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用RT-PCR方法扩增并克隆了三种人外周型苯二氮卓受体PBRcDNA,测序表明,442bp片段与献报道相比缺失84bp编码序列,其转录水平高于正常PBR,该序列编码一个与PBR结构相关但缺失了28个氨基酸残基的突变受体蛋白,这一异常转录本可能是通过选择性剪接方式转录产生并只存在于中国人肝癌BEL7402细胞系,表明PBR基因表达具有细胞特异和异质性,突变受体的发现为研究PBR的结构和功能提供了理  相似文献   

为了研究 C B P在胰岛 H I T 细胞中调节基因转录的机制,将不同的 C B P片段瞬时转染到细胞中,观察其转录活性.实验表明,在胰岛 H I T 细胞中,膜去极化及 c A M P 均可诱导 C B P30( C R E B结合功能区)转录活性增强,并有协同效应. P K C对 C B P30 的转录活性无影响;与 C R E B有更强结合力的 C B P K I X S/ B(氨基酸序列短于 C B P30 的 C R E B结合功能区)其基本转录活性及膜去极化、c A M P诱导下的转录活性均比 C B P30 更强.反义 C R E B 的过度表达可降低 c A M P诱导的 C B P的转录活性.提示在胰岛 H I T 细胞中,膜去极化及 c A M P对共转录因子 C B P转录活性的调节作用通过 C R E B介导.  相似文献   

为了鉴定pucBA基因表达受氧调控的顺式调节位点,通过PCR和多了聚核苷酸定点突变的体外操作,在puc转录子5’上游非编码区产生了7个不同突变和5个不同10bp缺失序列。构建了含有各种顺序突变的puc上游区,puc启动子和报告基因lacZ的转录融合子。通过融合子β-半乳糖苷酶活性分析,发现位于puc启动子上游二元对称结构的突变使用puc启动子上游二元对称结构的突变使得puc基因在有氧条件下去阻遏表  相似文献   

核受体辅助因子及其信号转导   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
类固醇激素、核受体及其辅助因子在细胞增殖、分化中起重要的作用。核受体与相应的配体结合后同细胞内的辅助激活因子CBP/P300、PCAF、P/CIP和SRC家族等结合形成的复合物能使组蛋白乙酰化促进基因的转录,当缺乏配体时核受体同辅助抑制因子SMRI、mSin3A及HAD1具有很强的结合力使组蛋白去乙酰化抑制基因的转录活性。MAPK、PKA、AP-1、Sap-a、JAK/STAT、JAK信号传导中核受体辅助因子参与信号传导过程影响基础的转录。  相似文献   

许开明  韩启德 《生理学报》1997,49(1):102-104
我们以前的实验显示自发性高血压大鼠离体主动脉磷酸肌醇蓄积在无激动剂在的基础状态下就显著增高。根据G蛋白偶联受体固有活性假说,推测SHR主动脉中介导肌醇磷脂解的主要受体-α1D和α1B肾上腺素受体的第三细胞内环可能存在点突变。本实验通过PCR-SSCP鉴定,表明上述突变并不存在。  相似文献   

神经肌肉性疾病患者线粒体DNA突变的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏丽珠  伏洁 《遗传》1998,20(2):13-15
为了探讨神经肌肉性疾病的发病与线粒体DNA突变的关系,采用PCR技术检测了20例患有不同神经肌肉性疾病儿童的外周血和骨骼肌细胞中的线粒体DNA(mtDNA),发现其中6例患儿有mtDNA缺失,其中1例至少有2968bp片段的缺失,另5例至少有2000bp片段的缺失,此缺失区位于线粒体呼吸链复合物1、4、5、编码区,表明该突变对神经肌肉性疾病的发生有一定作用。  相似文献   

以大鼠成骨肉瘤细胞(UMR106)为模型,研究了表皮生长因子(EGF)对其受体酪氨酸蛋白激酶(TPK)的调节作用。以本实验室从植物中提取纯化的二萜类活性物质(RFP134)为诱导分化剂,观察了RFP134对UMR106细胞EGF受体TPK的活性和磷酸化作用的影响,并与RA和RFP134+RA处理细胞做了比较,结果显示EGF与其受体结合后能激活TPK,使TPK活性增加2倍.RFP134,RA,RFP134+RA处理细胞后,分别降低EGF诱导的受体TPK活性50%,43%,55%,降低磷酸化TPK含量55%,36%,53%。从结果中发现无EGF刺激的细胞也具有受体TPK磷酸化作用,用RFP134,RA,RFP134+RA处理细胞,分别降低受体磷酸化TPK含量59%,40%,57%,而且我们发现用EGF诱导的细胞受体TPK含量高于无EGF作用的细胞.提示UMR106细胞本身可能具有受体TPK活性,能够引起细胞受体自动磷酸化,EGF刺激后TPK的磷酸化作用增强,可见RFP134对EGF诱导的TPK磷酸化和无EGF诱导的受体自动磷酸化都具有明显的抑制作用,(并强于RA)这可能与在第二信使水平上阻抑PTPK活性密切相关  相似文献   

孤生受体COUP-TF和nur77的功能及其作用机理仍未阐明.以DNA瞬时转染和测定氯霉素乙酰转移酶(CAT)活性,以及凝胶阻抑测定,分析COUP-TF和nur77的相互作用对视黄酸应答元件(RAREs)的影响.实验表明,COUP-TF通过降低RAREs的基础活性,来增强RARE对视黄酸(RA)的敏感性,而nur77则拮抗COUP-TF的作用.nur77能够加强不同RAREs的转录活性,并且与RA的诱导无关.结果证实,nur77通过与COUP-TF的直接作用而对RAREs产生影响,从而抑制COUP-TF与RAREs结合和COUP-TF的转录活性  相似文献   

利用PCR引导的基因突变技术,对位于甲型肝炎病毒衣壳蛋白VP1上的细胞受体结合区进行氨基酸定点突变。结果发现当第1143,1187,1202和1225位氨基酸发生突变时,突变株病毒在细胞中的增殖动力学改变,病毒增殖量呈不同减少,提示这些位置上的氨基酸可能与细胞受体结合。  相似文献   

转录因子与DNA的结合是基因转录的关键环节.通过迁移位移法分析了转录因子AP1、cAMP反应元件结合蛋白(CREB)、糖皮质激素反应元件(GRE)结合蛋白在衰老细胞中的结合活性.结果表明,AP1与CREB的结合活性在衰老细胞中对表皮生长因子(EGF)的反应性低于年轻细胞;而GRE结合蛋白的结合活性在衰老细胞中对EGF的反应性无明显变化.这提示EGF不能有效刺激衰老细胞增殖可能与其转录因子结合活性的改变有关  相似文献   

The peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) has been known to have many functions such as a role in cell proliferation, cell differentiation, steroidogenesis, calcium flow, cellular respiration, cellular immunity, malignancy, and apoptosis. However, the presence of PBR has not been examined in mesenchymal stem cells. In this study, we demonstrated the expression of PBR in human bone marrow stromal cells (hBMSCs) and human adipose stromal cells (hATSCs) by RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry. To determine the roles of PBR in cellular functions of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs), effects of diazepam, PK11195, and Ro5-4864 were examined. Adipose differentiation of hMSCs was decreased by high concentration of PBR ligands (50 microM), whereas it was increased by low concentrations of PBR ligands (<10 microM). PBR ligands showed a biphasic effect on glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) activity. High concentration of PBR ligands (from 25 to 75 microM) inhibited proliferation of hMSCs. However, clonazepam, which does not have an affinity to PBR, did not affect adipose differentiation and proliferation of hMSCs. The PBR ligands did not induce cell death in hMSCs. PK11195 (50 microM) and Ro5-5864 (50 microM) induced cell cycle arrest in the G(2)/M phase. These results indicate that PBR ligands play roles in adipose differentiation and proliferation of hMSCs.  相似文献   

Parental microglial induced neuroinflammation, triggered by bacterial- or viral infections, can induce neuropsychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and autism to offspring in animal models. Recent investigations suggest that microglia, the resident immune cells of the brain, provides a link between neurotransmission, immune cell activation, brain inflammation and neuronal dysfunction seen with the offspring. Relatively little is known about how reduction of brain inflammation and restoration of glial function are associated with diminution of brain degeneration and behavioral deficits in offspring. Increased mGluR5 expression and the long-lasting excitotoxic effects of the neurotoxin during brain development are associated with the glial dysfunctions. We investigated the relationship of mGluR5 and PBR and how they regulate glial function and inflammatory processes in mice prenatally exposed to LPS (120μg/kg, between gestational days 15 and 17), an inflammatory model of a psychiatric disorder. Using PET imaging, we showed that pharmacological activation of mGluR5 during 5 weeks reduced expression of classic inflammation marker PBR in many brain areas and that this molecular association was not present in LPS-exposed offspring. The post-mortem analysis revealed that the down regulation of PBR was mediated through activation of mGluR5 in astrocytes. In addition, we demonstrated that this interaction is defective in a mouse model of the psychiatric deficit offering a novel insight of mGluR5 involvement to brain related disorders and PBR related imaging studies. In conclusion, mGluR5 driven glutamatergic activity regulates astrocytic functions associated with PBR (cholesterol transport, neurosteroidogenesis, glial phenotype) during maturation and could be associated with neuropsychiatric disorders in offspring.  相似文献   

PBR is involved in numerous biological functions, including steroid biosynthesis, mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and cell proliferation. The presence of PBR at the perinuclear/nuclear subcellular level has been demonstrated in aggressive breast cancer cell lines and human glioma cells where it seems to be involved in cell proliferation. In our study we investigated the presence of perinuclear/nuclear PBR in different hepatic tumor cell lines with regard to binding to [3H] PK 11195 and protein analysis. The results obtained by saturation binding experiments and scatchard analysis of perinuclear/nuclear PBR density in parallel with the results on the growth curves of the cell lines tested, indicate that the perinuclear/nuclear PBR density correlates inversely with cell doubling time. Moreover, the cell line with high perinuclear/nuclear PBR proliferated in response to PBR ligand, whereas that with low perinuclear/nuclear PBR did not. Our results reinforce the idea that the subcellular localisation of PBR defines its function and that this receptor could be a possible target for new strategies against cancer.  相似文献   

Peripheral benzodiazepine receptors (PBR), first described more than 20 years ago, have been attributed with many putative functions including ones in cellular proliferation and cellular respiration. Hence, it is quite conceivable that deregulation of this receptor could lead to pathology. We and others have reported the existence of PBR overexpression in different human and nonhuman malignancies, but it has never been made clear whether this aberrant malignant PBR expression is a cause or consequence of the cancer. In the current study we induced PBR underexpression by downregulating one critical subunit of the PBR complex, the isoquinoline-binding protein (IBP), using the stable antisense knockout approach, in the MA-10 Leydig cell line. Resultant clones, showing PBR deregulation, also demonstrated increased tumorigenicity, using both in vitro (loss of contact inhibition and growth in soft agar) and in vivo (increased mortality on grafting back into isogenic mice) assays. We suggest that this type of deregulation could be a later event in natural tumor progression. Consequently, PBR deregulation should be more closely studied in human malignancy.  相似文献   

Molecular imaging is a powerful tool that has the ability to elucidate biochemical mechanisms and signal the early onset of disease. Overexpression of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) has been observed in a variety disease states, including glioblastoma, breast cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. Thus, the PBR could be an attractive target for molecular imaging. In this paper, the authors report cellular uptake and multimodal (MRI and fluorescence) imaging of PBR-overexpressing C6 glioblastoma (brain cancer) cells using a cocktail administration approach and a new PBR targeted lanthanide chelate molecular imaging agent.  相似文献   

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