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化学生态学在海洋污损生物防除中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
方芳  严涛  刘庆 《应用生态学报》2005,16(10):1997-2002
在海洋环境中,许多海洋生物都能产生对环境无危害的、具有防污活性的次生代谢产物以保护自身的洁净,利于自身的生存.用化学生态学的方法从海洋生物中提取天然防除物质成为近年来解决海洋污损生物问题的新思路,其目标是寻找高效无毒的防污材料取代原有的对海洋环境有严重危害的化学合成防污材料.虽然目前对提取生物的次生代谢产物的防污机理还所知甚少,但不少从海洋生物中获得的天然产物已显示出良好的防污活性.要解决污损生物防污问题,还需对天然产物的作用机制、生态学效应、天然产物与涂料的结合、控制和释放及野外实验进行更加深入的研究与探讨.  相似文献   

海洋生物污损问题给海洋事业的发展带来了许多危害,传统防污技术已日渐不能满足要求,研发新型环境友好型防污剂迫在眉睫.用仿生学原理和化学生态学的方法发展新型无毒仿生防污材料和技术是解决海洋污损问题的新思路.本文综述了污损生物防除技术的发展,并重点介绍了基于化学生态学发现的仿生抗生物附着先导化合物和防污材料,展望了仿生防污技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

海洋真菌抗污损活性天然产物研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黏附于海洋船舶或人工设施表面的污损生物给人类海洋生产活动与生态环境带来诸多不利影响。将具有抗污损活性的化合物开发成防污涂料是目前防治海洋生物污损的最常用手段之一。而大量传统有机金属防污剂因其严重毒副作用被禁用,亟须开发高效、环境友好型抗污损涂料。海洋真菌能够产生大量结构新颖、作用机制独特的高效、低毒/无毒抗污损活性次级代谢产物,颇具环境友好型防污剂开发潜力。本文综述了2006年底至2020年6月报道的海洋真菌来源的69个抗污损活性天然产物及其5个合成衍生物,并将其按照化学结构分为脂肪酸、萜类、苯类、芳香醚、聚酮、生物碱和肽类7类,还包括部分抗生物膜活性天然产物。同时,对海洋真菌抗污损天然产物研究目前所面临的挑战和未来发展进行总结与展望。  相似文献   

海洋硅藻附着研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着人类对海洋资源的进一步开发和利用,越来越多的人工设备用于水下操作,而海洋生物污损在很大程度上制约了这些设备的应用,给人类带来重大的经济损失。因此,海洋生物污损的形成机制与防治成为当前研究的一个热点。海洋硅藻是海洋生物污损过程中形成生物膜的主要物种,其在水下固相表面的附着可诱导大型污损生物的附着,从而影响生物污损群落的形成。本文综述了硅藻在固相表面的附着机理、固相表面性质对硅藻附着的影响及具有应用前景的广谱抗污损高分子材料的研究进展,并展望海洋硅藻附着研究前景。  相似文献   

海洋生物污损主要由微生物腐蚀(MIC)与生物淤积(MBF)造成。细菌的附着及生物被膜的形成在微观尺度为微生物腐蚀提供了环境条件,而生物淤积则从宏观层面加速了污损的进程。近年来,海洋生物污损在全球范围内造成了巨大的经济损失,各类抗污损的方法也相继开发。微生物行为在污损的形成中扮演着重要角色,包括细菌在基质上的定殖,微生物被膜的产生,微生物结构的组装以及氧化还原性质的改变等。本文中,笔者聚焦海洋污损的微生物学机制,对生物污损的发生条件、影响因素、形成机制、群体感应调节特征进行了总结,并对防控方法进行了归纳,以期从生态学层面深入认识海洋污损的动力学过程,并为开发新型环保型防污材料提供借鉴思路。  相似文献   

海洋防污涂料是通过海洋防污剂的可控释放,与海洋污损生物发生作用,从而阻止海生物在物体表面附着。海洋防污涂料中最重要的组成部分是基体树脂和海洋防污剂。海洋防污剂主要是从农药、杀虫剂、杀菌剂、防霉剂以及带有生物活性的聚合物中筛选出来的,随着海洋环境保护日益严格,制备和筛选高效、广谱的海洋防污剂对海洋防污涂料的发展日显重要,本文对现有的防污剂材料作了简述。  相似文献   

天然产物防除海洋污损生物的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然防污剂是当前海洋污损生物防除的研究热点,本文综述了天然防污剂的种类和来源,以及天然防污剂的防除机理,并着重叙述了天然防污涂料配制时应关注的问题。  相似文献   

双壳类软体动物是引发海洋生物污损现象的重要生物类群。污损近海设施的该类型生物主要为紫贻贝(Mytilusedulis)、齿缘牡蛎(Dendostrea folium)、褶牡蛎(Alectryonella plicatula)、长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)和日本巨牡蛎(C.nippona)等种类; 在纬度较低的热带、亚热带近海海域, 污损性双壳类以牡蛎为优势种, 而温带近海海区则是紫贻贝;至于深度方面, 牡蛎污损的范围大于紫贻贝。近海设施污损生物的防除主要通过水下人工清除作业、安装波浪驱动海生物防除装置、涂装防污漆、电解海水、添加杀生剂和生物控制等途径, 加强近海污损性双壳类研究不仅有助于促进海洋生态学研究的发展, 而且可为研发新型高效环保防污技术奠定基础。  相似文献   

沼蛤是一种典型的淡水入侵贝类,能够利用其分泌的足丝牢固黏附在多种水下基质表面,引起严重的生物污损问题。沼蛤污损不但影响水生态系统健康,也给水利工程、交通运输、水产养殖等行业带来经济损失,已成为全球水生态系统安全和国民经济重要行业的潜在威胁,相关防污工作亟待开展。欲从根本上解决沼蛤污损问题,一方面需要加强对其基础生物学特性和污损机制的深入解析,另一方面也需要在此基础上研发更加经济、高效、环境友好的防污措施。本文综述了近年来国内外关于沼蛤污损生物学特性、污损机制和防污措施方面的研究进展,尤其是对沼蛤生物污损发生的主要机制如足探测识别、足丝黏附和环境影响等方面进行了总结,也从物理、化学、生物和防污材料等角度阐述了现有的沼蛤污损控制措施并对未来发展方向进行了展望,以期更加深入地理解沼蛤生物污损现象,为揭示其作用机制、制定科学有效的防污措施、维护水生态系统安全提供数据支撑,综述内容对于水下仿生材料研发也具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

藤壶金星幼虫附着变态机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
饶小珍  林岗  许友勤 《生态学报》2013,33(16):4846-4856
藤壶属节肢动物门(Arthropoda)甲壳亚门(Crustacea)蔓足下纲(Cirripedia)围胸总目(Thoracica), 具备特殊的形态结构、生活史和种群生态特征,是最主要的海洋污损生物。其幼虫阶段通常经历6期无节幼体和1期不摄食的金星幼虫,从浮游的金星幼虫附着变态成固着的稚体是藤壶生活史中的一个关键环节。外界化学和生物因子中成体提取物、水溶性信息素、足迹、神经递质、激素、生物膜等均影响藤壶金星幼虫的附着变态;内在因子即金星幼虫的生理状态(能量储量和年龄)决定了其对外界因子的反应程度。概括了近年来藤壶附着变态生理机制和分子机制研究的进展,可为深入了解藤壶金星幼虫附着变态机制提供参考,也为开发新型、高效、环保的防污剂提供理论指导。  相似文献   

目的:建立哈尔滨市风险矩阵分级模型,并应用该模型探索食品污染的风险。方法:采用风险矩阵、文献综述及专家判断法对某年食品安全风险监测中位列化学污染物及微生物污染超标率首位的食品-项目组合,即动物肝脏-克伦特罗组合、水产品-副溶血性弧菌组合进行模型评估。结果:参照风险矩阵,动物肝脏-克伦特罗组合的健康风险分值为6,可以判断哈尔滨市人群由于食用动物肝脏而导致克伦特罗膳食暴露的健康风险等级为"中风险",水产品-副溶血性弧菌组合的健康风险分值为2,可以判断哈尔滨市人群每餐由于食用水产品而导致副溶血性弧菌膳食暴露的健康风险等级为"极低风险"。结论:哈尔滨市该年食品安全总体情况较好,风险等级较低,但部分监测项目存在食品安全风险隐患,应予以关注。  相似文献   

Gaspar Mairal 《Ethnos》2013,78(2):179-191
This paper describes a period of intense risk construction in Spain. By autumn 2000 there was a coincidence of different alarming events affecting Spanish society and widely covered by media. A feeling of risk extended all around and the Spanish political agenda was, for a time, dominated by risk issues. This paper tries to establish how useful the concept of 'risk shadow' can be in order to analyse the construction of risk in a global context. The narratives of risk seem to give this phenomenon its cultural consistency, because more than a scientific fact, risk construction is a cultural matter.  相似文献   

Background: Growing awareness of the potential to predict a person's future risk of cancer has resulted in the development of numerous algorithms. Such algorithms aim to improve the ability of policy makers, doctors and patients to make rational decisions about behaviour modification or surveillance, with the expectation that this activity will lead to overall benefit. There remains debate however, about whether accurate risk prediction is achievable for most cancers. Methods: We conducted a brief narrative review of the literature regarding the history and challenges of risk prediction, highlighting our own recent experiences in developing tools for oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Results and conclusions: While tools for predicting future risk of cardiovascular outcomes have been translated successfully to clinical practice, the experience with cancer risk prediction has been mixed. Models have now been developed and validated for predicting risk of melanoma and cancers of the breast, colo-rectum, lung, liver, oesophagus and prostate, and while several of these have adequate performance at the population-level, none to date have adequate discrimination for predicting risk in individual patients. Challenges of individual risk prediction for cancer are many, and include long latency, multiple risk factors of mostly small effect, and incomplete knowledge of the causal pathways.  相似文献   

A transient cancer scare is presented as a rare opportunity to observe the effect of a perceived increase in risk on the price of residential property. The temporary nature of the perceived excess risk allows for the isolation of a risk premium from the change in housing prices, because prices decline during this natural experiment and return to normal when the cancer scare is proven to be unfounded. Value of life measures imputed from this risk premium are orders of magnitude lower than similar values obtained by studies involving other risk-dollar tradeoffs. The likelihood of death which is taken to be valued by the risk premium is much greater in this case than in other value-of-life studies, giving support to the notion that the aversion to risk is not directly proportional to the probability of harm.  相似文献   

Risk communication involves three primary elements: process, content and intent. Much has been written about the first two. Much is known, for example, about the guiding principles that should be considered during the design of a risk communication. Likewise, many studies have been conducted about how best to establish the technical and informational content of a risk communication. Very little attention, by contrast, has been devoted to the intent of risk communication, which is to inform decision making for risk management. While appropriate information upon which to base risk management decisions is important, so to is an understanding of how people instinctively approach decision making under conditions of risk. Work in the decision sciences provides this often-missing perspective for many risk communication efforts and is, therefore, the focus of this paper.
Joseph L. ArvaiEmail:

目的:了解深圳地区50~70岁中老年人群ICVD危险因素的暴露情况及对未来10年的ICVD患病风险进行评估,为深圳地区ICVD的防治提供依据。方法:选取2013年10月至2014年1月在香港大学深圳医院体检中心进行健康体检的1092名50~70岁中老年人群作为研究对象,对其体检资料和检查结果进行分析,应用"国人ICVD10年发病危险度评估方法 "模型,对研究对象ICVD10年发病危险度进行评估。结果:在1092名研究对象中,高血压、超重(或)肥胖、高脂血症、吸烟、糖尿病的暴露率分别为37.64%、51.19%、56.87%、29.58%、23.46%;男性的超重/肥胖、吸烟和糖尿病的暴露率高于女性,而女性高脂血症的暴露率高于男性,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);ICVD10年发病绝对危险度极低危、低危、中危、高危及极高危的检出率分别为65.02%、20.14%、10.26%、4.12%、0.46%;所有年龄组平均危险度水平均高于中国人群评估方法参考标准。结论:深圳地区50~70岁中老年人群ICVD发病危险因素暴露水平较高,ICVD10年发病风险较大,应积极进行健康教育及加强对ICVD危险因素的有效干预。  相似文献   

Risk and ethics in biological control   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
All introduced natural enemies present a degree of risk to nontarget species. Since most biological control programs use relatively host-specific natural enemies, the risk to nontarget species is generally very low, particularly from biological control of weeds, which uses extensively tested and validated host-specificity testing procedures to predict risk. However, many of the published comments about risks of biological control are superficial or misleading, often inappropriately lumping risk from all taxa of agents as “the risk of biological control,” and ignore the potential benefits, rather than dealing with species-by-species risk and benefits. Particularly confounding accurate predictions is the common mixing of parameters of hazard and exposure in discussions of risk. In this paper, traditional risk analysis techniques are discussed and adapted for biological control. How people perceive risk is the key to understanding their attitude to risk. Some of the criticisms of biological control relating to inadequate post-release monitoring are valid and the ethical responsibilities of biological control scientists in this area are also discussed. Biological control scientists should address objectively the criticisms of biological control, continue to review and adjust current host-specificity testing procedures and make appropriate changes. This process will result in better science, ultimately delivering more focused programs, and altering the perception of risk from biological control agents by objective observers.  相似文献   

机场鸟撞防制中的鸟类风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机场的鸟类由于其所处位置的特殊性,会对飞行安全造成一定威胁。各种鸟类因其自身特征,风险大小也各有不同。在实际调查的基础上,建立了风险评价指标体系,构建了机场鸟类风险评价的实用数学模型,给出了一种度量鸟类风险的简单、合理的科学方法,并就具体实例进行了分析研究。计算结果表明,在所有观察到的70种鸟类中,风险很大者占总数的24.29%,风险较大者占30.00%,风险一般者占30.00%,风险较小者占15.71%。其中风险很大和较大的鸟类应是机场重点防治的对象。就各鸟类的单个风险评价指标也给出了定量结果。以上风险分析结果,为鸟类风险评价和机场鸟害防治提供了定量依据。  相似文献   

In recent years veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) have been recognized as emerging contaminants, giving rise to concerns regarding their environmental impact. Due to the high number of utilized VMPs, it is necessary to develop tools (indicators) for ranking these compounds according to their environmental risk relevance. These indicators can be useful, for example, for setting up monitoring programmes, and more in general for risk management purposes. In this paper we propose a new scoring system method (RANKVET) that enables ranking the risk of VMPs for aquatic and terrestrial organisms. The procedure is fully based on the information required by the EU Directives and Regulations for marketing authorization of VMPs and Veterinary International Conference on Harmonization (VICH) guidelines. According to the latter, if the environmental risk assessment of a VMP indicates an unacceptable risk to the environment, i.e., the risk quotient (RQ) consisting of the ratio of Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC) to Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC) is ≥1, then mitigation measures should be proposed by the applicant in order to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. If a risk mitigation measure does not fulfil the criteria mentioned above then the outcome of the risk assessment is that a serious risk for the environment exists. In accordance with Directive 2001/82/EC (as amended) this risk has to be weighed against the favourable aspects of a marketing authorization. The prioritization scheme is based on a quantitative approach and consist of different phases. First, for each VMP, PECs are calculated using simple exposure models and worst case assumptions. PNECs are calculated for non-target organisms representative of the considered ecosystems (soil or surface water). Then numerical scores are given to the calculated PEC/PNEC ratio. Finally, the obtained score is multiplied with a further score which is based on the relevance of the metabolic rate in animals. RANKVET can be applied for surface water and soil systems and for different farming methods (intensive or pasture) and treated species. As an example of its potential use we applied RANKVET to 48 VMPs largely utilized in Italy.  相似文献   

Identifying the young patient at risk of malignant arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death remains a challenge. It is increasingly recognised that sudden death, syncope and aborted cardiac arrest at a young age in patients with a structurally normal heart may be the result of various ion channel disorders - the channelopathies. The approach to risk stratification involves a combination of the clinical presentation, taken in conjunction with the family history, genetic testing, invasive electrophysiological studies or other provocative tests where appropriate and feasible. A logical approach to risk stratification in some of the commoner channelopathies seen in paediatric practice is presented.  相似文献   

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