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PCR是一种简单、迅速、灵敏的检测方法,但假阳性与假阴性却影响了它在常规应用中的准确性。本研究利用竞争性PCR解决无标记Xa21转基因水稻PCR检测中的假阳性与假阴性问题。标记基因潮霉素基因(Hygromycin phosphotransferase,hpt)的竞争模板是外加的日本晴hpt转基因植株基因组DNA,抗白叶枯病基因Xa21的竞争模板是待测水稻内源的位于第11染色体上的Xa21同源基因序列。利用这一方法对双右边界T-DNA载体转化产生的转基因T1代植株进行分析,可以有效地减少或排除假阳性或假阴性样品,选出真正的转基因阳性植株。与常规PCR相比竞争性PCR提高了无标记Xa21转基因植株筛选的准确性。对获得的无标记Xa21转基因植株进行白叶枯抗病鉴定与潮霉素抗性鉴定证实了该方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

白叶枯病和稻瘟病是最主要的水稻病害。Xa21是水稻白叶枯病抗性基因,Pi-d2是稻瘟病抗性基因,二者都编码类受体激酶蛋白质。在前期研究中,曾系统地研究了细菌中表达XA21激酶蛋白质的生化活性。在此实验中利用真核表达系统酿酒酵母对Xa21和Pi-d2编码的蛋白激酶进行了表达、纯化及自我磷酸化活性分析,为进一步的生化分析、蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用研究、底物筛选等奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水稻白叶枯病广谱抗性基因Xa21导入两用不育系培矮64S   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
以克隆的Xa21基因为外源基因,成熟胚愈伤组织为转化受体,应用农杆菌介导法对水稻两用型核不育系培矮64S进行转化,获46株转基因植株。PCR和Southern分析结果表明,Xa21已整合到受体基因组。用稻白叶枯病病原菌(Xanthomonasoryzaepv.oryzae)菲律宾小种6号接种鉴定,结果表明大多数转基因植株获得了抗病性。已整合的Xa21基因能够稳定地遗传,在所检测转基因株系的T1代中,Xa21基因显示3:1的分离。  相似文献   

利用农杆菌介导的转化系统将已克隆的Xa21基因转入我国5个水稻主栽品种, 获得了110个独立的转基因系. 转基因植株的PCR和Southern分析揭示Xa21基因已整合到受体基因组. 已整合的Xa21基因能稳定遗传, 单拷贝整合的转化体在自交T1代呈现抗感3:1的分离. 接种实验表明转基因T0植株和Xa21-PCR阳性T1植株对白叶枯病的高度抗性. 经过筛选的Xa21纯合的具有优良品质的抗性转基因系可以作为品种直接种植, 或者用于杂交稻育种.  相似文献   

水稻转基因系CX8621中Xa21的整合和表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农杆菌介导的转基因技术在植物中已被广泛应用,而目的基因能否发挥功能受到多种因素的影响。前期,通过农杆菌介导的转化,实验室创制了无选择标记、无载体骨架残留的水稻转Xa21基因系CX8621。截止目前,CX8621已稳定遗传16代,依然保持着对水稻白叶枯病的优良抗性。在此基础上,本研究对外源基因Xa21在CX8621中的整合和表达情况进行了分析。首先,通过在转化载体p BXa21的左右边界与Xa21基因序列设计嵌套引物,确定Xa21被完整地整合到CX8621中。随后,利用改良的Tail-PCR方法体外克隆了整合位点的边界序列,明确了Xa21被整合在CX8621的2号染色体上。然后,通过RT-PCR分析了Xa21在CX8621中不同时期和不同组织的表达情况,结果表明Xa21在CX8621中能稳定表达,其表达量的变化与之前报道的抗病性反应吻合。此外,还制备了天然XA21蛋白的抗体,对CX8621不同时期、不同组织中XA21蛋白的表达量进行了检测,结果发现在种子中检测不到XA21蛋白。由此,通过对外源基因Xa21的整合和表达分析,为CX8621的转基因生物安全评价提供了部分科学依据。  相似文献   

以水稻品种‘日本晴’(Oryza sativa‘Nipponbare’)为实验材料,根据GenBank上公布的同品种水稻的基因组DNA序列设计1对引物,对水稻Xa21基因启动子进行克隆并测序,通过PCR扩增获得的Xa21基因启动子序列长1 982 bp,其中除包含启动子基本元件外,还包含一些与逆境信号相关的元件(GCC-box、A-box、TC-rich repeats、MBS、LTR和W-box等)。利用GUS组织化学染色和定量分析方法,研究了转基因水稻T1代株系不同器官和发育阶段Xa21基因启动子的表达特异性及其在不同逆境和激素处理条件下的表达特征,结果显示:在转基因水稻的叶、茎和根部均能检测到GUS活性,但根部GUS活性最高,特别是在根尖的中柱区活性最强;随苗龄增长(3叶期、5叶期和8至9叶期)叶片中GUS活性逐渐增加,8至9叶期GUS活性最高;机械损伤和100μmol.L-1茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)处理可使叶片中GUS活性显著或极显著提高,而干旱、500μmol.L-1水杨酸(SA)和100μmol.L-1脱落酸(ABA)处理则对叶片中GUS活性无明显影响。研究结果表明:外界逆境胁迫对水稻Xa21基因启动子的表达有诱导作用;该启动子的表达受水稻发育阶段的调控并具有一定的器官组织特异性,在根中的表达量最高;其介导的抗病反应依赖于茉莉酸(JA)信号通路。  相似文献   

通过农杆菌介导的转化系统,将业已克隆的水稻抗白叶枯病基因Xa21导入重要的粳型杂交稻恢复系“C418”。PCR和抗性分析表明单拷贝整合的Xa21在T1代的分离比为3:1。在T2代通过PCR和抗性分析选择了Xa21纯合的转基因株系“C418-Xa21”。将选择的转基因纯合系“C418-Xa21”与常用的雄性不育系“屉锦A”杂交,产生了带有转基因Xa21的杂交稻“屉优418-Xa21”(简称转基因杂交稻)。分子分析表明转基因Xa21在杂交稻“屉优418-Xa21”中能稳定遗传,抗性分析表明转基因恢复系“C418-Xa21”和转基因杂交稻“屉优418-Xa21”对白叶枯病具有高度的广谱抗性,并保持了受体对照的优良农艺性状。另外我们还转基因杂交稻“屉优418-Xa21”对白叶枯病的抗性水平高于转基因恢复系“C418-Xa21”,这可能是遗传背景的差异所致,抗白叶枯病转基因粳型恢复系数 杂交稻的育成将有益于杂交稻在我国北方稻区的推广。  相似文献   

无选择标记和载体骨干序列的Xa21转基因水稻的获得   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用双右边界T-DNA载体通过根癌农杆菌介导法将水稻白叶枯病广谱抗性基因Xa21导入杂交稻重要恢复系C418中。T0代共获得27个独立转基因株系,通过田间抗性鉴定与PCR分析,有17个株系的Xa21基因分子鉴定为阳性,且对白叶枯病原菌P6生理小种具有抗性。通过对17个株系的后代植株进行田间抗性鉴定,分子标记辅助选择及Southern杂交分析,结果显示4个株系的T1代植株中能分离出无潮霉素标记基因的Xa21转基因植株。无选择标记Xa21转基因株系的获得率为15%。PCR检测还表明,这些无选择标记的Xa21转基因植株不带有载体骨架序列。通过对转基因后代进一步的抗性鉴定与PCR辅助选择,获得了无选择标记和载体骨架序列的转基因Xa21纯合的抗白叶枯病水稻。  相似文献   

由黄单胞杆菌水稻致病变种Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae(Xoo)引起的白叶枯病是水稻重要细菌性病害之一。迄今,已有7个水稻白叶枯病抗性基因被克隆。Xa21是第一个被克隆的白叶枯病抗性基因,因具有广谱抗性而受到广泛的关注。对Xa21的发现、定位及克隆、表达特征、编码产物XA21的生化特性、作用与调控以及XA21介导的免疫反应模式等方面的研究结果进行综述,并对今后的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

综合近年国内外对植物抗病基因的研究和我们对水稻抗病基因的研究成果,对植物抗病基因进行归纳分类,并就其结构、功能、作用机理和信号传导进行分析和讨论。根据植物抗病基因编码蛋白的保守结构,将植物抗病基因分成NBS-LRR、eLRR-TM、eLRR-TM-pkinase、STK和其他五大类。不同类型的基因在细胞水平上的分布不一样,NBS、激酶和LRR在不同类型的基因之间结构差异也较大,但是它们通过各不相同的作用机理参与细胞对病原体的防御。  相似文献   

The molecular basis of disease resistance in rice   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The rice gene Xa21 conferring resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), was isolated using a map-based cloning strategy. Compared with previously cloned genes, the structure of Xa21 represents a novel class of plant disease R genes encoding a putative receptor kinase (RK). This article proposes a model for the mode of action of Xa21 and summarizes our current knowledge of the modular basis of resistance in rice to bacterial leaf blight and blast.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase (SERK) proteins play pivotal roles in regulation of plant development and immunity. The rice genome contains two SERK genes, OsSerk1 and OsSerk2. We previously demonstrated that OsSerk2 is required for rice Xa21-mediated resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) and for normal development. Here we report the molecular characterization of OsSerk1. Overexpression of OsSerk1 results in a semi-dwarf phenotype whereas silencing of OsSerk1 results in a reduced angle of the lamina joint. OsSerk1 is not required for rice resistance to Xoo or Magnaporthe oryzae. Overexpression of OsSerk1 in OsSerk2-silenced lines complements phenotypes associated with brassinosteroid (BR) signaling defects, but not the disease resistance phenotype mediated by Xa21. In yeast, OsSERK1 interacts with itself forming homodimers, and also interacts with the kinase domains of OsSERK2 and BRI1, respectively. OsSERK1 is a functional protein kinase capable of auto-phosphorylation in vitro. We conclude that, whereas OsSERK2 regulates both rice development and immunity, OsSERK1 functions in rice development but not immunity to Xoo and M. oryzae.  相似文献   

XA21 is a receptor-like kinase protein in rice (Oryza sativa) that confers gene-for-gene resistance to specific races of the causal agent of bacterial blight disease, Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae. We identified XA21 binding protein 3 (XB3), an E3 ubiquitin ligase, as a substrate for the XA21 Ser and Thr kinase. The interaction between XB3 and the kinase domain of XA21 has been shown in yeast and in vitro, and the physical association between XB3 and XA21 in vivo has also been confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation assays. XB3 contains an ankyrin repeat domain and a RING finger motif that is sufficient for its interaction with the kinase domain of XA21 and for its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, respectively. Transgenic plants with reduced expression of the Xb3 gene are compromised in resistance to the avirulent race of X. oryzae pv oryzae. Furthermore, reduced levels of Xb3 lead to decreased levels of the XA21 protein. These results indicate that Xb3 is necessary for full accumulation of the XA21 protein and for Xa21-mediated resistance.  相似文献   

The rice gene Xa21 confers resistance against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). Xa21 encodes a receptor-like kinase (XA21). We demonstrate that XA21 autophosphorylates residues Ser686, Thr688 and Ser689 in vitro. Substitution of these residues with alanines did not affect the autophosphorylation function of this kinase, but specifically destabilized the resistance protein in vitro and in vivo. Plants carrying these same substitutions in XA21 were compromised in their resistance to the normally avirulent Xoo Philippine race 6. Additionally, we show that wild-type XA21 and the kinase-dead mutant with the invariable Lys736 residue mutated to glutamic acid were also proteolytically degraded in protein extracts. Finally, we show a correlation between the in vitro degradation and in vivo instability of the proteins. We propose that autophosphorylation of Ser686, Thr688 and Ser689 functions to stabilize XA21 against the developmentally controlled proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae is the causal agent of bacterial leaf blight, one of the most serious diseases in rice. X. oryzae pv. oryzae Philippine race 6 (PR6) strains are unable to establish infection in rice lines expressing the resistance gene Xa21. Although the pathogen-associated molecule that triggers the Xa21-mediated defense response (AvrXa21) is unknown, six rax (required for AvrXa21 activity) genes encoding proteins involved in sulfur metabolism and Type I secretion were recently identified. Here, we report on the identification of two additional rax genes, raxR and raxH, which encode a response regulator and a histidine protein kinase of two-component regulatory systems, respectively. Null mutants of PR6 strain PXO99 that are impaired in either raxR, raxH, or both cause lesions significantly longer and grow to significantly higher levels than does the wild-type strain in Xa21-rice leaves. Both raxR and raxH mutants are complemented to wild-type levels of AvrXa21 activity by introduction of expression vectors carrying raxR and raxH, respectively. These null mutants do not affect AvrXa7 and AvrXa10 activities, as observed in inoculation experiments with Xa7- and Xa10-rice lines. Western blot and raxR/gfp promoter-reporter analyses confirmed RaxR expression in X. oryzae pv. oryzae. The results of promoter-reporter studies also suggest that the previously identified raxSTAB operon is a target for RaxH/RaxR regulation. Characterization of the RaxH/RaxR system provides new opportunities for understanding the specificity of the X. oryzae pv. oryzae-Xa21 interaction and may contribute to the identification of AvrXa21.  相似文献   

Epigenetic inheritance in rice plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Epigenetics is defined as mechanisms that regulate gene expression without base sequence alteration. One molecular basis is considered to be DNA cytosine methylation, which reversibly modifies DNA or chromatin structures. Although its correlation with epigenetic inheritance over generations has been circumstantially shown, evidence at the gene level has been limited. The present study aims to find genes whose methylation status directly correlates with inheritance of phenotypic changes. METHODS: DNA methylation in vivo was artificially reduced by treating rice (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) seeds with 5-azadeoxycytidine, and the progeny were cultivated in the field for > 10 years. Genomic regions with changed methylation status were screened by the methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphysm (MSAP) method, and cytosine methylation was directly scanned by the bisulfite mapping method. Pathogen infection with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, race PR2 was performed by the scissors-dip method on mature leaf blades. KEY RESULTS: The majority of seedlings were lethal, but some survived to maturity. One line designated as Line-2 showed a clear marker phenotype of dwarfism, which was stably inherited by the progeny over nine generations. MSAP screening identified six fragments, among which two were further characterized by DNA blot hybridization and direct methylation mapping. One clone encoding a retrotransposon gag-pol polyprotein showed a complete erasure of 5-methylcytosines in Line-2, but neither translocation nor expression of this region was detectable. The other clone encoded an Xa21-like protein, Xa21G. In wild-type plants, all cytosines were methylated within the promoter region, whereas in Line-2, corresponding methylation was completely erased throughout generations. Expression of Xa21G was not detectable in wild type but was constitutive in Line-2. When infected with X. oryzae pv. oryzae, against which Xa21 confers resistance in a gene-for-gene manner, the progeny of Line-2 were apparently resistant while the wild type was highly susceptible without Xa21G expression. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicated that demethylation was selective in Line-2, and that promoter demethylation abolished the constitutive silencing of Xa21G due to hypermethylation, resulting in acquisition of disease resistance. Both hypomethylation and resistant trait were stably inherited. This is a clear example of epigenetic inheritance, and supports the idea of Lamarckian inheritance which suggested acquired traits to be heritable.  相似文献   

The rice gene, Xa21, confers resistance to diverse races of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) and encodes a receptor-like kinase with leucine-rich repeats in the extra-cellular domain. To identify genes essential for the function of the Xa21 gene, 4,500 IRBB21 (Xa21 isogenic line in IR24 background) mutants, induced by diepoxybutane and fast neutrons, were screened against Philippine race six (PR6) Xoo for a change from resistance to susceptibility. From two greenhouse screens, 23 mutants were identified that had changed from resistant to fully (6) or partially (17) susceptible to PR6. All fully susceptible mutants carried rearrangements at the Xa21 locus as detected by PCR and Southern hybridization. For the partially susceptible mutants, no changes were detected at the Xa21 locus based on Southern and PCR analyses. However, two of these mutants were confirmed via genetic analysis to have mutations at the Xa21 locus. Partially susceptible mutants exhibited variation in level of susceptibility to different Xoo strains, suggesting that they may carry different mutations required for the Xa21-mediated resistance. The mutants identified in this study provide useful materials for dissecting the Xa21-mediated resistance pathway in rice.Communicated by D.J. Mackill  相似文献   

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