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中国石龙子雄性生殖腺的年周期变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
胡健饶  杜继曾  计翔 《动物学报》2004,50(1):103-110
20 0 1年 3月至 2 0 0 2年 2月期间 ,通过每月捕捉浙江丽水中国石龙子 (Eumeceschinensis)雄性成体 ,解剖动物、观测性腺的形态和组织学特征 ,研究雄性生殖周期。睾丸重量和体积、附睾重、输精管重和曲细精管直径有显著的季节变化。睾丸 3月份最重 ,5-9月最轻。睾丸体积和重量的年周期变化规律一致。附睾 3月份最重 ,8-9月份最轻。输精管 4月最重 ,8-10月最轻。生精活动始于 9月下旬 ,翌年 4月最为活跃。 3月下旬曲细精管直径达全年最大值 ,管腔中开始出现呈穗状排列的精子。从基膜到管腔 ,各级生精细胞依次排列。 4月份生精上皮的生精活动最为活跃 ,5月下旬生精活动已近停止 ,7-8月份曲细精管管壁仅由精原细胞 (其间夹有支持细胞 )构成。根据曲细精管生精上皮的年周期变化规律 ,中国石龙子 8月份睾丸生精活动处于第Ⅰ期 ,9月至次年 2月份第Ⅱ期 ,3月上、中旬为Ⅲ期 ,3月底至 4月为Ⅳ期 ,5-6月份为Ⅴ期 ,7月份为Ⅵ期。 4月下旬附睾管腔中有大量的成熟精子 ,7月附睾管腔中已无精子。中国石龙子属于关联型繁殖周期  相似文献   

简要介绍了羽螨,并记述中国1新纪录属Turnixacarus Gaud and Atyeo,1996及1新种:长毛三趾鹑螨T.longisetus sp.nov..新种与已知种T. Exutus的区别在于:新种两性都有亚基节内突Ⅲa,并与亚基节内突Ⅳ连接;雄螨体长较短,尾叶周边围有狭窄膜片,着生h2,h3毛;雌螨e2毛长是T.exutus的2~4倍.标本采自贵州荔枝棕三趾鹑Turnix susciator blakistomi羽毛上,保存于西南大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地三趾跳鼠的食性与繁殖特征的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用夹捕取样法对内蒙古浑善达克沙地三趾跳鼠(Dipus sagitta)种群进行逐月调查,根据捕获样本的繁殖器官特征及胃内容物组成分析三趾跳鼠的食性与繁殖的季节动态。结果表明,本地区三趾跳鼠主要取食植物茎叶,4、5、6、9、10月植物茎叶占其食物组成的95%以上,7~8月达60%~75%;三趾跳鼠还取食少量的植物种子;7~8月,嫩绿的植物种子占35%,但很少取食成熟种子。此外,也捕食少量昆虫。在浑善达克沙地,三趾跳鼠每年只繁殖1胎,繁殖期为5~7月,5月下旬至6月中旬为交配期,6下旬至7月中旬为幼鼠出生期。三趾跳鼠的胎仔数稳定,每胎产仔2~3只,平均胎仔数为2·8。6月份成体雌鼠的妊娠率为43%;7月份雌鼠的妊娠率为48%;其他月份妊娠率为0%。雄鼠睾丸下降时间为5~8月,6月雄性成体睾丸下降率达到最高峰,为100%。  相似文献   

广西大苗山“打鸟坳”趋光性鸟类调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
2000年9月、2001年5月和10月2、002年5月和10月、2003年10月、2005年9月,通过实地调查和访问当地群众的方法,对广西大苗山“打鸟坳”的趋光性鸟类进行了调查,在大苗山发现了规模较大的“打鸟坳”共5个,并记录趋光性鸟类58种,隶属于10目14科。其中留鸟16种,夏候鸟15种,冬候鸟17种,旅鸟10种。趋光性鸟类主要以鹭科(Ardeidae)、三趾鹑科(Turnicidae)、秧鸡科(Rallidae)等涉禽为主。鹭科鸟类数量较多的有白鹭(Egretta garzetta)和池鹭(Ardeola bacchus);三趾鹑科数量最多的为黄脚三趾鹑(Turnix tanki);秧鸡科以白胸苦恶鸟(Amaurornis phoenicurus)最多。文中还对“打鸟坳”的形成以及部分留鸟被捕获的现象进行了讨论,并对大苗山“打鸟坳”鸟类的保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

1985年1—12月在灵武县临河地区共捕羽尾跳鼠184只、五趾跳鼠169只、三趾跳鼠136只。雌雄性比,羽尾跳鼠为1∶0.8,五趾跳鼠为1∶2.31,三趾跳鼠为1∶0.9。羽尾跳鼠雌鼠4—9月均可繁殖。五趾跳鼠雌鼠4—8月为繁殖期。三趾跳鼠雌鼠4—9月为繁殖期。几种雄性鼠中,羽尾跳鼠一出蛰就有很强的繁殖能力,6月份达到高峰。五趾跳鼠4月初出蛰就有较强的繁殖能力,5、6月达到高峰。三趾跳鼠4、5月的繁殖能力较强,6、7月达到高峰。  相似文献   

三种波段电磁辐射致大鼠睾丸损伤的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对比性探讨电磁脉冲(EMP)、S带高功率微波(S-HPM)和X带高功率微波(X-HPM)三种波段电磁辐射致睾丸组织受损的近期和远期效应及其相关敏感指标。方法雄性Wistar大鼠192只,随机分为EMP组、S-HPM组、X-HPM组和对照组,于照后不同时间点采集睾丸组织称重,光镜观察睾丸损伤,并用图像分析技术对曲细精管病变进行定量分析。结果三种波段电磁波辐照后睾丸结构和生精细胞形态损伤基本相似:早期睾丸重及睾丸重/体重比值呈下降趋势;曲细精管生精上皮变薄,生精细胞排列紊乱,精原细胞变性坏死并由管壁脱落,精母细胞和精子数量减少并团聚于管腔中央,支持细胞和间质细胞不同程度变性;曲细精管受损百分率显示EMP组最重,S-HPM最轻,生精细胞受损数量与程度显著增加(P0.05)。结论三种波段电磁辐射对睾丸生精细胞的损伤,具有速发性、时相性、分布不均一性特点;损伤程度呈EMPX-HPMS-HPM;睾丸曲细精管受损百分率可定量反映其损伤程度,可望成为评估电磁辐射致睾丸损伤的敏感指标之一。  相似文献   

2012—2015年在福建闽江河口湿地采用直接计数法开展了48次水禽调查,共记录水禽175 325只次,隶属7目14科91种。群落主要组成物种包括斑嘴鸭Anas poecilorhyncha、黑腹滨鹬Calidris alpina、三趾滨鹬Calidris alba、环颈鸻Charadrius alexandrinus和铁嘴沙鸻Charadrius leschenaultii等11种,常见种15种,偶见种31种。研究区域11月至翌年2月为越冬期,水禽数量最多,3—6月为春季迁徙期,水禽数量下降,4—9月为夏候鸟栖息期和繁殖期,7—9月部分候鸟和旅鸟开始迁徙过境,数量先升后降,10—11月冬候鸟快速增加,7—11月为秋季迁徙期。  相似文献   

黄迪  李颉  何立群 《遗传》2009,31(9):941-946
文章从影响生精功能相关基因的角度探讨雷公藤多甙抑制小鼠生殖功能的机理,将小鼠随机分为对照组、雷公藤多甙组,应用雷公藤多甙灌胃造成雄性小鼠生殖功能障碍,通过与雌鼠(1:2)合笼观察怀孕率和睾丸组织变化,并采用基因芯片技术观察小鼠睾丸组织的基因表达.结果发现雷公藤多甙组小鼠较对照组怀孕率明显下降,尤其是在8周后怀孕率为0.睾丸曲细精管管壁上生精细胞数量减少,曲细精管内生精细胞部分或全部脱落,阻塞于管腔内,并发现有1932条基因表达出现异常,与生殖相关基因354条,上调112条,下调242条.其中有已经公认的与生殖密切相关的基因Herc4、Ipoll和Mrto4等的表达异常.提示雷公藤多甙引起的小鼠生殖功能障碍与其致生精相关基因的表达异常有关.  相似文献   

四川南充地区棕背伯劳繁殖期鸣声的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年3~8月,对四川南充地区棕背伯劳繁殖期鸣声进行了初步的研究.研究期间共记录到430次棕背伯劳的鸣声.根据对其行为和鸣声波谱图、语谱图特点的分析,繁殖期棕背伯劳的鸣声可分为:占区、驱逐、求偶、幼鸟乞食、召唤和应答6种叫声,对棕背伯劳繁殖期鸣声的特点进行了分析讨论.  相似文献   

棕色田鼠睾丸及附睾胚后发育的形态学变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过组织学方法,对产后1 d、10 d、25 d、45 d、60 d及70 d的棕色田鼠Lasiopodomys mandarinus睾丸和附睾发育进行了观察,以探讨其精子发生特点.结果 发现,1 d棕色田鼠的生殖细胞主要是生殖母细胞和前精原细胞;10 d出现大量精原细胞,睾丸间质细胞明显;25 d出现精子细胞;45 d有少量精子出现;60 d和70 d具有各级生精细胞,睾丸生精小管和附睾内出现大量成熟精子.睾丸生精小管管径和生精上皮厚度随日龄增加,于60 d达到最大;附睾管腔直径和附睾上皮厚度也于60 d达到最大.这些结果表明,棕色田鼠在生后45 d左右进入青春期,60 d左右达到性成熟,精子的产生及成熟与附睾的发育同步.  相似文献   

Macroscopical and histological characteristics were examined in both testes from three healthy boars, three boars with unilateral abdominal cryptorchidism on the right side, and three boars with bilateral abdominal cryptorchidism. Abdominal cryptorchidism, unilateral and bilateral, provoked a significant decrease of the weight and volume of the ectopic testes. The scrotal testis of the unilateral cryptorchid boars showed an increase in its volume and weight. Cryptorchidism also induced abnormalities in the histological structure of seminiferous tubules, lamina propria, and interstitial tissue of the abdominal testes. The number of seminiferous tubules decreased; the seminiferous epithelium was constituted by few spermatogonia with an atypical pattern and by abnormal Sertoli cells. The lamina propria showed a variable degree of thickening and collagenization. The interstitial tissue was very developed but displayed a decrease in the Leydig cell population. These abnormalities were more critical in bilateral cryptorchidism than in unilateral cryptorchidism. The scrotal testis of the unilateral cryptorchid boars showed normal appearance, but a decrease of the number of seminiferous tubules was observed. Moreover, the seminiferous tubules showed impaired spermatid maturation. The alterations observed in the abdominal testes of the unilateral and bilateral cryptorchid boars were attributed to defective proliferation and differentiation of Sertoli cells and Leydig cells. The anomalies in the scrotal testis of the unilateral cryptorchid boars were due to disturbances in the Sertoli cell activity.  相似文献   

The role of testosterone in the early stage of spermatocytogenesis was investigated in newborn rats. The testes of rats, either 0 or 6 days of age, were implanted into those of hypophysectomized adult rats that had or had not been injected with testosterone propionate (TP) after hypophysectomy and also into those in intact adult rats. All the animals were autopsied 17 or 11 days later when the implanted testes reached 17 days of age. The implanted testes were examined for cellular components in the seminiferous tubules. In an additional experiment, newborn rats were injected with TP or cyproterone acetate, an antagonistic substance against androgen, daily for the first 17 days of life and examined for testes. Proliferation of supporting cells and development of seminiferous tubules were less remarkable in the testes of newborn rats which had been implanted into the testes of hypophysectomized rats than in those which had been implanted into the testes of intact adult rats. Proliferation of supporting cells was not stimulated by TP, but development of seminiferous tubules was slightly promoted. Progress in spermatocytogenesis from gonocytes to pachytene primary spermatocytes was observed in the testes of newborn rats which had been implanted into the testes of hypophysectiomized rats. It was not so marked after injection with TP. These results suggested that testosterone might have stimulated development of seminiferous tubules and maturation of spermatocytes in the early stage of spermatocytogenesis by its synergistic action with a gonadotropin, possible follicle-stimulating hormone.  相似文献   

The safety of testicular fine needle aspiration (FNA) has been proven in dogs but has not been fully established in men, while studies in rats have given contradictory results. Furthermore, the extent of damage inflicted by multiple punctures is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of FNA and of the number of punctures on the feline testis with clinical, gross anatomy and histological examinations. Twenty-seven sexually mature healthy laboratory Domestic Shorthair cats were randomly assigned to two groups: 5 cats in which no FNA was performed (control group), and 22 cats which had their left and right testis punctured with a 26 ga needle towards 3 and 8 directions, respectively (experimental group). Two cats at a time were orchiectomized 5 or 30 min, 1, 2, 4, 7 or 14 days or 1, 2, 3 or 4 mo post-aspiration. The cats of the control group were also orchiectomized. During the first week post-aspiration clinical examination revealed vaginal cavity hematoma (8/44 testes), while the histological findings were focal hemorrhagic areas (20/24 testes), erythrocytes inside the seminiferous tubules' lumen (9/24 testes), and germinal cell degeneration in <1.94% of the seminiferous tubules (15/24 testes). After the first week the histological findings were germinal cell degeneration in <2.14% of the seminiferous tubules (19/20 testes) and enlargement of the lumen of <5.16% of the seminiferous tubules (7/20 testes). The germinal epithelium and interstitium had an overall normal appearance. No significant differences were observed between the left and right testis. The results of the study indicate that testicular FNA should be considered a safe procedure in the cat when up to 8 punctures are performed.  相似文献   

Adult male opossums, Didelphis virginiana, were rendered hemicryptorchid for 35 days. The cyrptorchid testis exhibited a significant reduction in weight, while the contralateral testis had a compensatory weight gain compared with testes of untreated animals. Histological changes in the cryptorchid testis included fibrosis of the tunica propria, involution of the seminiferous tubules and an apparent increase in the interstitial tissue. Many seminiferous tubules were empty and germinal cells were absent. Some Sertoli cells persisted, but the cytoplasm was vacuolated. Cryptorchid testes were characterized by mononuclear leucocytic invasion around the tubules, and some eosinophils were observed. Cryptorchidism in the opossum may induce a reaction similar to experimental orchitis.  相似文献   

为探索细胞外基质相关蛋白在隐睾双峰驼的分布情况及其组织化学特征,应用电镜技术和多种组织化学方法比较了隐睾和正常睾丸的超微结构,组织化学特点及层粘连蛋白(LN)、Ⅳ型胶原(Col Ⅳ)和硫酸乙酰肝素糖蛋白(HSPG)的分布特征。结果显示:(1)与正常睾丸间质结构相比,光镜下隐睾生精小管发育不全,间质内胶原纤维稀疏,网状纤维分布明显,间质血管及生精小管固有膜PAS及AB-PAS阳性反应较弱。电镜下,隐睾生精上皮基膜明显增生,外围I型胶原纤维较少,管周肌样细胞不典型;间质毛细血管及Leydig细胞周围纤维细胞多见,而正常睾丸在间质毛细血管及Leydig细胞周围多分布有成纤维细胞。(2) 免疫组织化学染色显示,正常睾丸组织的Col Ⅳ、LN及HSPG在Leydig细胞内均为强阳性表达,Col Ⅳ和LN在毛细血管内皮细胞强阳性表达,后者在Sertoli细胞的表达尤为明显,HSPG在精原细胞无表达;隐睾时Col Ⅳ、LN及HSPG在Leydig细胞内阳性表达均明显减弱,Col Ⅳ、LN在管周肌样细胞及毛细血管内皮细胞阳性表达也减弱明显,HSPG在精原细胞较强阳性表达,且在精子细胞呈强阳性表达。免疫组织化学图像分析结果显示,双峰驼正常睾丸组织中Col Ⅳ和LN的分布显著高于隐睾组织(P<0.05),HSPG检测结果在正常睾丸与隐睾之间无统计学差异(P>0.01)。该研究表明,双峰驼隐睾生精小管发育异常,间质组织中合成胶原纤维的能力下降,睾丸细胞外基质的重要成分Col Ⅳ,LN与正常组差异显著与生精小管及Leydig细胞异常发育有关,而HSPG在隐睾生精上皮的强阳性表达与精原细胞发育不成熟密切相关。  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2021,21(4):100562
The structural integrity of the germ cells in the seminiferous epithelium and the correct process of spermatogenesis are made possible by proteins that participate in the formation of different types of junctions. This study was performed on samples of the testes of 4 groups (2 experimental and 2 corresponding control) of male Wistar rats. In the first experimental group, the adult rats received letrozole – a nonsteroidal inhibitor of cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450arom). The second experimental group was exposed to soya isoflavones during the prenatal period, lactation, and up to sexual maturity. The aim of this study was to examine the immunoexpression of β-catenin, N-cadherin, occludin, connexin43, annexin V, and advanced glycation end products (AGE) in the seminiferous epithelium of rat testes with chronic estrogen deficiency and of rats exposed to soya isoflavones. Series of sections of the testes were stained using PAS and silver impregnation. Moreover, immunohistochemistry tests were performed. A semi-quantitative determination of protein immunoexpression was performed using Image J. The number of annexin V positive Sertoli cells per tubule were counted manually. Comparisons between the experimental and corresponding control groups were performed using a non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. The most common alterations were prematurely sloughed germ cells in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules and invaginations of the seminiferous tubules. We observed a lower number of annexin V positive Sertoli cells and a lower expression of N-cadherin and occludin in the seminiferous epithelium of both groups of rats with hormonal imbalances. Moreover, a higher expression of AGE, a lower expression of connexin 43 and a lower amount of reticular fibers in the basal lamina of seminiferous tubules was present in rats treated with letrozole and a higher expression of β-catenin was found in rats exposed to soya isoflavones. The hormonal imbalance between androgens and estrogens resulted in a decreased number of annexin V positive Sertoli cells. This may be associated with a failed clearance of apoptotic germ cells that leads to disturbances in the blood-testis-barrier (BTB) by affecting the expression of junctional proteins in the seminiferous epithelium. Moreover, a decreased level of estrogens was also associated with an increased expression of AGEs and with a changed composition of basal lamina in the seminiferous tubules of rats. These changes could lead to germ cell sloughing and invaginations of the seminiferous tubules.  相似文献   

Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) is a selenoprotein belonging to the family of glutathione peroxidases and has been implicated in antioxidative defense and spermatogenesis. PHGPx accounts for almost the entire selenium content of mammalian testis. In an attempt to verify the expression pattern of PHGPx, testes of mouse mutants with arrest at different stages of germ cell development and testes of mice at different ages were subjected to immunostaining with a monoclonal anti-PHGPx antibody. PHGPx was detected in Leydig cells of testes in all developmental stages. In the seminiferous tubuli, the PHGPx staining was first observed in testes of 21-day-old mice which is correlated with the appearance of the first spermatids. This result was confirmed when the testes of mutant mice with defined arrest of germ cell development were used. An immunostaining was observed in the seminiferous tubuli of olt/olt and qk/qk mice which show an arrest at spermatid differentiation. In Western blot analysis of proteins extracted from testes of mutant mice and from developing testes, two signals at 19- and 22-kDa were observed which confirm the existence of two PHGPx forms in testicular cells. In mouse spermatozoa, a subcellular localization of PHGPx and sperm mitochondria-associated cysteine-rich protein (SMCP) was demonstrated, indicating the localization of PHGPx in mitochondria of spermatozoa midpiece. For verifying the midpiece localization of PHGPx in other species, spermatozoa of Drosophila melanogaster, frog, fish, cock, mouse, rat, pig, bull, and human were used in immunostaining using anti-PHGPx antibody. A localization of PHGPx was found in the midpiece of spermatozoa in all species examined. In electronmicroscopical analysis, PHGPx signals were found in the mitochondria of midpiece. These results indicate a conserved crucial role of PHGPx during sperm function and male fertility.  相似文献   

The influence of season on spermatogenesis, testicular composition and the concentration of testosterone in the equine testis was evaluated using testes from 45 stallions. Testes were obtained through a commercial abbatoir during September, December-January, March and July. The weights of the testes, the tunica albuginea and testicular parenchyma and the proportion of the testicular parenchyma occupied by seminiferous tubules or interstitial tissue were similar during each season. How ever, diameter of the seminiferous tubules was greater in July than during other months of the study. In addition, the concentration of testosterone within the testicular parenchyma was twice as great during July as during the fall and winter, and this period of peak testicular testosterone concentrations was associated with spermatozoal production rates, which were 65% greater than those observed in September.  相似文献   

J R Wisner  W R Gomes 《Steroids》1975,26(6):769-783
Homogenates of rat seminiferous tubules, interstitium and intact testis tissues were assessed for their ability to convert cholesterol -1,2-3H to testosterone in vitro. While 3H-testosterone synthesis was observed in incubates of interstitial and whole testis homogenates, no synthesis was detectable in homogenates of seminiferous tubules. To determine whether cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme (CSCCE) was deficient or absent in tubules, mitochondria from tubules, interstitium and whole testes were analyzed for CSCCE activity by measuring conversion of cholesterol -26-14C to 14C-isocaproate (+pregnenolone). Interstitial mitochondrial preparations from each of six testes were found to be approximately 200 times more active in CSCCE than the corresponding tubule mitochondria, and 1600-1800 times more active on a specific activity basis. Although caution is required in extrapolation of in vitro data to the in vivo state, these findings suggest rat seminiferous tubules may be incapable of de novo testosterone biosynthesis and that this lack of synthetic ability may be due to a deficiency of CSCCE.  相似文献   

Using a variation of a previously published method for manipulating vitamin A levels, we obtained synchronized rat testes and determined the frequency of stages of the seminiferous epithelium in each rat. In this study, we have demonstrated a method for quantitative analysis of the synchrony. The degree of synchronization was expressed as a fraction of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium, and thus in terms not influenced by the different durations of the stages of this cycle. The median stage about which the tubules were synchronized was calculated. This method may be used to compare the effects of different synchronizing treatments, which may be subtle, and to study various aspects of spermatogenesis in the synchronized testes. For example, the duration of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium in synchronized testes is estimated to be 12.5 days.  相似文献   

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