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该实验以烟草悬浮细胞 BY 2 为材料,在烟草悬浮细胞中分别加入0.05、0.10、0.15、0.20 mmol·L-1AlCl3,以等体积去离子水处理的悬浮细胞液为对照,并依据前述实验结果选择0.15 mmol·L-1 AlCl3,分别添加5 mmol·L-1 DMTU(H2O2 抑制剂)、20 μmol·L-1CaCl2、15 μmol·L-1 LaCl3(Ca2+通道抑制剂)和50 μmol·L-1 ATP设计多项处理,分析胞外ATP(eATP)对铝离子(Al3+)胁迫引起的植物细胞死亡及其胞内H2O2、Ca2+的影响,以揭示Al3+胁迫下植物调节细胞死亡的可能机制,进一步扩展对eATP功能的认知。结果显示:(1)随着 AlCl3 胁迫浓度的提高,细胞死亡水平和胞内H2O2水平上升,而胞内Ca2+和eATP水平则逐渐降低。(2)外援施加H2O2抑制剂 DMTU(二甲基硫脲)和Ca2+能够有效缓解AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡水平的上升;而Ca2+通道抑制剂LaCl3(三氯化镧)则加剧了AlCl3胁迫下的细胞死亡。(3)在AlCl3胁迫下对细胞添加外源ATP,能够缓解AlCl3胁迫下胞内H2O2水平上升和Ca2+水平下降的同时,并显著降低AlCl3胁迫导致的细胞死亡。研究表明, Al3+以剂量依赖的模式提升细胞死亡和细胞内H2O2的水平并降低胞内Ca2+和eATP水平,AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡受到H2O2和Ca2+水平变化的调节,eATP可以通过调节H2O2与Ca2+水平缓解AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡。推测Al3+胁迫可能通过抑制钙离子通道而破坏了细胞内H2O2和Ca2+之间的协同关系,外源ATP对Al3+诱导H2O2上升的缓解作用可能是由于其提升了细胞的抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

多形核白细胞产生的NO和O2-自由基主要形成 ONOO-   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用ESR自旋捕集技术研究了人多形核白细胞(PMN)受促癌剂佛波醇(PMA)刺激产生O2-和NO自由基的相互作用.发现加L-精氨酸使在PMA刺激PMN体系中捕捉到的O2-明显减少,加NG-甲基精氨酸(NGMA)使在PMA刺激PMN体系中捕捉的O2-明显增加.用黄嘌呤/黄嘌呤氧化酶和光照核黄素体系证明,加L-精氨酸使PMA刺激PMN产生NO-·自由基与O2-结合生成ONOO-是加入L-精氨酸使PMA刺激PMN体系捕捉的O2-减少的主要原因,并且推算了加入不同浓度L-精氨酸PMN产生NO-·自由基的量.用羟基自由基清除剂和ONOO-氧化DMPO和DMSO及其对pH的依赖关系,证明了ONOO-分解并没有直接生成羟基自由基.用依赖鲁咪诺的化学发光法研究了人多形核白细胞受促癌剂PMA刺激产生NO-·自由基动力学过程.另外,用化学合成的NO-·自由基和过氧亚硝基在模型体系研究了它们的ESR和化学发光特征.说明PMA刺激PMN生成的NO-·和O2-自由基反应形成的ONOO-是引起化学发光的主要形式.  相似文献   

NO和H2O2诱导大豆根尖和边缘细胞耐铝反应的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 NO和H2O2是参与植物抗非生物胁迫反应的重要信号分子, 为了确定NO和H2O2在大豆(Glycine max)根尖和根边缘细胞(root border cells, RBCs)耐铝反应中的作用及其相互关系, 以‘浙春3号’大豆为材料, 研究了铝毒胁迫下大豆根尖内源NO和H2O2的变化, 以及外源NO和H2O2诱导大豆根尖和RBCs的耐铝反应。结果表明, 50 μmol·L–1 Al处理48 h显著抑制大豆根的伸长, 提高Al在根尖的积累, 同时显著增加根尖内源NO和H2O2含量。施加0.25 mmol·L–1外源NO供体亚硝基铁氰化钠(Na2[Fe(CN)5NO]·2H2O, sodium nitroprusside, SNP)和0.1 mmol·L–1H2O2, 能有效地缓解Al对大豆根伸长的抑制、根尖Al积累和RBCs 的死亡, 该缓解作用可以被0.05 mmol·L–1 NO清除剂2-(4- 羧基苯)-4,4,5,5- 四甲基咪唑-1- 氧-3- 氧化物, 钾盐(C14H16N2O4·K, carboxy-PTIO, cPTIO)和150 U·mL–1 H2O2清除酶(catalase, CAT)逆转。并且外源NO能够显著促进根尖H2O2的积累, 而外源H2O2对根尖NO的含量无显著影响。这表明NO和H2O2是诱导大豆根尖及RBCs耐铝反应的两种信号分子, NO可能通过调控H2O2的形成, 进而诱导大豆根尖及RBCs的耐铝反应。  相似文献   

肺腺癌A549/DDP细胞周期变化及其多药耐药性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用Fura-2/AM标记药物敏感的肺腺癌细胞A549和抗顺铂药物的肺腺癌细胞A549/DDP两种细胞胞内游离Ca2+,用碘化丙锭(PI)标记细胞DNA,检测其胞内Ca2+的变化及两种细胞增殖能力和细胞周期.实验结果表明,抗药性细胞株A549/DDP胞浆内游离Ca2+的浓度仅为药物敏感细胞株A549的1/3左右,同时前者的细胞增殖能力较后者明显增强,而且细胞周期也明显缩短.当用BAPTA-AM和EGTA或A23187和Thapsigargin处理细胞以降低或升高其胞内自由Ca2+浓度时可改变细胞的生长周期,二者也呈现明显差别.这些结果表明,对顺铂产生耐药性的人肺腺癌A549/DDP细胞胞内Ca2+浓度的降低,可能影响细胞的增殖,缩短细胞的生长周期,特别是影响起决定作用的G1期,从而有利于肿瘤细胞多药耐药特性的维持.  相似文献   

报告检测H2O2/Fe2+所产生羟自由基的新方法.羟自由基氧化反应后,邻二氮菲-Fe2+的A536明显下降,且△A536与邻二氮菲,FeSO4及H2O2呈量效关系,随反应时间延长,△A536依幂函数规律上升.此法试验结果表明,甘露醇,抗坏血酸及硫肥清除羟自由基作用呈明显的量效关系.  相似文献   

H2O2-Fe3+所致人淋巴细胞DNA双链断裂损伤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用脉冲电场凝胶电泳法检测H2O2-Fe3+体系产生的OH·对人淋巴细胞DNA的双链断裂损伤.H2O2-Fe3+浓度与DNA双链断裂呈明显量效关系;随OH·作用时间延长,细胞DNA双链断裂加重;过氧化氢酶对OH·损伤有明显抑制作用.脉冲电场凝胶电泳法可检测到的H2O2和FeCl3引起细胞DNA双链断裂的最低浓度为0.3 mmol/L和6 μmol/L.  相似文献   

[目的] 为探究重金属对淡水绿藻生长的影响。[方法] 选取对水质检测具有明显指示作用的普通小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为实验材料,CdCl2·2H2O和CrCl3·7H2O提供重金属离子,探究不同浓度Cr3+和Cd2+在单一和复合胁迫下对藻细胞浓度、叶绿素a及相关抗氧化酶活性的影响。[结果] 随着Cr3+和Cd2+浓度不断增加,藻细胞浓度呈先增长后下降趋势;叶绿素a含量呈现先下降后升高再下降的现象,浓度为1 mg/L的单一和复合胁迫下有最大值,且毒性作用表现为Cr3+ < Cd2+ < Cr3++Cd2+;与藻细胞膜相关的丙二醛(MDA)和过氧化氢(H2O2)含量随着重金属离子浓度的增大而增长;重金属离子浓度低于10 mg/L时对藻细胞内抗氧化酶系统中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)表现为促进作用,而大于10 mg/L时具有抑制作用。[结论] 结果表明在单一或复合重金属胁迫下,普通小球藻会充分调动与抗逆性相关的酶来维持自身的正常生长。  相似文献   

采用大田试验,直接撕表皮或对叶片进行固定处理,结合单染、复染、荧光染色等多种细胞学显色方法,利用光学显微镜、荧光显微镜和扫描电子显微镜系统观察玉米叶表皮短细胞的发生时期、发育过程、分布规律以及形态结构特征,研究K+和H2O2在栓质细胞中的分布变化与表皮其它细胞中K+和H2O2的分布及气孔器开关的关系,为进一步挖掘短细胞的新功能提供细胞学依据。结果表明:(1)短细胞是同步发生在玉米多叶位新表皮组织形成过程中,所有植株从第7新生叶,大部分第6叶,极少数第5叶的基部同时开始发生短细胞,之后新生的高位叶也均发生短细胞,并随着叶位的升高叶片各部位短细胞密度均增大,所有植株的1~4叶(因不再生长)均无短细胞出现。(2)初期发育的叶表皮细胞进行不对称分裂,生成相互交替的长、短细胞,有的短表皮细胞横(垂直叶脉)分裂,形成栓质细胞和硅质细胞对;栓质细胞基部与叶肉细胞相邻,硅质细胞嵌在栓质细胞和表皮细胞间偏上。(3)有短细胞发生的叶片,宏观背面发亮且覆有蜡质层,微观表皮细胞的着色特性发生了变化;栓质细胞为面包形柱状细胞,硅质细胞为哑铃形扁细胞。(4)气孔器张开时,栓质细胞中没有K+和H2O2的积累;气孔器关闭时,栓质细胞中积累了大量的K+和H2O2,且栓质细胞中K+和H2O2的积累始终与副卫细胞中K+和H2O2的积累变化一致,而硅质细胞和长细胞没有K+和H2O2的积累。该研究确定了玉米叶表皮短细胞发生的时期;展示了其发育过程的形态学变化特征;发现栓质细胞中K+和H2O2的积累随气孔器开关呈周期性变化,且与副卫细胞中K+和H2O2的积累变化保持一致。  相似文献   

揭示了吖啶橙的吸收光谱和荧光光谱对其浓度依赖性上的区域性特征,分析了测定溶酶体H转运时合理选用吖啶橙浓度及溶酶体用量的重要性、机理和原则,探讨了其与溶酶体的温育时间和K/H交换对测定H转运的明显影响.  相似文献   

Mg2+对阿霉素引起心肌线粒体F1F0变化的保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
抗肿瘤药物阿霉素(ADM)对心肌线粒体F1F0-复合体呈现抑制而对F1-ATPase无抑制,这表明ADM可能是通过膜脂起作用的,适当浓度Mg2+能降低ADM对复合体的抑制.经 31P-NMR和标记荧光探针NBD-PE,DPH,MC-540以及内源荧光等的测定,结果表明ADM可能首先通过诱导F1F0膜脂形成非双层脂结构,继而影响了膜脂的堆积程度和流动性,进而引起F1F0-复合体酶蛋白构象的改变,最终导致酶活力的降低.Mg2+则可能由于与ADM竞争与心磷脂的结合,而对ADM引起F1F0的变化产生保护作用.  相似文献   

Iron availability to plants is often limited when soil pH is 7 or higher. In C rich, but Fe limiting environments, microorganisms may produce organic chelators that complex Fe and increase its availability to plants. Seedlings of soybean (Glycine max L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) plants, with Fe-efficient or inefficient uptake mechanisms, were grown in an Fe free nutrient solution at pH 7.5. Experiments (using a complete factorial design) were conducted in which these seedlings were transferred to a fresh nutrient solution and treated with Fe sources (FeCl3, FeEDDHA, and Fe complexed with chelators produced by compost microorganisms (CCMs) after their enrichment in an Fe free, glucose medium), Fe concentrations (0 and 6.7 M) and antibiotic (0 and 100 mg streptomycin L-1). Dry weight of soybean plants and Fe uptake were significantly (P 0.05) higher when Fe was supplied as 59FeCCM than as59 FeCl3 and similar to when Fe was supplied as59 FeEDDHA. Dry weight of the Fe-inefficient Tam 0-312 oat cultivar was also significantly higher when Fe was supplied as FeCCM. Fe uptake by oat, when supplied as 59FeCCM, was twice that for59 FeEDDHA and 59FeCl3. Chlorophyll concentration in plants supplied with FeCCM and FeEDDHA was significantly greater (P 0.05) than in minus Fe control plants and in FeCl3 supplied plants. Activities of catalase and peroxidase, measured as indicators of Fe nutrition in soybean and oats, were generally increased when Fe was supplied with FeCCM as compared to the other Fe sources. The experimental conditions in which the CCMs were produced are similar to those in soil after amendment with manures or other readily available organic materials. These CCMs can bind with Fe, even under slightly alkaline conditions, and effectively improve Fe nutrition of soybean and oat.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) deficiency restricts crop yields in calcareous soil. Thus, a novel Fe chelator, proline-2′-deoxymugineic acid (PDMA), based on the natural phytosiderophore 2′-deoxymugineic acid (DMA), was developed to solve the Fe deficiency problem. However, the effects and mechanisms of PDMA relevant to the Fe nutrition and yield of dicots grown under field conditions require further exploration. In this study, pot and field experiments with calcareous soil were conducted to investigate the effects of PDMA on the Fe nutrition and yield of peanuts. The results demonstrated that PDMA could dissolve insoluble Fe in the rhizosphere and up-regulate the expression of the yellow stripe-like family gene AhYSL1 to improve the Fe nutrition of peanut plants. Moreover, the chlorosis and growth inhibition caused by Fe deficiency were significantly diminished. Notably, under field conditions, the peanut yield and kernel micronutrient contents were promoted by PDMA application. Our results indicate that PDMA promotes the dissolution of insoluble Fe and a rich supply of Fe in the rhizosphere, increasing yields through integrated improvements in soil-plant Fe nutrition at the molecular and ecological levels. In conclusion, the efficacy of PDMA for improving the Fe nutrition and yield of peanut indicates its outstanding potential for agricultural applications.  相似文献   

We have employed EPR and a set of recently developed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopies to characterize a suite of [2Fe?C2S] ferredoxin clusters from Aquifex aeolicus (Aae Fd1, Fd4, and Fd5). Antiferromagnetic coupling between the FeII, S?=?2, and FeIII, S?=?5/2, sites of the [2Fe?C2S]+ cluster in these proteins creates an S?=?1/2 ground state. A complete discussion of the spin-Hamiltonian contributions to g includes new symmetry arguments along with references to related FeS model compounds and their symmetry and EPR properties. Complete 57Fe hyperfine coupling (hfc) tensors for each iron, with respective orientations relative to g, have been determined by the use of ??stochastic?? continuous wave and/or ??random hopped?? pulsed ENDOR, with the relative utility of the two approaches being emphasized. The reported hyperfine tensors include absolute signs determined by a modified pulsed ENDOR saturation and recovery (PESTRE) technique, RD-PESTRE??a post-processing protocol of the ??raw data?? that comprises an ENDOR spectrum. The 57Fe hyperfine tensor components found by ENDOR are nicely consistent with those previously found by M?ssbauer spectroscopy, while accurate tensor orientations are unique to the ENDOR approach. These measurements demonstrate the capabilities of the newly developed methods. The high-precision hfc tensors serve as a benchmark for this class of FeS proteins, while the variation in the 57Fe hfc tensors as a function of symmetry in these small FeS clusters provides a reference for higher-nuclearity FeS clusters, such as those found in nitrogenase.  相似文献   

Helical stalks (resembling Gallionella ferruginea, Mariprofundus ferrooxydans) and filamentous sheaths (resembling Leptothrix ochracea) of Fe2+-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) are mineralized by hydrous ferric oxides (HFO). To perform both inter-species and inter-site size comparisons of HFO particles on stalks and sheaths we measured HFO particles in samples of natural bacteriogenic iron oxides (BIOS) from 3 contrasting field sites: the Loihi Seamount (southern Hawaii); Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (eastern Sweden); and Chalk River Laboratories (northern Canada) representing seafloor saline, underground brackish, and surface freshwater aqueous conditions. Ambient temperatures were in the psychrophilic range and pHs measured for Loihi, CRL, and Äspö were 5.6, 6.9 and 7.4, respectively. Dissolved Fe was lowest for CRL (0.2 mg · L?1) followed by Äspö (1.5 mg · L?1), then Loihi (4.5–14.9 mg · L?1). L. ochraceasheaths appear to have surface properties that restrict HFO particle growth in comparison to G.ferruginea-M.ferrooxydans stalks in the same environment, which we attribute to interfacial surface energy (γ). An inverse relationship between particle size and stalk/sheath length due to restrictions in reactive surface area was also observed, which may provide insight into FeOB survival strategies to alleviate oxidative stress arising from Fe3+ production.  相似文献   

The rate of oxidation of Fe(II) by atmospheric oxygen at pH 7.0 is significantly enhanced by low molecular weight Fe(III)-complexing agents in the order EDTA ≈ nitrilotriacetate > citrate > phosphate > oxalate. This simple effect of Fe(III) binding probably accounts for the “ferroxidase” activity exhibited by transferrin and ferritin.  相似文献   

Facilitation of Fe(II) autoxidation by Fe(3) complexing agents   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

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