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豚鹿1~10周龄幼仔人工喂育的日饲喂乳量和次数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004~2007年,采用伊利盒装牛奶或牛奶加鸡蛋黄配制成人工乳,饲喂成都动物园被母兽遗弃的8只1~10周龄豚鹿幼仔取得成功,对其日饲喂乳量和次数以及能量摄入与体重增长进行了分析研究.结果表明,豚鹿幼仔1周龄的饲喂乳量为361.2 g/d±69.7 g/d,逐步增加到6周龄的609.1 g/d±85.5 g/d,再逐步减少到10周龄的225.6 g/d±105.5 g/d;出生第1周龄饲喂次数为8.2次/d±0.4次/d,之后逐步降低到10周龄时的2.3次/d±1.1次/d;通过人工喂育,豚鹿幼仔的体重从1周龄的2049.6 g±308.8 g,增加至10周龄的6540.8 g±666.4 g.  相似文献   

圈养条件下仔狍的生长与发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003 年4 月至2004 年10 月对12 只狍东北亚种雌性生产的16 只仔狍进行了生长发育观察。记录仔狍出生日期,观察生长过程的毛色变化,定期检查牙齿生长状况,测定体尺和体重,所得数据采用SPSS13. 0 软件处理,绘制生长曲线并建立体长与体重的拟合曲线方程。结果表明,圈养条件下仔狍出生主要集中在5 月中旬至6
月中旬,出生时毛色呈暗棕黄色,身体两侧分布不规则的白斑,翌年换毛后白斑消失;出生仔狍的齿式为(0 03 0 /4 0 3 0)×2 = 20,成年狍的齿式为(0 1 3 3/4 0 3 3)×2 = 34,乳齿6 ~7 月龄开始脱换,8 ~9 月龄完成,脱换的顺序为中央切齿→两侧切齿→隅齿;(上、下颌)后臼齿的第一后臼齿2 月龄萌发、3 ~ 4 月龄生长完成,第
二后臼齿6 ~ 7 月龄萌发,8 ~9 月龄生长完成,第三后臼齿12 ~ 13 月龄萌发,14 ~ 15 月龄生长完成;乳齿的前臼齿从12 月龄开始脱换,14 月龄完成,脱换的顺序是上颌第一前臼齿和下颌第三前臼齿→上、下颌第二前臼齿→上颌第三前臼齿和下颌第一前臼齿;仔狍体尺增长率顺序为体长> 臀高> 肩高> 胸围> 腰围。仔狍体长与体重的拟合曲线方程是Y = 63.1084 - 0.0070x + 1.1e - 6 x2 - 3e- 11 x3 ,生长发育过程可分为生长快速期、生长缓慢期和雌雄狍生长差异期3 个阶段。  相似文献   

白斑鹿(Axisaxis),英文名Chital。雄鹿肩高约90cm,体长约150em,尾长20cm;雄鹿一般体重30—75kg,雌鹿体重25~45奴。虽然与梅花鹿(Cervusnippon)一样都在成年后也保留了斑点(其他大部分鹿类只在幼年时有斑点),但是白斑鹿实际上是豚鹿(Hyelaphusporcinus)的亲戚,与梅花鹿关系很远。外貌上与梅花鹿的区别包括;  相似文献   

1999~2006年北京南海子麋鹿苑出生麋鹿幼仔224只,新生麋鹿幼仔存活率81.70%,死亡率18.30%.41只麋鹿幼仔死亡的主要原因为死胎、弱胎和弃子等.分析仔鹿初生体重与仔鹿死亡关系发现,存活仔鹿与死亡仔鹿的初生体重具有极显著性差异,体重大的幼仔更容易存活,事实上初生体重小于6.00 kg时仔鹿基本不能存活.北...  相似文献   

笔者于1997年对中华山蝠(Nyctalus velutinus)牙齿的脱换模式进行了研究。共观察幼蝠200只次。中华山蝠初生仔共有22枚乳齿,齿式为2.1.2.0/,各乳齿略向舌侧倾斜,除乳前臼齿齿冠不分叉外,其余乳齿齿冠均分为三叶。4d龄开始换齿,31d龄左右脱换完毕。乳齿的脱落顺序是:上颌,PM2→PM1→C1→I1→I2;下颌,I1→PM2.I2→I3→PM1→C1;恒齿萌生的顺序为:上颌,M1→PM2.C1→M2→PM1.M3→I1→I2,下颌,M1→I1.PM2→I2.M2→I3.PM1→C1→M3。  相似文献   

室内饲养条件下,测量了出生后不同发育阶段棕色田鼠Microtus mandarinus的体重,并探讨了胎仔数(分别为1只、2只、3只和4只)及父本缺失(母鼠单独抚育)对幼仔体重发育的影响.结果表明,棕色田鼠出生后第一周体重的瞬时生长率最高,此后逐步下降;出生后28~35 d,体重增益最大(P<0.05).出生后7 d,不同胎仔数的体重没有明显差异,但至断乳时(出生后21 d),胎仔数为2只的幼仔平均体重明显高于其它胎仔数的平均体重(P<0.05).与双亲抚育相比,母鼠单独抚育的幼仔在断乳时的体重明显下降(P<0.05).这些结果说明,哺乳期内棕色田鼠幼仔的体重发育与胎仔数有关.由于棕色田鼠是单配制,双亲育幼,父本雄鼠的缺失减少了亲本投资,影响了幼仔的身体发育.  相似文献   

交叉抚育经历对根田鼠体重发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为检验交叉抚育经历对根田鼠体重发育的可能影响,监测了雌雄亲生和寄养幼仔的体重生长.结果发现: 在不同发育时期(2 ~ 70日龄),雄性亲生与寄养幼仔的体重没有差异; 除第18和20日龄外,其它时期(2 ~ 16,25 ~ 70日龄)雌性亲生与寄养幼仔的体重没有差异; 亲生和寄养幼仔在25日龄前两性体重差异不明显;25日龄后两性体重差异显著; 随着日龄的增加,根田鼠的体重日增长率呈现下降趋势.这些结果表明交叉抚育经历对雄性个体的发育没有影响,对雌性体重发育可能存在短暂影响,但持续时间不长(3 d ≤ T < 9 d);根田鼠亲生和寄养幼仔体重生长的性别差异均在25日龄前后形成.  相似文献   

上海作为典型的低海拔地区,气候、环境等条件均与大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca栖息地存在很大差异。为了研究在上海出生并生活的大熊猫幼仔的生长发育情况,以及与四川雅安的大熊猫幼仔生长发育是否存在差异,本文比较分析了上海、雅安两地大熊猫幼仔在母兽哺育、人工辅助育幼2种育幼方式下的体质量、体尺和其他器官的生长发育情况,并采用Chapman生长模型模拟了两地大熊猫幼仔的生长曲线。研究发现:上海大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d和70 d的体质量显著大于四川雅安大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05);母兽哺育的大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d和70 d的体质量显著大于人工辅助育幼的大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05);雄性大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d、70 d和100 d的体质量显著大于雌性大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05)。整体而言,大熊猫幼仔的体长增长最快,其次为腹围,尾长最慢。母兽哺育大熊猫幼仔的体尺数据稍高于人工辅助育幼,与海拔无关;而相同育幼方式下,高、低海拔组幼仔体尺之间的差异无明显规律。Chapman生长模型很好地模拟了上海和雅安两地大熊猫幼仔0~120 d的生长曲线,但2条曲线在拐点日龄、拐点体质量、最大生长率均存在一些差异。通过对两地大熊猫幼仔生长发育的差异研究,为上海地区繁育大熊猫提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

半自然条件下麋鹿的生长发育与繁殖习性   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
在大丰保护区的半自然条件下,麋鹿新产仔鹿性二型差异大于圈养条件下的仔鹿;1龄幼鹿第1年生长发育迅速,其后足长已基本达成体后足长;4岁时后足长即已显著大于引进的成体鹿。大丰雌性麋鹿3岁开始产仔,比圈养条件下晚1年,4岁时体重方达成体重。雄性5岁后方能达成体重并才有机会获得交配权.发情期主要集中于6月上、中旬,产仔期主要集中于3月中、下旬,产仔半数时间为3月27日,产仔期比圈养麋鹿更趋集中。仔鹿产后1~3天为“印记”的敏感期,1周龄后即开始随群活动并有觅食行为。  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠生长繁殖性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 动物的生长繁殖性能是其生理学数据的重要组成部分 ,对实验动物的开发和应用具有指导意义。方法 选择离乳的长爪沙鼠 80只 (雌雄各半 ) ,一雌一雄长期同居。结果 每胎产仔 3~ 7只的居多 ,占总胎数的 77% ;平均每胎产仔 (5 .0 2± 2 .1 1 )只 ;每年产仔胎数 5~ 9胎的较多 ,占总胎数的 91 .7% ,平均 (7.4 9± 2 .0 1 )胎 /年 ;最早的初产周龄为 1 3周龄 ,最长的 5 2周龄 ,在 1 3~ 2 0和 2 5~ 2 8周龄的居多 ,占总对数的 80 %。长爪沙鼠的平均出生重为 3.5g ,成年鼠平均体重雌性 5 5 .6g ,雄性 6 7.2g。结论 普通级长爪沙鼠封闭群配种日龄最早在 6 5日龄 ,初产日龄超过 2 0 0日龄的长爪沙鼠应淘汰 ;性别对长爪沙鼠体重无显著影响  相似文献   

The present study aimed to relate feed intake of red deer hinds in the later stages of gestating wapitixred deer crossbred foetuses on dam body condition, gestation length, birth weight and calf growth. Multiparous hinds (N=18) conceiving at known dates to either wapiti (n=12) or red deer (n=6) sires were housed in individual pens from days 150-220 of pregnancy, during which time they were offered either ad libitum access to pelletised rations (n=6 crossbred-bearing hinds [HH] and n=6 red deer-bearing hinds [RH]) or a restricted offer (n=6 crossbred-bearing hinds [HL]) set at 70% of the average ad libitum intake of HH hind in the previous week. Hinds were returned to pasture at day 220 and calving was closely monitored. Liveweights, body condition score (BCS), and lactation score (LS) of hinds were recorded weekly from day 130 of pregnancy until calves were weaned at 12 weeks of age. Calves were tagged and weighed at birth, and subsequently weighed at 7 and 12 weeks of age. HH and RH hinds exhibited similar patterns and levels of MEI/kg0.75, which peaked at 7.8 MJME/kg0.75 at day 220. HL hinds peaked at approximately 5 MJME/kg0.75 and showed significantly lower rates of liveweight gain during pregnancy. Interestingly, both crossbred-bearing groups initiated mammary development in advance of the RH hinds. While there were significant effects of foetal genotype on mean gestation length (239 days versus 234 days for crossbred versus red deer) and mean birth weight (14.5 kg versus 10 kg), the nutritional contrast for gestation length of crossbred-bearing hinds (i.e. HH versus HL) was not significant but approached significance for birth weight (14.5 kg versus 11.9 kg; P=0.06). Regression analysis revealed weak relationships between changes in hind liveweight and gestation length (P>0.05) but a significant relationship with birth weight (P<0.05). However, change in hind BCS was significantly related to both gestation length and birth weight. Crossbred calves reared by HH hinds were 30% heavier at 7 and 12 weeks of age than the red deer calves. However, those reared by HL hinds were significantly lighter than their genotype contemporaries and only marginally heavier than the red deer calves. These results generally contrast with the previous studies on red deer hinds gestating red deer foetuses [Asher, G.W., Mulley, R.C., O'Neill, K.T., Scott, I.C., Jopson, N.B., Littlejohn, R. 2004. Influence of level of nutrition during late pregnancy on reproductive productivity of red deer, (1) Adult and primiparous hinds gestating red deer calves. Anim. Reprod. Sci., in press] and indicate that the genetically determined higher growth requirements of crossbred foetuses may override any mechanism of compensatory control of gestation length at the expense of calf birth weight. Furthermore, there were marked carryover effects of late gestational feeding on crossbred calf growth and their dam's BCS that highlight the high nutritional demands of lactation.  相似文献   

The paper presents anthropometric data on 292 healthy neonates delivered of normal births at the Women's Hospital of Tartu University (150 boys and 142 girls). The parameters of the neonates' physical development measured included height, weight, sitting height, length of sternum and abdomen, shoulder width, upper and lower width and depth of thorax, width and depth of abdomen, D. cristarum, D. trochanterica, pelvic depth, 12 circumferences, foot length and two skinfolds (on abdomen and back). The mean weight of a neonate was 3620.5 g±448.7 g (minimum 2400 g and maximum 4854 g). Boys were somewhat heavier than girls (3684.7 g and 3551.3 g respectively). The average height of the infants was 49.9 cm±1.9 cm (minimum 44 cm and maximum 54.5 cm). Correlation analysis of the characteristics showed that body structure is a system of wellcorrelated anthropometric measurements where the leading role belongs to height and weight. The changes in the relation between height and weight (height-weight classification in 3×3SD classes) cause systemic changes in other measurements. Therefore, in further micropaediatric and clinical research, the height-weight classification could be used as the primary model of the body as a whole.  相似文献   

The costs of parturition and lactation of female sika deer on Kinkazan Island (9.6 km(2) in size), northern Japan, which live at a high density (about 50 deer/km(2)), were evaluated by comparison of body weights of 481 females measured during a 15 year study (1993-2008). Weight data were chosen from only females that did not give birth in the preceding year. The mean body weight of females that did not give birth ("yelds") was significantly lower (P < 0.001) than that of females who gave birth ("milks"); yelds' body weight was 93.1% and 83.5% that of milks in the preceding and parturition years, respectively. The yelds increased in body weight by the following March by 8.2% (P < 0.001), whereas milks did not. Among the milks, those whose fawns survived until the following May ("rearing milks") lost body weight by 14.9% (P < 0.001). Milks who lost fawns within a week after birth ("early fawn-less milks") did not lose body weight (P = 0.583), while those whose fawns died after the first autumn but died before May ("late fawn-less milks") lost body weight by 19.9% (P < 0.001). These results indicate that sika deer females do not enter estrus unless they are heavy enough, and that both parturition and rearing are costly for sika deer mothers living in high-density conditions.  相似文献   

Fast locomotion of some African ungulates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ten species of ungulate were filmed, galloping in their natural habitat. They ranged in size from Thomson's gazelle (about 20 kg) to giraffe (about 1000 kg). They were pursued to make them run as fast as possible. The films have been analysed to determine speed, stride frequency, stride and step lengths, and duty factors. The dependence of these quantities on body size is discussed.  


Fast locomotion of zebra, giraffe, warthog and seven species of Bovidae has been studied. The animals were filmed from a pursuing vehicle while galloping in their natural habitat.
Stride frequency was more closely correlated with limb length (represented by hip height) than with body mass. Mean stride frequency was proportional to (hip height)-0·51 and maximum stride frequency to (hip height) -0·63.
Maximum speed was between 10 and 14 m s -1 for all species except buffalo (7 m s -1). It was not significantly correlated with body mass.
Since the small species ran at least as fast as the large ones they attained higher Froude numbers. Relative stride length was approximately 1·8 (Froude number)0·39 for all species, irrespective of size. Relative step length was approximately 0·65 (Froude number)0·2, both for the fore feet and for the hind ones. The vertical forces exerted by the feet are proportional to (body weight)×(Froude number)0·2 so the forces at maximum speed are larger multiples of body weight for small species than for large ones.  相似文献   

A lifestyle characterized by inactivity and a high-calorie diet is a known risk factor for impaired insulin sensitivity and development of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. To investigate possible links, nine young healthy men (24 ± 3 yr; body mass index of 21.6 ± 2.5 kg/m(2)) completed 14 days of step reduction (10,000 to 1,500 steps/day) and overfeeding (+50% kcal). Body composition (dual X-ray absorptiometry, MRI), aerobic fitness (maximal O(2) consumption), systemic inflammation and insulin sensitivity [oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp] were assessed before (day 0), during (days 3 and 7), and immediately after the intervention (day 14), with follow-up tests (day 30). Body weight had increased at days 7 and 14 (P < 0.05). The amount of visceral fat had increased at day 14 compared with day 0 (P < 0.05). The insulin response to the OGTT had increased at days 7 and 14 (P < 0.05). Insulin sensitivity, estimated using the Matsuda index, had decreased at days 3 and 7 (P < 0.01). At day 14, glucose infusion rates had decreased by ~44% during the euglycemic clamps (P < 0.05). Also, plasma levels of leptin and adiponectin had increased (P < 0.05), whereas no changes were seen in inflammatory markers. At day 30, body weight and whole body adiposity were still elevated compared with day 0 (P < 0.05), whereas the insulin sensitivity as well as the insulin response to the OGTT did not differ from baseline. The glucose response to the OGTT was only affected at day 30, with a decrease compared with day 0. Our data show that insulin sensitivity was impaired after 3 days of inactivity and overfeeding. Impairments in insulin sensitivity occurred before changes in body composition, supporting the notion that the initial steps in impairment of insulin sensitivity may be linked directly to the effects of inactivity and a high calorie intake.  相似文献   

The rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis Walker, overwinters in China as a larva in facultative diapause. The instars and body weights of overwintering larvae vary widely. In this paper, the relationships between body weight and supercooling capacity, diapause intensity and post-diapause reproductive potential of overwintering larvae collected in late-stage rice field were examined. There was a significant positive correlation between body weight, instar, and head capsule width, thus the overwintering larvae were divided into five groups based on body weight (I, up to 35.0 mg; II, 35.1-57.0 mg; III, 57.1-79.0 mg; IV, 79.1-101.0 mg; and V, over 101.1 mg) for further analysis. The body water content of the lighter group (I) was significantly higher than that of the heavier groups (IV-V). However, the mean supercooling point decreased with an increase of the mean larval body weight in five groups; mean supercooling point of group I was significantly lower than that of group V, except in January 2009. After transfer of overwintering larvae to 15, 20 and 25 °C on different dates, smaller individuals pupated slightly faster than larger ones at the same temperature, suggesting that diapause was less intense in smaller overwintering larvae. On 19 March 2009 there was a strong positive correlation between larval body weight and the weight of 3 day-old pupae, and the number of eggs carried by 2 day-old adult females at 15, 20 and 25 °C. The average number of eggs carried by 2 day-old adult females differed significantly among different groups. The average number of eggs carried by 2 day-old adult females in group V was significantly greater than those of other groups, and that of group I was significantly lower than those of other groups, suggesting that post-diapause reproductive potential was determined, to a certain extent, by body weight of the overwintering larvae.  相似文献   

The growth of 1-year-old Arctic cisco ( Coregonus autumnalis ) was monitored under laboratory conditions for fish acclimated to one of two temperatures (5 and 10° C) and one of five salinities (6, 12, 18,24, 30‰). Fish were maintained for 43 days at rations of 3% wet body weight per day at 5° C and 5% wet body weight per day at 10° C, with rations adjusted for weight gain every 7–12 days. Fish increased 9–11% in length and 55–71% in weight at 5° C, and 23–27% in length and 141–161% in weight at 10° C. Length and weight increased linearly over 43 days. There was a statistically significant effect of temperature on growth but no statistically significant effect of salinity. Higher growth rates at 10° C were partially attributable to significantly greater gross conversion efficiency at the higher temperature. Over the course of the experiment, the condition (weight per unit length) of all fish increased by 3·2 to 63·6% at 5° C and by 5·6 to 46·0% at 10° C. There was no discernible effect of salinity on condition at either temperature. These results demonstrate that, with salinity acclimation and high food ration, 1-year-old Arctic cisco can grow at equivalent rates across salinities ranging from 6 to 30‰. The ecological implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Soluble fermentable dietary fibre elicits gut adaptations, increases satiety and potentially offers a natural sustainable means of body weight regulation. Here we aimed to quantify physiological responses to graded intakes of a specific dietary fibre (pectin) in an animal model. Four isocaloric semi-purified diets containing 0, 3.3%, 6.7% or 10% w/w apple pectin were offered ad libitum for 8 or 28 days to young adult male rats (n = 8/group). Measurements were made of voluntary food intake, body weight, initial and final body composition by magnetic resonance imaging, final gut regional weights and histology, and final plasma satiety hormone concentrations. In both 8- and 28-day cohorts, dietary pectin inclusion rate was negatively correlated with food intake, body weight gain and the change in body fat mass, with no effect on lean mass gain. In both cohorts, pectin had no effect on stomach weight but pectin inclusion rate was positively correlated with weights and lengths of small intestine and caecum, jejunum villus height and crypt depth, ileum crypt depth, and plasma total glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY) concentrations, and at 8 days was correlated with weight and length of colon and with caecal mucosal depth. Therefore, the gut’s morphological and endocrine adaptations were dose-dependent, occurred within 8 days and were largely sustained for 28 days during continued dietary intervention. Increasing amounts of the soluble fermentable fibre pectin in the diet proportionately decreased food intake, body weight gain and body fat content, associated with proportionately increased satiety hormones GLP-1 and PYY and intestinal hypertrophy, supporting a role for soluble dietary fibre-induced satiety in healthy body weight regulation.  相似文献   

Leptin基因的PCR-SSCP与牛体重、体尺指标的相关性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用PCR—SSCP技术研究了南阳牛、秦川牛、郏县红牛、西镇牛、鲁西牛和荷斯坦奶牛6个牛品种539个个体leptin基因的遗传多态性。结果表明,PCR扩增产物大小为330bp,PCR—SSCP分析表现出多态。南阳牛、秦川牛、郏县红牛、西镇牛、鲁西牛和荷斯坦奶牛的A等位基因频率分别为0.558,0.492,0.571,0.658,0.591,0.615;B等位基因频率分别为0.442,0.508,0.429,0.342,0.409,0.385。不同基因型与体重、体尺等生长性状指标相关性分析的结果表明:南阳牛群体内除12月龄的体高和日增重、18月龄的坐骨端宽和日增重外,BB型个体的六月龄、十二月龄、十八月龄、二十四月龄体斜长、胸围、体重、坐骨端宽、体高和日增重均显著的大于AB和AA型个体(P〈0.05);秦川牛群体内BB基因型个体十字部高上显著高于群体AA、AB型个体(P〈0.05),即BB〉AA、AB,可作为秦川牛体尺指标(十字部高)候选基因之一,但在体重、胸围、体长指标上均无显著差异(P〉0.05),所以不宜作为体重、胸围、体长指标候选基因;郏县红牛群体内AB与BB基因型个体在十字部高和坐骨端宽上显著高于群体AA型个体(P〈0.05),而群体内不同基因型在体重和体尺指标(体高、体斜长、胸围)上无显著差异(P〉0.05)。序列分析表明,leptin基因多态是第66位发生G→T、第67位发生A→C及299位发生新的单核苷酸突变C→T所造成。  相似文献   

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