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为了解2008-2016年广州市外来入侵植物的变化,采用文献查阅和实地考察相结合的方式,近期对广州市外来入侵植物进行了调查。结果表明,2016年广州市外来入侵植物共有38科112属144种,比2008年分别增加了40.7%、89.8%和97.3%。新增加的71种植物主要有豆科(Fabaceae) 14种、菊科(Asteraceae) 13种、旋花科(Convolvulaceae) 6种、禾本科(Poaceae) 6种和茜草科(Rubiaceae) 5种。外来入侵植物主要来源于美洲(共104种),多为陆生草本植物。广州约一半以上的外来植物是通过人为有意引进,进而形成入侵的。恶意和严重入侵的植物种类约占入侵物种总数的40%,表明广州的城市森林生态系统已经面临着严重威胁。因此,需加强对广州市外来植物入侵动态的监测,提高对外来陆生草本植物引入危害风险的评估,并开展对外来入侵植物资源开发和利用的研究,以构建稳定的生态安全格局,保障绿色生态城市建设。  相似文献   

Rivers are conduits for materials and energy; this, the frequent and intense disturbances that these systems experience, and their narrow, linear nature, create problems for conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the face of increasing human influence. In most parts of the world, riparian zones are highly modified. Changes caused by alien plants — or environmental changes that facilitate shifts in dominance creating novel ecosystems — are often important agents of perturbation in these systems. Many restoration projects are underway. Objective frameworks based on an understanding of biogeographical processes at different spatial scales (reach, segment, catchment), the specific relationships between invasive plants and resilience and ecosystem functioning, and realistic endpoints are needed to guide sustainable restoration initiatives. This paper examines the biogeography and the determinants of composition and structure of riparian vegetation in temperate and subtropical regions and conceptualizes the components of resilience in these systems. We consider changes to structure and functioning caused by, or associated with, alien plant invasions, in particular those that lead to breached abiotic‐ or biotic thresholds. These pose challenges when formulating restoration programmes. Pervasive and escalating human‐mediated changes to multiple factors and at a range of scales in riparian environments demand innovative and pragmatic approaches to restoration. The application of a new framework accommodating such complexity is demonstrated with reference to a hypothetical riparian ecosystem under three scenarios: (1) system unaffected by invasive plants; (2) system initially uninvaded, but with flood‐generated incursion of alien plants and escalating invasion‐driven alteration; and (3) system affected by both invasions and engineering interventions. The scheme has been used to derive a decision‐making framework for restoring riparian zones in South Africa and could guide similar initiatives in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The outcomes of ecosystem restoration projects should be periodically monitored to inform subsequent adaptive management decisions. In 2012, a project was begun to remove both invasive alien plants and fish from the Rondegat River in South Africa. Although the initial post‐intervention dynamics of aquatic fauna have been documented, the results of the simultaneous clearing of dense riparian stands of alien trees and shrubs have not been reported. We examined native riparian vegetation recovery over 3 years after alien plant clearing. We documented increased cover of native riparian shrubs, but a simultaneous increase of alien and native weedy grass cover. Secondary invasions, especially by grasses, can have strong effects on ecosystem dynamics and achieving the goals of restoration may therefore require additional active management. Our findings provide an initial baseline reference for future monitoring and adaptive management decisions.  相似文献   

论述中国西南纵向岭谷区外来入侵植物对生物多样性的影响。中国西南纵向岭谷区是我国生物多样性保护的关键地区。目前,该区域已成为外来植物入侵的重灾区,外来入侵植物种类多达70余种,其中,紫茎泽兰Ageratina adenophora(Eupatoriumadenophorum)、飞机草Chromolaena odorata(Eupatorium odoratum)和肿柄菊Tithonia diversifolia等在该区域危害严重,该区域的生态系统的结构与功能遭受破坏,本地物种面临灭绝,农、林、牧生产乃至区域的生态安全受到威胁。该区域的外来入侵植物的危害居全国之冠。研究该区域的外来入侵植物,揭示其危害规律,遏制其危害速度,最终清除该区域的外来入侵植物,恢复该区域的生态平衡,具有十分重要的现实意义和科学价值。文中详细论述了外来入侵植物对植物物种多样性、植物群落多样性、生态系统多样性、农牧业及林业的影响,最后指出消除和控制外来入侵植物的途径。  相似文献   

横断山区为全球生物多样性热点地区之一, 也是全国生态屏障的重要组成部分。新建川藏铁路雅安至昌都段横跨横断山核心地区, 铁路建设形成的交通网络将沿线生物多样性热点区域与外界相连, 导致生物入侵风险陡增。为获得区域内外来入侵植物的种类及分布特征信息, 为即将开始的铁路工程建设、生态保护及生态修复等工作提供参考, 我们在雅安-昌都段内选择43个位点各进行长度1 km、宽度20 m的样线调查。研究结果显示: 雅安-昌都段共发现外来入侵植物58种, 隶属于18科42属, 其中出现频度最高的种类依次是牛膝菊(Galinsoga parviflora)、秋英(Cosmos bipinnatus)和鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)。从危害等级来看, 其中10种为恶性入侵种, 16种为严重入侵种, 8种为局部入侵种, 15种为一般入侵种, 9种为有待观察种, 超过半数种类具有明显入侵性。原产地分析结果显示美洲是该区域外来入侵植物的主要原产地。基于海拔及主要河流区段的比较研究发现: 入侵植物的种类数量呈现出明显的由东向西、由低海拔向高海拔逐渐递减的趋势, 该分布格局是环境因子和人类活动共同作用的结果。结合铁路沿线入侵现状和生境特征, 本文分析了铁路建设可能造成的外来植物入侵风险, 并针对入侵的防范提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

The introduction and spread of invasive alien species is a serious threat to ecosystem structures, functions and services worldwide. At enormous cost and effort, attempts are being made to stop and reduce the ongoing appearance of alien species in ecosystems to protect the regional and native biodiversity. Still, management of invasive alien species in particular is often not successful. One reason is a lack of robust toolkits for the management of these species. Guidance on measures which are efficient and effective and which have no negative impact on the environment and human health is urgently needed for decision-making. As a result of an expert workshop, we present a set of three evaluation criteria: effectiveness, ecological impact, and impact on human health. These criteria allow an evaluation of management measures for the prevention, eradication, control and utilisation/disposal of invasive alien species for nature conservation purposes. We applied this evaluation system for 168 invasive and potentially invasive alien species of five taxonomic groups (fungi, non-vascular plants, vascular plants, invertebrates and vertebrates) involving 3619 different management measures. The evaluation of management measures and resulting recommendations for their application are a necessary basis for appropriate, ecologically necessary and professionally sound management. This new approach provides an essential framework for future decisions on management measures, for example in accordance with the provisions of the new Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species.  相似文献   

南四湖湿地外来入侵植物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王元军 《植物学报》2010,45(2):212-219
南四湖是我国重要的淡水湖泊湿地之一。为阐明南四湖湿地外来植物的现状及入侵规律, 为湿地生态系统的重建、生物多样性的保护和湿地资源开发等提供指导, 通过野外调查和参考有关文献资料, 对南四湖湿地外来植物进行了较为深入的研究, 并与青岛、昆嵛山、滨州沿海三地作了比较。结果表明, 南四湖湿地外来入侵植物有41种, 隶属19科35属; 以菊科和豆科为优势科; 外来入侵物种中热带来源与温带来源比例相当, 人为引入导致的外来入侵植物高达39%。南四湖与沿海三地相比, 沿海三地外来入侵植物的种类均比南四湖湿地多, 其中以经济最发达的青岛种类最多; 青岛外来入侵植物中有35种在南四湖湿地未发现; 南四湖湿地的特有外来入侵植物有5种, 体现出湿地外来入侵植物水生特性。群落相似性分析表明, Jaccard指数和Sorenson指数呈现的规律一致, 南四湖与滨州的相似性最高, 其次为昆嵛山, 与青岛的差异最大。通过分析南四湖湿地外来入侵植物种类和分布规律, 提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

中国外来植物入侵风险评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李惠茹  严靖  杜诚  闫小玲 《生态学报》2022,42(16):6451-6463
对外来植物开展入侵风险评估是防止外来植物入侵最经济有效的措施,能够极大的节约外来种管理的经济和时间成本。研究简述了国内外入侵风险评估系统,从外来物种基础信息缺乏、外来植物的适生区分析不完善、风险评估体系构建不客观、对新近外来种的关注度不够4个方面阐述了我国外来植物风险评估存在的主要问题。并针对存在的问题提出了以下建议:(1)构建外来植物基础信息数据库是风险评估的基础,加强外来植物本底资料的调查与考证,并将外来植物表型数据的积累和分析纳入数据库,使得风险评估有据可依。(2)运用生态位模型进行生态风险分析是风险评估的重点,并将人类活动指标纳入预测模型,揭示人类活动对入侵植物分布格局的影响。(3)建立科学的风险评估系统是核心,包括通过选择风险指标和设置权重来提高评估系统的科学性、构建特定区域或特定生态类型的风险评估体系、根据评估对象的生物学与生态学特征建立符合实际要求的评估标准,实行差别化的风险评估等。(4)加强新近外来植物的管理是关键,应定期野外监测新近外来种的种群动态,定期审查风险评估结果,对高风险的新近外来种进行预警研究将为中国外来植物风险评估体系构建提供重要参考,为入侵植物防控措施的制定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了解华南地区外来植物现状,通过野外调查和查阅文献等,确定华南地区有外来入侵和归化植物45科141属223种,以菊科(Asteraceae,38种)、豆科(Fabaceae,36种)、禾本科(Poaceae,19种)植物为主,其中草本植物和原产美洲的植物占优势,分别有204种(占总数的91.5%)和163种(占73.1%)。广东外来入侵植物有159种,归化植物23种;广西有入侵植物135种,归化植物16种;海南有入侵植物111种,归化种15种;香港有入侵植物105种,归化植物9种;澳门有入侵植物89种,归化种4种;华南5省区共有的外来入侵和归化植物为57种(55种为入侵植物,2种为归化植物)。广东是外来植物种类最多的地区,与其他4省区共有的外来入侵和归化植物种类也最多,说明广东同时是外来植物输入和输出大省。由于气候和生态生境的相似性,各省区都面临着其他植物从周边地区入侵的风险,因此在治理入侵植物时,应建立联合防控机制对外来入侵植物的联合监测和防控,以提升外来入侵植物的治理成效和降低其对人类健康和生态安全的威胁。  相似文献   

Aim Biotic homogenization is a growing phenomenon and has recently attracted much attention. Here, we analyse a large dataset of native and alien plants in North America to examine whether biotic homogenization is related to several ecological and biological attributes. Location North America (north of Mexico). Methods We assembled species lists of native and alien vascular plants for each of the 64 state‐ and province‐level geographical units in North America. Each alien species was characterized with respect to habitat (wetland versus upland), invasiveness (invasive versus non‐invasive), life cycle (annual/biennial versus perennial) and habit (herbaceous versus woody). We calculated a Jaccard similarity index separately for native, for alien, and for native and alien species. We used the average of Jaccard dissimilarity index (1 ? Jaccard index) of all paired localities as a measure of the mean beta diversity of alien species for each set of localities examined in an analysis. We used a homogenization index to quantify the effect of homogenization or differentiation. Results We found that (1) wetland, invasive, annual/biennial and herbaceous alien plants markedly homogenized the state‐level floras whereas non‐invasive and woody alien plants tended to differentiate the floras; (2) beta diversity was significantly lower for wetland, invasive, annual/biennial and herbaceous alien plants than their counterparts (i.e. upland, non‐invasive, perennial and woody alien plants, respectively); and (3) upland and perennial alien plants each played an equal role in homogenizing and differentiating the state‐level floras. Main conclusions Our study shows that biotic homogenization is clearly related to habitat type (e.g. wetland versus uplands), species invasiveness and life‐history traits such as life cycle (e.g. annual/biennial and herbaceous versus woody species) at the spatial scale examined. These observations help to understand the process of biotic homogenization resulting from alien vascular plants in North America.  相似文献   

修晨  肖荣波  陈三雄  张晖 《生态学报》2020,40(23):8377-8391
通过总结粤港澳大湾区、东京湾区和旧金山湾区等国内外主要湾区的生态系统特征、生态修复理论和实践研究进展,在辨析生态修复概念内涵的基础上,基于Meta-Analysis及综合分析方法,分析了生态系统退化机制及驱动因子,归纳总结湾区生态修复的主要理论基础、技术模式及案例。结果表明:(1)国内外三大主要湾区的生态系统特征为森林占比最高,其次是农田和草地占比,城镇占比第三。森林一般分布在湾区外围,城镇分布在湾区内核河口三角洲附近。(2)湾区生态修复理论包括以恢复生态学、景观生态学和复合生态系统生态学为基础的三种修复理论,生态修复的类别分为补救修复、改善修复、生态恢复和复垦等。(3)湾区生态修复技术模式包括主动修复、被动修复和重建等三类技术模式。在总结梳理生态修复理论和技术模式的基础上,结合当前国内生态修复存在问题,本文提出我国和广东省开展生态修复实践的建议和展望,以期为粤港澳大湾区生态修复提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

Conservation ecology is a new paradigm of ecology that aims at scientific contributions to maintaining earth's biodiversity and is committed to ecosystem management indispensable to intergenerational long-term sustainability. Population ecology plays a central role in conservation ecology. Persistence of the metapopulation rather than that of each local population should be pursued in species conservation management. Biological interactions essential to reproduction and soil seed bank components of the population should be investigated and applied to planning for the conservation of a plant population. Gravelly floodplains and moist tall grasslands are among typical riparian habitats containing many threatened plants in Japan. These riparian habitats are now subjected not only to heavy fragmentation but also to intensive invasion of highly competitive alien (nonnative) plants. Extreme habitat isolation may result in reproductive failure or fertility selection in a plant population without pollinators, as exemplified by a nature reserve population of Primula sieboldii. Biological invasions, which are facilitated by extensive changes in the river environment including decreased seasonal flooding, abandonment of traditional vegetation management, eutrophication, and extensive clearing of the land for recreational use, threaten endemic riparian species. To preserve safe sites and growing conditions for threatened plants such as Aster kantoensis, active management to suppress the dominance of alien invader plants is necessary. Population management and habitat restoration should be based on sound information on the population ecology of both threatened and alien invader plants, designed as an ecological experiment to clarify effective ways for management. Received: September 18, 1998 / Revised: October 22, 2001 / Accepted: October 23, 2001  相似文献   

海南省3个国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物的调查和分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
通过野外实地调查,对海南省的3个国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物的种类数量和分布现状进行了调查分析。结果表明,铜鼓岭、东寨港和大田3个国家级自然保护区内的外来入侵植物分别为35、38和37种,总计18科55种,入侵途径以无意传播为主。绝大多数外来入侵植物已在保护区内建立稳定的繁殖种群,其中飞机草(Eupatorium odoratum L.)、假臭草(Eupatorium catarium Veldkamp.)、胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides L.)、刺花莲子草(Alternanthera pungens H.B.K.)、曼陀罗(Datura stramonium L.)、龙珠果(Passiflora foetida L.)及仙人掌[Opuntia stricta(Haw.)Haw.]等7种外来入侵植物对保护区生态环境及生物多样性的危害和影响最大。依据保护区内外来入侵植物的特点和生态影响,提出了一些有效的管理措施和防治建议。  相似文献   

Restoration is gaining importance in the management of plant invasions. As the success of restoration projects is frequently determined by factors other than ecological ones, we explored the ecological and financial feasibility of active restoration on three different invaded sites in South Africa's Cape Floristic Region. The aim of our study was to identify cost-effective ways of restoring functional native ecosystems following invasion by alien plants. Over three years we evaluated different restoration approaches using field trials and experimental manipulations (i.e. mechanical clearing, burning, different soil restoration techniques and sowing of native species) to reduce elevated soil nutrient levels and to re-establish native fynbos communities. Furthermore we investigated the possibility of introducing native fynbos species that can be used for sustainable harvesting to create an incentive for restoration on private land.Diversity and evenness of native plant species increased significantly after restoration at all three sites, whereas cover of alien plants decreased significantly, confirming that active restoration was successful. However, sowing of native fynbos species had no significant effect on native cover, species richness, diversity or evenness in the Acacia thicket and Kikuyu field, implying that the ecosystem was sufficiently resilient to allow autogenic recovery following clearing and burning of the invasive species. Soil restoration treatments resulted in an increase of available nitrogen in the Acacia thicket, but had no significant effects in the Eucalyptus plantation. However, despite elevated available soil nitrogen levels, native species germinated irrespective whether sown or unsown (i.e. regeneration from the soil seed bank).Without active introduction of native species, native grasses, forbs and other shrubs would have dominated, and proteoids and ericoids (the major fynbos growth forms) would have been under-represented.The financial analysis shows that income from flower harvesting following active restoration consistently outweighs income following passive restoration, but that the associated increase in income does not always justify the higher costs. We conclude that active restoration can be effective and financially feasible when compared to passive restoration, depending on the density of invasion. Active restoration of densely invaded sites may therefore only be justifiable if the target area is in a region of high conservation priority.  相似文献   

Four opportunities for studies of ecological succession   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lessons learned from the study of ecological succession have much to offer contemporary environmental problem solving but these lessons are being underutilized. As anthropogenic disturbances increase, succession is more relevant than ever. In this review, we suggest that succession is particularly suitable to address concerns about biodiversity loss, climate change, invasive species, and ecological restoration. By incorporating modern experimental techniques and linking results across environmental gradients with meta-analyses, studies of succession can substantially improve our understanding of other ecological phenomena. Succession can help predict changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services impacted by invasive species and climate change and guide manipulative responses to these disruptions by informing restoration efforts. Succession is still a critical, integrative concept that is central to ecology.  相似文献   

河岸带生态系统退化机制及其恢复研究进展   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
恢复和重建自然和人为干扰导致的退化河岸带生态系统是目前恢复生态学、流域生态学等学科研究的重要内容之一.对河岸带生态系统的干扰表现在河流水文特征改变、河岸带直接干扰和流域尺度干扰3个方面,分别具有不同的影响机制.河流水文特征改变通过改变河岸土壤湿度、氧化还原电位、生物生存环境以及沉积物传输规律对河岸带生态系统产生影响;河岸带直接干扰通过人类活动及外来物种入侵而直接影响河岸带植被多样性;流域尺度干扰则主要表现在河道刷深、河道淤积、河岸带地下水位降低和河流冲刷过程改变等.河岸带生态恢复评价对象包括河岸带生态系统各要素,评价指标已从单一的生态指标转向综合性指标.河岸带生态恢复应在景观或者流域尺度上进行考虑,识别对其影响的生物和物理过程以及导致其退化的干扰因子,通过植被重建与水文调控来进行.扩展研究尺度和研究对象及采用多学科的研究方法将是今后相关研究中的重要问题.  相似文献   

为掌握福建省农田生态系统的外来入侵植物种类和分布情况,采用实地调查的方式,对福建省9市农田生态系统中的入侵植物进行调查,并分析了其种类组成、原产地、生活型、分布格局和分布类型及其入侵性等。结果表明,福建省农田生态系统有外来入侵植物30科65属共79种;其中以菊科(Asteraceae)物种数最多,为22种,占总种数的27.85%,其次是苋科(Amaranthaceae)有7种,豆科(Leguminosae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、旋花科(Convolvulaceae)和大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)各有5种。生活型以草本植物为主,占总种数的86.08%;原产于美洲的种类最多,占总种数的70.24%;入侵等级为恶性入侵(1级)的物种有10科22种,严重入侵(2级)有13科22种,局部入侵(3级)、一般入侵(4级)和有待观察类(5级)分别有9、18和8种;恶性入侵和严重入侵的植物种类占入侵植物总数的55.70%。从分布格局和分布类型来看,以福州市的农田生态系统入侵植物种类最多,为52种;不同农田类型中,以旱地中的入侵植物种数最多,有74种;按分布区域划分的全域分布种共13种,按农田类型划分的全域分布种有11种。因此,福建省农田生态系统入侵植物种类繁多,分布广泛,原产地多元化,且恶性和严重入侵植物占比较高,入侵形势严峻,应加强入侵植物的动态监控与防范,以保护生物多样性和生态安全。  相似文献   

刘燕  廖允成 《生态学报》2013,33(2):475-482
近年来,越来越多的学者关注外来植物入侵对土壤生态功能的影响效应及其相应反馈机制的探索与研究,然而本地原生土壤生物群落对不同入侵程度下的外来植物种以及本地原生植物种之间是否存在消耗差异却尚不明了.通过等足目潮虫的选择性喂养试验来测试10个本地种、5个非入侵性外来种和5个强入侵性外来种之间的适口性差异,试图求证外来植物的入侵性是否与植物落叶被消耗率呈现必然联系.数据分析结果显示潮虫对本地种、非入侵性外来种和入侵性外来种的消耗并无显著差异;而潮虫对不同生活型下木本植物的取食却存在显著差异,即灌木消耗率显著高于乔木.其次,通过植物初始性状指标(包括木质素、纤维素、半纤维素、碳、氮含量)与相应消耗率的相关比较,消耗量总体上与植物凋落物的氮含量呈正相关关系(R2 =0.358).由此,研究结论强调植物落叶的降解速率并不一定与植物入侵性或入侵阶段呈绝对相互关连,但是氮含量,抑或各种形式的植物氮元素成分都可能在一定程度上参与并影响着外来植物的入侵进程.  相似文献   

With a wide range of habitats and exploding development of international trade, China is facing escalating risk of the plant invasion. Research on the risk assessment of alien invasive plants may help us manage the invasive with priority, and is imperatively needed in China. However, until now, few studies have been conducted for the risk of alien invasive plants and its spatial patterns in China, especially with a regard to ecosystem conservation and biodiversity protection. In this paper, we assessed the risk of invasive plants and its spatial patterns. We focused on the following basic questions: Which alien invasive plants are the most noxious, and which of them are mild? How are the spatial patterns of alien invasive plants at different risk ranks? In the present study, the risk of 100 major alien invasive plants in China was assessed based on a revised risk assessment system and an extensive consult with literatures. The results indicated that there were 18 species of rank 1st, 29 of rank 2nd, 33 of rank 3rd and 20 of rank 4th. Although, there was high richness of alien invasive plants in South China, most of them were of low risk. By contrast, low richness of alien invasive plants was observed in North China and the regions in high altitude, but most of the invasive were of high risk. Compared with previous studies, our study appears to have delivered credible results and may play an early warning function, and also further our understanding of the risk of invasive plants and its spatial patterns in China, though we acknowledged that the risk assessment may have some potential weakness, and appealed timely and further investigations in future.  相似文献   

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