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孙晓东  卫荣华  桑明 《生命科学研究》2012,16(5):417-419,427
报道了湖北医药学院1 498名(男746、女752)汉族大学生的拇指类型、环食指长、手的惯用、手指嵌合、交叉臂共五项人类遗传学经典指标.研究显示:1)拇指类型、环食指长、手指嵌合、交叉臂的分布在男女性别间有显著差异;2)手指嵌合、拇指类型、惯用手、交叉臂、环食指长等性状存在地区间差异;3)惯用手与扣手间存在明显的相互关系.  相似文献   

作者于1996年在内蒙古调查了汉、回、蒙古族5项人类遗传学经典指标(拇指类型、环食指长、扣手、交叉臂、惯用手)。研究结果显示:(1)3个民族间拇指类型、扣手出现率存在显著性差异,交叉臂、惯用手出现率则无显著性差异,环食指长出现率蒙-汉、蒙-回间存在显著性差异;(2)拇指类型、扣手、惯用手出现率无性别间差异,环食指长出现率男女间存在显著性差异;(3)惯用手与扣手、惯用手与交叉臂间存在明显的相互关系,交叉臂与扣手之间则无关;(4)与国外人群比较,3个民族环指长出现率高,交叉臂R型出现率较高,扣手R型出现率较低,惯用手L型出现率高于印度的一些群体。 Abstract:Authors in vestigated 5 general indexes of anthrotogical genetics including pollical type,palmar digital formula,hand clasping,arm folding and handedness in Han,Hui and Mongol nationalities in 1996.The results showed as follows:(1)There were significant differences in the frequency of pollical type and hand clasping in 3 nationalities,but those of arm folding and handedness showed nosignificant difference and the frequencies of palmar digital formula between the Mongol and the Hui revealed significant difference.(2)There were no significant sexual difference in the frequency of pollical type,hand clasping and handedness while the long type (R) of ring finger revealed significant sexual difference.(3)There were obvious correlations between handedness and hand clasping,handedness and arm folding but no relation between arm folding and hand clasping.(4)In comparison with foreign ethnic groups,the 3 nationalities showed higher frequencies of long type (R) of ring finger and right-arm folding but the frequence right-hand clasping revealed slightly lower.The findings showed higher frequence of Left-Handedness than that of Indian population.  相似文献   

作者于1996年在内蒙古调查了汉、回、蒙古族5项人类遗传学经典指标(拇指类型、环食指长、扣手、交叉臂、惯用手)。研究结果显示:(1)3个民族间拇指类型、扣手出现率存在显著性差异,交叉臂、惯用手出现率则无显著性差异,环食指长出现率蒙-汉、蒙-回间存在显著性差异;(2)拇指类型、扣手、惯用手出现率无性别间差异,环食指长出现率男女间存在显著性差异;(3)惯用手与扣手、惯用手与交叉臂间存在明显的相互关系,交叉臂与扣手之间则无关;(4)与国外人群比较,3个民族环指长出现率高,交叉臂R型出现率较高,扣手R型出现率较低,惯用手L型出现率高于印度的一些群体。 Abstract:Authors in vestigated 5 general indexes of anthrotogical genetics including pollical type,palmar digital formula,hand clasping,arm folding and handedness in Han,Hui and Mongol nationalities in 1996.The results showed as follows:(1)There were significant differences in the frequency of pollical type and hand clasping in 3 nationalities,but those of arm folding and handedness showed nosignificant difference and the frequencies of palmar digital formula between the Mongol and the Hui revealed significant difference.(2)There were no significant sexual difference in the frequency of pollical type,hand clasping and handedness while the long type (R) of ring finger revealed significant sexual difference.(3)There were obvious correlations between handedness and hand clasping,handedness and arm folding but no relation between arm folding and hand clasping.(4)In comparison with foreign ethnic groups,the 3 nationalities showed higher frequencies of long type (R) of ring finger and right-arm folding but the frequence right-hand clasping revealed slightly lower.The findings showed higher frequence of Left-Handedness than that of Indian population.  相似文献   

内蒙古汉、回、蒙古族扣手、交叉臂及惯用手的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严国义  桂咏新 《遗传》2003,25(1):14-16
利用对数线性模型分析了郑连斌、陆舜华等1996年在内蒙古调查的汉、回、蒙古族的3项人类遗传学指标(扣手、交叉臂、惯用手),得出与其既有相同又有不同的结论。结果显示:(1)扣手与民族、性别都无关;(2)交叉臂与民族不相关,与性别相关;(3)惯用手、民族、性别三者存在三因子效应;(4)惯用手与扣手、惯用手与交叉臂分别存在相关性,而交叉臂与扣手之间相关性不显著。  相似文献   

调查分析贵州习水红苗体部遗传学特征研究,为进一步了解贵州习水红苗体部特征研究提供参考资料,以贵州省习水县苗族357例(男173,女184)为研究对象,对14项体部特征进行活体观察。习水苗族H型拇指的百分率为51.8%,R型环食指长为87.4%,惯用手和扣手均以R型为主,分别为87.7%、55.7%,交叉臂以L型为主的百分率为51.8%。卷舌率、叠舌率、尖舌率、三叶舌率分别为34.7%、13.4%、49.6%、5.3%。有中指毛的人数占47.9%,R型叠腿、R型起步分别为78.7%、80.4%,二趾长59.9%、上眼睑有褶77.0%。其中,R型环食指长、卷舌、叠舌、三叶舌者,男性均比女性多,尖舌、上眼睑有褶者,女性均比男性多,且性别间差异显著(P0.05或P0.01)。  相似文献   

贵州苗族、水族10对遗传性状的基因频率   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文调查了贵州苗族448人、水族465人10对群体遗传学性状。结果显示: 贵州苗族和水族群体睫毛、拇指类型、中指毛3对遗传性状基因频率间具有显著性差异(P<0.05); 叠舌、卷舌、前额发际、耵聍、鼻尖、环食指长、小指弯曲7 对遗传性状基因频率间无显著性差异(P > 0. 05); 贵州苗族、水族群体10对遗传性状间相关性不大。  相似文献   

湖南汉族、侗族16对遗传性状的调查   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
佘朝文  皮建辉  舒孝顺  贺林  冯国鄞 《遗传》2001,23(5):406-408
本对湖南汉族、侗族的16对遗传性状进行了调查。计算出了每对性状的出现率及除扣手和交叉臂外的14对遗传性状的基因频率,分别析了民族间和性别间的差异,同时还分析了惯用手,扣手、交叉臂之间的关系。  相似文献   

海南黎、苗、汉族扣手、交叉臂和惯用手的研究   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
调查了海南居住较为集中的黎、苗、汉族(共3 207人)扣手、交叉臂、惯用手等人类左右不对称行为特征。结果显示:(1)扣手、交手臂、惯用手三型3个民族的出现率均为R>L型,惯用手的R型出现率远较其他两型高,呈高度显著性差异,(P<0.01)。(2)扣手、交叉臂出现率与性别无关。(3)惯用手R型出现率苗族女性明显高于男性,差异显著(P<0.05)。三民族总和出现率为89.06%,是国内外属最低的。(4)扣手与交叉臂、扣手与惯用手,交叉臂与惯用手之间均具有相当明显的相关性。 Abstract:It was investigated that three types of many general indexes of anthrotogical genetics,which include hand-clasping、arm-folding and handedness,just among Li,Miao and Han nationalities in Hainan.There were 3207 people investigated in total.The results showed as follows:(1)The frequency of hand?clasping,arm-folding and handedness is far higher than others(P<0.01).(2) It was proved that there was no signilicant difference between male and female in the frequency of either hand-clasping or arm-floding.(3)It was obvious that the frequency of type R handedness in female of Miao nationality was higher than in male.And the difference was much clear(P<0.05).The total frequency of handedness was about 89.06 percent,which was the lowest rate as far as we known.(4)There was correlation among handedness and hand?clasping,handedness and arm-folding andhand-clasping and arm-folding respectively.  相似文献   

贵州布依族、仫佬族和毛南族9对遗传性状的基因频率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对贵州布依族、仫佬族和毛南族1239例的9对遗传性状的基因频率进行了调查, 并对民族间基因频率差异进行显著性检验。结果显示: 卷舌和小指弯曲的显性基因频率高于隐性基因频率, 而叠舌、前额发际、发旋、耵聍、拇指类型、中指毛、环食指长则相反; 卷舌、叠舌、前额发际、耵聍、拇指类型、环食指长的基因频率在民族间差异较大, 而发旋、中指毛、小指弯曲则相对较小。  相似文献   

湖南汉族、侗族16对遗传性状的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对湖南汉族、侗族的16对遗传性状进行了调查.计算出了每对性状的出现率及除扣手和交叉臂外的14对遗传性状的基因频率,分析了民族间和性别间的差异,同时还分析了惯用手、扣手、交叉臂之间的关系。 Abstract:Sixteen genetic traits were investigated in Han and Dong nationalities of Hunan Province.The frequencies of all the sixteen genetic traits and the gene frequencies of fourteen genetic traits except hand-clasping and arm-folding were calculated.The differences between two nationalities and those between male and female were ana-lyzed.The relations among handedness,hand-clasping and arm-folding were also analyzed.  相似文献   

史铀  胡兴宇 《人类学学报》1996,15(3):241-249
报告4308例幼儿至青少年期口唇部11项指标活体测量的均数及性别差异。发现少年以前口部无显著性的性差,唇高等8项指标自13岁开始,红唇高等3项开始,红唇高等3项指标在18岁后开始出现明显性差。唇高等6项指标生长发育曲线随年龄增长上升平缓,无生长发育高峰。口裂宽等5项指标的曲线则随年龄增长上升较陡,有明显的发育高峰。  相似文献   

The pollen of three monotypic genera, Circaeaster, Kingdonia, and Sargentodoxa has been examined by light and scanning electron microscopy and in the case of the last genus, also by transmission electron microscopy. The type of tectum found in Circaeaster and Kingdonia, derivations of a compound layer of striae, has a restricted distribution in the Order Ranunculales. Of 64 genera examined in this order only six had species with a similar tectum. They include Achlys, Epimedium, Jeffersonia, and Vancouveria of the Berberidaceae s.l., the controversial Hydrastis, and Trollius of the Ranunculaceae. Circaeaster and Kingdonia have been considered as related since both have rare and primitive vegetative characteristics, the most notable being open dichotomous leaf venation. They are probably best treated as a ditypic family, Circaeasteraceae. The pollen of Sargentodoxa, especially the structure of the exine, closely resembles that of the Lardizabalaceae. However, the fruits of Sargentodoxa have been considered to be distinct from those of the Lardizabalaceae, suggesting that it be treated as a separate, but closely allied, family.  相似文献   

Piringer , A. A., and H. A. Borthwick . (U.S.D.A., Beltsville, Md.) Effects of photoperiod and kind of supplemental light on growth, flowering and stem fasciation of Celosia. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(7): 588–592. Illus. 1961.—Four cultivars of Celosia argentea L. var. cristata were grown on photoperiods ranging from 8 hr to continuous light. Supplemental low-intensity incandescent light was used to extend 8 hr of natural light and provide the given photoperiod. In all cultivars, short main stems occurred on photoperiods of 12 or fewer hours and long main stems, due to more nodes, on photoperiods of 16 or more hours. Flowering was a nonobligate short-day response in all cultivars. Plants of certain cultivars tended to have shorter stems and flower later when 8 hr of fluorescent instead of incandescent light was used to provide the 16-hr photoperiod. In 3 of the cultivars studied, photoperiods of 16 or more hours induced marked stem fasciation.  相似文献   

化石介形类分类依据--壳体形态,包括壳体的大小、形状、装饰和诸如毛孔、叠覆、似犁状构造、喙、铰合构造等构造特征都与介形类的栖息环境,包括地理、气候(季节、纬度等)、水体的深度、化学性质和稳定程度,食物的富集程度和群落的组成及个体数量以及性别息息相关.因此,正确理解介形类的形态学特征及其功能学,不仅能揭示介形类的生活习性,推测化石介形类的生活环境,从而为古环境和古群落生态重建提供依据,而且可以提高化石介形类个体发育、系统分类和演化研究结果的可靠性.  相似文献   

Atropinesterase was found to exist in approximately one out of every four rabbits, and no relation could be observed between the incidence of the enzyme and season, sex, color, age, or weight. The occurrence of the enzyme was also shown to be unrelated to that of cholinesterase. The distribution of atropinesterase in the blood and organs of rabbits was studied; the animals devoid of the enzyme in their blood contained no demonstrable activity in any of the organ extracts tested. The presence of atropinesterase in frog liver, and its absence from the serum, has been confirmed. Hydrolysis of homatropine, but not atropine, by guinea pig liver was observed, while the serum was without action on either of the compounds. On this basis the possibility arises that guinea pig liver contains a homatropinesterase enzyme separate from atropinesterase. It was shown that lack of atropinesterase activity in certain rabbits is not likely to be due to the presence of a naturally occurring inhibitor. It has been demonstrated that contrary to previous indications neither fresh egg white nor yolk possess atropinesterase activity. The specificity of tropinesterases was investigated and evidence was presented for the possible existence of two distinct enzymes, cocainesterase and tropacocainesterase.  相似文献   

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