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近期,中科院广州生物医药与健康研究院的科学家成功建立了基因敲除免疫缺陷小型猪模型。该成果日前在线发表在《免疫学杂志》上。 广州生物院赖良学团队利用TALEN技术在小型猪中敲除了RAG基因,获得了重症联合免疫缺陷小型猪模型,研究人员对猪的胎儿成纤维细胞进行转染后获得杂合和纯合的RAG1/2敲除的细胞克隆。细胞克隆用于体细胞核移植后获得27头克隆猪,其中有10头为RAG2单等位碱基缺失,9头为RAG1双等位碱基缺失,3头为RAG2双等住碱基缺失,这些碱基缺失都导致了外显予读码框移码。敲除猪表现出典型的重症联合免疫缺陷疾病特征,包括胸腺萎缩,脾脏发育不良,淋巴细胞减少等。  相似文献   

利用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术构建大鼠L2细胞α-ENaC基因敲除的细胞株,研究α-ENaC基因对细胞增殖的影响。构建敲除α-ENaC基因的CRISPR/Cas9表达载体和筛选报告载体,通过转染和嘌呤霉素筛选获得单克隆细胞株,Western Blot、测序确定突变的细胞株,CCK-8检测突变细胞株的增殖活力。成功构建靶向α-ENaC基因第一外显子的CRISPR/Cas9表达载体和筛选报告载体,嘌呤霉素筛选后,挑选8个单细胞克隆中有两个单细胞克隆α-ENaC蛋白表达下降,一个单细胞克隆α-ENaC蛋白不再表达,测序结果显示3个单细胞克隆分别为2个单等位基因突变和1个双等位基因突变,且未发现脱靶现象。突变细胞株的增殖活力降低,其中双等位基因突变细胞株增殖活力降低更为显著。因此,利用CRISPR/Cas9结合SSA-RPG报告载体成功获得了α-ENaC基因敲除的L2细胞株,α-ENaC与细胞增殖有关。  相似文献   

采用高效基因编辑系统CRISPR/Cas9构建hoxb4基因敲除斑马鱼模型,进行hoxb4基因功能的研究。根据hoxb4基因的一号外显子的正义链及反义链设计3个长20 bp的sg RNA,分别靶向ExonⅠ的192#位点,244#位点及313#位点。化学合成sg RNA的寡核苷酸序列,经过酶切克隆进p T7-g RNA质粒中,构建g RNA的体外转录载体并通过体外转录得到靶位点的g RNA。将质粒p SP6-2s NLS-sp Cas9线性化然后在体外转录得到Cas9的m RNA并进行加A尾,将以上靶位点的g RNA与Cas9的m RNA共注射入单细胞期的斑马鱼胚胎内,提取基因组DNA,PCR扩增出目的基因片段并使用T7EI酶切测效,最后将PCR产物连入p MD19-T simple载体中,挑取阳性克隆进行菌落PC R鉴定,然后经Sanger测序检测突变类型。结果显示,靶位点的sg RN A寡核苷酸双链成功连入p T7-g RNA质粒中且序列正确;其中靶向ExonⅠ的313#位点的sg RNA可成功编辑斑马鱼hoxb4基因,T7 EⅠ检测其敲除效率高达26.5%,并测序得到4种阳性突变型。通过CRISPR/Cas9系统成功编辑斑马鱼hoxb4基因并测序鉴定其突变类型,为HOXb4基因功能的研究提供了可靠的基因敲除方法。  相似文献   

肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin,Mstn)基因失活可引起哺乳动物的肌肉增生,但其调控机制尚不清楚,且缺乏可靠的试验材料验证Mstn相关分子通路的变化。本研究所用PK3108细胞系是在野生型PK15细胞系的基础上成功靶向敲除一条等位基因,在其靶位点敲入标记基因,敲除了204bp的外显子3序列,LoxP锚定在其标记基因两侧。利用Cre/LoxP重组酶删除系统删除插入PK3108Mstn靶位点的标记,借助流式细胞仪和荧光蛋白甄别得到无标记的过渡型细胞系PK3108-2。将Cas9/sgRNA表达载体和供体DNA共转染PK3108-2,借助G418抗性筛选和倒置荧光显微镜挑选出仅带阳性标记的克隆L18,对其基因组进行PCR产物凝胶电泳与PCR产物测序,证明克隆L18在预设位点发生同源重组;对其蛋白质进行Western印迹实验表明,Mstn被成功地敲除失活。综上结果证明,本研究实现了双等位基因的精准敲除,构建了Mstn双敲除梯度回复表达细胞系。本研究为揭示Mstn的作用机制提供理想的实验材料,也为双等位基因的敲除提供了可借鉴的技术路线。  相似文献   

肌肉生长抑制素 (myostatin,Mstn)基因失活可引起哺乳动物的肌肉增生,但其调控机制尚不清楚,且缺乏可靠的试验材料验证Mstn相关分子通路的变化。本研究所用PK3108细胞系是在野生型PK15细胞系的基础上成功靶向敲除一条等位基因,在其靶位点敲入标记基因,敲除了204 bp的外显子3序列, LoxP锚定在其标记基因两侧。利用Cre/LoxP重组酶删除系统删除插入PK3108Mstn靶位点的标记,借助流式细胞仪和荧光蛋白甄别得到无标记的过渡型细胞系PK3108-2。将Cas9/sgRNA表达载体和供体DNA共转染PK3108-2,借助G418抗性筛选和倒置荧光显微镜挑选出仅带阳性标记的克隆L18,对其基因组进行PCR产物凝胶电泳与PCR产物测序,证明克隆L18在预设位点发生同源重组;对其蛋白质进行Western 印迹实验表明,Mstn被成功地敲除失活。综上结果证明,本研究实现了双等位基因的精准敲除,构建了Mstn双敲除梯度回复表达细胞系。本研究为揭示Mstn的作用机制提供理想的实验材料,也为双等位基因的敲除提供了可借鉴的技术路线。  相似文献   

使用TALEN技术制作p53基因敲除大鼠模型,建立种群并分析大鼠表型。设计特异性识别p53基因外显子2的TALEN蛋白并构建相应载体,将体外转录的TALEN m RNA注射SD大鼠受精卵,出生后从仔鼠中通过测序筛选靶位点正确剪切的阳性小鼠。结果显示,注射得到11只新生仔鼠,通过测序发现其中有10只靶位点发生剪切。选取其中4只作为首建鼠进行繁殖。p53基因敲除纯合子表现出肿瘤易发性,主要自发性肿瘤类型为恶性纤维组织肉瘤。此外,p53基因敲除纯合子大鼠表现出眼睛发育异常,视网膜变性及晶状体纤维排列紊乱。通过TALEN技术高效地获得了p53基因敲除大鼠模型,纯合子敲除大鼠除了易发肿瘤并伴有眼发育异常,因而该敲除大鼠模型除了可用于研究肿瘤发生机制外,也可用于研究p53基因在眼发育过程中的功能。  相似文献   

目的:构建猪链球菌2型(Streptococcus suis type 2)强毒株05ZYH3389K毒力岛上的ABC转运蛋白gene0910敲除突变体,并初步分析其活性,为进一步研究猪链球菌假想毒力因子在致病中的作用提供实验基础。方法:以猪链球菌2型05ZYH33基因组为模板,扩增gene0910两侧各约500bp左右的片段为上下游同源臂,以pSET1质粒为模板,扩增氯霉素抗性基因Cm为中间片段,采用重叠PCR方法搭建三个片段,并克隆到自杀载体pSET4S上,构建基因敲除的载体。电转化05ZYH33感受态细胞,经30℃双交换和40℃质粒丢失,最后点板法筛选出基因敲除突变体△0910。对突变株和野生株的生物学活性及小鼠的致病性进行了初步比较。结果:PCR分析和测序结果均显示gene0910完全被氯霉素抗性基因Cm所替代,基因敲除突变体构建成功。结论:突变株的生物学活性和对小鼠的致病性与野生株相比差异不显著。  相似文献   

利用CRISPR/Cas9技术靶向构建CAPNS1基因敲除人成神经瘤细胞SK-N-SH细胞系。在NCBI数据库查找人CAPNS1基因,获得该基因CDS区,根据CRISPR/Cas9敲除靶位点设计原则即g RNA设计原则,设计3条sg RNAs,以p GK1.1为载体,构建人CAPNS1基因敲除载体,并运用共转染的方法转染到SK-N-SH细胞,构建CAPNS1基因敲除SK-N-SH细胞系。结果发现,菌落PCR筛选均能扩增出100 bp大小的片段,单克隆为阳性,DNA测序显示sg RNA序列正确插入质粒,序列比对结果正确;质粒转染SK-N-SH细胞后,制备单克隆,CruiserTMEnzyme酶切后疑似为阳性克隆,进一步的单克隆测序结果显示CAPNS1基因敲除SK-N-SH细胞系构建成功;此外,在CAPNS1-/-组,CAPNS1蛋白及calpain1和calpain2蛋白水平明显降低。以上结果表明CAPNS1基因敲除SK-N-SH细胞系构建成功。  相似文献   

曹随忠  岳成鹤  李西睿  冯冲  龙川  潘登科 《遗传》2013,35(6):778-785
敲除猪肌肉生长抑制素(Myostatin, MSTN)基因可能提高猪瘦肉率, MSTN基因敲除猪也可作为相关疾病的动物模型。文章利用锌指核酸酶(Zinc-finger nucleases, ZFNs)技术敲除五指山小型猪胎儿成纤维细胞MSTN基因, 为制备MSTN基因敲除猪奠定基础。ZFNs质粒或编码ZFNs的mRNA均能高效敲除MSTN基因, 使用ZFNs mRNA能直接得到MSTN+/-和MSTN-/-两种基因型的细胞克隆。DNA序列测定与分析发现, 细胞克隆的突变类型多为ZFNs作用靶位点处不大于10 bp的碱基插入或缺失(92.18 %); 氨基酸预测发现, 突变型MSTN基因的终止密码子常常提前出现。将MSTN基因敲除的细胞进行体细胞核移植(Somatic cell nuclear transfer, SCNT)发现, 胚胎体外早期发育潜力与野生型无显著差异, 表明这些细胞可用于后续MSTN基因敲除猪的制备。  相似文献   

体细胞核移植生产转ω-3脂肪酸去饱和酶基因sFat-1克隆猪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转ω-3脂肪酸去饱和酶基因猪在优质猪培育及研究ω-3不饱和脂肪酸预防心血管和癌症疾病中的作用方面有着重大的应用.本研究首次通过体细胞核移植制备了转线虫ω-3脂肪酸去饱和酶基因sFat-1猪.将sFat—1基因转染到大白猪胎儿成纤维细胞,获得转基因阳性细胞克隆,然后以转基因细胞为核供体、体外成熟的猪卵母细胞为核受体构建克隆胚胎,胚胎体外培养或进行移植.先后移植了1889枚1-4细胞期克隆胚胎到10头受体母猪的输卵管内,28天B超检测9头受体母猪妊娠(90%),7头妊娠足月(70%)分娩产下21头仔猪,体细胞克隆猪的效率为1.1%(出生仔猪/移植胚胎).体细胞克隆猪效率的提高,主要是对克隆胚胎的移植环节进行了改进,比较了受体母猪排卵状况对胚胎移植效率的影响.当受体母猪卵泡发育处于即将排卵或正在排卵阶段,能够获得较高的妊娠率和妊娠足月率(100%),而排卵后移植妊娠足月率为0%.对健康存活15头克隆猪进行了PCR和Southern检测,证实13头为转基因猪,转基因阳性率为87%.RT—PCR检测13头转基因猪,12头表达sFat—1基因.以上结果表明,利用优化的体细胞转基因结合核移植技术,可以成功地批量生产转sFat-1基因的克隆猪.  相似文献   

Genetically modified pigs are valuable models of human disease and donors of xenotransplanted organs.Conventional gene targeting in pig somatic cells is extremely inefficient.Zinc-finger nuclease(ZFN)technology has been shown to be a powerful tool for efficiently inducing mutations in the genome.However,ZFN-mediated targeting in pigs has rarely been achieved.Here,we used ZFNs to knock out the porcineα-1,3-galactosyl-transferase(GGTA1)gene,which generates Gal epitopes that trigger hyperacute immune rejection in pig-to-human transplantation.Primary pig fibroblasts were transfected with ZFNs targeting the coding region of GGTA1.Eighteen mono-allelic and four biallelic knockout cell clones were obtained after drug selection with efficiencies of 23.4%and 5.2%,respectively.The biallelic cells were used to produce cloned pigs via somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT).Three GGTA1 null piglets were born,and one knockout primary fibroblast cell line was established from a cloned fetus.Gal epitopes on GGTA1 null pig cells were completely eliminated from the cell membrane.Functionally,GGTA1 knockout cells were protected from complement-mediated immune attacks when incubated with human serum.This study demonstrated that ZFN is an efficient tool in creating gene-modified pigs.GGTA1 null pigs and GGTA1 null fetal fibroblasts would benefit research and pig-to-human transplantation.  相似文献   

The Crigler-Najjar Syndrome Type I (CNSI) is a rare genetic disorder caused by mutations in the Ugt1a1 gene. It is characterized by unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia that may result in severe neurologic damage and death if untreated. To date, liver transplantation is the only curative treatment. With the aim of generating mutant cell lines of the Ugt1 gene, we utilized the TALEN technology to introduce site-specific mutations in Ugt1 exon 4. We report a fast and efficient method to perform gene knockout in tissue culture cells, based on the use of TALEN pairs targeting restriction enzyme (RE) sites in the region of interest. This strategy overcame the presence of allele-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and pseudogenes, conditions that limit INDELs'' detection by Surveyor. We obtained liver-derived murine N-Muli cell clones having INDELs with efficiency close to 40%, depending on the TALEN pair and RE target site. Sequencing of the target locus and WB analysis of the isolated cell clones showed a high proportion of biallelic mutations in cells treated with the most efficient TALEN pair. Ugt glucuronidation activity was reduced basal levels in the biallelic mutant clones. These mutant liver-derived cell lines could be a very useful tool to study biochemical aspects of Ugt1 enzyme activity in a more natural context, such as substrate specificity, requirement of specific co-factors, the study of inhibitors and other pharmacological aspects, and to correlate enzyme activity to the presence of specific mutations in the gene, by adding back to the mutant cell clones specific variants of the Ugt1 gene. In addition, since genome editing has recently emerged as a potential therapeutic approach to cure genetic diseases, the definition of the most efficient TALEN pair could be an important step towards setting up a platform to perform genome editing in CNSI.  相似文献   

We have reported relatively efficient methods for somatic cell nuclear transfer and for knocking out the alpha(1,3)-galactosyltransferase (alpha1,3-GT) gene in porcine fetal fibroblasts using a nonisogenic promoterless construct approach. Here we report the production of alpha1,3-GT gene knockout pigs using these procedures. Seven alpha1,3-GT gene knockout cell clones were identified by long-range PCR from 108 neomycin resistant (neo(R)) colonies, giving a 6.5% targeting efficiency. Three cell clones were used for nuclear transfer. Nuclear transfer was performed using a fusion before activation protocol using in vitro-matured adult oocytes. Between 51 and 110 fused couplets were transferred to 10 recipients synchronized 1 day behind the embryos. Parturition was induced on day 115, and piglets were delivered by caesarean section. Four recipients gave birth to a total of 18 live piglets. All pigs were female, and all three clones resulted in the birth of live pigs. alpha1,3-GT gene knockout pigs were identified by long-range PCR and confirmed by Southern blot analysis. The efficiency (embryos transferred/piglets born) of our cloning protocol was 1.9% for all transfers and 4.6% for animals that gave birth.  相似文献   

Generating B cell-deficient mutant is the first step to produce human antibody repertoires in large animal models. In this study, we applied the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat(CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated(Cas) system to target the JHregion of the pig Ig M heavy chain gene which is crucial for B cell development and differentiation. Transfection of Ig M-targeting Cas9 plasmid in primary porcine fetal fibroblasts(PFFs) enabled inducing gene knock out(KO) in up to 53.3% of colonies analyzed, a quarter of which harbored biallelic modification, which was much higher than that of the traditional homologous recombination(HR). With the aid of somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT) technology, three piglets with the biallelic Ig M heavy chain gene mutation were produced. The piglets showed no antibody-producing B cells which indicated that the biallelic mutation of the Ig M heavy chain gene effectively knocked out the function of the Ig M and resulted in a B cell-deficient phenotype. Our study suggests that the CRISPR/Cas9 system combined with SCNT technology is an efficient genome-editing approach in pigs.  相似文献   

Pancreatic duodenal homeobox 1 (PDX1) is a crucial gene for pancreas development during the fetal period. PDX1‐modified pigs have the potential to be used as a model of diabetes mellitus. However, the severe health problems caused by the PDX1 mutation limit phenotypic studies of PDX1‐modified pigs as diabetes models. In this study, we generated PDX1‐modified pigs by the CRISPR/Cas9 system introduced into zygotes via electroporation and investigated the mosaicism, phenotypes, and inheritance of the resulting pigs. After the embryo transfer of PDX1‐modified zygotes, nine mutant piglets were delivered. Two piglets were apancreatic biallelic mutants. For the other seven piglets, the ratio of mutant alleles to total alleles was 17.5–79.7%. Two mutant piglets with high mutation rates (67.7% and 79.7%) exhibited hypoplasia of the pancreas, whereas the other five piglets were healthy. One of the male mutant piglets was further analyzed. The ejaculated semen from the pig contained PDX1‐mutant spermatozoa and the pig showed normal reproductive ability. In conclusion, the frequency of the PDX1 mutation is presumed to relate to pancreas formation, and PDX1 mutant founder pigs generated from zygotes introduced to the CRISPR/Cas9 system can serve as providers of nonmosaics to contribute to medical research on diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

目的:用缺口修复等技术构建Myostatin(肌肉生长抑制素,MSTN)基因打靶载体,并对大白猪胎儿成纤维体细胞进行转染,获得基因敲除细胞。方法与结果:首先构建用于MSTN基因同源长臂(LA)的抓捕载体,然后在大肠杆菌内利用Red同源重组系统介导的缺口修复,从含大白猪MSTN基因座的细菌人工染色体上亚克隆9.9 kb的LA到抓捕载体上,经过部分序列测定,同源性为100%;通过PCR获得1.4 kb的同源短臂(SA);将LA和SA连入载体pLOXP,构建含有neo和tk正负筛选标记基因的MSTN基因打靶载体pLOXP-MSTN-KO;将线性化的pLOXP-MSTN-KO通过电转染整合到大白猪胎儿成纤维细胞基因组中,利用G418和丙氧鸟苷进行药物筛选,获得抗性细胞克隆890个,通过PCR和DNA测序鉴定获得基因敲除的细胞克隆4个。结论:构建了有效的MSTN基因打靶载体,通过转染获得基因敲除细胞,为利用体细胞核移植制备MSTN基因敲除猪奠定了基础。  相似文献   

CRISPR/Cas9 has emerged as one of the most popular genome editing tools due to its simple design and high efficiency in multiple species. Myostatin (MSTN) negatively regulates skeletal muscle growth and mutations in myostatin cause double-muscled phenotype in various animals. Here, we generated myostatin mutation in Erhualian pigs using a combination of CRISPR/Cas9 and somatic cell nuclear transfer. The protein level of myostatin precursor decreased dramatically in mutant cloned piglets. Unlike myostatin knockout Landrace, which often encountered health issues and died shortly after birth, Erhualian pigs harboring homozygous mutations were viable. Moreover, myostatin knockout Erhualian pigs exhibited partial double-muscled phenotype such as prominent muscular protrusion, wider back and hip compared with wild-type piglets. Genome editing in Chinese indigenous pig breeds thus holds great promise not only for improving growth performance, but also for protecting endangered genetic resources.  相似文献   

Heritable targeted mutagenesis in maize using a designed endonuclease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The liguleless locus ( liguleless1 ) was chosen for demonstration of targeted mutagenesis in maize using an engineered endonuclease derived from the I- Cre I homing endonuclease. A single-chain endonuclease, comprising a pair of I- Cre I monomers fused into a single polypeptide, was designed to recognize a target sequence adjacent to the LIGULELESS1 ( LG1 ) gene promoter. The endonuclease gene was delivered to maize cells by Agrobacterium -mediated transformation of immature embryos, and transgenic T0 plants were screened for mutations introduced at the liguleless1 locus. We found mutations at the target locus in 3% of the T0 plants, each of which was regenerated from independently selected callus. Plants that were monoallelic, biallelic and chimeric for mutations at the liguleless1 locus were found. Relatively short deletions (shortest 2 bp, longest 220 bp) were most frequently identified at the expected cut site, although short insertions were also detected at this site. We show that rational re-design of an endonuclease can produce a functional enzyme capable of introducing double-strand breaks at selected chromosomal loci. In combination with DNA repair mechanisms, the system produces targeted mutations with sufficient frequency that dedicated selection for such mutations is not required. Re-designed homing endonucleases are a useful molecular tool for introducing targeted mutations in a living organism, specifically a maize plant.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus(PEDV) is the etiologic agent of porcine epidemic diarrhea(PED), which is an acute, highly contagious, and devastating enteric viral disease in pigs(Lee 2015). PEDV is a coronavirus that mainly infects and replicates in villous enterocytes of the small intestine in pigs(Li et al. 2016). PEDV can infect  相似文献   

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