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2009年诺贝尔医学或生理学奖被授予Elizabeth HBlackburn,Jack W Szostak和Carol W Greider 3位博士,以表彰他们发现了具保守功能的端粒重复序列末端是如何预防染色体的降解与重组,以及鉴定了负责合成端粒DNA的新的酶复合物——端粒酶。端粒酶和端粒结构维持的研究为我们洞悉诸如癌症、衰老以及遗传疾病综合症等医学高度相关领域提供了新方略,并促进了目前正处于临床检测的基于以端粒酶活性及表达为目标的癌症治疗新策略的发展。综述了端粒和端粒酶发现的背景、过程及其作用。  相似文献   

端粒是真核生物染色体的末端重要结构复合物,对维持染色体稳定性起着重要作用。端粒酶的主要功能是复制端粒末端DNA,维持端粒长度。端粒酶活性调节与肿瘤发生和细胞衰老有着密切关系。本简要综述近年来依赖端粒酶的端粒维持机理的研究进展。  相似文献   

端粒及端粒酶研究的最新进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡建  覃文新  万大方  顾健人 《生命科学》2001,13(3):113-118,138
端粒是位于真核细胞染色体末端由重复DNA序列和蛋白组成的复合物,它具有保护染色体、介导染色体复制、引导减数分裂时的同源染爸体配对和调节细胞衰老等方面的作用。正常体细胞每分裂一代,端粒就会缩短一段,而端粒酶的作用是将一段端粒序列加到端粒末端,从而维持端粒长度。正常体细胞中是没有端粒酶活性的,而在大多数肿瘤细胞中都发现了端粒酶的表达,提示端粒和端粒酶在癌症发生和肿瘤细胞行为中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

维持基因组完整性是每个生物生存的关键 ,端粒保护是维持这一稳定的重要机制之一。体内有多种蛋白复合物共同作用以保证DNA末端不丢失或染色体末端不发生融合。端粒酶和其它一些蛋白在维持端粒的过程中有重要作用 ,这些蛋白如何共同维持端粒的正确长度并在细胞分裂过程中复制端粒是一个复杂的机制。Loayza等发现 ,人体内的POT1是一种与酵母细胞中结合单链端粒DNA蛋白相关的蛋白。POT1分子出现在人染色体的末端 ,而且POT1出现在染色体末端的量与多鸟嘌呤核苷酸单链重复区域多少有关 ,重复区域越多 ,POT1出现的越多。POT1不是完全靠…  相似文献   

端粒与端粒酶研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细胞分裂中染色体因其末端(端粒)的DNA不能完全复制而短缩,使细胞逐渐失去增殖能力而衰老.端粒酶可延长染色体末端DNA,端粒酶的活化使细胞无限增殖.85%左右的恶性肿瘤端粒酶表达阳性,生殖细胞和无限繁殖的细胞系中端粒酶表达也呈阳性.文章综述了端粒的构成和功能、端粒酶在端粒合成中的作用,介绍了端粒酶活性的测定方法、细胞恶变与端粒酶激活的关系,并论及通过抑制端粒酶活性来治疗癌症的可能性.  相似文献   

端粒是真核生物线性染色体末端的DNA重复序列,维持染色体的稳定性和DNA复制的完整性。DNA复制过程中,端粒逐渐缩短达到临界值时,染色体DNA被破坏而发生复制型衰老。端粒酶是催化端粒合成的酶,但在正常体细胞中活性很低。动脉粥样硬化是一种衰老相关性疾病,为冠心病、脑梗死、外周血管病发生发展的病理基础。新近研究发现,在动脉粥样硬化患者体内存在较短的端粒,并且较短的端粒更容易导致动脉粥样硬化。本文主要综述了参与动脉粥样硬化形成过程中细胞端粒长度和端粒酶活性的变化,以及这些变化对动脉粥样硬化形成的影响,并概括了动脉粥样硬化的危险因素与端粒和端粒酶的关系。  相似文献   

端粒是真核生物线性染色体末端的DNA重复序列,维持染色体的稳定性和DNA复制的完整性。DNA复制过程中,端粒逐渐缩短达到临界值时,染色体DNA被破坏而发生复制型衰老。端粒酶是催化端粒合成的酶,但在正常体细胞中活性很低。动脉粥样硬化是一种衰老相关性疾病,为冠心病、脑梗死、外周血管病发生发展的病理基础。新近研究发现,在动脉粥样硬化患者体内存在较短的端粒,并且较短的端粒更容易导致动脉粥样硬化。本文主要综述了参与动脉粥样硬化形成过程中细胞端粒长度和端粒酶活性的变化,以及这些变化对动脉粥样硬化形成的影响,并概括了动脉粥样硬化的危险因素与端粒和端粒酶的关系。  相似文献   

三位美国科学家(Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider 和Jack W. Szostak)因发现“端粒和端粒酶是如何保护染色体的”获得了2009年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖.端粒是染色体末端的特殊结构,对染色体有保护作用,而端粒酶能合成端粒,使得端粒的长度和结构得以稳定.研究发现,端粒长度和端粒酶活性与细胞的寿命以及很多疾病发生直接相关.随着研究的不断深入,实现合理控制端粒的长度和端粒酶活性成为可能,这将有助于攻克医学领域“癌症、特定遗传病和衰老”三个重要领域的难题,有望研究开发出潜在的新疗法.  相似文献   

张沛欣  张颖 《生命科学》2020,32(7):717-722
端粒是染色体末端的核蛋白结构。染色体末端重复的端粒DNA可以规避不适当的DNA损伤反应(DNA damage response, DDR)的激活,维持染色体的稳定性,端粒的缺失会引起染色体融合并导致细胞的衰老及死亡。端粒特异性蛋白复合物Shelterin在保护端粒完整性方面具有重要作用。在这个复合体中,端粒结合因子2 (telomeric-repeat binding factor 2, TRF2)在维持端粒稳定、防止端粒染色体末端融合以及端粒染色体复制过程中发挥关键作用。该文综述了TRF2介导的保护染色体末端的多方面的机制。  相似文献   

端粒是真核生物染色体末端存在的一种特殊结构。对于保护染色体免受降解和阻止末端融合具有十分重要的意义,此外它的长度还与细胞寿命相关。端粒DNA的延长由端粒酶催化完成,而端粒酶是1984年由格雷德首先鉴定成功,从而极大推动了端粒的深入研究。由于端粒和端粒酶的重要生理功能.格雷德与另外两位科学家分享了2009年诺贝尔生理学与医学奖。简单介绍格雷德端粒酶的发现过程及研究意义。  相似文献   

美国加州大学旧金山分校的伊丽莎白·布莱克本(Elizabeth H. Blackburn)、约翰·霍普金斯医学院的卡罗尔·格雷德(Carol W. Greider)和马萨诸塞州总医院的杰克·绍斯塔克(Jack W. Szostak),因为“发现端粒和端粒酶如何保护染色体”,而获得2009年度诺贝尔奖生理学或医学奖。这个结果已在很多人的意料之中。因为端粒和端粒酶的发现揭示了线性染色体末端复制的机制,以及端粒和端粒酶在保护染色体及维持遗传稳定性中的中心作用。端粒和端粒酶的发现为科学家认识并探索衰老和肿瘤的发生机制开辟了新领域,对预防和治疗衰老及与衰老相关的疾病(如肿瘤)具有重要科学和应用意义。  相似文献   

To study the effect of continued telomere shortening on chromosome stability, we have analyzed the telomere length of two individual chromosomes (chromosomes 2 and 11) in fibroblasts derived from wild-type mice and from mice lacking the mouse telomerase RNA (mTER) gene using quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization. Telomere length at both chromosomes decreased with increasing generations of mTER-/- mice. At the 6th mouse generation, this telomere shortening resulted in significantly shorter chromosome 2 telomeres than the average telomere length of all chromosomes. Interestingly, the most frequent fusions found in mTER-/- cells were homologous fusions involving chromosome 2. Immortal cultures derived from the primary mTER-/- cells showed a dramatic accumulation of fusions and translocations, revealing that continued growth in the absence of telomerase is a potent inducer of chromosomal instability. Chromosomes 2 and 11 were frequently involved in these abnormalities suggesting that, in the absence of telomerase, chromosomal instability is determined in part by chromosome-specific telomere length. At various points during the growth of the immortal mTER-/- cells, telomere length was stabilized in a chromosome-specific man-ner. This telomere-maintenance in the absence of telomerase could provide the basis for the ability of mTER-/- cells to grow indefinitely and form tumors.  相似文献   

Hug N  Lingner J 《Chromosoma》2006,115(6):413-425

Loss of telomeric DNA during cell proliferation may play a role in ageing and cancer. Since telomeres permit complete replication of eukaryotic chromosomes and protect their ends from recombination, we have measured telomere length, telomerase activity and chromosome rearrangements in human cells before and after transformation with SV40 or Ad5. In all mortal populations, telomeres shortened by approximately 65 bp/generation during the lifespan of the cultures. When transformed cells reached crisis, the length of the telomeric TTAGGG repeats was only approximately 1.5 kbp and many dicentric chromosomes were observed. In immortal cells, telomere length and frequency of dicentric chromosomes stabilized after crisis. Telomerase activity was not detectable in control or extended lifespan populations but was present in immortal populations. These results suggest that chromosomes with short (TTAGGG)n tracts are recombinogenic, critically shortened telomeres may be incompatible with cell proliferation and stabilization of telomere length by telomerase may be required for immortalization.  相似文献   

We have identified a ku80 mutant of Arabidopsis and show that telomerase is needed to generate the longer telomeres observed in this mutant. Telomeres are specialized nucleoprotein structures at the ends of chromosomes that permit cells to distinguish chromosome ends from double-strand breaks, thus preventing chromosome fusion events. Ku80 deficiency results in the lengthening of telomeres, a phenotype also seen in an Arabidopsis ku70 mutant. Furthermore, homogeneous populations of ku80 mutant cells show a steady increase in the length of telomere tracts, which reach an equilibrium length and then stabilize. In contrast to that in mammals, Ku80 deficiency in Arabidopsis cells does not cause end-to-end fusion of chromosomes. This telomere lengthening is dependent on the presence of telomerase, although it is not attributable to a significant increase in telomerase activity per se. These results demonstrate the essential role of the Ku80 protein as a negative regulator of telomerase function in plant cells.  相似文献   

Telomeres, telomerase and senescence   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Eukaryotic chromosomes end with tandem repeats of simple sequences. These GC rich repeats allow telomere replication and stabilize chromosome ends. Telomere replication involves an equilibrium of sequence loss and addition at the ends of chromosomes. Repeats are added de novo by telomerase, an unusual DNA polymerase. Telomerase is an RNP in which an essential RNA component provides the template for the added telomere repeats. Telomere length maintenance plays an essential role in cell viability.  相似文献   

Assessment of telomere length and factors that contribute to its stability.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Short strands of tandem hexameric repeats known as telomeres cap the ends of linear chromosomes. These repeats protect chromosomes from degradation and prevent chromosomal end-joining, a phenomenon that could occur due to the end-replication problem. Telomeres are maintained by the activity of the enzyme telomerase. The total number of telomeric repeats at the terminal end of a chromosome determines the telomere length, which in addition to its importance in chromosomal stabilization is a useful indicator of telomerase activity in normal and malignant tissues. Telomere length stability is one of the important factors that contribute to the proliferative capacity of many cancer cell types; therefore, the detection and estimation of telomere length is extremely important. Until relatively recently, telomere lengths were analyzed primarily using the standard Southern blot technique. However, the complexities of this technique have led to the search for more simple and rapid detection methods. Improvements such as the use of fluorescent probes and the ability to sort cells have greatly enhanced the ease and sensitivity of telomere length measurements. Recent advances, and the limitations of these techniques are evaluated. Drugs that assist in telomere shortening may contribute to tumor regression. Therefore, factors that contribute to telomere stability may influence the efficiency of the drugs that have potential in cancer therapy. These factors in relation to telomere length are also examined in this analysis.  相似文献   

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