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牛心线粒体ATP酶与其抑制蛋白结合特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用荧光偏振光谱和生物分子相互作用分析技术(BIA)对线粒体ATP酶(F1)与其抑制蛋白(IF1)的结合特性进行了研究。结果表明,在弱酸性条件下Mg-ATP能够大大促进IF1与F1的结合,结合的IF1对F1-ATP酶表现出最大的抑制活性。在弱酸性没有Mg-ATP存在的条件下,IF1也可与F1发生一定量的结合(20~30%),F1的水解活性也受到同等程度的抑制,IF1的抑制活性与IF1、F1的结合其间显示了密切的量效关系,提示在IF1与F1的作用过程中不存在无抑制活性的结合过渡态。Zn2+能够抑制IF1组氨酸残基的质子化,从而阻断IF1与F1之间的结合反应  相似文献   

白海波  杜继曾 《兽类学报》1997,17(2):131-135
采用第三脑室注入CRF及NE的方法观察对高原鼠兔体免疫的影响。结果表明:第三脑室注入CRF1μg可抑制抗体生成,比对照下降29.2%(P〈0.01),面 一脑室注入CRF受体阻断剂α-hellealCRF-(9-41)50μg后再注入CRF1μg则可取消CRF对抗体的抑制作用;第三脑室注入5nMNE,与对照相比,抗体水平下降38.85%(P〈0.01),而使用6-OHA损毁脑内交感使抗体水平升高2  相似文献   

用2μg/ml玉米素溶液预处理叶绿体或在光活化前于活化液中加入2μg/ml玉米素溶液,观察到玉米素能促进叶绿体膜上耦联因子DTT光活化Mg2+-ATPase及Mg2+GTPase的活力.且对GTPase的促进比例常较ATPase的大些。王米素对OG活化可溶性CF1Mg2+-ATPase活力同样表现出促进作用。用玉米素预处理CF1-β亚基(含微量CF1-α亚基)也观察到它能促进CF1-β亚基催化的Mg2+-ATPase活力。这些结果表明,玉米素在CF1上的作用部位至少有一个在β亚基或α.β亚基交界处调节其催化功能的。  相似文献   

水稻体细胞无性系R_1、R_2代中的雄性育性变异观察   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过水稻幼穗培养,1991-1992两年间,在5个品种(珍汕97B、红源A、包源A、W6154s,和南广占)中共获得了50株雄性不育变异株,其中R_1代有48株,R_2代有2株。在R1代,共获得5268株再生植株,雄性不育变异的平均频率为0.91%(0.83-1.08%);在R_2代(珍汕97B)发生雄性不育变异的频率为2%。本文报道了多种花粉败育类型之间可以相互转变现象,此外不育和可育之间亦可以相互转变。对离体培养产生的雄性不育变异株用一批现有CMS(Cytoplasmicmalesterile)不育系的典型保持系、恢复系进行测交,结果表明,W6154s产生的雄性育性变异株仍保持核不育的特性;红源A产生的雄性育性变异株有的可能是嵌合体,有的其败育花粉类型虽发生了变化,但其恢保关系并没有改变,有的则可能已转成类似WA型的不育材料;南广占产生的典败变异株,其恢保关系类似WA型,可能属核不育转成CMS的首例发现。  相似文献   

小麦异细胞质效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘伟华  薛玺 《植物研究》1999,19(3):308-312
采用四种异细胞质“中国春”小麦即(T.ZhukovskiG)cs,(AeMuticaM)cs(Ae.VariabillisS)cs(Ae.CrassaD^2)cs与普通小麦“哈师一号”杂交,探讨异细胞质的效应。结果表明:不同细胞质对杂交当代的结实率,种子饱满度,发芽率,F1的株高,分蘖数,穗长,生育期,育性的不同的影响,特别是育性差异较大,F1的减数分裂行为:在G型,M^t型细胞质F1植株中出现少  相似文献   

用2μg/ml玉米素溶液预处理叶绿体或在光活化前于活化液中加入2μg/ml玉米素溶液,观察到玉米素能促进叶绿体膜上耦联因子DTT光活化Mg^2+-ATPase及Mg^2+-GTPase的活力,且对GTPase的促进比例常较ATPase的大些。玉米素对OG活化可溶性CF1Mg^2+-ATPase活力同样表现出促进作用。用玉米素预处理CF1-β亚基(含微量CF1-α亚基)也观察到它促进CF1-β亚基催  相似文献   

应用基因重组技术,把编码EB病毒早期蛋白的BCRF1基因重组于真核表达载体pSG5中,并使该基因在乳地鼠肾(BHK)传代细胞中获得良好表达,表达率为0.5%。血清学实验证实,鼻咽癌、类风湿性关节炎病人和正常人血清中均不同程度地含有IgG/BCRF1抗体,抗体阳性率分别为92%、86%和77%,几何平均滴度(GMT)分别是1:16.35、1:14.72和1:10.15。两组病人和正常人血清中IgA/BCRF1抗体阳性率和滴度之间有较大差别,它们的阳性率分别是74%、71%和12%,GMT分别是1:12.32,1:10.56和1:2.35。还证实,鼻咽癌和类风湿性关节炎病人血清中IgA/BCRF1和IgA/EA(早期抗原)抗体阳性率和滴度间有很好的相关性,此为首次报导。重组表达质粒pSG5-BCRF1的构建和表达为进一步研究BCRF1基因在病毒感染和肿瘤免疫中的作用创造了条件。本文就质粒的构建和3组血清中IgA/BCRF1、IgA/BCRF1、IgA/EA和IgG/BCRF1抗体间的关系和有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

用专一性标记蛋白质巯基(-SH)的荧光探剂acrylodan测定含Mg2+的F0-ATP酶或F0-OSCP-F1-ATP酶的脂酶体的构象与无Mg2+者明显不同,前者的蛋白质的-SH基团处于疏水性更强的微环境中;在有Mg2+和OSCP同时存在下重建的F0-F1-ATP酶脂酶体较无OSCP者表现更高的水解活力或膜电位,表明OSCP增强Mg2+的促进作用,这进一步提示Mg2+通过改变膜脂的物理状态促进线粒体H+-ATP酶重建的间接作用。这些实验结果,从线粒体H+-ATP酶复合体的亚基水平的相关性上,对于我们提出的Mg2+通过改变膜脂的物理状态使之具有合适的流动性,诱导嵌入脂双层的H+-ATP酶复合体的F0的构象发生变化并传递至复合体的催化中心F1,从而使重建F1-F0-ATP酶具有较适合的蛋白构象,表现较高的重建酶活性的假设提供了直接的实验证据,精确地阐明了Mg2+促进线粒体F0-F1-ATP酶重建作用的分子机理。  相似文献   

石斛离体培养中ABA对诱导花芽形成的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
由兰科植物铁皮石斛(Dendrobium candidum Wall.ex Lindl.)种子诱导形成的愈伤组织,在光照下置于MS附加0.3 m g/LNAA 的培养基上繁殖,可以形成原球茎。将原球茎转入MS含2 m g/L 6-BA 和0.5 m g/LNAA 的培养基上,花芽形成频率为27.0% 。原球茎先在0.5 m g/LABA的培养基上预培养15 d,再转入含2 m g/L6-BA 的MS培养基上培养,花芽形成频率明显提高,可达84.4% ,而且每株植株花的数目增加;但是在仅有ABA 的MS培养基上培养的原球茎再生的植株未见花芽形成  相似文献   

测定了棉铃虫(Helicoverpaarmigera)核型多角体病毒(HaSNPV)基因组DNA的HindIIK片段核苷酸序列。该片段全长3255bp,含可编码大于40个氨基酸残基的多肽的开放阅读框(ORF)15个,包括多角体蛋白(ph)基因编码区3′端489bp和蛋白激酶HavPK基因编码区801bp。在ph和HavPK两基因之间鉴定出一个可编码412个氨基酸残基的ORF1236,转录方向与ph和HavPK基因相反。同源分析表明,ORF1236与谷实夜蛾(Helicoverpazea)核型多角体病毒(HzSNPV)的ORF8推导的蛋白氨基酸序列有95.9%同源性,与苜蓿丫纹夜蛾(Autographacalifornia)核型多角体病毒(AcMNPV)ORF1629只有24.8%同源性,但三者均含有二组由多个脯氨酸残基串联而成的特征基序。  相似文献   

Morphologcal and cytological studies of hybrids between hexaploid Aegilops crassa Boiss. (2n = 6x = 42, DDD2 D2Mcr Mcr), Ae. vavilovii (Zhuk.) Chen. (2n = 6x = 42, DDMcr McrSp Sp) and Triticum aestivum L. (2n= 6x = 42, AABBDD) were carried out. The results showed that most of the F1 hybrids morphologically resembled their Aegilops parental species. Four Fl hybrids of Ae. vavilovii × T. aestivum and one of Ae. crassa × T. aestivum produced seeds containing few endosperms. The percentage of seed obtained ranged from 0.1% to 6.5 %. These seeds were not vigorous and only a few of them germinated. A large number of univalents appeared at meiosis MI. The frequencies of bivalents were lower than those being theoriticaly estimated. These results indicated that the D genomes in Ae. Crassa and Ae. vavilovii may have been substantially modified. Trivalents were observed in all Fl hybrids. Quadrivalents and pentavalents were also observed in some PMCs during meiosis. The chiasmata frequencies in hybrids using Aegilops species as maternal parents were higher than those in their reciprocal ones. Chromosome segrigations were abnormal at A Ⅰ and A Ⅱ . Polyads and micronuclei appeared frequently at telophase tetrad stage. A plant with 21 chromosomes was obtained in Ae. vavilovii × Jimai 30, although the reason was not yet clear.  相似文献   

Cytological observation of microsporogenesis and pollen development of two parents, Xiaoyan 7430 and Yannong 15, and their hybrids were carried out by using squash method in this study. The results show: that microsporogenesis of the two parents, Xiaoyan 7430 and Yannong 15, is normal but their microspores usually aborted at first meiosis in pollen development. The frequency of abortion is higher in the former than the latter. However, the pollen development of which passed through the first meiosis is normal at the 2- or 3-nucleated stage. The rate of setting of both parents is basically normal. The meiosis of pollen mother cell (PMC) of two hybrids of Xiaoyan 7430 × Lumai No.1 and Xiaoyan 7430 × Yannong 15 is quite chaotic. Despite of the high frequency of univalents and multivalents at meiotic MI of PMC, and of micronucleoli in tetrad as well of the laggards at meiotic Al observed, the frequency of abortion of microspore are both at about 10%, similar to that of Xiaoyan 7430, at first meiosis of microspore in the stage of pollen development. Even though the pollen developments are basically normal in the 2- or 3-nucleated stage, but the percentage of setting of two hybrids is 28.24% and 33.82% respectively, apparently lower than that of their parents. The above-mentioned results indicate that although meiosis of PMC of F1 is chaotic, yet normal microspore could be formed and stages of pollen development cart still be carried on. The lower seed setting of F1 is not mainly due to abortion of pollen.  相似文献   

试验用压片法对(普通小麦/长穗偃麦草)F1小孢子发生和雄配子体发育进行了细胞学观察.观察表明:1.(普通小麦/长穗偃麦草)F1花粉母细胞减数分裂过程中出现许多异常现象;在PMC M1出现较高频率的单价体和多价体;但是减数分裂过程能够完成,并且四分孢子的败育率较低。2.在雄配子体发育过程中可观察到具有多微核、体积不等的小孢子,并发现经过对称孢子有丝分裂产生的二胞花粉;在花粉发育的不同时期均可观察到花  相似文献   

利用普通小麦与6x小簇麦杂交转移簇毛麦有利基因的过程中,发现由小麦品系J-11为亲本的杂种F1花粉具有高可育的特性,研究结果表明,它可能是由小麦品系J-11核基因组上所携带的基因与簇毛麦染色体相互作用影响杂种F1减数分裂四分体时期的行为而形成的,导致其花粉育性及结实性的增高和外源染色体传递行为的不同。结果指出了可能存在一类影响远缘杂种减数分裂四分体时期行为的新基因,这种基因与外源染色体的相互作用对控制远缘杂种结实性及其外源基因的转移具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Diploid populations of Aegilops mutica and Aegilops speltoides containing B chromosomes have been used as male parents in crosses with aneuploid genotypes of Triticum aestivum to investigate the effect of B chromosomes on meiotic homologous and homoeologous chromosome pairing. F1 hybrids of T. aestivum/Ae. mutica and T. aestivum/Ae. speltoides segregated into four classes with regard to the degree of meiotic chromosome pairing, irrespective of the presence of B chromosomes. The B chromosomes do not introduce factors altering the level of pairing other than that due to the natural allelic and gene variation occurring in the diploids. Similarly no reduction in pairing of homologous chromosomes was observed in genotypes in which pairs of homologues co-existed with B chromosomes. However, a significant drop in chiasma frequency was observed in F1 hybrids of T. aestivum × Ae. mutica with B chromosomes and T. aestivum × Ae. mutica nullisomic for wheat chromosome 5D with B chromosomes, in temperature regimes of 12° C. No asynapsis occurred in similar hybrids in the absence of Mutica B chromosomes at low temperatures. The low-temperature sensitive phase lies early in the pre-meiotic interphase. In this instance the Mutica B chromosomes are interacting with specific gene loci of the A chromosomes. Synaptic pairing has been observed between A and B chromosomes in Ae. mutica. A high frequency of pollen mother cells with twice the number of chromosomes was observed in hybrids in the presence of Mutica B chromosomes due to failure of spindle formation at the last pre-meiotic mitosis. Meiotic spindle irregularities occurred in hybrids containing Speltoides B chromosomes. Hybrids of Ae. speltoides + B's X Ae. mutica + B's displayed the mitotic and meiotic spindle abnormalities introduced by the presence of the B chromosomes of each parent.  相似文献   

利用3个推广品种(莱州953、山农辐63、陕7859)分别与原产地不同的抗白粉病的6份粗山羊草[Aegilops tauschii(Coss.)Schmal.]杂交,得到63个无胚乳的种子,将56枚幼胚接种到N6 0.5mg/L IBA 0.2 mg/L NAA的培养基上进行褓姆培养,得到37个植株。其中莱州953与粗山羊草的杂交结实率和成苗率较高,分别平均为8.58%和4.82%。粗山羊草对白粉病的抗性基因在不同的杂交组合中受到不同程度的改变或抑制。以莱州953为父本,分别与不同组合的杂种F_1回交,大多数组合均得到回交种子,回交结实率平均为1.70%;以莱州953作母本,与莱州953/Y225 F _1回交得到2粒种子,说明普通小麦与粗山羊草的杂种F_1也能产生少量有授精能力的花粉。以山农辐63为父本与山农辐63/Y219 F_1回交亦得到回交种子。通过对普通小麦与粗山羊草6个杂交组合的杂种F_1PMCMI染色体构型的分析,一般多出现14个左右单价体和一定频率的多价体,并观察到可能为A、B组染色体形成的异形二价体;粗山羊草的D组染色体和普通小麦的D组染色体联会正常,可发生自由重组,从而为将粗山羊草的有益基因导入普通小麦提供了细胞学依据。  相似文献   

Interspecific amphihaploid and amphidiploid hybrids between Nicotiana glauca Grah. (2n = 24) and N. tabacum L. (2n = 48) cultivars BY 103 and K 326 were analysed. F1 amphihaploids (2n = 36) were viable and completely self- and cross-sterile, and mostly univalents were present during meiosis (with pairing range from 0 to 5). In some meiocytes, meiotic irregularities were observed, such as sporadic chromatin bridges and formation of restitution nuclei. The resultant F1 hybrids were easily converted to amphidiploids (2n = 72) via colchicine treatment of seedlings. The number of univalents and the frequency of PMCs containing unpaired chromosomes indicated that amphidiploids N. tabacum cv. BY 103 or K 326 x N. glauca represented quite a high pairing category. However, they were male sterile because pollen mother cells were arrested at the tetrad stage. The termination of development of PMCs, and consequently male sterility, are very rare in this kind of tobacco hybrids.  相似文献   

34个小麦品种(系)与黑麦进行了杂交,结果表明:亲和性在供试材料间存在明显差异,其中12个小麦品种表现了与中国春相似的亲和性;对34个小麦/黑麦属间杂种(F_1)的回交结实率和开放授粉条件下的自交结实率的统计表明,杂种育性普遍较差,但不同组合间存在明显不同,其回交与自交结实率的变异幅度分别为0—4.50%和0—3.087粒/穗;小麦与黑麦属间杂种(F_1)育性与杂交亲和性间存在明显相关,回交和自交结实率以及能够回交和自交结实组合的出现频率均随亲和性的增加而表现增加的趋势;在小麦品种演化过程中,亲和性与杂种育性均表现降低的趋势;小麦/黑麦属间杂种(F_1)PMC MI染色体配对水平普遍较低,平均交叉结仅为0.359,但组合间存在一定差异,变幅为0—1.3;平均99.936%的杂种(F_1)花粉表现败育,仅有0.064%的杂种(F_1)花粉能被KI—I_2正常染色,杂种(F_1)染色体配对水平与正常染色花粉频率、正常染色花粉频率与自交结实率间存在一定程度的相关性,相关系数分别为0.209和0.205。  相似文献   

本文对普通栽培稻不同品种类型间杂种小穗败育的细胞学基础及雌性败育的过程进行了研究,结果表明:(1)引起杂种小穗败育的原因有胚囊败育、花粉败育、开花时花药不开裂和雌雄异熟。其中胚囊败育而丧失受精能力是引起低结实率的最重要的因素,开花时花药不开裂和雌雄异熟在一定程度上形成了雌雄性细胞时间和空间的隔离屏障。(2)杂种植株的所有大孢子母细胞都能进行正常的减数分裂,形成四个大孢子,败育主要发生在靠近合点端的功能大孢子分化形成胚囊的早期,有的功能大孢子在进行第一次有丝分裂前便萎缩解体,多数走向败育的功能大孢子能完成一次或二次有丝分裂,形成二核或四核败育胚囊。败育的共同特征是无液泡的分化,细胞质少或退化,在败育胚囊残迹部位,解体的珠心细胞和萎缩的胚囊残渍混杂垛叠。已受精的杂种子房没有观察到胚及胚乳发育的异常。籼粳杂种胚囊败育频率较高。  相似文献   

Chromosome pairing at metaphase I was studied in different interspecific hybrids involving Aegilops speltoides (SS) and polyploid wheats Triticum timopheevii (AtAtGG), T. turgidum (AABB), and T. aestivum (AABBDD) to study the relationships between the S, G, and B genomes. Individual chromosomes and their arms were identified by means of C-banding. Pairing between chromosomes of the G and S genomes in T. timopheevii x Ae. speltoides (AtGS) hybrids reached a frequency much higher than pairing between chromosomes of the B and S genomes in T. turgidum x Ae. speltoides (ABS) hybrids and T. aestivum x Ae. speltoides (ABDS) hybrids, and pairing between B- and G-genome chromosomes in T. turgidum x T. timopheevii (AAtBG) hybrids or T. aestivum x T. timopheevii (AAtBGD) hybrids. These results support a higher degree of closeness of the G and S genomes to each other than to the B genome. Such relationships are consistent with independent origins of tetraploid wheats T. turgidum and T. timopheevii and with a more recent formation of the timopheevi lineage.  相似文献   

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