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在昆虫纲中,生命树计划正在以目级阶元中的分类单元为单位逐步推进.针对这一大的背景,以及高级阶元和种级阶元分子系统学研究间脱节现状,提出以rDNA簇为一组分子标记、并且在未来高级阶元系统发育研究中将目前选取少量代表类群的做法改为将尽量多的物种包含到一棵系统发育树中的建议.其中首先简要介绍了rDNA簇的结构及其中各分子标记在分子系统学研究中的应用价值,随后以蝽类昆虫为例,有针对性地总结了rDNA簇中不同基因序列已有数据的丰富程度及其在分子系统学研究中的应用情况.首次给出了蝽类昆虫28S rRNA近全长序列的二级结构模型.基于对18S rRNA和28S rRNA二级结构研究所积累的认识,强调了18S rDNA和28S rDNA内部不同区段之间变异模式和应用价值的差异,论证了未来在生命树构建中深化对rDNA簇中各基因进行联合应用的合理性和可行性.  相似文献   

ITS序列的特点及其在昆虫学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马婷婷  陈光  刘春香 《昆虫知识》2011,48(3):710-715
随着PCR技术和DNA测序技术的成熟及广泛应用,分子数据的分析和利用逐渐成为生物学研究的重要手段。基因组中含有丰富的遗传信息,运用核基因序列或将核基因与线粒体基因序列相结合作为遗传标记,研究昆虫的系统发育,已成为分子系统学领域的发展趋势。由于长度适中、易于扩增、进化速度快、变异性高等优点,核糖体基因中内转录间隔区(ITS)已在昆虫系统学研究中得到广泛的应用。本文介绍了ITS序列的结构特点,重点对ITS序列在近缘种及种型快速鉴定、属及属上高级阶元系统学研究、谱系生物地理学及与其它基因联合分析昆虫系统进化关系等研究中的应用及前景进行了综述。  相似文献   

核基因在两栖爬行动物分子系统学中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从DNA水平探索生物进化的理论、生物类群的演化历史具有重要的意义,应用DNA序列研究生物的系统发育和进化规律成为当前分子系统学研究的热点,与线粒体DNA相比,核基因由于包含有更加丰富的生物学信息,运用核基因序列或将核基因序列与线粒体基因序列相结合研究两栖爬行动物的系统发育,正成为分子系统学领域的新的发展趋势.Rag-1、Rag-2、tyrosinase、rhodopsin、C-mos等核基因已在两栖爬行动物分子系统学中得到了广泛的应用.由于目前的技术手段等诸多因素,限制了更多的核基因用于两栖爬行动物分子系统学研究.为此简要介绍了目前核基因在两栖爬行动物分子系统学方面的研究进展,并分析了核基因序列在分子系统学应用上面临的问题和应用前景.  相似文献   

概述基因序列在双翅目蚤蝇科分子系统学研究中的应用。对蚤蝇科已测序的分类单元和基因序列进行了总结,12S rDNA和16S rDNA应用最广泛,涉及蚤蝇科17个属;获得基因序列最多的是Melaloncha属。蚤蝇科分子系统学研究内容为高级阶元系统发育分析、物种鉴定和隐存种发现。今后蚤蝇科分子系统学研究应增加蚤蝇标本的种类与数量,选择标准化基因。  相似文献   

线粒体DNA序列特点与昆虫系统学研究   总被引:50,自引:9,他引:41  
昆虫线粒体DNA是昆虫分子系统学研究中应用最为广泛的遗传物质之一。线粒体DNA具有进化速率较核DNA快 ,遗传过程不发生基因重组、倒位、易位等突变 ,并且遵守严格的母系遗传方式等特点。本文概述了mtDNA中的rRNA、tRNA、蛋白编码基因和非编码区的一般属性 ,分析了它们在昆虫分子系统学研究中的应用价值 ,以及应用DNA序列数据来推导分类阶 (单 )元的系统发育关系时 ,基因或DNA片段选择的重要性  相似文献   

基因序列在小蜂总科分子系统发育研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了线粒体基因和核基因在膜翅目小蜂总科分子系统发育研究中的应用.核基因中,28S rDNA序列应用最广泛,探讨的问题从种级到科级不等;其次是ITS序列,主要用于探讨种及种级以下阶元问题;18S rDNA适于探讨科级以上高级阶元的问题.线粒体基因中,16S rDNA和3个蛋白编码基因COⅠ、COⅡ和Cytb,主要用于属种级系统发育关系研究.核基因间、线粒体基因间、核基因和线粒体基因间以及分子数据和形态数据间进行的联合分析,在解决不同层次的问题中均有应用.建议对更多的小蜂类群测定线粒体基因和核基因的序列,不断寻找新的基因对小蜂分子系统发育研究进行充实和拓展.  相似文献   

核糖体rDNA ITS是被子植物系统发育研究中应用最广泛的分子标记之一。以前人们认为同一物种中的ITS序列因致同进化而使不同拷贝高度一致,在分子系统学研究中常以ITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列作为构建系统进化树的基础。近年来,在对一些被子植物的研究中发现这段序列在同一物种中具有多态性,有些拷贝中的5.8S区不具编码功能,人们把含有不具编码功能5.8S区的ITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列定义为ITS假基因序列,它对同源基因致同进化的假设形成了新的挑战。在诸多应用ITS序列重建系统进化关系的研究中,栎属系统学研究因ITS假基因的发现而倍受关注。本文以栎属为例回顾了ITS假基因的发现过程,分析了其对该属系统学研究的影响,为分子生物学在植物系统进化研究中的应用提供一些新的参考。  相似文献   

植物分子系统学近五年的研究进展概况   总被引:55,自引:3,他引:52  
本文综述了与分子系统学发展密切相关的4个因素:1.分子生物学方法的不断改进;2.基因组的全序列测定;3.用于分子系统学研究的基因种类不断增加,对这些基因进化规律的认识不断深入;4.化石DNA的研究。本文还阐述了核基因及叶绿体基因在系统学研究中的应用,例举了rbcL、matk、18s rDNA和ITS序列分析在植物系统发育研究中取得的重要成果,同时提出了分子系统学研究中应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

蚕类昆虫线粒体DNA研究及其在起源与进化研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房守敏  张烈  鲁成 《昆虫知识》2010,47(3):439-445
线粒体DNA(mtDNA)属母系遗传,进化速率较核基因快且基因组结构相对简单,已作为理想的分子标记广泛应用于昆虫群体遗传学及分子系统学等研究。本文对蚕类昆虫线粒体DNA在分子水平上的最新研究进展进行了较详细的阐述,重点介绍了蚕类昆虫线粒体基因组的组成及特征、mtDNA克隆与多态性及在蚕类昆虫分子系统学研究中的应用等。  相似文献   

直翅目昆虫分子系统学研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对1994年以来国内外在直翅目昆虫种群遗传变异及进化、种及种下阶元的分类鉴定、种上阶元的系统发育分析及分子进化等分子系统学方面的研究进展进行了综述。近年来,蝗亚目昆虫分子系统学方面的研究成果较为丰富,而有关螽亚目的分子系统学研究较少。线粒体基因和核基因序列联合分析、整个基因组全序列分析以及分子数据与形态学的密切结合将是分子系统学未来发展的主要研究手段。  相似文献   

Abstract. The expanding data set on insect molecular systematics allows examination of phylogenetic performance and molecular evolution of different types of gene. Studies combining more than one gene in the same analysis allow examination of the relative contribution and performance of each gene partition and can help inform gene choice for resolving deep and/or problematic divergences. We compared results obtained from analyses of twelve insect data sets in which authors combined one or more nuclear ribosomal genes (28S and/or 18S) with one or more protein-coding genes [elongation factor-1α (EF-1α), histone H3, carbamoylphosphate synthetase domain (CPS domain of CAD, or rudimentary), long-wavelength rhodopsin (LW opsin), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6pd), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), arginine kinase, and white]. Data sets examined spanned eight orders of insects (Odonata, Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera), providing a broad range of divergence times and taxonomic levels. We estimated the phylogenetic utility of the individual genes (using parsimony methods) and characterized the nucleotide substitution patterns (using Bayesian methods) to ask which type of data is preferable for phylogenetic analysis in insects. Nuclear ribosomal and protein coding genes differed little in our measures of phylogenetic performance and patterns of nucleotide substitution. We recommend combining nuclear ribosomal gene data with nuclear protein-coding gene data because each data set has distinct advantages. We do not recommend using mitochondrial genes for higher-level studies of insect phylogeny because reviewed studies demonstrate substitution patterns that lead to high levels of homoplasy.  相似文献   

Pterygota are traditionally divided in two lineages, the “Palaeoptera” and Neoptera. Despite several efforts neither morphology nor molecular systematics have resolved the phylogeny of the pterygote insects. Too few markers have yet been identified for adequately tracking mesozoic-aged divergences. We tested the Elongation factor-1α for its phylogenetic value in pterygote insect systematics. This highly conserved nuclear protein-coding gene has previously been reported to be useful in other groups for phylogenetic analyses at the intraordinal level as well as at the interordinal level. The analyses suggest that EF-1α DNA sequences as well as intron positions provide informative markers for pterygote phylogenetics.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Decapoda is contentious and many hypotheses have been proposed based on morphological cladistic analyses. Recent molecular studies, however, yielded contrasting results despite their use of similar data (nuclear and mitochondrial rDNA). Here we present the first application of two nuclear protein-coding genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and sodium-potassium ATPase alpha-subunit, to reconstruct the phylogeny of major infraorders within Decapoda. A total of 64 species representing all infraorders of Pleocyemata were analyzed with five species from Dendrobranchiata as outgroups. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference reveal that the Reptantia and all but one infraorder are monophyletic. Thalassinidea, however, is polyphyletic. The nodal support for most of the infraordinal and inter-familial relationships is high. Stenopodidea and Caridea form a clade sister to Reptantia, which comprises two major clades. The first clade, consisting of Astacidea, Achelata, Polychelida and three thalassinidean families (Axiidae, Calocarididae and Eiconaxiidae), corresponds essentially to the old taxon suborder Macrura Reptantia. Polychelida nests within Macrura Reptantia instead of being the most basal reptant as suggested in previous studies. The high level of morphological and genetic divergence of Polychelida from Achelata and Astacidea justifies its infraorder status. The second major reptant clade consists of Anomura, Brachyura and two thalassindean families (Thalassinidae and Upogebiidae). Anomura and Brachyura form Meiura, with moderate support. Notably thalassinidean families are sister to both major reptant clades, suggesting that the stem lineage reptants were thalassinidean-like. Moreover, some families (e.g. Nephropidae, Diogenidae, Paguridae) are paraphyletic, warranting further studies to evaluate their status. The present study ably demonstrates the utility of nuclear protein-coding genes in phylogenetic inference in decapods. The topologies obtained are robust and the two molecular markers are informative across a wide range of taxonomic levels. We propose that nuclear protein-coding genes should constitute core markers for future phylogenetic studies of decapods, especially for higher systematics.  相似文献   

基因序列在蚜虫分子系统发育研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
张合彩  乔格侠 《昆虫学报》2006,49(3):521-527
总结了核基因和线粒体基因在半翅目蚜虫分子系统发育研究中的应用。核基因中EF-1α应用最广泛,适用于探讨属级及属以上的问题; 核rDNA在蚜虫中应用较少,18S rDNA适用于探讨科级以上高级阶元的问题;LWO是新近在蚜虫中开发使用的一个新基因。线粒体基因中,COⅠ/COⅡ使用最多,12S rDNA/16S rDNA、ND1、Cyt b以及F-ATP6均有应用,探讨的问题从属、种级到科级不等。核基因和线粒体基因间以及不同线粒体基因间的联合分析在解决不同层次的问题中均有应用。建议不断尝试新基因以找出适合蚜虫类群的“标准基因”。并对未来蚜虫分子系统发育研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

The wealth of data available for phylogenetic analysis of the insect orders, from both morphological and molecular sources, is steadily increasing. However, controversy exists among the methodologies one can use to reconstruct ordinal relationships. Recently, Kjer (2004 ) presented an analysis of insect ordinal relationships based exclusively on a single source of information: 18S rDNA sequence data. Kjer claims that his analysis resulted in a more “credible” phylogeny for the insect orders and strongly criticized our previous phylogenetic results. However, Kjer only used a subset of the data that are currently available for insect ordinal phylogeny, misrepresented our analyses, and omitted other analyses we have published on insect ordinal phylogeny. In our estimation, Kjer did a poor job of representing the current state of affairs in insect ordinal phylogenetics. Furthermore, we examine a number of analytical issues that are relevant not only for insect phylogeny, but systematics as a science, such as: repeatability and objectivity, locating alignment boundaries, secondary structure, goodness of fit measure, epistemological coherence, practicality and homology. © The Willi Hennig Society 2005.  相似文献   

In an effort to establish a suitable alternative to the widely used 18S rRNA system for molecular systematics of fungi, we examined the nuclear gene RPB2, encoding the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II. Because RPB2 is a single-copy gene of large size with a modest rate of evolutionary change, it provides good phylogenetic resolution of Ascomycota. While the RPB2 and 18S rDNA phylogenies were highly congruent, the RPB2 phylogeny did result in much higher bootstrap support for all the deeper branches within the orders and for several branches between orders of the Ascomycota. There are several strongly supported phylogenetic conclusions. The Ascomycota is composed of three major lineages: Archiascomycetes, Saccharomycetales, and Euascomycetes. Within the Euascomycetes, plectomycetes, and pyrenomycetes are monophyletic groups, and the Pleosporales and Dothideales are distinct sister groups within the Loculoascomycetes. We confirm the placement of Neolecta within the Archiascomycetes, suggesting that fruiting body formation and forcible discharge of ascospores were characters gained early in the evolution of the Ascomycota. These findings show that a slowly evolving protein-coding gene such as RPB2 is useful for diagnosing phylogenetic relationships among fungi.  相似文献   

Marine sponges of the class Hexactinellida (glass sponges) are among the most understudied groups of Porifera, and molecular approaches to investigating their evolution have only recently emerged. Although these first results appeared reliable as they largely corroborated morphology-based hypotheses, they were almost exclusively based on ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) and should, therefore, be further tested with independent types of genetic data, such as protein-coding genes. To this end, we established the mitochondrial-encoded cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI) as an additional marker, and conducted phylogenetic analyses on DNA- and amino-acid level, as well as a supermatrix analysis based on combined COI DNA and rDNA alignments. Furthermore, we increased taxon sampling compared to previous studies by adding seven additional species. The COI-based phylogenies were largely congruent with the rDNA-based phylogeny but suffered from poor bootstrap support for many nodes. However, addition of the COI sequences to the rDNA data set increased resolution of the overall molecular phylogeny. Thus, although obtaining COI sequences from glass sponges turned out to be quite challenging, this gene appears to be a valuable supplement to rDNA data for molecular evolutionary studies of this group. Some implications of our extended phylogeny for the evolution and systematics of Hexactinellida are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic analyses were conducted for the insect order Odonata with a focus on testing the effectiveness of a slowly evolving gene to resolve deep branching and also to examine: (i) the monophyly of damselflies (the suborder Zygoptera); and (ii) the phylogenetic position of the relict dragonfly Epiophlebia superstes. Two independent molecular sources were used to reconstruct phylogeny: the 16S rRNA gene on the mitochondrial genome and the 28S rRNA gene on the nuclear genome. A comparison of the sequences showed that the obtained 28S rDNA sequences have evolved at a much slower rate than the 16S rDNA, and that the former is better than the latter for resolving deep branching in the Odonata. Both molecular sources indicated that the Zygoptera are paraphyletic, and when a reasonable weighting for among‐site rate variation was enforced for the 16S rDNA data set, E. superstes was placed between the two remaining major suborders, namely, Zygoptera and Anisoptera (dragonflies). Character reconstruction analysis suggests that multiple hits at the rapidly evolving sites in the 16S rDNA degenerated the phylogenetic signals of the data set.  相似文献   

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