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半自然条件下麋鹿的生长发育与繁殖习性   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
在大丰保护区的半自然条件下,麋鹿新产仔鹿性二型差异大于圈养条件下的仔鹿;1龄幼鹿第1年生长发育迅速,其后足长已基本达成体后足长;4岁时后足长即已显著大于引进的成体鹿。大丰雌性麋鹿3岁开始产仔,比圈养条件下晚1年,4岁时体重方达成体重。雄性5岁后方能达成体重并才有机会获得交配权.发情期主要集中于6月上、中旬,产仔期主要集中于3月中、下旬,产仔半数时间为3月27日,产仔期比圈养麋鹿更趋集中。仔鹿产后1~3天为“印记”的敏感期,1周龄后即开始随群活动并有觅食行为。  相似文献   

周晓榕  陈阳  郭永华  庞保平 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1598-1603
2010—2011年于内蒙古乌兰察布市四子王旗格根塔拉草原对亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus(B.-Bienko)种群动态进行了研究。结果表明,亚洲小车蝗种群空间格局为随机分布;亚洲小车蝗于6月中旬开始孵化出土,1~3龄蝗蝻高峰期在6月中下旬至7月初,终见期在7月下旬;4~5龄蝗蝻于6月下旬始见,高峰期在7月上中旬,终见期在7月末;成虫于7月上旬始见,高峰期在7月中旬至8月下旬,终见期在9月上旬。应用最优分割法将亚洲小车蝗种群动态划分为3个阶段:(1)6月中旬,为蝗蝻开始出土期,数量稀少,空间格局为聚集分布或随机分布;(2)6月下旬至7月上中旬,为蝗蝻发生盛期,密度低时为随机分布,密度高时为聚集分布;(3)7月中下旬至9月上旬,为成虫发生期,空间格局为随机分布。  相似文献   

苏北滨海湿地麋鹿恢复种群的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1986年至2004年,在苏北滨海湿地开展恢复麋鹿野生种群的研究。从每年的2月份开始,在麋鹿的产仔期按照每旬记录产仔数,直至产仔结束。逐年统计半散养和野生麋鹿种群结构。选择不同年龄阶段和不同性别的麋鹿进行称重,分析个体的身体发育程度。半散养麋鹿种群由1986年引进的39 头,发展到2004年的706 头,年均出生率21.7%,鹿群年均增长率为17.5%,现已繁殖了子四代;野生放养麋鹿由31 头增加到2004年的41头,年均出生率16.3%,年均增长率为9.0% ,且于2003年、2004年各产1 头完全属野生的子二代。产仔季节相由引进时的紊乱已调整至目前的规律性产仔。研究表明大丰麋鹿种群繁殖很成功,其寿命、行为、生理发育、繁殖周期等都较引进时发生了显著的变化,已完全适应了黄海湿地生态环境。人类活动干扰仍是影响麋鹿种群恢复的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

湖北石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区麋鹿种群动态   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为实现麋鹿回归大自然的目标,1993年和1994年,湖北石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区(以下简称石首麋鹿保护区)分别从北京麋鹿苑引入麋鹿30头(8♂,22♀)和34头(10♂,24♀)建立了繁殖种群。自2000年6月开始,作者每月一次(7-10d)实地监测石首麋鹿保护区内、外的麋鹿种群动态。到2006年产仔季节结束后,该保护区内的麋鹿种群达522头,2006年产仔前性比为1∶1.22。用指数增长模型拟合种群增长曲线,1998年后石首麋鹿保护区内的麋鹿种群呈指数增长(Nt=84e0.226t),其瞬时增长率为0.226;1998年夏季长江暴发特大洪灾,石首麋鹿保护区内的部分麋鹿逃逸到长江南岸,形成了自然野化麋鹿种群。该自然野化种群比保护区内麋鹿种群增长快,其瞬时增长率达到0.267。湖北石首和江苏大丰两个国家级自然保护区内麋鹿种群的出生率和增长率差异显著,而两地的死亡率无显著差异。石首麋鹿保护区内的麋鹿种群年均出生率(26.8%,P=0.010)和年均增长率(21.7%,P=0.038)均显著地高于江苏大丰国家级自然保护区内麋鹿种群的年均出生率(21.6%)和年均增长率(17.0%)。由于生境退化和人为干扰,当前石首麋鹿保护区内的麋鹿种群增长已开始出现密度制约迹象,亟待采取有效措施来改善麋鹿的生存繁衍条件。  相似文献   

雄性麋鹿的交配机会、社会等级和皮质醇水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们在北京麋鹿苑研究了发情期雄性麋鹿的社会行为、社会等级和血清皮质醇水平,并分析了三者间的相互关系。按照雄性麋鹿的行为,将雄性麋鹿分为优势群和从属群。优势群包括群主和挑战者,从属群包括单身汉和被淘汰群主。使用SJ—Ⅰ型事件记录器进行常规行为取样,用放射免疫分析法测定血清皮质醇含量。发现:(1)优势雄鹿的发情行为频次明显高于从属雄鹿;(2)攻击行为的发生频次在两组间无显著差异;(3)血清皮质醇含量在两组间也无显著差异。由此我们认为,发情期雄性麋鹿的社会等级序位影响许多行为的表达,优势雄鹿成功交配的机会比从属雄鹿多。而攻击行为和肾上腺皮质醇的分泌与社群等级无明显相关,可能是麋鹿在圈养状态下的一种适应策略,这将有利于缓解发情期雄鹿的紧张,从而允许更多的能量投放在发情交配上。  相似文献   

不同密度下和不同发情期时段中雄性麋鹿的繁殖计策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从1998年到2001年,我们研究了密度、发情期与雄性麋鹿繁殖计策的关系。我们选择了江苏大丰麋鹿保护区的两个麋鹿群体和北京麋鹿苑的一个麋鹿群体,观察记录了发情期前期、中期和后期中实验麋鹿种群参数、围栏大小、群体中雄鹿的繁殖计策、群主变更情况、后宫数目以及后宫雌鹿数。尽管不同种群和不同发情期的雄鹿繁殖计策有差异,但是各个群体中雄性麋鹿都有占群、偷袭交配和求偶集会3种繁殖计策。利用因子分析提取了两个主成分:主成分1主要代表实验围栏、麋鹿存栏数和密度等因子的影响,主成分2主要代表发情期时段因子的影响。这两个主成分解释了全部因素效应的90.72%。用Spearman相关分析发现,占群计策与主成分2呈极显著负相关,求偶集会计策与主成分1呈显著正相关,最大后宫雌鹿个体数与主成分1极显著正相关,而偷袭交配计策和后宫数目与主成分1和2均无显著相关。据此推测,占群和求偶集会繁殖计策分别受密度和发情期时段的影响,而偷袭交配行为对密度和发情期时段不敏感。我们还探讨了麋鹿发情行为计策的环境适应性,从行为学角度为麋鹿保护提供了新思路。  相似文献   

鹿角是大部分鹿科动物的第二性征.麋鹿仅雄性具角,且角枝向后分杈,呈多回分支状,形态特征与其他鹿科动物不同.针对麋鹿的脱落时间、角型特征、外部形态与年龄关系等问题,2008年12月~2009年3月在北京麋鹿苑对麋鹿角进行了标记、收集与测量.结果 表明:解角期持续时间长短与种群年龄结构有关;麋鹿角的重量、角基周长、主干长度、后枝长和角宽5个变量与年龄显著线性相关,其中重量和角基周长与年龄的相关性最显著.麋鹿角并不完全是每增加1岁就增加1个分枝,依据鹿角分枝数只能对年龄进行大致判断.  相似文献   

【目的】掌握区域小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(L.)田间种群发生消长规律及温度、降雨和种植制度模式对种群的影响。【方法】2009—2014年,采用性诱剂监测和田间系统调查方法连续6年对滇中菜区——通海县小菜蛾田间种群数量开展成虫和幼虫田间种群数量的研究,分析当地月平均气温、月降雨量和种植模式因素对小菜蛾种群数量的相关性。【结果】(1)通海小菜蛾成虫种群消长年度间波动差异明显,全年呈现1个大的虫峰期为2—11月份,年度间出现小的2~3个虫峰。2012年种群数量较高,高峰期提前到4月份,与2013年高峰期的7—8月份差异明显,2010年和2011年田间种群数量是历年较少年份,种群高峰期的虫量少于百头/盆(卡)/月;(2)小菜蛾幼虫种群全年有2~3个危害峰期,3—6月是发生主峰期,9—11月是弱峰期;与成虫高峰期比较,幼虫田间种群,高峰期推迟20~30 d左右,全年的波动消长情况基本一致;(3)小菜蛾成虫与温度显著相关r=0.442,与降雨量成正相关r=0.283,但相关程度弱;幼虫种群与温度显著相关r=0.530,相关程度显著,与降雨没有相关性r=0.125,相关程度微弱;幼虫种群与成虫有相关性r=0.253,但相关程度微弱。【结论】滇中菜区常年成片种植十字花科蔬菜,一年4造、周年复种的种植制度对小菜蛾的种群发生有促进作用,区域模式相对稳定是造成小菜蛾种群周年活动频繁危害严重的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

湖北石首麇鹿国家级自然保护区麇鹿种群动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现麇鹿回归大自然的目标,1993年和1994年,湖北石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区(以下简称石首麋鹿保护区)分别从北京麋鹿苑引入麋鹿30头(8♂,22♀)和34头(10♂,24♀)建立了繁殖种群。自2000年6月开始,作者每月一次(7—10d)实地监测石首麇鹿保护区内、外的麋鹿种群动态。到2006年产仔季节结束后,该保护区内的麋鹿种群达522头,2006年产仔前性比为1:1.22。用指数增长模型拟合种群增长曲线,1998年后石首麋鹿保护区内的麋鹿种群呈指数增长(Nt=84e^0.226t),其瞬时增长率为0.226;1998年夏季长江暴发特大洪灾,石首麇鹿保护区内的部分麋鹿逃逸到长江南岸,形成了自然野化麋鹿种群。该自然野化种群比保护区内麇鹿种群增长快,其瞬时增长率达到0.267。湖北石首和江苏大丰两个国家级自然保护区内麋鹿种群的出生率和增长率差异显著,而两地的死亡率无显著差异。石首麋鹿保护区内的麋鹿种群年均出生率(26.8%,P=0.010)和年均增长率(21.7%,P=0.038)均显著地高于江苏大丰国家级自然保护区内麇鹿种群的年均出生率(21.6%)和年均增长率(17.0%)。由于生境退化和人为干扰,当前石首麋鹿保护区内的麋鹿种群增长已开始出现密度制约迹象,亟待采取有效措施来改善麋鹿的生存繁衍条件[动物学报53(6):947—952,2007]。  相似文献   

在麋鹿的发情交配季节 ,雄性麋鹿可区分为 3种类型 :“群主”、“挑战者”和“单身汉”。“群主”是一头圈占并控制雌鹿活动的优势雄性。“挑战者”不占有雌性繁殖群 ,但在发情场附近地点展示炫耀。当雌性繁殖群的雌鹿外出采食靠近“挑战者”的展示炫耀地点时 ,“挑战者”会积极地寻求机会与之交配。“单身汉”在繁殖季节不表现发情行为。他们像非繁殖季节一样采食 ,采食后蹲在水塘中休息。我们对何种因素决定麋鹿个体的发情交配计策感兴趣。 1996至 1998年夏天 ,我们在北京麋鹿苑观察麋鹿发情交配行为以分析导致这些行为差异的原因。结果发现 ,“群主”、“挑战者”和“单身汉”用于维持生命的时间预算与用于发情的时间预算成反比 ,并且 ,“群主”、“挑战者”和“单身汉”用于维持生命的时间预算与用于发情的时间预算差异显著。“群主”的绝大部分时间用于发情占群 ,而用于采食、饮水的时间很少 ,所以 ,“群主”在发情期间基本上处于禁食状态 ,靠消耗体内脂肪维持生命。“单身汉”则相反 ,绝大部分时间用于采食、休息和反刍 ,基本上没有发情行为。“挑战者”在发情行为与维持生命行为之间的时间则居于“群主”与“单身汉”之间。交配次数是偏态分布的 ,与雄性发情时间呈正比。“群主”的交配概率最高  相似文献   

麋鹿鹿角生长周期及影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年8月至2014年8月,使用望远镜(SWAROVSKI 8×42 WB)和照相机(Canon 550D 70×300)观察北京南海子59只雄性麋鹿茸的生长和角脱落周期,发现麋鹿角总体趋势呈随着年龄的减少,脱角日期越迟,且等级序位高或者鹿王较年老个体先脱落。收集2012年12月至2014年2月两年度麋鹿自然脱落的角,研究表明,个体而言,左右角脱角顺序差异明显,同一天脱落两角者占17.0%,左角先脱落者占34.1%,右角先脱落者占48.8%,重量重和重量轻的角先脱落的个体各占41.5%,个体成对的左右角脱落时间间隔短,平均为1.98d;群体而言,角重量与脱角时间呈显著负相关,总体呈现角重的个体角先脱落,但不是角最重的个体角第一个脱落。2013年6月至2014年5月,对北京南海子、湖北石首、江苏大丰、天津七里海、浙江慈溪、浙江临安、海南海口、河北滦河上游、辽阳千山等9个地区麋鹿种群麋鹿角脱落起止时间进行调查,研究表明野生种群脱角时间比圈养种群早;迁入热带地区海南的麋鹿仍有规律的角周期;同一栖息地不同年份角周期存在差异,不同栖息地间麋鹿角周期存在差异;脱角起始时间与海拔、经度、纬度、年平均气温、圈养情况和气候类型等影响因子不存在统计学上显著的相关性,但光周期和激素直接主导和调节着角周期,年龄大小、角重量、营养以及与营养相关的能量、种群密度、物候等环境因子均影响角周期。  相似文献   

We conducted an experiment in the Beijing Milu Park to study the social behavior of male Père David's deer, and related social behavior to social position and serum testosterone level of the stags during rut. We classified the stags into three rank classes according to their rutting behavior: ‘harem master’, ‘challenger’ and ‘bachelor’. We monitored the behaviors of four ‘harem masters’, five ‘challengers’ and five ‘bachelors’, and analyzed serum testosterone levels in blood samples of those 14 stags using radioimmunoassay. We defined the effectiveness value, E = A/T, to assess the effectiveness of herding or mating attempts made by stags (‘T’ represents the frequency of herding or mating attempts made by a stag and ‘A’ represents the frequency of herding or mating attempts accepted by hinds). We found that: (1) the ‘harem masters’ and the ‘challengers’ displayed more frequent rut and locomotive behaviors but fewer ingestion behaviors than the ‘bachelors’; (2) serum testosterone levels in the ‘harem masters’ and the ‘challengers’ were higher than that in the ‘bachelors’; (3) effectiveness value of herding attempts differed significantly between the three types of stags, being highest in the ‘harem masters’ and the lowest in the ‘bachelors’; and (4) effectiveness value of mating attempts was significantly greater for the ‘harem masters’ than for the ‘challengers’. We conclude that: (1) reproductive behavior of the Père David's deer stags is strongly associated with social rank; (2) social roles of Père David's deer stags during the rut are related to the testosterone secretion; and (3) rank class affects the mating opportunity of the stags.  相似文献   

There has been growing interest in the determinants of the annual timing of biological phenomena, or phenology, in wild populations, but research on vertebrate taxa has primarily focused on the phenology of reproduction. We present here analyses of the phenology of the annual growth of a secondary sexual characteristic, antlers in red deer (Cervus elaphus) males. The long-term individual-based data from a wild population of red deer on the Isle of Rum, Scotland allow us to consider ecological factors influencing variation in the phenology of growth of antlers, and the implications of variation in antler growth phenology with respect to the phenotype of antler grown (antler mass) and annual breeding success. The phenology of antler growth was influenced by local environmental conditions: higher population density delayed both the start date (during spring) and the relative end date (in late summer) of antler growth, and warmer temperatures in the September and April prior to growth advanced start and end dates, respectively. Furthermore, there was variation between individuals in this phenotypic plasticity of start date, although not in that of end date of growth. The phenology of antler growth impacted on the morphology of antlers grown, with individuals who started and ended growth earliest having the heaviest antlers. The timing of antler growth phenology was associated with breeding success in the following mating season, independently of the mass of antlers grown: an earlier start of antler growth was associated with siring a higher number of the calves born the following spring. Our results suggest that the phenology of traits that are not directly correlated with offspring survival may also regularly show correlations with fitness.  相似文献   

Most evidence for advances in phenology of in response to recent climate warming in wild vertebrate populations has come from long‐term studies of birds. Few studies have either documented phenological advances or tested their climatic causes and demographic consequences in wild mammal systems. Using a long‐term study of red deer on the Isle of Rum, Scotland, we present evidence of significant temporal trends in six phenological traits: oestrus date and parturition date in females, and antler cast date, antler clean date, rut start date and rut end date in males. These traits advanced by between 5 and 12 days across a 28‐year study period. Local climate measures associated with plant growth in spring and summer (growing degree days) increased significantly over time and explained a significant amount of variation in all six phenological traits, largely accounting for temporal advances observed in some of the traits. However, there was no evidence for temporal changes in key female reproductive performance traits (offspring birth weight and offspring survival) in this population, despite significant relationships between these traits and female phenology. In males, average antler weights increased over time presumably as a result of improved resource availability and physiological condition through spring and summer. There was no evidence for any temporal change in average male annual breeding success, as might be expected if the timing of male rutting behaviour was failing to track advances in the timing of oestrus in females. Our results provide rare evidence linking phenological advances to climate warming in a wild mammal and highlight the potential complexity of relationships between climate warming, phenology and demography in wild vertebrates.  相似文献   

The factors affecting the stag social hierarchy and antler cycle timing in a herd of red deer were analysed. The analysis was based on behaviour records of the herd between 1972 and 1983. The alpha stag was not usually the oldest stag present. Changes in rank were commoner in periods of hard antler than during velvet periods. The frequency of rank changes was correlated with the number of stags present but not with the number of hinds; it was also positively related to indicators of the level of aggression such as the incidence of antler breakage, the number of harem-holding stags per rut and the incidence of post-casting rank loss. The number of stags killed in fights was not correlated to any of the indicators of aggression except the number of harem-holders per rut. Rank loss after antler casting and the change of harem-holding stags during the rut were both relatively rare events indicating year-round, stable social relationships in the herd. The relationships between rank and casting date and between rank and cleaning date previously reported were related to the level of aggression among the deer. The higher the level of aggression, the closer the relationship between rank and the timing of the antler cycle. The small difference in the level of aggression between the periods of casting and cleaning is thought to be the result of the seasonally different social background. The number of hinds present did not appear to affect antler casting, antler cleaning or the general indicators of the level of aggression. It is concluded that the results support the previously advanced hypothesis that behaviour modulates antler cycle timing in Cervids.  相似文献   

麋鹿作为中国特有的鹿科动物,经历129年的保护努力,种群数量恢复到10000多头。因近亲繁殖严重,表面上看已无灭绝危险,但仍存在巨大隐忧。通过对麋鹿种群变迁、灭绝、重引入、恢复现状及四大种群(乌邦寺、南海子、大丰、石首野化种群)的发展趋势进行追踪分析,探究近千年来困扰麋鹿种群发展壮大的多重因素,提出种群保护与栖息地保护并重、强化疫病监测等保护对策,为麋鹿及其它大型陆生濒危哺乳动物突破种群发展瓶颈提供借鉴。  相似文献   

1. Seasonal levels of testosterone (T) and 5-alpha-DHT (DHT) were determined by RIA in serum of seven adult male fallow deer living under outdoor conditions (G?ttingen, FRG; 51.32 degrees NL). 2. The study, spread over six consecutive years, reveals the following seasonal T changes: Minimum concentrations in November or December, around antler casting and at early antler growing phase; increasing levels in the course of late antler development (mineralization) with relatively high values around velvet shedding; peak levels occurring during onset of rutting period followed by a sharp decrease after the rut; and distinct and oscillating T peaks during late winter and spring. 3. For the first time DHT levels were measured in male cervidae. Surprisingly, large values of DHT were found and occasionally levels were higher than T concentrations, but without a significant annual periodicity. 4. In some individuals maximum DHT values were found shortly before and during the rut. 5. During several months of the annual cycle individual T and DHT profiles showed opposite relationships, particularly during antler growing phase and shortly before antler casting. 6. Around rut the size of T peak levels depends on animal age.  相似文献   

A 2-year study was conducted to determine under controlled conditions the role of the pineal gland in regulating the seasonal changes in antler growth and reproduction of male white-tailed deer. Blood samples were drawn from 6 pinealectomized (PX) and 18 control (C) deer at intervals of 2 weeks and analyzed for testosterone (T) and prolactin (Prl). Relative scrotal circumference and main beam antler length were recorded. Relative scrotal circumference was similar in PX and C groups, but the normal pattern was delayed 1 to 3 months in the PX deer relative to the C deer. The mean dates of beginning antler growth, velvet shedding, antler casting and pelage changes were significantly later in both years for PX deer than in C deer. Testosterone concentrations peaked 1 month later in the PX deer than in the C deer for both yearling and 2-year-old deer. Prl concentrations in C deer, but not in PX deer, were correlated highly with day length, and the PX deer were delayed relative to the C deer in showing the normal Prl pattern. Increasing levels of Prl in both groups coincided with beginning antler growth in both years. These results indicate that the pineal gland does not originate the seasonal cycles of male white-tailed deer but may synchronize cycles among individual deer, and regulate the circannual rhythm of Prl concentrations which may in turn influence other hormonal cycles.  相似文献   

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