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为研究上海市生食贝类水产品的食用安全性,进行了半定量风险评估。牡蛎、醉泥螺、象拔蚌、北极贝为上海市主要的生食贝类水产品,调查显示贝类水产品中副溶血性弧菌平均检出率为43.7%,其中副溶血性弧菌致病性基因Tdh+/Trh+在贝类水产品中的平均检出率为3.75%。对上海地区对生食贝类的消费情况进行了膳食调查,并利用"Risk Ranger"软件对牡蛎、醉泥螺、象拔蚌、北极贝中副溶血性弧菌进行了半定量风险评估。上海市生食贝类消费人群比例为13.86%,生食贝类的食用频率平均2.4月/餐次,平均每餐消费生食贝类水产品为49.06 g/餐。风险评估结果显示:牡蛎/副溶血性弧菌(50)属于高度风险,醉泥螺/副溶血性弧菌(46)、象拔蚌/副溶血性弧菌(44)、北极贝/副溶血性弧菌(39)均属于中度风险,根据风险排序风险大小依次为牡蛎醉泥螺象拔蚌北极贝。  相似文献   

副溶血性弧菌(Vibrio parahemolyticus)是一种重要的水产品食源性致病菌,在我国沿海地区已成为引发细菌性食物中毒的首要风险因子。采集了我国东部海域(18.1°~38.5°N,109.3°~122.5°E)近岸水体样品,测定了水样的pH、盐度、温度、电导率、溶解性固体总量、溶解氧,以及副溶血性弧菌疑似菌含量,建立了水体环境因素与副溶血性弧菌相关性的模型。初步分析结果显示,水体的盐度是影响我国东部海域近岸水体中副溶血性弧菌丰度的主要环境因素。研究结果可为沿海地区副溶血性弧菌流行预警的研究提供数据参考。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 研究辽宁省近三年副溶血性弧菌毒力基因携带、血清型分布及抗生素的耐药情况,为副溶血性弧菌疾病防治提供科学依据。方法 运用多重荧光定量PCR对2014?2016年共计317株食品中和临床分离出的副溶血性弧菌进行毒力基因tdh、trh和tlh检测,同时进行血清分型,并用肉汤稀释法测定对15种抗生素的耐药性。结果 317株分离菌中均携带tlh基因,其中有50.5%的菌株携带tdh基因。167株临床分离株中158株携带tdh基因,检出率为94.6%。317株副溶血性弧菌中85株不能进行K分型,其他菌株共分为29个血清型,167株临床分离株中71.3%为血清型为O3:K6。150株食品分离株中8%为血清型O2:K28,6%为血清型O2:K3。317株副溶血性弧菌对头孢唑啉耐药率达36.9%。结论 辽宁省副溶血性弧菌临床分离株多携带tdh毒力基因,食品分离株毒力基因tdh、trh携带率低。临床分离株中O3:K6血清型菌株均携带tdh基因,且更易产生耐药。辽宁省副溶血性弧菌食源性疾病菌株以携带tdh基因的O3:K6型菌株为主。食品分离株血清型分布比较分散,O2血清群为主要流行血清型。辽宁省地区副溶血性弧菌主要对β-内酰胺类和大环内酯类抗生素产生耐药性。  相似文献   

目的了解雅安市食品中污染的食源性疾病中的重要致病菌,积累监测数据。方法按照《全国食源性致病菌监测2009年度工作手册》,检测10大类食品中的大肠菌群、沙门菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、单核增生李斯特菌、大肠菌群O157和副溶血性弧菌。结果果汁、凉拌蔬菜和蔬菜沙拉大肠菌群的检出率为60%、100%和100%;生畜肉、生食水产品和皮蛋中沙门菌的检出率为10%、20%和3.3%;未检出金黄色葡萄球菌、单核增生李斯特菌、大肠埃希菌O157和副溶血性弧菌。结论通过对食源性疾病的基础监测,加强食品安全,为雅安市防治食源性疾病提供科学依据。  相似文献   

目的:采用健康风险评价方法定量评价近十年乌市(乌鲁木齐市)居民暴露于大气中主要污染物NO2后的慢性健康效应,揭示NO2暴露与居民潜在健康危害的关系。方法:运用统计软件SPSS17.0对NO2与人群呼吸系统疾病、肺癌死亡率进行spearman等级相关分析;根据非致癌污染物健康风险评价公式计算乌市NO2所致的人群健康风险;由超死亡数计算公式综合定量评价NO2对人群的健康危害。结果:1.2001年~2010年乌市人群呼吸系统疾病、肺癌死亡率以及总死亡率和NO2日均暴露剂量无相关性;2.NO2所致个人终生健康危害的危险度R低于单一污染物可接受的健康危险度1.0×10-6。结论:近年来乌市NO2污染物年日平均浓度均达标,但有明显的上升趋势。有关部门应加强环境管理力度,力求减轻大气NO2的污染,保护居民生命健康。  相似文献   

目的:了解甘肃省酒泉市市售食品食源性致病菌的污染状况,为预防与控制食源性疾病发生提供科学依据。方法:按照《2010—2015年食源性致病菌监测计划实施方案》的要求,对2010—2015年酒泉市监测的20类1 575份样品的食源性致病菌监测数据进行整理分析。 结果:共检测样品1 575份,检出阳性菌株196株,总检出率为1116%。各种致病菌的检出率分别为沙门氏菌102 %、蜡样芽孢杆菌1404%、金黄色葡萄球菌395 %、单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌104 %、阪崎肠杆菌118 %、致泻性大肠埃希氏菌090%、副溶血性弧菌500%、创伤弧菌1000%、弯曲菌000%。不同类别食品中,生禽肉、婴幼儿配方食品、生奶、餐饮食品、生畜肉、豆制品、水产品食源性致病菌的污染率较高。生产加工和流通环节是致病菌的主要污染环节。结论:酒泉市市售部分食品存在食源性致病菌污染,食品安全监管部门应加强日常监管,确保人民群众的食品安全。  相似文献   

PMA-qPCR法检测冷冻基质中非可培养状态(VBNC)副溶血性弧菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】副溶血性弧菌为冰鲜产品及肉制品中常见的污染微生物,致病性强,危害严重,出入境运输及加工的肉食品常采取冷冻冷藏的处理手段来防止微生物污染及生长,以保持食物新鲜。而残留的部分副溶血性弧菌会进入活的非可培养状态(Viable but non-culturable state,VBNC),从而构成潜在的风险隐患。【目的】建立可用于冷冻食品中VBNC副溶血性弧菌的快速检测方法,并探讨其适用性。【方法】将大西洋鲑鱼1:10匀浆,加入终浓度为6.6×10~5 CFU/mL的副溶血性弧菌,-20°C分别诱导10、20、30和50 d。建立实时荧光PCR技术(qPCR)方法,测定其特异性、灵敏度及稳定性。利用PMA-qPCR法对不同冷冻时期样品中的副溶血性弧菌进行检测,同时与qPCR、平板培养法进行比较。【结果】建立的qPCR方法特异性好,与其他阴性参考株无交叉反应;灵敏度高,检测限为19.8 CFU/mL;重复性好,C_q值的变异系数(CV)均在1.5%以下;标准曲线为y=-3.272x+45.310,线性回归系数R~2为0.996,定量范围为1×10~2–1×10~9 CFU/mL。在低温诱导10-50 d后,qPCR法的C_q值在26.32-27.34之间,与诱导前相比几乎没有变化;叠氮溴化丙锭(PMA)-qPCR法的C_q值则从诱导前的26.43逐步上升到38.84,呈现明显的上升趋势,表明死菌的数量在显著上升。经过比较及统计,PMA-qPCR检测的活菌数均高于平板培养法测出的数量,差异显著(P0.05)。【结论】PMA-qPCR特异性及灵敏度高,能有效抑制对死菌的扩增,同时能克服传统平板培养法对VBNC的漏检缺陷,可方便、快捷地用于冷冻食品中受损致病微生物,尤其是进入VBNC状态的细菌检测。  相似文献   

辽宁沿海城市带生态风险综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于辽宁沿海城市带1992和2007年2期遥感影像的解译数据,利用GIS空间分析技术,从土地利用变化和人口增长压力两个方面构建模型对辽宁沿海城市带生态风险进行了综合评价.结果表明:1992-2007年,生态风险格局呈现出由内陆向沿海(由北向南)逐步增加的趋势,地势平坦、交通发达和人口密集地区的生态风险较高;高海拔、人为干扰相对较少的山地和丘陵地区的生态风险较低;两个时期生态风险的转移矩阵表明,15年间不同生态风险等级之间的转化主要表现在低等级风险向高等级风险的发展,辽宁沿海城市带生态压力日益变大,生态风险等级和范围不断增加.  相似文献   

天津城市公园灰尘重金属污染健康风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了天津市中心城区41个代表性公园灰尘样品的重金属含量,借助健康风险评价模型,对天津市公园灰尘重金属的污染状况进行了健康风险评价。结果表明,天津市公园灰尘在不同程度上受到了重金属Cu、Pb、Cr、Cd和Ni的污染,其中,重金属Cu、Pb、Cr、Cd和Ni的含量平均值分别为113.18、63.32、103.18、1.14和40.58 mg·kg-1,均高于天津市土壤重金属元素的背景值。健康风险评价模型计算表明,人体经手-口接触行为直接摄入是公园灰尘暴露风险的主要途径,重金属日平均暴露剂量依次为手-口直接摄食剂量皮肤吸收剂量呼吸道吸入剂量。本研究的5种重金属元素对人体造成的慢性非致癌风险值依次表现为:CrPbCuNiCd,对人体不会造成危害,儿童的非致癌风险大于成人。致癌重金属的致癌风险依次为NiCrCd,均低于癌症风险阈值,尚未形成致癌风险。  相似文献   

水产品是人类摄入重金属的重要来源之一。为检测上海市常见养殖水产品的重金属残留及其污染来源,并进行膳食风险评估,文章采用快速消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,ICP-MS)测定水产品及其养殖环境中铅、镉、铬、汞、砷的含量;并使用单因子指数(single factor pollution index,Pi)、重金属污染指数(metal pollution index,MPI)、相关性分析和危害商数(hazard quotient,HQ)对水产品的金属残留现状、污染来源、膳食风险进行评估。结果表明,重金属污染程度依次为:蟹类>虾类>鱼类、青鱼>鲢鱼>鳙鱼>草鱼、底泥>饲料>养殖水。Pi结果显示,虽然饲料中的Cr、Pb、Cd超出了限量标准,但所有样品的污染均不明显。相关性分析结果显示,水产与饲料中Cr含量之间存在明显的相关性,与其他4种重金属不具相关性。膳食风险评估结果显示,水产品中5种重金属的HQ值均小于1,因此可认为摄入鱼类、甲壳类水产品不会给暴露人群带来明显的健...  相似文献   

目的:调查分析国内7省市老年人抑郁症的检出率及特点,并从老年人基本情况、躯体健康、认知功能等方面综合分析抑郁症的影响因素。方法:采用GDS-30量表分析2011-2012年在北京、上海、哈尔滨、西安、成都、长沙和重庆市及周边乡镇的9200名60岁以上老年抑郁症的发生情况,并分析影响抑郁检出率的相关因素。结果:调查老年对象的抑郁症检出率为17.2%,其中男性为15%,女性为19.6%。女性老年人在各个年龄段的抑郁症检出率均高于男性。抑郁症检出率随着年龄的增加逐渐增加。文化水平、健康自评、认知功能与抑郁症检出率密切相关。结论:抑郁症是国内7省市老年人常见的心理疾病,女性、高龄、低文化水平、健康自评差、认知功能障碍的老年人患抑郁症的几率更高。  相似文献   

There is growing concern about food safety and environmental contamination due to potential health risks to consumers. The aims of this study are to elucidate the accumulation status, influencing factors, and potential risk of selected heavy metals in soils and vegetables from a typical greenhouse vegetable production system in China. The potential health risks of heavy metals through soil contact and vegetable consumption were evaluated for greenhouse and corresponding open field production. The results indicated that the mean concentrations of Hg, Pb, Cu, and Zn in greenhouse vegetable soils were greater than those in open field soils. Leaf vegetables had relatively higher concentrations and transfer factors of heavy metals than root and fruit vegetables, especially for Cd. The target hazard quotient of heavy metals through vegetable consumption was greater than 1 for leaf vegetables, and was also higher for greenhouse vegetables than those from open field. The risk of exposure to heavy metals through direct contact with soil and vegetable consumption was higher for children than for adults and seniors. Planting patterns with different vegetable types and soil properties can affect bioavailability and crop accumulation of heavy metals.  相似文献   

IntroductionFew studies have investigated the relationship between dietary pattern and household food insecurity. The objective of the present analysis was to describe the food consumption patterns and to relate these with the prevalence of food insecurity in the context of a rural community.MethodologyThree hundred and seven (307) randomly selected households in Kilosa district participated in the study. Data were collected during the rainy season (February–May) and post harvest season (September–October) in the year 2011. Food consumption pattern was determined using a 24-h dietary recall method. Food insecurity data were based on the 30 day recall experience to food insecurity in the household. Factor analysis method using Principal Components extraction function was used to derive the dietary patterns and correlation analysis was used to establish the existing relationship between household food insecurity and dietary patterns factor score.ResultsFour food consumption patterns namely (I) Meat and milk; (II) Pulses, legumes, nuts and cooking oils; (III) fish (and other sea foods), roots and tubers; (IV) Cereals, vegetables and fruits consumption patterns were identified during harvest season. Dietary patterns identified during the rainy season were as follows: (I) Fruits, cooking oils, fats, roots and tubers (II) Eggs, meat, milk and milk products (III) Fish, other sea foods, vegetables, roots and tubers and (IV) Pulses, legumes, nuts, cereals and vegetables. Household food insecurity was 80% and 69% during rainy and harvest–seasons, respectively (P = 0.01). Household food insecurity access scale score was negatively correlated with the factor scores on household dietary diversity.ConclusionFood consumption patterns and food insecurity varied by seasons with worst scenarios most prevalent during the rainy season. The risk for inadequate dietary diversity was higher among food insecure households compared to food secure households. Effort geared at alleviating household food insecurity could contribute to consumption of a wide range of food items at the household level.  相似文献   



A Mediterranean diet has a recognized beneficial effect on health and longevity, with a protective influence on several cancers. However, its association with breast cancer risk remains unclear.


We aimed to investigate whether adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern influences breast cancer risk.


The Swedish Women’s Lifestyle and Health cohort study includes 49,258 women aged 30 to 49 years at recruitment in 1991–1992. Consumption of foods and beverages was measured at enrollment using a food frequency questionnaire. A Mediterranean diet score was constructed based on the consumption of alcohol, vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, fish, the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fat, and dairy and meat products. Relative risks (RR) for breast cancer and specific tumor characteristics (invasiveness, histological type, estrogen/progesterone receptor status, malignancy grade and stage) associated with this score were estimated using Cox regression controlling for potential confounders.


1,278 incident breast cancers were diagnosed. Adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern was not statistically significantly associated with reduced risk of breast cancer overall, or with specific breast tumor characteristics. A RR (95% confidence interval) for breast cancer associated with a two-point increment in the Mediterranean diet score was 1.08 (1.00–1.15) in all women, and 1.10 (1.01–1.21) and 1.02 (0.91–1.15) in premenopausal and postmenopausal women, respectively. When alcohol was excluded from the Mediterranean diet score, results became not statistically significant.


Adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern did not decrease breast cancer risk in this cohort of relatively young women.  相似文献   

The need to minimise consumer risk, especially for food that can be consumed uncooked, is a continuing public health concern, particularly in places where safe sanitation and hygienic practices are absent. The use of wastewater in agriculture has been associated with disease risks, though its relative significance in disease transmission remains unclear. This study aimed at identifying key risk factors for produce contamination at different entry points of the food chain. Over 500 produce and ready-to-eat salad samples were collected from fields, markets, and kitchens during the dry and wet seasons in Accra, Ghana, and over 300 soil and irrigation water samples were collected. All samples were analysed for E. coli, human adenovirus and norovirus using standard microbiological procedures, and real time RT-PCR. Finally, critical exposures associated with microbial quality of produce were assessed through observations and interviews. The study found that over 80% of produce samples were contaminated with E. coli, with median concentrations ranging from 0.64 to 3.84 Log E. coli/g produce. Prepared salad from street food vendors was found to be the most contaminated (4.23 Log E. coli/g), and that consumption of salad exceeded acceptable health limits. Key risk factors identified for produce contamination were irrigation water and soil at the farm level. Storage duration and temperature of produce had a significant influence on the quality of produce sold at markets, while observations revealed that the washed water used to rinse produce before sale was dirty. The source of produce and operating with a hygiene permit were found to influence salad microbial quality at kitchens. This study argues for a need to manage produce risk factors at all domains along the food chain, though it would be more effective to prioritise at markets and kitchens due to cost, ease of implementation and public health significance.  相似文献   

BackgroundThere are health risks associated with wastewater and fecal sludge management and use, but little is known about the magnitude, particularly in rapidly growing urban settings of low- and middle-income countries. We assessed the point-prevalence and risk factors of intestinal parasite infections in people with different exposures to wastewater and fecal sludge in Kampala, Uganda.MethodologyA cross-sectional survey was carried out in September and October 2013, enrolling 915 adults from five distinct population groups: workers maintaining wastewater facilities; workers managing fecal sludge; urban farmers; slum dwellers at risk of flooding; and slum dwellers without risk of flooding. Stool samples were subjected to the Kato-Katz method and a formalin-ether concentration technique for the diagnosis of helminth and intestinal protozoa infections. A questionnaire was administered to determine self-reported signs and symptoms, and risk factors for intestinal parasite infections. Univariate and multivariate analyses, adjusted for sex, age, education, socioeconomic status, water, sanitation, and hygiene behaviors, were conducted to estimate the risk of infection with intestinal parasites and self-reported health outcomes, stratified by population group.Conclusions/SignificanceUrban farmers are particularly vulnerable to infections with soil-transmitted helminths, S. mansoni, and intestinal protozoa. Hence, our findings call for public health protection measures for urban farmers and marginalized communities, going hand-in-hand with integrated sanitation safety planning at city level.  相似文献   

The overhunting of wildlife for food and commercial gain presents a major threat to biodiversity in tropical forests and poses health risks to humans from contact with wild animals. Using a recent survey of wildlife offered at wild meat markets in Malaysia as a basis, we review the literature to determine the potential zoonotic infection risks from hunting, butchering and consuming the species offered. We also determine which taxa potentially host the highest number of pathogens and discuss the significant disease risks from traded wildlife, considering how cultural practices influence zoonotic transmission. We identify 51 zoonotic pathogens (16 viruses, 19 bacteria and 16 parasites) potentially hosted by wildlife and describe the human health risks. The Suidae and the Cervidae families potentially host the highest number of pathogens. We conclude that there are substantial gaps in our knowledge of zoonotic pathogens and recommend performing microbial food safety risk assessments to assess the hazards of wild meat consumption. Overall, there may be considerable zoonotic risks to people involved in the hunting, butchering or consumption of wild meat in Southeast Asia, and these should be considered in public health strategies.  相似文献   

With rapid industrialization and modernization in China, long-term dietary exposure to cadmium (Cd) has the potential to cause health risks. The traditional probabilistic approach for long-term dietary assessment was a semi-probabilistic method that had limitations in qualifying the variation in concentration data. Thus, this article estimated the long-term dietary exposure to Cd of the adults of Jiangsu province using semi-probabilistic and fully probabilistic approaches, and compared the two models. Cd concentration data were obtained from the national food contamination monitoring program 2001–2009. Food consumption data were gathered from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey conducted in 2002. The provisional tolerable daily intakes (PTDI) of 0.8 μg kg–1 bw for Cd was applied in the risk assessment. The estimates of semi-probabilistic approach were within the provisional tolerable daily intakes (PTDI) at mean and all percentiles. However, the P95 of exposure with fully probabilistic approach for all population groups were above PTDI. Rice and rice products followed by wheat flour and wheat flour products, crustaceans, pak-choi, beans, and bean products contributed most to the Cd intake for adults. The fully probabilistic estimates could indicate a possible public health concern on Cd for adults in Jiangsu province.  相似文献   

BackgroundMercury, in particular its most toxic form methylmercury, poses a risk to public health. Dietary methylmercury exposure is mainly by fish, and it can vary with fish contamination and by dietary habits of the population. This study aimed to quantify total mercury levels in different fish from Brazil and to estimate Brazilian exposure to methylmercury by fish consumption.MethodsTotal mercury occurrence was investigated in 18 different fish species by atomic absorption spectrometry with thermal decomposition and gold amalgamation. Dietary exposure to methylmercury was estimated by a deterministic method for different groups considering consumption by sex, different Brazilian geographical regions and habitat (rural or urban).ResultsCarnivorous fish showed higher levels of mercury (0.01 to 0.93 mg/kg) compared to non-strictly carnivorous fish (<0.01 to 0.30 mg/kg). Farmed fishes showed significantly lower levels compared to wild fish. Mean Brazilian fish consumption achieves FAO/WHO health recommendation of about two portions of fish per week. However, there is a large difference between fish consumption at urban and rural homes and among Brazilian geographic regions. These differences in consumption impacted estimated methylmercury intake that was higher in the Northern (1.85 μg/kg bw week) and in the Northeastern (0.72 μg/kg bw week) regions and also by rural population (1.08 μg/kg bw week). These values were compared with the toxicological reference dose for neurotoxicity of 1.6 μg/kg bw week.ConclusionEven though total levels of mercury in fish were lower than Brazilian and international legislations, in the Northern Brazilian region methylmercury intake overpassed the toxicological reference dose for neurotoxicity and in rural areas it achieved 68% of this reference dose.  相似文献   

BackgroundHigh salt consumption is an important risk factor of elevated blood pressure. In Bangladesh about 20 million people are at high risk of hypertension due to climate change induced saline intrusion in water. The objective of this study is to assess beliefs, perceptions, and practices associated with salt consumption in coastal Bangladesh.MethodsThe study was conducted in Chakaria, Bangladesh between April-June 2011. It was a cross sectional mixed method study. For the qualitative study 6 focus group discussions, 8 key informant interviews, 60 free listing exercises, 20 ranking exercises and 10 observations were conducted. 400 adults were randomly selected for quantitative survey. For analysis we used SPSS for quantitative data, and Anthropac and Nvivo for qualitative data.ResultsSalt was described as an essential component of food with strong cultural and religious roots. People described both health benefits and risks related to salt intake. The overall risk perception regarding excessive salt consumption was low and respondents believed that the cooking process can render the salt harmless. Respondents were aware that salt is added in many foods even if they do not taste salty but did not recognize that salt can occur naturally in both foods and water.ConclusionsIn the study community people had low awareness of the risks associated with excess salt consumption and salt reduction strategies were not high in their agenda. The easy access to and low cost of salt as well as unrecognised presence of salt in drinking water has created an environment conducive to excess salt consumption. It is important to design general messages related to salt reduction and test tailored strategies especially for those at high risk of hypertension.  相似文献   

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