens were vaccinated with a double dose of the vaccine dilutions. After a period of 21 days, the animals were revaccinated with a single dose. Two weeks later, serum samples from each animal were tested for antibodies using an Idexx enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In parallel, samples of the diluted vaccines were tested by PCR. It was found that the sensitivity of the four PCR tests is comparable to or even slightly better than that of the corresponding serological tests. Thus these PCR tests fulfil the sensitivity requirements of the Ph. Eur. and could be used as alternative tests for the detection of extraneous agents in final batches of inactivated vaccines.  相似文献   

Kim IJ  You SK  Kim H  Yeh HY  Sharma JM 《Journal of virology》2000,74(19):8884-8892
Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is an avian lymphotropic virus that causes immunosuppression. When specific-pathogen-free chickens were exposed to a pathogenic strain of IBDV (IM), the virus rapidly destroyed B cells in the bursa of Fabricius. Extensive viral replication was accompanied by an infiltration of T cells in the bursa. We studied the characteristics of intrabursal T lymphocytes in IBDV-infected chickens and examined whether T cells were involved in virus clearance. Flow cytometric analysis of single-cell suspensions of the bursal tissue revealed that T cells were first detectable at 4 days postinoculation (p.i.). At 7 days p.i., 65% of bursal cells were T cells and 7% were B cells. After virus infection, the numbers of bursal T cells expressing activation markers Ia and CD25 were significantly increased (P<0.03). In addition, IBDV-induced bursal T cells produced elevated levels of interleukin-6-like factor and nitric oxide-inducing factor in vitro. Spleen and bursal cells of IBDV-infected chickens had upregulated gamma interferon gene expression in comparison with virus-free chickens. In IBDV-infected chickens, bursal T cells proliferated in vitro upon stimulation with purified IBDV in a dose-dependent manner (P<0.02), whereas virus-specific T-cell expansion was not detected in the spleen. Cyclosporin A treatment, which reduced the number of circulating T cells and compromised T-cell mitogenesis, increased viral burden in the bursae of IBDV-infected chickens. The results suggest that intrabursal T cells and T-cell-mediated responses may be important in viral clearance and promoting recovery from infection.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease virus (NDV) can cause severe disease in chickens. Although NDV vaccines exist, there are frequent reports of outbreaks in vaccinated chickens. During 2009–2010, despite intense vaccination, NDV caused major outbreaks among commercial poultry farms in Indonesia. These outbreaks raised concern regarding the protective immunity of current vaccines against circulating virulent strains in Indonesia. In this study, we investigated whether a recombinant attenuated Indonesian NDV strain could provide better protection against prevalent Indonesian viruses. A reverse genetics system for the highly virulent NDV strain Banjarmasin/010/10 (Ban/010) isolated in Indonesia in 2010 was constructed. The Ban/010 virus is classified in genotype VII of class II NDV, which is genetically distinct from the commercial vaccine strains B1 and LaSota, which belong to genotype II, and shares only 89 and 87% amino acid identity for the protective antigens F and HN, respectively. A mutant virus, named Ban/AF, was developed in which the virulent F protein cleavage site motif “RRQKR↓F” was modified to an avirulent motif “GRQGR↓L” by three amino acid substitutions (underlined). The Ban/AF vaccine virus did not produce syncytia or plaques in cell culture, even in the presence of added protease. Pathogenicity tests showed that Ban/AF was completely avirulent. Ban/AF replicated efficiently during 10 consecutive passages in chickens and remained genetically stable. Serological analysis showed that Ban/AF induced higher neutralization and hemagglutination inhibition antibody titers against the prevalent viruses than the commercial vaccines B1 or LaSota. Both Ban/AF and commercial vaccines provided protection against clinical disease and mortality after challenge with virulent NDV strain Ban/010 (genotype VII) or GB Texas (genotype II). However, Ban/AF significantly reduced challenge virus shedding from the vaccinated birds compared to B1 vaccine. These results suggest that Ban/AF can provide better protection than commercial vaccines and is a promising vaccine candidate against NDV strains circulating in Indonesia.  相似文献   

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