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四种绒螯蟹分子分类与系统发育   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
利用PCR技术,扩增了中华绒螯解、狭额绒螯蟹线粒体16SrDNA片段,经测序,与GenBank数据库中的日本绒螯解16SrDNA同源序列进行比较。结果显示,在长为376bp的16SrDNA同源序列中有33个多态性核革酸位点(8.78%),其中种间多态性核苷酸位点28个(7.45%),种间差异远大于种内差异。引入方蟹科其它近缘种类厚纹蟹、相手蟹和张口蟹的16SrDNA同源序列与上述4种绒螯蟹比较分析,MP法和NJ法构建的分子系统树表明:中华绒螯蟹与日本绒螯蟹亲缘关系最近,首先聚在一起,然后与台湾绒螯蟹聚为一支,狭额绒螯蟹则为相对独立的一支,且进化速度大于前3种绒螯蟹,但最后与前者仍聚在同一组,狭额绒螯蟹只是绒螯蟹属系统进化中的一个侧支,故本研究结果不支持Sakai(1983)和Guo等(1997)把狭额绒螯蟹和台湾绒螯蟹各自立为新属的观点。  相似文献   

为探究中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)幼蟹栖息地适宜度状况,于2016年6月至2017年5月在长江下游狼山沙和新开沙放置定制网具,获取中华绒螯蟹幼蟹丰度分布特征及6个水环境因子,通过单因素方差分析、相关性分析和典范对应分析筛选出水深、透明度和无齿螳臂相手蟹(Chiromantes dehaani)丰度3个指示因子,建立栖息地适宜度曲线,计算栖息地适宜度指数(habitat suitability index,HSI)。结果表明:有水生植物站点的中华绒螯蟹幼蟹丰度较高;不同站点浊度、透明度和水深存在显著差异;中华绒螯蟹幼蟹丰度与无齿螳臂相手蟹丰度、水深极显著相关,与透明度显著相关;两沙洲有水生植物站点HSI值较高,均高于0.5,而其他站点普遍低于0.4,同时发现,中华绒螯蟹幼蟹偏好水深较浅、透明度10~20 cm、有水生植物覆盖的水域。研究表明,两沙洲适宜中华绒螯蟹幼蟹生长发育,应加大保护力度。  相似文献   

为探讨国家级保护鸭种群的遗传多样性和遗传分化关系,利用17个微卫星标记,对我国6个国家级保护鸭品种资源的遗传多样性进行了分析,统计了平均遗传杂合度(H)、多态信息含量(PIC)、基因多样度(FST)、平均遗传分化系数(GST)和遗传距离等。结果表明,各鸭品种的杂合度较高,除两个群体表现为显著的杂合子缺失外,其他群体均处于Hard-Weinberg平衡状态。6个鸭种群间平均FST值为17.0%,平均遗传分化系数GST为14.7%,各品种平均杂合度为0.706~0.604,平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.561~0.663。本研究说明我国6个国家级保护鸭品种资源各品种内和品种间的遗传变异大,遗传多样性丰富。  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹微卫星标记与生长性状相关性的初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究采用30个微卫星标记分析同池养殖的长江水系中华绒螯蟹群体,以筛选生长性状(体重、体长和体宽)相关的分子标记。结果表明,位点ESIN33、ESC29和ESC57与体重、体宽和体高呈极显著相关(P<0.01);位点ESC65与体高、体宽呈极显著相关(P<0.01),与体重呈显著相关(P<0.05)。不同基因型间的多重比较表明,ESIN33位点的AC基因型、ESC29位点的DD基因型、ESC65位点的BB基因型的平均体重、体宽和体高均高于其他基因型,且差异显著,是生长性状的优势基因型。研究结果可为中华绒螯蟹的分子标记辅助选育提供参考。  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹与合浦绒螯蟹两地理亚种的线粒体DNA序列变异   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据线粒体16SrDNA的PCR/RFLP鉴定和对Cyt b基因全序列的分析对中国大陆7水系绒螯蟹地理种群的遗传分化进行探讨。结果表明:中华绒螯蟹与合浦绒螯蟹两亚种在17条Cyt b全序列上以40个固定的碱基变异位点相区别。前者分布在瓯江及其以北的水系;后者主要分布在瓯江及其以南的水系。发现了4种在鸭绿江以南的北方水系中生活的合浦亚种单元型,对这些单元型的形成提出了3种可能的解释[动物学报51(5):862—866,2005]。  相似文献   

为研究中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)肌肉生长抑制素基因(myostatin, MSTN)的多态性及其与生长性状的相关性, 对中华绒螯蟹3个群体(育种群体、大赛群体、野生群体)共321个个体MSTN基因的多态性进行筛选, 发现该基因的第1外显子存在3个多态性SNP位点(S1: C714T; S2:G729A; S3:G753T), 均为处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P>0.05)的中、高度多态性位点。利用一般线性模型分析3个位点及其基因型组合与生长性状的相关性, 发现S1位点对中华绒螯蟹的体重和壳长等生长性状有显著影响(P≤0.05), 而其余2个位点与生长性状无显著关联性。结果表明S1位点的TT基因型对中华绒螯蟹的生长最为有利, 可作为分子标记辅助育种的候选标记。  相似文献   

七种方蟹科蟹类的遗传关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用水平电泳方法对方蟹科方蟹亚科粗腿厚纹蟹,弓蟹亚科日本绒螯蟹、中华绒螯蟹、肉球近方蟹、绒螯近方蟹、平背蜞及斜纹蟹亚科齿突斜纹蟹进行遗传分析,计检测了9种同工酶,12个位点。结果表明,七种蟹类的多态座位比例及平均杂合度分别为:0.167和0.003,0.250和0.036,0.333和0.062,0.250和0.012,0.083和0.002,0.083和0.059,0.083和0.002。最小遗  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹蜕壳生长及其与相关基因表达的关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜕壳是甲壳动物常见的生长发育现象,但对调控蜕壳与生长的内在机制尚缺乏足够了解。本研究在室内条件下,对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)一个蜕壳周期内的个体蜕壳与生长现象进行了连续观察,分析了2个蜕壳相关基因,即蜕皮激素受体基因(Ec R)和维甲类X受体基因(RXR),以及1个生长相关基因肌肉生长抑制素基因(MSTN)的表达及其与生长性状的相关性。结果发现,中华绒螯蟹在蜕壳后会出现一个跳跃式生长期,之后进入了一个缓慢持续上升过程,当营养物质积累到一定程度(肥满度达60%左右时)时启动下一次蜕壳;MSTN基因的表达与壳长(r=﹣0.450,P0.05)、壳宽(r=﹣0.410,P0.05)增长率呈显著负相关,而与肥满度呈显著正相关(r=0.450,P0.05),Ec R和RXR基因的表达与体重、壳长和壳宽的增长率均没有显著相关性;相对来说,MSTN在蜕壳后的表达量越高,则增重率越小;而Ec R和RXR在蜕壳后表达量越高,其增重率越大。本研究结果表明,中华绒螯蟹在蜕壳后其生长具有一定的规律性,肥满度可以作为衡量中华绒螯蟹体内营养积累启动蜕壳的指标,Ec R、RXR及MSTN基因表达与生长表型具有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

关于三种绒螯蟹种名的厘正   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
原称为绒螯蟹的种类 ,现隶属于甲壳纲、十足目、方蟹科绒螯蟹Eriocheir、新绒螯蟹Neoeriocheir和平绒螯蟹属Platyeriocheir 3个属。其中新绒螯蟹属由Sakai于 1983年以绒螯蟹属中的狭颚绒螯蟹为模式种而建立 ,平绒螯蟹属是Ng等 (1999)建立 ,所用模式种为台湾绒螯蟹Eriocheirformosa。有关平绒螯蟹属的有效性 ,作者持否定观点 ,另文详细讨论。到目前为止 ,所有绒螯蟹中有 3个种的学名拼写一直存在混乱 ,应予订正。1 日本绒螯蟹日本绒螯蟹 1835年被deHaan命名时归于方蟹属 ,…  相似文献   

四种十足目甲壳动物遗传差异的RAPD分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
采用RAPD技术,对分类阶元不同的四种十足目甲壳动物:克氏原螯虾、汉水华溪蟹、日本绒螯蟹合浦亚种和中华绒螯蟹,进行了遗传多态性的研究。四个物种DNA库的扩增结果表明,随着亲缘关系由近变远,物种间的相似率依次减小,由56.1%下降至22.3%.用UPGMA方法作聚类分析构建出物种的系统树图、反映出四个物种对应的种、科间、科间以上遗传差异逐步增大,这与以形态标记为主的分类结果相一致。在同工酶分析难以揭  相似文献   

Three measures of divergence, estimated at nine putatively neutral microsatellite markers, 14 quantitative traits, and seven quantitative trait loci (QTL) were compared in eight populations of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) living in the Scheldt river basin (Belgium). Lowland estuarine and polder populations were polymorphic for the number of lateral plates, whereas upland freshwater populations were low-plated. The number of short gill rakers and the length of dorsal and pelvic spines gradually declined along a coastal-inland gradient. Plate number, short gill rakers and spine length showed moderate to strong signals of divergent selection between lowland and upland populations in comparison between P(ST) (a phenotypic alternative for Q(ST)) and neutral F(ST). However, such comparisons rely on the unrealistic assumption that phenotypic variance equals additive genetic variance, and that nonadditive genetic effects and environmental effects can be minimized. In order to verify this assumption and to confirm the phenotypic signals of divergence, we tested for divergent selection at the underlying QTL. For plate number, strong genetic evidence for divergent selection between lowland and upland populations was obtained based on an intron marker of the Eda gene, of which the genotype was highly congruent with plate morph. Genetic evidence for divergent selection on short gill rakers was limited to some population pairs where F(ST) at only one of two QTL was detected as an outlier, although F(ST) at both loci correlated significantly with P(ST). No genetic confirmation was obtained for divergent selection on dorsal spine length, as no outlier F(ST)s were detected at dorsal spine QTL, and no significant correlations with P(ST) were observed.  相似文献   

Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) has higher commercial value as food source than any other species of Eriocheir in China.To evaluate the germplasm resources and characterize the genetic diversity and population structure of the crabs in different water systems,two stocks and two farming populations were assessed with 25 polymorphic microsallite loci available in public GenBank.Basic statistics showed that the average observed heterozygosity (Ho) amongst populations ranged from 0.5789 to 0.6824.However,a remarkable presence of inbreeding and heterozygote deficiencies were observed.To analyze population structure,pairwise FST coefficients explained only ~10.3% variability from the subdivision of mitten crab populations,the remaining variability stems from the subdivision within subpopulations.Although the four populations had slight differentiation,different allelic frequencies resulted in distinct population structures.Two stocks and one farming population were clustered together to the phylogenetic branch of Yangtze crab,with an approximate membership of 95%.Whereas,another fanning population was clustered singly to the phylogenetic branch of the Liaohe crab,with a membership of 97.1%.The tests for individual admixture showed that Yangtze crab had probably been contaminated with individuals from other water systems.Genetic relationships between populations also supported the conclusion that Yangtze crab and Liaohe crab had different gene pools in spite of the origins of the same species.  相似文献   

Goudet J  Büchi L 《Genetics》2006,172(2):1337-1347
To test whether quantitative traits are under directional or homogenizing selection, it is common practice to compare population differentiation estimates at molecular markers (F(ST)) and quantitative traits (Q(ST)). If the trait is neutral and its determinism is additive, then theory predicts that Q(ST) = F(ST), while Q(ST) > F(ST) is predicted under directional selection for different local optima, and Q(ST) < F(ST) is predicted under homogenizing selection. However, nonadditive effects can alter these predictions. Here, we investigate the influence of dominance on the relation between Q(ST) and F(ST) for neutral traits. Using analytical results and computer simulations, we show that dominance generally deflates Q(ST) relative to F(ST). Under inbreeding, the effect of dominance vanishes, and we show that for selfing species, a better estimate of Q(ST) is obtained from selfed families than from half-sib families. We also compare several sampling designs and find that it is always best to sample many populations (>20) with few families (five) rather than few populations with many families. Provided that estimates of Q(ST) are derived from individuals originating from many populations, we conclude that the pattern Q(ST) > F(ST), and hence the inference of directional selection for different local optima, is robust to the effect of nonadditive gene actions.  相似文献   

Microevolutionary responses to spatial variation in the environment seem ubiquitous, but the relative role of selection and neutral processes in driving phenotypic diversification remain often unknown. The moor frog (Rana arvalis) shows strong phenotypic divergence along an acidification gradient in Sweden. We here used correlations among population pairwise estimates of quantitative trait (P(ST) or Q(ST) from common garden estimates of embryonic acid tolerance and larval life-history traits) and neutral genetic divergence (F(ST) from neutral microsatellite markers), as well as environmental differences (pond pH, predator density, and latitude), to test whether this phenotypic divergence is more likely due to divergent selection or neutral processes. We found that trait divergence was more strongly correlated with environmental differences than the neutral marker divergence, suggesting that divergent natural selection has driven phenotypic divergence along the acidification gradient. Moreover, pairwise P(ST) s of embryonic acid tolerance and Q(ST) s of metamorphic size were strongly correlated with breeding pond pH, whereas pairwise Q(ST) s of larval period and growth rate were more strongly correlated with geographic distance/latitude and predator density, respectively. We suggest that incorporating measurements of environmental variation into Q(ST) -F(ST) studies can improve our inferential power about the agents of natural selection in natural populations.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have long been interested in the processes influencing population differentiation, but separating the effects of neutral and adaptive evolution has been an obstacle for studies of population subdivision. A recently developed method allows tests of whether disruptive (ie, spatially variable) or stabilizing (ie, spatially uniform) selection is influencing phenotypic differentiation among subpopulations. This method, referred to as the F(ST) vs Q(ST) comparison, separates the total additive genetic variance into within- and among-population components and evaluates this level of differentiation against a neutral hypothesis. Thus, levels of neutral molecular (F(ST)) and quantitative genetic (Q(ST)) divergence are compared to evaluate the effects of selection and genetic drift on phenotypic differentiation. Although the utility of such comparisons appears great, its accuracy has not yet been evaluated in populations with known evolutionary histories. In this study, F(ST) vs Q(ST) comparisons were evaluated using laboratory populations of house mice with known evolutionary histories. In this model system, the F(ST) vs Q(ST) comparisons between the selection groups should reveal quantitative trait differentiation consistent with disruptive selection, while the F(ST) vs Q(ST) comparisons among lines within the selection groups should suggest quantitative trait differentiation in agreement with drift. We find that F(ST) vs Q(ST) comparisons generally produce the correct evolutionary inference at each level in the population hierarchy. Additionally, we demonstrate that when strong selection is applied between populations Q(ST) increases relative to Q(ST) among populations diverging by drift. Finally, we show that the statistical properties of Q(ST), a variance component ratio, need further investigation.  相似文献   

Volis S 《The New phytologist》2011,192(1):237-248
? Both genetic drift and natural selection result in genetic/phenotypic differentiation over space. I analyzed the role of local adaptation in the genetic differentiation of populations of the annual grass Hordeum spontaneum sampled along an aridity gradient. ? The study included the introduction of plants having desert vs nondesert origin into natural (desert) environment, analysis of population differentiation in allozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers vs phenotypic traits (Q(ST) -F(ST) comparison), and planting interpopulation hybrids under simulated desert conditions in a glasshouse. ? The results of the home advantage test, Q(ST) -F(ST) comparison and crossbreeding were consistent with local adaptation; that is, that differentiation of the desert plants from plants of nondesert origin in phenotypic traits was adaptive, giving them home advantage. Each method used provided additional, otherwise unavailable, information, meaning that they should be viewed as complementary rather than alternative approaches. ? Gene flow from adjacent populations (i.e. populations experiencing the desert environment) via seeds (but not pollen) had a positive effect on fitness by enhancing natural selection and counteracting drift. At the same time, the effect of genes from the species distributional core (nondesert plants) by either seed or pollen had a negative fitness effect despite its enriching effect on neutral diversity. The pattern of outbreeding depression observed in interpopulation hybrids (F(1) ) and their segregating progeny (F(2) ) was inconsistent with underdominance, but indicated the presence of additive, dominance and epistatic effects.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation in 20 hierarchically sampled populations of wild barley was analyzed with quantitative traits, allozymes and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs), and compared for three marker types at two hierarchical levels. Regional subdivision for both molecular markers was much lower than for quantitative traits. For both allozymes and RAPDs, most loci exhibited minor or no regional differentiation, and the relatively high overall estimates of the latter were due to several loci with exceptionally high regional differentiation. The allozyme- and RAPD-specific patterns of differentiation were concordant in general with one another, but not with quantitative trait differentiation. Divergent selection on quantitative traits inferred from very high regional Q(ST) was in full agreement with our previous results obtained from a test of local adaptation and multilevel selection analysis. In contrast, most variation in allozyme and RAPD variation was neutral, although several allozyme loci and RAPD markers were exceptional in their levels of regional differentiation. However, it is not possible to answer the question whether these exceptional loci are directly involved in the response to selection pressure or merely linked to the selected loci. The fact that Q(ST) and F(ST) did not differ at the population scale, that is, within regions, but differed at the regional scale, for which local adaptation has been previously shown, implies that comparison of the level of subdivision in quantitative traits, as compared with molecular markers, is indicative of adaptive population differentiation only when sampling is carried out at the appropriate scale.  相似文献   

The Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis is an important human food source in Asia and causes considerable ecological and economical damage as a recent invader of North America and Europe. Here we report the isolation and characterization of 12 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci for E. sinensis. The number of observed alleles per locus ranged from 7 to 40 and the observed heterozygosity from 0.50 to 0.95. These markers should prove a useful tool to investigate the colonization process and its evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

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