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不同发育阶段的斑腿树蛙蝌蚪对敌敌畏遗传毒性的敏感性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
耿宝荣  薛清清  连迎  姚丹 《动物学报》2006,52(5):892-898
敌敌畏是我国农田中使用最普遍的有机磷杀虫剂,它通过干扰对神经传导起重要作用的胆碱酯酶的活性,起到接触和摄入毒杀昆虫的作用,也对当地水生动物及种群造成很大威胁。本文以广泛分布于我国南方农田区域的斑腿树蛙蝌蚪为研究对象,用碱性单细胞电泳方法比较了暴露于不同浓度(2.08,4.16,6.24,8.32,10.40mg/L)的敌敌畏溶液中三个发育阶段的遗传毒性的差异。结果表明:敌敌畏溶液暴露24h,对早期和中期阶段的蝌蚪造成极显著的DNA损伤(P<0.01),甚至在敌敌畏浓度低达2.08mg/L的溶液中也产生显著的损伤(P<0.05);统计分析表明,DNA长宽比率与敌敌畏剂量之间呈显著的线性关系,早期阶段和中期阶段的相关系数分别为0.950(P<0.01)和0.954(P<0.01)。对于后期阶段的蝌蚪,所有浓度的敌敌畏溶液都未导致明显的DNA损伤,作者认为进入变态阶段的蝌蚪对敌敌畏的敏感性明显下降。结果同时也表明,早期和中期阶段的斑腿树蛙蝌蝌是一种监测环境遗传毒性的合适指示生物。  相似文献   

南平  郭变 《四川动物》2011,30(5):696-700,封3
目的 采用SCGE技术检测敌敌畏对大鳞副泥鳅DNA的损伤效应.方法 设置敌敌畏0.64 μg/L、1.28μg./L、1.92μg/L、2.56μg/L、3.20μg/L 5个浓度组和一个空白对照组(15尾大鳞副泥鳅/组),通过单细胞凝胶电泳技术(scGE)研究各浓度敌敌畏处理组在分别处理l d、2 d、3 d后对大鳞...  相似文献   

采用静态换水法研究了杀虫剂敌敌畏、除草剂丁草胺对饰纹姬蛙(Microhyla ornata)蝌蚪的急性毒性影响。结果表明,杀虫剂敌敌畏对饰纹姬蛙蝌蚪的24-h、48-h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为3.91μl/l和1.97μ/l;除草剂丁草胺对饰纹姬蛙蝌蚪的24-h LC50和48-h LC50分别为3.37μl/1和1.88μl/1,饰纹姬蛙蝌蚪对丁草胺的敏感性稍大于敌敌畏。  相似文献   

为从不同遗传终点检测苯胺对黑斑蛙(Rana nigromaculata)蝌蚪红细胞的遗传毒性,将黑斑蛙蝌蚪暴露于0、3.45、17.26、34.53、69.06μg/L不同浓度的苯胺96 h后,显微镜下观察红细胞形态和数目的变化,采用微核试验测定红细胞微核率,通过彗星试验测定彗星尾长和尾距的变化。从17.26μg/L浓度组开始出现红细胞变形拉长和细胞膜破裂,且随着苯胺浓度的增加而增多。另外,各浓度组蝌蚪红细胞数目随着苯胺溶液浓度的增加而逐渐减少,且与空白对照相比差异显著(P0.01)。微核试验结果显示,各浓度处理组微核率均显著高于空白对照组(P0.05),但由于苯胺所致的红细胞破裂和Heinz小体的影响,微核率和浓度之间并未出现明显的浓度-效应关系。彗星试验结果显示,不同浓度苯胺处理组与空白对照组相比,蝌蚪红细胞尾长和尾距均显著增加(P0.05或P0.01),并与处理浓度之间存在显著的浓度-效应关系。上述结果表明,苯胺可诱发黑斑蛙蝌蚪红细胞的染色体、DNA损伤,具有较强的遗传毒性效应;苯胺最高浓度处理组69.06μg/L蝌蚪红细胞DNA损伤水平与5 mg/L环磷酰胺相近,显现明显的DNA损伤,因此建议渔业水质标准对水体中苯胺限量的规定不应高于此值。  相似文献   

应用青蛙红细胞微核试验和单细胞凝胶电泳试验研究了两种新型杀虫剂 -吡虫啉和抑食肼对青蛙蝌蚪和成体的遗传毒性 ,结果表明 :当吡虫啉为 2mg/L时 ,蝌蚪红细胞微核率与对照组相比 ,无显著性差异 (p >0 .0 5) ;浓度升高到 8mg/L时 ,微核率与对照组相比 ,有显著性差异 (p <0 .0 5) ;当浓度为 3 2mg/L时 ,微核率与对照组相比 ,有极显著性差异 (p <0 .0 1) ;并有明显的剂量 -效应关系 (r =0 .9843 )。而抑食肼在浓度为 2 .5mg/L和 10mg/L时 ,微核率与对照组相比 ,无显著性差异 (p >0 .0 5) ;当浓度增至 40mg/L时 ,微核与对照组相比 ,有极显著性差异 (p <0 .0 1) ;吡虫啉与抑食肼各浓度组对青蛙红细胞的DNA损伤与阴性对照组相比 ,都有极显著性差异 (p <0 .0 1) ,且具有明显的剂量 -效应关系 (r =0 .960 ,r=0 .990 )。  相似文献   

壬基酚对中国林蛙蝌蚪生长发育的毒性效应   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为评价壬基酚对中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)蝌蚪的急性毒性,将26~28期的中国林蛙蝌蚪暴露于浓度为0.05~0.5 mg·L-1壬基酚(NP)的水体中进行急性毒性试验.结果表明:24、48、72、96h蝌蚪的死亡几率与浓度对数的回归方程分别为y=8.4087χ 10.202、y=9.5104χ 11.745、y=10.284χ 12.498、y=10.619,χ 13.095;半数致死浓度(LC50)分别为0.24、0.20、0.19、0.17 mg·L-1;安全浓度(SC)为0.017mg·L-1;96h的LC0为0.14 mg·L-1.证明林蛙蝌蚪的死亡几率与一定范围的NP浓度呈线性正相关.为探讨低浓度壬基酚对中国林蛙蝌蚪生长发育的影响,将26期林蛙蝌蚪分别在100、60、30、10μg·L-1 NP的水体中连续暴露直至完全变态,并以3、0.3 μg·L-1雌二醇(E2)作为阳性对照,分别统计林蛙蝌蚪暴露于NP和E2,中20、40d和完成变态后幼蛙的体质量、全长以及从26期到完全变态所需的时间.结果表明,NP浓度在100 μg·L-1以下,对林蛙蝌蚪不能致死.100、10 μg·L-1NP与3 μg·L-1E2的效应相似,均可滞后蝌蚪变态时间,降低蝌蚪变态后幼蛙的体质量.说明NP浓度在100μg·L-1以下不直接损伤蝌蚪机体,但可以通过干扰内分泌活动影响林蛙幼体的生长发育.  相似文献   

为了解农药对不同发育期蝌蚪的毒性,以多疣狭口蛙Kaloula verrucosa蝌蚪为对象,采用水生生物急性毒性试验方法,研究杀虫剂敌敌畏(DDVP)对25期、26期、35期和42期蝌蚪的急性毒性影响.结果表明,在水温19.5~22.0℃条件下,敌敌畏对各期蝌蚪96 h LC50分别为1.13、1.43、1.38和0.61 mg/L,各期蝌蚪对敌敌畏的敏感顺序为42期>25期>35期>26期.由此得出敌敌畏对25期、26期和35期蝌蚪属中等毒性,对42期蝌蚪则表现为高毒.因此建议农药施用应尽量避开蝌蚪的变态期进行.蛙类胚胎期(出膜后)随着发育对外界环境的耐受性增强,蝌蚪期随着发育对外界环境的敏感性增强.鉴于42期蝌蚪意外死亡率高的特点,认为不宜采用变态期蝌蚪进行急性毒性试验.  相似文献   

采用静态换水方法研究了异丙甲草胺、醚菌酯和咪鲜胺锰盐3种农药对中华大蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)蝌蚪的急性毒性及其联合毒性.结果表明,在急性毒性和两两联合毒性实验中,不同浓度农药对蝌蚪的死亡率影响均显著.在24 h、48h及72 h急性毒性实验中,异丙甲草胺对中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为29.81、28.81和25.83mg/L,醚菌酯为1.72、1.46和1.41 mg/L,咪鲜胺锰盐为7.43、3.75和3.22 mg/L.异丙甲草胺、醚菌酯和咪鲜胺锰盐3种农药的安全浓度(SC)分别为8.07、0.32和0.29 mg/L.异丙甲草胺为中等毒性农药,而醚菌酯和咪鲜胺锰盐均为剧毒性农药.在两两联合的毒性实验中,异丙甲草胺-醚菌酯和异丙甲草胺-咪鲜胺锰盐均表现为中等毒性,醚菌酯-咪鲜胺锰盐表现为剧毒性.在24 h、48 h及72h两两联合毒性实验中,异丙甲草胺-醚菌酯对中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为18.41、15.69和13.38 mg/L,异丙甲草胺-咪鲜胺锰盐为15.56、10.45和8.11 mg/L,醚菌酯-咪鲜胺锰盐为4.17、2.84和2.00 mg/L,且其相对应的安全浓度分别为3.42、1.41和0.40 mg/L.在联合毒性评价中,异丙甲草胺-醚菌酯联合组在24 h和48 h表现为拮抗作用,醚菌酯-咪鲜胺锰盐联合组在48 h表现为加和作用,其余均表现为协同作用.同样,重复方差分析结果表明,农药浓度、染毒时间及两者相互作用对蝌蚪的存活率影响均显著.与前期发表数据进行比较,表明中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪对污染物具有很强的敏感性.这些结果将为无尾类动物的毒理学研究提供科学依据.  相似文献   

采用静态换水方法研究了异丙甲草胺、醚菌酯和咪鲜胺锰盐3种农药对中华大蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)蝌蚪的急性毒性及其联合毒性。结果表明,在急性毒性和两两联合毒性实验中,不同浓度农药对蝌蚪的死亡率影响均显著。在24 h、48 h及72 h急性毒性实验中,异丙甲草胺对中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为29.81、28.81和25.83 mg/L,醚菌酯为1.72、1.46和1.41 mg/L,咪鲜胺锰盐为7.43、3.75和3.22 mg/L。异丙甲草胺、醚菌酯和咪鲜胺锰盐3种农药的安全浓度(SC)分别为8.07、0.32和0.29 mg/L。异丙甲草胺为中等毒性农药,而醚菌酯和咪鲜胺锰盐均为剧毒性农药。在两两联合的毒性实验中,异丙甲草胺﹣醚菌酯和异丙甲草胺﹣咪鲜胺锰盐均表现为中等毒性,醚菌酯﹣咪鲜胺锰盐表现为剧毒性。在24 h、48 h及72 h两两联合毒性实验中,异丙甲草胺﹣醚菌酯对中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为18.41、15.69和13.38 mg/L,异丙甲草胺﹣咪鲜胺锰盐为15.56、10.45和8.11 mg/L,醚菌酯﹣咪鲜胺锰盐为4.17、2.84和2.00 mg/L,且其相对应的安全浓度分别为3.42、1.41和0.40 mg/L。在联合毒性评价中,异丙甲草胺﹣醚菌酯联合组在24 h和48 h表现为拮抗作用,醚菌酯﹣咪鲜胺锰盐联合组在48 h表现为加和作用,其余均表现为协同作用。同样,重复方差分析结果表明,农药浓度、染毒时间及两者相互作用对蝌蚪的存活率影响均显著。与前期发表数据进行比较,表明中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪对污染物具有很强的敏感性。这些结果将为无尾类动物的毒理学研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

农药乐果对昭觉林蛙蝌蚪的耐受性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用水生生物急性毒性试验方法,研究乐果对昭觉林蛙Rana chaochiaoensis蝌蚪的急性毒性影响,同时运用扫描取样法对正式实验的昭觉林蛙蝌蚪进行行为观察.结果 表明:昭觉林蛙蝌蚪在试验组中正常静止行为、异常静止行为、正常运动行为、异常运动行为分别占74.08%、9.41%、0.58%、2.36%;在对照组中,只有正常静止行为和正常运动行为,分别占90.99% 和9.01%.乐果对昭觉林蛙蝌蚪24 h、48 h、72 h、96 h的半致死浓度 (LC50) 分别为:76.97 mg/L、67.85 mg/L、56.61 mg/L、52.80 mg/L,呈现出线性关系,安全浓度 (SC) 为5.28 mg/L.因此,乐果对昭觉林蛙蝌蚪当属于低毒性农药.但是当乐果残留量超过安全浓度时,将会影响昭觉林蛙蝌蚪的正常生长发育,并对其行为产生影响.  相似文献   

Avermectins are a new class of macrocyclic lactones derived from mycelia of the soil actinomycete, and are used as effective agricultural pesticides and antiparasitic agents. However, run-off from crops treated with avermectins may contaminate various bodies of water, and accumulated to certain concentrations to impact the development of aquatic animals. Here, we tested the genotoxicity of three avermectins(abamectin, ABM; ivermectin, IVM; and emamectin benzoate, EMB) on Polypedates megacephalus tadpoles by the alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis assay. Tadpoles were treated for 48 h in the laboratory with different concentrations of these three agents, 0.006, 0.012, 0.018, 0.024, 0.030 mg/L for ABM, 0.003, 0.006, 0.009, 0.012, 0.015 mg/L for IVM and 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12 mg/L for EMB, and then measured their DNA damage by the Comet assay tail factor %. The concentrations of resulted in highly significant increases in DNA damage of the tadpoles were found above the concentration threshold of 0.012 mg/L ABM, 0.003 mg/L IVM and 0.06 mg/L EMB and linear correlations between the intensity of DNA damage and the concentrations of these three avermectins. Our results showed clearly that avermectins caused dose dependent DNA damage on amphibian tadpoles, and there might be a control on the misuse of avermectins.  相似文献   

除草剂乐草隆对红鲫的遗传毒性研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
目的 探讨除草剂乐草隆对红鲫的遗传毒性。方法 用单细胞凝胶电泳检测不同浓度的乐草隆对红鲫外周血淋巴细胞DNA的损伤作用。结果 乐草隆致毒红鲫的淋巴细胞DNA的迁移度均较阴性对照组高 (P<0 0 5 ) ,在一定浓度范围内 (0~ 7 0 0mg L)DNA损伤程度与浓度呈正相关 (r=0 982 ,P <0 0 1)。在 12h、2 4h、4 8h、96h、10d实验组DNA损伤程度均有增强的趋势。结论 乐草隆对红鲫具有一定的遗传毒性  相似文献   

New chemicals are being added each year to the existing burden of toxic substances in the environment. This has led to increased pollution of ecosystems as well as deterioration of the air, water, and soil quality. Excessive agricultural and industrial activities adversely affect biodiversity, threatening the survival of species in a particular habitat as well as posing disease risks to humans. Some of the chemicals, e.g., pesticides and heavy metals, may be genotoxic to the sentinel species and/or to non-target species, causing deleterious effects in somatic or germ cells. Test systems which help in hazard prediction and risk assessment are important to assess the genotoxic potential of chemicals before their release into the environment or commercial use as well as DNA damage in flora and fauna affected by contaminated/polluted habitats. The Comet assay has been widely accepted as a simple, sensitive, and rapid tool for assessing DNA damage and repair in individual eukaryotic as well as some prokaryotic cells, and has increasingly found application in diverse fields ranging from genetic toxicology to human epidemiology. This review is an attempt to comprehensively encase the use of Comet assay in different models from bacteria to man, employing diverse cell types to assess the DNA-damaging potential of chemicals and/or environmental conditions. Sentinel species are the first to be affected by adverse changes in their environment. Determination of DNA damage using the Comet assay in these indicator organisms would thus provide information about the genotoxic potential of their habitat at an early stage. This would allow for intervention strategies to be implemented for prevention or reduction of deleterious health effects in the sentinel species as well as in humans. IITR Communication No. 2656  相似文献   

Acute toxicity and genotoxicity of imidacloprid (IMI) was evaluated on Hypsiboas pulchellus (Anura: Hylidae) tadpoles exposed under laboratory conditions. A lethal effect was used as the end point for lethality, whereas the frequency of micronuclei (MNs) and DNA single-strand breaks evaluated by the single cell gel electrophoresis assay were employed as end points for genotoxicity. Experiments were performed on tadpoles at stage 36 (range, 35–37) according to the classification proposed by Gosner. Mortality studies revealed an LC50 (96 h) value of 84.91 mg/L IMI (95% confidence limits, 77.20–93.04). While increased frequency of MNs was observed when 15 and 30 mg/L were assayed for 48 h, only 15 mg/L increased the frequency of MNs in tadpoles exposed for 96 h. Furthermore, other nuclear abnormalities, i.e., binucleated cells and blebbed and notched nuclei, were induced in tadpoles exposed for both 48 h when treated with 15 mg/L and 96 h when treated with 15 and 30 mg/L. An increase in the genetic damage index was observed in tadpoles treated with 30 mg/L for 48 and 96 h. This study represents the first evidence of acute lethal and sublethal effects exerted by IMI on tadpoles of an amphibian species native to Argentina. Finally, our findings highlight the hazardous properties of this insecticide for nontarget living species exposed to this agrochemical.  相似文献   

目的研究大鼠染氟后肝组织细胞凋亡及DNA损伤情况。方法 SD大鼠随机分为对照组、低氟组、中氟组、高氟组,每组12只,分别饮用含氟化钠为0、50、100、200 mg/L的去离子水,均饲标准营养大鼠饲料,染氟120 d。肉眼观察牙齿的变化,采用氟离子选择电极法测定大鼠尿氟,HE染色观察组织病理学变化,彗星实验检测细胞DNA损伤,流式细胞术检测肝脏组织细胞凋亡率。结果低氟组、中氟组、高氟组大鼠尿氟分别为(23.52±2.91)、(30.16±4.78)、(61.23±3.98)mg/L,均显著高于对照组(0.07±0.02)mg/L,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。不同剂量染氟大鼠肝组织细胞呈现不同程度肿胀,肝组织内出现多种灶状病变。各染氟组大鼠肝细胞拖尾率及拖尾长度与相应的对照组相比,差异均有统计学意义,并且肝细胞拖尾率及拖尾长度随染氟剂量的加大而增大。不同剂量染氟组细胞凋亡率与对照组相比,均明显增高,而且高、中氟组肝细胞凋亡率显著高于低氟组(P〈0.01)。结论氟化物可导致大鼠肝细胞DNA损伤,诱导细胞凋亡,一定浓度的氟化物诱导大鼠肝细胞凋亡与DNA损伤之间存在着相关性。  相似文献   

高凤娟  李丕鹏  陆宇燕 《蛇志》2016,(3):256-259
目的为了探究化肥磷酸二铵对两栖类幼体发育的影响。方法以花背蟾蜍(Bufo raddei)蝌蚪为研究对象,用化肥磷酸二铵(DAP)进行染毒培育,并依据Gosner(1960)分期标准,将蝌蚪分为G0实验组和G20实验组,分别暴露于浓度为0.045g/L、0.135g/L、0.225g/L的DAP水溶液中,直至蝌蚪完成变态发育,并对孵化率、死亡率、畸形率以及发育时程等参数进行统计分析。结果随着化肥DAP浓度的升高,孵化率逐渐下降,但对照组与各侵染组之间均无显著性差异;侵染组蝌蚪死亡率均高于对照组,均呈极显著性差异(P0.01),且G20侵染组明显高于G0侵染组;蝌蚪畸形可分为四大类,侵染组蝌蚪畸形率均高于对照组,且均呈极显著性差异(P0.01),畸形率随着DAP浓度的升高而增加;完成变态发育所用时程,侵染组明显长于对照组。结论化肥磷酸二铵对蝌蚪发育具有显著影响及损伤。  相似文献   

Malathion is a well known pesticide and is commonly used in many agricultural and non-agricultural settings. Its toxicity has been attributed primarily to the accumulation of acetylcholine (Ach) at nerve junctions, due to the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and consequently overstimulation of the nicotinic and muscarinic receptors. However, the genotoxicity of malathion has not been adequately studied; published studies suggest a weak interaction with the genetic material. In the present study, we investigated the genotoxic potential of malathion in bone marrow cells and peripheral blood obtained from Sprague-Dawley rats using chromosomal aberrations (CAs), mitotic index (MI), and DNA damage as toxicological endpoints. Four groups of four male rats, each weighing approximately 60 ± 2g, were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) once a day for five days with doses of 2.5, 5, 10, and 20mg/kg body weight (BW) of malathion dissolved in 1% DMSO. The control group was made up of four animals injected with 1% DMSO. All the animals were sacrificed 24h after the fifth day treatment. Chromosome preparations were obtained from bone marrow cells following standard protocols. DNA damage in peripheral blood leukocytes was determined using alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay). Malathion exposure significantly increased the number of structural chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and the percentages of DNA damage, and decreased the mitotic index (MI) in treated groups when compared with the control group. Our results demonstrate that malathion has a clastogenic/genotoxic potential as measured by the bone marrow CA and comet assay in Sprague-Dawley rats.  相似文献   

鲢幼鱼在不同水流速度下的暴发-滑行行为策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水温(18±1)℃的条件下,以全长(11.70±0.57)cm的鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)幼鱼为研究对象,测定其不同流速(16.5、22.0、27.5、33.0、38.5、44.0、49.5和55.0 cm/s)下的持续游泳时间、调头百分比和暴发-滑行运动数据。结果表明,鲢的平均持续游泳时间先随流速的增加而减小,后随流速的增加而增加。当流速33.0 cm/s时,平均持续时间最短为118.6min,其中各组试验鱼的最大可持续游泳时间均可达到200min。调头百分比随流速的增加迅速减小,当流速≥44.0 cm/s时,不再出现调头行为。暴发-滑行游泳的平均暴发时间随流速的增加呈上升趋势(y=0.03x+2.64,R2=0.92,P<0.05)。平均对地暴发距离均在30-45 cm,没有显著性差异(P>0.05),平均绝对暴发距离存在极显著性差异,且随流速的增加而增加(y=4.98x-5.63,R2=0.98,P<0.001)。平均对地暴发速度没有显著性差异(平均对地平均速度和最大速度分别在9-12 cm/s、12-16 cm/s,P>0.05)。平均绝对暴发速度与水流速度之间存在线性正相关关系(平均绝对平均暴发速度:y=0.98x+10.74,R2=1.00,P<0.001;平均绝对最大暴发速度:y=1.02x+13.75,R2=0.99,P<0.001)。研究表明鲢在不同的流速下采取的暴发-滑行行为策略不同。  相似文献   

Environmental pollution by pesticide residues is a major environmental concern due to the extensive use of these substances in agriculture. The insecticide beta-cyfluthrin is a synthetic pyrethroid widely used in agricultural and other domestic activities. The aim of the present study was to assess the genotoxic effects of a sublethal exposure of the fish Bryconamericus iheringii (Characidae) to a commercial formulation of beta-cyfluthrin using the comet assay. Fish were exposed to sublethal concentrations (4.2 and 5.6 microg/L) of beta-cyfluthrin under static conditions during 24- and 48-h exposure periods. Fish in tap water were used as negative controls. Results obtained by the comet assay revealed genotoxic effects of the pyrethroid in the higher concentration and at the longer exposure period. The mean DNA damage index of fish exposed to 5.6 microg/L beta-cyfluthrin for 48 h was significantly higher (145.9 +/- 51.8) than in the control group (69.3 +/- 39.5). These findings indicate that native fish species might be at risk for genotoxic damage in waters contaminated with beta-cyfluthrin.  相似文献   

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