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包埋玻璃化法超低温保存植物种质的研究进展   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
包埋玻璃化法是在玻璃化法和包埋脱水法基础上发展起来的超低温保存植物种质的新技术.它具有能同时处理大量材料,处理后恢复生长快,对材料的毒害作用较小及成芽率高等优点,已成功地用于辣根、山嵛菜等20余种植物,在植物种质资源的保存上显示出了巨大的应用潜力.本文介绍了包埋玻璃化法产生的背景及其优点,阐述了包埋玻璃化法的基本方法和预培养、包埋、脱水、化冻及恢复培养等过程,比较了该法冻存后的效果和冻存后所形成植株的遗传稳定性,同时指出了进一步研究的重点.  相似文献   

植物种质的玻璃化超低温保存   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
植物种质的玻璃化超低温保存技术已受到广泛重视。玻璃化法主要由装载、玻璃化保护液脱水、降温、复温、洗涤这5个环节构成。目前已对百余种植物进行过玻璃化冻存研究,但主要应用于高等植物,而用该法保存藻类获得成功的报道很少。将玻璃化法用于某些藻类种质的冻存将会有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

包埋-玻璃化法冷冻保存湛江等鞭金藻的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用包埋-玻璃化法冷冻保存湛江等鞭金藻(Isochrysis zhanjiangensis),探讨了装载液成分和浓度、装载时间、脱水时间、洗涤液浓度及洗涤时间对超低温保存后存活率的影响。结果表明在20℃50%PVS(PVS:30%甘油(GLY) 20%乙二醇(EG) 10%二甲基亚砜(DMSO),用f/2培养基定容)装载4.5h,0℃100%PVS脱水50min,冻存24h后取出冻存管并迅速投入40℃恒温水浴中快速化冻约3min,1.0mol/L山梨醇洗涤40min条件下,湛江等鞭金藻的存活率最高,为54%。与常规的两步法和包埋脱水法相比,包埋-玻璃化法简单、快速且存活率高,在藻类种质保存中有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

为避免连续继代造成的愈伤组织变异,探索新的种质资源保存方法,对防风愈伤组织进行了超低温冷冻保存及植株再生研究。以关防风3周龄的愈伤组织为材料,单一变量法研究适宜的玻璃化法超低温保存程序。结果显示:(1)防风愈伤组织超低温保存的最佳方案为:4℃条件下于MS+1.0mg/L 6-BA+1.0mg/L NAA+5%DMSO的继代培养基中预培养3d,60%PVS2常温装载20min,100%PVS2于2℃脱水45min后直接投入液氮。(2)防风愈伤组织经超低温保存后的相对存活率最高为79.24%,其中预培养和脱水是实现超低温冻存的关键环节,且1.0mol/L蔗糖的MS溶液洗涤、暗培养14d以上有助于冻后愈伤组织恢复生长。研究表明,玻璃化超低温冻存可以作为防风愈伤组织的保存方法,冻后愈伤可以恢复生长并再生成完整植株。  相似文献   

拟南芥悬浮细胞系的玻璃化法超低温保存   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
悬浮培养细胞系是植物生理生化研究的好材料之一。为了保持细胞系的遗传稳定性,需要采用超低温保存技术。玻璃化法是一种不用程序降温仪的超低温保存技术。本文报道了从模式植物拟南芥建立悬浮细胞系并对其进行玻璃化法超低温研究。细胞经过合理的预培养处理和保护剂处理,直接投入液氮贮存。复温后的细胞能恢复生长,恢复生长的细胞保持着植株再生能力。国外,拟南芥悬浮细胞系的程序降温法保存和包埋脱水法保存已经报道,玻璃化法保存尚未见报道。  相似文献   

超低温保存是一种安全、有效的种质资源保存途径,可长期保存种质资源。小滴玻璃化法是在滴冻法和玻璃化法上基础上发展起来的用于植物种质资源保存的新技术。本文综述了该方法的技术概念、主要优点、基本程序、应用前景及国内外研究现状。  相似文献   

切花百合离体茎尖玻璃化法超低温保存研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以切花百合西伯利亚试管苗离体茎尖为试材,通过正交设计试验对预培养培养基中蔗糖浓度、预培养时间和PVS2处理时间等影响超低温保存存活率的主要因素进行了分析,初步建立了切花百合种质玻璃化法超低温保存的技术方案。通过形态观察、可溶性蛋白和同工酶检测,冻存前后材料的遗传稳定性没有发生改变,表明该方法对切花百合的种质保存具有较强的实用意义。  相似文献   

以江西铅山红芽芋胚性愈伤组织为材料,研究各种因素对其玻璃化法超低温保存的影响。结果表明:江西铅山红芽芋胚性愈伤组织玻璃化法超低温保存较佳的预培养条件为0.3mol·L-1蔗糖预培养3d,较佳的60%PVS2装载时间为20min,较佳的100%PVS2脱水条件为25℃脱水30min,较佳的化冻温度为40℃,较佳的洗涤液蔗糖浓度为1.2mol·L-1,较佳的冻后培养条件为暗培养7d再转到光周期中培养。红芽芋胚性愈伤组织包埋玻璃化超低温保存后的平均成活率约为70%。红芽芋胚性愈伤组织冻后再生苗没有发生形态学、生理学和细胞学的变异。  相似文献   

该研究通过对脱水时间和化冻温度的探索,检验了包埋玻璃化法在超低温保存湿润生境中苔藓的可能性。结果表明:卵叶泥炭藓无菌苗在4℃条件下预培养3d后,在0℃用60% PVS_2装载30min,PVS_2脱水60min后迅速投入液氮保存,24h后用40℃水浴快速化冻2min再培养,成活率可达42.41%,且再生植株与常温状态下的植株形态指标没有显著性差异。研究认为,包埋玻璃化法超低温保存湿润环境中生长的苔藓植物是可行的。  相似文献   

衣藻细胞玻璃化超低温保存技术的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本研究以衣藻为材料,探讨其玻璃化超低温保存的条件和方法,结果表明,衣藻经含0.25mol/L蔗糖溶液的TAP培养基预培养一天后,在玻璃化冷冻保护剂中脱水5分钟,直接投稿液氮,48小时后快速化冻,去保护剂并用含0.5mol/L蔗糖溶液的TAP培养基境培养一天,再转到ATP培养基暗培养一天,最后置光照条件下恢复培养,其存活率可达31.45%,恢复培养后衣藻细胞的生长规律与未冻存的衣藻相一致。  相似文献   

Ex situ conservation of plant germplasm using biotechnology   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Conservation of plant genetic resources attracts more and more public interest as the only way to guarantee adequate food supplies for future human generations. However, the conservation and subsequent use of such resources are complicated by cultural, economical, technical and political issues. Over the last 30 years, there have been significant increases in the number of plant collections and in accessions in ex situ storage centres throughout the World. The present review is of these ex situ collections and the contribution biotechnology has made and can make to conservation of plant germplasm. The applications and limitations of the new, molecular approaches to germplasm characterization are discussed. In vitro slow growth is used routinely for conserving germplasm of plants such as banana, plantain, cassava and potato. More recently, cryopreservation procedures have become more accessible for long-term storage. New cryopreservation techniques, such as encapsulation-dehydration, vitrification and desiccation, lengthen the list of plant species that can not only tolerate low temperatures but also give normal growth on recovery. Extensive research is still needed if these techniques are to be fully exploited.V.M. Villalobos is with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalia, 00100 Rome, Italy. F. Engelmann is with the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), Via delle Sette Chiese 142, 00145 Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

Tuberaria major is an endangered endemic species from the Algarve, in the south of Portugal. We investigated two techniques for the cryopreservation of T. major shoot tips, namely vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration. Before the cryopreservation trials, shoot tips were precultured for 1 day on liquid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 0.3 M sucrose. For the vitrification method, shoots tips were exposed for 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min to plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2). As for the encapsulation-dehydration method, shoot tips were dried inside a laminar air flow cabinet for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 h at room temperature. The highest regrowth percentages were approximately 60 and 67 % for vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration, respectively. The best times were 60 min exposure to PVS2 for vitrification and 3 h desiccation for encapsulation-dehydration. Though these are preliminary results, the use of the cryopreservation techniques tested here proved to be an important asset in the conservation of this endangered species and will complement the conservation strategies previously developed.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was the cryopreservation of monotypic endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb. shoot tips from an in vitro culture, via encapsulation-dehydration (ED) or encapsulation-vitrification (EV). For all tested genotypes, the highest rates of shoot regrowth and multiplication were obtained after overnight preculture in 0.4 M sucrose, encapsulation in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 0.4 M sucrose and 1 M glycerol, followed by polymerization in 3% (w/v) Na-alginate in MS with 0.4 M sucrose. Optimal osmoprotection was achieved for ED with 0.4 M sucrose plus 1 M glycerol and for EV with 0.4 M sucrose plus 2 M glycerol. The best dehydration time for ED was 150 min in a desiccation chamber with silica gel, and the best vitrification time for EV was 85 min in plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2). For ED, dehydration for 150 min resulted in explant water content of 22%. When the encapsulation method was combined with ED, 53% regrowth was achieved, and when it was combined with EV, 64% regrowth was achieved. Both methods could become applicable for the long-term cryopreservation of H. pastinacifolia germplasm, although EV was faster and resulted in better final regrowth success. Genetic stability analysis of cryopreserved plant samples was carried out for two genotypes, using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to compare the two different cryopreservation protocols. Significant genetic differences between the genotypes were detected and a low level of genomic variation was observed.  相似文献   

Summary The objective of this study was to establish a cryopreservation protocol for sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.). Cryopreservation was carried out via encapsulation-dehydration, vitrification, and encapsulation-vitrification on shoot tips excised from in vitro cultures. Results indicated that a maximum of 83% survival and 47% regrowth of encapsulated-dehydrated and cryopreserved shoot tips was obtained with 0.5M sucrose in the preculture medium and further dehydration for 6 h to attain 18% moisture content. Dehydration of encapsulated shoot tips with silica gel for 2h resulted in 93% survival but only 37% regrowth of cryopreserved shoot tips. After preculturing with 0.5M sucrose, 80% of the vitrified cryopreserved shoots survived when 2M sucrose plus 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was used as a cryoprotectant for 20 min at 25°C. Survival and regrowth of vitrified cryopreserved shoot tips were 67% and 43%, respectively, when 0.4M sucrose plus 2M glycerol was used as a loading solution followed by application of 100% plant vitrification solution (PVS2) for 20 min. Increased duration of exposure to the loading solution up to 60 min increased survival (83%) and regrowth (47%) of cryopreserved shoot tips. With encapsulation-vitrification, dehydration with 100% PVS2 for 2 or 3 h at 0°C resulted in 50 or 57% survival and 30 or 40% regrowth, respectively, of cryopreserved shoot tips.  相似文献   

Summary Cryopreservation of African violet via encapsulation-dehydration, vitrification, and encapsulation-vitrification of shoot tips was evaluated. Encapsulation-dehydration, pretreatment of shoot tips with 0.3 M sucrose for 2 d followed by air dehydration for 2 and 4 h resulted in complete survival and 75% regrowth, respectively. Dehydration of encapsulated shoot tips with silica gel for 1 h resulted in 80% survival but only 30% regrowth. Higher viability of shoot tips was obtained when using a step-wise dehydration of the material rather than direct exposure to 100% plant vitrification solution (PVS2). Complete survival and 90% regrowth were achieved with a four-step dehydration with PVS2 at 25°C for 20 min prior to freezing. The use of 2M glycerol plus 0.4M sucrose or 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) plus 0.5M sucrose as a cryoprotectant resulted in 55% survival of shoots. The greatest survival (80–100%) and regrowth (80%) was obtained when shoot tips were cryoprotected with 10% DMSO plus 0.5M sucrose or 5% DMSO plus 0.75M sucrose followed by dehydration with 100% PVS2. Shoot tips cryoprotected with 2M glycerol plus 0.4M sucrose for 20 min exhibited complete survival (100%) and the highest regrowth (55%). In encapsulation-vitrification, dehydration of encapsulated and cryoprotected shoot tips with 100% PVS2 at 25°C for 5 min resulted in 85% survival and 80% regrowth.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the genetic stability of chrysanthemum (cv. Pasodoble) apices cryopreserved using two different methods: encapsulation-dehydration and vitrification. The assessment of the genetic stability was developed using RAPDs markers. Assessment of stability was evaluated in pot-cultivated mother plants (from which buds were excised for micropropagation), in shoots (leave tissue) from which apices were extracted for cryopreservation, and in shoots regenerated from cryopreserved apices 30 days after recovery and after further 3 months in culture. Throughout the process the origin of the apices (in vitro-shoot from which they were excised) was recorded. Twenty one regenerants cryopreserved by vitrification and 25 by encapsulation-dehydration were assessed. Only one cryopreserved regenerant from the encapsulation-dehydration method showed a different band pattern. These results support the necessity of monitoring the genetic stability of the regenerants obtained after cryopreservation, as this is a very useful technique for the conservation of plant genetic resources.  相似文献   

Conservation of Saccharum spp. germplasm as ex situ collections of plants has a high cost, and in natural conditions, the plants remain exposed to pests, pathogens, and natural disasters. Long-term preservation of plant germplasm is important for agricultural biodiversity and food safety, so the aim of this study was to develop a cryogenic procedure for cryopreservation of sugarcane germplasm. The first study compared droplet vitrification and encapsulation-vitrification techniques for cryopreservation of in vitro shoot tips of Saccharum spp. variety Halaii. The best regeneration rate (70.9%) was obtained from 45-min PVS2 vitrification solution-treated shoot tips via the droplet vitrification technique. This technique was tested on two other Saccharum sp. varieties, and the best regeneration rates for varieties NG 57-024 and H 83-6179 were 63.3 and 76.3%, respectively. Shoots derived from cryopreserved shoot tip buds developed well-formed roots, and were easily acclimated to greenhouse conditions. The second study evaluated genetic stability of the cryopreserved varieties using ten inter-simple sequence repeat primers. A total of 211 (Halaii), 198 (H83-6179), and 201 (NG 57-024) reproducible bands, ranging from 125 to 5500 bp, were scored with this technique. One hundred genetic stability was detected from Halaii and H 83-6179 whereas 98.5% genetic stability was detected from varieties of NG 57-024. The PCR reactions showed that there was no crucial variation on genetic stability for all cryopreserved varieties.  相似文献   

Shoot-tips and somatic embryos are the explants of choice for the in vitro long-term storage of ex situ plant genetic resources in liquid nitrogen. Cryopreservation of organized structures has significantly progressed, especially for species of tropical origin, with the development of several vitrification-based procedures such as encapsulation-dehydration, vitrification and droplet-vitrification approaches. They have allowed improvements in survival and recovery after cryopreservation compared with conventional crystallization-based protocols, proving their effectiveness for large scale application with embryos and shoot-tips of different plants. This review addresses the main physical and technological aspects involved in plant cryopreservation methods, illustrating the development of research with three cases: citrus, cassava and potato. These studies demonstrate how cryopreservation strategies are increasingly applied for their successful employment in the genebanks.  相似文献   

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