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外来入侵植物胜红蓟的胚胎学观察及繁殖系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以采自我国广东江门和广州两个种群的胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides L.)种子为材料,采用流式细胞种子筛选技术(FCSS)和人工控制授粉实验,对胜红蓟的繁殖系统进行研究,并结合整体透明技术和微分干涉差(DIC)显微镜观察法,对其胚珠发育过程和花药结构进行细胞胚胎学观察。种子筛选结果显示,胜红蓟的种子既可以通过有性生殖产生,又可以通过不需要假受精的无融合生殖产生,属于兼性无融合生殖类型。开放性授粉和套袋处理之间的结实率均较高,分别为88%±1.2%和86.2%±1.2%,两者之间无显著差异;而去雄处理的结实率和开放性授粉、套袋这两种处理之间差异显著。胚珠的细胞胚胎学观察结果发现,胜红蓟的有性生殖胚囊发育方式为蓼型,无融合生殖胚囊的发育方式为山柳菊型。胜红蓟的花粉粒在花药内就开始萌发出花粉管,具有闭花受精特性。研究结果表明闭花受精和兼性无融合生殖等繁殖特性保证了胜红蓟在各种生存环境下的结实量,提高其在新生境中归化和入侵的可能性。  相似文献   

单子叶植物无融合生殖的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
植物的无融合生殖是指不经过雌雄配子融合而产生种子的一种特殊生殖方式。由于利用无融合生殖途径可以固定杂种优势 ,从而改良现有植物的育种策略 ,因此对无融合生殖的研究已成为生物学科的新生长点。本文主要从无融合生殖的概念和类型 ,无融合生殖在单子叶植物中的分布 ,无融合生殖的胚胎学 ,分子生物学和遗传学机制及创造新的无融合生殖种质资源的方法等 6方面对单子叶植物的无融合生殖的研究进展进行了综述 ,并提出了今后开展无融合生殖研究的思路和设想  相似文献   

植物的无融合生殖是指不经过雌雄配子融合而产生种子的一种特殊生殖方式。由于利用无融合生殖途径可以固定杂种优势,从而改良现有植物的育种策略,因此对无融合生殖的研究已成为生物学科的新生长点。本文主要从无融合生殖的概念和类型,无融合生殖在单子叶植物中的分布,无融合生殖的胚胎学,分子生物学和遗传学机制及创造新的无融合生殖种质资源的方法等6方面对单子叶植物的无融合生殖的研究进展进行了综述,并提出了今后开展无融合生殖研究的思路和设想。  相似文献   

植物无融合生殖的遗传机理和分子机理的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用植物无融合生殖固定杂种优势,已被认为是一条生产杂交种子的高效途径。近年来,由于RAPD、RFLP和差异显示等技术的应用,已使植物无融合生殖的研究面貌一新。特别是一系列与无融合生殖有关的特异DNA片段的发现,为深入了解其遗传机理和分子机理增加了大量新的知识,这些知识无疑为定位和克隆植物无融合生殖基因,进而利用遗传操作的手段来改变植物的生殖方式积累了必要的理论基础。本文对植物无融合生殖遗传机理和分子机理的研究进展作了综述。 Abstract:Apomixis allows the establishment of genetically stable seed propagating clones of crops,which can perpetuate themselves across countless sporophytic generations.This asexual mode of reproduction,which naturally occurs in some angiosperms,may prove to be an unrivalled tool to improve crop yields.The current state of knowledge on the molecular and genetic basis of apomixis is reviewed.  相似文献   

植物无融合生殖鉴定方法的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
由于利用无融合生殖途径可以固定杂种优势,从而改良现有植物的育种策略,因此对无融合生殖的研究已成为生物学科的新生长点,为了利用植物的无融合生殖,首先必须建立,发展和完善一套简单,准确的鉴定体系,目前有关植物无融合生殖的鉴定的方法,主要可以分为5大类型:(1)形态学观察法;(2)显微观察法;(3)生化鉴定法;(4)分子生物学的方法;(5)其它方法,主要对以上5类方法的各各鉴定方法进行了介绍,对几种已被证实有效方法的优缺点进行了比较,并就今后的改进方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

植物无融合生殖相关基因研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胡龙兴  王兆龙 《遗传》2008,30(2):155-163
无融合生殖是指不经过精卵融合即可形成胚从而进行种子繁殖后代的一种特殊的无性生殖方式, 无融合生殖胚的形成没有父本的参与, 其后代是母本基因型的完整克隆, 因此是植物杂种优势固定与利用的一种最理想的途径, 具有巨大的潜在利用价值, 被誉为“无性革命”。按其胚体发生的途径, 无融合生殖可分为二倍体孢子生殖、无配子生殖和不定胚生殖三种类型。本文介绍了植物胚发育、胚乳发育、减数分裂等涉及无融合生殖过程的相关基因的研究进展, 同时介绍了可能与植物无融合生殖途径调控相关的几个基因片段的研究情况。  相似文献   

雀稗属无融合生殖研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雀稗属(Paspalum)为禾本科黍亚科多年生或一年生植物,是黍亚科内最有经济价值的类群之一。雀稗属植物种群极其复杂,大多数为多倍体。由于多倍体的存在及有性生殖的自交不亲和等原因,雀稗属植物表现出复杂多样的生殖特性,是禾本科中具备无融合生殖特性种类最多的属。对雀稗属无融合生殖的分布、无融合生殖相关的细胞学和胚胎学基础、无融合生殖的特点及其遗传学和分子生物学研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

用叶绿素荧光分析技术鉴定植物抗寒性的剖析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
在分析叶绿素荧光技术原理的基础上,从低温条件下叶绿素荧光参数的变化与处理温度、季节的关系、叶绿素荧光参数的变化与其它抗寒指标的相关性以及可用于筛选与鉴定抗寒植物的荧光参数3个方面介绍这一技术在抗寒植物筛选与鉴定中的应用现状,并指出这一技术的可取之处和存在问题。  相似文献   

植物转基因育种的分析与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1983年培育出第一株转基因植物——转基因烟草以来,转基因育种研究已取得飞速发展。应用转基因技术培育了一批抗除草剂、抗虫、抗病、抗逆和优质的转基因材料,有些已实现产业化。就近年来转基因研究在转化技术体系、转化效率和筛选鉴定方面作一概述,就热点问题,如如何培育安全型无选择标记转基因植物和提高外源基因稳定性、表达量等进行分析,并就有关问题提出建议。  相似文献   

无融合生殖是与有性生殖、无性生殖并存的三大生殖系统之一。自从1745年发现弧雄生殖现象以来,关于无融合生殖的分类、形态结构、胚胎发生、遗传进化、生理生化等方面的研究不断开展,已从36个科300多种植物中发现无融合生殖现象。特别是八十年代以来,无融合生殖研究已成为生物学科的新热点。全世界几十个国家,200多个实验室正在从事这一研究。国际性无融合生殖研究协作网已经成立。国际性学术会议相继召开。关于无融合生殖的专著已经出版,专门杂志也已问世。这些事实说明,无融合生殖学这个生物学科的生长点已经崛起。但是由于无融合生殖所具有的特殊性给研究带来许多困难,给生物学科的诸多领域留下了不少空白点和世纪性难题。有关无融合生殖的概念和范围,无融合生殖的遗传,无融合生殖是进化还是退化,无融合生殖在胚胎学、生殖生物学、发育生物学中的重大问题,如:为何无融合生殖植物大小孢子母细胞分裂行为不一致?二倍体孢子生殖中大孢子母细胞胼胝质缺乏是无融合生殖的因还是果?怎样理解同一珠心组织中不同细胞分化?无融合生殖胆和胚乳的形成机制和相互关系以及在作物育种中应用的诱人前景都是当前研究的热门话题。本文都进行了必要的介绍和讨论。  相似文献   

Diversity of seed proteins and isozymes has been widely used for identification of crop cuhivars and evaluation of seed qualities, such as the bread-making potential of wheat, malting and brewing capacity of barley. After elucidation of the rationale for the use of biochemical methods, more attention was paid to various electrophoretic and electrofocusing methods used in identification of different crops which were arranged in the following sequence: selfed or inbred species, out-or cross- pollinating species, Fi hybrids and asexually propagated clones. Recent progress on the application of some new techniques including monoclonal antibody, high performance liquid chromatography and restriction fragment length polymorphism was briefly described.  相似文献   

食果动物传播种子的跟踪技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究食果动物传播种子的主要问题之一是难以跟踪种子命运和估计种子域。到目前为止,已有不少方法用于研究食果动物与种子扩散和种子命运的关系,如直接观察法、同位素标记法、金属标记法、磁铁标记法、荧光染料法、微粒体标记法、线标法和遗传技术等。近年来,一些研究将数字编号用于种子标记,并已成为发展的主流。本文综述了以往跟踪种子命运和估计种子域的一些重要方法,并讨论了它们各自的优缺点及其应用。  相似文献   

杂草种子传播研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李儒海  强胜 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5361-5370
种子传播将母株生殖周期的末端与它们后代种群的建立连结了起来,广泛认为,其对植被结构具有深刻的影响。种子传播的整个过程称为种子传播循环。研究表明,杂草种子传播的因子多种多样,包括仅依赖自身来完成的主动传播,以及依赖风、水、动物、人类等外界媒介的被动传播。其中,人类传播杂草种子是影响最广泛的一种,对现代植物的分布格局产生了深刻的影响。杂草种子的传播,对杂草种子库的数量和空间动态影响很大。研究种子传播的主要方法有荧光染料标记法、放射性同位素标记法、稳定同位素分析、分子遗传标记等。结合近几年国内外的研究进展,作者就杂草种子传播对种子库数量和空间动态影响的精确直接研究、杂草种子传播的过程及传播后的命运、杂草种子适应传播的机理、生态控草措施研究、外来杂草入侵蔓延与其种子传播的关系等方面提出了展望。  相似文献   

Methods for the detection and analysis of protein-protein interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Berggård T  Linse S  James P 《Proteomics》2007,7(16):2833-2842
A large number of methods have been developed over the years to study protein-protein interactions. Many of these techniques are now available to the nonspecialist researcher thanks to new affordable instruments and/or resource centres. A typical protein-protein interaction study usually starts with an initial screen for novel binding partners. We start this review by describing three techniques that can be used for this purpose: (i) affinity-tagged proteins (ii) the two-hybrid system and (iii) some quantitative proteomic techniques that can be used in combination with, e.g., affinity chromatography and coimmunoprecipitation for screening of protein-protein interactions. We then describe some public protein-protein interaction databases that can be searched to identify previously reported interactions for a given bait protein. Four strategies for validation of protein-protein interactions are presented: confocal microscopy for intracellular colocalization of proteins, coimmunoprecipitation, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and spectroscopic studies. Throughout the review we focus particularly on the advantages and limitations of each method.  相似文献   

不同植物对高寒草场主要杂草箭叶橐吾的化感作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张红  马瑞君  王乃亮  李刚 《西北植物学报》2006,26(11):2307-2311
用13科31种植物地上部分的水浸液(0.05 g DW.mL-1)对高寒草场主要杂草箭叶橐吾(Ligularia sagi-tata)和同域牧草垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)进行种子萌发实验,旨在筛选能够抑制箭叶橐吾的植物种类。结果表明:有23种供体材料对箭叶橐吾种子萌发具较强抑制作用,并降低了萌发指数(M<-0.50);有9种供体植物显著抑制箭叶橐吾,同时对牧草的伤害较少甚至有促进作用。综合比较对2种植物的综合化感效应指数(M)差异,毛茛(Ranunculus japonicus)、高乌头(Aconitum sinomontanum)、五爪金龙(Ipomoea cairica)、露蕊乌头(Aconitumgymnandrum)和乳白香青(Anaphalis lactea)作用效果显著(其M差值分别是:-0.87、-0.82、-0.71、-0.68和-0.62),这5种植物有望开发新型植物源除草剂。  相似文献   

Recent advances in soil seed bank research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil seed bank is an important component of ecosystem resilience and represents a stock of regeneration potential in many plant assemblages. Soil seed banks can be used to predict the composition of new plant recruitment. Species overcome periods of unfavorable weather conditions by building up a large seed bank. With this strategy, the species diversity is preserved and information on their dynamics and structure is retained. The research on soil seed bank has received wide interest because of its important role in plantation renovation and restoration, biological diversity preservation, vegetation succession and diffusion processes and other aspects. This paper reviews the relationship between soil seed bank and disturbance, geographic factor, vegetation and seed size and is aimed at providing some useful reference for future research.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry seed screen of mature seeds originating from several in vitro regenerated Hypericum perforatum L. somaclones and their seed progenies were used to screen the ways of reproduction of 4 subsequent generations of several somaclonal families and to search for the relation between the ploidy and prevalent mode of reproduction. The prevalent reproduction pathway of diploid plants was sexual reproduction. Seed samples of plants with higher ploidy levels showed an extensive variation in the mode of reproduction: BII and BIII hybrid formation and/or aposporous pseudogamy including parthenogenetic development of a reduced embryo sac.  相似文献   

Seed predation by rodents presents a significant barrier to native plant recruitment and can impede restoration seeding efforts. In nature, some plants contain secondary defense compounds that deter seed predators. If these natural defense compounds can be applied to unprotected seeds to inhibit rodent granivores, this approach could improve restoration seeding. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chili pepper (Capsicum spp.) seeds that creates the burning sensation associated with human consumption of hot peppers. This compound has a similar effect on other mammals and is believed to have evolved as a deterrent to rodent seed predators. We used seed‐coating techniques to attach powder ground from Bhut Jolokia (Capsicum chinense) peppers to native plant seeds and evaluated the efficacy of these seed coatings for deterring rodent seed predation and enhancing native plant recruitment using laboratory and field experiments. Laboratory feeding trials demonstrated that native deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) consumed far fewer pepper‐coated seeds compared to untreated control seeds. Field seed‐addition experiments consistently demonstrated that rodent seed predation reduced native plant recruitment over the 4‐year study. Coating techniques used in the first 3 years were not persistent enough to reduce rodent seed predation effects on plant recruitment. However, a more persistent coating applied in conjunction with late‐winter sowing negated rodent seed predation effects on recruitment in year 4. Our results demonstrate that coating seeds with natural plant defense compounds may provide an effective, economical way to improve the efficacy of plant restoration by deterring seed predation by ubiquitous rodent granivores.  相似文献   

The use of Arabidopsis mutants defective in abscisic acid (ABA) perception has been instrumental in the understanding of stomatal function, in particular, ABA signalling in guard cells. The considerable attention devoted to ABA signalling in guard cells is due in part to (1) the fundamental role of ABA in drought stress and (2) the use of a screening protocol based on the sensitivity of seed germination to ABA. Such a screen has facilitated the isolation of ABA signalling mutants with genetic lesions that exert pleiotropic effects at the whole plant level. As such, there is a requirement for new approaches to complement the seed germination screen. The recent advances made in the use of infrared thermography as a non-invasive, high-throughput tool are reviewed here and the versatility of this technique for screening Arabidopsis defective in stomatal regulation is highlighted.  相似文献   

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