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借助活体观察及银染法等对采自青岛沿海的7种较罕见的腹毛类纤毛虫(拉氏游仆虫Euplotes raikovi,拟伍氏游仆虫Euplotes parawoodruffi,坚盾檐纤虫Aspidisca leptaspis,斯坦槽纤虫Aspidsca steird,收缩沙冠虫Psammnomitra retractilis,柔弱异列虫 Anteholosticha manca,条纹小双虫Amphisiella annulata)进行了形态学研究,包括两个国内新纪录:拉氏游仆虫,拟伍氏游仆虫,同时补充了各青岛种群的纤毛图式及银线系等资料.对迄今缺乏详细研究的拉氏游仆虫首次做了纤毛图式水平上的描述并在前人工作基础上给出了修订后的定义:活体约40~60 μn×25~40 μn,背部有明显的6列嵴突;口区延至虫体1/2后;口围带由23~35片小膜组成;额-腹棘毛包括7根典型棘毛以及位于额区中部的仅由1对毛基粒构成的退化结构;稳定的1根缘棘毛、2根尾棘毛;背触毛6~8列;银线系为double-patella型;海水种.  相似文献   

小球藻绿钟虫 (VorticellachlorellataStiller ,194 0 )采自哈尔滨附近水域。本文在活体观察基础上 ,利用蛋白银染色技术对其形态学进行了研究 ,给出了该种染色后的特征。小球藻绿钟虫因其细胞内充满共生小球藻呈鲜绿色而得名。该种自然伸展时呈稳定的矮钟状 ,体长 5 3- 6 3× 4 1- 6 2 μm ;大核“J”型 ,两端明显盘绕 ,纵贯于体内。细胞表面具横纹 ,蛋白银制片后可见从口围唇到反口纤毛环之间有 33- 36条纹 ,从反口纤毛环到帚胚有条纹 15 - 18条 ;第三咽膜 (P3)由三列毛基列组成 ,最内侧一列长度仅是另外两列的一半 ,并显著分离 ;口围盘纤维斜向并呈轮辐式放射状排列 ,纤维末端分叉。通过对本文描述的绿色钟虫—小球藻绿钟虫的研究 ,发现对绿色钟虫的描述与归属问题仍存在一些混淆。本文认同将小球藻绿钟虫与绿钟虫严格分立的观点  相似文献   

利用活体观察及蛋白银染色技术对一淡水缘毛目纤毛虫——沟钟虫(Vorticella convallaria)的形态学和表膜下纤维系进行了研究。结果表明:沟钟虫的活体个员自然伸展时外形较稳定,并呈明显的倒置钟状,长宽约为50—85μm×40—75μm;口围缘完全外展时为虫体最宽处;伸缩泡一个,较大,位于口围唇下方及口前庭的左侧。胞质均匀而透明,无脂肪滴存在,游泳体呈圆柱形。细胞表面横纹从口围唇到反口纤毛环为74—78条,自反口纤毛环到帚胚为18—24条。大核呈大幅度盘绕的长肠状,两端高度弯曲,纵贯于细胞内。蛋白银制片后表膜下纤维系特征为:虫体纵向纤维稀疏而粗壮,37—42条,似灯笼状;口围盘纤维呈典型的倾斜态分布,并呈放射状排列。第三咽膜(P3)在近口末端处呈明显的分离态,可视为该物种重要的分类学依据。  相似文献   

暗尾丝虫的形态与形态发生研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋微波 《动物学报》1991,37(3):233-243
本工作采用Chatton-Lwoff氏银浸法及Wilbert氏蛋白银染色法研究了淡水纤毛虫暗尾丝虫Uronema nigricans(Muller,1786)的形态、核器、纤毛下器、银线系及详细的形态发生过程。结果显示其口器发生与已知的同属种类海洋尾丝虫具相似的过程及形式。其口器发生及演化的基本模式可表达成: 前仔虫:原口侧膜→口侧膜,盾片; 后仔虫:原口侧膜→口侧膜,第1小膜,第2小膜,盾片; 原盾片→第3小膜。 文中另外列表比较了本属与其它属的形态发生特征,并据此建立了一新科,拟梭虫科。  相似文献   

利用活体观察、蛋白银染色技术对1种海水腹毛目纤毛虫-红色伪角毛虫Pseudokeronopsis rubra的青岛种群之活体形态和纤毛图式做了研究.其特征如下:虫体呈长带状,尾钝圆,身体柔软,高度可曲;皮层颗粒棕黄色,主要呈玫瑰花形分布,其余散布;表膜下具另1种无色、双面凹形颗粒.口围带小膜数为48~55;左、右缘棘毛各1列,中腹棘毛排成典型的锯齿状并延伸至横棘毛附近;额棘毛无明确分化,呈冠状排布并与中腹棘毛列相连续;口棘毛1根,额前棘毛2根;背触毛4列.大核90~140枚.伸缩泡位于体后左侧1/3处.经比较表明,尽管纤毛图式高度相似,P.rubra仍可以很容易地依据体色、伸缩泡的位置、皮层颗粒的大小、颜色、排布等活体特征与相近种区分.说明活体观察在纤毛虫种类鉴定中具有十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

利用活体观察、蛋白银染色及电镜技术对蟹累枝虫(Epistylis eriocheiri)的形态学、表膜下纤维及超微结构进行了较为系统的描述,研究发现:(1)光镜下该种群体双叉分支,活体时虫体表膜柔软,完全伸展时呈长筒状;大核马蹄形,呈横位;伸缩泡单个,斜卧口围缘下方。口围缘纤维上连细密的环状纤维,下接两端较为粗壮,中间细长的纵长纤维,构成了连续的表膜下纤维系。(2)电镜下该种表面具沟、嵴、横纹结构,沟嵴相互交错;口围纤毛花瓣状;虫体表膜层呈齿状,具嵴状突起、泡间微管、表膜孔,胞质层包括内含胞器单一的致密原生质层和富含胞器的疏松原生质层。研究对该种的上述特征在虫体的收缩机制及与其他相似种之间的关系等方面进行了讨论。    相似文献   

从活体形态及纤毛图式水平,对采自广东大亚湾潮间带的5个南海新纪录种纤毛虫,即德卢偏体虫Dysteria derouxi,斜带齿管虫Chamydodon obliquus,恩茨伸颈虫Trachelotractus entzi,异佛氏全列虫Holosticha heterofoissneri和美丽原腹柱虫Protogastrostyla pulchra行了形态学研究,其中对德卢偏体虫银线系统、恩茨伸颈虫皮层颗粒、异佛氏全列虫的皮层颗粒和大核等进行了补足性描述.  相似文献   

通过活体显微观察及银染法对采自武汉东湖的4种固着缘毛类纤毛虫: 粗茎睫纤虫Ophrydium crassicaule Penard, 1922, 念珠伪钟虫Pseudovorticella monilata (Tatem, 1870) Foissner & Schiffmann, 1974, 垂盖虫Opercularia nutans (Ehrenberg, 1831) Stein, 1854和一个鞘居虫未定种Vaginicola sp.的活体、纤毛图式、银线系以及细胞核的形态学特征进行详细的描述, 补充和完善了缘毛类纤毛虫的形态学资料, 为纤毛虫分类和系统发育学的研究提供重要信息。此外, 首次在伪钟虫中观察到有性生殖现象, 为纤毛虫生殖进化的研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

通过活体观察和蛋白银染色法对采自青岛沙滩半咸水的变藓棘毛虫Sterkiella histriomuscorum(纤毛门, 腹毛目)进行了形态学及细胞发生学研究。该种群形态学与前人报道的土壤及淡水种群基本一致: 虫体近长椭圆形, 活体大小约(100-160) m (40-75) m; 无皮层颗粒; 2938片口小膜; 额棘毛3根; 额腹棘毛4根; 口后腹棘毛3根; 横前腹棘毛2根; 横棘毛3-5根; 左右缘棘毛列分别由17-23、20-24根棘毛组成; 6列背触毛; 2枚大核。其主要发生学特征如下: (1)老口围带完全保留, 老波动膜解体重建; 后仔虫口原基独立发生; (2)额腹横棘毛为5原基次级发生式, 部分原基来自老棘毛解体, 以2:3:3:4:4方式分化为新棘毛; (3)缘棘毛原基产生于老结构中, 并向两极延伸逐渐形成前后仔虫的新结构; (4)背触毛发生为典型Oxytricha模式; (5)大核在发生过程中完全融合。研究对首次在半咸水生境中发现的变藓棘毛虫种群进行了活体形态学和纤毛图式描述, 补充了显微照片、性状统计数据及发生过程的细节信息。    相似文献   

利用活体观察及银染法首次对采自广东大亚湾沿岸的盐菲阿虫Phialina salinarum Kahl,1928,海洋长吻虫Lacrymaria marina Kahl,1933,惊扰伪颈毛虫Pseudotrachelocerca trepida(Kahl,1928)Song,1990,贪食纤口虫Chaenea vorax Quennerstedt,1867,柱核柱毛虫Cyclotrichium cyclokaryon Meunier,1907和加冈栉毛虫Didinium gargantua Meunier,1910六种刺钩类纤毛虫进行了形态学研究,补充了活体形态学以及纤毛图式等分类学新信息。首次观察到了海洋长吻虫体纤毛基部的皮层颗粒和柱核柱毛虫大亚湾种群较青岛种群具有更多的体动基列等若干新信息。研究表明,刺钩类纤毛虫在大亚湾近岸水域具有较高的物种多样性。    相似文献   

Two new marine peritrich ciliates, Epicarchesium corlissi n. sp. and Pseudovorticella jiangi n. sp., were discovered in mariculture waters on the coast of northern China near Qingdao. Their morphology, infraciliature and silverline system were investigated based on both living and silver-impregnated specimens. E. corlissi is characterized as follows: marine Epicarchesium with dichotomously branched stalk; zooids elongate, approximately 60–70×25–35 μm in vivo; peristomial collar double-folded; macronucleus J-shaped; single, small contractile vacuole ventrally positioned; more than 60 striations between peristome and aboral trochal band, 13–18 from aboral trochal band to scopula; abstomal end of row 1 of infundibular polykinety 3 terminating at same level as rows 2 and 3 of infundibular polykinety 3; rows 2 and 3 of infundibular polykinety 3 much longer than row 1 and converging adstomally with infundibular polykinety 1. The new species P. jiangi is diagnosed as follows: marine Pseudovorticella; zooid inverted bell-shaped, approximately 80×60 μm in vivo and with a broad, flat, thin peristomial collar that measures approximately 90 μm across; pellicle with transparent cortical vesicles; macronucleus J-shaped; number of silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band 20–24, from aboral trochal band to scopula 9–11; abstomal end of row 1 of infundibular polykinety 3 diverges from the other two rows of this polykinety and ends alongside row 3 of infundibular polykinety 2.  相似文献   

Four new species of Vorticella, V. parachiangi sp. n., V. scapiformis sp. n., V. sphaeroidalis sp. n., and V. paralima sp. n., were isolated from coastal brackish waters of southern China. Their morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system were investigated based on observations of specimens both in vivo and following silver staining. Vorticella parachiangi sp. n. is distinguished by: a J‐shaped macronucleus; a single dorsally located contractile vacuole; a two‐rowed infundibular polykinetid 3, in which row 1 is shorter than row 2; 21–31 silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band, 6–11 between aboral trochal band and scopula. Vorticella scapiformis sp. n. is characterized by its conspicuously thin and irregularly edged peristomial lip; a J‐shaped macronucleus; a single, ventrally located contractile vacuole; row 1 of the infundibular polykinetid 3 proximally shortened; 18–25 silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band, 8–12 between aboral trochal band and scopula. Vorticella sphaeroidalis sp. n. can be identified by its small, sub‐spherical zooid; a C‐shaped macronucleus; a ventrally located contractile vacuole; an aboral trochal band adjacent to the scopula; 16–18 silverlines between persitome and aboral trochal band, two between aboral trochal band and scopula. Vorticella paralima sp. n. can be identified by its ovoidal zooid; a J‐shaped macronucleus; a dorsally positioned contractile vacuole; rows 1 and 2 of the infundibular polykinetid 3 proximally shortened; 26–35 silverlines from peristome to aboral trochal band, and 7–13 from aboral trochal band to scopula. The SSU rDNA genes of these four species were sequenced and their phylogeny was analyzed.  相似文献   

The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system of three peritrichous ciliates, Zoothamnium bucciniiformum sp. n., Zoothamnium florens sp. n., and Zoothamnium zhanjiangense sp. n., were investigated based on both living and silver‐stained specimens. Zoothamnium bucciniiformum sp. n., collected from coastal waters (salinity 30‰) off Zhanjiang, southern China, can be distinguished by the following characters: dichotomously branched stalk, peristomial lip with medial circumferential infolding, contractile vacuole apically positioned, 32–49 silverlines between the anterior end and the aboral trochal band, 15–26 between the aboral trochal band and the scopula; two kineties in peniculus 3, not parallel to each other. Zoothamnium florens sp. n., collected from a mangrove wetland (salinity 13‰) off Zhanjiang, is characterized by its large conical zooid, tuberculate peristomial lip, asymmetrical dichotomously branched colony, 59–81 silverlines between the anterior end and the aboral trochal band and 29–36 between the aboral trochal band and the scopula. Zoothamnium zhanjiangense, collected from a mangrove wetland (salinity about 9.5‰) off Zhanjiang, differs from its congeners by the alternately branched stalk, peristomial lip with medial circumferential infolding, 40–63 silverlines from the peristomial area to the aboral trochal band and 13–24 from the aboral trochal band to the scopula. The comparison and analysis of SSU rDNA sequences also support present identifications.  相似文献   

Opisthonecta matiensis n. sp. was isolated from the inlet water of a wastewater treatment plant near Madrid, Spain, and studied in vivo, with silver methods, and using electronic and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. This new species shows an amphora-like cell shape and has a size of 45-73 microns (x 58.2) x 25-40 microns (x 31.3). The oral infraciliature is formed by one haplokinety, three polykineties, and a short row of kinetosomes (epistomial membrane). The aboral infraciliature is made up of the trochal band and the scopula. From the trochal band arise three fibrillar systems: oral fibers, aboral fibers, and oblique fibers. The myoneme system is composed of a delicate peristomial ring, longitudinal branched fibers that reach the trochal band and of radial fibers extending from the scopula to the trochal band. The silverline system consists of an average of 147 lines. This new species is separated from other known forms by its smaller size, the presence of one single vacuole, and its higher number of silverlines.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among six species of Epistylis (i. e. E. plicatilis, E. urceolata, E. chrysemydis, E. hentscheli, E. wenrichi, and E. galea) were investigated using sequences of the first internal transcribed spacer region (ITS-1) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA). Amplified rDNA fragment sequences consisted of 215 or 217 bases of the flanking 18S and 5.8S regions, and the entire ITS-1 region (from 145 to 155 bases). There were more than 33 variable bases between E. galea and the other five species in both the 18S region and the ITS-1 region. The affiliation of them was assessed using Neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses. In all the NJ, MP and ML analyses E. galea, whose macronucleic position and shape are distinctly different from those of the other five species, was probably diverged from the ancestor of Epistylis earlier than the other five species. The topology in which E. plicatilis and E. hentscheli formed a strongly supported sister clade to E. urceol  相似文献   

The peritrichs have been recognized as a higher taxon of ciliates since 1968. However, the phylogenetic relationships among them are still unsettled, and their placement within the class Oligohymenophorea has only been supported by the analysis of the small subunit rRNA gene sequence of Opisthonecta henneguyi. DNA was isolated directly from field-sampled species for PCR, and was used to resolve relationships within the genus Epistylis and to confirm the stability of the placement of peritrichs. Small subunit rRNA gene sequences of Epistylis plicatilis, Epistylis urceolata, Epistylis chrysemydis, Epistylis hentscheli, Epistylis wenrichi, and Vorticella campanula were sequenced and analyzed using both distance-matrix and maximum-parsimony methods. In phylogenetic trees, the monophyly of both the genus Episrylis and the subclass Peritrichia was strongly supported, while V. campanula clustered with Vorticella microstoma. The topology in which E. plicatilis and E. hentscheli formed a strongly supported sister clade to E. urceolata, E. chrysemydis, and E. wenrichi was consistent with variations in the thickness of the peristomial lip. We concluded that the peristomial area, especially the peristomial lip, might be the important phylogenetic character within the genus Epistylis.  相似文献   

The infraciliature, argyrome, and myonemic system of Opisthonecta henneguyi have been examined after impregnation with the Fernández-Galiano silver impregnation method. The oral infraciliature is formed by one haplokinety and three polykineties while the aboral infraciliature is formed by the trochal band—six kinetosomes wide—and the scopula. The trochal band has three fibrillar systems: orally directed fibers, aboral fibers, and oblique fibers. The argyrome is formed by 90 to 135 fine circular striations, which cover the whole organism with the exception of the peristome. The myonemic system is located in two regions: the oral and the aboral ones. The oral myonemic system is formed by a fibrous ring which surrounds the peristome underneath the spiral of the peristomial infraciliature and by a group of fibers which depart from the peristomial disc. The aboral myonemic system is much simpler, and it is formed by fibers which extend radially from the scopula. Biometrical characterizations of the vegetative cells and living cysts were also made, and our data are compared with the results obtained previously by other authors.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of peritrich ciliates from brackish biotopes is rarely investigated, especially members of the genus Pseudovorticella. Here, the morphology of three species of Pseudovorticella, i.e. P. cf. vestita (Stokes, 1883) Jankowski, 1976, P. spathulata sp. n., and P. qinghaiensis sp. n. isolated from brackish waters were studied. Pseudovorticella cf. vestita is characterized by inverted bell‐shaped cell; a J‐shaped macronucleus; a single contractile vacuole ventrally located; P3 three‐rowed; pellicle striated with highly developed pellicular vesicles; 18–22 transverse silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band, and 9–13 between aboral trochal band and scopula. Pseudovorticella spathulata sp. n. differs from its congeners by the following combination of characters: elongate‐elliptical cell; a single contractile vacuole near ventral wall of infundibulum; a J‐shaped macronucleus; P3 three‐rowed; 24–34 silverlines between oral area and aboral trochal band and 6–10 between aboral trochal band and scopula. Pseudovorticella qinghaiensis sp. n. is characterized by: cell with an oval outline; a single contractile vacuole near ventral wall of infundibulum; a C‐shaped macronucleus; P3 three‐rowed; 30–35 and 9–11 transverse silverlines above and below the trochal band, respectively. The SSU rDNA sequences of five Pseudovorticella species, namely P. annulata, P. monilata, P. parakenti, P. spathulata sp. n., and P. cf. vestita, plus that of Zoothamnium hartwigi, are reported for the first time and their evolutionary relationships are investigated. Five undefined Pseudovorticella forms are considered might be conspecific with P. monilata. Two congeners are conspecific with P. spathulata sp. n. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequences reveal that Pseudovorticella is not monophyletic and Z. hartwigi clusters with its congeners as expected.  相似文献   

Three marine peritrichs, Zoothamnium foissneri n. sp., Z. duplicatum Kahl, 1933 and Z. mucedo Entz, 1884, were isolated from the littoral area of Qingdao, China. The morphology, infraciliature and silverline system were studied on living and silver-impregnated specimens. Z. foissneri is distinguished from congeners by its slender zooid shape, size, appearance of peristomial border, the form of peniculus 3, colony form and habitat. Based on the Qingdao populations, supplementary information is given for two known species showing that Z. duplicatum can be distinguished by the zooid shape and size, the number of silverlines between the aboral trochal band and the scopula, and the form of peniculus 3, while Z. mucedo can be distinguished from other species of similar zooid shape and size by the form of peniculus 3 and the number of silverlines between the oral area and the aboral trochal band.  相似文献   

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