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李娜  杜聪颖 《蛇志》2005,17(3):206-207
小孔钻颅术亦称微创颅内血肿清除术,是应用YL—Ⅰ型一次性颅内血肿穿刺针,在电钻(手钻)驱动下直接穿颅刺人血肿,然后应用生化酶技术将血肿液化,经针腔排出体外,清除及治愈血肿。我院2002-2005年采用小孔钻颅术治疗颅内血肿78例,效果显著。现将观察护理报告如下。  相似文献   

斜方肌皮瓣的解剖学研究及临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:通过对斜方肌、菱形肌的解剖学研究,了解其血供特点,为临床应用该肌皮瓣提供解剖学依据。方法:界成年男尸30具、60侧,观察和测量斜方肌、菱形肌的血供来源、经行及分支分布。临床应用该组织瓣5例。结果:斜方肌接受双重血供,其上3/5至2/3接受颈横动脉血供,下2/5至1/3和菱形肌主要接受肩胛背动脉血供。用低位斜方肌和菱形肌皮瓣修复头颈、颌面部组织缺损5例,均获满意效果。结论:斜方肌、菱形肌的血供可靠,血管分支分布较恒定,血管蒂长,是修复颅枕部、项部、侧颅底、颅颌颈组织缺损理想的肌皮瓣。  相似文献   

目的:对比选择性冠状静脉动脉化(SCVBG)搭桥治疗弥漫性右冠状动脉狭窄病变中选择乳内动脉和大隐静脉作为桥血管的治疗效果。方法:选择2008年10月到2014年10月在我院行SCVBG搭桥的84例患者资料,其中选择大隐静脉作为桥血管进行冠状静脉动脉化搭桥患者46例(大隐静脉桥组),选择乳内动脉作为桥血管进行冠状静脉动脉化搭桥患者38例(乳内动脉桥组)。随访记录两组患者的生存情况、近期复查超声心动图、冠状动脉CTA及心绞痛复发率。结果:乳内动脉桥组患者总生存率(100%)明显高于大隐静脉桥组(82.6%)(P0.05)。乳内动脉桥组患者桥血管和心中静脉通畅率(100%)明显大于大隐静脉桥组(54.35%)(P0.05)。两组患者左心室射血分数(LVEF)较治疗前明显增加,左心室舒张期末内径(LVEDD)较治疗前明显减小(P0.05)。治疗后,乳内动脉桥组患者心绞痛复发率明显小于大隐静脉桥组(P0.05)。结论:SCVBG搭桥治疗弥漫性右冠状动脉狭窄病变中,选择乳内动脉桥效果优于大隐静脉桥,能明显提高桥血管和心中静脉通畅率,降低心绞痛复发率。  相似文献   

目的血管搭桥术后的内膜增生往往导致手术失败,而内膜增生与搭桥血管内的流场密切相关,为改善搭桥血管中的流场结构,作者设计了偏心搭桥手术方法,利用计算机数值模拟技术,探索偏心搭桥和传统搭桥血管中流场的变化,为血管搭桥方法提供优化设计方案。方法16只犬随机分为偏心搭桥组和传统搭桥组进行血管搭桥,测定搭桥前后血管几何数据,搭桥后近心端及远心端吻合口血流量和血压。按测定的血管几何数据,FLUENT 6.2模拟搭桥血管内的流场。结果偏心搭桥近心端和远心端吻合口不在同一平面。传统搭桥中,主体动脉远心端吻合口对应面处存在一个较低壁面剪切应力(WSS)区域及流体停滞点,离脚跟较近的一部分流体会形成涡漩,血流进入主体动脉后,还会表现出迪恩涡二次流;偏心搭桥中,主体动脉吻合口对应面上的低WSS区域和流体停滞点消失,血流接触到吻合口底面后,以切向旋转的方式改变其流动方向,不会形成涡漩,且当血流进入主体动脉后,立即发生螺旋流态且能持续很长一段。结论偏心搭桥能够产生血液旋动流,显著增加远心端血流量、提高WSS。  相似文献   

多年来,肿瘤的转移一直是肿瘤治疗的极大障碍,而血管抑制素(angiostatin)的发现很可能对肿瘤及其转移的治疗有重要意义。血管抑制素是从荷Luwis肿瘤小鼠血、尿中分离到的一种同源于纤维蛋白酶原内片段的多肽,在体外可抑制血管内皮细胞生长,在体内可显著抑制肿瘤组织转移及继发肿瘤的生长。故获得持续来源的血管抑制素对于肿瘤转移的治疗及  相似文献   

目的:探讨阿司匹林联合氯吡格雷治疗伴有颅内外血管狭窄的脑梗死患者血同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)、血尿酸(UA)、血流动力学及临床效果。方法:选取60例因脑梗死且伴有颅内外血管狭窄的在我院住院治疗的患者,随机分为对照组和实验组。常规治疗基础上,对照组予以阿司匹林100 mg·d-1口服,实验组于对照组基础上加氯吡格雷75 mg·d-1口服,共21 d。比较两组患者血Hcy、UA、血小板(PLT)、血流动力学水平及NIHSS评分。结果:患者在接受治疗后,Hcy、UA及血小板水平均降低,与对照组比较,实验组Hcy、UA及血小板水平较低,P0.05;实验组治疗后NIHSS评分明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:阿司匹林联合氯吡格雷治疗伴有血管狭窄的脑梗死效果优于单用阿司匹林,对临床具有指导意义。  相似文献   

肿瘤颅内外转移机理的实验性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知,胶质瘤很少发生颅外转移,但许多肿瘤却容易转移入颅内,本文以动物实验方法探讨这种现象发生机理。BALB/C裸小鼠给予左侧颈内动脉注射人脑胶质瘤及黑色素瘤株细胞(1-2×10/ml细胞悬液)后饲养观察。半月处死全部裸小鼠并对其进行大体及组织学检查。黑色素瘤颅内转移瘤成瘤率达100%。而有部分胶质瘤却只能在颅外成瘤后少数破坏颅骨才能进入颅内,对照组采用胶质瘤作腹腔注射,结果8例中有5例发生肺部转移。本实验说明黑色素瘤只有很强的通过血脑屏障能力而胶质瘤细胞本身具有穿透血脑屏障以外的其它血管壁的浸润转移能力,而原发于颅内的胶质瘤不发生颅外转移很可能与其不能通过血脑屏障有关。  相似文献   

髂内动脉栓塞是盆腔出血性疾病和肿瘤治疗的重要治疗方法,常规采用Seldinger技术,从一侧股动脉径路两侧髂内动脉选择性与超选择性插管。髂内动脉是盆腔脏器主要供血来源,根据数字减影动脉造影术(Digital subtraction arteriography,DSA)功能可分为:常规DSA,旋转DSA,平板数字减影旋转血管造影与三维血管重建和路图技术。栓塞剂可分为颗粒型和液态型栓塞剂。本文综述了盆腔疾病髂内动脉栓塞术近年来的研究进展。  相似文献   

十六排螺旋CT血管造影在颅内疾病中应用初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
脑血管疾病是危及人体生命的危险疾病。传统的血管造影虽然是诊断该类疾病的最佳方法,但属于有创伤检查,且有1.5%-2.0%的合并症或死亡危险的报导^[1]。CT血管造影(computed tomographic angiography cTA)的应用给传统的血管造影带来了极大的挑战。1998年问世的多层螺旋CT(MSCT)以亚秒级的扫描速度具有更长的解剖覆盖、更薄的层厚、多种后处理能力、更简单方便等优势。2002年7月,我院引进GE公司Lightspeed十六排螺旋CT机,并进行了几十例颅内CTA检查,现对其应用情况进行分析。目的:初讨十六排螺旋CT血管造影在颅内病变中的应用及其技术优势。材料与方法:使用GE公司的十六排螺旋CT对自发性脑内出血、动脉瘤、脑肿瘤等几十例病人进行CTA检查,对血管显示情况进行评价;其中AVM和动脉瘤进行DSA检查并与CTA结果比较;另外颜面部AVM及脑肿瘤病人与手术结果比较。结果:CTA检查结果如下,脑血管主干及其1-3级分支显示率为100%,大脑中动脉4—5级分支显示率为94.7%。发现动脉瘤并清晰显示了瘤体、瘤颈、载瘤动脉及其详细关系;AVM清楚地显示了AVM的畸形团及其供血动脉和引流静脉;脑肿瘤显示了肿瘤与周围血管、颅骨间的三维关系。结论:十六排螺旋CT血管造影重建图像质量显著提高,它对颅内各种血管性病变以及血管与颅内其他病变三维空间关系,对各类疾病的诊断具有重要价值,它能显示更细小分支,具备作为动脉瘤等其他血管性病变筛选的首选方法。  相似文献   

整合素家族是细胞粘附分子的重要种类之一,主要作用是介导细胞与细胞之间、细胞与细胞外基质之间的粘附效应。医学 研究证实整合素家族与肿瘤的侵袭及远处转移等生物学行为密切相关。整合素alpha-v-beta-3是整合素家族中的一种重要分子,肿瘤血管内 皮细胞中alpha-v-beta-3的表达水平对肿瘤侵袭转移及血管生成有着重要作用,调节琢v茁3的表达水平可明显影响肿瘤的侵袭转移及肿瘤组 织中新生血管的形成。深入研究整合素alpha-vbeta-3的分子调节机制可以为肿瘤治疗提供新的治疗靶点。  相似文献   

Several intracranial pathological conditions can affect the bones of the skull. The most common cause of these conditions is tumor, but infection and other diseases are also known to affect the bones of the skull. Distinguishing between the various causes of intracranial skeletal pathology in archaeological human remains is usually a challenging exercise, and a specific diagnosis will often be impossible. Meningiomas are tumors that arise in arachnoid tissues embedded in the outer layer of the dura. Because of this association, they occur almost exclusively in the skull and vertebral column. Usually meningiomas are slow-growing tumors that do not metastasize to other organs and tissues of the body. However, rare cases can be malignant and, even when meningiomas are benign, their presence and growth can adversely affect the nervous and vascular supply to other tissues in the skull and vertebral column. Their effect on adjacent bone tissue varies from stimulating bone-forming lesions to causing highly destructive lesions. A few examples of meningioma have been described in the paleopathological literature. Most of these cases are bone-stimulating meningiomas. The case presented here is a probable example of a highly destructive meningioma of the skull base, with unilateral extension into the left side of the cranium. This case is compared with a modern clinical case of destructive intracranial meningioma that was documented both radiographically and pathologically. Destructive meningiomas can be confused with other pathological conditions, including benign and malignant tumors. Criteria for differentiating the diagnostic options are reviewed.  相似文献   

海绵窦脑膜瘤虽多为良性肿瘤,但由于其解剖位置的特殊性,往往可累及颈内动脉、Ⅲ~Ⅵ对颅神经甚至垂体等重要结构,表现出类似恶性肿瘤的生物学行为。由于其毗邻颅内重要结构,手术全切难度高。近年来,随着CT、MR等现代影像技术的发展及广泛应用,以及对海绵窦解剖的认识、显微外科和颅底外科技术的发展,海绵窦脑膜瘤在术前诊断、评估及手术治疗等方面已取得了长足进步。然而,由于此区解剖复杂,手术难度大,在治疗方法上还存在一定的争议。我们对海绵窦脑膜瘤目前诊断及治疗策略的进展进行简要概述。  相似文献   

颅底手术正随着经鼻内镜手术的发展而发生着转变。经鼻内镜手术最初开发于鼻窦手术,但其适应症已逐渐扩大到其它领域,可以用于治疗大量的疾病。经鼻内镜手术的主要优点是:它利用天然的孔道来处理大量的颅内、鼻窦病变,避免了皮肤切口、面部骨瓣切口、脑回缩等直接开颅所不可避免的后遗症。与传统的神经外科手术相比,发病率和死亡率下降,并间接减少了住院时间和管理成本。本文就经鼻内镜手术的进展进行综述。在综述中阐述了经鼻内镜手术的适应症和基本原则,以及显露、特别是重建技术的进展,这些进展要求在可接受的并发症前提下达到更广泛的切除;讨论了经鼻内镜手术的局限性,尤其是,虽然这种手术往往是"微创",但它并不是完全没有并发症;展望了经鼻内镜手术的适应症会不断拓宽,并发症会越来越少的美好未来。  相似文献   

姜海洋  李强  梁强  丁永忠  周旺宁 《生物磁学》2014,(32):6391-6394
颅底手术正随着经鼻内镜手术的发展而发生着转变。经鼻内镜手术最初开发于鼻窦手术,但其适应症已逐渐扩大到其它领域,可以用于治疗大量的疾病。经鼻内镜手术的主要优点是:它利用天然的孔道来处理大量的颅内、鼻窦病变,避免了皮肤切口、面部骨瓣切口、脑回缩等直接开颅所不可避免的后遗症。与传统的神经外科手术相比,发病率和死亡率下降,并间接减少了住院时间和管理成本。本文就经鼻内镜手术的进展进行综述。在综述中阐述了经鼻内镜手术的适应症和基本原则,以及显露、特别是重建技术的进展,这些进展要求在可接受的并发症前提下达到更广泛的切除;讨论了经鼻内镜手术的局限性,尤其是,虽然这种手术往往是“微创”,但它并不是完全没有并发症;展望了经鼻内镜手术的适应症会不断拓宽,并发症会越来越少的美好未来。  相似文献   

Numerous techniques have been proposed for the resection of skull base tumors, each one unique with regard to the region exposed and degree of technical complexity. This study describes the use of transfacial swing osteotomies in accessing lesions located at various levels of the cranial base. Eight patients who underwent transfacial swings for exposure and resection of cranial base lesions between 1996 and 2002 were studied. The mandible was the choice when wide exposure of nasopharyngeal and midline skull base tumors was necessary, especially when they involved the infratemporal fossa. The midfacial swing osteotomy was an option when access to the entire clivus was necessary. An orbital swing approach was used to access large orbital tumors lying inferior to the optic nerve and posterior to the globe, a region that is often difficult to visualize. Gross total tumor excision was possible in all patients. Six patients achieved disease control and two had recurrences. The complications of cerebrospinal fluid leak, infection, hematoma, or cranial nerve damage did not occur. After surgery, some patients experienced temporary symptoms caused by local swelling. The aesthetic result was considered good. Transfacial swing osteotomies provide a wide exposure to tumors that occur in the central skull base area. Excellent knowledge of the detailed anatomy of this region is paramount to the success of this surgery. The team concept is essential; it is built around the craniofacial surgeon and an experienced skull base neurosurgeon.  相似文献   

目的:探讨使用游离皮瓣修复晚期颅底肿瘤术后缺损组织的效果及适应症。方法:选择2009年1月至2013年9月在我院行晚期颅底肿瘤术并且需要进行组织修复的病患74例作为研究对象。根据病患选择的修复方式分为观察组和对照组各37例。观察组采用游离皮瓣,而对照组使用钛网修复。观察两组相应指标,比较不同修复材料的修复效果。结果:观察组手术效果显效率和总有效率为40.54%(15/37)、97.30%(36/37),显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。观察组在术中出血量、手术时间以及术后愈合时间等方面均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。观察组术后出现颅内感染、脑脊液漏和皮瓣坏死比率为8.11%(3/37)、0(0/37)和2.70%(1/37)都少于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:采用前臂皮瓣进行晚期颅底肿瘤术后缺损组织修复效果更好,皮瓣存活率更高。比传统钛网修复引起的并发症更少,值得临床推荐使用。  相似文献   

Summary The possible relation between the site of primary intracranial tumors and mitogenic responses of blood lymphocytes was analyzed in 115 patients who had not undergone surgery or received any radiation or chemotherapy. Some of the patients had however received corticosteroid treatment. PHA responses were impaired in nonsteroid treated patients with tumors affecting the left cerebral hemisphere. They were normal in patients with tumors affecting the right cerebral hemisphere or central structures of the brain or tumors growing in the posterior fossa of the skull. Lymphocyte responses to PPD were normal in patients with hemispheric or posterior fossa tumors. However, the PPD response was sharply reduced in patients with central tumors. The results could not be explained by different histological tumor types or anticonvulsant medication in the various patient groups. In addition, the capacity of sera to promote mitogen stimulation of lymphocytes did not differ significantly between the patient groups. It is speculated that intracranial tumors may interfere with the function of certain centers in the brain which are involved in the regulation of lymphocyte responses.  相似文献   

Use of the free vastus lateralis flap in skull base reconstruction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chana JS  Chen HC  Sharma R  Hao SP  Tsai FC 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2003,111(2):568-74; discussion 575
Free flaps in skull base reconstruction are indicated for providing an effective separation of the intracranial cavity from the oronasal space, for eliminating a dead space, and for the treatment of established wound complications such as dural exposures and cerebrospinal fluid leaks. Seven patients with cranial base defects underwent reconstructions using a free vastus lateralis muscle flap. In two cases, a vastus lateralis flap was raised to incorporate the anterolateral thigh skin as a myocutaneous flap. In four cases, a free flap was indicated for reconstruction following tumor ablation, and in three cases, for the resolution of wound or cerebrospinal fluid leak complications following previous cranial base surgery. All flaps were successful, with no partial failures. In those patients undergoing tumor ablative surgery, the cranial cavity was effectively sealed from the oronasal cavity. Patients with established wound complications following previous cranial base surgery had a complete resolution of their symptoms. This report discusses the suitability of the vastus lateralis flap for skull base reconstruction in terms of the availability of adequate muscle volume to fill dead space, vascularized fascia to augment dural repairs, and the freedom to use skin if required for internal lining or external skin cover. This flap also provides an extremely long pedicle, allows simultaneous flap harvest, and has low donor site morbidity.  相似文献   

A technique to apply reconstructed X-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for target determination in stereotactic Bragg peak proton beam therapy of intracranial lesions was developed. Twenty-one benign intracranial tumors and vascular abnormalities were managed using this technique. Clinical features of these lesions, as well as targeting problems associated with the MRI and CT image interpretation, are presented.  相似文献   

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