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脂肪酶活力测定方法及其在筛选产脂肪酶微生物中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了罗丹明平板法、橄榄油乳化法、对硝基苯酚法测脂肪酶水解酶活和对硝基苯酚法测脂肪酶酯合成酶活4种常用的脂肪酶活力测定方法。结果表明,罗丹明平板法只适合脂肪酶活力的定性和初步定量判断,后3种方法适合于脂肪酶活力的定量检测,但只有对硝基苯酚法有较好的重现性。而且,脂肪酶水解酶活力和其合成活力无对应关系,所以在筛选产脂肪酶微生物时要选择合适的脂肪酶活力测定方法。也即,筛选产水解酶活的菌株应选择水解酶活测定方法,否则,选择酯合成酶活力测定方法。基于这一原则筛选到了预期产脂肪酶微生物。  相似文献   

固定化全细胞催化可再生油脂合成生物柴油的稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酶法合成生物柴油具有反应条件温和、醇用量小、无污染物排放、产物易分离回收等优点,越来越得到关注。全细胞催化剂,无需酶的提取和纯化,减少了酶活损失,有望大幅降低生产成本;Rhizopus oryzae IFO4697全细胞可以有效催化植物油脂合成生物柴油,进一步提高全细胞在催化植物油脂甲醇解制备生物柴油过程中的稳定性,对于工业放大具有重要意义。本实验对固定化全细胞Rhizopus oryzae IFO4697催化植物油脂合成生物柴油的稳定性进行了系统地研究,结果表明:反应体系水含量对于全细胞催化剂的反应活性和催化稳定性有重要影响,5%~15%含水量适宜;研究范围内,载体粒度及干燥方式对稳定性影响不显著;经过戊二醛交联后,全细胞催化油脂甲醇解反应的稳定性显著提高,1200h反应后,仍然可以保持75%的生物柴油得率;真空抽滤直接回用的方式有利于稳定性的保持。在优化条件下,回用20个批次,生物柴油得率可维持在80%。  相似文献   

展示酶的酵母细胞作为全细胞催化剂,既具有固定化酶的优点,又有制备简单、成本较低的特点。本研究将细胞表面展示南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B(Candida antarctica lipase B,CALB)的重组毕赤酵母用于非水相中催化合成短链芳香酯,通过滴定和气相色谱的方法测定底物酸的转化率,从底物的碳链长度、醇的结构、酵母冻干粉的添加量、底物浓度及底物的酸醇摩尔比等方面考察了展示CALB的毕赤酵母全细胞催化合成短链芳香酯的特性。研究结果表明:该全细胞催化剂可催化C10以下的酸和醇直接酯化合成多种短链芳香酯,酸的转化率达到90%以上;其中己酸和乙醇为酶的最适底物;酵母冻干粉的添加量20g/L(306.0U/g-drycell)、己酸浓度0.8mol/L、酸醇摩尔比1:1.1是合成己酸乙酯的最佳条件。在此条件下反应1.5h,己酸的转化率达到97.3%。在现有的关于脂肪酶非水相催化合成短链芳香酯的报道中,该全细胞催化剂显示出较好的底物耐受性以及较高的催化反应速率。因此,展示CALB的毕赤酵母全细胞催化剂在合成短链芳香酯方面具有较大的商业化应用潜能。  相似文献   

红曲霉胞外脂酶催化己酸乙酯合成研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
己酸乙酯是浓香型曲渣的主体香昧成分,也是曲酒优质品率低的主要限制因素。60年代Iwai⑴发现在适当条件下脂酶可直接催化酸和醇合成酯。Langrand⑵比较了各种脂酶合成短碳链羧酸酯的能力。我们在对酒窖生香微生物的研究中发现红曲霉、根霉具有较强的己酸己酯合成能力,属首次报道⑶。本文主要报道利用红曲霉的脂酶合成己酸乙酯条件试验的结果。  相似文献   

微生物脂肪酶在正庚烷中合成短链芳香酯的研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
用微生物脂肪酶在溶剂相中合成短链芳香酯的研究表明:脂肪酶在正庚烷中催化合成芳香酯转化率比水相中有明显的优势。在10个不同来源的商品脂肪酶中,选择了其中对己酸乙酯转化率在85%以上来自Mucor miehei,Candida rugosaPorcine pancreas的脂肪酶对7个短链脂肪酸酯进行合成,其中Mucor miehei脂肪酶对这几个芳香酯48 h合成转化率均在90%以上,乙酸乙酯21.28g-1.丙酸乙酯19.6gL-1,丁酸乙酯26.61gL-1,戊酸乙酯24.95gL-1,己酸乙酯产量34.60gL-1,丁酸异戊酯30.76gL-1,乙酸异戊酯12.76gL-1。同时.Mucor miehei脂肪酶在正庚烷批式反应中稳定性也较好,己酸乙酯半衰期为120h,最少的乙酸乙酯也在140h。并且还发现脂肪酶在正庚烷中分解酶活降低很多,但对其酯合成转化率没有直接的影响。  相似文献   

以1株分解麻风树油的脂肪酶产生菌Pseudomonas sp. LP-1为出发菌株, 通过麻疯树油定向驯化筛选获得1株酶活较高且产酶稳定的菌株P. sp. X-2-45, 其水解酶活为29.79 U/mL, 比原始菌株提高了288%。对P. sp. X-2-45生长与产酶特征、对植物油脂水解能力及在有机相中催化脂肪酸和有机醇间的酯化反应研究发现, 该菌株生长速率和产酶速率明显加快, 培养30 h时生物量和酶活达到最大, 稳定期延长, 培养过程中脂肪酶在培养基中的稳定性提高。以麻疯树油诱导合成的P. sp. X-2-45脂肪酶对麻疯树油的水解能力比原始菌株提高了378%, 说明采用麻风树油定向驯化可提高脂肪酶对相应底物的水解能力。X-2-45脂肪酶可以催化月桂酸与正丁醇、正辛醇、月桂醇和丙三醇之间, 棕榈酸、硬脂酸与甲醇、正辛醇、月桂醇和丙三醇之间, 油酸与甲醇、正丁醇、正辛醇、月桂醇和丙三醇之间发生酯化反应。  相似文献   

微生物脂肪酶的研究与应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
肖春玲 《微生物学杂志》1997,17(4):56-59,51
脂肪酶(Lipase,Ec3.1.1.3)是一类特殊的酯键水解酶,广泛地存在于动物组织、植物种子和微生物体中,它能催化天然底物油脂(甘油三脂)水解,产生脂肪酸和甘油。在水解过程中存在中间产物甘油单酯和甘油二酯。从催化特性来看,脂肪酶可以催化酯类化合物的分解、合成和酯交换,具有化学选择性和高度的立体异构专一性,且反应不需辅酶,反应条件温和,副产物少。脂肪酶的另一显著特点是:它只能在异相系统(即油-水界面)或有机相中作用,这不仅发展了“界面酶学”,也促进了“非水酶学”的研究和深入。脂肪酸是最早研究的酶类之一,已…  相似文献   

抑制剂对有机相酶促己酸乙酯合成中固定化脂肪酶影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
稳定的催化活性和选择性的调节与控制已成为研究有机相酶促反应机制和应用的重要内容。由于选择和优化反应条件的方法具有较大局限性.目前有机介质中酶催化选择性和稳定性的调节与控制的研究除了常用的固定化手段外,更关注通过改变酶分子自身的一些方法上。如蛋白质工程、酶的化学修饰和非共价修饰〔1.2〕。相比之下,其中非共价修饰具有方便、实用的特点。酶的修饰剂大多也是酶的抑制剂。抑制剂已用来研究脂肪酶的结构与代谢特征〔3〕。Russel,Guo等通过其改变酶的构象和界面特征来调节和控制酶稳定的特异性〔4.5〕。我们在对微生物脂肪酶正庚烷中合成短链芳香酯研究基础上〔6.7〕。本文报道用具有两亲特性的表面活性剂、胆汁盐和金属离子这些脂肪酶的抑制剂对庚烷中脂肪酶酶促己酸乙酯酯化反应的影响,以促进酶活性的调节和控制的研究和应用。  相似文献   

对有机相中酶法催化合成乙酸肉桂酯的转酯化反应进行研究。结果发现:Candida anatarctic脂肪酶(Novozyme435)、根霉脂肪酶(Rhizopus niveus lipase)和荧光假单胞菌脂肪酶(Pseudomonas fluore lipase)均有较好的催化活性。同时考察各反应参数(温度、反应溶剂、体系水活度、酰化剂类型、肉桂醇与酰化剂摩尔比、肉桂醇浓度等)对脂肪酶Novozyme435合成乙酸肉桂酯反应的影响,确定了反应体系最优工艺条件:在10 mL甲基叔丁基醚中,肉桂醇200 mmol/L,n(肉桂醇)∶n(乙酸乙烯酯)=1∶1.5,初始水活度αw=0.84,温度35℃,酶加量0.02 g,反应3 h后肉桂醇转化率可达到99%,产物经质谱(MS)鉴定。固定化酶经过10个批次反应,反应转化率都保持在90%以上。  相似文献   

程序降温法固相酶催化棕榈油甘油解的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
夏咏梅  章克昌   《生物工程学报》2000,16(2):235-237
单脂肪酸甘油酯(单甘酯)的酶法合成工艺中最具有工业化前景的当属固体相油脂甘油解。彭立风、谭天伟[1~2]以猪胰脂肪酶固相催化牛油、棕榈油甘油解合成单甘酯,甘油与油脂摩尔比为2~4∶1,最佳反应温度下反应24h后单甘酯含量最高分别达1951%和2417%,将反应物于更低温度下…  相似文献   

主要对华根霉全细胞脂肪酶固态和液态两种发酵过程进行比较,并着重探讨不同培养方式下橄榄油对其合成活力和水解活力的影响。结果表明:液态培养较有利于菌体生长,对脂肪酶的生产也有一定的促进作用。橄榄油的加入不仅有利于菌体生长、提高脂肪酶水解活力,更可使脂肪酶的合成活力显著增加,液态发酵下的效果更为明显。橄榄油在整个发酵过程中可能既作为碳源又是脂肪酶的诱导物。另外,全细胞脂肪酶的水解活力和合成活力在固液态发酵条件下均存在不对应性,表明华根霉可能产性质不同的脂肪酶同功酶。  相似文献   

The cell-bound lipase from Rhizopus chinensis CCTCC M201021 with high catalysis ability for ester synthesis was located as a membrane-bound lipase by the treatments of Yatalase™ firstly. In order to improve its synthetic activity in non-aqueous phase, the pretreatments of this enzyme with various organic solvents were investigated. The pretreatment with isooctane improved evidently the lipase synthetic activity, resulting in about 139% in relative synthetic activity and 115% in activity recovery. The morphological changes of mycelia caused by organic solvent pretreatments could influence the exposure of the membrane-bound enzyme from mycelia and the exhibition of the lipase activity. The pretreatment conditions with isooctane and acetone were further investigated, and the optimum effect was obtained by the isooctane pretreatment at 4°C for 1 h, resulting in 156% in relative synthetic activity and 126% in activity recovery. When the pretreated lipases were employed as catalysts for the esterification production of ethyl hexanoate in heptane, higher initial reaction rate and higher final molar conversion were obtained using the lipase pretreated with isooctane, compared with the untreated lyophilized one. This result suggested that the pretreatment of the membrane-bound lipase with isooctane could be an effective method to substitute the lyophilization for preparing biocatalysts used in non-aqueous phase reactions.  相似文献   

The fungal Rhizopus chinensis could produce several types of lipase, which were mainly intracellular. During the whole-cell lipase production by this strain in submerged fermentation, it was observed that two catalytic characteristics (hydrolytic and synthetic activity) of lipases were different with addition of lipids. The hydrolytic activity of the lipase was not induced by lipids efficaciously and could be detected regardless of whether substrate-related compounds were present. However, it was found that the induction of lipids for the synthetic activity lipase was significant, and that nearly no synthetic activity was detected while the medium contained no lipids. When only a little lipid (1 g/L) was added to medium, the synthetic activity increased sharply in the initial process of fermentation. Analysis of crude membrane-bound lipase by SDS-PAGE confirmed this induction. De novo biosynthesis of lipases, especially the lipase with synthetic activity occurred only when lipids existed. Cell growth and maltose repress the lipase production with synthetic activity, but have little influence on the lipase production with hydrolytic activity. Since the production process of mycelium-bound lipase with hydrolytic activity was different, it was reasonable to consider hydrolytic activity and synthetic activity for different application purposes. Whole-cell lipase obtained from fermentation process with high synthetic activity showed excellent catalytic ability in solvent free system on synthesis of ethylcaprylate and ethyloleate, the conversion could reach more than 90% in 5 h.  相似文献   

华根霉(CCTCC M201021)膜结合脂肪酶在非水相中具有突出的催化酯合成的能力,在生物香料、生物柴油生产等工业应用中具有良好的前景.与许多丝状真茵形态影响其初级及次级代谢产物的生产相类似,华根霉在液态发酵中也会形成不同的茵体形态,显著影响合成活性膜结合脂肪酶的发酵水平.本研究以华根霉菌体形态及脂肪酶合成活性为指标...  相似文献   

从南极假丝酵母(Candida antarctica)基因组克隆得到南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B(Candida antarctica Lipase B, CALB)全基因片段, 利用连接肽celA Linker将CALB与酿酒酵母细胞表面展示蛋白a-凝集素的C端连接融合, 构建表面展示载体pICAS-celAL-CALB, 转化酵母后获得重组酵母菌Saccharomyces cerevisiae pICAS-celAL-CALB。该重组酵母菌经葡萄糖诱导表达及分析, 表明CALB已在酿酒酵母细胞表面成功展示, 水解活力达26.26 u/(g·dry cell)。重组酵母菌经冻干能有效地实现在非水相中全细胞催化己酸和乙醇酯化合成己酸乙酯。反应物己酸与乙醇的摩尔比为1:1.25, 己酸乙酯的产率为98.0%, 具有较好的操作稳定性。  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger is a recognized workhorse used to produce food processing enzymes because of its extraordinarily high protein-producing capacity. We have developed a new cell surface display system de novo in A. niger using expression elements from generally recognized as safe certified microorganisms. Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB), a widely used hydrolase, was fused to an endogenous cell wall mannoprotein, CwpA, and functionally displayed on the cell surface. Localization of CALB was confirmed by enzymatic assay and immunofluorescence analysis using laser scanning confocal microscopy. After induction by maltose for 45 h, the hydrolytic activity and synthesis activity of A. niger mycelium-surface displayed CALB (AN-CALB) reached 400 and 240 U/g dry cell, respectively. AN-CALB was successfully used as a whole-cell catalyst for the enzymatic production of ethyl esters from a series of fatty acids of different chain lengths and ethanol. In a solvent-free system, AN-CALB showed great synthetic activity and afforded high substrate mole conversions, which amounted to 87 % for ethyl hexanoate after 2 h, 89 % for ethyl laurate after 2 h, and 84 % for ethyl stearate after 3 h. These results suggested that CwpA can act as an efficient anchoring motif for displaying enzyme on A. niger, and AN-CALB is a robust, green, and cost-effective alternative food-grade whole-cell catalyst to commercial lipase.  相似文献   

Five microbial lipase preparations from several sources were immobilized by hydrophobic adsorption on small or large poly-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) beads and the effect of the support particle size on the biocatalyst activity was assessed in the hydrolysis of olive oil, esterification of butyric acid with butanol and transesterification of babassu oil (Orbignya sp.) with ethanol. The catalytic activity of the immobilized lipases in both olive oil hydrolysis and biodiesel synthesis was influenced by the particle size of PHB and lipase source. In the esterification reaction such influence was not observed. Geobacillus thermocatenulatus lipase (BTL2) was considered to be inadequate to catalyze biodiesel synthesis, but displayed high esterification activity. Butyl butyrate synthesis catalyzed by BTL2 immobilized on small PHB beads gave the highest yield (≈90 mmol L(-1)). In biodiesel synthesis, the catalytic activity of the immobilized lipases was significantly increased in comparison to the free lipases. Full conversion of babassu oil into ethyl esters was achieved at 72 h in the presence of Pseudozyma antarctica type B (CALB), Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (Lipex(?) 100 L) immobilized on either small or large PHB beads and Pseudomonas fluorescens (PFL) immobilized on large PHB beads. The latter preparation presented the highest productivity (40.9 mg of ethyl esters mg(-1) immobilized protein h(-1)).  相似文献   

In this study porcine pancreatic lipase (PPL) was covalently immobilized on cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in organic media in the presence of fatty acid additives in order to improve its immobilized activity. The effects of fatty acid additions to the immobilization media were investigated choosing tributyrin hydrolysis in water and ester synthesis by immobilized PPL in n-hexane. Various fatty acids which are also the substrates of lipases in esterification reactions were used as active site protecting agents during the immobilization process in an organic solvent. The obtained results showed that covalent immobilization carried out in the presence of fatty acids as protective ligands improved the hydrolytic and esterification activity of immobilized enzyme. A remarkable increase in activity of the immobilized PPL was obtained when octanoic acid was used as an additive and the hydrolytic activity was increased from 5.2 to 19.2 μmol min−1 mg−1 as compared to the non-additive immobilization method. With the increase of hydrolytic activity of immobilized lipase in the presence of octanoic acid, in an analogous manner, the rate of esterification for the synthesis of butyl octanoate was also increased from 7.3 to 26.3 μmol min−1 g−1 immobilized protein using controlled thermodynamic water activities with saturated salt solutions. In addition, the immobilized PPL activity was maintained at levels representing 63% of its original activity value after 5 repeated uses. The proposed method could be adopted for a wide variety of other enzymes which have highly soluble substrates in organic solvent such as other lipases and esterases.  相似文献   

Cold active microbial lipases: some hot issues and recent developments   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Lipases are glycerol ester hydrolases that catalyze the hydrolysis of triglycerides to free fatty acids and glycerol. Lipases catalyze esterification, interesterification, acidolysis, alcoholysis and aminolysis in addition to the hydrolytic activity on triglycerides. The temperature stability of lipases has regarded as the most important characteristic for use in industry. Psychrophilic lipases have lately attracted attention because of their increasing use in the organic synthesis of chiral intermediates due to their low optimum temperature and high activity at very low temperatures, which are favorable properties for the production of relatively frail compounds. In addition, these enzymes have an advantage under low water conditions due to their inherent greater flexibility, wherein the activity of mesophilic and thermophilic enzymes are severely impaired by an excess of rigidity. Cold-adapted microorganisms are potential source of cold-active lipases and they have been isolated from cold regions and studied. Compared to other lipases, relatively smaller numbers of cold active bacterial lipases were well studied. Lipases isolated from different sources have a wide range of properties depending on their sources with respect to positional specificity, fatty acid specificity, thermostability, pH optimum, etc. Use of industrial enzymes allows the technologist to develop processes that closely approach the gentle, efficient processes in nature. Some of these processes using cold active lipase from C. antarctica have been patented by pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries. Cold active lipases cover a broad spectrum of biotechnological applications like additives in detergents, additives in food industries, environmental bioremediations, biotransformation, molecular biology applications and heterologous gene expression in psychrophilic hosts to prevent formation of inclusion bodies. Cold active enzymes from psychrotrophic microorganisms showing high catalytic activity at low temperatures can be highly expressed in such recombinant strains. Thus, cold active lipases are today the enzymes of choice for organic chemists, pharmacists, biophysicists, biochemical and process engineers, biotechnologists, microbiologists and biochemists.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work was to optimize lipase production, in terms of hydrolytic and esterification activities, by Penicillium brevicompactum and Penicillium verrucosum in solid state fermentation using agroindustrial residues as raw material. Maxima hydrolytic activities of 48.6 and 87.7 U/g were achieved when P. brevicompactum was cultured in babassu cake and castor meal, respectively. Higher esterification activities (around 244 U/g) were achieved when P. brevicompactum was used as microorganism and babassu cake as raw material. Different experimental conditions led to these promising values, clearly showing that no correlation can be attributed between hydrolytic and esterification activities. In spite of the several applications of lipases which are capable of catalyze synthesis reactions, only few works in this subject are presented in the literature, especially when low cost raw materials are used.  相似文献   

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