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构建拟南芥AtDAD1超量表达载体,以农杆菌介导的方法转化拟南芥哥伦比亚生态型,比较AtDAD1超量表达植株和野生型植株表现型的差异,以及两者对H2O2抗性的不同。实验显示,AtDAD1转基因拟南芥生长较野生型拟南芥更为强壮,对高浓度H2O2有较强的耐受力。测定两者糖含量,发现AtDAD1转基因拟南芥叶片糖的含量明显高于野生型拟南芥叶片。以上结果表明,AtDAD1基因可能参与植物生长发育,并可能在拟南芥抵抗凋亡的过程中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

GmC2H2转录因子基因是本实验室获得的一个编码172个氨基酸携带516bp核苷酸的转录因子,属于经典C2H2型锌指蛋白.通过构建植物表达载体GmC2H2-pCAMBIA1304,借助优化的Floral-dip法转化模式植物拟南芥,经潮霉素Hygromycine( 45-50 mg/L)抗性筛选获得转基因拟南芥植株.GUS组织染色分析表明,GmC2H2基因在生长12d的转基因拟南芥幼苗中,表达部位主要集中在根部.对转基因拟南芥进行了低温(1℃)和脱落酸(200 μmol/L)胁迫处理,测定其生理生化指标,通过real-time qPCR确定目的基因在转基因拟南芥中的表达情况.结果表明,携带GmC2H2目的基因的转基因拟南芥中脯氨酸和可溶性糖水平要高于野生型植株,而丙二醛水平要低于野生型,在抗逆性方面明显优于野生型拟南芥植株;并且胁迫处理下的转基因拟南芥中GmC2H2基因的表达量要高于未胁迫处理的转基因植株,说明GmC2H2基因的表达受低温和ABA的诱导,初步明确了该转录因子基因的功能.  相似文献   

H2O2和H2S是植物体内重要的信号分子,二者均参与乙烯诱导的拟南芥气孔关闭过程。以拟南芥野生型及其突变体为材料研究了H2O2和H2S在乙烯诱导拟南芥气孔关闭过程中的相互关系。结果表明,乙烯能够诱导野生型拟南芥叶片H2S含量及L-/D-半胱氨酸脱巯基酶(L-/D-CDes)活性显著增加,促进气孔关闭,但对H2O2合成突变体AtrbohD、AtrbohF、Atpao2和Atpao4植株叶片无显著作用;乙烯亦可引起H2S合成突变体Atl-cdes和Atd-cdes气孔保卫细胞H2O2水平的显著增加,但对其气孔运动没有显著作用。此外,H2O2清除剂和合成抑制剂均能抑制乙烯诱导的拟南芥叶片H2S含量和L-/D-CDes活性的增加及气孔开度的减小;而H2S清除剂和合成抑制剂虽能抑制乙烯诱导的气孔关闭,却不能改变乙烯对拟南芥叶片气孔保卫细胞H2O2的作用效应。由此表明H2S位于H2O2下游介导乙烯诱导拟南芥气孔关闭过程。  相似文献   

以拟南芥野生型、SOS突变体(Atsos1、Atsos2和Atsos3)、H2S合成相关酶L-/D-半胱氨酸脱巯基酶(L-/D-CDes)基因缺失突变体(Atl-cdes和Atd-cdes)和过表达株系(OEL-CDes和OED-CDes)为材料研究了H2S和SOS信号转导途径在盐胁迫诱导拟南芥气孔关闭中的作用及其相互关系。结果表明,盐胁迫能够引起拟南芥叶片H2S含量、L-/D-CDes活性及其基因表达量显著升高,诱导野生型拟南芥和OEL-CDes和OED-CDes叶片气孔关闭,但对Atl-cdes和Atd-cdes气孔开度无显著影响;而H2S清除剂次牛磺酸(hypotaurine,HT)可减弱盐胁迫诱导的拟南芥气孔关闭的作用,表明H2S参与盐胁迫诱导的拟南芥气孔关闭过程。外源H2S诱导野生型拟南芥气孔关闭,但对SOS突变体气孔开度无显著影响;同时盐胁迫下Atsos1、Atsos2和At-sos3亦表现出H2S含量及L-/D-CDes活性显著升高,且与野生型相比,盐胁迫对Atl-cdes和Atd-cdes叶片AtSOS基因表达量无显著影响。表明盐胁迫诱导气孔关闭过程中H2S位于SOS上游。  相似文献   

蔗糖合酶(SuSy)是植物蔗糖代谢关键酶之一,该研究利用反向遗传学手段,采用RNAi技术抑制拟南芥中AtSUS3基因的表达,测定纯系转基因植株的抽苔率,并对酶活性、糖含量等指标以及糖代谢相关基因的表达进行了检测,探讨SuSy在植物发育中的作用。结果显示:(1)转基因拟南芥的抽苔平均早于野生型植株2~3d,且优先3~4d完成抽苔。(2)开花后生长天数对角果蔗糖和葡萄糖含量有显著影响,而对果糖含量影响不显著;开花后5d时,野生型株系的葡萄糖含量显著高于转基因株系SUS3-2,至15d时,两种转基因株系葡萄糖含量均显著低于野生型株系。(3)开花后生长天数对SuSy、SPS、INV的活性均有显著影响,随开花时间延长,野生型株系SuSy活性显著低于转基因株系,而SPS和INV则相反。(4)AtSUS3基因沉默对其他糖代谢基因有不同程度的影响,开花后5d时,转基因植株的角果中AtCesA1、AtCesA7和AtCINV1的表达量较野生型都有所增加;开花后15d时,转基因植株的角果中AtCesA1、AtCesA7的表达量较野生型高,而AtCINV、AtCwINV的表达量比野生型低。研究表明,拟南芥AtSUS3基因沉默后,在正常生长条件下未造成植株发育异常,同时还可能通过同源家族中其他SuSy的表达水平增加,促进了该酶及糖代谢相关基因整体水平的增加,有助于角果成熟。  相似文献   

大豆RLPK2基因(GenBank登录号:AY687391)是一个编码N-末端富含亮氨酸重复序列的类受体蛋白激酶基因。为分析大豆RLPK2基因的功能,该研究以野生型拟南芥和大豆RLPK2基因过表达拟南芥植株为材料,通过农杆菌介导法转化野生型拟南芥,构建了大豆RLPK2基因过表达载体,分析了叶片衰老过程中叶绿素荧光参数、抗氧化酶活性及衰老相关基因表达量的变化。结果表明:(1)无论是野生型还是转基因拟南芥,随着叶片衰老进程的进行,光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)的最大光化学效率(F_(v)/F_(m))、PSⅡ实际光化学效率(Φ_(PSⅡ))、光化学淬灭系数(qP)和光合电子传递速率(ETR)均呈下降趋势,但后者下降趋势更明显;(2)激发压(1-qP)在叶片衰老前期的变化较为平稳,后期则急剧增加,且转基因型比野生型拟南芥增加更明显;(3)在叶片衰老的各个时期,转基因拟南芥叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量均显著高于野生型,而超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均显著低于野生型;(4)实时荧光定量PCR检测结果表明,RLPK2转基因拟南芥中衰老标志基因ATSAG12,衰老关键转录因子ATNAP、ATWRKY6和叶绿素降解关键酶编码基因ATACD1表达量显著上调。综上认为,大豆类受体蛋白激酶基因RLPK2参与调控植物叶片衰老进程,其表达对叶片衰老具有促进作用。  相似文献   

为研究是否可以利用2-烯醛还原酶(AER)来清除活性氧下游的醛自由基达到提高植物的抗旱性,以超表达拟南芥AER基因烟草和野生型烟草(SR)为研究材料,利用干旱胁迫处理进行抗旱性分析,测定了干旱胁迫及复水后各个烟草株系的生物量、光合速率、叶绿素荧光参数、叶绿素含量、MDA和H2O2含量等指标。结果显示:(1)干旱胁迫下,转基因烟草株系的生物量、叶绿素含量、净光合速率、PSⅡ最大光化学效率及H2O2的清除能力均显著高于对照;(2)复水之后,烟草植株的各项生理指标都得到一定程度的恢复,而转基因株系相比于野生型恢复迅速,恢复能力更强。研究认为,超表达AER基因可以通过清除活性氧及其下游醛自由基来提高烟草的抗旱能力。  相似文献   

CO2浓度升高可以诱导植物叶片气孔关闭,提高植物对高浓度CO2的适应性.但植物如何感知CO2浓度变化并启动气孔关闭反应的分子机制至今仍不十分清楚.利用高通量、非侵入的远红外成像技术,建立了拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)气孔对CO2浓度变化反应相关的突变体筛选技术,筛选出对环境CO2浓度敏感的拟南芥突变体ecs1.遗传学分析表明,ecs1 为单基因隐性突变体,突变基因ECS1编码一个跨膜钙离子转运蛋白.与野生型拟南芥相比,360 μL·L-1CO2可引起ecs1突变体叶片温度上升和气孔关闭,ecs1突变体对900 μL·L-1CO2长时间处理具有较强的适应性.进一步的实验表明,360 μL·L-1CO2即可诱导ecs1突变体叶片积累较高浓度的H2O2,而900 μL·L-1CO2才能够诱导野生型拟南芥叶片积累H2O2.因此,ECS1可能参与调节高浓度CO2诱导的拟南芥气孔关闭和H2O2产生,H2O2可能作为第二信号分子介导CO2诱导拟南芥气孔关闭的反应.  相似文献   

以拟南芥为材料,利用药理学实验,结合分光光度法和激光共聚焦显微技术,研究了Ca2+在硫化氢(H2S)诱导拟南芥气孔关闭过程中的作用及其与过氧化氢(H2O2)的关系。结果表明:H2S诱导气孔关闭,Ca2+螯合剂EGTA和质膜Ca2+通道阻断剂硝苯地平(Nif)能不同程度抑制H2S诱导的气孔关闭,而内质网钙泵阻断剂毒胡萝卜素(Thaps)对H2S的作用无显著影响。由此推测,Ca2+参与调节H2S诱导的拟南芥气孔关闭过程,且胞质中Ca2+来源于胞外Ca2+的内流。另外,H2S诱导拟南芥叶片NADPH氧化酶基因At RBOHD和At RBOHF以及细胞壁过氧化物酶基因At PRX34表达增强,促进叶片和保卫细胞中H2O2积累,EGTA对此起抑制作用,而外源Ca Cl2处理上调At RBOHD、At RBOHF和At PRX34的表达。表明Ca2+可能位于H2O2上游参与H2S诱导的拟南芥气孔关闭过程。  相似文献   

MwMYB4基因是从蒙古冰草中克隆得到的MYB类转录因子家族成员之一。该研究以转MwMYB4基因的拟南芥后代为材料,通过在干旱和低温胁迫下对转基因植株进行表型分析、理化指标测试和分子鉴定,分析并验证MwMYB4基因的功能。结果显示:(1)蒙古冰草MwMYB4基因已成功整合到转基因拟南芥T_1代的基因组中并实现转录水平的表达。(2)转基因拟南芥T_2代植株在干旱胁迫条件下,转基因植株叶片枯黄程度较轻,相对电导率较野生型变化幅度低,脯氨酸含量明显高于野生型对照,且MwMYB4基因的表达量随干旱胁迫时间延长而增加。(3)在低温胁迫条件下,转基因拟南芥叶片的枯白程度明显低于野生型,且MwMYB4基因的表达量随低温胁迫时间增加而增加。研究表明,过量表达蒙古冰草MwMYB4基因能够提高转基因拟南芥对干旱和低温的耐受性,该基因可能在干旱胁迫和低温胁迫调控机制中发挥调控作用,可作为改良农作物和其他牧草抗旱、抗寒性的重要候选基因。  相似文献   

植物中的H2O2信号及其功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
H2O2是植物细胞的信号分子,是细胞正常代谢的产物,生物和非生物胁迫促使植物细胞产生H2O2,通过H2O2信号应答胁迫.H2O2信号调控一系列重要的植物生理生化过程,如系统获得抗性(SAR)和高度敏感抗性(HR)、细胞衰老与程序化细胞死亡(PCD)、气孔关闭、根的向地性、根的生长和不定根形成、细胞壁的发育、柱头与花粉的发育及相互关系等.Ca2+流动和可逆蛋白磷酸化作用是H2O2下游信号,通过MAPK级联作用于转录因子,最终调控基因的表达.H2O2调控多种基因的表达,包括编码抗氧化酶基因、调控程序化细胞死亡相关蛋白基因、生物与非生物胁迫应答蛋白基因等.  相似文献   

We have established an Arabidopsis protoplast model system to study plant cell death signaling. The fungal toxin fumonisin B1 (FB1) induces apoptosis-like programmed cell death (PCD) in wild-type protoplasts. FB1, however, only marginally affects the viability of protoplasts isolated from transgenic NahG plants, in which salicylic acid (SA) is metabolically degraded; from pad4-1 mutant plants, in which an SA amplification mechanism is thought to be impaired; or from jar1-1 or etr1-1 mutant plants, which are insensitive to jasmonate (JA) or ethylene (ET), respectively. FB1 susceptibility of wild-type protoplasts decreases in the dark, as does the cellular content of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, a light-inducible enzyme involved in SA biosynthesis. Interestingly, however, FB1-induced PCD does not require the SA signal transmitter NPR1, given that npr1-1 protoplasts display wild-type FB1 susceptibility. Arabidopsis cpr1-1, cpr6-1, and acd2-2 protoplasts, in which the SA signaling pathway is constitutively activated, exhibit increased susceptibility to FB1. The cpr6-1 and acd2-2 mutants also constitutively express the JA and ET signaling pathways, but only the acd2-2 protoplasts undergo PCD in the absence of FB1. These results demonstrate that FB1 killing of Arabidopsis is light dependent and requires SA-, JA-, and ET-mediated signaling pathways as well as one or more unidentified factors activated by FB1 and the acd2-2 mutation.  相似文献   

Li J  Wang DY  Li Q  Xu YJ  Cui KM  Zhu YX 《Cell calcium》2004,35(1):71-77
PPF1 encodes a putative calcium ion carrier that affects the flowering time of transgenic Arabidopsis by modulating Ca(2+) storage capacities in chloroplasts of a plant cell. In the current work, we found that differential expression of PPF1 might affect processes of programmed cell death (PCD) since DNA fragmentation was detected in senescencing apical buds of long day-grown G2 pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants, but was not in non-senescencing short day-grown counterparts at all growth stages. An animal inhibitor of caspase-activated DNase (ICAD) homologue was detected in short day-grown plant continuously throughout the whole experiment and only in early stages of long day-grown pre-floral G2 pea apical buds. DNA fragmentation was significantly inhibited in apical meristems of transgenic Arabidopsis that over-expressed the PPF1 gene when compared to that of either wild-type control or to PPF1 (-) plants. The expression of ICAD-like protein decreased to undetectable level at 45 dpg in apical tissues of PPF1 (-) Arabidopsis, which was much earlier than that found in PPF1 (+) or wild-type controls. In epidermal cells of PPF1 (-) plants, we recorded significantly earlier calcium transient prior to PCD. We suggest that the expression of PPF1, a chloroplast localized Ca(2+) ion channel may inhibit programmed cell death in apical meristems of flowering plants by keeping a low cytoplasmic calcium content that might inhibit DNA fragmentation in plant cells.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid (AA) fulfils many essential functions in plants. It is a key antioxidant and an important reducing substrate for a number of enzymes. The effects of low AA on plant architecture and leaf ultrastructure were studied in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, which have constitutively moderately low (vtc1) or very low (vtc2) leaf AA contents compared with the wild type. Shoot development was comparable in all accessions over the first 14 d of growth. The production of primary roots was slightly different in vtc1, vtc2, and wild-type plants. However, the most notable difference was that a high proportion of the primary roots of the vtc2 plants grown on soil had lost the wild-type responses to gravity. The vtc mutants showed the antagonistic interaction between nitrate and sugar in the regulation of lateral root (LR) development that was observed in the wild type. However, the vtc2 mutants produced greater numbers of longer LRs than wild-type or vtc1 plants at all levels of nitrate. At later stages of development, the vtc rosettes were smaller than those of the wild type and the leaves showed intracellular structural changes that are consistent with programmed cell death (PCD). PCD symptoms such as nuclear chromatin condensation, the presence of multivesicular bodies, and extensive degradation and disorganization of the grana stacks were observed in 8-week-old vtc2 leaves and in 10-week-old vtc1 leaves. The data presented here illustrate the importance of tissue AA contents in regulating whole plant morphology, cell structure, and development.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteases such as caspases play important roles in programmed cell death (PCD) of metazoans. Plant metacaspases (MCPs), a family of cysteine proteases structurally related to caspases, have been hypothesized to be ancestors of metazoan caspases, despite their different substrate specificity. Arabidopsis thaliana contains six type II MCP genes (AtMCP2a-f). Whether and how these individual members are involved in controlling PCD in plants remains largely unknown. Here we investigated the function and regulation of AtMCP2d, the predominant and constitutively expressed member of type II MCPs, in stress-inducible PCD. Two AtMCP2d mutants (mcp2d-1 and mcp2d-3) exhibited reduced sensitivity to PCD-inducing mycotoxin fumonisin B1 as well as oxidative stress inducers, whereas AtMCP2d over-expressors were more sensitive to these agents, and exhibited accelerated cell-death progression. We found that AtMCP2d exclusively localizes to the cytosol, and its accumulation and self-processing patterns were age-dependent in leaves. Importantly, active proteolytic processing of AtMCP2d proteins dependent on its catalytic activity was observed in mature leaves during mycotoxin-induced cell death. We also found that mcp2d-1 leaves exhibited reduced cell death in response to Pseudomonas syringae carrying avirulent gene avrRpt2, and that self-processing of AtMCP2d was also detected in wild-type leaves in response to this pathogen. Furthermore, increases in processed AtMCP2d proteins were found to correlate with conditional cell-death induction in two lesion-mimic mutants (cpr22 and ssi4) that exhibit spontaneous cell-death phenotypes. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that AtMCP2d plays a positive regulatory role in biotic and abiotic stress-induced PCD.  相似文献   

Hwang IS  Kim NH  Choi du S  Hwang BK 《Planta》2012,236(4):1191-1204
Recognition of bacterial effector proteins by plant cells is crucial for plant disease and defense response signaling. The Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) type III effector protein, AvrBsT, is secreted into plant cells from Xcv strain Bv5-4a. Here, we demonstrate that dexamethasone (DEX): avrBsT overexpression triggers cell death signaling in healthy transgenic Arabidopsis plants. AvrBsT overexpression in Arabidopsis also reduced susceptibility to infection with the obligate biotrophic oomycete Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis. Overexpression of avrBsT significantly induced some defense-related genes in Arabidopsis leaves. A high-throughput in planta proteomics screen identified TCP-1 chaperonin, SEC7-like guanine nucleotide exchange protein and calmodulin-like protein, which were differentially expressed in DEX:avrBsT-overexpression (OX) Arabidopsis plants during Hp. arabidopsidis infection. Treatment with purified GST-tagged AvrBsT proteins distinctly inhibited the growth and sporulation of Hp. arabidopsidis on Arabdiopsis cotyledons. In contrast, DEX:avrBsT-OX plants exhibited enhanced susceptibility to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000 infection. Notably, susceptible cell death and enhanced electrolyte leakage were significantly induced in the Pst-infected leaves of DEX:avrBsT-OX plants. Together, these results suggest that Xcv effector AvrBsT overexpression triggers plant cell death, disease and defense signaling leading to both disease and defense responses to microbial pathogens of different lifestyles.  相似文献   

本文研究了大丽轮枝菌毒素(VD-toxin)与拟南芥互作反应中外源SA、NO供体、NO合酶抑制剂等对拟南芥幼苗H2O2含量的影响,并对H2O2的积累部位进行了DAB组化染色检测.大丽轮枝菌毒素、外源SA、NO供体处理拟南芥幼苗均能诱导H2O2的积累,NO供体的诱导作用最强;NO合酶抑制剂处理则未表现出H2O2含量的增强;H2O2的积累部位主要在叶片的表皮毛和维管束组织.结果表明,在大丽轮枝菌毒素与拟南芥互作反应中,H2O2可能作为信号分子参与了SA和NO调控的拟南芥防卫反应,NO信号与H2O2信号间的关系可能更密切.  相似文献   

Plant peroxisomes have the capacity to generate different reactive oxygen and nitrogen species(ROS and RNS),such as H_2O_2,superoxide radical(O_2~-),nitric oxide and peroxynitrite(ONOO~-).These organelles have an active nitrooxidative metabolism which can be exacerbated by adverse stress conditions.Hydrogen sulfide(H_2S)is a new signaling gasotransmitter which can mediate the posttranslational modification(PTM)persulfidation.We used Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic seedlings expressing cyan fluorescent protein(CFP)fused to a canonical peroxisome targeting signal 1(PTS1)to visualize peroxisomes in living cells,as well as a specific fluorescent probe which showed that peroxisomes contain H_2S.H_2S was also detected in chloroplasts under glyphosate-induced oxidative stress conditions.Peroxisomal enzyme activities,including catalase,photorespiratory H_2O_2-generating glycolate oxidase(GOX)and hydroxypyruvate reductase(HPR),were assayed in vitro with a H_2S donor.In line with the persulfidation of this enzyme,catalase activity declined significantly in the presence of the H_2S donor.To corroborate the inhibitory effect of H_2S on catalase activity,we also assayed pure catalase from bovine liver and pepper fruit-enriched samples,in which catalase activity was inhibited.Taken together,these data provide evidence of the presence of H_2S in plant peroxisomes which appears to regulate catalase activity and,consequently,the peroxisomal H_2O_2 metabolism.  相似文献   

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