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目的:回顾分析24例子宫肌瘤伴月经过多患者入介治疗疗效和子宫动脉栓塞安全性。方法:选择24例子宫肌瘤伴月经过多患者进行子宫肌瘤供血动脉的栓塞。结果:插管栓塞动脉率100%,随访20年。治疗后1月,24例患者经月经明显减少,B超随访,3个月子宫肌瘤体积平均缩小30%,随访2年,其中2例行腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤经阴道摘除术,6例子宫肌瘤消失,16例子宫肌瘤体积平均缩小80%,结论:子宫肌瘤行介入治疗疗效肯定,对粘膜下子宫肌瘤及子宫肌瘤伴月经过多患者尤为适宜。  相似文献   

目的:研究子宫动脉栓塞术(UAE)治疗子宫肌瘤的安全性和临床应用价值,材料和方法:25例经临床,B超证实的子宫肌瘤患者,平均年龄43.5岁,主要临床表现为月经量增多21例,贫血16例,有压迫症状4例,选择性双侧子宫动脉插管造影,用聚己烯已醇海绵(PVA)颗粒栓塞该动脉。结果:UAE后第3,6个月随访,所有患者月经量均恢复正常,15例贫血,4例压迫症状者均缓解,第3,6个月B超复查子宫肌瘤体积分别缩小47.37%和51.31%,与UAE产比较有显著差异(P<0.01),缺血性盆腔疼痛(92%)是最常见的副反应,UAE后卵巢体积均无显著缩小(P>0.05),结论:介入性双侧子宫动脉栓塞术治疗子宫肌瘤是一种微创,安全的手术,可保留子宫及其功能,其近期疗效显著,子宫动脉栓塞治疗子宫肌瘤具有重要的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

陶智慧  李楠  梅松原  宁志方  马勇  巩芳伟 《生物磁学》2013,(34):6726-6728,6752
目的:本文采用双侧子宫动脉化疗栓塞术治疗子宫瘢痕妊娠,通过讨论其临床疗效、术后并发症及愈后情况,旨在为临床治疗子宫瘢痕妊娠提供一种安全、有效、合理的治疗方法。方法:对27例确诊为子宫瘢痕妊娠的患者采用seldinger技术穿刺股动脉,在DSA监视下,分别超选择双侧子宫动脉,各灌注甲氨蝶呤20mg,再注入明胶海绵颗粒栓塞至子宫动脉完全闭塞。3~5天后,在硬膜外麻醉及彩超监视下行宫腔镜病灶切除术。术后随访3~6个月,观察月经恢复情况。结果:本组所有患者均一次性栓塞治疗成功,造影显示子宫动脉闭塞良好,患者阴道不规则出血迅速停止。宫腔镜病灶切除术中出血极少,无子宫破裂、大出血等严重并发症发生。术后5~10天,所有患者血hCG均恢复至正常水平;随访3~6个月,所有患者月经均恢复正常。结论:子宫动脉化疗栓塞术治疗子宫瘢痕妊娠损伤小、安全有效,可以减少子宫破裂、大出血等严重并发症发生,保留患者子宫及附件的正常解剖及生理功能,尤其适用于有生育要求的妇女,适合临床广泛应用。  相似文献   

目的探索巨块型原发性肝癌介入栓塞治疗的疗效。方法89例巨块型原发性肝癌患者,经皮股动脉穿刺插管至肝动脉,化疗栓塞治疗肝癌;碘油用量为20~50ml。再注入明胶海绵颗粒栓塞治疗。发现肝外肿瘤供血动脉,超选择捅管化疗栓塞后,注入适量明胶海绵栓塞治疗。结果本组病例中首次DSA造影发现11例存在肝外动脉供血;64例出现肝外供血动脉共计67支。术后甲胎球蛋白下降均〉50%。术后4~6周复查田,肿瘤最大直径缩小3.5~5.9cm。1、2、3年累计生存率分别为73.8%、48.3%和28.5%。结论巨块型原发性肝癌大剂量碘油栓塞联合肝外肿瘤供血动脉介入治疗,对于提高巨块型原发性肝癌的介入疗效具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨子宫动脉化疗栓塞术治疗胎盘植入的临床疗效及预后。方法:以胎盘植入患者61例为研究对象,按治疗方式不同分为保守治疗组31例和化疗栓塞组30例。保守治疗组仅单纯口服米非司酮治疗,而化疗栓塞组采用子宫动脉化疗栓塞术进行治疗。比较两组患者的临床疗效、手术时间、出血量、输血量、住院时间、胎盘排出和月经复潮时间,术后并发症的发生情况,并随访术后1年患者的月经情况和妊娠情况。结果:经子宫动脉化疗栓塞术后29例成功止血,有1例未能止血而行子宫切除术。栓塞术后未出现器官局部缺血坏死、神经损伤等严重并发症,发热、下腹痛为常见并发症。而保守治疗组的31例患者中,因治疗失败导致切除子宫的7例,仅24例有效保留子宫,成功率仅77.4%,严重影响患者以后的生育能力。6例发生宫腔感染,4例发生宫腔粘连。子宫动脉化疗栓塞组β-HCG恢复正常时间、输血量、胎盘完全清除时间、月经异常的发生情况均优于保守治疗组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。对子宫动脉化疗栓塞术组患者进行为期1年的随访,14例患者在术后1个月后有胎盘组织自阴道排出,有11例患者2个月后发现胎盘残留,予以清宫术,除3例失访病例,其余患者在随访时间内恢复正常月经,并有2例再次妊娠者。结论:采用子宫动脉化疗栓塞术治疗胎盘植入,其术前准备时间和手术时间均短,出血控制迅速且并发症少,有助于保留患者的子宫,提高患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的:总结先天性支气管动脉-肺动脉瘘患儿的临床特点及诊治经验,探讨介入治疗支气管动脉-肺动脉瘘所致咯血的安全性及有效性。方法:回顾性分析我院自2009年7月至2017年6月收治的先天性支气管动脉-肺动脉瘘所致咯血患儿36例,行支气管动脉数字减影血管造影(DSA),选择300-700μm聚乙烯醇(PVA)微栓颗粒或微球颗粒行支气管动脉栓塞术治疗,评价疗效,患者在术后1个月、3个月、半年、1年门诊复查。结果:多层螺旋CT血管造影(MSCTA)显示支气管动脉-肺动脉瘘直接征象的诊出率为55.5%(20/36),16例为假阴性(44.4%),未发现假阳性病例;36例患者栓塞术后治疗即刻成功率为100%,复发率13.9%(5/36),复发时间出现于术后2-6个月,表现为再次咯血,但咯血量较初次封堵前减少,均行二次栓塞术。结论:介入治疗对于支气管动脉-肺动脉瘘所致咯血是一种创伤小、操作简便、疗效明确、并发症少的治疗方法。为进一步减少复发风险,患者术前应仔细进行MSCTA检查,行全面DSA下血管造影,根据患者病变血管情况选择合适的永久栓塞剂,运用恰当的栓塞技术。  相似文献   

目的:探讨血清血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、胰岛素样生长因子-1(IGF-1)和CA125水平和子宫动脉栓塞术(UAE)治疗子宫腺肌症的之间的相关性。方法:选择接受子宫动脉栓塞术治疗的39例子宫腺肌症患者作为患者组,取同时期参加健康体检的30名健康者作为健康对照组。用ELISA法检测子宫腺肌症患者子宫动脉栓塞术前和术后不同时点血清VEGF、IGF-1、CA125的水平,评估子宫动脉栓塞术后的患者的疗效。结果:34例痛经患者术后1个月开始改善,最终29例完全缓解,有效率85.2%。患者组治疗前血清VEGF、IGF-1、CA125水平均显著高于健康对照组(P0.05)。子宫动脉栓塞术治疗后,患者组血清IGF-1、VEGF和CA125的水平与治疗前相比均显著降低,术后6月,恢复正常水平。结论:血清IGF-1、VEGF、CA125的变化可能在子宫动脉栓塞术治疗子宫腺肌症中作为疗效和预后评估指标。  相似文献   

陈丽  梁明  吕国军  王为  马小军  韩雅玲 《生物磁学》2013,(30):5864-5868
目的:探讨在战争或自然灾害等野战条件下,使用综合手术介入方舱,现场对脾脏实施快速微创介入栓塞的可行性及效果,对比分析综合手术救治方舱内采用不同栓塞材料介入救治脾破裂的适应症及有效性、安全性。方法:采用Seldinger技术,经股动脉插管至脾动脉,行数字减影血管造影术(DSA),显示出血动脉,然后超选择插管至该动脉,经导管注入不同类型栓塞剂以栓塞出血动脉。术后观察不同栓塞剂成功封堵受损血管所用时间,封堵时造影剂用量,封堵效果。结果:手术均成功,止血效果确切,无严重并发症。术后观察2周动物无死亡。结论:综合手术救治方舱具有良好的机动性和较强的自然环境适应能力,灾难现场应用综合手术救治方舱开展血管损伤应急介入救治具有可行性。根据血管损伤的不同类型,恰当选择不同类型的栓塞剂,可以取得很好的疗效。  相似文献   

目的:探讨已破裂后交通动脉瘤的血管内栓塞介入治疗的临床疗效.方法:对73例血管内介入栓塞治疗已破裂后交通动脉瘤患者资料回顾分析,观察临床治疗效果.结果:所有患者均成功栓塞,获100%栓塞35个(47.9%),95%栓塞24个(32.9%),90%栓塞13个(17.8%),80%栓塞1个(1.4%),发生并发症6例(8.2%),术后随访未见复发病例(0.0%).结论:已破裂后交通动脉的血管内介入栓塞治疗是一种微创、安全、有效的方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用介入技术,超选择支气管动脉,行PVA颗粒栓塞治疗急性大咯血的治疗价值.方法:对我院2001年以来34例采用PVA颗粒栓塞的大咯血病人的术后反应.并发症发生情况及止血情况进行随访和回顾性分析.结果:所有病人均为一次性栓塞成功,术后随访时间长迭36个月,随访率达100%.除一例肺癌病人因咯血死亡外,未发现复发性咯血.术后病人出现胸部疼痛症状,短期内对证治疗可以缓解.未见明显并发症发生.结论:应用PVA颗粒栓塞支气管动脉是治疗急性大咯血的一种有效方法.  相似文献   

The diagnosis and treatment of uterine leiomyoma are topical problems of modern gynecology and radiodiagnosis. Organ-saving treatments for uterine myoma, one of which is uterine artery embolization, are gaining wide acceptance now. The objective of the study was to increase the informative value of ultrasound study to predict the uterine myoma after uterine artery embolization. One hundred uterine myoma patients aged 20 to 52 years were examined. Small pelvic Doppler ultrasonography was carried out in all the patients. The reduction of myomatous nodules was estimated after uterine artery embolization. The decrease in uterine myoma sizes was found to be due to the reduction in their vascularization and the occurrence of ischemia with degeneration in the myoma. Ultrasonography was found to be most accessible and informative in the prognostic and postoperative evaluation of the efficiency of X-ray endovascular treatment for uterine myoma.  相似文献   

The study intends to investigate the regulation of syndecan-1 in human uterine leiomyoma cells. Human syndecan-1 levels were detected by Western blot in uterus leimyoma''s tissue. The efficacy of syndecan-1 silencing on the cell proliferation, metalloproteinases and extracellular matrix were determined through Cell Counting Kit (CCK8) assay and Western blot assay, respectively. We compared the respective and combined effect of mifepristone and syndecan-1 on cell proliferation and the expression of metalloproteinases and extracellular matrix (ECM) in human uterine leiomyoma cells. The inhibitory effects of Syndecan-1 silencing on proliferation, ECM and Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) were observed in human uterine leiomyoma cells. Furthermore, syndecan-1 inhibition enhanced the effects of mifepristone against uterine leiomyoma cell proliferation. The expression of MMPs and ECM components in human uterine leiomyoma cells was decreased dramatically after syndecan-1 silencing, which was promoted after mifepristone treatment. Altogether, syndecan-1 silencing enhanced the efficacy of mifepristone on the uterine leiomyoma cell proliferation and ECM formation. Therefore, targeting syndecan-1 represents a novel therapeutic strategy to treat uterine leiomyoma.  相似文献   

Uterine leiomyoma, commonly known as fibroids, is a benign neoplasm of smooth muscle in women. The incidence of clinically symptomatic fibroids in reproductive-age women is approximately 20 %, with nearly 80 % of black women suffering from this condition. Symptoms include severe pain and hemorrhage; fibroids are also a major cause of infertility or sub-fertility in women. Uterine leiomyoma consist of hyperplastic smooth muscle cells and an excess deposition of extracellular matrix, specifically collagen, fibronectin, and sulfated proteoglycans. Extracellular matrix components interact and signal through integrin-β1 on the surface of uterine leiomyoma smooth muscle cells, provide growth factor storage, and act as co-receptors for growth factor-receptor binding. ECM and growth factor signaling through integrin-β1 and growth factor receptors significantly increases cell proliferation and ECM deposition in uterine leiomyoma. Growth factors TGF-β, IGF, PDGF, FGF and EGF are all shown to promote uterine leiomyoma progression and signal through multiple pathways to increase the expression of genes encoding matrix or matrix-modifying proteins. Decreasing integrin expression, reducing growth factor action and inhibiting ECM action on uterine leiomyoma smooth muscle cells are important opportunities to treat uterine leiomyoma without use of the current surgical procedures. Both natural compounds and chemicals are shown to decrease fibrosis and uterine leiomyoma progression, but further analysis is needed to make inroads in treating this common women’s health issue.  相似文献   

Embolization of internal iliac and uterine arteries is one of the surgical treatments for hemorrhages that complicate the course of uterine myoma, cancer diseases and medical treatment-unresponsive conditions. Endovascular hemostasis was performed in 24 patients. The causes of hemorrhage were uterine myoma with intramural or submucous nodal location in 15 patients, cancer of the uterus corpus in 6 patients, cancer of the uterus cervix in 2, and uterine sarcoma with tumor grown in the adjacent organs in 1. In all cases, free Gianturco-type spirals were used for embolization of internal iliac and ulterine arteries. For better visualization and superselective catheterization of uterine arteries, a study was performed in the right or light oblique projections at an angle of 20-25 degrees. After embolization of iliac and uterine arteries, hemostasis was attained in all patients. At the same time there were no complications. Thus, embolization of uterine arteries is a safe and highly effective alternative to radical surgical intervention in patients with acute gynecological disease complicated by bleeding, which provides effective hemostasis and permits either avoidance of surgical intervention or a significant reduction in the volume of intraoperative blood loss.  相似文献   

米菲司酮不同剂量治疗子宫肌瘤的临床疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察米菲司酮不同给药剂量治疗子宫肌瘤的临床疗效。方法将子宫肌瘤患者分成两组,A组25例,每天服用米菲司酮25mg,B组21例,每天服用米菲司酮10mg,均从月经第一天开始服用,连续三个月。治疗期间每月复查肝、肾功能,治疗开始和结束分别测量子宫和子宫肌瘤的体积和内膜厚度。结果A组肌瘤体积缩小了42.58%(P<0.01),B组肌瘤缩小了41.55%(P<0.01),两者之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。而两组的药物副作用也无显著差别。结论每日口服米菲司酮10mg可以有效的缩小子宫肌瘤,副作用小。  相似文献   

Effects of progesterone on growth factor expression in human uterine leiomyoma   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Maruo T  Matsuo H  Shimomura Y  Kurachi O  Gao Z  Nakago S  Yamada T  Chen W  Wang J 《Steroids》2003,68(10-13):817-824
It is now evident that the use of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNg-IUS) is effective for long-term management of menorrhagic women with uterine myomas because of a striking reduction in menorrhagia. This prompted us to characterize the effects of progesterone (P4) on the growth and apoptosis of uterine leiomyoma cells. On the other hand, we have recently noted that epidermal growth factor (EGF) and IGF-I play a crucial role in prompting uterine leiomyoma growth through stimulating the proliferative potential and inhibiting apoptosis of cultured human leiomyoma cells. In the present review, attention was paid to evaluate the effects of P4 on the expression of growth factors (EGF, IGF-I) and apoptosis-related factors (TNFalpha, Bcl-2 protein) in cultured uterine leiomyoma cells. Treatment with P4 augmented EGF and Bcl-2 protein expression, but inhibited IGF-I and TNFalpha expression in cultured leiomyoma cells. It is known that TNFalpha induces apoptosis in a variety of cell types and Bcl-2 protein is an apoptosis-inhibiting gene product. Thus, the results obtained suggest that P4 has dual actions on uterine leiomyoma growth: one is to stimulate leiomyoma cell growth and survival through up-regulating EGF and Bcl-2 protein expression as well as down-regulating TNFalpha expression in those cells, and the other is to inhibit leiomyoma cell growth through down-regulating IGF-I expression in those cells. This may explain why the size of uterine myomas during use of LNg-IUS increases in some but decreases in other instances. This may also explain why the size of uterine myomas during pregnancy does not increase despite the overwhelming increase in circulating concentrations of sex steroid hormones.  相似文献   

The objective was to study the relationship between the polymorphisms of the DNA repair gene XRCC1 Arg399Gln, Arg194Trp, and Arg280His uterine leiomyoma in a Chinese population. In the case–control study, we compared the XRCC1 gene polymorphism of 136 uterine leiomyoma patients and 140 healthy controls by using the polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP). The results suggested that the genotype Arg/Arg of codon 280 was significantly different from its heterozygote (odds ratio [OR] = 3.633, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.147–6.148). In conclusion, the results suggest that polymorphism of XRCC1 Arg280His was associated with the increased risk of uterine leiomyoma in a Chinese population.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for the growth of uterine leiomyoma (a frequent cause of infertility in women) are largely unknown. Some data supports that cAMP plays a role in the growth of uterine cells but there are no reports on the status of the cAMP producing system in this human benign neoplasia. In this study, biopsies from leiomyoma and the adjacent myometrium were taken from menstruating women subjected to total hysterectomy for leiomyoma. Adenylate cyclase activity was determined by a protein-binding method, and the expression of alpha(s), alphai1/2, alphai3 and alphai0) G-protein subunits was analysed by immunoblot. The leiomyoma samples exhibited a decreased expression of as and ai1/2 with respect to the adjacent myometrial tissue. No differences were observed in alphai3 and alphaio protein expression. The basal adenylate cyclase activity as well as the efficacy (as assessed by the maximal stimulation levels) of either forskolin or, to a lesser extent, Gpp[NH]p on stimulation the enzyme activity was significantly lower in leiomyoma than in myometrium, whereas the potency (as assessed by the ED50 values) of these two agents did not vary. Present data indicate that the human leiomyoma is associated with low levels of cAMP. It is conceivable that the loss of sensitivity of adenylate cyclase to endogenous regulatory molecules could be related to the pathogenesis of human leiomyomas given that cAMP inhibits the MAP-kinase cascade in uterine tissues.  相似文献   

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