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cDNA-AFLP技术在植物表达分析上的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
卢钢  曹家树 《植物学通报》2002,19(1):103-108
阐述了一种mRNA指纹图谱技术 ,即cDNA_AFLP技术的原理和程序 ;该技术具有重现性高、准确可靠、效率高等特点 ,可广泛应用于植物遗传标记分析、基因表达特性研究以及分离植物基因等 ,具有良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

植物无融合生殖的筛选和鉴定研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物无融合生殖具有复杂的发育过程,与细胞学、遗传学、生物化学和分子生物学等相关的各种技术均被应用于植物无融合生殖的筛选和鉴定.本文结合新近发表的研究文献,介绍了常规的植物无融合生殖筛选和鉴定技术的新应用,评介了流式细胞种子筛选技术、胚珠整体透明技术、外源标记基因转入法等植物无融合生殖筛选和鉴定的新技术,并对各种筛选和鉴定技术的优势和不足进行了评述.  相似文献   

植物非试管高效快繁技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物非试管高效快繁技术植物非试管高效快繁技术是介于扦插和组培技术之间的一种植物快繁技术。具有外植体用量少、繁殖速度快、扩繁成本低、再生苗健壮、表型稳定等优点。适用于绝大多数可用茎尖组培快繁技术和常规扦插育苗技术繁殖的植物,及部分用上述技术均难以繁殖的...  相似文献   

植物的无机元素分布特征对植物生理过程具有重要的指标作用, 可揭示营养物质分布、代谢途径及毒理耐受性等多种生命过程。用微区XRF技术测试样品中无机元素的分布, 具有原位无损、可进行较大面积样品连续成像分析以及前处理过程简单等诸多优势。将微区XRF技术应用于植物样品不同器官的无机元素分布检测, 旨在探讨该技术在植物样品测试中的仪器参数选择、样品前处理方法和数据后处理手段等对测试结果的影响。为得到可靠的实验结果, 对不同含水量的器官进行不同的前处理, 并比较不同驻留时间、测试腔体真空与否等仪器条件对测试结果的影响, 同时对数据处理方法进行探索, 包括对获得的数据进行图像叠加及对不同元素浓度比例进行半定量分析。研究结果表明, 微区XRF技术测试植物样品中无机元素分布具有一定的技术优势。  相似文献   

我国土壤重金属污染植物吸取修复研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
我国从上世纪90年代中后期开始土壤重金属(含类金属砷)污染的植物吸取修复研究及技术探索,先后发现了一批具有较高研究价值和应用前景的铜、砷、镉、锰等重金属的积累或超积累植物,并从重金属耐性和超积累生理机制、植物吸取修复的根际过程与机制、吸取修复强化措施和修复植物处置与资源化利用等方面进行了研究,同时开展了植物吸取修复技术的示范与应用,已有一些较成功的植物修复工程应用案例,使我国重金属污染土壤植物修复技术,尤其是植物吸取修复技术在国际上产生了较强的影响力。本文就近年来我国土壤重金属污染植物吸取修复研究进展进行了综述,并对今后的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

植物内源激素对植物的各种生理活动具有显著的调节作用,但含量极少,对其进行超微量定量检测具有重要意义。在各种检测方法中,质谱法因具有高效、快速、灵敏的优点而得以广泛应用。本文综述近年来质谱技术在植物内源激素检测中的应用,包括样品前处理方法、有机质谱联用技术(气相色谱-质谱、液相色谱-质谱)和生物质谱等,并探讨其未来研究方向。  相似文献   

植物细胞壁作为细胞外复杂交联网络,为植物细胞生长、发育以及适应环境变化提供机械支撑,具有调节植物形态、抵抗胁迫、运输水分等功能。除此之外,植物光合作用积累的生物质大部分贮藏在细胞壁中,因此,研究细胞壁的成分和纳微结构对更好的利用植物能源具有重要意义。植物细胞壁的结构研究是当今植物界研究的前沿热点之一。随着新型成像技术的发展,近年来关于细胞壁成分和纳微结构的研究取得了阶段性的进展。本文就植物细胞壁的成分、结构、成像技术和力学性质进行了总结与展望,以期为植物细胞壁的相关研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

近年来多种具有较大应用前景的新型植物育种技术,如寡核苷酸定点诱变、锌指核酸酶技术、同源转基因技术、RNA介导的DNA甲基化、反向育种、转基因砧木嫁接和农杆菌浸润等在欧洲发展迅速。这些新技术比常规育种技术更具特异性和针对性,可为育种家提供准确和有效的方法。文献计量学研究表明,农杆菌浸润和RNA介导的DNA甲基化等技术在欧盟研究中使用率较高;德国、英国是欧盟新型植物育种技术研究的重要国家。目前,欧盟正在讨论由这些新技术产生的植物是否属于其监管体系,尤其是2001/18/EC指令中定义的转基因生物。相关机构也纷纷发布一系列报告,对新技术产生的植物及产品的分类监管问题进行了广泛讨论。欧洲食品安全局分别对同源转基因(cisgenesis/Intragenesis)和锌指核酸酶(ZFN-3)等技术产生的植物进行风险评估,并认为Cisgenesis与常规育种技术植物的风险程度相当,Intragenesis和常规转基因技术获得的植物均可能造成新风险;ZFN-3技术比常规转基因技术具有更小的风险。  相似文献   

植物的无机元素分布特征对植物生理过程具有重要的指标作用, 可揭示营养物质分布、代谢途径及毒理耐受性等多种生命过程。用微区XRF技术测试样品中无机元素的分布, 具有原位无损、可进行较大面积样品连续成像分析以及前处理过程简单等诸多优势。将微区XRF技术应用于植物样品不同器官的无机元素分布检测, 旨在探讨该技术在植物样品测试中的仪器参数选择、样品前处理方法和数据后处理手段等对测试结果的影响。为得到可靠的实验结果, 对不同含水量的器官进行不同的前处理, 并比较不同驻留时间、测试腔体真空与否等仪器条件对测试结果的影响, 同时对数据处理方法进行探索, 包括对获得的数据进行图像叠加及对不同元素浓度比例进行半定量分析。研究结果表明, 微区XRF技术测试植物样品中无机元素分布具有一定的技术优势。  相似文献   

用直接注入①法将外源总体DNA导入受体植物的研究,在植物育种工作中具有重要的意义。赫斯(1980)在矮牵牛方面开始了用直接注射法将外源总体DNA导入受体植物的理论研究。以后,周光宇等(1983)提出了花粉管转基因的理论和技术。目前,许多单位都开展了这一领域的研究,并在棉花、水稻等作物中取得较好的研究结果,已经选育出具有经济价值的棉花、水稻等育种材料。用直接注入法将外源总体DNA导入受体植物的技术具有许多优点。可以预见,用  相似文献   

综述了食用菌原生质体再生、诱变、融合技术以及原生质体技术与其他生物技术相结合的研究进展,提出了在现有研究中存在的问题,并展望了原生质体技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

用RAPD标记检测鹅掌楸属种间杂交的花粉污染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据鹅掌楸属 (LiriodendronL .)的生物学特点 ,实践上常采用不套袋杂交授粉技术 ,理论分析和间接检测结果证明这种杂交授粉方式的花粉污染率低于 1% ,但到目前为止仍缺乏直接的检测证据。本试验首次采用RAPD标记对鹅掌楸属种间不套袋杂交授粉的花粉污染率进行了检测 ,结果证明 93个受检不套袋杂交授粉子代均来自目的父本 ,而非花粉污染所致。通过对所用 4个父本标记谱带在试验群体中出现频率的测定和分析 ,证明这种检测结果的可靠性大于 99% ,从而认为对鹅掌楸属进行不套袋杂交授粉是可行的。并就这一方法在植物学研究领域的应用潜力进行了讨论  相似文献   

Based on the biology peculiarity of Liriodendron L., the non-bagged pollination technique was used widely in cross breeding of the genus. Theoretical analysis and indirect detection indicated that the pollen contamination rate of this pollination technique was no higher than 1%. But there is no evidence from direct detection by now. The pollen contamination rate produced in this pollination technique, for the first time, was detected by means of RAPD markers in this study. The results revealed that all the 93 progenies detected, derived from the non-bagged pollination technique, were progenies of the purpose male tree of the cross. No pollen contamination was found. Because the frequency of the 4 paternal marker fragments selected for the detection were relatively low in the population, the reliability of the pollen contamination rate detected was very high (>99%). Therefore, the non-bagged pollination technique is viable in Liriodendron . The authors also considered that RAPD markers had higher potential of use in other fields of botanic study such as pollen competition, pollen flow, pollen contamination of forest seed orchard, etc.  相似文献   

颅底肿瘤尤其是侵及颈内动脉等颅内主供血血管的肿瘤治疗一直是神经外科的难题,由于此类肿瘤与重要血管的关系密切,手术风险极大,导致治愈率底下。而颅外内血管搭桥技术通过重建颅内血运,可以有效提升此类肿瘤的全切率。本文回顾了高流量颅外内血管搭桥技术的历史进展、探讨了颅外内血管搭桥技术辅助切除颅底肿瘤的意义所在,复习文献归纳了该技术应用的适应症、术中注意事项及其疗效与争议,旨在为其临床推广应用提供更多的参考依据。熟练及合理地应用颅外内血管搭桥技术,制定个体化的治疗方案,复杂颅底肿瘤的治愈率将会得到进一步提升。  相似文献   

In this study, a microvascular anastomosing technique called "eversion with four sutures" is introduced. For microvascular anastomosis, this technique requires fishmouth incisions at both vessel ends and the completion of four sutures. In 120 Wistar-Albino rats, 120 eversion and 120 conventional anastomoses were done in 240 femoral arteries. Each rat received both treatments. Operating time, bleeding time, number of sutures used, patency rates, and pseudoaneurysm formation were analyzed statistically; healing was evaluated with both light and electron microscopy. When compared with the conventional technique using nine sutures, the eversion with four sutures technique was found to be a faster and easier method of anastomosis and as reliable as the conventional technique. Without compromising patency rates, bleeding time, or rates of pseudoaneurysm formation, anastomosis time and amount of suture material exposed to the lumen were significantly reduced when using this technique. In conclusion, the authors think that eversion with four sutures is a reliable alternative to the conventional suturing technique, especially for emergency cases that require multiple microvascular anastomoses.  相似文献   

大鼠睾丸生精小管上皮精子发生周期的PAS法判定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
贺晓舟  张远强  张金山 《动物学杂志》2004,39(4):50-52,F005
精子发生是一个包含生殖细胞成熟分裂的连续、复杂的动态过程,不同的生精小管,或同一生精小管不同区段的生精细胞的组合、分布均不相同。本文应用PAS染色法观察了大鼠睾丸生精小管上皮中各级生精细胞在精子发生过程的形态学变化特点。参照Clermont及Russell等制定的生精上皮时相的判定标准,根据生精上皮在精子发生过程中的各级生精细胞组合分布特点,把生精上皮分为ⅩⅣ个期。通过观察精子发生过程中生精上皮细胞组合的周期性形态变化特点,对精子发生过程进行精确划分,把精子发生这一连续、复杂的动态过程静止化,具体化,可以更加准确地描述和比较不同影响因素对生精小管上皮中各级生精细胞的组织学、病理学、毒理学变化。  相似文献   

Abstract. The use of three techniques for determining yield turgor in excised Salix leaves was investigated. These were the osmotic-solutions technique, the psychrometer technique, and the pressure-chamber technique. The application of the osmotic-solutions technique to a range of leaf types was discussed and the appropriate corrections for volume changes and the contribution of apoplastic water were detailed. It was concluded that the osmotic-solutions technique is not satisfactory for use with slowly growing and/or very elastic leaves. The psychrometer and pressure-chamber techniques were both simple compared with the osmotic-solutions technique, and gave values for yield turgor in the range of 0·3–0·5 MPa. A disadvantage of the psychrometer technique for field applications is that it requires one psychrometer chamber per sample. The pressure-chamber technique was modified for use as a field technique where multiple sampling could be easily and inexpensively achieved. Particular care was required with this technique to prevent water loss from the leaf during stress relaxation, but simple and effective procedures for doing so were found. The modified pressure-chamber technique described here, is recommended as the preferred technique for measuring the yield turgor of leaves in experiments where many simultaneous estimates of yield turgor are to be made.  相似文献   

多光子激发技术是20世纪90年代初发展起来的新技术,其研究和应用前景十分广阔。本文对多光子激发的原理,优缺点以及近年来它的应用领域作了简介。  相似文献   

When stepping down from a curb, individuals typically make initial ground contact with either their rearfoot or forefoot. The purpose of this study was to compare vertical ground reaction forces, lower extremity mechanics, and intra-limb work distribution when individuals adopt a rearfoot technique vs. a forefoot technique, during simulated curb descent. Sixteen subjects stepped down from a platform with both a rearfoot and a forefoot technique. Vertical ground reaction forces and sagittal plane joint kinematics and kinetics were examined for the lead limb during the step-down task. Paired t-tests were used for comparison. Subjects demonstrated greater ankle joint power and negative work, and less hip joint power and negative work, with the forefoot technique vs. the rearfoot technique. Total lower extremity negative work was greater for the forefoot technique vs. the rearfoot technique. The percent contribution to the total negative work was greater for the ankle joint, and less for the hip and knee joints, with the forefoot technique vs. the rearfoot technique. The results of this study may provide insight into how curb descent technique can be modified to alter lower extremity loading.  相似文献   

Yang DB  Chung JY 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2004,113(4):1253-61; discussion 1262-3
The infracture technique for reduction malarplasty has been widely used as an aesthetic surgical procedure in northeast Asia. Since 1988, the authors' original method of infracture technique was performed through the combined approach of intraoral and temporopreauricular incision, which may leave a rather long scar on the temporal region. To shorten the external scar, a new technique using a short preauricular incision instead of a long temporopreauricular incision was developed. From September of 2000 to June of 2001, this new approach was applied to 142 patients for correction of prominent zygoma. In this procedure, anteriorly, incomplete fracture of the zygomatic body was performed through an intraoral approach for bending inward. Posteriorly, full-thickness cutting of the zygomatic arch was performed through a preauricular incision. Then, lateral bulging of the zygomatic arch was reduced with infracturing, and the infractured site was fixed in a new position with a microplate and three screws. The advantages of this technique are reduction of the operation time, reduction of the length of the external scar, and reduction of postoperative edema around the operative region. With this combined approach, the authors were able to sufficiently expose the zygomatic arch and body and able to change the lateral convex arch into a concave one. Under direct vision, the authors could effectively and precisely perform the infracture technique through a much shorter preauricular incision that did not result in a long, conspicuous external scar.  相似文献   

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