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基于2018-2020年宁夏贺兰山东麓14个葡萄酒庄葡萄园酿酒葡萄品质检测和气象数据,分析影响酿酒葡萄品质成分的关键气象因子,构建酿酒葡萄品质成分与气象因子的关系模型,为提高葡萄园气候资源利用效率、提高葡萄园科学管理水平、主动适应气候变化提供参考依据。结果表明:(1)气象因子是影响酿酒葡萄品质的重要指标,在葡萄生长的全生育期均对葡萄品质产生直接或间接影响,对品质影响最大的时期是7~8月和采收前一个月的气象条件。(2)酿酒葡萄浆果品质受气象因子影响程度从大到小依次为pH、花青素、可滴定酸、总酚、糖酸比、固酸比、可溶性固形物、单宁、还原性糖含量。(3)空气相对湿度及最低气温的变化对酿酒葡萄品质成分影响较大。(4)降低7月的平均空气相对湿度及提高8月的平均空气相对湿度有利于浆果pH的降低;进一步结合浆果酸含量的累积特征,实际生产中应在8月份增加葡萄园灌溉量,以降低因气候变暖导致的酿酒葡萄含糖量偏高。(5)采收前20 d的适度高温与采前10 d的高湿环境有利于葡萄浆果总酚的累积,但后者会使果实中单宁含量下降;在采收前20 d内若环境最低温及最高温均较低,则不利于花青素累积;9月到采收前的生长度日(GDD)达到280 ℃·d左右时,葡萄果实的糖酸比达到最大值。  相似文献   

河西走廊不同产地‘赤霞珠’酿酒葡萄果实品质评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定河西走廊地区‘赤霞珠’酿酒葡萄核心品质指标,建立‘赤霞珠’酿酒葡萄品质综合评价模型。从张掖、武威、嘉峪关3个酿酒葡萄主产市的代表性果园采集6份‘赤霞珠’葡萄样品进行品质测定,通过主成分分析和聚类分析法确定‘赤霞珠’葡萄核心品质指标,运用层次分析法确定指标权重并建立‘赤霞珠’葡萄品质综合评价模型。结果表明:(1)不同产地‘赤霞珠’酿酒葡萄品质指标存在明显差异性,张掖市国风葡萄酒庄园的‘赤霞珠’葡萄果糖、蔗糖、草酸、柠檬酸含量均高于其他地区,且可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、总酚、苹果酸含量在各产地中也均保持在最高水平。(2)相关性分析发现,葡萄果实葡萄糖含量与可溶性固形物含量、果糖与可溶性糖含量之间呈极显著正相关,固酸比和糖酸比均与可滴定酸含量呈极显著负相关关系。(3)综合主成分分析、聚类分析和相关性分析结果,确定维生素C(Vc)、单宁、果糖和固酸比是‘赤霞珠’葡萄核心品质指标,应用层次分析法建立了‘赤霞珠’葡萄品质综合评价模型为Y=0.0960×Vc含量+0.1611×单宁含量+0.2771×果糖含量+0.4568×固酸比(各指标含量均经过标准化处理)。研究发现,河西走廊地区‘赤霞珠’葡萄果实品质最佳产地是张掖市,果实Vc、单宁、果糖和固酸比是‘赤霞珠’葡萄的核心品质指标,以其建立的评价模型可用于‘赤霞珠’葡萄品质的综合评价。  相似文献   

通过对西藏4个不同生态型区‘金冠’苹果果实品质相关指标进行测定,并对果实品质与主要气象因子进行相关性分析及回归分析,以确定西藏‘金冠’苹果栽培主要气象因子评价体系。结果显示,在西藏4个不同生态型区‘金冠’苹果品质差异显著,其中,林芝‘金冠’综合表现较好。在西藏高海拔地区,年均温、7月均温、昼夜温差、≥10℃年均积温、年日照时数、年降水量及海拔是影响‘金冠’果实品质的主要气象因子。其中,海拔2857.9 m、年均气温13.2℃、7月平均气温15.9℃、年均昼夜温差12.7℃、≥10℃年均积温2310.5℃、年均日照时数2532.6 h、年均降水量636.7 mm是‘金冠’苹果形成最佳果实品质的适应气象因子,并且在一定范围内,昼夜温差越大,果实品质越好。本研究建立了西藏‘金冠’苹果栽培主要气象因子评价体系,并提出昼夜温差是影响西藏高海拔地区‘金冠’苹果品质的最主要评价因子。  相似文献   

根据中国北方376个气象台站1981—2010年逐日气象资料,结合酿酒葡萄取样化验结果和其他区划指标,采用无霜期、≥10℃积温、采收期降水量、土壤类型和坡向等生态因子,综合运用集优法和GIS技术对中国北方干白酒用葡萄进行精细化生态区划,制作了中国北方干白酒用葡萄生态区划图,给出优质干白酒用葡萄生态区的分布范围,指出各区域发展酿酒葡萄的限制性生态因子和生产建议,为中国北方干白葡萄区域化发展和酿酒葡萄基地优质品种选择提供理论参考。  相似文献   

以日光温室栽培的欧亚葡萄品种克瑞森无核为试验材料,在果实膨大期和始熟期采用不同浓度(50、100和150mg·L~(-1))5-氨基乙酰丙酸(ALA)喷施叶片和果穗,研究外源ALA处理对葡萄叶片光合特性、果实着色效果及果实品质的影响。结果表明:(1)各浓度ALA处理后葡萄叶片胞间CO_2浓度(Ci)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、净光合速率(Pn)都有不同程度的增加,并以100mg·L~(-1) ALA处理效果最好。(2)50~150mg·L~(-1) ALA处理均能不同程度提高葡萄果皮花青素、叶绿素及类胡萝卜素含量,且各ALA处理的果实可溶性糖含量显著高于对照,但可滴定酸含量低于对照。(3)100和150mg·L~(-1) ALA处理能够显著改善果实成熟期的着色参数,且果实着色指数(CIRG)与花青素的积累呈现出良好的一致性。研究发现,在葡萄果实膨大期及始熟期喷施适宜浓度(100mg·L~(-1))ALA能够有效提高叶片光合性能,同时促进果实着色,显著改善果实外观色泽和果实品质。  相似文献   

针对近些年来葡萄果实有机酸含量受全球气候变暖影响而严重不足,酿造的葡萄酒风味和口感欠佳等问题,以宁夏地区栽培面积最多的赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)酿酒葡萄品种为材料,从果实形成至成熟4个生长时期(每个时期2次采样)的果实中提取RNA进行转录组测序,同时对同一时期的果实中与苹果酸生物合成关系密切的8种有机酸进行测定,通过基因表达量与有机酸含量的关联分析,筛选出影响赤霞珠果实中苹果酸生物合成途径的8种关键基因,并对其进行分离克隆、原核细胞表达和体外酶活性检测,从而确定各个关键基因及其同源基因的序列变化和功能差异,为今后酿酒葡萄有机酸含量的遗传调控、优质酿酒葡萄的培育提供帮助。  相似文献   

遮阳网对酿酒葡萄果实及葡萄酒品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
遮阳网可以通过调节微气候来影响果树的生长和果实的发育。该试验以酿酒葡萄‘赤霞珠’和‘西拉’为材料,于2015年在新疆和硕进行遮阳网试验,处理时间为转色期(8月5日)至采收前12d(9月5日),探究遮阳网对酿酒葡萄果实和相应葡萄酒相关品质指标的影响。结果表明:(1)遮阳网显著降低了日均温度、光照强度和光合有效辐射,增加了日均湿度,有效改善了葡萄生长的微气候。(2)与露地相比,遮网处理使葡萄果实的横径、纵径和单果重都有所增加;能够显著抑制葡萄果实糖分的过快积累和有机酸的快速降解,进而降低葡萄酒酒精度;能够显著提高葡萄果实和葡萄酒中总酚和总单宁含量,并显著降低总花色苷和总类黄酮含量。(3)采用HPLC法在葡萄和葡萄酒中共检测出9种单体花色苷,在‘赤霞珠’果实中除花青素-3-葡萄糖苷外,其余8种单体花色苷的含量都是露地对照高于遮阳网处理,在‘西拉’果实中除二甲花翠素-3-香豆酰化葡萄糖苷外,其余8种单体花色苷也是露地对照高于遮阳网处理。研究结果为解决炎热产区生产中葡萄成熟过快、葡萄酒酒精度过高等问题以及提高酿酒葡萄和葡萄酒品质具有一定的实际指导意义。  相似文献   

河西干旱区酿酒葡萄生长的气象条件   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
按照平行观测的原则,利用2002、2003年两年田间试验资料,采用数理统计方法分析了河西内陆干旱区目前国内广泛种植的8个不同熟性酿酒品种的生长发育规律及其气象影响因子。结果表明:(1)新梢、果实生长呈抛物线型,生长关键期分别出现在5月上旬~6月中旬、7月上旬~8月上旬;糖分累积呈“S”型,积累关键期出现在8月中旬~9月上旬。枝条、果实、含糖量增长峰值点位相出现时间按中早熟、中晚熟、晚熟品种依次推后。(2)中早熟品种需≥10℃积温2800~2900℃,中晚熟种2900~3100℃,晚熟种3000~3200℃;新梢生长期35~50d,需≥10℃积温620~750℃。花期7~15d,需≥10℃积温130~320℃。浆果生长期50~65d,需≥10℃积温1100~1400℃。浆果成熟期35~50d,需≥10℃积温640~940%。(3)新梢生长量与日平均气温、日照时间和土壤湿度呈正相关。气温低于11~12℃时,新梢停止生长;果粒增长速度与平均气温、最高气温呈负相关,与相对湿度、降水量呈正相关。果粒增长适宜气温为20~21℃,超过21℃,增速明显变缓;含糖量积累与光、热因子均呈正相关,与水分因子呈负相关。品种熟性越晚,对气象条件反映越敏感。气温低于7~7.9℃时,糖分停止积累。通过酿酒葡萄适生气候条件分析,为区域化布局、产业化发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了探究不同海拔生境富士苹果叶片和果实品质的差异及其对环境因子的响应,本文测定了3个海拔梯度(1375、1575、1715 m)上富士苹果叶片形态结构、解剖结构、δ13C等指标及果实品质,并应用逐步回归方法分析它们对环境因子的响应.结果表明:温暖指数、水热综合因子、光合有效辐射、寒冷指数、紫外线B和年降水量6个环境因子对叶片和果实品质特征参数起主导作用.随着海拔升高,温暖指数降低、水热综合因子增大、光合有效辐射增强、寒冷指数升高、紫外线B增强、年降水量增加,叶片结构和果实品质特征参数发生了不同程度的变化,具体表现为:叶片厚度、角质层厚度、栅海比、主脉最大导管直径、δ13C和单位面积叶片N含量逐渐增大,叶片长宽比、比叶面积、气孔长宽比和上下表皮占叶片厚度的比例逐渐减小;果形指数、果实硬度、糖酸比、色泽总量和色泽比逐渐增大,果实可滴定酸含量、色度角逐渐减小.随海拔升高,叶片光合速率增强,水分利用率增加,果实糖酸比呈上升趋势,高海拔比低海拔有相对较好的果实风味和外观着色,因此,在海拔1375~1715 m范围内,较高的海拔更有利于富士苹果生长.  相似文献   

葡萄酒酿造是多种微生物参与代谢的过程,其中的微生物在没有外源接种的情况下通常认为源自酿酒葡萄本身。应用高通量测序技术,分析沙城地区不同品种酿酒葡萄表皮的微生物群落,旨在从源头上了解葡萄酒酿造原料的品质,为研究酿酒葡萄微生物对酿酒品质的影响提供理论依据。结果显示,无论细菌还是真菌丰富度最大的均为雷司令,细菌主要分布在变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)等8个门,优势细菌主要是欧文氏菌属(Erwinia)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)等6个属。真菌仅分布在子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota)和接合菌门(Zygomycota)3个门,链格孢菌属(Alternaria)、枝孢属(Cladosporium)、茎点霉属(Phoma)、镰孢属(Fusarium)等9个主要的属。细菌中心OTU最相似菌种分别为节杆菌(Arthrobacter sp.)、假单胞菌(Pseudomonas sp.)等,真菌为枝孢菌(Cladosporiumsp.)、茎点霉(Phoma sp.)、链格孢菌(Alternaria sp.)以及大量未知种属的OTU。研究表明,葡萄品种是影响微生物群落的最重要的因素,推测酿酒葡萄上的一些微生物会对葡萄植株的健康、葡萄果实的品质以及葡萄酒酿造产生有益或有害的影响。  相似文献   

Microbial ecology and activity in wine production influences grapevine health and productivity, conversion of sugar to ethanol during fermentation, wine aroma, wine quality and distinctiveness. Fungi in the vineyard ecosystem are not well described. Here, we characterized the spatial and temporal dynamics of fungal communities associated with the grapevine (grapes, flowers, leaves, and roots) and soils over an annual growth cycle in two vineyards to investigate the influences of grape habitat, plant developmental stage (flowering, fruit set, veraison, and harvest), vineyards, and climatic conditions. Fungi were influenced by both the grapevine habitat and plant development stage. The core microbiome was prioritized over space and time, and the identified core members drove seasonal community succession. The developmental stage of veraison, where the grapes undergo a dramatic change in metabolism and start accumulating sugar, coincided with a distinct shift in fungal communities. Co-occurrence networks showed strong correlations between the plant microbiome, the soil microbiome, and weather indices. Our study describes the complex ecological dynamics that occur in microbial assemblages over a growing season and highlight succession of the core community in vineyards.  相似文献   

BackgroundWeather conditions can selectively promote the growth of particular fungal species, which cause rotting and spoilage of grape berries before harvest. The presence of pathogenic fungi can lead to the development of opportunist microfungi that can produce mycotoxins and cause grapes and wine contamination.ObjectiveThe variation of climatic conditions allowed to design a pilot study and address relevant questions for risk assessment of climate related mycotoxins production in grapes and in wine.MethodsMicrofungi contaminating berries during the vegetative period of year 2008 and 2009 in vineyards regions of Slovakia at the early veraison and at the ripening in harvest time have been identified.ResultsSpoilage fungi were more abundant in veraison for both years in all the studied geographical regions, with an average temperature of 20 °C, humidity between 60 and 80%, and precipitation in the range 6–5 mm. Much more strains of toxigenic fungi were found during veraison and ripening in the case of a year temperature variation in the range 17–22.5 °C, humidity values ranging from 58 to 80% and precipitations in the range 0.7–8.4 mm.ConclusionsThe results suggest that there is an effect of the climatic conditions on microfungi biodiversity.  相似文献   

A careful control of the N nutritional status of grapevines can have a determining effect on wine characteristics; therefore a suitable management of N fertilization might allow some wine parameters to be modified, thereby improving product quality. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of foliar application of urea at different doses and different times of the growing season on the parameters of Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot grape juice. The research described herein involved Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot grapevines (V. vinifera L.) at a commercial vineyard and was conducted over 2 years. In the first year, N treatment involved a foliar application at a dose of 10 kg N ha?1 during veraison, whereas in the second year it involved a foliar urea application at two doses (10 and 50 kg N ha?1) and at three different times—3 weeks before veraison, during veraison and 3 weeks after veraison. In this second year, the urea applied at a dose of 10 kg N ha?1 was isotopically labelled with 1% 15N. Chemical parameters, yeast assimilable N, amino acid content, amino acid profile and N isotopic composition were determined for all treatments. Grape and grape-juice parameters for Merlot were found to be more affected by N fertilization than for Sauvignon Blanc and were also more affected during the second year than during the first year, thus indicating that the climatic characteristics of each campaign could affect these parameters. The yeast assimilable N in grape juice was found to be higher for late applications of foliar urea, with application of the higher dose of urea during veraison increasing the amino acid and proline contents in both varieties. The isotopic analysis data showed that the urea applied to leaves was transferred to the berries, with the maximum translocation in Sauvignon Blanc occurring for the post-veraison treatment and in Merlot for the veraison treatment. We can therefore conclude that foliar application of urea could modify grape juice quality and could therefore be used as a tool for obtaining quality wines.  相似文献   

毛葡萄和刺葡萄是起源于中国且用于葡萄酒酿造的两大野生葡萄品种。本研究基于已有中国毛葡萄和刺葡萄的气候影响因子研究成果,利用最大熵原理从充分性与必要性方面确定了影响中国毛葡萄和刺葡萄种植分布的主导气候因子,并基于这些因子综合作用反映的毛葡萄和刺葡萄种植分布的存在概率分析了中国毛葡萄和刺葡萄分布区的气候适宜性。结果表明: 影响中国毛葡萄、刺葡萄分布的主导气候因子是年日照时数、开花期5月降水量、年极端最低气温、最冷月平均气温。中国毛葡萄、刺葡萄气候高适宜区分布在湖南西部和南部、广西中北部、贵州东南部、重庆中部。气候高适宜区、适宜区、低适宜区面积分别占研究区域总面积的2%、14%和16%。毛葡萄、刺葡萄气候适宜及以上区域的年日照时数阈值为1200~1800 h,年极端最低气温-8 ℃以上,最冷月平均气温阈值为2~13 ℃,5月降水量为110~320 mm。  相似文献   

王静  周广胜 《生态学报》2021,41(6):2418-2427
开展酿酒葡萄气候适宜性研究对于优化酿酒葡萄布局、气候资源开发利用具有重要意义。基于欧亚种酿酒葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.)分布数据和影响其分布的气候因子,利用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)和地理信息系统(ArcGIS),研究影响欧亚种酿酒葡萄种植分布的主导气候因子及其气候适宜性。结果表明:MaxEnt模型能够很好地模拟我国欧亚种酿酒葡萄的潜在分布,模拟效果达到"非常好"(AUC平均值0.936)的水平。基于气候因子对欧亚种酿酒葡萄地理分布影响的贡献确定了主导气候因子,即无霜期、干燥度、极端最低气温、年降水量、生长季日照时数、≥10℃活动积温。当前,我国欧亚种酿酒葡萄种植分布的气候高适宜区、适宜区、次适宜区分别占次适宜及以上区域总面积的2.9%、20.4%和76.7%。欧亚种酿酒葡萄气候高适宜区主要分布在宁夏、山西、陕西、内蒙古、山东、河北、新疆、甘肃等省,只考虑气候因子,陕西、山西、内蒙古具有较大的发展空间。  相似文献   

Leaf removal (LR) treatments improve the photosynthetic capacity of the remaining leaves and induce flavonoid synthesis as a stress response in the common grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). However, excessive exposure of grape berries to UV-B radiation as a result of cultural practices in the Mediterranean climate may have negative effects on berry composition. This 2-year study determined the effects of defoliation on the autochthonous red grape variety ‘Babica’ in a Mediterranean climate (wine-growing region Dalmatia, Croatia). Six leaves were removed before flowering (FLR) and at the end of véraison (the onset of grape ripening; VerLR) and were compared to the untreated control. Yield parameters, sugar content, grape must pH, total polyphenols (TP), total anthocyanin (TA) content, and individual anthocyanin compounds were measured in grape skin extracts and wines. However, the greater mean daily temperature during the vegetation period and lesser rainfall before harvest in 2018 increased yield per vine, average cluster weights, density, and total acidity, compared to 2017. Both defoliation treatments significantly reduced TP in grape extracts, but these differences were not observed in wine. Compared to the control (NLR), VerLR treatment significantly reduced TA in grape skin extracts and wine. Significantly lesser TP concentrations, in grape skin extracts and wine, as well as TA were noticed during the 2017 season. VerLR treatment reduced the concentration of nine individual anthocyanins compared to the control in grape skin extracts, while this effect was not observed in wine. Season year was a statistically significant source of variability of the individual anthocyanin contents in wine. Under specific environmental conditions LR can decrease polyphenols, especially anthocyanins, and negatively impact grape and wine quality.  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of temperature and precipitation trends and their impact on grape harvests in the Penedès region (NE Spain). It includes analyses of maximum, minimum and mean daily temperatures (for both the growing and ripening seasons) and daily rainfall (for the hydrological year, the growing season and each phenological stage) for three observatories in the immediate area. We analysed a series of factors: beginning and end harvest dates; the day on which a given potential alcoholic degree was reached; and yield for several varieties of grape grown in the area in relation to climatic variables. Maximum temperatures increased at all the observatories, with greater values being recorded in recent years (1996–2009) than in previous decades (1960s–2000s): we observed increases in average growing season temperatures of 0.11°C per year for the period 1996–2009 vs 0.04°C per year for the period 1960–2009 at Vilafranca del Penedès. These temperature changes were due mainly to increases in maximum temperatures and an increase in the incidence of extreme heat (number of days with T > 30°C). Crop evapotranspiration also increased significantly during the same period. The Winkler index also increased, so the study area would correspond to region IV according to that climatic classification. There were no significant trends in annual rainfall but rainfall recorded between bloom and veraison decreased significantly at the three observatories, with the greatest decrease corresponding to the period 1996–2009. The dates on which harvests started and ended showed a continuous advance (of between −0.7 and −1.1 days per year, depending on the variety), which was significantly correlated with the average mean and maximum daily growing season temperatures (up to −7.68 days for 1°C increase). Winegrape yield was influenced by the estimated water deficit (crop evapotranspiration minus precipitation) in the bloom-veraison period; this value increased due to a reduction in precipitation and an increase in evapotranspiration. Yield may have been reduced by up to 30 kg/ha for each millimetre increase in the estimated water deficit. Under these conditions, new strategies need to be followed in this area in order to maintain grape quality and yield.  相似文献   

为明确兜兰属宽瓣亚属(Paphiopedilum Subgen. Brachypetalum)植物在中国的自然地理分布格局及其主导气候因子,该研究以7种宽瓣亚属植物为研究对象并利用ArcGIS技术提取其在中国194个地理分布点的气候数据, 采用描述性统计分析宽瓣亚属植物在中国分布区的气候特点, 采用逐步回归拟合各气候因子与其经纬度分布的线性关系, 最后通过冗余分析(RDA)和蒙特卡洛(Monte-Carlo)检验量化各气候因子对宽瓣亚属植物地理分布的贡献率。结果表明: (1)宽瓣亚属植物在中国主要分布于滇东南、黔西南、黔南、黔东北、滇西北、桂北与黔南交界处以及桂西北至桂西南地区。(2)该亚属植物在中国分布区的昼夜温差月均值、年平均气温变化范围、最暖季度平均气温、最冷季度平均气温4项热量因子的平均值分别为8.13、23.70、23.62和9.23 ℃, 降水量变异系数、最湿季度降水量、最干季度降水量、干旱指数4项水分因子平均值分别为75.66%、673.10 mm、73.97 mm和26.12%, 整体上具有湿热的气候特点; 各物种间, 狭域分布的物种与广布种间的气候因子存在显著差异。(3)逐步回归分析表明, 各拟合方程均达到极显著水平, 昼夜温差月均值、最暖季度平均气温、最冷季度平均气温、降水量变异系数、最干季度降水量、干旱指数是影响中国宽瓣亚属植物沿经度分布的主要因子; 最冷季度平均气温、最湿季度降水量、年平均气温变化范围、最干季度降水量、降水量变异系数是影响中国宽瓣亚属植物沿纬度分布的主要因子。(4) RDA结果显示, 气候因子在第1轴的解释率为73.32%, 在第2轴的解释率为21.29%, 累计解释率为94.61%, 各气候因子的解释率大小排序为: 昼夜温差月均值(57.8%) >最暖季度平均气温(41.5%) >年平均气温变化范围(38.3%) >最干季度降水量(23.1%) >最冷季度平均气温(16.9%) >降水量变异系数(13.7%) =最湿季度降水量(13.7%) >干旱指数(3.0%)。因此, 昼夜温差月均值、最暖季度平均气温、年平均气温变化范围3个气候因子是影响中国宽瓣亚属植物分布的主导气候因子。  相似文献   

We studied the effects of climatic factors on tree-ring width and vessel lumen area (VLA) in earlywood of English oak (Quercus robur L.) in Latvia. Cores were obtained from healthy canopy oaks in 40 stands located across Latvia. Tree-ring widths and VLA were measured. Principal component analysis was used to arrange the sites along gradients of response of tree-ring width and earlywood to environmental factors. Significant relationships of tree-ring width and mean VLA with climatic factors (mean monthly temperature and precipitation sum) were determined by correlation analysis. Relationships between tree-ring, early- and latewood widths were tested in three sampled stands. The patterns of response of VLA and tree-ring width to environmental factors differed in relation to a west–east gradient of increasing continentality. Three regions of Latvia (western, central and eastern) were distinguished along this gradient. Responses to climate differed between tree-ring width and mean VLA. Occurrence of significant correlations between climatic factors and the proxies differed between regions, likely due to regional differences in temperature and precipitation. Tree-ring width correlated with climatic factors (most commonly with March, May and June temperature and August precipitation of the current growing season and July–August temperatures of the previous growing season); VLA was more strongly related to climatic factors, particularly with temperature in winter and spring months. The proportion of significant correlation coefficients with climatic factors differed between the regions. Among sites, significant correlation of tree-ring width with temperature in spring and summer was more frequent in the western region, while correlation with winter temperature of the previous growing season and precipitation in August was more frequent in the eastern region. For VLA, the frequency of significant correlation coefficients with temperature in winter and spring was higher in the eastern region.  相似文献   

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