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利用DREAM设计和同源重组进行一步定点突变   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:建立基于DREAM设计和同源重组的简便、快速定点突变方法。方法:设计两条包含突变的反向PCR(inverse PCR)引物,使其5'端互补从而产生同源重组,同时使用DREAM设计方案在上述引物中引入限制性内切酶位点以便突变子筛选。用能扩增长片段的高保真耐热 DNA聚合酶扩增全长的质粒DNA,直接转化大肠杆菌。转化到细菌中的全长质粒DNA PCR产物可利用其末端同源序列发生同源重组而环化。利用引入的酶切位点方便地进行突变子的筛选。结果:我们用该方法成功地对长度大于7 kb的质粒进行了定点突变。结论:本定点突变无需任何突变试剂盒和特殊的试剂,只需一步反应即可完成;利用DREAM设计使克隆筛选简便可靠,高保真耐热DNA聚合酶可保证多数突变子克隆不发生意外突变,而该酶扩增长片段的能力使该方法适合于大多数质粒不经亚克隆直接突变。  相似文献   

改进重叠延伸PCR技术构建定点双突变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:目的DNA片段中快速构建位点不同的定点双突变体。方法: 借鉴DNA shuffling技术中DNA小片段延伸扩增获得全长DNA片段的工作原理,与常规基因定点突变技术相结合,改进重叠延伸PCR技术构建定点双突变。结果:对嗜酸热脂肪杆菌(Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius)Tc-12-31的甘露聚糖酶基因AamanA中两个可能的活性位点E151和E231进行双点突变,先后经过无引物和有引物两步PCR,扩增获得全长DNA,测序结果表明得到预期的定点双突变体;酶活性检测和薄层层析结果表明双点突变体丧失了酶的活性。结论: 改良的重叠PCR技术,能经济、简便、高效地获得双点定点突变体,在酶的催化机理的阐述、蛋白质结构改造等分子生物学领域中具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:建立一种高效便捷的定点突变方法,为基因表达调控以及蛋白质结构和功能的研究提供技术支撑。方法:以构建单核细胞增生李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)中编码胆碱水解酶(bile salt hydrolase,BSH)的bsh基因突变启动子为例,采用一对完全互补并带有突变位点的引物扩增携带bsh基因启动子的重组质粒DNA全序列,通过DpnⅠ消化PCR产物中剩余的甲基化的模板DNA,酶切后的PCR产物直接转化大肠杆菌,从而获得含有突变启动子的重组质粒。结果:通过一步法定点突变技术成功构建了bsh基因的三种突变启动子。结论:该方法简单高效,只要把握好对引物设计,高保真的DNA聚合酶、模板DNA的浓度以及PCR扩增程序的选择,突变成功率可以达到100%。  相似文献   

目的:改进传统重叠延伸PCR方法,实现引入3个不同DNA突变位点的简便的多位点定点突变。方法:根据前期构建的包含人线粒体12S rRNA(NC 01290)3个热点突变位点的野生型质粒序列,利用Muta Primer 2.0软件设计针对3个热点突变位点的3对互补的定点突变引物,以野生型质粒为模板,结合重叠延伸PCR反应和冷冻析出法,产生同时包含3个突变位点的突变目的片段,酶切后克隆到载体中,测序确证是否突变成功。结果:DNA测序证实3个不同突变位点同时成功引入,定点突变载体构建成功。结论:用改进的重叠延伸PCR技术能简便、高效地获得多位点定点突变载体,在分子生物学领域有较高的使用价值。  相似文献   

用DREAM技术进行全长质粒快速定点突变   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用“设计限制酶辅助突变”(Designed Restriction Enzyme Assisted Mutagenesis, DREAM)进行全长质粒快速定点突变。根据突变位点附近氨基酸靶序列, 以简并密码子进行逆向推导, 这样在不改变氨基酸序列的前提下可以得到数目巨大的隐性突变体(Silent mutants), 这些突变体中包含大量的限制性酶切位点, 选择合适的酶切位点设计引物, 用Phusion超保真DNA聚合酶扩增全长质粒的DNA序列, 得到的PCR产物用T4多聚核苷酸激酶添加5¢磷酸基团后进行平末端连接, 转化大肠杆菌受体菌后用设计的酶切位点进行快速筛选。本研究用该方法成功地纠正了长约8 kb的质粒pcDNA3.1-pIgR中的突变碱基, 从而获得了多聚免疫球蛋白受体(pIgR)的野生型氨基酸序列。以上结果表明: 利用DREAM技术将限制性酶切位点引入目的基因而不改变目的蛋白质的氨基酸序列, 使突变体的筛选简单化; 配合使用高保真和高效率的Phusion DNA聚合酶可以进行长达8 kb的全长质粒的快速突变; 该方法无需使用定点突变试剂盒和特殊的受体菌, 同时避免了核酸杂交以及同位素的使用。  相似文献   

体外合成DNA伴随的随机突变是制约基因定点突变效率的重要因素。以克隆周期蛋白E(cyclin E)及其截短基因的激酶活性缺失突变体为例,对传统重叠延伸PCR(overlap extension PCR,OE-PCR)作适当改进,提出一种系列相关基因定点突变的优化方案。前期研究中已克隆了cyclin E基因及其2个截短基因T1、T2,并通过EcoRⅠ/SalⅠ双酶切插入pEGFP_C2载体。限制性酶切分析发现cyclin E基因序列中含有1个AgeⅠ位点将其分为F1、F2两段,目标突变位点KD位于F2段。对于cyclin E及其截短基因,F2段是完全一致的。因此,通过重叠延伸PCR扩增含突变位点的共有片段F2,从C2-cyclin E、C2-cyclin E_T1和C2-cyclin E_T2这3个原始质粒中切取相应的F1片段,再将F1与酶切的F2一起连接插入载体以重构完整突变体。对比检测发现OE-PCR扩增较短DNA片段更易成功。C2-cyclin E、C2-cyclin E_T1和C2-cyclin E_T2这3组均能筛选出一定数量克隆,经检测和序列鉴定,每组各得到1个序列完全准确的目标突变体。研究表明,采用部分扩增可以缩短DNA合成长度,避免了目标基因反复扩增等不利因素,从而减少随机突变;双片段连接避免了双AgeⅠ位点对常规酶切-连接的限制。两者相结合,可作为其他系列相关基因定点突变的优化方案。  相似文献   

目的:利用单个突变引物,在含人呼吸道合胞病毒F蛋白基因编码序列的pcDNA3.1(+)-F质粒中,通过单次环形PCR在特定序列位置引入定点突变。 方法: 以双链环状的pcDNA3.1(+)-F质粒DNA为模板,设计分别含有三种目的突变N70Q, I431N, Q270T的三条单引物,分别进行单次PCR。用甲基化DNA特异的限制性内切酶Dpn I处理PCR产物后转化大肠杆菌DH5α,进行克隆筛选,酶切鉴定和测序分析。 结果: 酶切鉴定结果和测序结果均符合预期,利用单引物PCR法成功在含人呼吸道合胞病毒F蛋白基因编码序列的pcDNA3.1(+)-F质粒DNA 中引入了单碱基突变、两个间隔碱基突变及相邻三碱基突变三种目的突变。 结论: 单引物PCR法解决了常规定点突变方法中多个PCR反应,程序繁琐及突变效率低等问题,是一种简便、快速、有效的基因工程定点突变新方法。  相似文献   

作者设计并合成了一对突变引物PGO1和PGO2,分别在两引物中设计了两个突变点,使突变后基因含有EcoRI、BamHI和ATG及TAA序列,以便于HlV-1gag基因序列的定向克隆和表达。用PCO1和PGO2作引物,采用PCR方法从HIV-1基因组DNA中扩增出一个长504bp的DNA片段,用EcoRl和BamHI双酶切位点将此片段定向克隆入pUC19质粒。将克隆基因插入M13mp18进行DNA序列分析,结果表明,该基因序列及读框完全正确,且在其5′末端突变出EcoRI位点和ATG起始码,3′末端突变出TAA终业码和BamHI位点,从而为该基因的表达研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为寻找一种简洁高效的基因定点突变方案,利用Gibson组装技术对重叠延伸PCR法进行简化,并以克隆细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶4基因单位点与双位点突变为例进行验证。采用与重叠延伸PCR相似的策略扩增含点突变的基因片段,同时采用双酶切制备线性质粒载体,保证质粒载体与基因片段含有一小段重叠序列作为接头。直接将基因片段与线性载体通过Gibson组装法拼接成完整质粒。经转化、筛选与检测,成功得到数个单位点与双位点目标突变体克隆,且阳性率均为100%。由于没有繁琐的多轮PCR扩增和频繁的DNA回收操作,也无需消化原始质粒,该方案避免了很多干扰定点突变的因素,能简便、高效地克隆基因单位点与多位点突变。对比而言,该方案规避了重叠延伸PCR与滚环扩增法的主要缺陷,是一种基因定点突变的良好解决方案。  相似文献   

PCR-based mutagenesis is a cornerstone of molecular biology and protein engineering studies. Herein we describe a rapid and highly efficient mutagenesis method using type IIs restriction enzymes. A template gene is amplified into two separate PCR fragments using two pairs of anchor and mutagenic primers. Mutated sequences are located near the recognition site of a type IIs restriction enzyme. After digestion of two fragments with a type IIs enzyme, exposed cohesive ends that are complementary to each other are then ligated together to generate a mutated gene. We applied this method to introduce multiple site-directed mutations in EGFP and Bcl-2 family genes and observed perfect mutagenesis efficiency at the desired sites. This efficient and cost-effective mutagenesis method can be applied to a wide variety of structural and functional studies in cell physiology. Type IIs restriction enzyme; enhanced green fluorescent protein; Bcl-2  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction-based method of site-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce anNco I restriction site on the translation start site of a tomato peroxidase gene. This quick and efficient method utilized two overlapping synthetic oligonucleotide primers containing the requisite base pair changes on the ATG translation start site and two flanking primers in PCR. The resulting DNA amplified fragments were fused together byNco I digestion at the mutated ends followed by a T4 ligation reaction. A rapid alternative method utilizing the overlapping fragments and the flanking primers in PCR can also be used for ligating the two fragments. Cloning and sequencing of the PCR-amplified fragments provided additional evidence for the presence of the site-specific mutations. Unique restriction sites upstream and downstream of the site-specific mutation allows for the easy transfer of this mutated region into the wild type peroxidase gene.  相似文献   

Site-directed PCR-based mutagenesis methods are widely used to generate mutations. All published methods work on DNA clones carrying the target sequence. However, DNA clones are not always available. We have previously published a RT-PCR-based site-directed mutagenesis method starting from total RNA to overcome this problem. In this article, we report an improvement of our previous method to facilitate introduction of multiple mutations into a target sequence. We demonstrate the efficacy and feasibility of this strategy by mutation of the human β-actin gene. BamHI restriction endonuclease cleavage sites were generated within the gene to assist screening. Using three mutagenic primers in a single RT-PCR reaction, seven different clones were produced carrying three single and four multiple mutations. An investigation of the effect of the cycle number and elongation time of the PCR reactions revealed that both have an influence on the ratio of clones carrying single and multiple mutations. An optimized protocol was established for efficient multiple site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis (SDM) has been widely used for studying the structure and function of proteins. A one-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based multiple site-directed plasmid mutagenesis method with extended non-overlapping sequence at the 3′ end of the primer increases the PCR amplification efficiency and the capacity of multi-site mutagenesis. Here, we introduced silent restriction sites in the primers used in this PCR-based SDM method by utilizing SDM-Assist software to generate mutants of Helicobacter pylori neutrophil-activating protein (HP-NAP), whose gene has low GC content. The HP-NAP mutants were efficiently generated by this modified mutagenesis method and quickly identified by a simple restriction digest due to the presence of the silent restriction site. This modified PCR-based SDM method with the introduction of a silent restriction site on the primer is efficient for generation and identification of mutations in the gene of interest.  相似文献   

李伟  杨钧国  任法鑫  康彩练  张守焰 《遗传》2004,26(5):589-593
利用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术对长QT综合征(LQTS)KCNQ1基因进行定点突变的研究。首先设计两对引物(包含预定的突变),通过3轮PCR扩增,扩增出含有所需突变位点的片段,然后将片段克隆入T载体中,通过酶切连接的方法将突变点引入到pIRES2-EGFP-KCNQ1中,随后用Effectene转染试剂介导转染HEK293细胞。结果在真核表达载体pIRES2-EGFP-KCNQ1基础上获得了KCNQ1 cDNA C934T的突变体,测序表明在序列中发生了预期的突变。将含突变点的pIRES2-EGFP-KCNQ1转染HEK293细胞后,在荧光显微镜下观察到被转染的HEK293细胞发出绿色荧光,表明含突变点的pIRES2-EGFP-KCNQ1得到了表达。Abstract: To study PCR site-directed mutagenesis of long QT syndrome KCNQ1 gene in vitro. The site-directed mutagenesis of LQTS gene KCNQ1 was made by PCR. Two sets of primers were designed according to the sequence of KCNQ1 cDNA, and mismatch was introduced into primers. Mutagenesis was performed in a three-step PCR. The amplified fragments from the third PCR which contained the mutation site were subcloned into the T-vecor PCR2.1.Then the fragments containing the mutation site was obtained from PCR2.1 with restriction enzyme digestion and was inserted into the same restriction site of pIRES2-EGFP-KCNQ1. With Effectene Transfection Reagent, pIRES2-EGFP-KCNQ1 was transfected into HEK293 cell. The sequencing analysis showed that the mutation site was correct. Mutation from T to C in 934 site of KCNQ1 cDNA was found. Under the fluorescence microscope, the green fluorescence was spread in the transfected HEK293 cell, meaning the pIRES2-EGFP-KCNQ1 containing the mutation site was expressed correctly.  相似文献   

基因体外随机突变的两种方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李弘剑  张毅  周天鸿  李月琴 《遗传》2000,22(2):96-100
引导蛋白质功能进化常用的方法是模拟和加速蛋白质基因自然重组的进程,即在蛋白质的基因中引进随机突变。因此,蛋白质基因体外随机突变的方法影响着引导蛋白质功能进化的效果。本文描述两种简单而有效的基因体外随机突变发生方法。一种是化学诱变法:将蛋白质基因用1.0mol/L硝酸钠在室温下处理1h,然后将突变基因插入质粒,导入大肠杆菌中表达;另一种方法是延伸诱变法:将10个随机氨基酸短肽基因连接到蛋白质基因上,使蛋白质C末端连接随机短肽,通过增大蛋白质分子来达到延伸蛋白质序列空间的目的。来自嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌的过氧化氢酶I基因用这两种方法进行了随机突变,获得了大量突变体酶基因。通过对突变体酶基因表达产物性质变化的测定,证明这两种基因诱变方法能够有效地诱发基因的随机突变。 Abstract:Two novel and simple methods were described in the paper for in vitro mutagenesis and recombinatin of polynucleotide sequence to mimic and accelerate nature's recombination strategy to direct the evolution of protein function.One is chemical mutagenesis: protein gene was inserted into M13mp18,and the single-stranded DNA was treated with 1.0mol/L sodium nitrite at room temperature for 1h for mutation and converted into duplex,then the mutated gene was ligated to plasmid for expression.Another is elongation mutagenesis: random peptide of 10 amino acid was connected at C-terminal of protein to expand the sequence space by increasing proteins dimensions,then the elongation mutated gene expressed in E.coli.We have used these two methods to recombine the thermostabilized catalase I, and these two methods were found to be efficient to form a lot of catalase I mutates by identifying the properties of mutated enzyme.  相似文献   

Better understanding of proteins'' structure/function relationship and dissecting their functional domains are still challenges yet to be mastered. Site-directed mutagenesis approaches that can alter bases at precise positions on the gene sequence can help to reach this goal. This article describes an efficient strategy that can be applied not only for both deletion and substitution of target amino acids, but also for insertion of point mutations in promoter regions to study cis-regulating elements. This method takes advantage of the plasticity of the genetic code and the use of compatible restriction sites.Key words: site-directed mutagenesis, restriction site, cloning, PCRUnderstanding the proteins structure/function relationship and dissecting their functional domains is one of the biggest challenges to current proteomic studies.1 This is mainly achieved by site-directed mutagenesis experiments that can alter bases at precise positions on the gene sequence.2 Modifying DNA sequences has become feasible with PCR amplification.3 During the last decade, several strategies have been developed to simplify this approach and increase its efficiency.4 The introduction of a site-directed mutation can be realized by one or more PCR reactions. Most of the strategies used in site-directed mutagenesis are based on a substitution of a single base, which leads to a change in one amino acid. This article describes an efficient strategy that can be applied for either deletion or substitution of target amino acids. This strategy is based on performing PCR reactions to create a new restriction site in the sequence of origin, corresponding to the desired mutation. The choice of the restriction site to be created depends on the nature of the amino acid that one desires to introduce in the protein sequence. Since such restriction sites may extend beyond the mutated codon. The preservation of the other codon is done by taking advantage of the plasticity of the genetic code where one amino acid can be encoded by multiple codons.This method was performed in two steps (Fig. 1). In the first step, the DNA sequence of interest, cloned in a plasmid, served as a template for two PCR reactions. Two PCR products are generated. The first one consists of the beginning of the sequence, from the start codon to the mutagenized amino acid codon, where the forward primer bears the start codon region and the reverse primer bears the newly introduced restriction site at the same location of the mutagenized codon. The second PCR product consists of the end of the coding sequence, from the mutagenized amino acid codon to the stop codon. This fragment is generated using a forward primer bearing the same new restriction site as the first PCR product''s reverse primer, and a reverse primer bearing the stop codon region. The two PCR products were cloned separately into a vector in the appropriate orientation. In the second step, the cloning vector bearing the first PCR product was digested with a restriction enzyme site in the vector, and by the restriction enzyme corresponding to the restriction site created by the reverse primer used in the PCR reaction. The resulting fragment was cloned into the vector containing the second PCR fragment, predigested with same two restriction enzymes. The whole mutagenized coding sequence is reassembled by in-frame subcloning of the 3′ end of the coding sequence downstream the 5′ end. All the PCR products were generated using the high fidelity Pfu DNA Polymerase (Promega, Madison, WI USA). For any site-directed mutagenesis experiment, this two-step cloning procedure requires the use of appropriate PCR primers that harbor the desired mutation of the target amino acid. These primers are partially overlapping and contain a common or complementary restriction site enabling the in-frame assembly of the whole coding sequence.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Mutagenesis strategy by restriction enzyme site insertion. (A) In the first step, two PCR products were generated using the full length coding sequence as template. The mutation is carried by the two primers b and c, which are flanked by the same or compatible restriction enzyme''s site (white segment). Both PCR products are separately cloned in the cloning vector in the appropriate orientation. In the second step, the whole mutagenized coding sequence is reassembled by in-frame sub cloning of the 3′ end of the coding sequence downstream the 5′ end. (B) Substitution of threonine by arginine as a result of the insertion of a BglII restriction site. DNA sequencing is carried out to make sure that only the desired change is introduced in the coding sequence. (B-1) The sequence of the native cDNA. (B-2) the sequence of the mutagenized cDNA included BglII restriction site sequence.This approach has been used in a recent study to address the structure/function relationship of the STAS domain of the Arabidopsis thaliana Sultr1;2 sulfate transporter.5 A good example of this approach is the replacement of the threonine-serine couple at position 587–588 with an arginine-serine couple. The codon for threonine is: TGT, and that for arginine is: TCT. Serine can be encoded by both TCA and AGA codons. The chosen restriction site used for the reassembly of the whole coding sequence is that of the BglII enzyme: TCT AGA. The insertion of this restriction site enables the substitution of the Thr in position 587 with an Arg while preserving the serine residue in position 588. The BglII restriction site is introduced in the reverse primer and the forward primer used to generate the first and second PCR products respectively. The DNA sequence of the reassembled mutagenized cDNA was checked by sequencing. Than it was expressed, under pGAL1O promoter bearing by pYES2 vector, in yeast mutant deficient in sulfate transporter and the mutagenic protein was detected by imunodetection.Bioinformatic study reveals that this method can be applied to checked a large number of substitutions, insertions or deletions and that finding the right restriction site is not a limiting factor (data no shown).In conclusion, this article describes an efficient two-step procedure for site-directed mutagenesis using primers bearing a restriction site, which is absent from the sequence of origin. The primers flanked by sequences introducing the same or compatible restriction sites mediate the incorporation of the mutation at the selection site. The choice of the restriction site depends on the nature of the desired mutation: insertion, substitution or deletion of an amino acid in a particular position. This strategy can be also used to insert point mutations in promoter regions to study cis-regulating elements.  相似文献   

QuikChange is a popular method for site-directed mutagenesis in structural and functional studies of proteins and nucleic acids. However, the standard protocol is often inefficient in producing the desired mutations. Here we present a novel strategy for primer design, central overlapping primers (COP), which employs a pair of bipartite primers of different lengths, with the short primer complementary to the middle region of the long primer. The COP method is efficient and robust in generating approximately 90% mutation rate without supercompetent Escherichia coli cells or laborious screening for positive clones.  相似文献   

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