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何首乌不同器官和组织中蒽醌和芪类化合物的分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨何首乌(Polygonum multiflorumThunb.)不同营养器官和组织中葸醌类和芪类化合物的分布,为合理利用何首乌提供科学依据。方法采用数码显微鉴定和TLC对何首乌的不同器官和组织部位进行了比较研究。结果从器官来看,何首乌藤茎、地下茎和块根中均含有蒽醌(大黄素和大黄素甲醚)和芪类(2,3,5,4’-四羟基二苯乙烯-2-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷)而叶和嫩茎则不含;从组织部位来看,蒽醌类成分主要分布于韧皮部,而芪类成分主要分布于周皮和韧皮部,木质部最少。结论蒽醌类和芪类成分的产生与周皮的形成有一定的关系,蒽醌类化合物的含量可能与韧皮部的发达程度有关,芪类化合物主要产生和贮藏于薄壁细胞中。  相似文献   

六盘山鸡爪大黄蒽醌类化合物积累特征的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用多种组织化学方法研究了六盘山鸡爪大黄营养器官中蒽醌类化合物的积累特征.结果显示:蒽醌类化合物在根中分布于周皮的木栓层和栓内层、次生维管组织的维管射线和根中央的部分木薄壁细胞内,且维管射线是根中贮藏和积累蒽醌类化合物的主要组织;在根茎中分布于周皮的木栓层和栓内层、次生维管组织的形成层和维管射线,以及髓的异常维管束射线中,且维管射线是根茎中贮藏和积累蒽醌类化合物的主要组织;在茎中主要分布于表皮、近表皮皮层和维管束的维管束鞘及其薄壁细胞,大型和小型维管束之间和周围的部分薄壁细胞,以及髓射线中有不同程度的分布;在叶中主要积累在叶柄的表皮、叶柄和大叶脉的部分基本组织、维管束的部分薄壁细胞等部位.结果表明,六盘山鸡爪大黄的根和根茎是蒽醌类化合物贮藏和积累的主要器官,维管射线是其贮藏和积累的主要组织,而且各营养器官中蒽醌类化合物积累的数量与植物各相关器官组织的发育程度、细胞中含淀粉粒的多少存在着一定的相关性.  相似文献   

章英才  黄新玲 《西北植物学报》2007,27(10):2016-2023
采用多种组织化学方法研究了六盘山鸡爪大黄营养器官中蒽醌类化合物的积累特征。结果显示:蒽醌类化合物在根中分布于周皮的木栓层和栓内层、次生维管组织的维管射线和根中央的部分木薄壁细胞内,且维管射线是根中贮藏和积累蒽醌类化合物的主要组织;在根茎中分布于周皮的木栓层和栓内层、次生维管组织的形成层和维管射线,以及髓的异常维管束射线中,且维管射线是根茎中贮藏和积累蒽醌类化合物的主要组织;在茎中主要分布于表皮、近表皮皮层和维管束的维管束鞘及其薄壁细胞,大型和小型维管束之间和周围的部分薄壁细胞,以及髓射线中有不同程度的分布;在叶中主要积累在叶柄的表皮、叶柄和大叶脉的部分基本组织、维管束的部分薄壁细胞等部位。结果表明,六盘山鸡爪大黄的根和根茎是蒽醌类化合物贮藏和积累的主要器官,维管射线是其贮藏和积累的主要组织,而且各营养器官中蒽醌类化合物积累的数量与植物各相关器官组织的发育程度、细胞中含淀粉粒的多少存在着一定的相关性。  相似文献   

六盘山鸡爪大黄根蒽醌类化合物组织化学定位的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
章英才  黄新玲 《植物研究》2008,28(3):375-379
采用组织化学方法研究了六盘山鸡爪大黄根蒽醌类化合物的组织化学定位特征及贮藏和积累的规律。结果表明:蒽醌类化合物在根内的贮藏是多位点的,在根周皮的木栓层和栓内层、次生维管组织的维管射线和根中央的部分木薄壁细胞内不同程度地贮藏和积累了一定数量的蒽醌类化合物,次生木质部的木射线和次生韧皮部的韧皮射线是主要贮藏和积累的部位,早期形成的维管射线中蒽醌类化合物的含量较晚期形成的射线含量高。  相似文献   

研究了外源激素对液体培养何首乌毛状根生长及其蒽醌类化合物生物合成的影响。结果表明外源激素2,4-D、NAA和6-BA对何首乌毛状根的生长及蒽醌生物合成有较大的影响。在MS培养基中添加2,4-D对何首乌毛状根的生长和蒽醌类化合物的生物合成有很强的抑制作用,而添加适量浓度NAA和6-BA则可促进何首乌毛状根的生长以及蒽醌类物质的生物合成。  相似文献   

发酵法炮制何首乌的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了筛选出可以专一性降解何首乌中蒽醌类成分而不破坏其有效成分二苯乙烯苷的菌种,降低何首乌的毒副作用,我们建立了一种炮制何首乌的新方法.采用HPLC法和UV分光光度计法,对不同菌株发酵的何首乌样品及其发酵前后的化学成分进行比较分析.结果显示:米根霉(Rhizojpus oryzae)、菌株YMS-010(Mucor.sp.)发酵样品的游离型总蒽醌、大黄素、大黄素甲醚的含量均有较大幅度的降低.菌株YMS-006(Aspergillus)、黑曲霉(Aapergillus nigers)、酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)三株菌株发酵何首乌样品有未知成分产生,且含量较高.通过筛选发现米根霉、菌株YMS-006具有专一性降解蒽醌类成分而不破坏二苯乙烯苷的能力,获得了具有发酵炮制作用的菌株.  相似文献   

为探讨微生物发酵炮制何首乌的机制,采用HPLC考察何首乌微生物发酵前后二苯乙烯苷类和蒽醌类化学成分的变化。何首乌经米根霉发酵后,产生了新的蒽醌类成分大黄素-6-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷,而二苯乙烯苷类成分无变化。同时药理研究发现,大黄素-6-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷对家兔肠平滑肌的收缩作用弱于大黄素。由此推断,在何首乌发酵炮制过程中,米根霉可催化大黄素转化为大黄素-6-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷,从而降低何首乌的泻下作用。实验结果初步验证了微生物发酵炮制何首乌的科学性。  相似文献   

虎杖(Polygonum cuspidatum Sidb.et Zucc.)为蓼科多年生灌木状草本。其根茎入药。主要化学成分有蒽醌、萘醌、酚类和多糖化合物;其中蒽醌类化合物是虎杖的主要药用有效成分,包括大黄素、大黄酚,大黄素甲醚和大黄酸等。虎杖的蒽醌类化合物具显著的抗病毒、抗菌和消炎作用;并可保护心肌,防止血栓形成,改善微循环,提高细胞免疫力,也是致癌基因转导信号的抑制因子。关于虎杖蒽醌类化合物细胞化学研究尚未见报道。刘文哲等曾对贯叶连翘分泌结构中金丝桃素和大黄中蒽醌类同化合物进行了组织化学研究。本文对不同生长期虎杖的根茎以及同  相似文献   

青海栽培何首乌中蒽醌类成分的含量动态变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用RP-HPLC方法研究不同生长年份的栽培何首乌药用部位中蒽醌类物质的动态变化规律,来确定何首乌的最佳采收年份,为青海栽培何首乌作为药用提供科学依据.试验结果表明:不同采收年份的栽培何首乌药材中蒽醌类物质以8年生的含量最高.  相似文献   

中国蓼科植物化学成分研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国有蓼科植物13属约235种,37变种.通过对已报道的蓼科植物的化学成分综述分析,表明:大黄属、何首乌属、虎杖属与酸模属都含有蒽醌类化合物(如大黄素、大黄酸、大黄酚等);而养麦属与蓼属富含黄酮类化合物,极少有蒽醌类存在.蓼科植物化学成分主要为蒽醌类和黄酮类,鞣质在该科中普遍存在;生物碱很少、有些属还含有芪类.  相似文献   

目的:克隆壳聚糖酶基因于大肠杆菌中实现高表达,制备壳寡糖。方法:以枯草芽孢杆菌总DNA为模板扩增壳聚糖酶基因(CSN),克隆至载体pET23a(+)上,转化菌株BL21(DE3)。重组子经0.5 mmol/L IPTG诱导后,SDS-PAGE和质谱检测与鉴定重组酶。酶纯化后水解壳聚糖,薄层色谱分析其水解产物。结果:质谱证明壳聚糖酶(31.5kDa)成功表达,表达量占菌体总蛋白的45%左右。纯化后重组酶浓度为900 mg/L,纯度95%、回收率85%,酶活力为10 000 U/mg。壳聚糖降解产物为壳二糖至壳四糖。结论:原核表达载体pET23a(+)-CSN构建正确,壳聚糖酶表达量与活性高,适用于水解壳聚糖制备壳寡糖。  相似文献   

国内外蝗害治理技术现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张龙 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):804-810
本文首先概述了国内外蝗虫发生与为害的态势,总结了现阶段我国蝗虫发生与为害的主要特点:即农田飞蝗暴发频繁而且严重,草原土蝗的发生时常造成严重的经济损失,而且侵入城市干扰市民生活,我国与周边国家之间蝗虫过境迁移频繁,使用化学农药污染环境和农产品;分析了国内外蝗虫防治对策与技术的发展现状,重点介绍了应急防治和可持续治理对策、...  相似文献   

The molecular characterisation of species and genotypes of Cryptosporidium and Giardia is essential for accurately identifying organisms and assessing zoonotic transmission. Results of recent molecular epidemiological studies strongly suggest that zoonotic transmission plays an important role in cryptosporidiosis epidemiology. In such cases the most prevalent zoonotic species is Cryptosporidium parvum. Genotyping and subtyping data suggest that zoonotic transmission is not as prevalent in the epidemiology of giardiasis. Molecular characterisation of Cryptosporidium and Giardia is a relatively recent application that is evolving as new genes are found that increase the accuracy of identification while discovering a greater diversity of species and yet unnamed taxa within these two important genera. As molecular data accumulate, our understanding of the role of zoonotic transmission in epidemiology and clinical manifestations is becoming clearer.  相似文献   

Today, serious health problems as overweight and obesity are not just constricted to the developed world, but also increase in the developing countries (Prentice 2006, Ramachandram et al. 2002). Focusing on this issue, BMI and percentage of body fat were compared in 2094 schoolchildren from two cross-sectional studies from India and Germany investigated in 2008 and 2009. The German children are in all age groups significantly taller, whereas the Indian children show higher values in BMI (e.g. 12 years: Indian: around 22 kg/m2; German: around 19 kg/m2) and in the percentage of body fat (e.g. 12 years: Indian: around 27%; German: around 18-20%) in most of the investigated age groups. The Indian children have significantly higher BMI between 10 and 13 (boys) respectively 14 years (girls). Indian children showed significant higher percentage of body fat between 10 and 15 years (boys) and between 8 and 16 years (girls). The difference in overweight between Indian and German children was strongest at 11 (boys) and 12 (girls) years: 70% of the Indian but 20% of the German children were classified as overweight. In countries such as India that undergo nutritional transition, a rapid increase in obesity and overweight is observed. In contrast to the industrialized countries, the risk of overweight in developing countries is associated with high socioeconomic status. Other reasons of the rapid increase of overweight in the developing countries caused by different environmental or genetic factors are discussed.  相似文献   

The concentration of carnitine in liver increased 28-fold and urinary carnitine excretion 5-fold in alloxan-diabetic sheep. In contrast there were no similar increases in alloxan-diabetic rats. The creatine content of liver decreased 3-fold and creatine excretion decreased 2-fold in diabetic sheep. In contrast the creatine content of liver increased nearly 4-fold in diabetic rats with no change in creatine excretion. The marked increased in production of carnitine by the liver of the diabetic sheep appears possible because of decreased production and excretion of creatine.  相似文献   

The nanomechanical properties of the coiled-coils of myosin are fundamentally important in understanding muscle assembly and contraction. Force spectra of single molecules of double-headed myosin, single-headed myosin, and coiled-coil tail fragments were acquired with an atomic force microscope and displayed characteristic triphasic force-distance responses to stretch: a rise phase (R) and a plateau phase (P) and an exponential phase (E). The R and P phases arise mainly from the stretching of the coiled-coils, with the hinge region being the main contributor to the rise phase at low force. Only the E phase was analyzable by the worm-like chain model of polymer elasticity. Restrained molecular mechanics simulations on an existing x-ray structure of scallop S2 yielded force spectra with either two or three phases, depending on the mode of stretch. It revealed that coiled-coil chains separate completely near the end of the P phase and the stretching of the unfolded chains gives rise to the E phase. Extensive conformational searching yielded a P phase force near 40 pN that agreed well with the experimental value. We suggest that the flexible and elastic S2 region, particularly the hinge region, may undergo force-induced unfolding and extend reversibly during actomyosin powerstroke.  相似文献   

The synthesis and turnover of cerebrosides and phospholipids was followed in microsomal and myelin fractions of developing and adult rat brains after an intracerebral injection of [U-14C]serine. The kinetics of incorporation of radioactivity into microsomal and myelin cerebrosides indicate the possibility of a precursor-product relationship between cerebrosides of these membranes. The specific radioactivity of myelin cerebrosides was corrected for the deposition of newly formed cerebrosides in myelin. Multiphasic curves were obtained for the decline in specific radioactivity of myelin and microsomal cerebrosides, suggesting different cerebroside pools in these membranes. The half-life of the fast turning-over pool of cerebrosides of myelin was 7 and 22 days for the developing and adult rat brain respectively. The half-life of the slowly turning-over pool of myelin cerebrosides was about 145 days for both groups of animals. The half-life of the rapidly turning-over microsomal cerebrosides was calculated to be 20 and 40 h for the developing and adult animals respectively. The half-life of the intermediate and slowly turning-over microsomal cerebrosides was 11 and 60 days respectively, for both groups of animals. The amount of incorporation of radioactivity into microsomal cerebrosides from L-serine was greatly decreased in the adult animals, and greater amounts of the precursor were directed towards the synthesis of phosphatidylserine. In the developing animals, considerable amounts of cerebrosides were synthesized from L-serine, besides phosphatidylserine. The time-course of incorporation indicated that a precursor-product relationship exists between microsomal and myelin phosphatidylserine. The half-life of microsomal phosphatidylserine was calculated to be about 8 h for the fast turning-over pool in both groups of animals.  相似文献   

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