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大鼠卵巢的生后发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究大鼠卵巢中卵泡生长发育的增龄性变化,为生殖生物学研究寻找动物模型.方法 用组织学方法,观察了0天~15月大鼠卵巢的形态结构.结果 0天见卵母细胞聚集呈团索状,未见卵泡;4天见大量原始卵泡;1周出现大量初级卵泡;2周见次级卵泡;3周次级卵泡数量增加,卵泡腔扩大;1月可见不同发育阶段的卵泡和闭锁卵泡;45天出现黄体;2月~5月,有大量黄体和生长卵泡;6月~8月,卵巢体积缩小,卵泡数量减少;12月萎缩,未见正常卵泡和黄体;15月,纤维化,可见囊泡.结论 大鼠从6月开始,生殖功能随月龄增长而进行性衰减,机体逐渐衰老.大鼠可用作研究女性生殖与衰老关系的动物模型.  相似文献   

为了研究褪黑激素(Melatonin,MLT)对休情期银黑狐腔前卵泡卵母细胞超微结构的影响。本研究选取健康7月龄埋植和未埋植MLT的银黑狐各5只,取其左侧卵巢共计10枚,制备超薄切片后利用透射电镜分别观察每枚卵巢的各级腔前卵泡各1-5个,并进行拍照。结果埋植和未埋植MLT的银黑狐原始卵泡卵母细胞内均有少量线粒体和高尔基体,而未埋植MLT的银黑狐卵母细胞中还可见少量滑面内质网;初级卵泡卵母细胞内,均开始形成不完整透明带,线粒体及内质网数量均有所增加,沿透明带出现少量皮质颗粒;次级卵泡阶段,未埋植MLT银黑狐卵母细胞微绒毛数量较埋植MLT的多,其余细胞器未见差异。结果表明,MLT对休情期银黑狐卵巢腔前卵泡卵母细胞的线粒体、脂滴、高尔基体、皮质颗粒等细胞器的发育没有影响,仅对初级卵泡阶段内质网的发育有抑制作用。  相似文献   

选定多个阶段小鼠卵巢进行切片染色和生殖细胞计数统计等分析,以发现该阶段小鼠卵巢的发育特点。结果显示在胚胎发育第12.5 d的生殖嵴中,大部分的生殖细胞正进行有丝分裂增殖,并以生殖包囊的形式存在;在出生后第2 d的小鼠卵巢中,有大量紧密接触的原始卵泡,表明生殖包囊刚完成重组形成原始卵泡;在第5 d的小鼠卵巢中,原始卵泡仍占有大部分比例,但也有大量的初级卵泡处于发育之中;在出生后第10 d的卵巢中同时有原始卵泡、初级卵泡和次级卵泡的发育;老年小鼠(16个月大)卵巢中已基本没有卵母细胞。  相似文献   

大熊猫卵泡及卵母细胞发育的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
冯文和  张安居 《兽类学报》1996,16(3):161-165
本文用5只大熊猫卵巢作了连续切片观察,测量分析了卵泡、卵母细胞和透明带的生长发育与成熟过程,以及它们之间的相互关系:(1)大熊猫卵泡及卵母细胞具哺乳类动物双相生长的共同特点,在生长过程中,仅 极少数优势卵泡被确定下来,其余卵泡均在不同时期成为闭锁卵泡,特别在发情期闭锁卵泡黄体化及囊肿现象居多。(2)透明带出现在单层卵泡细胞呈低柱状至柱状期,随着卵泡及卵母细胞的增长,透明带缓慢增厚。  相似文献   

研究东北梅花鹿初级卵母细胞发育的超微结构变化,目的是为探索东北梅花鹿初级卵母细胞的发育规律提供组织学和形态学依据。本研究于2003年和2004年的6月初到8月末取3只、9月中旬到10月初取4只,共计7只健康经产2~3胎的成年东北梅花鹿卵巢;卵巢经2·5%戊二醛固定液固定后,切取约1mm3的卵巢皮质和直径0·5~1·5mm及1·5~3mm的卵泡作为电镜观察用材料;该材料经0·1MpH7·2的PBS漂洗、1%锇酸固定、不同浓度乙醇脱水后,再经Epon812和丙酮等量混合液浸透,最后用Epon812包埋制块,并用半薄切片机切成0·5~2μm半薄切片;再经亚甲基兰-天青Ⅱ染色后,在光镜下进行卵泡分类和卵母细胞定位;将经定位的材料用超薄切片机切成厚度为700~800的切片,经醋酸铀和柠檬酸铅双重染色后,用透射电镜观察、记录并照相。观察时将卵泡依其直径大小、透明带的形成、卵泡腔的出现等分为原始卵泡、初级卵泡、次级卵泡和三级卵泡4类。研究结果表明,在原始卵泡阶段,卵母细胞为较规则的圆形,质膜与卵泡细胞膜紧密相贴,有时形成桥粒,细胞器多分布于近核区,高尔基体不典型,线粒体多为圆形,嵴较少;在次级卵泡阶段,2~4层的卵泡细胞局部开始形成透明带,4层以上时形成薄的透明带,微绒毛斜伸入透明带内,方向不规律;在直径为0·5~1·5mm的三级卵泡阶段,卵母细胞的透明带增厚,各种细胞器在皮质区内数量较多,皮质区内高尔基体的数目增多,粗面内质网明显减少;在直径为1·5~3mm的三级卵泡阶段,卵母细胞的透明带继续加厚,微绒毛缩短变弯,开始从透明带退出,许多皮质颗粒开始排列在卵母细胞膜下。  相似文献   

新生小鼠卵巢移植雄鼠肾囊下卵泡的生长发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将1日龄小鼠卵巢移植入成年雄鼠肾囊下,分别于移植后18d、36d回收移植卵巢进行形态学、组织学观察,以评价卵巢移植体在成年雄性受体小鼠体内生长及卵泡发育潜能。结果表明:移植体生长增大,有各级生长卵泡发育;18日龄移植体平均直径为1881.1μm±204.7μm,与1日龄卵巢相比差异极显著(P<0.01),卵泡发育到有腔卵泡阶段;36日龄移植体平均直径达2575.3μm±466.4μm,显著大于18日龄移植体(P<0.01),有成熟卵泡出现,未观察到黄体;从移植体分离到GV期卵母细胞和卵丘卵母细胞复合体。研究表明1日龄小鼠卵巢移植体在雄性受体生理环境中具有正常生长发育和形成成熟卵泡的潜能。  相似文献   

脊椎动物的性腺发育一直是生物学领域研究的热点,无尾两栖动物因其胚胎发育的独立性和易观察性而成为发育生物学研究领域的良好材料,并取得了许多成果。本文综述了无尾两栖类原始性腺形成、性腺分化、精巢和卵巢的发育,以及配子发生等方面的研究进展。无尾两栖类原始性腺形成主要发生在鳃盖褶和后肢芽形成时期,不同物种略有不同;性腺分化通常以卵原细胞或卵巢腔出现为标志,但对于部分具有初级性腔的物种并不适用;精巢内支持细胞包围精原细胞形成生精囊,囊内细胞经过一系列事件最终排出精子;卵巢由于卵母细胞发育最终卵巢腔消失,卵母细胞在卵泡内不连续分裂,最后形成卵细胞。无尾两栖动物的性腺发育过程具有一定相似性,但不同物种之间存在差异。  相似文献   

为了研究繁殖期雌性蓝狐(Alopexlagopus)类固醇激素含量、发情表现与性器官组织学结构之间的关系,于2019年选取繁殖期不同发情状况的雌性蓝狐,共18只,分为典型发情、非典型发情和不发情3组。通过无损伤取样法采集粪便与尿液并通过放射免疫法(RIA)测定孕酮(P)和雌二醇(E2)的含量;每组选取1只在发情并输精的当天取卵巢和子宫,进行组织学观察。结果显示,所测定典型发情、非典型发情、不发情蓝狐类固醇激素水平,雌二醇在尿液中的含量显著高于粪便,且在不同组间差异明显,尤其在典型发情组更高,达到(11 065.17±546.76)ng/L;孕酮含量尿液与粪样差异不大,孕酮含量在典型发情雌性蓝狐粪便与尿液含量差异不显著,但在不发情雌性蓝狐中差异显著,为(16.61±0.63)μg/L。粪尿测定孕酮和雌二醇激素含量与三组不同情况的发情表现相比相关性显著。粪、尿作为类固醇激素检测样本,虽然含量有差异,但变化趋势一致,都可使用。卵巢与子宫在典型发情雌性蓝狐中体积较大,卵巢可见各级卵泡和多个黄体,子宫黏膜上皮为柱状上皮,排列紧密,固有层内可见大量腺体;非典型发情雌性蓝狐卵巢、子宫发育状况与典型发情雌性蓝狐相类似;不发情雌性蓝狐卵巢、子宫呈静息状态,卵巢中卵泡多处于闭锁状态,无卵母细胞,也无黄体,固有层间质细胞及肌层肌细胞排列更为紧密。说明检测孕酮和雌二醇激素的含量,可以准确判定蓝狐发情的状态。  相似文献   

为了完善提高狐狸繁殖效率的超排技术,探讨了用PMSG、E2、PGF2α和hCG的不同组合处理对诱发初情前雌性蓝狐发情及其对卵巢和子宫发育的影响.EPP组(E2、PMSG和PGF2α组合)和EPPh组(E2、PMSG、PGF2α和hCG组合)分别有2只和3只发情,而对照组未见发情;EPP和EPPh组卵巢指数和有腔卵泡百分率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),而初级卵泡所占百分率则显著低于对照组.此外,EPPh组次级卵泡所占百分率与对照组相比显著降低(P<0.05);当用EPP和EPPh法处理雌性蓝狐后,子宫指数、子宫壁和子宫内膜厚度显著高于对照组(P<0.05).结果 表明,EPP和EPPh处理不仅具有诱发雌性蓝狐发情的功效,而且能够提高初情前雌性蓝狐卵巢指数和增加有腔卵泡数量.  相似文献   

本文报道不同季节的野外成体树鼩卵巢结构的观察和卵泡发育测定的结果。树鼩卵巢的间质腺组织稀少,但普遍有“睾丸索”型的髓质索结构。卵泡发育过程类似于大多数哺乳类和灵长类。近成熟卵泡的腔极大,内膜较窄并有插入的膜腺细胞层。孕期成熟黄体较大,中间有小腔,多角形的黄体细胞具圆形的核和富含脂滴的胞质。带退化透明带残体的付黄林结构偶尔可见,有的与孕期黄体同时出现。次级卵泡和中等囊状卵泡的发育未见有明显的季节性差别。但是,具生长活性的大囊状卵泡和近成熟卵泡的发育,在1、4月份更为明显,为卵泡前期和卵泡期的卵巢周期形态者较多。孕期黄体和付黄体结构见于7月份。10月份未见孕期卵巢结构,多数卵巢缺乏生长活性的大囊状卵泡的发育。这些结果表明,树鼩的卵巢活动同睾丸的精子发生一样,有季节性变化。  相似文献   

The localization of galectin-3, a β-galactoside-binding animal lectin, was immunohistochemically studied in the ovaries of pigs to determine its expression in ovarian folliculogenesis. Various stages of ovarian follicles were identified in the ovaries of adult pigs. Galectin-3 was immunostained in the squamous follicular cells surrounding oocytes in primordial follicles and in the unilaminar granulosa cells of primary follicles, but not in oocytes of multilaminar follicles (including primary, secondary, and tertiary Graafian follicles). As in adult ovaries, galectin-3 immunoreactivity was prominent in the unilaminar follicles in neonatal ovaries. Galectin-3 was also immunolocalized in the luteal cells in the corpus luteum and granulosa cells of atretic follicles as well as in interstitial macrophages in porcine ovaries. Collectively, these results suggest that galectin-3 is transiently expressed in follicular cells in the unilaminar ovarian follicles (primordial and primary) but not in multilaminar ovarian follicles (primary to tertiary), implying that galectin-3 is embryologically involved in ovum generation.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the in vitro developmental competence of buffalo oocytes collected from abattoir-derived ovaries at various stages of the estrous cycle and follicular status. In Experiment 1, ovaries (n=476 pairs) were collected and divided into the following five groups: (a) ovaries with a corpus hemorragicum and no dominant follicle (CH-NO-DF); (b) ovaries with a mature functional corpus luteum (CL) and a dominant follicle (CL-DF); (c) ovaries with a mature functional CL and no dominant follicle (CL-NO-DF); (d) ovaries with a regressing CL and a dominant follicle (RCL-DF); and (e) ovaries without any luteal structures and only small follicles (ANEST). In Experiment 2, 144 pairs of ovaries with a CL (or regressing CL) and a dominant follicle were collected and follicles were classified as dominant, largest subordinate, and subordinate. In both experiments, the dominant follicle was defined as any follicle >10mm in diameter that exceeded the diameter of all other (subordinate) follicles. Although oocytes were collected from each group of ovaries, only Grades A or B oocytes were used for in vitro embryo production. Cleavage rates were higher (P<0.05) from oocytes collected from ovaries in the CH-NO-DF (59.6%) and CL-NO-DF (59.2%) groups than those collected from CL-DF (52.2%) and ANEST (43.6%) groups. The yield of transferable embryos was higher (P<0.05) from oocytes collected from CH-NO-DF (27.4%) and CL-NO-DF (24.0%) ovaries than from CL-DF (16.2%), RCL-DF (15.4%), and lowest (P<0.05) from ANEST (8.8%). In Experiment 2, oocytes from the dominant follicle had a higher (P<0.05) cleavage rate (65.2 %) and transferable embryo yield (30.2%) than those collected from the largest subordinate and subordinate follicles. In conclusion, oocyte competence depended on the morphofunctional state of ovaries. Oocyte development was maximal in pairs of ovaries with a corpus hemorragicum or CL and no dominant follicle; in paired ovaries with a CL and a dominant follicle, development was maximal in oocytes derived from the dominant follicle.  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrated that waves of follicular activity develop approximately every 9 d in cattle during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy. A dominant follicle develops from each wave and the remaining follicles (subordinates) begin to regress after a few days. In this study, intraovarian luteal and follicular interrelationships were examined during the follicular waves of the estrous cycle and pregnancy using data obtained by ultrasonography. During the estrous cycle, no intraovarian relationships were found between the ovary containing the corpus luteum and the ovary containing the dominant follicle (n = 165), or between the location of the corpus luteum and the characteristics of the dominant follicle. During pregnancy, however, the frequency distribution for the number of follicular waves with the dominant follicle and corpus luteum on the same or opposite ovaries differed (P<0.05) among Waves 1 to 10. The two structures (dominant follicle and corpus luteum) were more often in opposite ovaries during Waves 3 to 10 (combined frequency, 75%) than during Waves 1 and 2. During pregnancy, dominant follicles of consecutive waves differed (P<0.05) among Waves 1 to 8 in the frequency with which they appeared in the same versus the opposite ovary. The difference seemed primarily due to an increased frequency of consecutive follicles on the same ovary for Waves 4 to 8 (combined frequency, 80%). During both the estrous cycle and pregnancy, there was no significant intraovarian effect of the dominant follicle on the day of detection of the next dominant follicle, on the growth rate of the largest subordinate follicle, or on the length of the interval from wave origin to cessation of growth of the largest subordinate; these results indicate that previously postulated suppressive effects between follicles are exerted through systemic channels.  相似文献   

目的比较比格犬的子宫、卵巢在间情期与发情期的组织形态学的差异,为后期研究奠定基础。方法用化学发光法测定了23只经产比格母犬的血清性激素水平,选取经血清学鉴定处于发情期的比格犬2只,间情期的比格犬4只的卵巢和子宫标本,中性多聚甲醛固定,石蜡包埋,常规HE染色镜检,拍照。结果间情期犬子宫及其内膜较薄,间质纤维增生,黄体中以初级卵泡为主,可见1~2个次级卵泡,未见成熟卵泡,卵泡和黄体细胞间纤维较多、血管少。发情期犬子宫及其内膜增厚,内膜腺体腔较大,部分腺体呈分枝状弯曲,腺上皮肿大,胞浆淡染,少数可见核下空泡。卵巢中卵泡数量较多,有初级、次级和1~2个成熟卵泡。黄体细胞数量多,排列规则,境界清楚,间质纤维比较疏松,血管多,未见空泡变性。间情期和发情期犬卵巢中未见明显白体。结论间情期比格犬的性激素维持在一比较低的水平,在发情前期雌激素水平迅速增高,而在排卵后比格犬的孕酮水平较高。随发情周期的变化,卵巢和子宫在形态学上发生相应的变化。  相似文献   

The present immunocytochemical study examines in the rat ovary the pattern of expression of connexin 43 (Cx43), a subunit of gap junctions. Using a well-characterized specific antiserum against rat Cx43, immunoreactivity was not detected in the fetal ovary, i.e., prior to follicular formation. However, in the ovary of 20-day-old, 35-day-old, and adult rats, strong Cx43-immunore-activity was associated with the cell borders of the follicular epithelium/granulosa cells of all developmental stages (primordial follicles, preantral and antral secondary follicles). In general, immunoreactivity of the granulosa cells of large antral follicles appeared more intense than the one of smaller follicles. Staining was also seen in oocytes (cytoplasmic staining). Theca cells of large antral follicles, but not of small follicles were immunoreactive. Immunoreactive interstitial cells were not seen in ovaries of 20- and 35-day-old animals, but staining in these cells was present in adult rats. In large follicles with signs of atresia, granulosa cells lacked Cx43-immunoreactivity, whereas Cx43-immunoreactivity in their theca interna strikingly increased. Corpora lutea in the cyclic adult rats were heterogeneously stained, with either no detectable immunoreactivity, staining of cell borders of most luteal cells, or with conspicuous staining of only a few cells. In the pregnant animals on gestation days (GD) 12, 14, and 17, all luteal cells stained strongly for Cx43 at the cell surface. Shortly before delivery (GD 21), however, the staining pattern vanished and only few, presumably luteal cells remained immunoreactive. In Western blots (using homogenates of whole ovaries), the Cx43 antiserum recognized a major band of approximate Mr 43 × 103, together with minor bands, which may reflect the presence of several differently phosphorylated Cx43 forms. This is indicated by treatment with alkaline phosphatase, which reduced the banding pattern to one single band. In summary, the gap junction molecule Cx43 is abundantly expressed in all endocrine compartments of the rat ovary. The staining pattern obtained in the present study indicates that Cx43 and presumably gap-junctional communication are associated with follicular development, atresia, and the development of the interstitial gland, as well as with the development and regression of the corpus luteum. The heterogeneous staining within the ovary furthermore hints to a contribution of the local intraovarian factors in the regulation of Cx43 expression. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Objectives of the present study were to use oocyte transfer: 1) to compare the developmental ability of oocytes collected from ovaries of live mares with those collected from slaughterhouse ovaries; and 2) to compare the viability of oocytes matured in vivo, in vitro, or within the oviduct. Oocytes were collected by transvaginal, ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration (TVA) from live mares or from slicing slaughterhouse ovaries. Four groups of oocytes were transferred into the oviducts of recipients that were inseminated: 1) oocytes matured in vivo and collected by TVA from preovulatory follicles of estrous mares 32 to 36 h after administration of hCG; 2) immature oocytes collected from diestrous mares between 5 and 10 d after aspiration/ovulation by TVA and matured in vitro for 36 to 38 h; 3) immature oocytes collected from diestrous mares between 5 and 10 d after aspiration/ovulation by TVA and transferred into a recipient's oviduct <1 h after collection; and 4) im mature oocytes collected from slaughterhouse ovaries containing a corpus luteum and matured in vitro for 36 to 38 hours. Embryo development rates were higher (P < 0.001) for oocytes matured in vivo (82%) than for oocytes matured in vitro (9%) or within the oviduct (0%). However, neither the method of maturation nor the source of oocytes affected (P > 0.1) embryo development rates after the transfer of immature oocytes.  相似文献   

The aim of this histological study was to investigate the postnatal ontogeny of the ovaries in Saguinus fuscicollis to provide a detailed knowledge of the ovarian morphology for further endocrinological studies. Gonads from 43 animals between one day and 18 years of age were investigated. Based on the available material the ovarian development is characterized by seven distinct stages. 1. Neonatal stage : Folliculogenesis is still in progress. The ovarian medulla is filled with an intraovarian rete system, which forms open connections between the rete tubules and the cords containing oocytes. 2. Infantile stage : One month after birth the ovarian cortex is mainly composed of primordial follicles and a few primary follicles at the corticomedullary border, which are separated from each other by connective tissue. At two months, folliculogenesis is nearly completed. The first secondary follicles are present. 3. Juvenile stage : In six-month-old females weighing 184±9.5 g, folliculogenesis has reached the stage of secondary follicles with up to six layers of granulosa cells. In females of the same age weighing 251.5±37 g, antral follicles attain a maximum diameter of 925 μm m. 4. Pubertal stage : At the age of 8–10 months, corpora lutea accessoria (CLA) begin to form from atretic antral follicles. 5. Adult stage : The ovaries of all females older than 1.2 years are filled with large patches of interstitial gland tissue (IGT). In breeding females up to 58.4%of the antral follicles are intact. In non-breeding daughters living in the family group only 1.8%are intact, the rest are in various stages of atresia and form CLA. 6. Climacterial stage : With increasing age (8–13 years), the number of intact follicles decreases dramatically and IGT fills nearly the whole ovary. 7. Senile stage : In females older than 14 years, nearly all remaining follicles show signs of atresia.  相似文献   

A linear-array ultrasound scanner with a 5-MHz transducer was evaluated for studying follicular and luteal status in mares, and the ultrasonic properties of equine ovaries were characterized. Follicular diameters were estimated in vivo and after removing and slicing six ovaries. Correlation coefficients between the two kinds of determinations were 0.91 for number of follicles >/=2 mm in diameter and 0.95 for diameter of largest follicle. The ovaries of five mares were examined daily until all mares had been examined from three days before an ovulation to three days after the next ovulation. There was a significant difference among days for diameter of largest follicle and second largest follicle and for number of follicles 2-5 mm, 16-20 mm, and >20 mm. Differences seemed to be caused by the presence of many 2- to 5-mm follicles during early diestrus, initiation of growth of large follicles at mid-cycle, selective accelerated growth of an ovulatory follicle beginning five days before ovulation, and regression of large nonovulatory follicles a few days before ovulation. In one of the five mares, the corpus luteum was identified throughout the interovulatory interval, and the corresponding corpus albicans was identified for three days after the second ovulation. In the other four mares, the corpus luteum was last identified an average of 16 days after ovulation or five days before the next ovulation. In a blind study, the location of the corpus luteum (left or right ovary) as determined by ultrasonography agreed with a previous determination of side of ovulation by palpation in 88% of 40 mares on days 0-14. In the remaining 12% and in all of 12 estrous mares, the location was recorded as uncertain. The ultrasound instrument was judged effective for monitoring and evaluating follicles and corpora lutea.  相似文献   

Proopiomelanocorticotrophin (POMC)-derived peptides have been identified in both male and female reproductive systems. However, there have been few reports of ACTH, the major biologically active POMC product, in the mammalian ovary. We sought evidence for the presence and localization of immunoreactive (ir)-ACTH in ovaries from sheep, humans, cows, pigs, rats and cats using immunohistochemical techniques. Tissue sections were stained with diaminobenzidine following incubation with a primary antibody raised against ACTH1-24. There was positive staining for ACTH in cells scattered throughout the interstitium of ovaries from all species examined. Immunoreactive ACTH was observed in the oocytes of ovaries from humans, cows, pigs, pregnant and non-pregnant sheep, but not from cats or rats. Positive staining of oocytes was associated with all tertiary and secondary follicles, and some primary follicles. There was no apparent difference in the pattern of staining between pregnant and non-pregnant sheep. Staining for ir-ACTH was absent in ovaries from fetal sheep. We conclude that ir-ACTH is present in ovarian tissue, and in particular the oocyte, from several species of mammal. The presence of ir-ACTH within the oocyte is dependent on species and stage of follicular maturation.  相似文献   

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