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地形差异性导致的环境异质性是小尺度范围内生物空间格局形成与维持的重要机制之一,也是导致物种密度分布差异的前提条件.借助GIS和S-Plus软件,利用广义可加模型(GAM)于2009年7-8月对影响蝗虫分布的地形因子进行了研究,在定量分析黑河上游祁连山区北坡地形特征的基础上,研究了该区域蝗虫密度与地形之间的关系.结果表明:蝗虫密度受地形因子影响的顺序为坡向>海拔>坡度>坡位>平面曲率>剖面曲率;蝗虫密度在坡位、平面曲率以及剖面曲率各个梯度上的分布比较均衡,在坡向和坡度梯度上呈二次抛物线分布,在海拔梯度上呈“S”曲线分布;从分布区域上来看,蝗虫主要分布在海拔2550~2650 m区域,坡向上则主要集中在西北坡和西坡,与实际观测情况一致.蝗虫密度与地形因子之间的相互关系及其分布状态反映了地形特征对水热等条件的影响,使蝗虫分布格局呈现多元化和以及破碎化状态.  相似文献   

高寒退化草地狼毒种群地上生物量空间格局对地形的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地上生物量的空间格局是物种分布格局的重要内容,在小尺度范围内因地形差异导致的环境异质性是这种格局形成和演变的环境基础.在2011年8月野外调查的基础上,借助ArcGIS和S-PLUS软件,利用广义相加模型(GAM)对退化高寒草地狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)种群的空间分布格局进行了研究,定量分析了狼毒地上生物量空间格局对主要地形因子的响应机制.结果表明:狼毒种群地上生物量受地形因子影响的顺序为坡向>坡度>海拔>平面曲率>剖面曲率;坡向和坡度两种地形因子对狼毒的地上生物量空间格局的贡献率分别为3.75和1.48,其余因子则相对较小;狼毒地上生物量在海拔、平面曲率和剖面曲率梯度上的分布比较均衡,在坡向梯度上呈开口向下的抛物线趋势,在坡度梯度上则呈现开口向上的抛物线趋势.狼毒地上生物量空间异质性及其与地形因子之间的关系,反映了狼毒在地形因子对水热条件重分配影响下的响应机制及生长策略.  相似文献   

在小尺度范围内,地形差异导致的环境异质性是物种格局形成和演变的环境基础.在2009年7-8月野外调查的基础上,借助GIS和S-PLUS软件,利用广义相加模型(GAM)定量分析了黑河上游祁连山北坡天然草地亚洲小车蝗多度与海拔、坡向、坡度和剖面曲率等地形因子之间的关系.结果表明:亚洲小车蝗具有较好的模型结构和模拟效果,能够较好地反映亚洲小车蝗的多度分布状况;各地形因子对亚洲小车蝗多度分布的影响不尽相同,其中海拔和剖面曲率起主导控制作用;在海拔梯度上,亚洲小车蝗多度随海拔的升高大体呈现倒“V”型变化趋势,在2380 ~ 2560 m,多度与海拔呈正相关,海拔升至2560 m以上时多度开始降低,与海拔呈负相关;亚洲小车蝗多度主要集中分布在剖面曲率<0的区域,在剖面曲率<-1.6的区域,多度与剖面曲率呈正相关,在剖面曲率>-1.6的区域,二者呈负相关.亚洲小车蝗多度与地形因子之间的相互关系及分布状态,反映了地形因子对水热条件的重分配,使亚洲小车蝗空间分布格局出现异质化.  相似文献   

环境异质性是生物空间格局形成与维持的重要条件, 蝗虫的空间分布是物种长期适应自然环境的结果, 反映了蝗虫与生存环境的协同进化机制。在2009年7-8月野外调查的基础上, 借助GIS和S-PLUS 8.0软件, 利用广义相加模型(GAM)研究了祁连山北坡黑河上游亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus蝗蝻与成虫多度分布与海拔、 坡向、 坡度和剖面曲率等6类地形因子之间的关系。结果表明: 亚洲小车蝗蝗蝻与成虫的多度分布与地形因子关系的GAM模型具有不同的模型结构、 模拟效果以及结果的稳定性, 能够较好地体现二者所受地形因子影响的差异。各地形因子对亚洲小车蝗蝗蝻与成虫多度的影响不尽相同, 海拔对二者的多度分布起主导控制作用, 蝗蝻与成虫的多度均随海拔的升高大体呈现倒“V”型变化趋势, 但蝗蝻在海拔梯度上的分布上限明显大于成虫。成虫主要集中分布在剖面曲率<0的区域, 蝗蝻主要集中分布在南坡与西南坡。亚洲小车蝗蝗蝻与成虫对环境选择的异质性属性, 使蝗蝻和成虫在相同地形要素的分布格局存在明显差异。  相似文献   

地形对七姊妹山自然保护区植物丰富度及分布格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究以七姊妹山自然保护区40个(20×20m2)植物群落调查样方为基础,并采用回归分析和典型对应分析(CCA)的方法研究该区地形对植物物种丰富度及植物分布格局的影响,以明确海拔、坡度、坡向、坡位等地形因子的相对重要性,为该区植物多样性的保护和管理提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)七姊妹山自然保护区40个调查样地共有植物633种,隶属133科,316属,其中乔木118种,灌木150种,草本365种。(2)曲线回归方程拟合结果显示,七姊妹山自然保护区植物物种丰富度分别与海拔、坡度具有显著相关性,物种丰富度沿海拔梯度升高而增大,沿坡度梯度先减少后增大之后又减小。(3)从植物的生活型来看,在所有海拔段,乔木物种丰富度始终低于灌木和草本植物;在低、中低海拔地带,灌木物种丰富度均高于乔木和草本植物;而在中、高海拔地带草本植物物种丰富度较大且高于乔木和灌木。(4)CCA排序结果表明,地形因子对植物物种的分布具有显著影响按其影响强度排序为海拔坡度坡位坡向,说明海拔是影响该区植物物种分布最重要的地形因子。  相似文献   

宁夏贺兰山拟步甲科昆虫分布与地形的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用典范对应分析(CCA)及曲线回归拟合,研究了宁夏贺兰山拟步甲科昆虫多样性及分布与地形的关系。结果表明:共调查到14属42种,其中,小圆鳖甲和阿小鳖甲为优势种,其个体数量分别占总捕获个体数的36.09%和19.14%。CCA分析显示,海拔、坡度和平面曲率对拟步甲昆虫的分布格局有显著影响。拟步甲昆虫丰富度和多样性分别与海拔呈显著的线性关系,个体数量与平面曲率呈显著的二次曲线关系。拟步甲昆虫的分布与坡度和坡向没有明显的回归关系,但拟步甲倾向于0°-15°坡度和西北坡向聚集。优势种小圆鳖甲与5个地形因子均不显著相关,因此在贺兰山的分布比较广泛。而优势种阿小鳖甲分布受海拔、坡度和平面曲率影响显著。  相似文献   

张昌顺  谢高地  包维楷  陈龙  裴厦  范娜 《生态学杂志》2012,31(11):2767-2774
在澜沧江源区进行了大范围的植物群落调查,应用回归拟合和典范对应分析(CCA),研究地形因子(海拔、坡度、坡向和坡位)对高强度人为干扰和全球气候变化条件下源区高寒草甸植物物种丰富度及植物分布的影响.结果表明:(1)在55个样地275个1 m×1 m的小样方中,共出现150种植物,在1 m2样方内物种数最多为27种,最少的仅为3种;(2)利用曲线方程进行拟合,物种丰富度分别与海拔和坡度有极显著的相关性,但与坡向和坡位没有显著的关系;(3)CCA第一轴基本上反映了植物群落所处环境的坡度的梯度变化,第二轴基本上反映了坡位的梯度变化,第三轴反映了地形因子的综合作用;(4)按影响程度大小,在高强度人为干扰和全球变化条件下,影响该区域高寒草甸植物种类组成和结构的地形因子从大至小依次为坡度、坡位、海拔和坡向,反映出坡度是影响源区高寒草甸水土条件的主要因子.  相似文献   

地形因子对森林景观格局多尺度效应分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
以TM影像和野外调查为数据源,3S技术为研究手段,分析了泰山的森林景观结构动态变化以及景观格局沿高程的分异。选择相对高差较大的区域设计了8个地形方位,采用3种由连续样方组成的辐射状样带,在遥感影像上进行信息采集,研究地形对森林景观格局的多尺度效应,分析了不同地形因子对森林景观分异的影响。结果表明,在景观尺度上,地形方位、海拔、山地类型是影响森林景观镶嵌格局的控制因素,坡向、坡度是重要因素,坡形、坡位是不明显因素。以TM影像为信息源,从森林景观分异和梯度分析上,首先要考虑海拔坡向指数、坡形坡位指数和海拔,并立足于地形方位。地形主要因子间存在着稳定的显著正相关,为森林分异多尺度格局提供了较强的综合解释能力。  相似文献   

利用协方差分析、曲线回归拟合及典范对应分析(CCA),研究了地形因子对桂西南喀斯特森林地表植物多样性及不同生长型地表植物分布格局的影响.结果表明: 共调查到152种地表植物,其中,蕨类植物37种、草本44种、藤本9种、灌木62种;协方差分析显示,海拔与地表植物个体数和丰富度显著相关,坡向对地表植物丰富度具有显著影响;地表植物的个体数和丰富度与海拔梯度存在显著的非线性相关性;CCA分析显示,坡向对蕨类植物的分布格局影响显著,坡度对草本、藤本和灌木的分布格局影响显著.蕨类植物对坡向引起的水热条件改变响应更为敏感,坡度对土壤水分、养分的作用大于高程,是影响本区域草本、藤本和灌木3种地表植物分布的主要地形因子.  相似文献   

地形对亚热带山地景观尺度植被格局影响的梯度分析   总被引:39,自引:4,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
用 7个指标反映三峡大老岭地区森林群落生境的地形特征 ,采用 DCCA排序方法定量分析不同地形因子对亚热带山地森林植被格局的影响及它们各自的生态意义 ;并分析它们的作用强度沿海拔的变化。结果表明 :1)DCCA排序的前 4个轴分别与海拔、坡位和坡度、坡向和坡面显著相关 ;山地森林植被存在多重尺度和方向的分异格局 ;2 )山地森林群落样方生境的热量、水分 (养分 )和光照条件可主要由海拔、坡位和坡度、坡向等地形特征分别反映 ;3)在垂直梯度上 :海拔的影响在海拔 6 0 0~ 80 0 m和 15 0 0~ 170 0 m最大 ;坡向影响的峰值在山顶带 ;坡度、坡位与坡形的影响在山地中部影响最大 ,其中坡度在海拔 6 0 0 m以下的影响也很显著 ;坡面的影响在山地中部最显著。  相似文献   

Aim To analyse how the patterns of species richness for the whole family Phyllostomidae determine the structure of diversity fields (sets of species‐richness values) within the ranges of individual bat species. Location The range of the family Phyllostomidae in North and South America. Methods We generated a database of the occurrence of 143 phyllostomid bat species in 6794 quadrats, analysing the species‐richness frequency distribution for all sites, and for subsets of sites defined by the geographic ranges of species. Range–diversity plots, depicting simultaneously the size and the mean species richness of ranges, were built to explore the patterns of co‐occurrence in widespread and restricted species. We compared the empirical patterns against two null models: (1) with scattered (non‐cohesive) ranges, and (2) with cohesive ranges modelled with the spreading‐dye algorithm. Diversity fields were analysed with richness maps for individual species and with comparisons of species‐richness frequency distributions. Results Overall richness frequency distribution showed a multimodal pattern, whereas simulated distributions showed lower values of variance, and were unimodal (for model 1) and bimodal (for model 2). Range–diversity plots for the empirical data and for the cohesive‐ranges simulation showed a strong tendency of species to co‐occur in high‐diversity sites. The scattered‐ranges simulation showed no such tendency. Diversity fields varied according to idiosyncratic features of species generating particular geographic patterns and richness frequency distributions. Main conclusions Phyllostomid bats show a higher level of co‐occurrence than expected from null models. That tendency in turn implies a higher variance in species richness among sites, generating a wider species‐richness frequency distribution. The diversity field of individual species results from the size, shape and location of ranges, but also depends on the general pattern of richness for the whole family.  相似文献   

Knowing how the diversity of sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes) is distributed helps us to design strategies to conserve these highly-vulnerable predators and their habitats. Here, we analyzed the spatial distribution of chondrichthyan species richness in the Southwest Atlantic (34–56oS), and its relationship with environmental variables and marine fronts, by using a dataset obtained before the major development of industrial trawling fisheries. We also explored the relationship between richness and reported catches of chondrichthyans from commercial, demersal fisheries. Generalized linear models were used to assess the relationship of species richness with environmental variables; with marine fronts and with commercial catches. Species richness increased towards the north, particularly close inshore and on the outer shelf, with cells of highest richness found north of 48oS. Dissolved oxygen was related negatively with richness; depth, latitude and longitude were also related with richness, but to a lesser extent. Chondrichthyan diversity hotspots, i.e. cells with richness higher than the 90% percentile of the richness distribution, were more likely to occur on marine fronts than elsewhere. High chondrichhtyan catches were significantly associated to hotspots, but low-catch areas were not related to coldspots, i.e. cells with less than the 10% percentile of the richness distribution. Areas of high richness of chondrichthyans coincide with high levels of catches and are used by other species of high conservation concern. Given the importance of these areas to multiple species in the Southwest Atlantic, any conservation strategy based on a network of protected areas should include marine fronts.  相似文献   

Eastern European grasslands are still inhabited by a rich arthropod fauna, but the drivers and mechanisms influencing their communities have to be understood to ensure their future survival. Heteroptera communities were studied in 20 plot-pairs in Pannonic salt steppe–salt marsh mosaics in Hungary. The effects of vegetation characteristics, landscape diversity and the proportion of surrounding grasslands on the composition, species richness and abundance of different feeding groups of true bugs (carnivores, specialist and generalist herbivores) were examined using ordinations and mixed-effect models. We found distinct herbivorous assemblages corresponding to microtopography-driven differences in water regime and vegetation between steppe and marsh plots, but this pattern was less pronounced in carnivorous assemblages. A higher species richness of true bugs was found in the more diverse steppe vegetation than in the salt marsh vegetation, while the abundance pattern of true bugs was opposite. Landscape diversity had a positive effect on the species richness and abundance of generalist herbivores and carnivores. Our results suggested that generalist herbivores and carnivores appear to drive diversity patterns in the local landscape due to their high dispersal abilities and the broader range of resources they can utilize. Specialist herbivores strongly influence the local insect biomass in relation to the distribution and density of their host plants. The present study highlights the importance of both habitat and landscape diversity for local insect diversity in Pannonic salt grasslands and suggests that the main threats for arthropod diversity are those processes and activities that homogenize these areas.  相似文献   

为研究高寒草甸大型土壤动物群落组成和分布对环境因子的响应,选取祁连山东段的甘肃省天祝县高原鼢鼠典型分布区域,以鼠丘密度代表干扰强度设置4个干扰区。调查各干扰区植被群落特征、土壤理化性质、大型土壤动物类群组成及其数量,采用约束性排序方法分析环境因子对大型土壤动物类群组成和分布的影响。结果表明:高原鼢鼠干扰下高寒草甸大型土壤动物优势类群为瓦娄蜗牛科、象甲科和短角亚目幼虫;极重度干扰区大型土壤动物类群的丰度、丰富度、Shannon指数显著高于重度干扰区(P<0.05);多元回归分析表明大型土壤动物类群丰度、丰富度和Shannon指数与土壤温度呈显著负相关(P<0.05),丰富度与土壤含水量呈显著负相关(P<0.05),丰度与土壤紧实度呈显著负相关(P<0.05),丰富度和Shannon指数与植物Shannon指数呈显著负相关(P<0.05);冗余分析和偏冗余分析表明,土壤温度、紧实度和含水量是影响高寒草甸大型土壤动物类群组成和分布的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied floristic and diversity patterns and their environmental controls in two landscapes of contrasting topography in the Patagonian steppe. The analyses were focused on the effects of water availability gradients and landscape configuration on plant species distribution and coexistence. Floristic variation was investigated using Correspondence Analysis. The relationship between floristic and environmental variation was analyzed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis and correlation tests. We explored diversity patterns by relating spatial distance to floristic dissimilarities. The floristic gradient was determined by shrub and grass species and was related to precipitation in the flat area, and to precipitation, elevation and potential radiation in the mountain area. Site species richness increased with water availability in both areas. Mean site species richness and species turnover in space was higher in the mountain than in the flat area. Landscape species richness and floristic gradients were more concentrated in the mountain than in the flat area. In contrast to shrubs and grasses, forb species distributions were uncoordinated and probably independent of any environmental gradient. Our results suggest (1) that landscape configuration affects species composition and diversity through its direct effect on abiotic environmental heterogeneity, and (2) that the environmental controls of the community composition vary depending on the plant functional type considered.  相似文献   

Across large spatial scales, species richness in many taxa is mainly determined by climatic variables. However, some of the mechanisms behind large-scale patterns of species richness and abundance are expected to act on the community level, and on a smaller scale than the resolution of the data commonly used for deriving these patterns. We studied the distribution of sheetweb spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae) across Europe using both standardised samples from local habitats and large-scale inventories. In the first approach, we analysed species and individual numbers from standardised pitfall traps from 17 locations distributed from northern Sweden to Spain and Greece. We also calculated Simpson indices to correct for different activity densities. Additionally, we analysed whether diversity of sheetweb spiders is sensitive to habitat type. In the second approach, we investigated the known sheetweb spider species richness of European countries and large islands. In both datasets, species richness of sheetweb spiders reached a maximum at about 55°N and declined towards the Mediterranean and the Arctic. In addition, species richness decreased from western (maritime) to eastern (continental) regions. Also Simpson diversity showed a hump-shaped relation to latitude, and was the only variable influenced by habitat type. In contrast to species richness and diversity, activity density increased monotonously with latitude. Towards the north, sheetweb spiders are likely limited by energy availability, towards the south, water limitation as well as bottom-up and top-down community interactions may reduce sheetweb spiders. Accordingly, their diversity does not follow the pattern of vertebrates, large insects and aquatic organisms, which depend more strongly on energy availability.  相似文献   

Understanding regional variability in species richness is necessary for conservation efforts to succeed in the face of large-scale environmental deterioration. Several analyses of North American vertebrates have shown that climatic energy provides the best explanation of contemporary species richness patterns. The paucity of analyses of insect diversity patterns, however, remains a serious obstacle to a general hypothesis of spatial variation in diversity. We collected species distribution data on a North American beetle genus, Epicauta (Coleoptera: Meloidae) and tested several major diversity hypotheses. These beetles are generally grasshopper egg predators as larvae, and angiosperm herbivores as adults. Epicauta richness is highest in the hot, dry American southwest, and decreases north and east, consistent with the species richness-energy hypothesis. Potential evapotranspiration, which is also the best predictor of richness patterns among North American vertebrates, explains 80.2% of the variability in Epicauta species richness. Net primary productivity and variables measuring climatic heat energy only (such as PET) are not generally comparable, though they are sometimes treated as if they were equivalent. We conclude that the species richness-energy hypothesis currently provides a better overall explanation for Epicauta species richness patterns in North America than other major diversity hypotheses. The observed relationship between climatic energy and regional species richness may provide significant insight into the response of ecological communities to climate change.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the vertical patterns of oviposition and temporal changes in the distribution of mosquito species in an area of the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, and in particular, the behavior and oviposition of potential yellow fever virus vectors. Mosquito samples were collected from the Ecological Reserve Guapiaçu (REGUA, Brazil), which includes a somewhat disturbed forest, with a large diversity of plants and animals. In all, 5,458 specimens (ten species from seven genera) were collected. Haemagogus leucocelaenus was the most frequently captured species, representing 73% of the specimens collected. Species richness and diversity were the highest in the samples collected from the ground‐level ovitraps and decreased with height. Species composition also differed significantly among heights. The largest species differences were detected between ovitraps set at the ground level and those set at 7 m and 9 m; Hg. leucocelaenus, Limatus durhamii, and Limatus paraensis contributed most to these differences. Sampling month and climatic variables had significant effects on species richness and diversity. Species diversity and richness decreased with height, suggesting that the conditions for mosquito breeding are more favorable closer to the ground. Species composition also showed vertical differences.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to map the distribution of Acacia senegal and its infraspecific taxa in Uganda and predict its suitable range of occurrence based on climatic factors. The distribution of the infraspecific taxa was analysed for richness, diversity, turnover and reserve selection. Regression analysis was performed to understand the relationship between distribution of the species and climatic variables. Georeferenced species occurrence points were superimposed over temperature and vapour maps. Areas with highest taxa richness, diversity and turnover were mapped and found in the Lake Kyoga basin. The species shows preference for the northern region of the study area with dissimilar climatic pattern from the southern region and the superimposition supported findings. Variety kerensis exhibited narrower climatic, altitudinal and distribution range preference. Temperature seasonality, maximum temperature of warmest month, temperature annual range, mean temperatures of warmest and driest quarters had the highest coefficients of determination (r2 > 0.7) hence most important in influencing species distribution. The most appropriate locations for in situ conservation and for germplasm collection to ensure maximum diversity is secured are found in Wabisi‐Wajala, Kiula, Kyalubanga, Bajo, Kasagala, Kabwika‐mujwalanganda, Maruzi, Moroto and Napak Central Forest Reserves. The study recommends ecological studies to understand status of A. senegal.  相似文献   

In naturally fragmented, isolated, or patchily distributed habitats that contain non‐vagile organisms, we expect dispersal to be limited, and patterns of diversity to differ from similar, yet continuous habitats. We explored the alpha‐beta‐gamma relationship and community composition of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) inhabiting spatially discrete canopy suspended soils, and compared the patterns of diversity with the continuous forest floor soils over two years. We explored dispersal limitation for oribatid mites in the canopy by using additive partitioning of species richness at multiple spatial scales. ANOSIM was used to demonstrate differences in oribatid mite community composition between the canopy and forest floor habitats over different sampling periods. Community composition of oribatid mites differed significantly between canopy and forest floor habitats, by season and yearly sampling period. Oribatid mite richness and abundance were positively correlated with substrate moisture content, particularly in the canopy. Richness and abundance of ground oribatid mites was greater in September than in June, a trend that is reversed in the canopy, suggesting canopy oribatid mite species may have altered life histories to take advantage of earlier moisture conditions. Alpha diversity of oribatid mites in the canopy was lower than the ground at all sampling levels, and not significantly different from a random distribution in either habitat. Beta diversity was greater than expected from a random distribution at the patch‐ and tree‐level in the canopy suggesting dispersal limitation associated with physical tree‐to‐tree dispersal barriers, and limited dispersal among patches within a tree. Beta diversity at the tree‐level was the largest contribution to overall species richness in both canopy and ground habitats, and was also greater than expected on the ground. These results suggest that factors other than physical dispersal barriers, such as aggregation, habitat availability, and environmental factors (moisture), may limit the distribution of species in both habitats.  相似文献   

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