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探讨不同波段电磁辐射对大鼠睾丸Sertoli细胞雄激素受体(androgen receptor,AR)和卵泡刺激素受体(follicle stimulating hormone receptor,FSHR)表达的影响。原代培养的Sertoli细胞分别经场强6×104 V/m的电磁脉冲(electromagnetic pulse,EMP)、平均功率密度为100 mW/cm2的S波段微波(S-band high power microwave,S-HPM)和X波段微波(X-bandhigh power microwave,X-HPM)辐射4 min。应用real-time RT-PCR和Western blot方法检测Sertoli细胞AR的表达,结果显示具有不同程度的降低(P<0.05,P<0.01);Wistar大鼠分别经S-HPM、X-HPM和EMP照射20 min,应用免疫组化方法检测睾丸组织AR的表达,发现辐射后7 d有显著降低(P<0.05,P<0.01)。三者比较,AR的表达总体呈EMP>X-HPM>S-HPM的趋势,而FSHR的表达无明显变化。Sertoli细胞AR表达的变化,可能参与了电磁辐射致...  相似文献   

不同波段电磁辐射致大鼠睾丸支持细胞的损伤效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨不同波段电磁辐射对大鼠睾丸支持细胞(Sertoli细胞)损伤效应的异同.将原代培养的Sertoli细胞经场强6×104V/m的电磁脉冲(electromagnetic pulse,EMP)、平均功率密度为100mW/cm2的S-波段高功率微波(S-band high power microwave,S-HPM)和...  相似文献   

电磁辐射对大鼠海马Raf/MEK/ERK信号通路的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究电磁辐射后大鼠海马Raf/MEK/ERK通路相关信号分子的表达变化规律。探讨辐射损伤机制。方法:分别采用X波段高功率微波(X-HPM)、S波段高功率微波(S-HPM)及电磁脉冲(EMP)模拟源辐射大鼠,建立电磁辐射动物模型。通过Western blot检测海马Raf-1、磷酸化Raf-1和磷酸化ERK的表达。结果:三种电磁辐射后6h-14d,Raf-1表达均下调,以7d最为显著,至28d基本恢复,辐射组间未见明显差异。辐射后6h和7d,磷酸化Raf-1和磷酸化ERK表达均上调,6h较为明显,磷酸化ERK的变化以两微波组更为显著。S-HPM辐射后6h~14d,磷酸化Raf-1表达持续上调,磷酸化ERK的变化呈波浪状,以6h和3d为高峰。结论:Raf/MEK/ERK信号通路参与了电磁辐射所致海马损伤;ERK通路过度活化导致神经元凋亡与坏死可能是电磁辐射致认知功能障碍的重要机制。  相似文献   

(一)睾丸的结构睾丸位于阴囊内,其表面包有一层坚韧的纤维膜即白膜。由白膜向内伸出许多不完整的纤维隔,即睾丸小隔,这些睾丸小隔把睾丸分成许多间隔,称睾丸小叶,每个小叶内含有2—4条曲细精管,小叶内的曲细精管向纵隔集中,并互相结合成直细精管,随后在睾丸纵隔内吻合而形成小管网,即睾丸网。睾丸网再发出8—15条输出小管进入附睾。精子就是在曲细精管中源源不断发生。 (二)精子发生整个精子发生过程都在睾丸的曲细精管内进行。曲细精管内有两类细胞,即生精细胞和支持细胞。曲细精管间的疏松结缔组织构成睾丸  相似文献   

中国石龙子雄性生殖腺的年周期变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
胡健饶  杜继曾  计翔 《动物学报》2004,50(1):103-110
20 0 1年 3月至 2 0 0 2年 2月期间 ,通过每月捕捉浙江丽水中国石龙子 (Eumeceschinensis)雄性成体 ,解剖动物、观测性腺的形态和组织学特征 ,研究雄性生殖周期。睾丸重量和体积、附睾重、输精管重和曲细精管直径有显著的季节变化。睾丸 3月份最重 ,5-9月最轻。睾丸体积和重量的年周期变化规律一致。附睾 3月份最重 ,8-9月份最轻。输精管 4月最重 ,8-10月最轻。生精活动始于 9月下旬 ,翌年 4月最为活跃。 3月下旬曲细精管直径达全年最大值 ,管腔中开始出现呈穗状排列的精子。从基膜到管腔 ,各级生精细胞依次排列。 4月份生精上皮的生精活动最为活跃 ,5月下旬生精活动已近停止 ,7-8月份曲细精管管壁仅由精原细胞 (其间夹有支持细胞 )构成。根据曲细精管生精上皮的年周期变化规律 ,中国石龙子 8月份睾丸生精活动处于第Ⅰ期 ,9月至次年 2月份第Ⅱ期 ,3月上、中旬为Ⅲ期 ,3月底至 4月为Ⅳ期 ,5-6月份为Ⅴ期 ,7月份为Ⅵ期。 4月下旬附睾管腔中有大量的成熟精子 ,7月附睾管腔中已无精子。中国石龙子属于关联型繁殖周期  相似文献   

黄迪  李颉  何立群 《遗传》2009,31(9):941-946
文章从影响生精功能相关基因的角度探讨雷公藤多甙抑制小鼠生殖功能的机理,将小鼠随机分为对照组、雷公藤多甙组,应用雷公藤多甙灌胃造成雄性小鼠生殖功能障碍,通过与雌鼠(1:2)合笼观察怀孕率和睾丸组织变化,并采用基因芯片技术观察小鼠睾丸组织的基因表达.结果发现雷公藤多甙组小鼠较对照组怀孕率明显下降,尤其是在8周后怀孕率为0.睾丸曲细精管管壁上生精细胞数量减少,曲细精管内生精细胞部分或全部脱落,阻塞于管腔内,并发现有1932条基因表达出现异常,与生殖相关基因354条,上调112条,下调242条.其中有已经公认的与生殖密切相关的基因Herc4、Ipoll和Mrto4等的表达异常.提示雷公藤多甙引起的小鼠生殖功能障碍与其致生精相关基因的表达异常有关.  相似文献   

2007年9月至2008年8月,于每月中旬从海南澄迈县取棕三趾鹑(Turnix suscitator)雄性成体8~11只进行解剖,观测性腺形态及其组织学特征.结果表明,棕三趾鹑睾丸重量和体积、曲细精管直径和生精上皮厚度呈周期性变化.3月睾丸明显增重增大,7月达到最大,10月明显变小减轻,12月最小.生精活动开始于3月,4~9月为旺盛的活跃期,从基膜到管腔,各级生精细胞依次排列,10月开始减弱,11月接近停止.根据睾丸各项指标的变化规律,显示棕三趾鹑11月至翌年2月为非繁殖期,3~10月为繁殖期.  相似文献   

电磁辐射对原代培养海马神经元的损伤效应及其机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究X带高功率微波、S带高功率微波及电磁脉冲辐射对原代培养海马神经元的损伤效应并探讨其机制。通过体外培养原代海马神经元,建立电磁波辐照细胞模型。采用Annexin V-PI双标记、流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡与坏死,原子力显微镜检测细胞膜表面形态,Fluo-3-AM荧光探针负载、激光扫描共聚焦显微镜测定胞内[Ca2 ]i。结果表明,辐射后海马神经元凋亡与坏死均增加,其中坏死增加明显;细胞膜表面粗糙度加大,膜穿孔增多;胞内[Ca2 ]i明显升高。且以上变化均以X带高功率微波组最重,S带高功率微波组次之,电磁脉冲组最轻。提示细胞膜穿孔增多,膜通透性增加,导致胞外Ca2 内流增加,甚至胞内钙超载是辐射致海马神经元凋亡与坏死的机制之一;三种电磁辐射对海马神经元的损伤程度与照射频率呈正相关。  相似文献   

大量实验资料表明哺乳动物睾丸曲细精管中存在一种屏障,该屏障类似于血脑屏障,能选择性阻止血液中某些物质进入管腔中,因此称为血睾屏障(blood-testis barrier)。目前已知分化着的生精细胞(精母细胞和精子细胞)是处在由支持细胞(Sertoli cell)之间的紧密连接所创  相似文献   

孤儿受体TR3在小鼠睾丸中的定位和表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mu XM  Liu YX 《生理学报》1998,50(4):439-443
本文采用原位杂交和免疫组织化学技术,观察孤儿受体TR3及其mRNA在小鼠睾丸中的表达及细胞定位。结果表明,在小鼠睾丸中有显著量的孤儿受体TR3 mRNA和蛋白表达,其表达量在不同曲细精管有明显的差异;孤儿受体TR3蛋白主要定位于生精细胞,其mRNA在生精细胞特异表达,主要在精原细胞和发育早期的初级精母细胞表达,提示孤儿受体TR3在小鼠曲细精管精子发生的早期阶段中起着调控作用。  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(5):511-525

Electromagnetic radiations are reported to produce long-term and short-term biological effects, which are of great concern to human health due to increasing use of devices emitting EMR especially microwave (MW) radiation in our daily life. In view of the unavoidable use of MW emitting devices (microwaves oven, mobile phones, Wi-Fi, etc.) and their harmful effects on biological system, it was thought worthwhile to investigate the long-term effects of low-level MW irradiation on the reproductive function of male Swiss strain mice and its mechanism of action. Twelve-week-old mice were exposed to non-thermal low-level 2.45-GHz MW radiation (CW for 2 h/day for 30 days, power density = 0.029812 mW/cm2 and SAR = 0.018 W/Kg). Sperm count and sperm viability test were done as well as vital organs were processed to study different stress parameters. Plasma was used for testosterone and testis for 3β HSD assay. Immunohistochemistry of 3β HSD and nitric oxide synthase (i-NOS) was also performed in testis. We observed that MW irradiation induced a significant decrease in sperm count and sperm viability along with the decrease in seminiferous tubule diameter and degeneration of seminiferous tubules. Reduction in testicular 3β HSD activity and plasma testosterone levels was also noted in the exposed group of mice. Increased expression of testicular i-NOS was observed in the MW-irradiated group of mice. Further, these adverse reproductive effects suggest that chronic exposure to nonionizing MW radiation may lead to infertility via free radical species-mediated pathway.  相似文献   

The histopathological aspects of the testis in rat after intra-serous proximal hemideferentectomy and end-to-end tubulo-vasostomy are evaluated. The histomorphometric variations of the convoluted seminiferous tubules and the quantitative modifications of the stages of spermatogenesis are correlated with the obstruction's degree of the tubulo-deferential anastomosis.  相似文献   

用中药复方免不1号,免不2号治疗免疫性不育雄鼠,观察睾丸,附睾组织学和免疫组化的变化。用精子抗原免疫昆明种雄性小白鼠,建立免疫性不育动物模型。同时分别饲喂中药复方免不1号,免不2号,醋酸强的松,生理盐水;从组织学和免疫组化等方面观察免疫性不育症的变化。结果显示免疫性不育雄鼠血清,精囊液抗精子抗体高,睾丸间质,睾丸曲细精管界膜,精原细胞,附睾管上皮细胞免疫复合物沉积多,睾丸每曲细精管精子和晚期精子细胞减少,中药免不1号和2号能降低抗精子抗体,清除免疫复合物的沉积,恢复曲细精管精子和晚期精子细胞数。结果表明:免不1号和2号通过调节全身免疫系统,清除循环和局部的抗精子抗体,免疫复合物,提高精子和精子细胞数,从而提高小鼠的受孕率。  相似文献   

Adult male opossums, Didelphis virginiana, were rendered hemicryptorchid for 35 days. The cyrptorchid testis exhibited a significant reduction in weight, while the contralateral testis had a compensatory weight gain compared with testes of untreated animals. Histological changes in the cryptorchid testis included fibrosis of the tunica propria, involution of the seminiferous tubules and an apparent increase in the interstitial tissue. Many seminiferous tubules were empty and germinal cells were absent. Some Sertoli cells persisted, but the cytoplasm was vacuolated. Cryptorchid testes were characterized by mononuclear leucocytic invasion around the tubules, and some eosinophils were observed. Cryptorchidism in the opossum may induce a reaction similar to experimental orchitis.  相似文献   

The present work was performed to examine the existence of some relationships between macroscopic and microscopic traits of testis and epididymis in rabbit. The variables studied were live weight (LW), testis length (TL), testis width (TWh), testis weight (TW), testis volume (TV), epididymis length (EL), epididymis width (EWh), epididymis weight (EW), epididymis volume (EV), percentage of seminiferous tubules with presence of lumen (STL), percentage of seminiferous tubules with presence of elongated spermatids (STES), percentage of seminiferous tubules with presence of spermatozoa (STS) and diameter of seminiferous tubules (STD). Measurements began after weaning and continued until males reached 33 weeks of age.Phenotypic correlations between testis and epidydimis traits and the principal component analysis were estimated as the residual correlation from an analysis of variance, including the effects of line, birth-season, age, and the double interactions line × age and birth-season × age.Four principal components (PCs) explained 79% of the total variation. The predominant variables defining the first PC were TL, TW and TV. Epididymis width and STS were located in the second PC. Epididymis weight and EV were important in the definition of the first and third PC. Tubular diameter seems important in the definition of the fourth PC.It has been not found correlation between traits related to either testis or epididymis size and variables related to active spermatogenesis. Therefore, TW and/or TV seemed not to be good markers of maturity.  相似文献   

目的改善大鼠隐睾模型的制作方法,提高隐睾模型的质量,并对新模型的稳定性进行研究。方法28只大鼠随机分为对照组(ctrl)和模型组(modl)采用模拟失重大鼠模型,对大鼠进行3周尾部悬吊进行造模,随后模型组大鼠解悬吊恢复8周观察该模型的稳定性。结果经过3周的尾部悬吊,模型组所有大鼠睾丸均滑入腹腔,同时和对照组相比,睾丸和附睾的重量出现极显著的降低(P〈0.01)。HE染色发现对照组大鼠睾丸的生精小管结构排列紊乱,精原细胞消失,附睾尾中成熟精子消失。经过8周的恢复,大鼠的睾丸及附睾仍未恢复到正常水平(P〈0.01),HE染色显示其生精小管结构和精原细胞数量并未出现明显的改善。结论尾吊法所建立的大鼠隐睾模型效果稳定,可以有效模拟大鼠隐睾时的睾丸温度变化情况,同时对大鼠的伤害较小,操作比较简单。  相似文献   

Macroscopical and histological characteristics were examined in both testes from three healthy boars, three boars with unilateral abdominal cryptorchidism on the right side, and three boars with bilateral abdominal cryptorchidism. Abdominal cryptorchidism, unilateral and bilateral, provoked a significant decrease of the weight and volume of the ectopic testes. The scrotal testis of the unilateral cryptorchid boars showed an increase in its volume and weight. Cryptorchidism also induced abnormalities in the histological structure of seminiferous tubules, lamina propria, and interstitial tissue of the abdominal testes. The number of seminiferous tubules decreased; the seminiferous epithelium was constituted by few spermatogonia with an atypical pattern and by abnormal Sertoli cells. The lamina propria showed a variable degree of thickening and collagenization. The interstitial tissue was very developed but displayed a decrease in the Leydig cell population. These abnormalities were more critical in bilateral cryptorchidism than in unilateral cryptorchidism. The scrotal testis of the unilateral cryptorchid boars showed normal appearance, but a decrease of the number of seminiferous tubules was observed. Moreover, the seminiferous tubules showed impaired spermatid maturation. The alterations observed in the abdominal testes of the unilateral and bilateral cryptorchid boars were attributed to defective proliferation and differentiation of Sertoli cells and Leydig cells. The anomalies in the scrotal testis of the unilateral cryptorchid boars were due to disturbances in the Sertoli cell activity.  相似文献   

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