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应用主成分分析方法研究了阿拉善荒漠区白沙蒿飞播区土壤因子和白沙蒿生长状况,阐明了土壤性质的主要限制性因子和群落生长最主要的状况指标。结果表明:(1)各个土壤因子中,6月的土壤含水量是各土壤性质中最重要的因子,贡献率达到63.6%。土壤的分形维数也对土壤性质有重要作用,贡献率为8.8%。土壤中N、P、K含量的贡献率分别为5.4%、3.5%、3.5%,也是不容忽视的影响因子。(2)地上生物量最能反映植株的生长状况,其贡献率达到60.1%,而且和几种最主要的土壤因子都有极高的相关性。(3)对土壤因子的第一和第二主成分的排序结果显示,不同白沙蒿种群密度分为3个类型,而种群密度在2.1株/m2时,种群生长状况最佳。  相似文献   

黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区植被地上生物量及其影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Wang JG  Fan J  Wang QJ  Wang L 《应用生态学报》2011,22(3):556-564
采用野外调查的方法,于2009年9月下旬测定了六道沟小流域不同土地利用方式下的地上生物量以及土壤水分含量和养分含量,研究了水蚀风蚀交错区典型小流域植被地上生物量水平及其影响因素.结果表明:六道沟小流域主要植被地上干生物量在177~2207g·m-2;其中,玉米、谷子、弃耕地、人工草地、天然草地和灌木地的地上干生物量分别为2097~2207、518~775、248~578、280~545、177~396和372~680 g·m-2.农田平均土壤含水量(0~100 cm土层)最高,达14.2%,灌木地最低,为10.9%;弃耕地土壤水分含量的变异系数最大,为26.7%,说明弃耕地土壤水分有很强的空间异质性.土壤平均储水量大小顺序为:农田>人工草地>弃耕地>天然草地>灌木地,苜蓿地和柠条地出现土壤干化现象.植被地上干生物量与0~100 cm土层土壤储水量存在显著正相关关系(r=0.639,P<0.05),地上鲜生物量与植被的株高呈极显著正相关,较高植被的地上生物量可以间接控制水蚀风蚀交错区土壤侵蚀.植被地上生物量与土壤水分、养分具有很高的相关性,但与海拔、坡度、坡向、容重等的相关性不显著.  相似文献   

洛川苹果园土壤水分变化特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全面掌握洛川果园的土壤水分环境特征,不仅可为苹果的园址选择、砧穗组合和改进土壤水分管理措施提供理论依据,而且对我国苹果产区果园提质增效具有借鉴价值.采用定点土壤水分连续监测法,对洛川苹果园的总体土壤水分环境以及不同生长年限、不同立地类型和乔、矮化果园的土壤水分分异特征进行分析.结果表明: 苹果树根际区 (0~200 cm)土壤水分普遍亏欠,且0~60 cm土层的水分亏欠小于60~200 cm土层;生长季0~60 cm土层贮水量与降水量的变化一致,土壤相对含水量大多<60%,季节性旱象严重;果园剖面土壤含水量变异系数随土壤深度加深而递减;随果园生长年限的增大,土壤剖面贮水量下降;在栽培密度一致的条件下,矮化果园5 m土层土壤含水量均高于乔化果园,而栽培密度大的矮化果园的土壤贮水量低于栽培密度小的乔化果园;塬地成龄果园的土壤水分含量最高,川地次之,台地相对较低.密度对果园土壤水分含量有很大影响,在栽培密度一致的条件下,采用矮化栽培能减少土壤水分消耗,显著提高果园土壤含水量;挖株降低栽培密度是维持苹果园土壤水分平衡、实现可持续发展的有效途径.  相似文献   

基于液泡膜质子泵的硝态氮再利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面掌握洛川果园的土壤水分环境特征,不仅可为苹果的园址选择、砧穗组合和改进土壤水分管理措施提供理论依据,而且对我国苹果产区果园提质增效具有借鉴价值.采用定点土壤水分连续监测法,对洛川苹果园的总体土壤水分环境以及不同生长年限、不同立地类型和乔、矮化果园的土壤水分分异特征进行分析.结果表明: 苹果树根际区 (0~200 cm)土壤水分普遍亏欠,且0~60 cm土层的水分亏欠小于60~200 cm土层;生长季0~60 cm土层贮水量与降水量的变化一致,土壤相对含水量大多<60%,季节性旱象严重;果园剖面土壤含水量变异系数随土壤深度加深而递减;随果园生长年限的增大,土壤剖面贮水量下降;在栽培密度一致的条件下,矮化果园5 m土层土壤含水量均高于乔化果园,而栽培密度大的矮化果园的土壤贮水量低于栽培密度小的乔化果园;塬地成龄果园的土壤水分含量最高,川地次之,台地相对较低.密度对果园土壤水分含量有很大影响,在栽培密度一致的条件下,采用矮化栽培能减少土壤水分消耗,显著提高果园土壤含水量;挖株降低栽培密度是维持苹果园土壤水分平衡、实现可持续发展的有效途径.  相似文献   

不同类型沙地上差巴嘎蒿细根的分布状态   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 以生长于流动沙地和固定沙地上,处于植被演替不同阶段的半灌木差巴嘎蒿(Artemisia halodendron)种群为对象,用土钻取样法研究了生长季(2000年)降雨期前后差巴嘎蒿的根系随土壤深度的分布、生长动态及其与根际土壤含水量的动态关系,观察到:1)降雨期前各土层的根际土壤含水量随深度的增加而升高,增加的幅度为流动沙地>固定沙地;降雨期后根际土壤含水量随深度的增加而减少,减少的幅度为固定沙地>流动沙地。2)表土层(0~15 cm)中差巴嘎蒿的主根分布量在流动沙地显著高于固定沙地。3)降雨期前,差巴嘎蒿细根(直径<1 mm)分布比例在两种不同类型沙地上的差异表现为:在土层0~45cm中固定沙地(84.9%)极显著高于流动沙地(61.9%),而在深土层(>45 cm)中流动沙地(38.1%)显著高于固定沙地(22%);降雨期后,不论是在固定沙地还是流动沙地细根多集中于0~15 cm的表土层中,流动沙地的细根分布比例由降雨期前33%增至降雨期后的78%,固定沙地由降雨期前的49%增至降雨期后的63%。表明流动沙地差巴嘎蒿种群细根的生长比固定沙地活跃,能够在生长季降雨期后迅速调整细根的分布比例,使细根分布适应降雨期后浅层土壤含水量高的特点。固定沙地的细根分布难以迅速适应土壤水分的变化,不利于差巴嘎蒿对水分的吸收,成为种群衰退的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

高原鼢鼠种群密度动态变化与其繁殖特性密切相关,而繁殖特性又与其栖息环境有关。为了解高原鼢鼠繁殖特性与其栖息草地质量的关系,本文在祁连山东段选择两个不同高原鼢鼠种群密度分布区,在其繁殖期调查各密度区雌雄个体不同月份的繁殖特性、草地生物量、植物组成、地下根系重量及根系可溶性糖含量、土壤紧实度和水分变化。通过多因素方差分析和独立样本T检验研究繁殖特性与草地质量的关系。结果显示:在高原鼢鼠繁殖期,5月为繁殖高峰期,6月进入繁殖末期;不同种群密度区之间个体繁殖强度无显著性差异(P>0.05);雌性繁殖强度在繁殖高峰期无显著性差异(P>0.05),而繁殖末期存在显著差异(P<0.05);高原鼢鼠性比在繁殖高峰期表现为低密度区大于高密度区,而在繁殖初期和繁殖末期为高密度区大于低密度区;两个种群密度区之间,草地植物组成、草地地上生物量、可利用草地生物量和地下生物量无显著性差异(P>0.05),而0-30 cm土层根系根可溶性糖含量存在显著性差异(P<0.05);除高原鼢鼠采食深度(0-20 cm)外,不同密度区土壤紧实度无显著性差异(P>0.05),而0-30 cm土层土壤水分含量存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。结果表明在一定种群密度下,高原鼢鼠繁殖特性的变化与地下根可溶性糖含量和土壤水分有关,而繁殖特性与草地植物学组成、草地生物量无显著关系。  相似文献   

于2011年植物生长季,研究了长江口崇明东滩围垦区滩涂湿地3个地下水位梯度(低水位、中水位和高水位)下芦苇和白茅的光合、形态和生长特征,以及土壤温度、湿度、盐度和无机氮含量等土壤因子.结果表明: 在生长旺期,芦苇叶片光合能力在高水位显著低于低水位和中水位,白茅叶片光合能力在3个水位梯度间无显著差异.整个生长季内,在单株水平,芦苇形态和生长指标总体上在中水位最优,白茅大多数形态和生长指标在3个水位梯度间差异不显著;在种群水平,芦苇植株密度、叶面积指数和单位面积地上生物量在高水位最大,白茅植株密度、叶面积指数和单位面积地上生物量在低水位最大.生长季初期,3个水位梯度间0~20 cm土层芦苇根状茎生物量差异不显著,而0~20 cm土层白茅根状茎生物量在高水位显著低于低水位和中水位.作为围垦前的原生湿生植物,芦苇在3个水位梯度下表现的差异性可能是由于不同水位梯度下土壤因子和白茅竞争强度不同.合理调控围垦区滩涂湿地水位可以抑制中生草本植物白茅的生长和繁殖,有助于以芦苇为单优势种的原有湿地植物群落的恢复.  相似文献   

黄土半干旱区坡地土壤水分、养分及生产力空间变异   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
通过田问取样,分析黄土半干旱丘陵区陡坡面土壤水分、养分及其生产力空间变异性及其相关关系.结果表明,坡面0~20cm土层土壤各养分含量均不同程度地高于20~40cm土层,但变异程度却明显低于20~40cm土层,且除全磷外,土壤养分变异程度均明显高于水分.20~40cm土层土壤养分沿坡面向下逐渐增大,而0~20cm沿坡面纵向差异较小.坡面浅沟沟槽处的土壤水分、养分条件最优,但其地上生物量却低于坡顶.虽然纵向坡度(35°~45°)明显大于横向(5°~10°),但横向坡位对土壤养分的影响却明显大于纵向(除20~40cm土层速效磷含量除外),而对水分的影响纵向大于横向.相关分析表明,0~120cm土壤水分与20~40cm土壤养分以及土壤养分之间(0~20cm速效磷除外)均呈极显著相关.坡位对土壤水分、养分及地上生物量有很大影响,但土壤水分、养分对生物量影响不显著.  相似文献   

人工恢复与自然恢复模式下苔草草丘生态特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以哈尔滨太阳岛草丘湿地为对象,对比了人工恢复与自然恢复下苔草草丘个体和种群的生态特征,并分析其与环境因子的关系.结果表明:苔草植株生长随时间呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势(5—8月),初期(5—6月)生长迅速,6月达到峰值.人工恢复和自然恢复模式下,苔草草丘个体和种群特征差异显著:自然恢复下苔草叶面积、叶宽、单株鲜重、单株干重、丘墩高度、直径、丘顶面积、丘墩表面积、丘墩体积等苔草草丘个体特征均显著高于人工恢复,人工恢复下苔草草丘密度、盖度、生物量等种群特征显著高于自然恢复,物种多样性无显著差异.土壤含水量、水深、草丘密度、丘间距离是导致2种恢复模式下苔草草丘生长差异的主要因素,自然恢复区土壤含水量、水深、间距均显著高于人工恢复区,对草丘个体的形成和发育具有促进作用,人工恢复区高移栽密度是导致草丘密度、盖度、生物量高于自然恢复区的主要因素.建议未来开展苔草草丘湿地恢复和保护时,应参考自然恢复湿地中草丘的分布特点,适当调整丘间距离(54.22~117.89 cm)和种群密度(1.9~3.1 墩·m-2),同时采取干旱区春季适当补水措施,保持适宜的土壤含水量和水深,促进苔草草丘的生长发育和快速恢复,维持其种群长期健康稳定.  相似文献   

不同演替阶段褐沙蒿种群特征研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以生长于内蒙古浑善达克沙地上的特有种——褐沙蒿种群为对象,对处于植被演替不同阶段(流动沙地、半流动沙地、半固定沙地和固定沙地生境)的褐沙蒿种群生长状态和及其生境特征进行了观测。结果表明,随着沙地表层的逐步固定,土层0~5cm的土壤含水量在逐渐增加,雨后各样地内土壤含水量的最大值都出现在0~5cm表土层;土壤有机质、全氮含量在各样地间差异极为显著,并表现出随着沙地的固定逐渐增加的趋势。褐沙蒿基株数、构件的枝条数在各演替阶段间虽无显著的差异,但随土壤基质的改变,反映种群生态功能的特征,如冠幅、生物量、生殖配额等特征在各样地间却有显著差异,且表现出随着沙地的固定而下降的趋势。在此基础上尝试性地提出了褐沙蒿种群综合活力指数(CVI),试图以一个综合的指标来表示褐沙蒿种群在不同衰退阶段生长状态上的差异。分析表明,随着沙地的逐步固定,褐沙蒿种群综合活力指数在各演替阶段差异极为显著,其值从流动沙地的0.63显著下降到固定沙地的0.38,并与土壤有机质含量、全氮量之间表现出显著的负相关性。  相似文献   

草地沙化过程地上植被与土壤种子库变化特征   总被引:39,自引:4,他引:35  
赵丽娅  李锋瑞  王先之 《生态学报》2003,23(9):1745-1756
研究了草地沙漠化过程地上植被与土壤种子库的变化特征。获如下结论:(1)草地沙漠化过程地上植被与土壤种子库物种多样性的衰减模式不同,土壤种子库植物种数从潜在沙漠化阶段(固定沙地)到中度沙漠化阶段(半流动沙地)变化很小,而从中度沙漠化到严重沙漠化阶段(流动沙地)衰减速度明显加快;地上植被种数随着沙漠化程度增加而下降,其中从中度沙漠化到严重沙漠化发展阶段衰减幅度最大。(2)地上植被与土壤种子库密度随着沙漠化程度增加而下降,但下降速率因沙漠化发展阶段不同而异,从固定到半固定沙地是地上植被与土壤种子库密度下降最快的时期。(3)地上植被与土壤种子库共有种数随着沙漠化程度的增加而减少,从而导致了地上与土壤种子库群落组成的相异性增大。(4)4种退化沙地土壤种子库组成的相似性要高于地上植被,表明在沙漠化过程中土壤种子库群落组成的稳定性要高于地上植被。(5)地上植被密度与土壤种子库密度存在显著相关性,其关系可用二次曲线来描述。  相似文献   

生态系统变化会引起景观结构及格局的改变,而景观格局及其演化可以作为评价环境变化的指标。为了揭示浑善达克沙地生态系统变化特征,该文使用陆地卫星(Landsat 5、7)的TM/ETM+资料及地面调查数据来分析沙地景观变化特征。通过计算机监督分类,获得了研究区1987和2000年景观类型数据,研究区的景观类型有草地、固定沙地、半固定沙地、流动沙地、灌木林及水体。通过对两期景观数据的基本特征、变化检测及转移矩阵分析发现:1)从1987到2000年,草原、固定沙地、半固定沙地都在减少,斑块破碎,而流动沙地显著增加,成为主要景观类型,同时斑块相互联合形成两条流动沙带;2)类型转移上,草原转为沙地,固定沙地主要转为半固定沙地,半固定沙地以绝对优势转为流动沙地,水体转为流动沙地及草原;3)变化监测显示,流动沙地增加面积远远大于减少的面积,而草原、固定沙地、半固定沙地呈现相反趋势,变化区域的空间分布也不尽相同。结果表明研究区沙地生态系统已经退化比较严重,特别是流动沙带的出现,需要采取积极有效的防治措施,防止进一步扩大。  相似文献   

The surf-zones of sandy beaches near Perth, Western Australia often harbour huge accumulations of detached macrophyte detritus. During 2.5 yr sampling, 29 species of fishes were captured over two sandy beaches in this region and the fish community was dominated by juveniles. There was a highly significant positive relationship between the number of fishes and the quantity of detached macrophytes taken in each surf-zone netting. Comparisons of total fish abundance on beaches with and without surf-zone accumulations of detached plants, showed that fishes were two to 10 times more abundant on the beach with weed accumulations, depending on the time of day, and date of sampling. However, despite the overall lower abundance of fishes on the open sandy beach, there was a significant increase in the number of fishes captured over the sandy beach at night. There were also two to five times the number of species over the beach with weed during the day, as opposed to equal numbers of species at night. Seven fish species made up >95% of the total catch and these species fell into two groups with regard to diurnal distribution patterns; those that were equally abundant in weed dominated or open surf-zones, and those that were weed-associated. Analyses of the diets of these fishes and the daytime distribution of an important avian piscivore in the surf-zone suggested that the large quantities of weed in the surf-zone of sandy beaches in this region provide both a rich feeding site for fishes, as well as a refuge from diurnal predators. At night, when visual feeding predators are absent, some fish species move to open sandy areas to feed. Because the majority of fishes in this surf-zone community feed on weed-associated prey, and the input of macrophyte detritus is the major source of primary production in the surf-zone, we argue that the food chain dynamics in the surf-zone in this region are fundamentally different to those of sandy beaches that have been studied previously.  相似文献   

We investigated nutrient limitations during hydrocarbon degradation in a sandy soil and found that fixed nitrogen was initially a limiting nutrient but that N limitation could sometimes be overcome by N2 fixation. Hydrocarbon biodegradation was examined in an unsaturated sandy soil incubated aerobically at 20 degrees C with propane or butane and various added nutrients. Propane and butane degradation proceeded similarly during the first 3 months of incubation. That is, bacteria in soil amended with N oxidized these hydrocarbons more rapidly than in controls without nutrient additions or in soil with added phosphate or trace minerals. Both propane- and butane-amended soil apparently became N limited after the initial available inorganic N was utilized, as indicated by a decrease in the rates of hydrocarbon degradation. After 3 months, propane and butane degradation proceeded differently. Bacteria in propane-degrading soil apparently remained N limited because propane degradation rates stayed low unless more N was added. In contrast, bacteria in butane-degrading soil appeared to overcome their N limitation because butane degradation rates later increased regardless of whether more N was added. Analyses of total N and acetylene reduction assays supported this apparent surplus of N in butane-amended soil. Total N was significantly (P < 0.01) higher in soil incubated with butane and no N amendments than in soil incubated with propane, even when the latter was amended with N. Acetylene reduction occurred only in butane-amended soil. These results indicate that N2 fixation occurred in butane-amended soil but not in propane-amended soil.  相似文献   

This study set out to generate estimates of the standing perennial biomass for six different vegetation types, and associated upland and lowland habitats, across the altitudinal gradient presented by the Kamiesberg mountain range in the Namaqualand region of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Volume-biomass regressions, established for 94 perennial species accounting for 70–80% of the plant cover, were used to generate these estimations. Comparisons to other studies give similar findings, corroborating the method adopted. Biomass was found to vary significantly in relation to the altitudinal, and associated rainfall, gradient, as well as by habitat type where the rocky uplands have considerably more biomass that the sandy lowland habitats. An examination of the impact of sustained heavy grazing associated with a communal rangeland on this standing perennial biomass, showed a significant decrease in on the lowland habitats. This loss in biomass is principally of palatable species, with no evidence of a response in terms of perennial biomass. These findings point to degradation on the lowland habitats of the communal rangeland, with negative consequences for livestock farmers in the region.  相似文献   

许宁  郭旭东  田淑芳  洪友堂  张聪  吴萍 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5410-5417
基于陕西省横山县雷龙湾地区的遥感ETM+影像,分别采用最大似然法和光谱角制图分类(SAM)方法进行了该区的土地利用类型分类。其中,光谱角制图分类利用最小噪声分离(MNF)及像元纯净指数(PPI)方法提取研究区的地类终端端元,在此基础上绘制土地利用类型图。最大似然法对水体及耕地的分类精度较高,而其它地类精度稍差,沙地有较大漏分;而基于像元纯净指数的光谱角制图法分类对沙地、水体分类效果较好,对建筑用地和非建筑用地区分度较高,但林地和草地有一定混分。根据研究区反照率影像、NDVI以及湿度图像构造了一个土地退化程度指数模型,并选择一定的系数对研究区的土地退化程度进行了分类,利用GIS软件成图输出。利用光谱角制图分类的纯净像元样本进行比较分析,发现土地退化程度指数与土地利用的相关性较强,表明该方法可以较好地反映当地的土地退化程度情况。  相似文献   

The aerobic degradation of light fuel oil in sandy and loamy soils by an environmental bacterial consortium was investigated. Soils were spiked with 1 or 0.1% of oil per dry weight of soil. Acetone extracts of dried soils were analyzed by GC and the overall degradation was calculated by comparison with hydrocarbon recovery from uninoculated soils. In sandy soils, the sum of alkanes n-C(12) to n-C(23) was degraded to about 45% within 6 days at 20 degrees C and to 27-31% within 28 days, provided that moisture and nutrients were replenished. Degradation in loamy soil was about 12% lower. The distribution of recovered alkanes suggested a preferential degradation of shorter chain molecules (n-C(12) to n-C(16)) by the bacterial consortium. Partial 16S rDNA sequences indicated the presence of strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas citronellolis, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Toxicity tests using commercial standard procedures showed a moderate inhibition of bacterial activity. The study showed the applicability of a natural microbial community for the degradation of oil spills into soils at ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

Liu H J  Zhou C H  Cheng W M  Long E  Li R 《农业工程》2008,28(2):627-635
Sandy desertification is now the main ecological problem in the Otindag Sandy Land. In order to reveal the process of land degradation, especially the latest situation of sandy desertification, a method integrating remote sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS) and field survey was employed to build a sandy desertification dataset for analysis. Remote sensing images included the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image in 1987, the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) image in 2000, and the image with the Charge-Coupled Device Camera (CCD) on the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS) in 2006. Five land-cover classes, including active sand dunes, fixed sand dunes, semi-fixed sand dunes, inter-dune grassland and wetlands, were identified. Results showed that the Otindag Sandy Land has been suffering sandy desertification since 1987 with 2 different desertified stages. The first stage from 1987 to 2000 was a severe sandy desertification period, characterized by the fixed sand dunes decreasing at a high speed, and the semi-fixed and active sand dunes increasing remarkably. The second stage spanned from 2000 to 2006 and the sandy desertification was weakened greatly. Although a large area of fixed sand dunes were transformed to other types, fixed sand dunes were still the dominant type in the Ointdag region at 2006. Spatial change detection based on active sand dunes showed that the expansion area was much larger than the reversion area in the past two decades, and that several active sand belts had been formed, suggesting that sandy desertification controlling of the Otindag Sandy Land will be a long-term task.  相似文献   

以荒漠区人工植被的恢复与重建为背景,从宏观尺度研究了很集合种群的空间分布新模式,建立了基于Levins集合种群模型的数值模拟方法。对两物种的模拟结果表明:在适当选择参数下,模拟植被区的集合种群可以形成“海藻式”稳定的时空分布结构,在理论上表明相同生态特征的物种在空间生境中可以达成共存。为了达到物种丰富度和生产力最佳,实现持续发展,对多物种集合种群进行了模拟。模拟结果显示当物种的种数为5时,空间上随机播种的模拟种群覆盖率达到最大,因而可发挥最大的治沙作用。另外,模拟还显示在播种时应采取集聚式的空间播种模式,以使种群具有较高的防沙能力。该结果可为生物防沙治沙领域提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Sandy desertification is now the main ecological problem in the Otindag Sandy Land. In order to reveal the process of land degradation, especially the latest situation of sandy desertification, a method integrating remote sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS) and field survey was employed to build a sandy desertification dataset for analysis. Remote sensing images included the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image in 1987, the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) image in 2000, and the image with the Charge-Coupled Device Camera (CCD) on the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS) in 2006. Five land-cover classes, including active sand dunes, fixed sand dunes, semi-fixed sand dunes, inter-dune grassland and wetlands, were identified. Results showed that the Otindag Sandy Land has been suffering sandy desertification since 1987 with 2 different desertified stages. The first stage from 1987 to 2000 was a severe sandy desertification period, characterized by the fixed sand dunes decreasing at a high speed, and the semi-fixed and active sand dunes increasing remarkably. The second stage spanned from 2000 to 2006 and the sandy desertification was weakened greatly. Although a large area of fixed sand dunes were transformed to other types, fixed sand dunes were still the dominant type in the Ointdag region at 2006. Spatial change detection based on active sand dunes showed that the expansion area was much larger than the reversion area in the past two decades, and that several active sand belts had been formed, suggesting that sandy desertification controlling of the Otindag Sandy Land will be a long-term task.  相似文献   

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