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无细胞蛋白质合成系统的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无细胞蛋白质合成系统是一种以外源mRNA或DNA为模板 ,通过在细胞抽提物的酶系中补充底物和能源物质来合成蛋白质的体外系统 .与传统的体内重组表达系统相比 ,体外无细胞合成系统具有多种优点 ,如可表达对细胞有毒害作用或含有非天然氨基酸 (如D 氨基酸 )的特殊蛋白质 ,能够直接以PCR产物作为模板同时平行合成多种蛋白质 ,开展高通量药物筛选和蛋白质组学的研究等 .本文综述了无细胞蛋白质合成系统的发展历史、系统中合成蛋白质所需的能量供应、遗传模板的稳定性和微型无细胞生物反应器等多方面的研究 ,并探讨了无细胞蛋白质合成系统中存在的难点、研究方向和广泛的应用前景  相似文献   

任何一个蛋白质合成系统的最终目标都是表达所需要的蛋白质(目的蛋白质)而不产生其他的细胞蛋白质。目前,只有两种方法可以成功的表达目的蛋白质:体外无细胞蛋白质合成系统和体内单蛋白生产(SPP)系统。综述现今不同的单蛋白生产系统,讨论他们的应用、优点和缺点。  相似文献   

双向凝胶电泳比较三种常用蛋白质提取方法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
组织(或细胞)的蛋白质提取效率直接影响蛋白质双向凝胶电泳(2-DE)的分辨率.为探索建立适用于人乳腺癌细胞株MCF-7蛋白质提取的最佳条件,比较目前在双向凝胶电泳中常用的3种蛋白质提取方法对MCF-7细胞总蛋白的提取效率.MCF-7细胞经培养后,分别采用M-PER试剂、标准裂解液或含硫脲裂解液提取其总蛋白质,然后进行双向凝胶电泳,并根据凝胶上蛋白质斑点的丰度和分布特点判断所得双向电泳图谱的质量,以确定MCF-7细胞蛋白质提取的相对最佳方法.结果显示,M-PER试剂法得到的图谱分辨率较低,蛋白质主要集中分布在分子量15~70kD,pH4.7~6.3的范围内;标准裂解液法得到的图谱分辨率有所提高,蛋白质分布比M-PER试剂法得到的图谱广;硫脲裂解液法得到的图谱是三者中分辨率最高的,尤其是高丰度蛋白和高分子量蛋白分离效果比前两者好.结果表明,在3种常用的蛋白质提取方法中,硫脲裂解液对细胞蛋白质的溶解性最佳,相对更适合于提取MCF-7细胞的蛋白质,并与双向凝胶电泳条件更兼容.  相似文献   

蛋白质组分析中蛋白质分步提取方法的建立   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
利用细胞裂解液充分溶解细胞蛋白质是成功进行蛋白质组分析的先决条件.尝试利用三步提取法,即以三种溶解性能不同的裂解液分步提取细胞中的蛋白质组,并分别进行二维聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 2-D PAGE)分离.通过对2-D PAGE蛋白质图谱的比较,发现其与常规方法相比,具有蛋白质提取率高、双向电泳(two-dimensional electrophoresis,2-DE)分辨率高等优点.  相似文献   

无细胞系统的基因表达与蛋白质合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无细胞翻译——利用细胞提取液在体外合成蛋白质,已是国外分子生物学实验室的一项常规技术,但在国内此项技术的利用却几乎是空白.对体外无细胞系统的特性、功能、优缺点及其进展等进行了全面的介绍,以期使国内学者了解和利用这一方便而有效的表达系统,进行应用生物化学与分子生物学的实验研究.  相似文献   

蛋白质芯片是生物技术和功能蛋白组学的关键技术之一. 传统的生产蛋白的方 法周期长且费用高. 无细胞蛋白质合成系统和蛋白芯片的结合, 避免了基因的克隆、 蛋白的表达、纯化和保存等繁琐过程, 使整个无细胞蛋白芯片的制备过程快捷、迅速 和高效. 本文详细综述了无细胞蛋白质合成系统及其分类、无细胞表达系统在制备蛋 白质芯片方面的研究进展, 并探讨了无细胞蛋白质芯片在蛋白组学研究中的最新应用.  相似文献   

建立了一种简单快速微量的无细胞体系检测蛋白质合成的方法,在总体积55μl的体系中加20μl兔网织红细胞裂解液,在37℃培养30min能使其中的3H-Leu参入量达到最大,运用该方法可以筛选出植物组织中对真核细胞蛋白质生物合成具有强烈抑制作用的单链核糖体失活蛋白(单链毒素)。  相似文献   

作为一种快速高效的体外蛋白合成手段,无细胞蛋白表达体系(Cell-free Protein Synthesis,CFPS)一直以来就被广泛应用于基础生物学领域的研究。与传统的基于细胞的体内表达体系相比,CFPS突破了细胞的生理限制,其可调控性强、对毒性蛋白的耐受力高,使得许多很难在体内合成的复杂蛋白在体外顺利表达。近年来随着研究人员不断对CFPS进行优化,通过简化制备工艺、开发价格低廉的能量再生系统、稳定底物供应、促进蛋白正确折叠等方式,成功研发出生产效率高、成本低廉、反应体积大的表达体系。凭借其高通量和大规模的蛋白表达优势,CFPS为解决生物制药领域中面临的难题提供了新的解决思路,并成功地应用于高通量药物筛选、大规模生产重组蛋白药物、个体化定制肿瘤疫苗等领域,显示出其在生物制药领域的重要应用潜力。  相似文献   

为建立适于黄瓜悬浮细胞蛋白质组分析的双向电泳体系,对黄瓜悬浮细胞蛋白质双向电泳分析所采用的胶条pH范围、样品制备方法、裂解液配方及分离胶浓度等参数进行研究。结果表明,采用pH范围为4~7的IPG胶条,直接裂解后丙酮沉淀法制备黄瓜悬浮细胞蛋白质,裂解液为8mol/L尿素、2mol/L硫脲、2%IPG Buffer、4%CHAPS、1%TBP、65mmol/L DTT、2mmol/L EDTA、0.001%溴酚蓝和1%鸡尾酒,分离胶浓度为11%,可获得蛋白质点分离清晰的双向电泳图谱。  相似文献   

无细胞蛋白合成体系实现胰岛素原可溶性表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
胰岛素原(Proinsulin,Pins)是胰岛素的合成前体。在大肠杆菌表达系统中,其一般以包涵体的形式存在,需要经过变性复性等后续加工过程才能得到有活性的胰岛素。而无细胞蛋白合成体系(Cell-free protein synthesis,CFPS)作为一种新型体外蛋白合成手段,突破了细胞的生理限制,已成功应用于多种重组蛋白药物的生产。为了探索胰岛素合成的新方法以满足其在新型给药途径研发中的需求,本研究运用CFPS体系进行胰岛素原的可溶性表达。通过将胰岛素原与荧光蛋白进行融合来增加其可溶性,成功在CFPS体系中表达了胰岛素原融合蛋白。最后使用Western blotting对融合红色荧光蛋白的胰岛素原(Pins-mCherry)进行鉴定,利用酶标仪对融合绿色荧光蛋白的胰岛素原(Pins-eGFP)在上清中的表达进行定量分析,结果表明Pins-eGFP部分可溶,其表达量为(12.28±3.45)μg/m L。本研究首次实现了融合胰岛素原在CFPS系统中的可溶性表达,其融合荧光蛋白的策略显著提升了胰岛素原的可溶性,该结果为探究胰岛素合成新方法及开发基于CFPS系统的新型胰岛素给药途径奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Diphtheria toxin has the capacity to block protein synthesis in cultured mammalian cells, and thus causing cell death. This capacity of diphtheria toxin was utilized for in-vitro neutralization test to determine antibody titer, using Vero cells, which have been found to be susceptible to diphtheria toxin. In the present study, a Vero cell assay was standardized and validated for potency estimation of diphtheria antitoxin serum (DATS). The results obtained by Vero cell assay were compared with in-vivo biological assay. High degree of correlation (+0.98) was found between in-vivo biological assay and in-vitro Vero cell assay. The assay has also been found to be effective in determining the rising antibody titer in the equines inducted in DATS production. The present study indicated that although biological assays hold the key for final potency estimations till date but in the future scenario in-vitro Vero cell assay may be a good alternative to in-vivo biological assay.  相似文献   

Sulfate is an important component relating to normal proteoglycan secretion and normal motility in the marine sponge, Microciona prolifera. The following alterations were observed in sponge cells when sulfate free artificial sea water was used as the suspension medium: (1) impairment of aggregation, (2) loss of cell movements, (3) a marked reduction in the secretion of the adhesion proteoglycan (AP). Reversal of this effect occurred if sulfate depleted cells were again rotated in sulfate containing artificial sea water. Motility and reaggregation of sulfate deprived cells could be completely restored by purified AP, but only if cells were first pre-conditioned in normal sea water. Comparisons of 35SO42? uptake between normal and sulfate deprived cells which had been treated to reduce preformed secretions showed a marked increase in 35SO42? uptake and incorporation which could be greatly augmented in the presence of Ca2+/Mg2+. Excessive retention of AP in sulfate starved cells demonstrated by immunostaining suggested that AP secretion and cellular motility may be controlled by a sulfate dependent secretogogue or that undersulfated AP itself had developed a secretory defect. SDS-PAGE of Triton treated cellular extracts demonstrated a 116 kDa 35SO42? sulfated band which co-migrated with AP, but only in extracts derived from sulfate starved cells. Western blots prepared from such extracts incubated in the presence of a monoclonal anti-band 3 antibody demonstrated labelling of a single 97 kDa band only in material from sulfate deprived cells. The absence of this component in normal cell extracts indicated that this protein may be involved in facilitated sulfate transport. This study lends support to a heretofore unrecognized role for sulfate in cell motility and secretion.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is a powerful tool for functional gene analysis which has been successfully used to downregulate the expression levels of target genes. The goal of this research was to provide a highly robust and concise methodology for in-vitro screening of efficient siRNAs from a bulk to be used as a tool to protect potato plants against PVY invasion. In our study, a 480bp fragment of the capsid protein gene of potato virus Y (CP-PVY) was used as a target to downregulate PVY mRNA expression in-vitro, as the CP gene interferes with viral uncoating, translation and replication. A total of six siRNAs were designed and screened through transient transfection assay and knockdown in expression of CP-PVY mRNA was calculated in CHO-k cells. CP-PVY mRNA knockdown efficiency was analyzed by RT-PCR and real-time PCR of CHO-k cells co-transfected with a CP gene construct and siRNAs. Six biological replicates were performed in this study. In our findings, one CP gene specific siRNA out of a total of six was found to be the most effective for knockdown of CP-PVY mRNA in transfected CHO-k cells by up to 80%–90%.  相似文献   

Invasion plasmid antigen C (IpaC), a 45-kDa protein encoded by an invasion plasmid of Shigella, is associated with the invasion of epithelial cells by the bacteria. Invasive strains of S. dysenteriae type 1 secreted more proteins into the extracellular environment than a non-invasive strain and secreted more IpaC protein. An anti-IpaC mouse monoclonal antibody was used as a probe to determine the subcellular localization of IpaC and its involvement in invasion of mammalian cells. Immunogold labelling of ultrathin sections of invasive bacteria indicated that the IpaC was only present in the cytoplasmic membrane and cytoplasm. There were no gold-IgG particles on the bacterial surface. Immunoblot analysis of different cellular fractions confirmed that the protein was associated with the inner cytoplasmic membrane and cytosolic fraction. The in-vitro binding capability of the IpaC protein was assessed using HeLa and isolated rat intestinal epithelial cells. The binding of the protein to the surface of mammalian cells indicates that it may have a role in the early stages of the infection process. The binding was sensitive to the action of proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary To provide a framework for biochemical investigation of ecdysteroid action inAedes albopictus mosquito cells, we examined the effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone on cell growth and morphology, synthesis of inducible proteins (EIPs), and expression of a transfected gene regulated by a synthetic ecdysteroid response element. When cells were cultured in the continuous presence of 10−6 M 20- hydroxyecdysone, the rate of growth decreased and subtle changes in cell morphology were observed. In bothAedes aegypti andA. albopictus cells, synthesis of a small number of radiolabeled proteins, which appeared as minor bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, was induced by treatment with 20-hydroxyecdysone. On two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels, 11 EIPs, ranging in size from approximately 22 to 52 kDa, were identified inA. albopictus C7-10 cells. Ten inducible proteins were localized in the cytoplasmic fraction; EIP28 and EIP31 were detected in both cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts, and EIP29 was detected only in the nucleus, at a very low level. None of these proteins corresponded to small heat shock proteins, whose genes are 20-hydroxyecdysone-inducible in someDrosophila cell lines. The juvenile hormone analog, methoprene, induced expression of a 25 kDa protein in C7-10 cells. Although 20-hydroxyecdysone sustained the synthesis of this methoprene-inducible protein, synthesis did not occur in the presence of 20-hydroxyecdysone alone. In transfectedA. albopictus cells, expression of a recombinant DNA construct containing two tandem synthetic ecdysteroid regulatory elements based on aD. melanogaster small heat shock protein gene was modestly induced by 20-hydroxyecdysone.  相似文献   

Summary Heat shock proteins have been shown to be involved in many cellular processes in procaryotic and eucaryotic cells. Using an in vitro DNA replication assay, we show that DNA synthesis initiated at the chromosomal origin of replication of Escherichia coli (oriC) is considerably reduced in enzyme extracts isolated from cells bearing mutations in the dnaK and dnaJ genes, which code for heat shock proteins. Furthermore, unlike DNA synthesis in wild-type extracts, residual DNA synthesis in dnaK and dnaJ extracts is thermosensitive. Although thermosensitivity can be complemented by the addition of DnaK and DnaJ proteins, restoration of near wild-type replication levels requires supplementary quantities of purified DnaA protein. This key DNA synthesis initiator protein is shown to be adsorbed to DnaK affinity columns. These results suggest that at least one of the heat shock proteins, DnaK, exerts an effect on the initiation of DNA synthesis at the level of DnaA protein activity. However, our observation of normal oriC plasmid transformation ratios and concentrations in heat shock mutants at permissive temperatures would suggest that heat shock proteins play a role in DNA replication mainly at high temperatures or under other stressful growth conditions.  相似文献   

Summary From in-vitro protein synthesis studies it has been shown that in Petunia hybrida (clone W166K, incompatibility genes S1S2) the ovary is stimulated to synthesize proteins before the pollentubes reach the ovary. A difference in protein metabolism is detected after self- and cross-pollination. On the basis of this result has been concluded that a signal has to be sent from the stigma or the style towards the ovary which induces the changes in metabolic activity. The signal must be different for cross- and self-pollination.  相似文献   

Phellinus linteus is a fungus which is found primarily in tropical regions of the Americas, Africa, and Asia.P. linteus has been used in traditional medical practice for the treatment of arthritis, liver damage and cancer. Angiogenesis is a process that involves migration, proliferation and cell differentiation, as well as the formation of new capillary structures. The anti-angiogenic activities evidenced by natural compounds may actually be a critical effect for the inhibition of angiogenesis-dependent disease by these agents via the blockage of vascular development. This study assessed the effects of water extracts fromP. linteus (Phellinus extracts) on primary cultured porcine coronary artery endothelial cells (PCAECs).Phellinus extracts induced no changes in DNA synthesis or cell numbers, but inhibited the migration of PCAECs.Phellinus extracts also induced a reduction in the secretion of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and MMP-9. Our results show that, in endothelial cells,Phellinus extracts may inhibit angiogenesis by reducing levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 secretion.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to achieve expression of recombinant rabies virus glycoprotein (rRVGP) in Drosophila S2 cells. For this, a cDNA coding for the selection hygromycin antibiotic and the cDNA encoding the RVGP protein under the control of the constitutive actin promoter (Ac) were cloned in an expression plasmid, which was transfected into S2 cells. S2 cell populations (S2AcRVGPHy) showed rRVGP expression in cell lysates, attaining concentrations up to 1.5 μg/107 cells (705 μg/L). Of the transfected cells, 20% were shown to express the rRVGP. Cell subpopulations selected by limiting dilution expressed higher rRVGP yields and 90% of the cells were shown to express the rRVGP. Cell populations re-selected by addition of hygromycin were shown to express 10 times higher rRVGP yields. The data presented here show that Drosophila S2 cells can be efficiently transfected with an expression/selection plasmid for rRVGP expression, allowing its synthesis with a high degree of physical and biological integrity. The importance of subpopulation selection was indicated by the increasing rRVGP yields during these procedures.  相似文献   

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