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通过模拟不同地下水位的方法,对疏花水柏枝(Myricaria laxiflora (Franch.) P. Y. Zhang et Y. J.Zhang)一年生幼苗在不同条件下地上与地下部生物量及构件的变化进行测定,分析幼苗生长对地下水位变化的响应。结果显示:随着地下水位的降低,疏花水柏枝幼苗的生长特征指标均呈先增加后减少的趋势,其中地上、地下部分生物量的最高值分别为0.0438、0.0100 g,最低值分别为0.0177、0.0026 g。幼苗地上部生物量在-10 cm处理水平最高;地下部生物量在-15 cm处理水平最高。幼苗直径、根表面积、株高、主根长度、根体积、一级枝数、二级枝数等指标也分别在-10 cm或-15 cm处理水平达到最高值。疏花水柏枝幼苗主要构件的生长与地下水位的变化存在显著相关性。主成分分析结果表明,幼苗的地下部分更容易受到土壤地下水位变化的影响,幼苗性状症候群随地下水位的变化而发生移动,说明该物种幼苗在不同地下水位时的生长投资策略具有较大差异。  相似文献   

通过模拟不同地下水位的方法,对疏花水柏枝(Myricaria laxiflora(Franch.)P.Y.Zhang et Y.J.Zhang)一年生幼苗在不同条件下地上与地下部生物量及构件的变化进行测定,分析幼苗生长对地下水位变化的响应。结果显示:随着地下水位的降低,疏花水柏枝幼苗的生长特征指标均呈先增加后减少的趋势,其中地上、地下部分生物量的最高值分别为0.0438、0.0100 g,最低值分别为0.0177、0.0026 g。幼苗地上部生物量在-10 cm处理水平最高;地下部生物量在-15 cm处理水平最高。幼苗直径、根表面积、株高、主根长度、根体积、一级枝数、二级枝数等指标也分别在-10 cm或-15 cm处理水平达到最高值。疏花水柏枝幼苗主要构件的生长与地下水位的变化存在显著相关性。主成分分析结果表明,幼苗的地下部分更容易受到土壤地下水位变化的影响,幼苗性状症候群随地下水位的变化而发生移动,说明该物种幼苗在不同地下水位时的生长投资策略具有较大差异。  相似文献   

三峡濒危植物疏花水柏枝的回归引种和种群重建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
疏花水柏枝分布于三峡库区原海拔70~155m的消落带,三峡工程修建后它将丧失其全部生境而成为濒危植物。实验结果显示其种子在土壤含水量大于10%以上时开始萌发,以土壤含水量达到饱和状况时萌发最好。种子萌发与定居阶段对土壤水分条件的严格要求使得疏花水柏枝分布区十分狭小。回归引种和种群重建是拯救该物种的主要手段。三峡工程修建后库区内新的消落带将形成夏旱冬淹的水节律,完全不同于库区原有消落带所具有的冬旱夏淹的水节律,不适于作为疏花水柏枝种群的迁移地。相比之下库区淹没区以上各支流消落带的生态环境与疏花水柏枝原有生境较为接近,适于作其新的生境。种群遗传多样性、年龄结构、分布格局、繁殖与扩展等生物学特性是种群持续发展的基础,文章以此为依据,对疏花水柏枝种群重建与管理中的相关问题进行了分析讨论。认为疏花水柏枝种群恢复与重建中目前所面临的主要问题是如何增强被隔离的种群间的基因交流、促进种群的种子扩散与萌发、协调新建种群与当地物种的关系、营造有利于新建种群定居与生长的生态环境。重建种群的管理应结合疏花水柏枝的生长发育节律和移栽地的生态环境条件来开展,要有效地监控种群的生长发育动态,合理地在隔离种群间相互引种,适时地进行水分管理,并对周围植被适度控制。  相似文献   

三峡大坝下游残存疏花水柏枝种群结构和动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在三峡大坝下游的湖北宜都关洲设立1个40 m×40 m的固定样地,利用高度分级,比较2008与2009年两年间的疏花水柏枝(Myricaria laxiflora)种群数量动态,并运用点格局的Ripley's K函数分析了其空间格局变化及种群更新特征。结果表明,疏花水柏枝幼苗数量较少,种群更新存在一些障碍。空间分布格局与空间尺度及植株的大小密切相关。种群总体呈集群分布,各大小级多在9 m时出现最大的聚集强度,随着大小级的增加,聚集强度有减弱的趋势。幼苗与中株有较强的正关联。由于种群现有生境变化较大,应考虑迁地保护,并对原生种群加强长期动态监测;同时,开展疏花水柏枝适应机理研究,实施科学保护。  相似文献   

以荒漠草原猪毛蒿种群为对象,设置风沙土、灰钙土和基岩风化沉积土3个生境下增水30%、减水30%和对照3个处理,编制猪毛蒿种群的动态生命表,绘制种群存活和死亡曲线,分析异质生境下猪毛蒿种群动态规律,研究猪毛蒿年内年际间种群动态特征.结果表明: 猪毛蒿种群存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅰ型,即生长前期存活率较高,趋于稳定状态,死亡率基本维持在较低的水平,生育期末种群死亡率则上升较快.各生境下猪毛蒿个体的存活数均呈前期波动后期下降的趋势,风沙土和灰钙土生境下死亡率的波动变幅较大,增减水处理对猪毛蒿种群死亡率的影响无显著差异.土壤类型对猪毛蒿株高、冠幅、密度、盖度和生物量均有显著影响,降水处理对猪毛蒿株高、冠幅和盖度影响显著,对密度和生物量无显著影响,而土壤类型和降水处理的交互作用仅对株高和冠幅有显著影响.基岩风化沉积土生境下猪毛蒿生物量的可塑性指数显著高于风沙土和灰钙土,灰钙土和基岩风化沉积土生境下盖度可塑性显著高于风沙土.增水处理的密度可塑性指数显著高于对照和减水处理.株高和冠幅的可塑性指数较高,说明在不同的生境压力下,猪毛蒿可以通过优先调节这两个参数来应对生境的变化.  相似文献   

为了评价密度对幼苗生长和生物量的影响, 以山杜英(Elaeocarpus sylvestris)实生苗为试验材料, 设置4 个种植密度, 即在美植袋中分别种植1、2、4、8 株幼苗(以下简称密度I、II、III 和IV)。2013 年3 月至12 月逐月测定不同密度下山杜英幼苗的地径和苗高生长, 并于2013 年12 月测定幼苗的各器官干重。研究结果表明, 密度I、II、III 和IV 的地径净生长量分别为7.5、6.9、6.0 和5.5 mm, 苗高净生长量分别为13.7、16.8、16.1 和14.7 cm, 单株幼苗的平均干重33、31、29 和21 g。幼苗的平均地径随着密度增大而减小, 平均苗高为密度II>密度III>密度IV>密度I。幼苗平均单株各器官干重(根、干、枝、叶)和幼苗单株干重均随密度增加而减少, 每盆幼苗的总干重随密度增大而增加。各密度的干重为根>干>叶>枝。山杜英苗的冠根比小于1。密度显著影响一年生山杜英幼苗的地径和生物量, 但是对苗高没有显著影响。  相似文献   

研究了阿拉善荒漠飞播建植的不同密度人工白沙蒿 (Artemisia sphaerocephala)种群的生长、繁殖与土壤水分的关系 ,主要结果是 :(1)不同密度白沙蒿人工种群的生长与繁殖特征存在明显差异 ,它反映在白沙蒿单株地上生物量、根量、生殖枝数和种子产量随着种群密度的增加而下降。 (2 )不同密度白沙蒿种群的存活率明显不同 ,当种群密度超过 3.1株 /m2时 ,个体植物生长发育不良 ,并出现密度制约死亡 (自疏 )现象 ,植株死亡率急剧上升。(3)不同密度白沙蒿草地不同深度土壤含水量存在明显差异 ,特别是 0~ 2 0和 2 0~ 4 0 cm两个土层的土壤含水量随种群密度的增加显著下降 ,与水资源容量相适应的白沙蒿种群密度约为 2 .1株 /m2 ,在该密度下土壤水分含量基本上能够满足白沙蒿的生理生态需水。 (4 )回归分析显示 ,白沙蒿单株地上生物量与0~ 2 0和 2 0~ 4 0 cm的土壤含水量呈显著正相关 ,而与 4 0 cm以下土层的土壤含水量无显著相关性 ,表明白沙蒿种群的生长主要受 0~ 4 0 cm土层土壤含水量的影响  相似文献   

以矮嵩草无性系分株和分蘖分别作为其种群的基本单元,对不同放牧强度下种群的动态与调节进行了研究。结果表明:随着放牧强度的增加,每分株的分蘖数、叶片数及分株个体地上生物量均增加.分蘖死亡率和叶片死亡率在各处理间差异不显著。分蘖死亡率的高峰出现在生长季末,叶片死亡率在生长初期和末期较高,而且都不属于密度制约性的死亡。矮嵩草多重种群结构水平的数量调节是由最外层次(叶片层次)的数量变化引起的,进而影响到较内层次上结构单元的大小和数量。  相似文献   

卫波宁  常子惠  张永娟  王素娟  德吉 《生态学报》2022,42(24):10241-10252
小花水柏枝(Myricaria wardii)为西藏特有物种,是重要的藏药资源,主要分布于雅鲁藏布江(简称雅江)三大支流河谷流域。为探索小花水柏枝种群结构及分布特征,在雅江三大支流拉萨河、年楚河和尼洋河流域设定15个样点,每个样点5个样方,测量小花水柏枝的基径大小,用径级大小划分年龄结构,通过编制静态生命表并绘制存活曲线来描述种群结构,并使用种群动态量化和时间序列分析预测小花水柏枝种群数量变化。结果表明:雅江三大支流小花水柏枝种群径级结构均为底部狭窄中部膨大的非典型金字塔结构。动态指数显示三大支流小花水柏枝种群均为增长型但增长趋势不明显,并且对外界干扰比较敏感,抗干扰能力较差。静态生命表及相关曲线显示三大支流小花水柏枝种群存活数量和生命期望随着径级增大逐渐下降,三大流域小花水柏枝种群均发生不同程度的波动,整体呈现不稳定的状态。生存分析和时间序列分析均表明缺乏幼苗是导致未来小花水柏枝衰退的主要原因,且预测年楚河和拉萨河小花水柏枝种群将更快进入衰退期,尼洋河流域小花水柏枝种群衰退期较晚。同时,幼苗所占比例与居群所在地降水量显著正相关,因此高降水量的尼洋河流域更适合小花水柏枝的生存。然而此环境的小花水柏枝种群数量对干扰较敏感,建议在雅江三大支流流域经济发展的同时加强对小花水柏枝种群幼苗保护,保护和改善小花水柏枝种群生境,以维持其种群的天然更新和恢复。  相似文献   

植物种群的空间格局及关联性是植物与环境协同适应的结果。利用群落学调查法和点格局分析法,在黑河中游洪泛平原湿地选择砾石(Ⅰ)、半裸露砾石(Ⅱ)、粗砂(Ⅲ)和粉砂(Ⅳ)4种土壤质地环境样地,分析了宽苞水柏枝(Myricaria bracteata)和多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)种群的空间分布格局和种间关联关系。结果表明:随着土壤粒级由粗变细,宽苞水柏枝的植株高度先减小后增大、分枝数和植株密度逐渐减小、一级小株丛比例逐渐降低,多枝柽柳植株高度和分枝数逐渐增大、密度和一级小株丛比例先增大后减小;宽苞水柏枝在样地Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ内呈现不同尺度的聚集分布,聚集分布由较大尺度向较小尺度过渡,在样地Ⅳ内所有尺度上为随机分布;多枝柽柳在样地Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ内呈现相反的聚集分布变化趋势,在样地Ⅳ内所有尺度上为随机分布。在样地Ⅰ和Ⅲ,宽苞水柏枝和多枝柽柳之间表现为负相关和不相关,在样地Ⅱ从负相关过渡到正相关,在样地Ⅳ从负相关过渡到不相关。环境异质性作用下的洪泛平原湿地植物不对称竞争关系,引起植物种群优势地位发生更替、空间格局发生尺度转换,反映了植物的环境适应性策略。  相似文献   

Myricaria laxiflora, an endangered shrub species distributed along the banks of the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges area, is completely submerged from June to October every year. It is generally assumed that summer flooding has a strong impact on the survival and growth of seedlings. We designed an outdoor randomized block experiment on the responses of seedling survival and growth to different flooding depth and flooding duration treatments during the flood season in the Three Gorges area. Seedling survival rate, aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, total biomass, root depth, length of primary branch and the number of primary and secondary branches were examined.M. laxiflora was found to acclimate to summer flooding by becoming dormant and losing biomass. Seedlings of M. laxiflora ceased growing during the summer flooding season, regardless of the flooding depth and flooding duration they were subjected to. The number of primary and secondary branches, aboveground biomass and total biomass of seedlings was reduced with prolonged flooding. The length of primary branches and aboveground biomass were more sensitive to flooding than other measured parameters and differed significantly between the onset and the end of flooding.In each flooding treatment most seedlings of M. laxiflora survived a flooding period of 2 months and recovered rapidly after the flooding was terminated in September. After 3 months of recovery, aboveground biomass, total biomass and the number of the primary branches increased significantly. Furthermore, seedling survival and growth in the flooding treatments were not significantly different from the controls both during the summer flooding stage and in the recovery stage. All of these results suggest that summer flooding does not affect seedling survival and growth in this species. On the contrary, flooding released seedlings from the stress of drought during summer and facilitated seedling establishment. M. laxiflora appears to cope adaptively with the flooding cycle by going into a state of dormancy during the flood season.  相似文献   

采用生物量计算的竞争指数和通径分析的方法,研究了3种密度的梓树苗木地下竞争和地上竞争的关系及对总竞争的影响。结果显示,梓树苗木地下生物量、地上生物量和总生物量与密度密切相关,随着密度的增加,其根、茎、叶的生物量减少,根冠比均小于1。在同一密度条件下,地上竞争指数明显大于地下竞争指数,地上竞争对总竞争的直接作用范围(0.449 3~0.973 1)明显大于地下竞争对总竞争的直接作用(0.275 6~0.773 2)。研究表明,梓树幼苗地上茎、叶的竞争在梓树苗木总的竞争中占有重要地位。  相似文献   

Myricaria species in China occur mostly in the major high-altitude mountain areas in and around the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The one major exception to this is M. laxiflora which is restricted to the Three Gorges mountain region. In this study, we investigate species-level phylogeographical patterns of Myricaria species in western China and the origin of M. laxiflora . The results show that most chloroplast haplotypes are species-specific, except for one haplotype which is shared by three widespread species. Higher haplotype diversity within the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau region supports the hypothesis that the Himalayas are the centre of origin for Myricaria . The phylogeny of Myricaria was geographically structured, and an estimated Bayesian chronology suggested the main divergence events occurred during the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene (~1.46–2.30 million years ago). The overall phylogeographical pattern was characterized by vicariance events and regional demographical expansion, reflecting a major influence of geological and climatic events on the evolution of Myricaria species. Our data suggest that M. laxiflora has an ancient origin, but has experienced recent population expansion through the Three Gorges Valley. The origin of M. laxiflora was estimated to be during the Early Pleistocene but its demographical expansion was more recent at about 0.015 million years ago. This highlights the unique phylogeographical history of the Three Gorges mountain region, and the deep imprint of the watercourse connections of the Yangtze River Valley on the phylogeographical structure of the species in this region.  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(5):965-972
为了解三峡水库在蓄水后底栖动物的群落结构特征, 探索水文情势改变对底栖动物群落结构的影响,于2012 年8 月、11 月及2013 年4 月对三峡水库的秭归、巫山、云阳、忠县和木洞五个断面底栖动物的群落结构进行了调查分析。结果表明: (1)共记录底栖动物43 个属种, 木洞种类最多(29 种), 秭归最少(12 种)。优势种为多足摇蚊(Polypedilum sp.)、前突摇蚊(Procladius sp.)、肥满仙女虫(Nais inflata)、霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)和一种钩虾(Gammaridae);(2)在空间分布上, 密度以木洞最高(81802740) ind./m2,忠县最低(11642) ind./m2;生物量以木洞最高(8.663.65) g/m2, 云阳最低(0.170.06) g/m2;(3)在季节动态上,密度以秋季最高(31401450) ind./m2, 夏季最低(11537) ind./m2;生物量则以春季最高(3.832.11) g/m2, 夏季最低(0.650.46) g/m2;(4)底栖动物密度和生物量随着水深的增加呈下降趋势, 在水深小于20 m 的浅水区递减率最大;(5)丰度/生物量比较曲线(ABC 曲线)分析显示, 巫山属于中等干扰条件下的群落结构(W=-0.003), 而木洞属于严重干扰条件下的群落结构(W=-0.101);(6)与建坝前相比, 三峡水库底栖动物密度和生物量趋于减少。流速减缓、水深增加、水位波幅加大和沉积物中营养盐的升高可能是造成三峡水库底栖动物群落结构改变的主要因素。    相似文献   

江西千烟洲不同恢复途径下白栎种群生物量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用不同自变量和函数,建立白栎枝条和单株地上各器官的生物量模型,选择其中的最佳模型估算了千烟洲人工造林和自然封育两种恢复途径下白栎种群地上生物量及其年增长量,并利用地上生物量和地下生物量的线性关系,估算了白栎种群地下生物量及其年增长量.结果表明:模拟白栎枝条和单株地上各器官生物量的最佳函数均为幂函数,而最佳自变量分别为d2l和D2H.白栎种群各器官生物量和总生物量均为天然次生林大于人工湿地松林.次生林中白栎种群地上和地下生物量分别为3.592和1.723 t·hm-2,其中树干生物量>枝生物量>叶生物量;湿地松林中白栎种群地上和地下生物量分别为0.666和0.462 t·hm-2,其中树干生物量>叶生物量>枝生物量.2004—2006年,两种恢复途径下白栎种群地上、地下及总生物量的年增长量均逐年增加.其中地上生物量年增长量占总年增长量的比重呈逐年升高趋势,湿地松林中由54.35%增至62.20%,次生林中由67.27%增至68.94%.与次生林相比,湿地松林中白栎种群各器官生物量年增长量较小,但其相对增长速率较快.  相似文献   

Dense dwarf bamboo population is a structurally and functionally important component in many subalpine forest systems. To characterize the effects of stem density on biomass, carbon and majority nutrients (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) distribution pattern, three dwarf bamboo (Fargesia denudata) populations with different stem densities (Dh with 220 ± 11 stems m?2, Dm with 140 ± 7 stems m?2, and Dl with 80 ± 4 stems m?2, respectively) were selected beneath a bamboo-fir (Picea purpurea) forest in Wanglang National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China. Leaf, branch, rhizome, root and total biomass of dwarf bamboo increased with the increase of stem density, while carbon and nutrient concentrations in bamboo components decreased. Percentages of below-ground biomass and element stocks to total biomass and stocks decreased with the increase of stem density, whereas above-ground biomass and element stocks exhibited the opposite tendency. Moreover, more above-ground biomass and elements were allocated to higher part in the higher density population. In addition, percentages of culm biomass, above-ground biomass and element stocks below 100 cm culm height (H100) increased with the increase of stem density, while percentages of branch and leaf biomass below H100 decreased. Pearson’s correlation analyses revealed that root biomass, above-ground biomass, below-ground biomass and total biomass significantly correlated to leaf biomass in H100?200 and total leaf biomass within high density population, while they significantly correlated to leaf biomass in H50?150 within low density population. The results suggested that dwarf bamboo performed an efficient adaptive strategy to favor limited resources by altering biomass, carbon and nutrients distribution pattern in the dense population.  相似文献   

Abstract. Previous work has shown that below-ground biomass is more concentrated in surface soil layers in intensively grazed mesic grasslands than in moderately grazed grasslands. However, since the mesic grasslands previously studied shared similar compositional traits, the question remained whether grasslands with differing species composition, and intensive defoliation, showed similar biomass distribution patterns. Eight grasslands at four sites distributed along an elevational gradient were investigated. The upper and lower zones of a slope were sampled at each site. Four of these grasslands were grazed by livestock and the other four were grazed and mown. Biomass was divided into above-ground, root crown and three root layers. Species composition varied according to management and topography. Annuals and perennial forbs had relatively more above-ground biomass at the upper part of the slopes, while perennial grasses dominated the lower parts. The above-ground biomass and root biomass at 4 — 7 cm depth attained maximum values in the lower, potentially more fertile, parts of the slopes. Crown biomass increased with altitude at the upper part of the slopes. Despite their differences in composition and structure, seven out of the eight stands showed a remarkable concentration of the below-ground biomass near the soil surface, which decreased drastically with soil depth. This pattern is similar to that observed in the intensively grazed mesic communities studied earlier. This similarity was more evident in the more mesic-like grasslands, since it increased from the upper, potentially drier parts of the slopes, to the lower parts, and, when each topographic position was considered separately, from low to high elevation.  相似文献   

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