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5种常见中草药的抑菌性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用平板打孔法对五倍子、金银花、大青叶、穿心莲、蒲公英这5种常见中草药进行抑菌试验,并测定其MIC(最低抑菌浓度)及抑菌时间。研究结果表明:5种中草药提取液对Bacillussubtilis抑菌效果普遍较好,五倍子、金银花、大青叶对Escherichiacoli抑菌效果较好;五倍子提取液药效时间较长,而其他中草药抑菌时间较短。  相似文献   

目的探讨中草药对肺炎链球菌的体外抑菌作用。方法用临床分离细菌为受试菌,采用琼脂稀释法,观察黄连、黄岑、黄柏和连翘等4种中草药水煎剂的最低抑菌浓度。结果4种中草药水煎剂均有不同程度的抑菌作用,其中黄连抑菌效果最好,黄连水煎剂对肺炎链球菌M IC范围达7.8-15.63 g/L,M IC50为8 g/L,M IC90为8 g/L。黄岑、黄柏也有较好的抑菌效果,连翘抑菌效果较弱。结论黄连等中药在体外对肺炎链球菌均有良好抑菌作用。  相似文献   

张泽萍  胡欢  左国营 《广西植物》2019,39(4):499-510
为考察中草药抗菌物质基础筛选出活性提取物,该研究通过80%乙醇冷浸和95%乙醇回流提取制备23种中草药的提取物,采用琼脂扩散法测量抑菌圈直径,用微量液体培养基倍比稀释法测定最低抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentration,MIC)和最低杀菌浓度(minimum bactericidal/fungicidal concentration,MBC/MFC),并测定了提取物对临床4种常见病原菌体外抗菌活性。结果表明:紫珠草、千斤拔、黄龙尾等9种中草药对金黄色葡萄球菌有较强的抑菌活性,其MIC/MBC值除个别菌是12.5 mg·mL~(-1)外,其他都在0.09~3.12 mg·mL~(-1)之间;千斤拔、大红袍、过江龙等5种中草药对铜绿假单胞菌有较强抑菌活性,其MIC/MBC值在3.12~12.5 mg·mL~(-1)之间;紫珠草、千里光、石楠等13种中草药对大肠埃希菌有较强的抑菌活性,其MIC/MBC值在0.09~6.25 mg·mL~(-1)之间;八角对白色念珠菌有较强抑菌活性,其MIC/MFC值在0.78~12.5 mg·mL~(-1)之间。23种中草药的抗细菌活性较好,尤其是千斤拔、大红袍、过江龙、八角、黄药子对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠埃希菌、铜绿假单胞菌都具有较好的抑菌活性,具有广谱抗菌活性;但对真菌抑菌效果不明显,仅有八角对白色念珠菌有抑菌活性。此外,提取溶剂浓度、提取温度和提取时间对中草药的提取率和活性均有影响,冷提稍优于热提。  相似文献   

抗厌氧菌中草药的系列研究:Ⅰ,抗厌氧菌中草药的筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前治疗厌氧菌感染的药物不够理想,仍需发掘新药。根据文献选出抗感染中草药389种,用水、乙醇和石油醚三种溶剂,分别提取和制备成含生药1g/ml的药液,对临床常见的脆弱类杆菌等12种厌氧菌进行平板打孔法的抑菌试验。结果显示诃子、茴香根、穿心莲、黄连、肉桂、大黄、五味子、木通等53种中草药的1~3种提取液能对二种以上的厌氧菌有直径20mm以上的抑菌环。反复试验显示肉佳、大黄、五味子、木通能稳定地对4种以上的厌氧菌有20mm以上的抑菌环。作者认为平板打孔法是筛选中草药抗菌作用的简便方法,并准备对选出的中草药作进一步研究。  相似文献   

枯草芽胞杆菌FB123细菌素的理化性质及抑菌谱的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了细菌素产生菌枯草芽胞杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)FB123 所产细菌素的理化性质及其抑菌谱.枯草芽胞杆菌FB123经过 28 ℃、32 h的发酵得到发酵上清液,用饱和度为50%的硫酸铵溶液沉淀发酵上清液中的细菌素.以革兰阴性菌大肠杆菌和革兰阳性菌金黄色葡萄球菌为指示菌,采用牛津杯法检测细菌素抑菌活性,对细菌素粗品进行理化性质的研究.结果表明该细菌素最适作用pH为 6.0,最适作用温度 40 ℃,具有较宽的pH作用范围和较好的热稳定性.各种蛋白酶、金属离子对其活性有不同程度的影响.抑菌谱试验结果表明,该细菌素对多种革兰阳性菌和革兰阴性菌有明显的抑制作用,虽然对部分真菌有抑制作用,但抑制作用较弱.  相似文献   

芦荟抑菌成份的筛选提取及其活性的比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:对传统上用于治疗作用的6个不同品种芦荟的蒽甙(蒽衍生物)进行了提取,并进行了抑菌作用的比较研究。方法:琼脂扩散法。结果:从叶皮中提取的有效成分表现出不同程度的抑菌活性,而叶肉提取物几乎没有抑菌效果。其中,龙山芦荟,皂质芦荟和木立芦荟的叶皮提取物对革兰阴性菌和革兰阳性菌均具有较强的抑菌能力,而且这种抑菌活性与蒽醌成分呈正相关性。  相似文献   

对筛选到具有高效抑菌效果的植物乳杆菌SN4和粪肠球菌CN4产生的乳酸菌素进行进一步生物学特性研究。采用牛津杯法测定细菌素对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌效果,发酵上清制取乳酸菌素初提液,通过对两株乳酸菌产生的乳酸菌素进行蛋白酶、热和酸碱处理,研究其抑菌效果的稳定性,以及菌株的生长合成曲线和抑菌谱。试验结果表明:两种乳酸菌素对大部分蛋白酶较敏感,胰蛋白酶处理后乳酸菌素BSN4和BCN4分别能保留84%和55%活性;两种乳酸菌素在p H 4~10之间保持80%的抑菌活性(抑菌圈20 mm),在25~100℃处理20 min后能分别保留89.1%和74.4%以上的活性,乳酸菌素BSN4经120℃处理5 min后仍保留69%活性;菌株SN4在发酵10 h就能达到稳定期,并表现出较好地产酸性和抑菌活性。抑菌谱显示乳酸菌素BSN4和BCN4对革兰阴性菌和真菌无明显抑菌效果,但对大部分革兰阳性菌有较好的抑菌活性。结果显示,两种乳酸菌素对大部分革兰阳性菌有较好的抑菌效果,具有较好的环境耐受性,可为乳酸菌素在生产生活中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

临床常见革兰阴性菌的分布动向及耐药趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
监测革兰阴性菌的分布动向及耐药趋势,为临床合理使用抗菌药物提供依据。3年间临床分离致病菌以革兰阴性杆菌为主,革兰阴性杆菌检出率逐年下降,非发酵革兰阴性杆菌的比例逐年上升;加酶抑制剂的抗菌药物较不加酶抑制剂的抗菌药物对非发酵革兰阴性杆菌显示了不同程度的抑菌优势,肠杆菌科革兰阴性杆菌ESBLS检出率逐年增加。  相似文献   

竹荪提取物对食源性细菌的抑菌特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用4种方法获得棘托竹荪和长裙竹荪的提取物,以5种食源性致病细菌单增李斯特菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、肠炎沙门菌、大肠埃希菌O157H7、副溶血性弧菌为供试菌,比较其MIC(最低抑菌浓度)和MBC(最低杀菌浓度)。超声波辅助破碎竹荪干粉,制取水、乙醇和石油醚为提取介质的浸提物以及竹荪挥发油,利用液体培养基连续稀释法对5种供试菌进行抑菌实验。所有提取物对供试菌都具有抑菌活性;长裙竹荪提取物的综合抑菌能力高于棘托竹荪提取物;水提物和挥发油的抑菌效果最好;2种竹荪提取物对革兰阴性菌和革兰阳性菌的抑菌作用存在互补效应。竹荪提取物对5种食源性细菌的生长有较好的抑制作用,可应用2种竹荪的提取物复配,开发天然食品防腐剂。  相似文献   

目的观察苦参、黄芩和乌梅的体外抗菌活性。方法采用M-H琼脂连续稀释法做抗菌作用测定,测出各中药的最小抑菌浓度。结果苦参对金黄色葡萄球菌的MIC值最低(2.5mg/ml),乌梅对大肠埃希菌的MIC值最低(1.25mg/ml),乌梅对白假丝酵母菌的MIC值最低(2.5mg/ml)。结论苦参、黄芩和乌梅对革兰阳性球菌、革兰阴性杆菌和真菌均有较好的抑菌活性。  相似文献   

Three species of Darwin's Finches hybridize on the Galapagos island of Daphne Major. We examined mating patterns to determine if hybrids exhibit mate preferences. Geospiza fortis x G. scandens F1 hybrids backcrossed to both of the parental species, whereas all backcrosses bred with the parental species to which they were most related, or with hybrids. Paternal song was shown to be the crucial factor determining the mating pattern of G. fortis x G. scandens F1 hybrids and their offspring. Song is culturally inherited, transmitted faithfully from father to son (with few exceptions) as a result of an imprinting-like process. Size also contributes to the choice of mates. G. fortis x G. scandens F1 hybrid females paired with large G. scandens -like G. fortis males. G. fortis x G. fuliginosa F1 hybrids paired negatively assortatively with respect to the size of their G. fortis mates. Non-random mating of hybrids based on song, a non-generic trait, has interesting evolutionary consequences. Song characteristics and nuclear and mitochondrial genes flow from G. fuliginosa into the G. fortis population, whereas the direction of transfer of genetic and song information between G. fortis and G. scandens depends on which song was sung by the father of the hybrids.  相似文献   

Liu F  Ng TB 《Life sciences》2000,66(8):725-735
The antioxidative and superoxide- and hydroxyl radical-scavenging activities and pro-oxidant effect of twelve selected medicinal herbs were studied. The aqueous extracts of Coptis chinensis, Paeonia suffruticosa, Prunella vulgaris and Senecio scandens exhibited the highest potency in inhibiting rat erythrocyte hemolysis and lipid peroxidation in rat kidney and brain homogenates. The aforementioned four herbs also demonstrated strong superoxide- and hydroxyl radical-scavenging activity, but exerted only a slight pro-oxidant effect.  相似文献   

Comprehensive long-term studies of isolated populations provide valuable comparative data that may be used to evaluate different methods for quantifying the relationship between genetic diversity and fitness. Here, we report on data collected from large and well-characterized cohorts of the two numerically dominant species of Darwin's finches on Isla Daphne Major, Galápagos, Ecuador - Geospiza fortis and G. scandens. Multilocus microsatellite (SSR) genetic diversity estimates (heterozygosity and d2) and pedigree-based estimates of the inbreeding coefficient (f) were compared to each other and to two fitness components: lifespan and recruitment. In the larger sample of G. fortis, heterozygosity (H) was correlated with both fitness components, but no relationship was detected in the smaller sample of G. scandens. Analyses of the inbreeding coefficient detected highly significant relationships between f and recruitment, but no relationship between f and overall lifespan. The d2 statistic showed no relationship to either fitness component. When the two SSR-based estimators were compared to f, d2 was correlated with f in G. fortis in the predicted direction, while in G. scandens the relationship was positive. Multilocus heterozygosity was correlated with f in G. fortis but not in the G. scandens sample. A pedigree simulation demonstrated that the variation in true autozygosity can be large among individuals with the same level of inbreeding. This observation may supplement the interpretation of patterns relevant to the local (locus-specific) and general (genome-wide) effects hypotheses, which have been proposed to explain the mechanism responsible for associations between genetic diversity and fitness.  相似文献   

泥胡菜等8种草本植物提取物除草活性的生物测定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用顺序提取法制备了泥胡菜(Hemistepta lyrata Bunge)等8种草本植物全草的石油醚、乙酸乙酯和乙醇提取物,并以高粱(Sorghum vulgare Pers.)、黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)、小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)和油菜(Brassica campestris L.)为供试对象,用种子萌发法对提取物的除草活性进行了生物测定。结果表明,所有提取物对4种作物幼苗根和茎的生长均有一定的抑制作用,但抑制率有一定差异。泥胡菜和獯草[Humulus scandens(Lour.)Merr.]的乙酸乙酯提取物对作物幼苗根和茎的抑制作用最强,抑制率随提取物浓度的提高逐渐增高,且对作物幼苗根生长的抑制强度高于茎。在低浓度(12.5g·L^-1)条件下,泥胡菜乙酸乙酯提取物对小麦幼苗根和茎生长的抑制作用最强;蓓草乙酸乙酯提取物对高粱幼苗根的生长及油菜幼苗根和茎的生长抑制作用最强。研究结果显示,泥胡菜及蓰草的乙酸乙酯提取物具有潜在的除草活性。  相似文献   

Understanding the fitness consequences of inbreeding (inbreeding depression) is of importance to evolutionary and conservation biology. There is ample evidence for inbreeding depression in captivity, and data from wild populations are accumulating. However, we still lack a good quantitative understanding of inbreeding depression and what influences its magnitude in natural populations. Specifically, the relationship between the magnitude of inbreeding depression and environmental severity is unclear. We quantified inbreeding depression in survival and reproduction in populations of cactus finches (Geospiza scandens) and medium ground finches (Geospiza fortis) living on Isla Daphne Major in the Galápagos Archipelago. Our analyses showed that inbreeding strongly reduced the recruitment probability (probability of breeding given that an adult is alive) in both species. Additionally, in G. scandens, first-year survival of an offspring with f = 0.25 was reduced by 21% and adults with f = 0.25 experienced a 45% reduction in their annual probability of survival. The magnitude of inbreeding depression in both adult and juvenile survival of this species was strongly modified by two environmental conditions, food availability and number of competitors. In juveniles, inbreeding depression was only present in years with low food availability, and in adults inbreeding depression was five times more severe in years with low food availability and large population sizes. The combination of relatively severe inbreeding depression in survival and the reduced recruitment probability led to the fact that very few inbred G. scandens ever succeeded in breeding. Other than recruitment probability, no other trait showed evidence of inbreeding depression in G. fortis, probably for two reasons: a relatively high rate of extrapair paternity (20%), which may lead to an underestimate of the apparent inbreeding depression, and low sample sizes of highly inbred G. fortis, which leads to low statistical power. Using data from juvenile survival, we estimated the number of lethal equivalents carried by G. scandens, G. fortis, and another congener, G. magnirostris. These results suggest that substantial inbreeding depression can exist in insular populations of birds, and that the magnitude of the inbreeding depression is a function of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Studies of inbreeding and interspecific hybridization are generally pursued separately with different metrics. There is a need to integrate them because they have the common goal of seeking an understanding of the genetic and ecological basis of fitness variation in populations. We use mean expected heterozygosity as an axis of variation on which to compare the fitness of inbreeding and hybridizing Darwin's finches (Geospiza scandens and G. fortis) relative to the fitness of matched outbred controls. We find that relative fitness of inbred finches is less than one in the 1991 cohorts of both species. Inbreeding depression is stronger in the species (G. scandens) with the lower genetically effective population size. Relative fitness of hybrids (backcrosses) in the same cohort of G. scandens is greater than one. Evidence of heterosis in G. fortis is mixed. Thus the two interbreeding species displayed somewhat different fitness patterns under the same set of environmental conditions. Hybridization may enhance fitness to different degrees by counteracting the effects of inbreeding depression, by other additive and nonadditive genetic effects, and by producing phenotypes well suited to exploit particular ecological conditions.  相似文献   

目的:从采自阿尔泰山脉的虫[ Ophiocordyceps gracilis( Grev.)G.H Sung,J.M.Sung,Hywel- Jones&Spatafora]体内分离出1株出现频率较高的真菌(命名为SFY00C3)进行了研究.方法:经形态学和ITS序列分析鉴定,对SFY00C3菌株及其发酵液采用滤纸片法,同时对6种供试菌株不同程度进行了抑制作用的研究.结果:SFY00C3菌株为青霉属(Penicillium)真菌变灰青霉(Penicillium canescens);对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制作用较强,抑菌圈均大于10 mm.结论:虫草内生菌变灰青霉的抑菌活性成分值得进一步研究,为研究新的天然产物抑菌药物提供思路.  相似文献   

灯盏花素的研究进展   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
灯盏细辛[Erigeron breviscapine(vant)Hand MaSS]是产于云南等地的一种具有良好抗心脑血管疾病作用的植物。从70年代开始,灯盏花中一系列化学成分被分离鉴定出来。其中,灯盏花素在治疗脑血栓、脑缺血、脑血管后遗症及对抗血小板凝聚等方面有很好的临床疗效,本文对灯盏花素的提取分离、药理、临床应用及灯盏花乙素的全合成等方面的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

通过对短葶飞蓬(Erigeron breviscapus)不同产地的44个种群植株的总黄酮、灯盏乙素和总咖啡酸酯含量与产地土壤全氮(N)和速效N含量的相关分析, 探讨了产地间土壤N含量变化在药用植物短葶飞蓬植株次生代谢有效成分含量变化中的作用机制。结果显示: 土壤全N含量与种群植株中总黄酮含量呈显著的负相关(r=-0.391, p<0.01), 而与总咖啡酸酯和灯盏乙素关系不显著; 土壤速效N含量与种群植株中总黄酮(r=-0.528, p<0.01)、灯盏乙素(r=-0.490, p<0.01)和总咖啡酸酯含量(r=-0.471, p<0.01)都表现出更高的极显著负相关关系。全部44个种群中, 有效N供应量变化只能解释次生代谢产物含量的17%~30%的变化。非石灰土壤与石灰土壤的种群分开进行线性回归, 可解释总黄酮含量产地间约80%的变化, 以及灯盏乙素和总咖啡酸酯含量约60%的变化。植株总黄酮、灯盏乙素和总咖啡酸酯含量都与植株含N量存在显著的负相关关系。研究表明: 土壤丰富的有效N供应不利于黄酮和咖啡酸酯的合成积累, 与“碳素/营养平衡假说”的预测一致; 土壤有效N对植物次生代谢产物的影响会受到植物体内外因素的影响。不同产地的短葶飞蓬的黄酮等酚类次生代谢产物含量的差异, 可能是产地间不同的土壤N供应量和其他生态因子及遗传变异共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

In this study, extracts from 50 Taiwanese folk medicinal plants were examined and screened for anti-Helicobacter pylori activity. Ninety-five percent ethanol was used for herbal extraction. Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr. (PSM), Plumbago zeylanica L. (PZL), Anisomeles indica (L.) O. Kuntze (AIOK), Bombax malabaricum DC. (BMDC) and Alpinia speciosa (J. C. Wendl.) K. Schum. (ASKS) and Bombax malabaricum DC. (BMDC) all demonstrated strong anti-H. pylori activities. The minimum inhibitory concentration values of the anti-H. pylori activity given by the five ethanol herb extracts ranged from 0.64 to 10.24 mg ml(-1). Twenty-six herbs, including Artemisia argvi Levl. et Vant (AALEV), Phyla nodiflora (Linn.) Greene (PNG) and others, showed moderate anti-H. pylori activity. The additional 19 herbs, including Areca catechu Linn. (ACL), Euphorbia hirta Linn. (EHL) and Gnaphalium adnatum Wall. ex DC. (GAWEDC), possessed lower anti-H. pylori effects. About half of the Taiwanese folk medicinal plants tested, demonstrated to possess higher anti-H. pylori activity.  相似文献   

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