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路纪琪  张知彬 《动物学报》2005,51(3):376-382
食物贮藏是许多动物对不可预见的食物供应变化的一种重要适应.岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)为中国特有物种,广泛分布于华北地区的山地和丘陵地带.作者在北京市东灵山地区建造半自然围栏(4 m×3 m× 1 m),以核桃(Juglans regia)和山杏(Prunus armeniaca)种子为备选食物,对岩松鼠(12只)的食物贮藏行为进行了研究.数据的统计分析采用SPSS for Windows进行.研究结果表明1)岩松鼠表现出集中和分散两种食物贮藏方式,而分散贮藏是其偏好的贮藏方式;2) 当遇到贮藏食物被盗窃时,岩松鼠倾向于搬运更多的食物进行集中和分散贮藏;3)岩松鼠没有在食盘就地取食任何一种食物;把食物搬离后,岩松鼠所取食的山杏种子数量明显多于所取食的核桃数量;4)岩松鼠只选择核桃进行分散贮藏;5)岩松鼠对核桃的搬运距离大于山杏种子.本研究结果提示,在自然条件下,岩松鼠对核桃和山杏的天然更新起着不同的作用[动物学报 51(3)376-382,2005].  相似文献   

啮齿动物分散贮食的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分散贮藏食物是许多啮齿动物所采取的一种重要的觅食策略。分散贮藏方式对于植物的幼苗建成、更新、群落演替和生态系统功能的维持有着积极的意义。多种因素影响啮齿动物对食物分散贮藏。内部因素有性别、年龄、社群关系、饥饿状态等;外部因素包括食物特征、竞争与盗食环境条件等。这些因素并非独立地发挥作用,内部因素受外部刺激的综合影响,而且外部因素只能通过改变动物的内部状态才能发挥作用。特别是在一些室内的或围栏实验中,实验设计的差异不仅影响动物的食物贮藏及其管理,也会造成实验结果的不同。  相似文献   

贮食过程中的优化问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
动物贮食的每一环节都存在如何减少能量消耗,收获较多能量的问题。分散贮藏和集中贮藏是动物贮食的两种极端空间配置,贮食动物从保证日后的食物来源和节约采食能量消耗来选择适当的埋藏密度。实验证明贮藏方式是可塑的。贮藏食物习性是遗传的,而分散贮藏与集中贮藏是受环境影响的表现形式。  相似文献   

王威  张洪茂  张知彬 《兽类学报》2007,27(4):358-364
面对捕食风险,贮藏植物种子的啮齿动物如何通过调整其贮藏行为,权衡捕食风险和贮食效益,需要深入研究。2006 年9 月,在北京东灵山地区,以黄鼬作为捕食风险源,在半自然围栏内比较了有无捕食风险源时,岩松鼠贮藏的核桃种子的状态,以及埋藏种子在实验围栏内的分布、微生境和搬运距离,以探讨捕食风险对岩松鼠贮藏种子行为的影响。结果表明,捕食风险源存在时,搬运和埋藏种子的比例都显著减少,弃置地表种子的比例无显著差异;埋藏于高风险区的种子比例减少,中风险区和低风险区的埋藏种子比例增加,但差异都不显著;位于裸地和草下的埋藏种子比例减少,位于墙基的埋藏种子比例增加,但差异都不显著;此外,埋藏种子的搬运距离也没有显著差异。可见,捕食风险源存在时,岩松鼠显著减少了搬运和埋藏种子的比例,但对埋藏种子时的埋藏区域和微生境选择,以及搬运距离无显著影响。差异不显著可能与围栏效应有关。  相似文献   

啮齿动物的分散贮食行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
食物贮藏是许多动物重要的适应性行为,分散贮藏的食物以植物种子为主。每个贮藏点贮藏数量不等的食物项目。啮齿动物分散贮藏食物之后,可降低食物被其他个体获取的机率,提高对食物资源的控制能力,最终有利于自身的生存和繁殖成功。植物种子被贮藏之后,可减少非贮食鼠类对种子的取食。同时,合适的微生境和埋藏有利于种子萌发、幼苗建成和植物的更新;使植物的分布区得以扩展。探讨啮齿动物的分散贮食行为,能够更好地理解食物贮藏在啮齿动物生活史中的作用,进一步认识鼠类和植物的相互关系以及不同啮齿动物在群落形成中的潜在作用。本综述了啮齿动物分散贮食的研究进展,并提出今后工作中的几点建议。  相似文献   

进化中,贮食者只有比不贮食的动物更有可能找到那些贮藏食物时,贮食行为才能成为一种进化稳定策略。本文综述了关于动物找回贮藏食物的假说及其实验验证。寻找贮藏食物时,穴蜂利用贮存地点附近的标志物的空间排列来定位。鸟类的嗅觉不发达,它们主要靠记忆埋藏地点的视觉信息找回埋藏的食物。啮齿动物和犬科动物主要靠嗅觉找回贮藏的食物。记忆埋藏地点对于灰松鼠、更格卢鼠,美洲赤狐和红松鼠也很重要。  相似文献   

张洪茂 《动物学杂志》2019,54(5):754-765
食物贮藏是许多动物应对食物短缺、保障其生存和繁衍的一种适应性行为。保护好贮藏食物以供食物短缺期利用,是食物贮藏成功的标志和进化动力。同种或异种动物盗食是贮藏食物损失的重要原因。嗅觉、视觉与空间记忆、随机搜寻等是动物搜寻和盗取食物的重要手段;避免盗食、阻止盗食和容忍盗食是动物反盗食的重要策略。动物通常采用多种行为策略进行盗食和反盗食,分配食物资源,形成相对稳定的种内、种间关系。盗食与反盗食互作及其对贮食行为进化的意义已成为行为生态学的研究热点和前沿之一,针对鸟类和哺乳类动物的研究尤为丰富。本文总结了贮食动物常见的盗食和反盗食行为策略及其相互作用的研究进展,主要内容涉及贮食动物利用嗅觉、视觉与空间记忆、随机搜寻等盗取其他个体食物的盗食策略,以及通过隐藏、转移、保卫、容忍等方式减少被盗食,保护贮藏食物的行为策略。针对现有研究状况,从种间盗食与反盗食及其与物种共存的关系,种间非对称盗食关系及其适应意义,盗食与反盗食最适行为策略及其与贮食动物适合度的关系等方面对今后研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

凉水自然保护区松鼠贮藏红松种子距离的初步测量与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年10月,应用线牌标记红松(Pinus koreansis)球果,采用人工放置实验和定点观察相结合的方法,对松鼠(Sciurus vulgarls)贮藏红松种子距离进行了初步研究与分析.结果表明,不同放置点的红松球果堆被松鼠发现并捕食的时间不一致,放置在人为干扰较强地点(旅游步道边)的红松球果最后被搬运走,但各放置点的红松球果均在放置10 h内全部消失.新球果(2006年)和旧球果(2005年)均被松鼠捕食并贮藏,但松鼠优先选择搬运新球果.实验共放置人工标记的球果110枚,当场被取食的球果8枚,其中花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)当场取食4枚新球果,松鼠当场取食4枚,均为旧球果;其余102枚球果被搬运并贮藏.以放置点为圆心,以300 m为搜索半径,共回收标志球果47枚,回收率为46.1%.  相似文献   

四种昼行性动物取食和贮藏红松种子的行为比较   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
于2005年10月1~7日,采用全时焦点观察法研究了黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区19林班原始红松林内松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)、星鸦(Nucifraga caryocatactes)、花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)和普通(Sitta europaea)4种昼行性动物取食和贮藏红松种子的行为。结果表明①4种动物的取食和贮藏过程包括找寻、松塔的处理与种子剥食、松塔和种子的搬运、确定贮藏点、掩藏和警戒等6个环节,但它们在6个环节所耗费的时间均存在较大差异;②4种动物的种子消耗量亦存在较大差异(χ2=144.67,df=3,P<0.05),松鼠、星鸦、花鼠和普通每次平均取食红松种子的数量分别为40.0粒、20.9粒、16.7粒和1.3粒。松鼠与星鸦能够在地面和树冠层取食或收获红松松塔及种子,而花鼠与普通则主要在地面取食;③4种动物贮藏种子的能力亦有较大差异(χ2=68.76,df=3,P<0.05Kruskal-Wallis),松鼠、星鸦和普通主要分散贮藏红松种子,松鼠和星鸦的贮藏量最多,而花鼠很少分散贮藏种子,但能将许多红松种子集中贮藏在少数的贮藏点;④取食松籽的种间竞争强烈,在红松林的垂直高度上,松鼠和星鸦具有高度重叠的取食生态位,花鼠和普通因为种群数量大,对地面种子库的消耗量较大。分析结果显示,松鼠与星鸦是红松种子扩散的传播者,普通是种子消耗者兼传播者,而花鼠则近乎是完全的捕食者。  相似文献   

申圳  董钟  曹令立  张明明  刘国强  易现峰 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7264-7269
同种和异种干扰竞争可以增强花鼠(Tamias sibiricus)分散贮食强度,但对其贮藏点选择的影响还不清楚.在半自然围栏内,研究了同种(干扰源为不同性别花鼠)或异种(干扰源为大林姬鼠,Apodemus peninsulae)干扰竞争对花鼠贮藏点选择的影响.结果发现:(1)同种和异种干扰竞争均显著降低了花鼠在高竞争区内的贮藏比例;(2)同种个体存在时,雌性花鼠显著降低了在高竞争区内的贮藏比例,雄性花鼠则显著增加了在中竞争区的埋藏比例.结果表明,花鼠贮藏食物时会避开高竞争区域以降低同种或异种的盗食损失,同时雌雄个体对同种竞争干扰的响应有所差异.  相似文献   

In ecosystems with seasonal fluctuations in food supply many species use two strategies to store food: larder hoarding and scatter hoarding. However, because species at different geographic locations may experience distinct environmental conditions, differences in hoarding behavior may occur. Tree squirrels in the genus Tamiasciurus display variation in hoarding behavior. Whereas red (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and Douglas's (Tamiasciurus douglasii) squirrels in mesic coniferous forests defend territories centered around larder hoards maintaining non‐overlapping home ranges, red squirrels in deciduous forests defend small scatter‐hoarded caches of cones maintaining overlapping home ranges. As in other rodent species, variation in hoarding behavior appears to influence the spacing behavior of red and Douglas's squirrels. In contrast, Mearns's squirrels (Tamiasciurus mearnsi) in xeric coniferous forests neither rely on larder hoards nor appear to display territorial behavior. Unfortunately, little is known about the ecology of this southernmost Tamiasciurus. Using radiotelemetry, we estimated home‐range size, overlap, and maximum distance traveled from nest to examine the spacing behavior of Mearns's squirrels. Similar to scatter‐hoarding rodents, maximum distance traveled from nest was greater for males during mating season, whereas those of females were similar year round. Although no seasonal differences were detected, male home ranges were three times larger during mating season, whereas those of females were smaller and displayed a minor variation between seasons. Home ranges were overlapped year round but contrary to our expectations, overlap was greater during mating season for both sexes, with no detectable relationship between male home‐range size and the number of females overlapped during mating season. Overall, the results appear to support our hypothesis that in the absence of larder hoards, the spacing behavior of Mearns's squirrels should be different from larder‐hoarding congeners and more similar to scatter‐hoarding rodents.  相似文献   

围栏条件下社鼠的食物贮藏行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
路纪琪  张知彬 《兽类学报》2005,25(3):248-253
在北京东灵山地区, 用活捕笼从野外捕获社鼠, 并在野外建造围栏, 以山杏种子和辽东栎坚果为备选食物, 对围栏条件下社鼠的食物贮藏行为进行了研究。数据的统计分析采用SPSS for Windows (version 1010) 进行。结果表明: 1) 社鼠主要表现出食物的集中贮藏方式; 2) 贮藏食物被模拟盗窃使社鼠的食物贮藏活动加强; 3)社鼠倾向于选择山杏种子进行贮藏, 而对辽东栎坚果则取食较多。文中还讨论了食物类型、模拟盗窃等因素对社鼠食物贮藏行为的影响。  相似文献   

凉水自然保护区松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)贮食生境选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
马建章  宗诚  吴庆明  邹红菲  孙岩  郑昕 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3542-3548
2003年10月~2004年4月,在黑龙江省小兴安岭凉水国家级自然保护区,应用跟踪观察法、样线调查法、样方调查法等研究方法,采用Vanderploeg和scavia选择系数Wi和选择指数Ei作为衡量指标,对松鼠贮食红松种子生境选择进行了研究。研究表明,松鼠贮食对生境具有选择性:以主要林型为划分标准,松鼠偏爱贮食生境依次为:原始红松林,云杉林,人工云杉林,针叶混交林,人工落叶松林,针阔混交林,阔叶混交林,次生白桦林和人工红松林。在原始红松林内,松鼠对微生境的利用存在选择性差异:松鼠对郁闭良好(郁闭度大于0.6)、灌丛密度中等、倒木和枯立木密度中等(1~5个)、盗食动物活动较弱(大林姬鼠Apodemus peninsulae为主要盗食动物)的原始红松林生境表现出较强的选择性(Ei>0.2);而对坡度小于5°、基质为霉菌土、倒木和枯立木密度较高(大于5个)、草本盖度较高、盗食动物活动中等(花鼠Eutamias sibiricus为主要盗食动物)的原始红松林生境表现出较强的负选择性(Ei<-0.2),对阴坡表现出强烈的回避性(Ei=-0.5368)。  相似文献   

An important behavioural adaptation for animal species with variable or unpredictable food availability is storing food. Food availability for large field mouseApodemus peninsulae (Thomas, 1907) is not reliable. We conducted a series of tests with the large field mouse to determine food hoarding behaviour, response when their hoarded food was removed, and whether perishable foods were treated different than non perishable foods. The study was conducted in four semi-natural enclosures (4 × 3 × 1 m), established on the Donglingshan Mountain near Beijing, China. Thirteen large field mice were placed in enclosures and offered wild apricotPrunus armeniaca seeds and Liaodong oakQuercus liaotungensis acorns. Our results indicated that although large field mice hoarded seeds in larder and scatter patterns, they more frequently exhibited larder hoarding. Liadong oak acorns were generally consumed near the feeder, whereas apricot seeds were more frequently transported to the nest box. Only apricot seeds were scattered among hoard sites. When seeds were removed from hoarding sites the mice responded by taking increased amounts of seeds to their nest for larder and scatter hoarding. Hoarding sites were not randomly distributed throughout the enclosure.  相似文献   

Mast seeding by oaks (Quercus) and other seed species has fundamental impacts on the behavior of individual scatter‐hoarding animals as well as their population and community dynamics. Scatter‐hoarding squirrels are highly sensitive to acorn germination schedule and stop germination by removing the embryo of non‐dormant acorns to prevent losses of energy and nutrients by rapid germination. However, we know little about how this behavior is affected by mast seeding. We investigated foraging decisions made by free‐ranging Pére David's rock squirrel (Sciurotamias davidianus) with three species that produce non‐dormant seeds and two species that produce dormant seeds (Fagaceae) during mast and non‐mast years in Central China from 2007–2010. Consistent with the food perishability hypothesis that squirrels make decisions to minimize the perishability of their caches, non‐dormant seeds were hoarded at a lower rate, but had a higher probability of embryo removal than dormant seeds. Compared with non‐mast years, a lower proportion of seeds were harvested during mast years, but a higher proportion of the harvested seeds were hoarded. In addition, the probability of embryo removal in the hoarded seeds was higher during mast years. Squirrels also dispersed seeds at shorter distances during mast years. Moreover, the interactions between mast seeding and seed germination schedule had significant effects on squirrel foraging decisions, including embryo removal. This study is the first to demonstrate that squirrels show greater sensitivity to seed germination potential when seeds are abundant.  相似文献   

种子中的单宁影响鼠类的取食和贮藏策略。高单宁假说认为鼠类倾向于优先贮藏单宁含量高的种子、取食单宁含量低的种子。同域分布的鼠类对种子的取食和贮藏选择是否符合高单宁假说的预测尚缺乏足够的实验证据。本研究通过围栏实验研究了四川都江堰地区亚热带常绿阔叶林中的小泡巨鼠(Leopoldamys edwardsi)、针毛鼠(Niveventer fulvescens)、北社鼠(N.confucianus)、高山姬鼠(Apodemus chevrieri)、中华姬鼠(A.draco)对单宁含量高的栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)种子和单宁含量低的锥栗(Castanea henryi)种子的取食和贮藏偏好,旨在进一步验证高单宁假说。结果表明:(1)5种鼠均偏好取食锥栗种子,很少取食或不取食栓皮栎种子;(2)仅具集中贮藏习性的针毛鼠和北社鼠偏好集中贮藏锥栗种子;兼具集中和分散贮藏习性的小泡巨鼠和高山姬鼠也倾向于贮藏锥栗种子;(3)兼具集中和分散贮藏习性的中华姬鼠偏好分散贮藏栓皮栎种子,集中贮藏锥栗种子。研究结果并不完全支持高单宁假说,表明同域分布的鼠类对种子取食和贮藏偏好表现出种间分化,高单宁假说在同域分布鼠类中可能不具有普遍性。  相似文献   

In this review, I will present an overview of the development of the field of scatter hoarding studies. Scatter hoarding is a conspicuous behaviour and it has been observed by humans for a long time. Apart from an exceptional experimental study already published in 1720, it started with observational field studies of scatter hoarding birds in the 1940s. Driven by a general interest in birds, several ornithologists made large-scale studies of hoarding behaviour in species such as nutcrackers and boreal titmice. Scatter hoarding birds seem to remember caching locations accurately, and it was shown in the 1960s that successful retrieval is dependent on a specific part of the brain, the hippocampus. The study of scatter hoarding, spatial memory and the hippocampus has since then developed into a study system for evolutionary studies of spatial memory. In 1978, a game theoretical paper started the era of modern studies by establishing that a recovery advantage is necessary for individual hoarders for the evolution of a hoarding strategy. The same year, a combined theoretical and empirical study on scatter hoarding squirrels investigated how caches should be spaced out in order to minimize cache loss, a phenomenon sometimes called optimal cache density theory. Since then, the scatter hoarding paradigm has branched into a number of different fields: (i) theoretical and empirical studies of the evolution of hoarding, (ii) field studies with modern sampling methods, (iii) studies of the precise nature of the caching memory, (iv) a variety of studies of caching memory and its relationship to the hippocampus. Scatter hoarding has also been the subject of studies of (v) coevolution between scatter hoarding animals and the plants that are dispersed by these.  相似文献   

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