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将含脊髓灰质炎病毒(PV)RNA聚合酶的不同长度基因片段克隆到载体pSG5质粒上,分别构建了4个表达RNA聚合酶的质粒。体外转录实验证明,pSG5-POL1.99和pSG5-POL2.03质粒转染细胞的提取物促进了特异的RNA转录,表明两质闰可表达RNA聚合酶。将PV的5’NCR序列插在载体pGREEN LANTERN-1的CMV启动子下游,构建了pGREEN LANTERN-1-5’NCR质粒;  相似文献   

将切去3’端穿膜序列的EB病毒膜抗原(MA)基因,插入pSV2-dhfr质粒的SV40早期启动子下游,构建了真核表达载体pSV2-dhfrGPTR,使两个SV40早期启动子分别调控MA和二氢叶酸还原酶(dhfr)基因。将该重组质粒转化CHO-dhfr细胞,在选择培养基中筛选阳性克隆,用氨甲喋呤加压扩增,建立了表达EBV-MA的克隆细胞系。westernblot分析证明,所表达的蛋白的分子量大约为340kd和220kd。经过细Sepharose2B琼脂糖凝胶层析初步纯化的抗原与福氏佐剂混合免疫小鼠,2周后小鼠血清中出现明显的gp340/220特异性抗体,表明切去嵌膜区结构的EBV-MA基因在CHO细胞中的表达产物具有同天然膜抗原相似的分子量大小、糖基化程度、免疫特异性和免疫原性,可望成为EB病毒人用基因工程亚单位疫苗。  相似文献   

本文报道以人Epstein-Barr病毒的潜伏膜蛋白基因BNLF-1作为目标基因,插入至逆转录病毒载体pZipNeoSV(x)的克隆位点上,由此获得重组逆转录病毒载体pZipNeoSV(x)-LMP及其反义载体pZipNeoSV(x)-anti-LMP,通过质粒DNA的电转染和G418培养基筛选,然后对10个抗性克隆进行基因整合分析,获得6个含MLV-LTR/BNLF-1融合基因的阳性克隆,采用Northern杂交及Western印迹证明,在克隆细胞中表达了2.6kb的mRNA片段及相应的蛋白质分子,这是由BNLF-1基因的EDL1启动子表达的产物。  相似文献   

hBMP—2cDNA在COS细胞和小鼠肌肉中的表达   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了骨形态发生蛋白BMP-2cDNA在COS细胞和小鼠肌肉中的表达的情况,从pSPS65BMP-2质粒中回收BMP-2cDNA,删除5端的非翻译序列,插入pSVL载体中,构建了含有BMP-2全长编码序列的重组表达质粒pSVLBMP-2将表达质粒导入COS-7细胞中,细胞RNA点杂交结果表明,转染BMP-2基因的细胞内BMP-2的mRNA水平明显升高,细胞培养上清的ELISA显示,转染BMP-2c  相似文献   

体外研究汉滩病毒(HTNV)S基因及其5'端表达的意义,为核蛋 白T细胞表位的研究奠定基础。设计2套引物,用PCR方法从PBV220-S22原核质粒中扩增出S 基因全读码框(37-1326bp)及S基因5'端(37-501bp),用TA克隆将其克隆入pcDNA3.1/V5-His-TOPO载体中,成功构建pcDNA3.1-S及pcDNA3.1-S-N真核表达载体,并通过脂质体转 染至Vero细胞中,进行了瞬时表达。间接免疫荧光成功检测到pcDNA3.1-S及pcDNA3.1-S-N在Vero细胞中的表达。pcDNA3.1-S及pcDNA3.1-S-N真核表达载体有较高的转染效率,目 的基因能在宿主细胞中表达,有利于研究HTNV-S基因在T细胞表位研究中的意义。  相似文献   

研究了骨形态发生蛋白BMP-2cDNA在COS细胞和小鼠肌肉中的表达的情况,从pSPS65BMP-2质粒中回收BMP-2cDNA,删除5'端的非翻译序列,插入pSVL载体中,构建了含有BMP-2全长编码序列的重组表达质粒pSVLBMP-2。将表达质粒导入COS-7细胞中,细胞RNA点杂交结果表明,转染BMP-2基因的细胞内BMP-2的mRNA水平明显升高;细胞培养上清的ELISA显示,转染BMP-2cDNA后,细胞分泌产生的BMP-2显著增加。小鼠实验发现,在肌肉内用注射法导入BMP-2重组质粒后,局部组织内BMP-2的mRNA转录水平也明显提高。  相似文献   

徐来祥  朱圣庚 《动物学报》2000,46(3):339-345
利用RT-PCR方法,从小鼠肝脏组织总RNA中扩增出4.5SRNA的cDNA。该cDNA被克隆到pGEM3Zf(+)质粒上,酶切鉴定并测序。然后将该序列插入以Luc基因作为报道基因的表达载体pSVluc20的PvuⅡ位点,构建了含4.2SRNA逆转座子的表达载体pSVluc20-4.5S。脂质转染法将表达载体导入小鼠骨髓瘤细胞NS-1、SP2/0和人乳腺癌细胞Bca61。结果表明,小鼠4.5SRN  相似文献   

含有Epstein-Barr病毒膜抗原的重组表达质粒及其基因免疫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将Epstein-Bar(EB)病毒主要的膜抗原(MA)BLLF1基因片段插入pHD101-3质粒的CMV启动子下游,构建了真核表达质粒pHD-gp350,并转染293细胞进行瞬间表达。用免疫荧光法从细胞膜检测到表达的抗原能与其单克隆抗体发生特异性结合,Western-blot法证实,表达的抗原分子量为350kD.用能在真核细胞表达的重组质粒pHD-gp350的DNA,经Sepharose2B柱纯化后,注射经普鲁卡因预处理的Balb/C小鼠的四头肌,观察到EBV-IgA/MA抗体水平比EBV-IgG/MA低,而EBV-IgA/MA的持续时间比EBV-IgG/MA长。采用表达EBVMA的质粒DNA与CHO细胞表达的MA蛋白免疫小鼠,均获得抗EBVMA的抗体。  相似文献   

由含有BHBV-1(BovineHerpesVirus-1)前早期基因的基因组片段亚克隆BICPO(BHV-1InfectedCellProteinO)的DNA序列至表达载体pSVK3,构建质粒pSV2.9。将该质粒与pBLTR-Luc共转染小牛肺细胞,检测转染细胞裂解物的荧光素酶活性,BICPO的表达产物可以显著地激活BIVLTR启动子控制下的荧光素酶基因的表达。根据pSV2.9与含有BIVLTR不同区段缺失的质粒pD-319-Luc、pD-115-Luc、pD-52-Luc共转染小牛肺细胞的实验结果,推测BIVLTR-319位上游区的DNA序列影响BICPO基因产物对BIVLTR表达的激活作用。  相似文献   

EB病毒潜伏膜蛋白(LMP)是由病毒编码的主要的与病毒致宿主细胞潜伏感染有关的蛋白之一。我们用基因重组技术,把含有LMP基因(BNLF1)3个外显子(exon)开放阅读框架(ORF)的长1.80kbp的DNA片段,和能分解HygromycinB的含有SV40早期启动子和HgryomycinB磷酸转移酶全基因(长1025bp)的DNA片段(长1.60bp),同时重组于亚克隆载体pBluescriptSK(pBS)中,并使该重组质粒pBS-LMP-Hyg(长5767bp)在乳地鼠肾传代细胞(BHK)中获得表达。BHK细胞在经此重组质粒转染后,LMP阳性细胞是2%,在HygromycinB的持续压力下,LMP表达细胞率可达20%。3个月后,LMP表达细胞逐渐减少。5个月后,不能测到LMP表达细胞。经免疫荧光和蛋白印迹(Westemblot)实验证实,人鼻咽癌、风湿性关节炎和正常人血清中不含有抗LMP抗体。  相似文献   

PCR检定OSM cDNA转染细胞中基因组整合与转录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用PCR和RT-PCR方法对人OSM cDNA转染的小鼠黑色素瘤细胞进行基因组整合和mRNA转录的检定.基因组整合检定时,采用与调控序列和cDNA序列相对应的上、下游引物,以连续的转录单位进行扩增,能够更准确地反映整合与表达的关系;mRNA检定时,采用与cDNA序列和质粒克隆位点与加polyA信号之间序列相对应的上、下游引物,可以区分宿主细胞中内源性与外源性基因的转录.  相似文献   

IL-6, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), and oncostatin M (OSM) are IL-6-type cytokines that stimulate osteoclast formation and function. In the present study, the resorptive effects of these agents and their regulation of receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL), RANK, and osteoprotegerin (OPG) were studied in neonatal mouse calvaria. When tested separately, neither human (h) IL-6 nor the human soluble IL-6R (shIL-6R) stimulated bone resorption, but when hIL-6 and the shIL-6R were combined, significant stimulation of both mineral and matrix release from bone explants was noted. Semiquantitative RT-PCR showed that hIL-6 plus shIL-6R enhanced the expression of RANKL and OPG in calvarial bones, but decreased RANK expression. Human LIF, hOSM, and mouse OSM (mOSM) also stimulated 45Ca release and enhanced the mRNA expression of RANKL and OPG in mouse calvaria, but had no effect on the expression of RANK. In agreement with the RT-PCR analyses, ELISA measurements showed that both hIL-6 plus shIL-6R and mOSM increased RANKL and OPG proteins. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (D3) also increased the RANKL protein level, but decreased the protein level of OPG. OPG inhibited 45Ca release stimulated by RANKL, hIL-6 plus shIL-6R, hLIF, hOSM, mOSM, and D3. An Ab neutralizing mouse gp130 inhibited 45Ca release induced by hIL-6 plus shIL-6R. These experiments demonstrated stimulation of calvarial bone resorption and regulation of mRNA and protein expression of RANKL and OPG by D3 and IL-6 family cytokines as well as regulation of RANK expression in preosteoclasts/osteoclasts of mouse calvaria by D3 and hIL-6 plus shIL-6R.  相似文献   

Recently, we identified that regulation of leukocyte recruitment by IL-6 requires shedding of the IL-6R from infiltrating neutrophils. In this study, experiments have examined whether other IL-6-related cytokines possess similar properties. Levels of oncostatin M (OSM) and leukemia inhibitory factor were analyzed in patients with overt bacterial peritonitis during the first 5 days of infection. Although no change in leukemia inhibitory factor was observed throughout the duration of infection, OSM was significantly elevated on day 1 and rapidly returned to baseline by days 2-3. The source of OSM was identified as the infiltrating neutrophils, and OSM levels correlated both with leukocyte numbers and i.p. soluble IL-6R (sIL-6R) levels. FACS analysis revealed that OSM receptor beta expression was restricted to human peritoneal mesothelial cells. Stimulation of human peritoneal mesothelial cells with OSM induced phosphorylation of gp130 and OSM receptor beta, which was accompanied by activation of STAT3 and secretion of CC chemokine ligand 2/monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and IL-6. Although OSM itself did not modulate CXC chemokine ligand 8/IL-8 release, it effectively suppressed IL-1beta-mediated expression of this neutrophil-activating CXC chemokine. Moreover, OSM synergistically blocked IL-1beta-induced CXC chemokine ligand 8 secretion in combination with the IL-6/sIL-6R complex. Thus suggesting that OSM and sIL-6R release from infiltrating neutrophils may contribute to the temporal switch between neutrophil influx and mononuclear cell recruitment seen during acute inflammation.  相似文献   

Activation of the signaling transduction pathways mediated by oncostatin M (OSM) requires the binding of the cytokine to either type I OSM receptor (leukemia inhibitory factor receptor/gp130) or to type II OSM receptor (OSMR/gp130). In the present work we have developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detecting a soluble form of OSMR (sOSMR) secreted by glioblastoma, hepatoma, and melanoma tumor cell lines. sOSMR was also present in sera of healthy individuals, with increased levels in multiple myeloma. Molecular cloning of a corresponding cDNA was carried out, and it encoded for a 70-kDa protein consisting of a half cytokine binding domain containing the canonical WSXWS motif, an immunoglobulin-like domain, and the first half of a second cytokine binding domain with cysteines in fixed positions. Analysis of the soluble receptor distribution revealed a preferential expression in lung, liver, pancreas, and placenta. sOSMR was able to bind OSM and interleukin-31 when associated to soluble gp130 or soluble interleukin-31R, respectively, and to neutralize both cytokine properties. We have also shown that OSM could positively regulate the synthesis of its own soluble receptor in tumor cells.  相似文献   

目的:构建抑瘤素M(OSM)重组腺病毒载体,研究其对人黑色素瘤细胞A375的抑制作用。方法:以PEGZ-OSM重组质粒为模板,通过PCR技术扩增出OSM片段,采用腺病毒载体的基因重组和体外包装技术获得表达与人OSM氨基酸序列相同的重组腺病毒子Ad-OSM,感染A375细胞,用荧光显微镜、RT-PCR、Western blot法检测OSM在A375细胞中的转录和表达;荧光显微镜观察A375细胞的形态学改变;MTT法和流式细胞术(FCM)检测Ad-OSM对A375细胞的生长抑制和细胞周期的抑制效应;半定量RT-PCR法检测OSM基因表达对A375细胞中的Bax、Bcl-2基因表达的影响。结果:基因测序和PCR分析结果显示,成功构建了Ad-OSM腺病毒表达载体;RT-PCR和Western blot法检测到OSM基因在A375细胞中的转录和表达;OSM基因的表达对A375细胞增殖有明显抑制作用,并可诱导细胞凋亡,OSM基因可通过上调细胞中Bax和下调Bcl-2基因表达诱导细胞凋亡。结论:成功构建了Ad-OSM腺病毒表达载体,感染OSM基因可明显抑制A375人黑色素瘤细胞的生长,诱导其凋亡,该现象可能是通过改变Bax、Bcl-2基因表达水平来发挥抗肿瘤作用。  相似文献   

The 157-kb conjugative plasmid pEO5 encoding α-haemolysin in strains of human enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) O26 was investigated for its relationship with EHEC-haemolysin-encoding plasmids of enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) O26 and O157 strains. Plasmid pEO5 was found to be compatible with EHEC-virulence plasmids and did not hybridize in Southern blots with plasmid pO157 from the EHEC O157:H7 strain EDL933, indicating that both plasmids were unrelated. A 9227-bp stretch of pEO5 DNA encompassing the entire α- hly CABD operon was sequenced and compared for similarity to plasmid and chromosomally inherited α- hly determinants. The α- hly determinant of pEO5 (7252 bp) and its upstream region was most similar to corresponding sequences of the murine E. coli α-hly plasmid pHly152, in particular, the structural α- hly CABD genes (99.2% identity) and the regulatory hly R regions (98.8% identity). pEO5 and α-hly plasmids of EPEC O26 strains from humans and cattle were very similar for the regions encompassing the structural α- hly CABD genes. The major difference found between the hly regions of pHly152 and pEO5 is caused by the insertion of an IS 2 element upstream of the hly C gene in pHly152. The presence of transposon-like structures at both ends of the α- hly sequence indicates that this pEO5 virulence factor was probably acquired by horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   

Oncostatin M is a differentiation factor for myeloid leukemia cells.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Oncostatin M (OSM) is a 28-kDa glycoprotein produced by stimulated macrophages and T lymphocytes that inhibits the proliferation of a number of different cell lines derived from solid tumors. Analysis of both amino acid sequence and gene structure has demonstrated that OSM is a member of a cytokine family that includes leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), IL-6, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). We demonstrate that, like LIF, IL-6 and G-CSF, OSM can induce the differentiation of the myeloblastic M1 murine leukemia cells into macrophage-like cells. The morphologic and functional changes induced by OSM are more similar to those observed with LIF and IL-6 than those induced with G-CSF. OSM can also induce the differentiation of the histiocytic U937 human leukemia cells in the presence of granulocyte-macrophage CSF, a property shared with LIF and IL-6. In murine M1 cells, binding of labeled OSM is completely inhibited by excess LIF or OSM, reflecting the binding of OSM to the high affinity form of the murine LIF receptor. In contrast, the binding of labeled OSM to human U937 leukemia cells is inhibited by OSM, but the inhibition by LIF is significantly less. These results suggest that, in human leukemia cells, OSM may act through the LIF receptor and an OSM-specific receptor. The existence of an OSM-specific receptor was confirmed by both growth inhibition and competition binding assays on A375 human melanoma cells. The growth of human A375 cells was inhibited by OSM and IL-6 but not LIF or G-CSF. Neither LIF, G-CSF, nor IL-6 could compete with the binding of labeled OSM to A375 cells.  相似文献   

Spence MJ  Streiff R  Day D  Ma Y 《Cytokine》2002,18(1):26-34
Oncostatin M (OSM) is a glycoprotein cytokine that is produced by activated T-lymphocytes, monocytes, and macrophages. In a DNA synthesis assay, OSM reduced tritiated thymidine incorporation by 53% in Calu-1 lung carcinoma cells. Radiolabeled cDNAs from untreated Calu-1 cells and 30-h OSM-treated cells were used to probe duplicate nylon membrane cDNA expression arrays. This study revealed OSM-mediated expression of mRNAs encoding tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). Northern blot analysis showed that the steady-state level of tPA mRNA is nearly undetectable in Calu-1 cells. Exposure of these cells to OSM for 30 h increased tPA mRNA expression by 20-fold and PAI-1 mRNA expression by 5-fold. Exposure of these cells to other gp130 receptor family cytokines, including leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and IL-11, do not significantly affect DNA synthesis or induction of tPA/PAI-1. Western blot studies demonstrated that OSM mediates a marked increase in secretion of the tPA protein. Secreted tPA was present in the conditioned medium almost exclusively as tPA/PAI-1 complexes. Inhibitor studies demonstrated that OSM-mediated induction of tPA and PAI-1 mRNAs is largely dependent upon activation of the MEK1/2 pathway. The JAK3/STAT3 pathway potentially serves a secondary role in these regulatory events.  相似文献   

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