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植物的无机元素分布特征对植物生理过程具有重要的指标作用, 可揭示营养物质分布、代谢途径及毒理耐受性等多种生命过程。用微区XRF技术测试样品中无机元素的分布, 具有原位无损、可进行较大面积样品连续成像分析以及前处理过程简单等诸多优势。将微区XRF技术应用于植物样品不同器官的无机元素分布检测, 旨在探讨该技术在植物样品测试中的仪器参数选择、样品前处理方法和数据后处理手段等对测试结果的影响。为得到可靠的实验结果, 对不同含水量的器官进行不同的前处理, 并比较不同驻留时间、测试腔体真空与否等仪器条件对测试结果的影响, 同时对数据处理方法进行探索, 包括对获得的数据进行图像叠加及对不同元素浓度比例进行半定量分析。研究结果表明, 微区XRF技术测试植物样品中无机元素分布具有一定的技术优势。  相似文献   

生物样品X射线微区分析样品制备技术分析王毅,徐欣,刘立新(中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所)X射线微区分析是确定和测量供试样品元素成分的一种特殊技术。运用X射线微区分析技术进行样品中元素的确定相对较容易,只要样品制备合理,这种测试技术能够提供有价值的生物...  相似文献   

梁悦  张志飞 《古生物学报》2018,57(2):202-211
随着国家对基础研究的日趋重视,我国的古生物学,包括早期生命和寒武纪大爆发研究取得了长足的进步,研究手段和仪器设备日益改善和提高,例如扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线显微断层成像技术(Micro-CT)的使用已经十分广泛。本研究以我国滇东地区寒武纪澄江化石库和乌龙菁组关山生物群特异保存的腕足动物化石为例,运用高性能微区X射线荧光光谱仪对化石标本和围岩的成分进行了定性和半定量分析。由于X射线有一定的穿透能力,且生物体与围岩的组成元素不同,因此对标本的定性分析可快速清晰地显示出某些生物体在光学显微镜下未显示出的生物解剖结构;对化石中化学元素(Na-U)和化合物的半定量分析数据可大致揭示澄江生物群与关山生物群沉积矿物元素的区别,并且筛选出更适合用于高精度元素分析的标本。微区X射线荧光光谱仪在测试和扫描前对样品普遍不用进行前期处理,可用于样品表面扫描和微区分析,操作快捷、有效,加之其较大的样品台空间,是一种先进的高灵敏度、非破坏性的元素分析手段,能为对比研究诸如澄江生物群与关山生物群等不同时代生物群的特异埋藏条件和沉积环境提供新的信息。  相似文献   

非损伤微测技术在植物根系生长发育研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进出组织和细胞的无机离子的运输对植物生命极为重要。膜片钳和荧光成像等传统方法技术要求高、设备要求先进且测得的数据很难直接用于样品植株上。"非损伤微测技术"因其具有非损伤性、高的时空分辨率的特点,使其可以在不破坏样品的前提下测到样品的生理特征和生命活动规律,测得的数据生理真实性高,可以直接应用于样品植株上。文章较详细地介绍了运用非损伤微测技术,尤其是用于测量离子流的SIET技术和MIFE技术,及其在测量植物根部净离子流量以研究植物根系生长发育的一些报告。  相似文献   

 此项工作在新疆平原荒漠区盐化草甸带进行。研究结果显示出K、Na、Ca、Mg 4种元素在植物体内不同器官的含量分布特点和各个器官中不同元素间的含量关系。同时表明这4种元素在植物体不同器官中具有不同的作用。对于K、Na元素,地上部器官尤其叶片中含量水平反映出器官具有较强的留K排Ns的选择性元素的分配机制。  相似文献   

选择乐安河—鄱阳湖湿地典型植物群落,采用重要值方法评价各样点植物群落特征并筛选出典型优势植物,通过室内理化测试分析不同生境中优势植物植株及其根区土壤中重金属Cu、Pb、Cd的含量;采用生物富集系数(BCF)方法评价不同优势植物对重金属Cu、Pb、Cd的富集特性。结果表明:研究区湿地植物以草本为主,在各样点共发现124种物种,包括蕨类植物2科2属2种,种子植物40科97属122种,并从中筛选出羊蹄、红蓼、鼠曲草、紫云英、苎麻等5种富集能力较强的优势植物;植物根区土壤中的Cu、Cd含量均超过土壤环境质量三级标准,而且Cu、Cd的最高含量分别为824.03、5.03 mg·kg-1;不同优势植物对Cu、Pb、Cd等3种重金属元素中的1种或2种表现出较强的富集能力,其中优势物种红蓼对Cu具有较强的富集能力,含Cu量最高为148.80 mg·kg-1,另一种优势物种鼠曲草对三种元素的生物富集系数均较高,且对Cd的最高富集含量为15.17 mg·kg-1,对Cd的生物富集系数最高值为19.14,高于其他植物10倍以上,鼠曲草对重金属Cd具有富集植物的基本特征,且对Cu和Cd具有共富集特征并具有较高的耐性,紫云英、羊蹄等对Cd的富集能力也较强。上述5种优势植物种群对鄱阳湖湿地Cu、Pb、Cd等重金属污染物的生态修复具有一定参考价值,可作为鄱阳湖湿地重金属污染修复植物的选择对象。  相似文献   

蕨类植物是植物界中一个重要的组成部分,分布极广,其中的不少种类具有较高的经济价值,不仅可作为绿化观赏和指示植物,还可药用和食用。为了解这类植物的化学成分,使野生资源得到充分开发和利用,作者对几种蕨类植物的一些无机元素进行了分析。现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

目的了解鲫成体透明的原因,探讨该性状的应用特性,为透明鲫作为水生实验动物材料系统开发提供基础。方法对透明鲫进行繁殖,并观察其后代性状,了解透明性状的遗传规律;体视镜观察透明鲫色素细胞的种类与分布,并与鲫比较;组织切片和压片确认微孢子虫对透明鲫的感染,并观察感染症状的变化。结果鲫的透明性状可以遗传,大部分后代表现为通体透明,心、肝、肾、肠、鳔、鳃、脊椎等组织器官肉眼清晰可见。与正常鲫比较,透明鲫的主要色素细胞为黄色素细胞,并未发现虹彩色素细胞,黑色素细胞的数量也大为减少。微孢子虫对鱼体的感染过程可直观观察,病原的扩散和空间分布能实时获得,具普通鱼类无法比拟的应用优势。结论虹彩色素细胞的缺失是鲫透明突变的结构基础。由于透明鲫内部器官可直接观测,无需依靠解剖或复杂仪器系统,在同一动物身上可能获得一系列的动态试验数据,或可作为模型材料广泛应用于生命科学不同领域。  相似文献   

牙釉质羟磷灰石的稳定同位素分析被广泛应用于古生物学研究之中,以重建古生态和古环境信息。在对不同研究中的同位素结果进行对比分析时,往往会忽略不同实验室、不同前处理方法可能引发的数据误差。为了探讨这些因素对牙釉质羟磷灰石同位素值的影响,重新测量了湖北省龙骨洞步氏巨猿动物群动物牙釉质样本的碳氧稳定同位素值,该批样本曾使用不同的前处理和实验方法进行过测试(Zhao et al., 2011; Nelson, 2014)。研究结果显示,重测的数据与Zhao et al.(2011)、Nelson (2014)发表的数据结果均存在一定差异。前处理方法与实验室测试差异都会造成牙釉质碳、氧稳定同位素结果的偏差。相较氧同位素而言,碳同位素值会更容易被前处理过程中反应试剂、反应时间等的不同所影响。但上述因素所导致的数据差异较小,不会对后续的分析产生实质性影响。本研究为直接对比不同来源牙釉质同位素值的可行性提供了初步的理论支持。建议为减少由于样品前处理和实验测试方案引发的数据误差,获得更加精确的研究结果,应尽可能采用同样的前处理与测试方案,多进行实验室间数据校正对比分析。  相似文献   

本文报道了宽城长城系页岩层位中微体古植物群的新资料,在所见35属85种中有5新属、15新种和1新组合,对不同层位微古植物组合特征进行了论述和比较,也进一步与邻区已知资料进行了对比,其中试用了相似系数换算和聚类分析微机处理等方法。计算结果定量地显示了宽城与邻区在横向与纵向上对比的亲疏关系,宽城长城系微体古植物群新资料可作为我国北方中元古代早期微古植物组合内容的补充,宽城剖面本身也应视为我国中元古代重要化石产地之一。  相似文献   

药用植物中各无机元素含量的不仅影响药用植物的生长发育,也是药材有效成分的构成因子。通过对全国范围内16个不同产地(即居群)的92个野生黄芩(Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi)样本及其相应的根际土壤中10种无机元素含量的分析,发现不同产地黄芩及其根际土壤无机元素都有很大变异,且不同产地黄芩根际土壤中无机元素的变异远大于黄芩药材中无机元素的变异。总体来看,黄芩中Mg(9级)含量较其他植物含量高;P(1级)、K(2级)、Mn(3级)含量与其他植物相比处处较低水平;黄芩对Sr(富集系数达到3.52)有较强富集。并且通过无机元素分布曲线分析建立了无机元素指纹谱,主成分分析筛选出黄芩主要特征无机元素为Mg、K、Ca、Fe、Zn。本研究还表明,黄芩对各元素的吸收能力受产地的影响较大,提示黄芩对无机元素的吸收与各产地根际土壤无机元素有一定关联性。  相似文献   

Quantitation is an inherent requirement in comparative proteomics and there is no exception to this for plant proteomics. Quantitative proteomics has high demands on the experimental workflow, requiring a thorough design and often a complex multi-step structure. It has to include sufficient numbers of biological and technical replicates and methods that are able to facilitate a quantitative signal read-out. Quantitative plant proteomics in particular poses many additional challenges but because of the nature of plants it also offers some potential advantages. In general, analysis of plants has been less prominent in proteomics. Low protein concentration, difficulties in protein extraction, genome multiploidy, high Rubisco abundance in green tissue, and an absence of well-annotated and completed genome sequences are some of the main challenges in plant proteomics. However, the latter is now changing with several genomes emerging for model plants and crops such as potato, tomato, soybean, rice, maize and barley. This review discusses the current status in quantitative plant proteomics (MS-based and non-MS-based) and its challenges and potentials. Both relative and absolute quantitation methods in plant proteomics from DIGE to MS-based analysis after isotope labeling and label-free quantitation are described and illustrated by published studies. In particular, we describe plant-specific quantitative methods such as metabolic labeling methods that can take full advantage of plant metabolism and culture practices, and discuss other potential advantages and challenges that may arise from the unique properties of plants.  相似文献   

Biostimulation by nutrient enrichment and phytoremediation were studied for the restoration of an acutely stressed freshwater wetland experimentally exposed to crude oil. The research was carried out along the shores of the St. Lawarence River at Ste. Croix, Quebec, Canada. The research determined the effectiveness of fertilizer addition in enhancing the biodegradation rates of residual oil. It further examined the rate at which the stressed ecosystem recovered with and without the addition of inorganic fertilizers and the role of nutrients in enhancing wetland restoration in the absence of healthy wetland plants. Chemical analysis of integrated sediment core samples to the depth of oil penetration within the experimental plots indicated that addition of inorganic nutrients did not enhance the disappearance of alkanes or PAHs. In surface samples, however, hydrocarbon disappearance rates were higher when the metabolic activity of wetland plants was suppressed by the removal of emergent plant growth. These results suggest that oxygen limitation plays a major role in preventing rapid biodegradation of hydrocarbons in anoxic wetland sediment.  相似文献   

Results are summarized of several field and greenhouse experiments designed to estimate differences in the ability of some plant species to take up from soil essential nutrients and various trace elements and transfer them from roots to upper plant parts. Instrumental neutron activation analysis was used to determine concentrations of 22 elements in plant and soil samples. Correlation and principal component analysis were applied for interpreting a large volume of experimental results. In many cases there was no statistically significant positive correlation between element concentrations in soil and concentrations of these elements in plants. Moreover, relationships between elements were often different in soil and in different plant parts, thereby suggesting quite different element behaviours in soil and in plants. Our experimental results and data published in the literature revealed that macro- and trace element concentrations might serve as a specific indicator of plant taxonomy, thus allowing for differentiation of the plants in accordance with concentrations of certain elements in roots or in leaves. Short-term variations in concentrations of elements typical for different plant species and factors affecting these variations indicated that diurnal dynamics of plant element concentrations were regular and species-specific.  相似文献   

The role of some inorganic elements like vanadium, zinc, sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, manganese, and traces of chromium in the improvement of impaired glucose tolerance and their indirect role in the management of diabetes mellitus are being increasingly recognized. In traditional methods, medicinal plants are being used, which contain both organic and inorganic constituents. In the present study, an attempt has been made to analyze the inorganic elements present in Aloe vera leat gel and their role on diabetes-related biochemical alterations in experimental rats. Special emphasis was given to the inorganic parts by carefully preparing ash of the leaf gel. The results clearly indicate the presence of several hypoglycemic-activity-possessing elements in the gel. The ash treatment also resulted in hypoglycemic action. In conclusion, the presence of various inorganic trace elements in the gel might account for the hypoglycemic nature of the plant.  相似文献   

植物的硅素营养研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邢雪荣  张蕾 《植物学报》1998,15(2):33-40
本文阐述了硅在植物中的形态、分布、吸收、积累、生理作用及其与其它元素的关系。研究表明:1.硅主要以二氧化硅胶(SiO2.nH2O)的无机物形态存在于植物表皮细胞和细胞壁。植物体内硅的含量在不同物种间差异很大。根据硅的含量,可将一般栽培植物分为三种类群;同时根据植物硅钙摩尔比值可将植物分为喜硅植物和非喜硅植物。硅在植物各部分分布不均匀,并且随着植株的生长发育,植株中的硅含量不断变化。植物中硅的积累受环境中多种因素的影响。2.植物主要以单硅酸形态吸收硅,不同植物吸收硅的能力不同。水稻具有主动吸硅能力,其吸收过程受体内代谢活动影响<请合法使用软件>其它大多数植物主要以被动方式吸收硅,但不排除具有选择性吸收硅的可能性。3.硅对植物的生长发育产生影响。硅是一些植物(如禾本科植物、甜菜、木贼属植物及某些硅藻)的必需元素。硅对其它很多植物具有有益作用。硅对植物的作用主要表现在对形态结构、生理过程和抗逆能力三方面的影响 上。在去硅条件下,多种植物表现出缺硅症状。4.硅对植物吸收利用对其它营养元素产生影响。硅对不同元素的影响方式和程度不同,同时随着植物的生长发育,对某种元素的作用常发生变化。  相似文献   

Revealing the uptake, transport, localization and speciation of both essential and toxic elements in plants is important for understanding plant homeostasis and metabolism, subsequently, providing information for food and nutrient studies, agriculture activities, as well as environmental research. In the last decade, emerging techniques for elemental imaging and speciation analysis allowed us to obtain increasing knowledge of elemental distribution and availabilities in plants. Chemical imaging techniques include mass spectrometric methods such as secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS), laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and synchrotron-based techniques such as X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (SRXRF), and so forth. On the other hand, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) based on synchrotron radiation is capable of in situ investigation of local atomic structure around the central element of interest. This technique can also be operated in tandem with SRXRF to image each element species of interest within plant tissue. In this review, the principles and state-of-the-art of these techniques regarding sample preparation, advantages and limitations, and improvement of sensitivity and spatial resolution are discussed. New results with respect to elemental distribution and speciation in plants revealed by these techniques are presented.  相似文献   

<正> 在古代的农业系统中,所用的肥料都是有机肥,人们并不知道植物依赖于何种物质得以生长繁衍。自1840年,德国化学家李比希(J.U.Liebig)发表了《化学在农业和植物生理学上应用》一书后,人们对植物的营养有了新的认识,认识到矿物质对植物的重要性。李比希在书中指出:“土壤中矿物质是一切绿色植物唯一的养料。植物可以完全依赖于无机物质而生长发育。这一观点即为“植物的矿质营养学说”。该学说后来为生产实践所充分证明,并成为农业化学  相似文献   

Given the fact that, according to our knowledge, no study has compared the agro-environmental use of decontaminated with non-decontaminated sludge, a greenhouse experiment was carried out to test the growth of maize (Zea mays L., G-4011 Hybrid) and bioaccumulation of metals in the presence of four different sludges (MUC, QUC, BEC and DAI), before and after their decontamination by a novel process (METIX-AC). Data showed that decontaminated sludge ameliorated plant growth and biomass production, and decreased bioaccumulation of metals, more than control soil, inorganic chemical fertilization, or conventional non-decontaminated sludge. Since chemicals used by the METIX-AC process contained S and Fe, decontaminated sludge introduced large amounts of these elements, while the overall presence of metals was reduced. Often, sludge dose also affected maize growth and bioaccumulation of metals. Overall, no toxicity to plants was noticed and bioaccumulation and transfer of many metals remained below the limits reported in the literature.  相似文献   

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