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核基因序列在昆虫分子系统学上的应用   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
核基因中含有更加丰富的生物学信息,运用核基因序列或将核基因序列与线粒体基因序列相结合研究昆虫的系统发育正成为分子系统学领域的一种发展趋势.核糖体基因中18S rDNA、28S rDNA、ITS已在昆虫分子系统学中得到了广泛的应用.与核糖体基因相比,虽然编码蛋白的核基因应用于昆虫分子系统学的种类不少,但大部分都是应用于双翅目和鳞翅目昆虫的分子系统学研究中,能够成功地普遍用于多个目昆虫的系统学研究的核基因并不多.本文简要介绍了应用于昆虫分子系统学的核中核糖体基因和编码蛋白的核基因,并分析了核基因序列在分子系统学应用上的局限性和应用前景.  相似文献   

ITS序列的特点及其在昆虫学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马婷婷  陈光  刘春香 《昆虫知识》2011,48(3):710-715
随着PCR技术和DNA测序技术的成熟及广泛应用,分子数据的分析和利用逐渐成为生物学研究的重要手段。基因组中含有丰富的遗传信息,运用核基因序列或将核基因与线粒体基因序列相结合作为遗传标记,研究昆虫的系统发育,已成为分子系统学领域的发展趋势。由于长度适中、易于扩增、进化速度快、变异性高等优点,核糖体基因中内转录间隔区(ITS)已在昆虫系统学研究中得到广泛的应用。本文介绍了ITS序列的结构特点,重点对ITS序列在近缘种及种型快速鉴定、属及属上高级阶元系统学研究、谱系生物地理学及与其它基因联合分析昆虫系统进化关系等研究中的应用及前景进行了综述。  相似文献   

在分子系统学研究中,目的基因或者基因片段的选择是最关键的一步,由于进化速率的差异,不同的DNA序列适用于不同分类阶元的系统发育研究.本文综述了目前蕨类分子系统发育研究中常用的DNA序列分析,它们分别来自叶绿体基因组、核基因组和线粒体基因组,着重阐明叶绿体基因在蕨类分子系统学研究中的应用.本文还简要介绍了分子系统学研究中常见的问题及解决方法(如内类群和外类群的选择.适宜DNA片段的选择策略),总结了目前蕨类植物分子系统学研究所取得的进展和研究现状,展望了当今国际蕨类分子系统学的研究趋势.  相似文献   

DNA 序列在蕨类分子系统学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘红梅  张宪春  曾辉 《植物学报》2009,44(2):143-158
在分子系统学研究中, 目的基因或者基因片段的选择是最关键的一步, 由于进化速率的差异, 不同的DNA序列适用于不同分类阶元的系统发育研究。本文综述了目前蕨类分子系统发育研究中常用的DNA序列分析, 它们分别来自叶绿体基因组、核基因组和线粒体基因组, 着重阐明叶绿体基因在蕨类分子系统学研究中的应用。本文还简要介绍了分子系统学研究中常见的问题及解决方法(如内类群和外类群的选择, 适宜DNA片段的选择策略), 总结了目前蕨类植物分子系统学研究所取得的进展和研究现状, 展望了当今国际蕨类分子系统学的研究趋势。  相似文献   

叶蝉科昆虫分子系统发育的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从基因组DNA的提取、研究的基因片段、PCR引物选用、扩增条件以及叶蝉科不同阶元的分子系统发育分析等方面,综述叶蝉科(半翅目:叶蝉科)昆虫分子系统发育的研究进展。目前角顶叶蝉类的研究成果相对较多,大叶蝉亚科次之,其余类群的研究较少或无。线粒体基因与核基因序列联合分析以及线粒体全序列分析以及基因序列与形态数据相结合分析,分子鉴定叶蝉与共生菌之间的协同进化的研究,将是叶蝉分子系统学未来发展的主要研究手段。  相似文献   

线粒体DNA序列特点与昆虫系统学研究   总被引:50,自引:9,他引:41  
昆虫线粒体DNA是昆虫分子系统学研究中应用最为广泛的遗传物质之一。线粒体DNA具有进化速率较核DNA快 ,遗传过程不发生基因重组、倒位、易位等突变 ,并且遵守严格的母系遗传方式等特点。本文概述了mtDNA中的rRNA、tRNA、蛋白编码基因和非编码区的一般属性 ,分析了它们在昆虫分子系统学研究中的应用价值 ,以及应用DNA序列数据来推导分类阶 (单 )元的系统发育关系时 ,基因或DNA片段选择的重要性  相似文献   

分子系统学已被广泛用于解决物种之间的亲缘关系.迄今为止,被子植物分子系统学大都采用叶绿体和线粒体基因.但叶绿体和线粒体多数采用单亲遗传方式,不能完全记录物种的进化历史.而且叶绿体和线粒体基因相对保守,可用于系统发育重建的信息有限,很难用来解决科以下类群之间的亲缘关系.相反,核基因遵守双亲遗传方式并能提供大量信息位点,但却没有得到广泛运用.本文以十字花科为例,从17种十字花科植物中得到了5个编码蛋白的单拷贝核基因序列,采用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建它们之间的亲缘关系.结果表明,和目前常用的基因相比,这些基因能提供更多的信息位点,由此得到的系统发育树具有很高的支持,利用最大简约法得到的5个核基因的系统树中各分支均得到了100%的自展支持率.结果表明,我们选取的核基因可以用来进行科、属及种间的系统发育重建.因此,这5个基因可以用来解决被子植物其它科内的亲缘关系,而且也可以作为DNA条形码研究的有效分子标记.  相似文献   

DNA在鸟类分子系统发育研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马玉堃  牛黎明  国会艳 《遗传》2006,28(1):97-104
鸟类分子系统发育研究中常用的DNA技术有DNA杂交、RFLP和DNA序列分析等。DNA杂交技术曾在鸟类中有过大规模的应用,并由此诞生了一套新的鸟类分类系统。在鸟类的RFLP分析中,用的最多的靶序列是线粒体DNA。DNA序列分析技术被认为是进行分子系统发育研究最有效、最可靠的方法。在DNA序列分析中,线粒体基因应用最广泛,但由于其自身的一些不足,近年来,不少学者把目光投向了核基因,将线粒体基因和核基因结合起来进行系统发育研究。目前在鸟类分子系统发育中,应用较多的核基因是scnDNA,其内含子可以用于中等阶元水平的系统研究,而外显子主要用于高等阶元的系统研究。除了分子标记自身的问题之外,鸟类分子系统发育研究中还存在着方法上的问题,包括分子标记的选择,样本数量以及数据处理等。今后鸟类分子系统发育研究应该更加注重方法的标准化。  相似文献   

分子系统学已被广泛用于解决物种之间的亲缘关系。迄今为止,被子植物分子系统学大都采用叶绿体和线粒体基因。但叶绿体和线粒体多数采用单亲遗传方式,不能完全记录物种的进化历史。而且叶绿体和线粒体基因相对保守,可用于系统发育重建的信息有限,很难用来解决科以下类群之间的亲缘关系。相反,核基因遵守双亲遗传方式并能提供大量信息位点,但却没有得到广泛运用。本文以十字花科为例,从17种十字花科植物中得到了5个编码蛋白的单拷贝核基因序列,采用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建它们之间的亲缘关系。结果表明,和目前常用的基因相比,这些基因能提供更多的信息位点,由此得到的系统发育树具有很高的支持,利用最大简约法得到的5个核基因的系统树中各分支均得到了100%的自展支持率。结果表明,我们选取的核基因可以用来进行科、属及种间的系统发育重建。因此,这5个基因可以用来解决被子植物其它科内的亲缘关系,而且也可以作为DNA条形码研究的有效分子标记。  相似文献   

COⅡ基因在昆虫分子系统学研究中的作用和地位   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:16  
卜云  郑哲民 《昆虫知识》2005,42(1):18-22
细胞色素氧化酶Ⅱ(cytochromeoxidaseⅡ,COⅡ)基因位于线粒体DNA(mtDNA)上,编码细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅱ,该亚基为细胞色素c提供重要的结合位点。COⅡ基因进化速率较快,是昆虫分子系统学研究中理想的分子标记。目前,已经利用该基因从各个分类水平对昆虫系统发育关系、物种形成与分化、种群遗传与变异及生物地理等方面做了广泛的研究。研究表明,利用该基因可以很好地解决昆虫属、种及种下分类单元的系统发育问题,但是在解决科、亚科等高级阶元的系统发育关系时仍存在一些局限,COⅡ基因与其他mtDNA及核基因的联合分析能够更好地解决昆虫的系统发育问题。  相似文献   

基因序列在蚜虫分子系统发育研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
张合彩  乔格侠 《昆虫学报》2006,49(3):521-527
总结了核基因和线粒体基因在半翅目蚜虫分子系统发育研究中的应用。核基因中EF-1α应用最广泛,适用于探讨属级及属以上的问题; 核rDNA在蚜虫中应用较少,18S rDNA适用于探讨科级以上高级阶元的问题;LWO是新近在蚜虫中开发使用的一个新基因。线粒体基因中,COⅠ/COⅡ使用最多,12S rDNA/16S rDNA、ND1、Cyt b以及F-ATP6均有应用,探讨的问题从属、种级到科级不等。核基因和线粒体基因间以及不同线粒体基因间的联合分析在解决不同层次的问题中均有应用。建议不断尝试新基因以找出适合蚜虫类群的“标准基因”。并对未来蚜虫分子系统发育研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Liu S  Liu Y  Guo P  Sun Z  Murphy RW  Fan Z  Fu J  Zhang Y 《Zoological science》2012,29(9):610-622
The systematics of Oriental voles remains controversial despite numerous previous studies. In this study, we explore the systematics of all species of Oriental voles, except Eothenomys wardi, using a combination of DNA sequences and morphological data. Our molecular phylogeny, based on two mitochondrial genes (COI and cyt b), resolves the Oriental voles as a monophyletic group with strong support. Four distinct lineages are resolved: Eothenomys, Anteliomys, Caryomys, and the new subgenus Ermites. Based on morphology, we consider Caryomys and Eothenomys to be valid genera. Eothenomys, Anteliomys, and Ermites are subgenera of Eothenomys. The molecular phylogeny resolves subgenera Anteliomys and Ermites as sister taxa. Subgenus Eothenomys is sister to the clade Anteliomys + Ermites. Caryomys is the sister group to genus Eothenomys. Further, the subspecies E. custos hintoni and E. chinensis tarquinius do not cluster with E. custos custos and E. chinensis chinensis, respectively, and the former two taxa are elevated to species level and assigned to the new subgenus Ermites.  相似文献   

直翅目昆虫分子系统学研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对1994年以来国内外在直翅目昆虫种群遗传变异及进化、种及种下阶元的分类鉴定、种上阶元的系统发育分析及分子进化等分子系统学方面的研究进展进行了综述。近年来,蝗亚目昆虫分子系统学方面的研究成果较为丰富,而有关螽亚目的分子系统学研究较少。线粒体基因和核基因序列联合分析、整个基因组全序列分析以及分子数据与形态学的密切结合将是分子系统学未来发展的主要研究手段。  相似文献   

Octopus has been regarded as a "catch all" genus, yet its monophyly is questionable and has been untested. We inferred a broad-scale phylogeny of the benthic shallow-water octopuses (subfamily Octopodinae) using amino acid sequences of two mitochondrial DNA genes: Cytochrome oxidase subunit III and Cytochrome b apoenzyme, and the nuclear DNA gene Elongation Factor-1alpha. Sequence data were obtained from 26 Octopus species and from four related genera. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches were implemented to estimate the phylogeny, and non-parametric bootstrapping was used to verify confidence for Bayesian topologies. Phylogenetic relationships between closely related species were generally well resolved, and groups delineated, but the genes did not resolve deep divergences well. The phylogenies indicated strongly that Octopus is not monophyletic, but several monophyletic groups were identified within the genus. It is therefore clear that octopodid systematics requires major revision.  相似文献   

Relationships among the species of Northern Hemisphere smelts (family Osmeridae) have long been debated in the fish systematics literature. Eight independent studies based on morphological characters failed to reach any consensus on osmerid interrelationships. We reconstruct the osmerid phylogeny based on DNA sequence data from three mitochondrial (cytb, 16S, 12S) and three nuclear (ITS2, S71, RAG1) gene regions from multiple individuals of the 14 species in 6 genera, using the Japanese ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) as the outgroup. Analyses with different combinations of nuclear and mitochondrial datasets yielded a generally well-resolved phylogeny of the genera that conflicts with previous hypotheses of osmerid interrelationships, and Shimodaira–Hasegawa tests suggest our topology with the current molecular dataset is significantly better than earlier reconstructions. In addition, mapping 114 morphological characters used in previous studies onto our phylogeny shows widespread homoplasy, which is likely the source of the systematic disagreement produced in earlier works.  相似文献   

Marine sponges of the class Hexactinellida (glass sponges) are among the most understudied groups of Porifera, and molecular approaches to investigating their evolution have only recently emerged. Although these first results appeared reliable as they largely corroborated morphology-based hypotheses, they were almost exclusively based on ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) and should, therefore, be further tested with independent types of genetic data, such as protein-coding genes. To this end, we established the mitochondrial-encoded cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI) as an additional marker, and conducted phylogenetic analyses on DNA- and amino-acid level, as well as a supermatrix analysis based on combined COI DNA and rDNA alignments. Furthermore, we increased taxon sampling compared to previous studies by adding seven additional species. The COI-based phylogenies were largely congruent with the rDNA-based phylogeny but suffered from poor bootstrap support for many nodes. However, addition of the COI sequences to the rDNA data set increased resolution of the overall molecular phylogeny. Thus, although obtaining COI sequences from glass sponges turned out to be quite challenging, this gene appears to be a valuable supplement to rDNA data for molecular evolutionary studies of this group. Some implications of our extended phylogeny for the evolution and systematics of Hexactinellida are discussed.  相似文献   

A “gene tree” is the phylogeny of alleles or haplotypes for any specified stretch of DNA. Gene trees are components of population trees or species trees; their analysis entails a shift in perspective from many of the familiar models and concepts of population genetics, which typically deal with frequencies of phylogenetically unordered alleles. Molecular surveys of haplotype diversity in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have provided the first extensive empirical data suitable for estimation of gene trees on a microevolutionary (intraspecific) scale. The relationship between phylogeny and geographic distribution constitutes the phylogeographic pattern for any species. Observed phylogeographic trees can be interpreted in terms of historical demography by comparison to predictions derived from models of gene lineage sorting, such as inbreeding theory and branching-process theory. Results of such analyses for more than 20 vertebrate species strongly suggest that the demographies of populations have been remarkably dynamic and unsettled over space and recent evolutionary time. This conclusion is consistent with ecological observations documenting dramatic population-size fluctuations and range shifts in many contemporary species. By adding an historical perspective to population biology, the gene-lineage approach can help forge links between the disciplines of phylogenetic systematics (and macroevolutionary study) and population genetics (microevolution). Preliminary extensions of the “gene tree” methodology to haplotypes of nuclear genes (such as Adh in Drosophila melanogaster) demonstrate that the phylogenetic perspective can also help to illuminate molecular-genetic processes (such as recombination or gene conversion), as well as contribute to knowledge of the origin, age, and molecular basis of particular adaptations.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome is one of the most frequently used loci in phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses, and it is becoming increasingly possible to sequence and analyze this genome in its entirety from diverse taxa. However, sequencing the entire genome is not always desirable or feasible. Which genes should be selected to best infer the evolutionary history of the mitochondria within a group of organisms, and what properties of a gene determine its phylogenetic performance? The current study addresses these questions in a Bayesian phylogenetic framework with reference to a phylogeny of plethodontid and related salamanders derived from 27 complete mitochondrial genomes; this topology is corroborated by nuclear DNA and morphological data. Evolutionary rates for each mitochondrial gene and divergence dates for all nodes in the plethodontid mitochondrial genome phylogeny were estimated in both Bayesian and maximum likelihood frameworks using multiple fossil calibrations, multiple data partitions, and a clock-independent approach. Bayesian analyses of individual genes were performed, and the resulting trees compared against the reference topology. Ordinal logistic regression analysis of molecular evolution rate, gene length, and the G-shape parameter a demonstrated that slower rate of evolution and longer gene length both increased the probability that a gene would perform well phylogenetically. Estimated rates of molecular evolution vary 84-fold among different mitochondrial genes and different salamander lineages, and mean rates among genes vary 15-fold. Despite having conserved amino acid sequences, cox1, cox2, cox3, and cob have the fastest mean rates of nucleotide substitution, and the greatest variation in rates, whereas rrnS and rrnL have the slowest rates. Reasons underlying this rate variation are discussed, as is the extensive rate variation in cox1 in light of its proposed role in DNA barcoding.  相似文献   

The literature on sequencing as a tool for yeast molecular taxonomy is reviewed. Ribosomal DNA has been preferred for sequencing over other molecules such as mitochondrial DNA, and a large database is now available. rDNA consists of regions that evolve at different rates, allowing comparison of different levels of relationship among yeasts. Sequences of the 18S rDNA and the 25S rDNA have been largely used for yeast systematics and phylogeny, but the search for regions with increased resolving power has led to the study of the spacer regions of the rDNA. Few studies are concerned with signature sequences.  相似文献   

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