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非平衡群体基因变异测量的Shannon信息量方法   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
在Shannon信息量的基础上,对非平衡群体建立了群体基因型相对信息量S′(G),纯合体相对信息量S′J(G)、杂合体相对信息量S′H(G)的概念,并赋予它们以遗传学意义,与基因一致度J和基因多样度D进行了理论比较,结果表明,二者在数量规律上有很好的一致性,但又是相对独立的指标体系,且各相对信息量还有新的内涵。S′(G)既能表征基因变异,又能反映基因型水平上的遗传变异,S′J(G)主要反映纯合体的遗传变异,S′H(G)主要反映杂合体的遗传变异,各相对信息量既可反映群体的遗传变异程度,又能比较不同位点间的遗传变异程度。  相似文献   

中国广西壮族9个STR基因座遗传多态性研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
选择9个STR基因座(D3S1358、vWA、FGA、TH01、TPOX、CSF1PO、D5S818、D13S317、D7S820),采用四色荧光标记STR基因扫描技术,对中国广西壮族的群体遗传多态性进行研究,检测91名无关个体血液样本,共检出62种等位片段,其频率分布在0.0054-0.5495之间;检出169种基因型,其频率分布在0.0110-0.3297之间。9个STR基因座的基因型频率期望与观察值均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律(P>0.05)。9个基因座多态信息量(polymorphic information content)PIC≥0.6088,杂合度(heterozygosity)H≥0.8165。计算种族,民族之间的遗传距离并对之进行比较,结果显示,中国广西壮族与美国白人及美国黑人存在显著差异,与黑人之间的差异大于与白人之间的差异;广西壮族与西安汉族的关系近于与其他少数民族的关系,种族民族之间的聚类分析结果显示,现有资料分为黑种人,白种人和黄种人(我国各民族)3类。  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔族四个STR位点遗传多态性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究新疆维吾尔族人群D16S539、D13S317、D7S820和D5S818的STR基因位点的基因及基因型分布,获得4个基因座的群体遗传学数据。采用PCR扩增技术和基因扫描技术进行样本STR遗传结构分析,并与其他种族、人群的等位基因频率进行比较。结果表明4个基因位点在新疆维吾尔族人群中均具有遗传多态性。4个基因座的基因型分布均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律(P>0.05),不同人群基因频率分布存在一定的差异,所得到的等位基因频率等数据可为遗传学研究、法医个体畜产品识别及亲子鉴定提供依据。  相似文献   

中国汉族群体5个STR分子遗传标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解中国人5个STR基因座等位片段结构特征,获得汉族群体D2S2955、D3S4014、D20S604、D22S689和GATA198B05基因座的群体遗传学数据。采取成都地区无血缘关系汉族个体血样EDTA抗凝血。Chelex法提取DNA,PCR扩增,非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶不连续缓冲系统水平电泳分型,自动激光荧光测序仪测定DNA序列。序列分析显示,中国人D2S2955、D3S4014、D20S604基因座具有简单重复序列,而D22S689、GATA198B05基因座具有复杂重复序列。5个STR基因座在成都汉族群体中均具有遗传多态性。揭示了我国汉族人群5个STR基因座的等位基因片段结构特征,为人类群体遗传研究提供了数据,建立的不连续缓冲系统水平电泳分型方法为检测这5个STR基因座提供了简便技术。  相似文献   

STR遗传多态性研究中样本数量对等位基因检出数量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高雅  李生斌 《遗传》2008,30(3):313-313―320
以30个不同民族9个常染色体STR基因座(D3S1358, vWA, FGA, TH01,TPOX, CSF1PO, D13S317, D5S818, D7S820)的群体遗传研究数据资料为例, 探讨群体遗传学研究中常染色体STR基因座等位基因检出数量与样本量之间的关系, 即样本量对等位基因检出数量的影响。结果显示, 在一定范围之内, 样本量的大小与所观测到的不同基因座等位基因检出数量之间存在正相关关系。当超过一定范围时, 样本量的继续增加不再明显影响等位基因的检出数量。杂合度较低的位点随样本量的变化波动较大, 杂合度较高的位点随样本量的变化波动较小。  相似文献   

应用美国AmpFISTR Indentifiler荧光标记复合扩增试剂盒,结合PE9700型PCR仪和美国ABI公司310型遗传分析仪,对湖南汉族人群D8S1179、D21S11、D7S820、CSF1PO、D3S1358、TH01、D13S317、D16S539、D2S1338、D19S433、vWA、TPOX、D18S51、D5S818和FGA共15个STR基因座进行多态性调查分析.结果显示15个STR基因座的基因型分布符合Hardy.Weinberg平衡。其杂合度(H)介于0.593~0.900,多态信息含量(PIC)介于O.54~0.85,个体识别力(DP)介于0.780~0.963,非父排除率(PE)介于0.282~0.785,累计个体识别力为(1~1.6×10^-17)〉0.99999999。累计非父排除率为0.9999995.证明15个STR基因座在湖南省汉族人群中具有较高的多态性。可应用于该地区群体学研究、法医学个体识别和亲权鉴定等.  相似文献   

河南汉族群体6个STR基因座遗传多态性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对河南省河南籍汉族群体的6个短串联重复序列(Short tandem repeats,STR)基因座等位基因频率进行研究,得到河南汉族群体F13A1,F13B,D8S1179,CSF1PO,D5S818,TPOX基因座的群体遗传学依据。EDTA抗凝血样采自河南122名无血缘关系的汉族个体,采用Chelex法抽提DNA,PCR扩增,非变性聚丙烯酰胺垂直凝胶电泳,银染显色分析,得到6个基因座的等位基因频率,各基因座的杂合度分别为:0.62,0.46,0.83,0.59,0.78,0.65;人体识别率分别为0.78,0.66,0.95,0.79,0.92,0.82。6个STR基因座具有较高的杂合度,等位基因分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,是较理想的遗传标记,可用于法医学个本识别和亲权鉴定。  相似文献   

以中国新疆伊犁地区的巩留县莫合镇库尔德宁、新源县交吾托海、霍城县大西沟和塔城地区的裕民县巴尔鲁克山4个种下居群的109个新疆野苹果实生株系为材料,利用8对苹果SSR引物进行群体遗传结构的研究。结果表明:8对SSR引物在4个居群中可平均扩增出16条带,其中巩留县居群多态性带数百分比最高为89.06%,各位点平均Nei基因多样度为0.257;4个群体共扩增出128个位点,在种级水平及巩留县、新源县、霍城县和裕民县4个居群水平多态性位点百分比分别为100%、88.28%、84.38%、87.50%、78.12%,种级水平Nei基因多样度(H=0.2619)和香农信息指数(I=0.4082)大于种下居群,4个种下居群Nei基因多样度和香农信息指数比较巩留县>霍城县>新源县>裕民县;巩留县居群和新源县居群遗传一致度最大,遗传距离最近;根据基因分化系数(GST=0.064)值,测得的基因流Nm为7.265。UPGMA聚类分析结果表明,巩留县和新源县居群遗传关系最近,霍城县居群次之,裕民县居群远离其他3个居群,巩留县、新源县、霍城县和裕民县4个居群是相对独立的群体,但同时存在部分基因交流。所有参数分析表明,巩留县遗传多样性最丰富,故在制定原位种质保护计划时应优先考虑巩留县居群。  相似文献   

黑龙江省野生秋子梨群体遗传结构的荧光AFLP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以来自黑龙江省海林市、东宁县和孙吴县3个居群的90个野生秋子梨株系为试材,利用荧光AFLP标记技术对野生秋子梨群体遗传多样性及遗传结构进行了分析,旨在为野生秋子梨种质资源的保护和利用提供科学依据。结果表明:野生秋子梨3个居群种群水平多态性位点百分比(P)为82.95%,Nei’s基因多样度(H)为0.1467,Shannon信息指数(I)为0.2397,野生秋子梨遗传多样性水平较低;3个居群的多态性位点百分比、基因多样度及Shannon信息指数比较,东宁居群>海林居群>孙吴居群,居群水平上东宁居群的遗传多样性较丰富;基因分化系数(GST=0.1008)显示,野生秋子梨的遗传变异主要发生在居群内;野生秋子梨居群间存在较大的基因流动(Nm=4.4603),说明3个野生秋子梨居群间存在着较频繁的基因交流;UPGMA聚类分析结果表明,3个居群是相对独立的孟德尔群体,且海林居群和东宁居群的遗传关系较近。3个居群中东宁居群遗传多样性最丰富,是进行原生境保护优先考虑的居群。  相似文献   

Rh系统单倍型在中国人群中的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾旭明  王沥  郝露萍  金锋 《遗传学报》2001,28(5):385-397
对中国已发表的125个人群Rh血型系统表型分布频率数据进行了收集和整理。用累积计算法(Counting method)重新计算单倍型频率,通过各单倍型的分布差异分析中国不同地区不同种族、人群的遗传差异,分组比较了不同地区汉族和少数民族人群的基因多样度和基因分化度,结果表明南方少数民族和北方少数民族民族亚群体基因多样度有明显差异,用不同方法计算中小组遗传距离并进行聚类分析。最后,计算了除维吾尔族和哈萨克族外的68个人群间的遗传距离并聚类比较,结果表明Rh基因单倍型的分布与地理分布基本相符。  相似文献   

The genetic profile based on autosomal markers, four microsatellite DNA markers (D8S315, FES, D8S592, and D2S1328) and two minisatellite DNA markers (TPMT and PDGFA), were analyzed in six endogamous populations to examine the effect of geographic and linguistic affiliation on the genetic affinities among the groups. The six populations are from three different states of India and are linguistically different. Marathas from western India speak Marathi, an Indo-European language. Arayas, Muslims, Ezhavas, and Nairs from Kerala state of South India speak Malayalam, and Iyers from Tamil Nadu state speak Tamil. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of random, normal, healthy individuals. Locus-specific PCR amplification was carried out, followed by electrophoresis of the amplicons and genotyping. All the loci were highly polymorphic and followed Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, except for loci D8S315 and PDGFA in Iyers and Marathas, respectively. All six loci had high heterozygosity (average heterozygosity ranged from 0.73 to 0.76) and high polymorphism information content (0.57-0.90). The extent of gene differentiation among the six populations (G(ST) = 0.030) was greater than that for four Kerala populations (G(ST) = 0.011), suggesting proximity between the four Kerala populations. This result conforms with the cultural and linguistic background of the populations. The extent of diversity found among the populations probably resulted from the strict endogamous practices that they follow.  相似文献   

The experiment on individual chromosome assignments and chromosomal diversity was conducted using a multi-probe fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) system in D subgenome of tetraploid Gossypium barbadense (D(b)), G. thurberi (D(1)) and G. trilobum (D(8)), which the later two were the possible subgenome donors of tetraploid cottons. The FISH probes contained a set of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones specific to 13 individual chromosomes from D subgenome of G. hirsutum (D(h)), a D genome centromere-specific BAC clone 150D24, 45S and 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clones, respectively. All tested chromosome orientations were confirmed by the centromere-specific BAC probe. In D(1) and D(8), four 45S rDNA loci were found assigning at the end of the short arm of chromosomes 03, 07, 09 and 11, while one 5S rDNA locus was successfully marked at pericentromeric region of the short arm of chromosome 09. In D(b), three 45S rDNA loci and two 5S rDNA loci were found out. Among them, two 45S rDNA loci were located at the terminal of the short arm of chromosomes D(b)07 and D(b)09, whilst one 5S rDNA locus was found situating near centromeric region of the short arm of chromosome D(b)09. The positions of the BAC clones specific to the 13 individual chromosomes from D(h) were compared between D(1), D(8) and D(b). The result showed the existence of chromosomal collinearity within D(1) and D(8), and as well between them and D(b). The results will serve as a base for understanding chromosome structure of cotton and polyploidy evolution of cotton genome and will provide bio-information for assembling the sequences of finished and the on-going cotton whole genome sequencing projects.  相似文献   

Allele-rich VNTR loci provide valuable information for forensic inference. Interpretation of this information is complicated by measurement error, which renders discrete alleles difficult to distinguish. Two methods have been used to circumvent this difficulty--i.e., binning methods and direct evaluation of allele frequencies, the latter achieved by modeling the data as a mixture distribution. We use this modeling approach to estimate the allele frequency distributions for two loci--D17S79 and D2S44--for black, Caucasian, and Hispanic samples from the Lifecodes and FBI data bases. The data bases are differentiated by the restriction enzyme used: PstI (Lifecodes) and HaeIII (FBI). Our results show that alleles common in one ethnic group are almost always common in all ethnic groups, and likewise for rare alleles; this pattern holds for both loci. Gene diversity, or heterozygosity, measured as one minus the sum of the squared allele frequencies, is greater for D2S44 than for D17S79, in both data bases. The average gene diversity across ethnic groups when PstI (HaeIII) is used is .918 (.918) for D17S79 and is .985 (.983) for D2S44. The variance in gene diversity among ethnic groups is greater for D17S79 than for D2S44. The number of alleles, like the gene diversity, is greater for D2S44 than for D17S79. The mean numbers of alleles across ethnic groups, estimated from the PstI (HaeIII) data, are 40.25 (41.5) for D17S79 and 104 (103) for D2S44. The number of alleles is correlated with sample size. We use the estimated allele frequency distributions for each ethnic group to explore the effects of unwittingly mixing populations and thereby violating independence assumptions. We show that, even in extreme cases of mixture, the estimated genotype probabilities are good estimates of the true probabilities, contradicting recent claims. Because the binning methods currently used for forensic inference show even less differentiation among ethnic groups, we conclude that mixture has little or no impact on the use of VNTR loci for forensics.  相似文献   

We have characterized 68 unrelated Basque individuals from Vizcaya, Spain, for 13 tetrameric short tandem repeat (STR) loci: CSF1PO, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11, FGA, TH01, TPOX, and VWA. Interpopulational analyses were also performed for 21 European and North African population data sets for nine of the STRs typed in the Basque sample. Heterozygosity values for the Vizcayan Basques were found to be high, ranging from 0.662 to 0.882, and none of the STR loci significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Based on the comparative population data set, the average G(ST) score is 0.7%, indicating a low degree of genetic differentiation. However, neighbor-joining trees and multidimensional-scaling plots of D(A) genetic distances indicate that the Vizcayan Basques are an outlier relative to both neighboring Iberians and North African populations.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the diversity distributions of allelic frequencies of 15 short tandem repeats (STRs) loci in a sample of Chinese Hui ethnic group in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The allelic frequencies of the 15 STR loci (D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, vWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 and FGA) were obtained from 2975 unrelated healthy Hui individuals. The STR genotyping data of all the samples were generated by DNA extraction, multiple amplification, GeneScan and genotype analysis. The genetic distances among different populations were calculated by using Nei's method and a phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the allelic frequencies of the same 15 STR loci using the neighbor-joining method. A total of 185 alleles were observed in the Hui population, with the corresponding allelic frequencies ranging from 0.0002 to 0.5322. Chi-Square tests showed that all STR loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The forensic statistical parameters of all the loci showed high values. The population data in this study were compared with the previously published population data from other ethnics or areas. The Hui population showed significant differences from the Minnan Han, Uigur, Ewenki, Yi, Tibetan, Maonan and Malay ethnic minority groups in some loci, and from the South Morocco population and the Moroccan population in all the loci. Our results are valuable for human individual identification and paternity testing in the Chinese Hui population and are expected to enrich the genetic information resources of Chinese populations.  相似文献   

The origin of modern wheats involved alloploidization among related genomes. To determine if Aegilops speltoides was the donor of the B and G genomes in AABB and AAGG tetraploids, we used a 3-tiered approach. Using 70 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) loci, we sampled molecular diversity among 480 wheat lines from their natural habitats encompassing all S genome Aegilops, the putative progenitors of wheat B and G genomes. Fifty-nine Aegilops representatives for S genome diversity were compared at 375 AFLP loci with diploid, tetraploid, and 11 nulli-tetrasomic Triticum aestivum wheat lines. B genome-specific markers allowed pinning the origin of the B genome to S chromosomes of A. speltoides, while excluding other lineages. The outbreeding nature of A. speltoides influences its molecular diversity and bears upon inferences of B and G genome origins. Haplotypes at nuclear and chloroplast loci ACC1, G6PDH, GPT, PGK1, Q, VRN1, and ndhF for approximately 70 Aegilops and Triticum lines (0.73 Mb sequenced) reveal both B and G genomes of polyploid wheats as unique samples of A. speltoides haplotype diversity. These have been sequestered by the AABB Triticum dicoccoides and AAGG Triticum araraticum lineages during their independent origins.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and forensic parameters based on 15AmpFlSTR Identifiler short tandem repeat (STR) loci (D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, vWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 and FGA) were evaluated in a sample of 101 unrelated, autochthonous adults from Montenegro. After applying Bonferroni correction, the agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was confirmed for all loci with the exception of D5S818 (chi2 test) and D21S11 (exact test). The combined power of discrimination (PD) and the combined power of exclusion (PE) for the 15 studied loci were 0.9999999999999999844 and 0.99999382, respectively. According to measures of within-population genetic diversity, D2S1338, D18S51 and FGA may be considered as the most variable and most informative markers for forensic testing and population genetic analyses out of the 15 analysed loci in a population of Montenegro. D5S818 showed to be the least variable and together with TPOX, the least informative. Interpopulation comparisons were carried out and levels of genetic differentiation between population of Montenegro and five South-eastern European populations (Kosovo Albanians, Serbians from Vojvodina province, Macedonians, Bosnians and Croatians) were evaluated. The most differentiated population in relation to Montenegro is a population of Kosovo Albanians as suggested by both AMOVA and coefficients of genetic differentiation (F(ST) and R(ST)).  相似文献   

部分桂花品种亲缘关系及特有标记的ISSR分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用ISSR分子标记,以柊树[Osmanthus heterophyllus (G.Don.) P.S.Green]和华东木犀(Osmanthus cooperi Hemsl.)为对照种,研究了桂花(Osmanthus fragrans Lour.)81个品种、1个野生种之间的亲缘关系.结果显示;(1)28个引物共获得280个位点,其中多态性位点263个,多态性比率达93.93%,在4个品种群中,银桂品种群的Shannon信息指数(0.370 7)和遗传多样性指数(0.241 7)最高.(2)遗传变异估算结果显示:桂花遗传分化系数为57.39 %,大部分变异存在于品种群之间.(3)聚类分析结果显示,以遗传相似系数0.71为截值,可将84份种质分成 4类,各品种群的品种往往先聚在一起.其中四季桂品种群与秋季开花的3个品种群遗传距离较远,色质较深的金桂品种往往与丹桂品种聚在一起.研究表明,基于ISSR分子标记的聚类结果与基于形态的传统分类学的结果基本相符;引物ISSR12和ISSR27结合可以将84份种质区别开来.  相似文献   

Genomic diversity of the Qatari population was investigated by screening 15 autosomal short tandem repeats (STRs). Significant departures from genetic equilibrium were detected at the D13S317, D19S433 and VWA loci, which persisted after applying Bonferroni-type corrections. Gene diversity (GD) values ranged from 0.6851 (TPOX) to 0.8813 (D2S1338), while observed heterozygosity (Ho) oscillated between 0.3388 (D19S433) and 0.8397 (D2S1338). Interestingly, Ho was lower than expected (He) for 14 of the loci analyzed. The information provided by these microsatellite markers was analyzed by means of genetic distances, multidimensional scaling, hierarchical analyses of the molecular variance (AMOVA) and admixture estimations to assess the genetic relationships of Qatar with European, Asian, African and other Middle Eastern populations. The main findings of the study were the genetic uniqueness of the Qatari population, its strong similarity to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) group, a slight genetic differentiation with respect to other Arab populations (Syria and Egypt) and Turkey, and a certain genetic affinity with sub-Saharan African populations. These results are discussed in light of two major issues: the high consanguinity rates characterizing the Qatari population and its strategic geographic position in the Arabian Peninsula close to major migratory routes, an important pivotal contact zone for bidirectional dispersals between Eurasia and Africa.  相似文献   

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