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吖啶酯发光法分析测定组织型纤溶酶原激活剂的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立了灵敏度高、能定量测活且成本低廉的吖啶酯(AE)发光分析组织型纤维溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)的方法。该法灵敏度达0.125 IU/ml;在t-PA 0.125~8.0IU/ml范围内,t-PA活力单位对数与其发光计数呈良好的线性关系(r=0.997);批内变异系数为8%(n=8);回收率为86~122%。本法用于测定人黑色素瘤细胞mt-PA、CHO细胞表达的rt-PA,获得与纤维蛋白琼脂板测定法(FAPA)相一致的结果;测定健康人静脉闭塞前后血浆中t-PA活性的变化,显示出明显差别,静脉闭塞后血浆中t-PA活性约为静脉闭塞前的2~3倍。该法对肺癌患者血浆t-PA活性测定结果明显高于正常人,因而具有临床诊断价值。  相似文献   

定量检测组织型纤溶酶原激活剂夹心ELISA方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:建立灵敏、特异的组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)定量测定方法,为血栓性疾病和肿瘤性疾病的早期诊断及疗效评估提供辅助手段。方法:采用抗t-PA多克隆抗体包被酶联板、HRP标记抗t-PA单克隆抗体为标记抗体、重组t-PA为标准品,建立定量测定t-PA的夹心ELISA双抗体法。以t-PA测定的特异性、灵敏性和重复性评价夹心ELISA测定法。结果:夹心ELISA测定法可检测t-PA浓度为0.5ng/mL的样品,不同样品的组内和组间的变异系数分别为4.7%和8.4%。采用夹心ELISA法测定40份正常人血浆,t-PA的平均含量为(4±2.1)ng/mL。结论:夹心ELISA测定法具有灵敏性高、特异性强的特点,可用于人血浆中t-PA水平的定量测定。  相似文献   

目的:研究重组人组织型纤溶酶原激剂突变体(reteplase,r-PA)基因的克隆和表达,并对表达产物进行活性鉴定。方法:通过PCR的方法从t-PA基因上扩增得到r-PA基因的编码序列,并克隆到pUC19载体中,经DNA测序正确后,将该基因克隆到含有,T7启动子的高效表达质粒pJZ-100中,转化E.coli BL21(DE3),得到含有r-PA基因的工程菌。工程菌经IPTG诱导表达,SDS-PAGE检测表达情况。提取包涵体,经过体外稀释法复性,亲和色谱层析纯化,测定产物的活性。结果:表达的重组蛋白约占可溶性总蛋白的20%,复性并纯化后测定活性为58000IU/mg。结论:成功构建了重组r-PA的表达质粒,表达产物具有良好的生物活性。  相似文献   

t-PA突变体工程细胞株FSGGI48形态与其亲代细胞CHO-dhfr相似呈多角形,类似上皮细胞。在MTX加压至5×10~(-6)mol/L时,少数细胞形态略变瘦长,但仍呈多角形,因此该工程细胞株形态正常。抗体中和抑制试验及纤维蛋白板80℃加热试验显示,FSGGI48细胞表达产物与st-PA的活性均能被抗t-PA抗体所抑制,而胰酶的活性则不被抑制,且二者在80℃加热的纤维蛋白板上均不产生溶解圈,胰酶则产生溶解圈,由此可知,该细胞株表达产物为特异的rt-PA产品。细胞无血清培养上清经FA-PA检测,亚克隆株表达水平为4000IU/10~6细胞/24h。分别测定冻存3个月后复苏和体外传代3个月以上细胞的表达水平,结果显示部分亚克隆细胞株表达水平下降,多数仍为3000-4000IU/10~6细胞/24h,说明细胞株稳定性好。裸鼠试验表明,该工程株活细胞、细胞DNA、纯化的细胞表达产物均无致瘤性。支原体检查结果为阴性。染色体分析显示,FSGGI48细胞与其亲代细胞(CHO-dhfr细胞)染色体数目相同均为20条,但均有不同程度不同类型的畸变。CHO-dhfr细胞畸变率为6%。该工程细胞的畸变率为15%-18%,在允许范围内。结果证明,t-PA突变体细胞株FSGGI48为性能优良的工程细胞株。  相似文献   

重组组织型纤溶酶原激活剂的纯化和鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍一种简便高效的两步纯化重组组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(rt-PA)的方法,产rt-PA的CHO工程细胞SGG培养上清,经微孔玻璃珠(MPG)吸附和赖氨酸-Sepharose 4B柱亲和吸附色谱纯化,纯化倍数平均达到380倍,比活性为390 000 U/mg蛋白,rt-PA活性回收率达到140%,经SDS-PAGE还原电泳分析主要为t-PA蛋白,其中高分子t-PA占80%左右.用纤维蛋白自显影法检测均有溶纤活性,蛋白质印迹证实具有t-PA的抗原性.  相似文献   

目的:建立人促卵泡激素(FSH)体外生物学活性检测方法,并对方法进行验证。方法:以人卵巢颗粒细胞KGN为基质细胞,用不同浓度的FSH与KGN细胞表面的FSH受体结合,刺激细胞产生不同浓度的孕酮,通过测定细胞培养上清中的孕酮含量来评价FSH的生物学活性,结果用国际标准品进行校正;对方法的专属性、线性与范围、回收率、精密度、耐用性进行验证;对市售FSH产品进行检测,并与传统动物体内活性检测结果进行比较。结果:KGN细胞对FSH有很好的剂量反应关系,方法专属性符合要求;线性范围为0.1~200 ng/m L,相关系数R2≥0.99;回收率为80%~120%;经3次重复测定,3批市售样品和3批自制样品的活性分别为(13.4±0.4)~(13.5±0.8)和(12.9±0.7)~(14.3±1.2)IU/μg,变异系数在15%之内;结果显示该方法有很好的耐用性。测定3批市售重组人FSH产品和1批尿源FSH国家标准品,其体外活性测定结果与传统动物体内活性测定结果一致。结论:建立并验证了一种利用KGN细胞体外测定FSH生物学活性的方法,有望代替传统的动物体内活性测定方法,可用于FSH的生物学活性评价和质量控制。  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用法(HPLC/MS)分析测定植物甾醇侧链降解过程中产物雄甾-1,4-二烯-3,17-二酮(ADD)及雄甾4-烯-3,17-二酮(AD).其中液相色谱的条件为色谱柱Alltima C18ODS-2(5μm,250 mm×4.6 mm);流动相甲醇:水(V/V=7:3);流速1 mL/min;柱温室温;紫外检测器的检测波长244 nm.质谱为ZMD Micromass电喷雾质谱仪.结果测得ADD与AD标准样品的保留时间分别为9.70 min与11.13 min,发酵样品的HPLC与MS图谱与ADD与AD标准样品的图谱一致.采用高效液相色谱法定量ADD与AD的线性范围在0.01 mg/mL~0.09 mg/mL,产物回收率分别为102.6%与105.90%,日内精密度分别为3.02%与3.08%,日间RSD分别为3.50%与3.24%.该方法灵敏度高、选择性好、操作简便、定量准确,适用植物甾醇微生物侧链降解过程中产物的分析及产品质量控制.  相似文献   

应用RT-PCR技术,从人黑色素瘤Bowes细胞株中扩增出人组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(tissue-typeplasminogenactivator,t-PA)cDNA。序列分析证实,与国外的报道完全一致。将含完整阅读框架的人t-PAcDNA克隆至昆虫细胞表达转移载体pBacPAK8中,获得重组质粒pBac-tPA。应用脂质体共转染法,将pBactPA和线性化杆状病毒BacPAK6DNA共转染Tn-5B-1昆虫细胞。经空斑筛选获得11株重组病毒。经PCR鉴定与生物活性测定,获得一株高效表达t-PA的重组病毒BactPA3。在含胎牛血清的培养基中,t-PA表达活性在感染(MOI≈10)后72h左右达到最高,为3.04×103IU/ml,即相当于1.8×104IU/106细胞;在无血清培养基中,t-PA最高表达水平相差不大,但时间为感染后132h左右。经SDS-PAGE纤维蛋白自显影分析,分子量为68kda左右。与从人黑色素瘤细胞培养液中提纯的天然t-PA相比,其受纤维蛋白原激活的特性、和纤维蛋白的亲和力及在血浆中的失活速率基本相同。表达的t-PA在血液循环中的半衰期为7min。  相似文献   

组织型血纤维蛋白溶酶原(t-PA)是投在美国市场上的第一枚集束炸弹,该产品的注册者Genentech公司如是说。七月份该药的市场份额已从前几个月的50%升至66%。产品价格贵(2200美元/剂)及其疗效并不比链激酶(250美元/剂)好的说法曾使t-PA的销售额从80年代末开始呈螺旋式下降趋势。为对付这一不祥的情况,公司作了自己的比较试验(代号GUSTO)。在四月份发表的结果表明,对心脏病人  相似文献   

用HPLC法测定发酵液中的生物素含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用高效液相色谱法测定发酵液中生物素的含量。色谱柱为Symmetry C18,流动相为V(甲醇):V(pH 2.5磷酸缓冲溶液)=14:86,检测波长为210 nm,柱温为35℃。结果表明,样品进样量在5-150μg/mL范围内线性关系良好,加样回收率在95%以上,相对标准偏差RSD为6.6%,最低检测限为0.01μg/mL。该方法简便、快捷、准确、重现性好,可用于发酵液中生物素的含量测定。  相似文献   

Melanoma cells produce tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) that plays an important role in tumor invasion and metastasis. The production of t-PA by normal human uveal melanocytes has not been reported previously. In order to explore this possibility, we studied the production of t-PA by cultured human uveal melanocytes and compared that with the production by cultured human uveal melanoma cells and epidermal melanocytes. Human adult uveal melanocytes were isolated and cultured from donor eyes. The cells were cultured in serum-free medium for 48 h and the conditioned medium then collected for the plasminogen activator (PA) activity assay. Free PA activity was tested in an amidolytic assay using a t-PA standard curve. PA type was identified by fibrinography and antihuman t-PA and urokinase plasminogen activator (u-PA) blocking antibodies. Free PA activity was found in the conditioned medium of normal melanocytes and melanoma cells. The predominant PA activity was t-PA. Normal uveal melanocytes produced more t-PA (3.23 +/- 0.73 IU/105 cells/24 h) than that of epidermal melanocytes (1.25 IU/105 cells/24 h) but much less than uveal melanoma cells (11.0 +/- 3.39 IU/105 cells/24 h). Western blot analysis revealed that most t-PA in conditioned media were one-chain t-PA with molecular weight of 69 kDa. Our study indicates that uveal melanocytes may contribute to the free t-PA activity previously found in aqueous humor and choroidal eye cup superfusions. Therefore, this function of uveal melanocytes may play a role in intraocular matrix remodeling, fibrinolysis and aqueous humor outflow.  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive chromogenic microtitre plate assay for glycoprotein enzymes is described, using melanoma tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) as a model enzyme. The assay is based on the binding of t-PA to immobilised lectin and quantitating the bound enzyme with plasminogen, fibrinogen fragments and chromogenic substrate S-2251 on an ELISA plate reader. Seven different lectins were examined for the binding of t-PA, and of these, concanavalin A was chosen for subsequent studies. The specificity of this binding can be inhibited dose-dependently in the presence of D-mannose and methyl alpha-D-mannoside, but not by D-glucose and D-lactose. The lower limit of the sensitivity of this assay is about 0.5 IU/ml. Comparison of the dose-response curves indicates that the sensitivity of this assay method is very similar to that of bioimmunoassay using anti-t-PA IgG to capture the antigen. The applicability of this method to other glycoprotein enzymes was also evaluated using alkaline phosphatase from bovine mucosa. The specificity of this method was related to the choice of substrate and this was shown by analysis of a mixture of t-PA and alkaline phosphatase. It is suggested that this assay can be adapted for the analysis of complex glycoprotein mixtures with the appropriate choice of lectin and substrate.  相似文献   

t—PA昆虫细胞表达及特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With the RT-PCR technique, human tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) cDNA was amplified from human melanoma cells. The sequence was proved to be the same as those reported by foreign researchers. The t-PA cDNA containing whole reading frame was inserted into the transfer vector pBacPAK8. The constructed pBac-tPA and the linear BacPAK6 virus DNA were cotransfected with Tn-5B-1 insect cells by lipofectin-mediated transfection method. Eleven pure recombinant viruses were isolated by plaque assay, and one of them, nominated BactPA3, was selected by PCR identification and biological activity comparison. The t-PA activity expressed in serum-containing media reach the highest level at 72 h postinfection. The activity was 3.04 x 10(3) IU/ml, e.g. 1.8 x 10(4) IU/10(6) cells. The highest expression level in serum-free media was almost the same, but needed more time (at 132 h postinfection). SDS-PAGE fibrin autography showed that the molecular weight of the expressed t-PA was about 68 kDa. Its stimulation by fibrinogen, affinity with fibrin and inactivation in plasma were almost the same as the native t-PA purified from human melanoma cell culture. The half-life of t-PA expressed in serum-free media was seven minutes.  相似文献   

在从武汉东湖水样中培养分离水华蓝藻噬藻体(Planktothrix agardhii Virus from Lake Donghu,PaV-LD)的基础上,对在不同条件培养的宿主蓝藻细胞中,PaV-LD增殖效率及裂解作用进行了测定分析。分别将PaV-LD接种到生长期、半连续培养更新率或光照不同的宿主蓝藻液中,并采用稀释培养计数(Mostprobable number,MPN)方法与电镜观察,测定子代PaV-LD释放量及宿主细胞的裂解作用。结果显示:对数生长期宿主蓝藻单个细胞中子代PaV-LD的平均释放量为350感染单位(Infectious Units,IU/cell),显著高于稳定生长期的平均释放量110 IU/cell。在用新鲜培养基更新率为0%、35%、50%和65%的半连续培养宿主蓝藻中,接种PaV-LD 5d之后,噬藻体的释放量分别约为50 IU/cell、70 IU/cell、220 IU/cell或310 IU/cell,表明子代PaV-LD释放率随培养基更新率的增加而显著提高。在光照条件下感染3—4d后,宿主蓝藻细胞充分裂解,并释放大量子代PaV-LD,滴度可由初始7.00×103IU/mL快速增加到8.56×107IU/mL;但在遮光条件下,同样感染的蓝藻细胞未见裂解,也检测不到释放的子代噬藻体。电镜观察显示,在光照条件下感染的蓝藻细胞类囊体膜结构消失,而大量子代PaV-LD颗粒主要分布在原有类囊体的部位。显然,宿主蓝藻细胞的培养条件和状态可能对获得噬藻体纯培养有决定性影响。  相似文献   

Resistance to PAI-1 is a factor which confers clinical benefits in thrombolytic therapy. The only US FDA approved PAI-1 resistant drug is Tenecteplase?. Deletion variants of t-PA have the advantage of fewer disulfide bonds in addition to higher plasma half lives. A new variant was developed by deletion of the first three domains in t-PA in addition to substitution of KHRR 128-131 amino acids with AAAA in truncated t-PA. The specific activity of this new variant, 570 IU/μg, was found to be similar to those found in full length t-PA (Alteplase?), 580 IU/μg. A 65% and 85% residual activity after inhibition by rPAI-1 was observed for full length and truncated-mutant form, respectively. This new variant as the first PAI-1 resistant truncated t-PA may offer more advantages in clinical conditions in which high PAI-1 levels makes the thrombolytic system prone to re-occlusion.  相似文献   

里氏木霉306产t-PA固态发酵条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对基因工程菌株里氏木霉(Trichodermareesei)306生物合成组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)的固态发酵培养基成分和发酵条件进行了研究;分析了发酵过程中t-PA的生成、总糖的消耗和菌体生长的规律。在优化的固体发酵条件下,t-PA的最大酶活是924.63IU/g干重培养基,较初始条件下提高了5倍。通过浅盘进行了放大实验,最大酶活为983.64IU/g干重培养基,t-PA合成速率为:13.66IU/g干重培养基.h,较三角瓶固态发酵最高产酶提高了6.38%,产酶速率提高了24.07%。  相似文献   

A novel bioluminescent enzymatic cycling assay for ATP and AMP with concomitant use of firefly luciferase and pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK) was developed. In this system, AMP and pyrophosphate produced from ATP by firefly luciferase were converted back into ATP by PPDK. This resulted in constant luminescence once the stable phase had been reached. Background luminescence of the reagent was reduced with adenosine phosphate deaminase by degrading ATP and AMP in the reagent. The maximum recycling ratio calculated from the integrated luminescence value was 2.64 cycles/min. The measurable ranges for ATP and AMP were equal and were between 4 x 10(-13) and 4 x 10(-17) mol/assay. The amount of yeast RNA could be estimated in the range of 1 x 10(-8) to 1 x 10(-12) g/assay by estimating the amount of AMP resulting from the degradation of RNA with nuclease P1. Various food samples were subjected to measurement of the amount of ATP + AMP + RNA to provide an index for hygiene monitoring. For beef extract, sensitivity was improved by more than 20 million compared to the previous methods relying only on the amount of ATP as an index.  相似文献   

Summary Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) production induced by proteose peptone from IMR-90 cells was investigated. Cells monolayered on plastic surfaces had a higher ability to produce t-PA per unit cell compared to those grown tri-dimensionally on ceramic pieces. Furthermore, confluent monolayers of the cells, which suffered contact inhibition and resulted in limited growth, were available for t-PA production. Repeated batch production with microcarriers, on which the cells were almost confluent monolayers similar to those in T-flasks, was performed. Utilization of the cells, which had limited serum in the growth phase, resulted in an increase in production. Moreover, dilution of the basal components of the medium at initiation of the production phase markedly promoted t-PA production. The volumetric productivity was stable for 30 days at 100 IU/cm3 per day. The cells were then mostly retained on microcarriers. Thus, an effective and scalable method of t-PA production by normal fibroblast cells was developed. Offprint requests to: S. Mitsuda  相似文献   

Weakly adherent cells of the 293 line attached well to the internal surface of polyurethane foam (PUF) and grew to the high density of 6.83 × 107 cells/cm3 PUF in stationary culture. The maximum productivity of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) was 0.158 IU/106 cells per day. The productivity decreased at the stationary phase of cell growth, so we designed a PUF-plate packed-bed culture system for high density culture and continuous production of t-PA. A maximal cell density of 3.24 × 107 cells/cm3 PUF and a t-PA productivity of 0.326 IU/106cells per day were obtained in 25-day perfusion cultures. Although the cell density decreased to half that in PUF stationary culture, the t-PA productivity increased twofold and was maintained for 25 culture days.  相似文献   

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