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几种农药对黑斑蛙黑斑蛙胚胎及蝌蚪的毒性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了常用的几种农药对黑斑蛙胚胎及蝌蚪发育的毒性影响。结果表明 :农药对黑斑蛙胚胎、蝌蚪期的毒性大小依次为使它隆 >多效唑 >多菌灵 >异丙隆 >甲胺磷。胚胎期死亡时表现为胚体腐烂 ;蝌蚪期死亡时则表现为头部膨大 ,尾部缩小 ,弯曲。畸形在两个时期都表现为腹部膨大呈透明状和尾部弯曲  相似文献   

几种农药对黑斑蛙胚胎及蝌蚪的毒性   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
本文报道了常用的几种农药对黑斑蛙胚胎及蝌蚪发育的毒性影响。结果表明:农药对黑斑蛙胚胎、蝌蚪期的毒性大小依次为使它隆>多效唑>多菌灵>异丙隆>甲胺磷。胚胎期死亡时表现为胚体腐烂;蝌蚪期死亡时则表现为头部膨大,虱部缩小,弯曲。畸形在两个时期都表现为腹部膨大呈透明状和尾部弯曲。  相似文献   

壬基酚对中国林蛙蝌蚪生长发育的毒性效应   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为评价壬基酚对中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)蝌蚪的急性毒性,将26~28期的中国林蛙蝌蚪暴露于浓度为0.05~0.5 mg·L-1壬基酚(NP)的水体中进行急性毒性试验.结果表明:24、48、72、96h蝌蚪的死亡几率与浓度对数的回归方程分别为y=8.4087χ 10.202、y=9.5104χ 11.745、y=10.284χ 12.498、y=10.619,χ 13.095;半数致死浓度(LC50)分别为0.24、0.20、0.19、0.17 mg·L-1;安全浓度(SC)为0.017mg·L-1;96h的LC0为0.14 mg·L-1.证明林蛙蝌蚪的死亡几率与一定范围的NP浓度呈线性正相关.为探讨低浓度壬基酚对中国林蛙蝌蚪生长发育的影响,将26期林蛙蝌蚪分别在100、60、30、10μg·L-1 NP的水体中连续暴露直至完全变态,并以3、0.3 μg·L-1雌二醇(E2)作为阳性对照,分别统计林蛙蝌蚪暴露于NP和E2,中20、40d和完成变态后幼蛙的体质量、全长以及从26期到完全变态所需的时间.结果表明,NP浓度在100 μg·L-1以下,对林蛙蝌蚪不能致死.100、10 μg·L-1NP与3 μg·L-1E2的效应相似,均可滞后蝌蚪变态时间,降低蝌蚪变态后幼蛙的体质量.说明NP浓度在100μg·L-1以下不直接损伤蝌蚪机体,但可以通过干扰内分泌活动影响林蛙幼体的生长发育.  相似文献   

系统研究了我国本土两栖动物种黑斑蛙(Rana nigromaculata)变态发育过程中甲状腺组织学和甲状腺激素水平的变化,为甲状腺生物学和甲状腺干扰研究提供基础数据。黑斑蛙蝌蚪发育的形态变化: 第26-40阶段,后腿芽生长并逐渐分化出五趾结构;42阶段,开始进入变态高峰期,前肢展开,尾吸收,蝌蚪身体发生巨大形变;46阶段,蝌蚪完全变态成小蛙。随着形态学的变化,甲状腺的组织结构也发生明显的变化: 26-37阶段,甲状腺体积较小,增长缓慢;38阶段甲状腺体积迅速膨大,进入高峰期,甲状腺的发育达到顶峰;随着变态完成,甲状腺又逐渐缩小。甲状腺组织学变化的同时,甲状腺激素水平也相应发生变化: 在变态前期,下颌中3,3',5-三碘代-L-甲腺原氨酸(T3)水平增长缓慢,进入变态期后,T3含量迅速升高,在变态高峰期达到峰值,随后下降。以上结果表明,黑斑蛙发育过程中甲状腺组织学的变化与甲状腺激素水平的波动相吻合。对黑斑蛙甲状腺系统的研究,可为日后使用黑斑蛙开展甲状腺干扰作用的研究提供基础。    相似文献   

采用静态换水法研究了杀虫剂敌敌畏、除草剂丁草胺对饰纹姬蛙(Microhyla ornata)蝌蚪的急性毒性影响。结果表明,杀虫剂敌敌畏对饰纹姬蛙蝌蚪的24-h、48-h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为3.91μl/l和1.97μ/l;除草剂丁草胺对饰纹姬蛙蝌蚪的24-h LC50和48-h LC50分别为3.37μl/1和1.88μl/1,饰纹姬蛙蝌蚪对丁草胺的敏感性稍大于敌敌畏。  相似文献   

重金属离子对黑斑蛙胚胎及蝌蚪的毒性影响   总被引:40,自引:4,他引:36  
本文研究了5种重金属对黑斑蛙胚胎期及蝌蚪期的毒性作用,结果表明,各重金属离子对胚胎期中的孵化期和开口期毒性较大,其余各期毒性较小。各重金属离子对胚胎的毒性顺序为Hg  相似文献   

中国林蛙消化管胚后发育的组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李倩  张育辉 《四川动物》2008,27(3):417-420
用解剖和组织切片技术对中国林蛙Rana chensinensis蝌蚪(23~46期)消化管的形态和显微结构变化进行观察比较.结果 表明,在中国林蛙幼体的胚后发育过程中,消化管长度从28期的37.0 mm逐渐增加至39期的95.3 mm,在变态过程中又缩短至22.0 mm.胃从42期开始膨大, 46期在位置和形态上与成蛙相似.消化管粘膜上皮逐渐完善,粘膜下层和肌层逐渐出现并加厚.胃腺、小肠腺以及杯形细胞在42~43期出现.说明林蛙消化管的组织结构特征与变态发育过程中食性的变化相适应.  相似文献   

泽蛙(蝌蚪)和蜘蛛对农药的敏感性与急性毒性分级   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
潘道一  梁雪明 《动物学报》1996,42(2):154-160
泽蛙和蜘蛛是稻田害虫的重要天敌。通过室内和田间毒性试验,发现它们对拟除虫菊酯、有机氯、沙蚕毒素及治螟磷等农药,特别是对拟除虫菊酯的纯活性异构体敏感.蝌蚪群体异质性比蜘蛛小,对农药更敏感.根据田间毒性试验,室内用48小时的致死中浓度,田间用安全浓度和药量安全指数,可评价农药对它们的安全性,其急性毒性可分为剧毒、高毒、中等毒和低毒四级.  相似文献   

杀虫剂敌敌畏和除草剂丁草胺对斑腿树蛙蝌蚪的遗传毒性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
耿宝荣  姚丹  薛清清 《动物学报》2005,51(3):447-454
敌敌畏和丁草胺是我国农田中使用最普遍的杀虫剂和除草剂,这些农田化学物质对当地的水生动物及种群造成很大威胁.本文以广泛分布于我国南方农田区域的斑腿树蛙蝌蚪为研究对象,用碱性单细胞电泳方法(或慧星试验)对暴露在不同浓度的敌敌畏(2.08,4.16,6.24,8.32,10.40 mg/L)和丁草胺(0.1025,0.205,0.410,0.820,1.230 mg/L)溶液中的蝌蚪进行了遗传毒性的检测.结果表明在实验室条件下,随着农药浓度的增加,蝌蚪的DNA损伤(DNA尾长与尾宽比)随之增加;敌敌畏浓度为2.08 mg/L和丁草胺浓度为0.41 mg/L时,对蝌蚪造成显著的损伤,而且农药的剂量与蝌蚪的DNA损伤(DNA尾长与尾宽比)呈显著的线性关系敌敌畏,y=1.136±0.0083x,r=0.957,P<0.01;丁草胺,y=0.968±0.0093x,r=0.964,P<0.01.本研究表明这两种农药对我国的两栖动物具有遗传毒性作用;同时也表明,在检测环境污染物对蝌蚪的基因毒性方面,碱性单细胞电泳分析是一种合适的方法[动物学报 51(3)447-454,2005].  相似文献   

凹耳蛙的分类地位及蛙亚科一新属   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
李丕鹏  陆宇燕  吕顺清 《四川动物》2006,25(2):206-209,F0002
对凹耳蛙模式标本产地的蛙类及蝌蚪进行了调查,并对蝌蚪进行了人工饲养和生长发育到完成变态的观察,结果发现一种没有腹吸盘的小型蝌蚪是凹耳蛙的蝌蚪.由此证明凹耳蛙不具有湍蛙型蝌蚪,应不属于湍蛙属蛙类.对凹耳蛙成体和蝌蚪特征的分析表明其与蛙亚科其他属及所辖种不同,建议另立新属.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution is widespread in some areas of China and results in contamination of land, water, and air with which all living organisms interact. In this study, we used three heavy metallic ions(Cu2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+) to assess their toxicity effects on mortality, blood biomarker and growth traits(body length and body mass) of Rana zhenhaiensis tadpoles. The results showed that the toxicity levels of the three metallic ions were different when conducted with different experiment designs. For acute toxicity tests, Cu2+ was the most toxic with the highest tadpole mortality. The mortalities of tadpoles showed significant differences among the treatments at the same exposure time endpoints(24, 48, 72 and 96h). Results from repeated measures ANOVA indicated that metallic ion concentration, exposure time and their interactions significantly affected the mortalities of R. zhenhaiensis tadpoles. Also, the toxicity effects of all binary combinations of the three metallic ion treatments showed synergism. The half lethal concentrations(LC50) decreased with increasing exposure time during the experimental period, and the safe concentration(SC) values of Cu2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ were different from each other. Combined and compared LC50 values with previous data reported, it is suggestes that the toxicity levels of metal pollution to anuran tadpoles should be species-and age-related. For blood biomarker tests, Zn2+ was the most toxic with the highest total frequencies of abnormal erythrocytic nucleus. All three metallic ions caused higher abnormal erythrocytic nucleus compared with control groups. In a chronic toxicity test, Pb2+ was the most toxic with lowest growth traits. Survival rate(except for 18 days), total body length and body mass showed significant differences among the treatments. These findings indicated that tadpoles of R. zhenhaiensis should be as a bioindicator of heavy metals pollution.  相似文献   

We studied the acute toxicity and the sublethal effects, on reproduction and host-killing activity, of four widely used insecticides on the generalist parasitoid Bracon nigricans (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a natural enemy of the invasive tomato pest, Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Laboratory bioassays were conducted applying maximum insecticide label rates at three constant temperatures, 25, 35 and 40°C, considered as regular, high and very high, respectively. Data on female survival and offspring production were used to calculate population growth indexes as a measure of population recovery after pesticide exposure. Spinetoram caused 80% mortality at 25°C and 100% at higher temperatures, while spinosad caused 100% mortality under all temperature regimes. Cyantraniliprole was slightly toxic to B. nigricans adults in terms of acute toxicity at the three temperatures, while it did not cause any sublethal effects in egg-laying and host-killing activities. The interaction between the two tested factors (insecticide and temperature) significantly influenced the number of eggs laid by the parasitoid, which was the lowest in the case of females exposed to chlorantraniliprole at 35°C. Furthermore, significantly lower B. nigricans demographic growth indexes were estimated for all the insecticides under all temperature conditions, with the exception of chlorantraniliprole at 25°C. Our findings highlight an interaction between high temperatures and insecticide exposure, which suggests a need for including natural stressors, such as temperature, in pesticide risk assessments procedures.  相似文献   

1. Clonally reproducing species are often assumed to lack sufficient genetic variability to evolve specific local adaptations to cope with environmental perturbation and competition from sexual species. Yet, many asexuals are extremely successful judged by abundance and wide range, suggesting high competitive abilities in resource exploitation.
2. In this study, food use and its effects on larval growth in a water frog system consisting of the two parental sexual species, Rana lessonae (Camerano 1882) and Rana ridibunda (Pallas 1771), and three different coexisting hemiclones of their hybrid, Rana esculenta (Linnaeus 1758) were investigated.
3. R. esculenta tadpoles spent 18·6% more time feeding than did tadpoles of either parental species, but feeding time was not affected by interspecific mixture.
4. R. esculenta tadpoles consumed 50·8% more food over the whole test period than did tadpoles of the two parental species.
5. R. esculenta tadpoles exhibited higher growth rates than did tadpoles of either parental species.
6. R. lessonae tadpoles had the highest and R . ridibunda tadpoles the lowest growth efficiencies with the R. esculenta tadpoles ranging between the two parentals.
7. The results obtained indicate that hemiclonal hybridogenetic R . esculenta tadpoles display significant phenotypic variation among coexisting hemiclones as well as out-perform tadpoles of the parental sexual species R. lessonae and R . ridibunda. The primary mechanism for success of the hybrid tadpoles is probably behavioural, through increased feeding time and food consumption, and not physiological via growth efficiency.  相似文献   

Although sex determination in amphibians is believed to be a genetic process, environmental factors such as temperature are known to influence the sex differentiation and development. Extremely low and high temperatures influence gonadal development and sex ratio in amphibians but the mechanism of action is not known. In the present study, effect of different temperatures on gonadal development, sex ratio and metamorphosis was studied in the Indian skipper frog, Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis. The embryos of Gosner stage 7 were exposed to 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32°C up to tadpole stage 42. The embryos (stage 7) were also exposed to 20 and 32°C up to tadpole stage 25 (non-feeding stages). Tadpoles of stage 25 were reared at 20 and 32°C up to stage 42 (feeding stages). The results show that exposure to higher temperatures (28, 30 and 32°C) during stages 7–42 produced male-biased sex ratio. Rearing of tadpoles at 32°C during stages 25–42 produced male-biased sex ratio, while exposure during stages 7–25 did not affect sex ratio. Embryos and tadpoles exposed to lower temperatures (20 and 22°C) died during the early stages. High temperatures stimulated testis development, and disturbed ovary development. Exposure to high temperatures resulted in the early metamorphosis of tadpoles with reduced body size. These results demonstrated that high temperatures influence gonadal development differently in male and female tadpoles, leading to male-biased sex ratio. These results suggest that high temperature probably acts through stress hormones and favours the small-sized sex.  相似文献   

The effects of acute and developmental temperature on maximum burst swimming speed, body size, and myofibrillar ATPase activity were assessed in tadpoles of the Pacific tree frog, Hyla regilla. Tadpoles from field-collected egg masses were reared in the laboratory at 15 degrees (cool) and 25 degrees C (warm). Body size, maximum burst swimming speed from 5 degrees to 35 degrees C, and tail myofibrillar ATPase activity at 15 degrees and 25 degrees C were measured at a single developmental stage. Burst speed of both groups of tadpoles was strongly affected by test temperature (P<0. 001). Performance maxima spanned test temperatures of 15 degrees -25 degrees C for the cool group and 15 degrees -30 degrees C for the warm group. Burst speed also depended on developmental temperature (P<0.001), even after accounting for variation in body size. At most test temperatures, the cool-reared tadpoles swam faster than the warm-reared tadpoles. Myofibrillar ATPase activity was affected by test temperature (P<0.001). Like swimming speed, enzyme activity was greater in the cool-reared tadpoles than in the warm-reared tadpoles, a difference that was significant when assayed at 15 degrees C (P<0. 01). These results suggest a mechanism for developmental temperature effects on locomotor performance observed in other taxa.  相似文献   

Pesticides are being detected in water bodies on an increasingly frequent basis. The present study focused on toxicity and phytoremediation potential of aquatic plants to remove phytosanitary products from contaminated water. We investigated the capacity of Lemna minor (L. minor) to eliminate two herbicides isoproturon and glyphosate from their medium. Since phytoremediation relies on healthy plants, pesticide toxicity was evaluated by exposing plants to 5 concentrations (0-20 microg L(-1) for isoproturon and 0-120 microg L(-1) for glyphosate) in culture media for 4 d using growth rate and chlorophyll a fluorescence as endpoints. At exposure concentrations of 10 microg x L(-1) for isoproturon and 80 microg x L(-1) for glyphosate, effects on growth rate and chlorophyll fluorescence were minor (< 25%), so that this initial concentration was selected to study herbicide removal After a 4-d incubation, removal yields were 25% and 8% for isoproturon and glyphosate, respectively.  相似文献   

In ecological models, the timing of amphibian metamorphosis is dependent upon rate of larval growth, e.g., tadpoles that experience a decrease in growth rate can initiate metamorphosis early. Recent authors have suggested that this plasticity may be lost at some point during the larval period. We tested this hypothesis by exposing groups of tadpoles of the gray treefrog, Hyla versicolor, to different growth schedules. In endocrine models, metamorphosis is dependent on thyroxine levels and thyroxine is antagonized by prolactin (amphibian larval growth hormone), consistent with the idea that a rapidly growing tadpole can delay metamorphosis. Thus, we also manipulated the rate of development by supplementing or maintaining natural thyroxine levels for half of the tadpoles in each growth treatment. All tadpoles that received thyroxine supplements metamorphosed at the same time regardless of growth history. They also metamorphosed earlier than tadpoles not treated with thyroxine. Tadpoles not given thyroxine supplements metamorphosed at different times: those growing rapidly during day 15-34 metamorphosed earlier than tadpoles growing slowly. Growth rate before day 15 and after day 34 had no effect on metamorphic timing. The difference in larval period between these rapidly growing tadpoles and their sisters given thyroxine treatments was less than the same comparison for tadpoles that grew slowly during the same period. This apparent prolactin/thyroxine antagonism did not exist after day 34. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of a loss of plasticity in metamorphic timing.  相似文献   

The effect of echinostome infections on the survival of Rana pipiens tadpoles was examined in relation to developmental stage of tadpoles. Individual tadpoles of Gosner stages 25, 27, 32-33, and 37-39 were exposed to 1 of 4 levels of cercariae (0, 20, 50, or 100). Only tadpoles at stage 25, the earliest stage infected, died within a 5-day experimental period. This stage-specific mortality rate could be explained, in part, by the stage-specific location of encystment of cercariae, which was documented in a separate experiment. In accordance with kidney development, cercariae predominately encysted in the pronephroi during early stages of tadpole development (stages 25 through 31-32) and only in the mesonephroi and associated ducts at later stages (stages 37 through 46). As the mesonephros develops, renal capacity presumably increases. Thus, tadpoles died only when metacercariae concentrated in the functional portion of the kidney with the most limited renal capacity. As tadpoles aged, they also became less susceptible to infections. On average, 69.5% of cercariae that were exposed to stage 25-26 tadpoles successfully encysted. compared with only 8.4% of cercariae exposed to stage 37-38 tadpoles. Exposures of metamorphic frogs (poststage 46) to cercariae revealed that these individuals can become infected with echinostomes. Collectively, our data highlight the host stage-dependent dynamics of tadpole-echinostome interactions.  相似文献   

Liao MQ  Tzeng YJ  Chang LY  Huang HB  Lin TH  Chyan CL  Chen YC 《FEBS letters》2007,581(6):1161-1165
Aggregated beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptides are neurotoxic and cause neuronal death both in vitro and in vivo. Although the formation of a beta-sheet structure is usual required to form aggregates, the relationship between neurotoxicity and the Abeta sequence remains unclear. To explore the correlation between Abeta sequence, secondary structure, aggregative ability, and neurotoxicity, we utilized both full-length and fragment-truncated Abeta peptides. Using a combination of spectroscopic and cellular techniques, we demonstrated that neurotoxicity and aggregative ability are correlated while the relationship between these characteristics and secondary structure is not significant. The hydrophobic C-terminus, particularly the amino acids of 17-21, 25-35, and 41-42, is the main region responsible for neurotoxicity and aggregation. Deleting residues 17-21, 25-35 or 41-42 significantly reduced the toxicity. On the other hand, truncation of the peptides at either residues 22-24 or residues 36-40 had little effect on toxicity and aggregative ability. While the N-terminal residues 1-16 may not play a major role in neurotoxicity and aggregation, a lack of N-terminal fragment Abeta peptide, (e.g. Abeta17-35), does not display the neurotoxicity of either full-length or 17-21, 25-35 truncated Abeta peptides.  相似文献   

Abeta(1-42) peptide, found as aggregated species in Alzheimer's disease brain, is linked to the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Many reports have linked metals to inducing Abeta aggregation and amyloid plaque formation. Abeta(25-35), a fragment from the C-terminal end of Abeta(1-42), lacks the metal coordinating sites found in the full-length peptide and is neurotoxic to cortical cortex cell cultures. We report solid-state NMR studies of Abeta(25-35) in model lipid membrane systems of anionic phospholipids and cholesterol, and compare structural changes to those of Abeta(1-42). When added after vesicle formation, Abeta(25-35) was found to interact with the lipid headgroups and slightly perturb the lipid acyl-chain region; when Abeta(25-35) was included during vesicle formation, it inserted deeper into the bilayer. While Abeta(25-35) retained the same beta-sheet structure irrespective of the mode of addition, the longer Abeta(1-42) appeared to have an increase in beta-sheet structure at the C-terminus when added to phospholipid liposomes after vesicle formation. Since the Abeta(25-35) fragment is also neurotoxic, the full-length peptide may have more than one pathway for toxicity.  相似文献   

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