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燕麦属颖果微形态特征及其分类学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨燕麦属颖果微形态特征的分类学意义,采用体视显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察燕麦属27种颖果的微形态特征,结合分子系统发育证据分析其分类学意义。燕麦属颖果有纺锤形、倒披针形、椭圆形3种形状,条纹、棱纹、网纹3种纹饰。燕麦属颖果形状、纹饰和花柱基宿存模式具有有限的属下分类学意义,颖果大小和表面大毛密度具有种间鉴定价值,而颖果腹面形态、压扁方式、胚比不具有种间鉴定价值。大穗燕麦(Avena macrostachya Balansa ex Coss.Durieu)颖果纺锤形,条纹纹饰,隶属于燕麦属颖果微形态特征的变异范围。大粒裸燕麦(A.nuda L.)与普通栽培燕麦(A.sativa L.)颖果大小、形状及纹饰特征的差异支持将大粒裸燕麦作为独立种处理。燕麦属颖果大小、表面大毛密度、胚比变异幅度大,推测与分布区广幅的气候变异相适应,凹腹面颖果体积相对缩减,有利于颖果快速发育、成熟,推测与燕麦属植物在温带、寒带分布区适生期较短相适应。  相似文献   

何红燕  熊源新  石磊  贾鹏 《广西植物》2011,31(2):188-193
利用扫描电镜观察了八种青藓科植物孢子及蒴齿的形态,青藓科植物的孢子纹饰多以芽孢状和瘤状突起为主,孢子的大小、外壁纹饰的差异显示了不同种之间的遗传分化及系统演化。青藓属外齿层腹面中部分为四种类型:光滑无疣、颗粒状疣、短刺状小疣、棒状和芽孢状疣,外齿层中上部的特征属与属之间存在差异,该研究可为分类鉴定提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

应用石蜡切片技术及扫描电镜方法,对喀纳斯自然保护区生长的6种藓类植物茎、叶的内部结构及其表面的角质层纹饰、疣、孔等进行比较研究,结果表明:垂枝藓(Rhytidium rugosum(Hedw.)Kindb.)叶背、腹面表皮细胞外壁均有细疣状突起,而纵列相邻细胞的壁表面角质层纹饰长,成束状平行排列;山羽藓(Abietinella abietina(hedw.)fleisch.)茎的中轴不明显,中肋背部具棘刺状突起的疣,叶背、腹面的疣倒向凹陷的细胞壁,呈遮盖状;直叶珠藓(Bartramia ithphyllaBrid.)叶背、腹面表皮细胞外壁具泡状隆起,孔不凹陷,孔口被角质层纹饰所遮盖;沼泽皱蒴藓(Aulacomnium palustre(Hedw.)Schwagr.)叶背面的粗疣由凹陷细胞壁中突出,角质层纹饰呈带状,叶腹面孔大,并多在细胞壁相交处呈张开状;塔藓(Hylocommium splendens(Hedw.)B.S.G.)叶背部粗疣呈宽刺状,叶背、腹面粗疣高,上端倒向凹陷的细胞壁;角齿藓(Ceratodon purpureus(hedw.)Brid.)叶背、腹面细胞凹陷不规则,相邻细胞壁厚,具密集的细疣。  相似文献   

十八个产地兴安落叶松种皮微形态的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乔辰  弓彩霞 《植物研究》1996,16(4):467-470
对18个不同产地的兴安落叶松种皮微形态进引扫描电镜观察。结果表明,种子背面均为条网状纹饰,腹面为拟脑状纹饰,种孔周围呈条带状皱波纹饰,种孔周围形态存在三种类型。种皮纹饰在种内基本上是稳定的,其中腹面纹饰较背面纹饰的变异幅度大。种皮纹饰特征可以作为兴安落叶松种子鉴定的依据之一。  相似文献   

新疆5种丛藓科植物的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用石蜡切片和电镜扫描技术,对5种丛藓科植物的茎、叶进行了解剖学研究。结果表明:短叶对齿藓Didymodon tectorus(C.Müll.)Saito.整个茎细胞的细胞壁均加厚,叶细胞壁凹陷呈网状,角质层纹饰条状、鳞片状和颗粒状;卷叶丛本藓Anoectangium thomsonii Mitt.茎表皮及中轴细胞壁厚,叶表面的粗疣粗糙、密集,疣上还有小孔和鳞片状纹饰;山赤藓Syntrichia ruralis(Hedw.)Web.Mohr.茎皮部细胞质浓,叶片背腹两面均密被鹿角状疣,疣上有层层叠加状纹饰和乳突;无疣墙藓Tortula mucronifolia Schweagr.茎横切面呈长圆形,叶细胞壁薄,无疣,叶背面细胞表皮较粗糙,叶腹面细胞表皮较光滑,角质层纹饰稀疏且短;长叶纽藓Tortella tortuosa(Hedw.)Limpr.茎表皮细胞壁强烈凹陷,叶细胞表面密被粗疣,疣上的角质层纹饰呈不规则鳞片状。丛藓科植物茎及叶的微观特征,为该科植物属、种的鉴定提供了重要的分类依据。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对国产阴地蕨科(Botrychiaceae)3属12种植物孢子进行了观察.结果表明: 孢子具三裂缝;极面观为钝三角形或近圆形;赤道面观为半圆形或超半圆形.极轴长20~34 μm,赤道轴长31~40 μm.由外壁形成孢子表面纹饰的轮廓;周壁薄,疏松地覆盖在外壁表面.孢子表面纹饰可分为以下3种类型:①疣块状纹饰(verrucate-rugulate):孢子远极面形成顶端扁平而大的疣块状纹饰,再由疣块连接成短的条状或拟网状;②疣状纹饰(verrucate):孢子表面具大小不等的疣状纹饰,相邻的疣愈合成短条状或不愈合;③脊状纹饰(lophate):孢子表面具脊状褶皱,并连接成网状.从孢子形态、纹饰类型和孢壁结构看3属属内差异明显,属间差异不明显,研究结果支持阴地蕨科具1属--阴地蕨属,其下可分3个组.  相似文献   

中国主要禾本科植物颖果形态的基本类型与系统分类   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
本文在观察了31个族109个属324种禾本科植物果实形态的基础上,探讨了重要性状演化的趋势及其与分布区和生境条件的关系。根据果实大小,整体形状,腹面和脐的形态,胚与果的长度比值,果端有无茸毛,花柱是否宿存,尤其横切面轮廓等,将禾本科的颖果形态划分为三大类型七个亚型。 经过与细胞染色体、胚体、幼苗和植株各方面数据的互相印证,证明与颖果形态的七个基本类型相对应,在系统分类上是七个亚科。  相似文献   

中国飘拂草属植物果皮微形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电子显微镜对国产莎草科飘拂草属4组18系42种1变种植物果皮微形态特征进行观察,并作了系统描述。研究表明,飘拂草属植物在纹饰类型,超微结构等方面存在着明显的种间差异,具有分类学意义。根据纹饰及微形态特征的不同,支持将褐鳞飘拂草和知风飘拂草各自作为独立的种。依照果皮纹饰的差异,飘拂草属可分为4种类型(1)瘤(疣)-网状复合纹饰;(2)瘤(疣)状纹饰;(3)网状纹饰;(4)脊-疣状复合纹饰。其中(1)和(3)类型的纹饰根据网脊曲直不同各自又可分为2个亚型。  相似文献   

新疆大帽藓属6种植物茎及叶的比较解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用石蜡切片和电镜技术,对新疆的6种大帽藓属(Encalypta Hedw.)植物的茎和叶进行解剖学观察。结果表明:高山大帽藓(E.alpina Smith.)疣多呈菱形或“柱状”密集着生在叶表面,疣上纹饰呈纵棱和小疙瘩状;裂瓣大帽藓(E.ciliata Hedw.)茎横切面为五角形, 中轴细胞角隅加厚,叶腹面的粗疣大部分集中分布在凹陷的表面细胞壁上;剑叶大帽藓(E.spathulata C.Mull.)茎横切面没出现中柱鞘,疣在基部分叉丛生,叶腹面的表皮细胞壁不凹陷;钝叶大帽藓(E.vulgaris Hedw.)没有叶尖,中肋导水细胞大,叶表面细胞壁较光滑且强烈凹陷,其壁上的乳突不明显;天山大帽藓(E.tianschanica j.c.Zhao,R.L.Hu et S.He)茎内外皮层区分明显,内皮层细胞质浓,叶背面的分叉状粗疣呈密集生长在叶腹面的星状粗疣大多集中分布在稍下陷的细胞壁上;西藏大帽藓(E.tibetana C.Mull)中肋细胞壁加厚,叶片具层层叠叠的、密集的、不规则分叉的粗疣,叶背面有些部位被带状附属物所覆盖。这6种植物叶的背、腹面均具不同程度的分叉粗疣,但粗疣的大小、着生位置、呈现的状态、疣上不同的纹饰却各不相同;中肋细胞的层数、及导水主细胞的大小、状态也大不相同,这些细微特征的观察研究可作为大帽藓属植物分类学的依据之一。  相似文献   

该研究采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对中国葱属Daghestanica(Tscholok.)N.Friesen组6种植物的花粉与种子微形态特征进行观察和对比分析,以揭示该组植物花粉及种子微形态特征的系统分类学意义,为Daghestanica组植物物种间的分类学鉴定提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)中国葱属Daghestanica组植物花粉形态为长球形,赤道面观为椭圆形,极面观为圆形,左右对称,花粉大小为(17.84~29.84)μm×(12.23~19.18)μm,花粉外壁纹饰为皱缩网纹纹饰;花粉外壁穿孔在Daghestanica组6种植物之间具有差异性特征。(2)野黄韭的花粉较大,极轴明显长于其余种,金头韭极轴长度最小。(3)中国葱属Daghestanica组植物种子卵形,种皮表面纹饰为梯形;种皮细胞多边形,排列相对疏松,表面具疣突,垂周壁是弧线和直线混合型。(4)种皮细胞的形态、排列以及次级纹饰等在各物种间存在一定差异。研究表明,中国葱属Daghestanica组花粉和种子微形态学特征可作为该组植物系统分类鉴定的依据。  相似文献   

Macro- and micromorphological analysis of the caryopses of 58 taxa belonging to 45 genera of Chloridoideae allows the recognition of three caryopsis types according to differences in ventral face and hilum morphology. First is the convex ventral face, corresponding with a leaf-shaped hilum, observed in the tribe Pappophoreae. Second is the flat ventral face, corresponding with a rudimentary, needle-shaped or oblong hilum, observed in the tribes Eragrostideae and Leptureae. The third type, observed in the tribe Cynodonteae, is the concave ventral face, corresponding with a grooved or triangular hilum. The ventral face and hilum, together with other useful caryopsis characters, including six different shapes, seven types of spermoderm sculpture and three types of stylopodium, may be used as diagnostic characteristics of genera, and even species, in Chloridoideae. A key to identify the different species of 45 genera is provided.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 57–72.  相似文献   

Yajuan Zhu  Ming Dong  Zhenying Huang   《Flora》2007,202(3):249-257
Leymus secalinus (Georg.) Tzvel. (Poaceae) is a dominant sand dune grass inhabiting the Mu-Us Sandland, semiarid China. Freshly harvested caryopses (seeds) are in non-deep physiological dormancy (non-deep PD) because of low percentage and slow rate of germination. Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of temperature, cold stratification, caryopsis coat scarification or partial removal of endosperm and sand burial on caryopsis dormancy, germination and seedling emergence. Caryopsis germination was significantly influenced by duration of cold stratification, temperature and their interactions. After 8 weeks of cold stratification, caryopsis germination percentage at 30 °C reached to 90%, equally in light or darkness. Rate and percentages of germination were also hastened and increased by scarifying the caryopsis coat or by artificial removal of different proportions of the endosperm. However, seedling developmental characteristics were significantly influenced by the proportion of the endosperm that remained in the caryopses. Seedling emergence, caryopsis germination and enforced dormancy in sand were significantly affected by sand burial depth. As sand burial depth increased, caryopsis germination and seedling emergence decreased whereas caryopsis enforced dormancy increased. 1–2 cm was the optimal depths for caryopses germination and seedling emergence. Although there were still 30% caryopses germinated at 8 cm, the maximal burial depth for seedling emergence was only 4 cm. The partial germination strategy regulated by non-deep PD, temperature and sand burial ensures that only a few caryopses germinated each time and may reduce risks for seedling survival.  相似文献   


The germination percentage of Aegilops geniculata Roth caryopses was studied on four Italian populations (Pisa, Manfredonia, Catania and Simbirizzi). Observation of the germination trend was carried out at constant temperatures of 10°, 20° and 30°C, from maturation up to 60 days after harvesting. Spike, spikelet and caryopsis phenotypic characteristics were also studied. The populations of Pisa, Manfredonia and Simbirizzi presented two different types of caryopses: yellow caryopses - larger, heavier and composing roughly 60% of total—and brown caryopses—smaller and lighter in weight. The Catania population formed an exception in that brown caryopses were virtually absent (5%). This Sicilian accession also showed the largest spikelet size.

Yellow caryopses germinated more rapidly than the dark ones, which were shown to be endowed with longer relative dormancy, above all at 10° and 30° C. Such a phenomenon allows the two types of caryopses to have a different germination ecology, thus providing A. geniculata with a broader choice of germination opportunities and consequently favouring spread and survival of the species.  相似文献   

Examinations were made on the morphology of caryopses of 324 grass species representing over 109 genera and 31 tribes. The evolutionary tendency of the important characteristics and the relation with distribution areas and habitats are discussed. According to the shape of caryopses, the morphology of ventral faces and hilum, the proportion of embryos to caryopses in size, the existence or absence of the top fine hairs, the persistence or shedding of styles, the size of fruits and especially the outline of the middle cross section, etc., the caryopses may be divided into three major types and seven subtypes: Bambusoid (including True Bambusoid, Arundinoid, Oryzoid, Stipoid), Panicoid (including True Panicoid, Eragrostoid) and Pooid (including the Subtype Pooid only). In this study, the different types of caryopses are found to be correlated with the characteristics of embryos, seedlings, habits and chromosomes, and on these grounds, the genera of the Gramineae are grouped into seven corresponding subfamilies: Bambusoideae, Oryzoideae, Arundinoideae, Stipoideae, Eragrostoideae, Panicoideae and Pooideae.  相似文献   

The seed morphology of nine taxa of Juncus from Egypt has been investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy, to determine the importance of seed coat features as taxonomic characters. Macro- and micromorphological characters, including seed shape, color, size, seed appendages, epidermal cell shape, anticlinal boundaries, and outer periclinal cell wall and secondary cell wall sculpture are presented. Four types of seed appendages are recognized: (i) seeds with two appendages; (ii) seeds without appendages; (iii) seeds with minutely a piculate at one end; and (iv) seeds with minutely a piculate at both ends. Two types of anticlinal cell wall boundaries,(i) raised-channeled, straight and (ii) raised, straight or sinuous, and three different shapes of outer periclinal cell wall are described: (i) flat; (ii) concave; and (iii) flat to slightly concave. The secondary sculpture of the cell wall varies from striate to microreticulate or reticulate, and smooth to finely folded. Seed characters provide useful data for formulating the taxonomy of Juncus both on the subgeneric and sectional level. A key for the identification of the investigated taxa based on seed characters is provided.  相似文献   

The seed morphology of nine taxa of Juncus from Egypt has been investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy,to determine the importance of seed coat features as taxonomic characters.Macro-and micromorphological characters,including seed shape,color,size,seed appendages,epidermal cell shape,anticlinal boundaries,and outer periclinal cell wall and secondary cell wall sculpture are presented.Four types of seed appendages are recognized:(i)seeds with two appendages;(ii)seeds without appendages;(iii)seeds with minutely a piculate at one end;and(iv)seeds with minutely a piculate at both ends.Two types of anticlinal cell wall boundaries,(i)raised-channeled,straight and(ii)raised,straight or sinuous,and three different shapes of outer periclinal cell wall are described:(i)flat;(ii)concave;and(iii)flat to slightly concave.The secondary sculpture of the cell wall varies from striate to microreticulate or reticulate,and smooth to finely folded.Seed characters provide useful data for formulating the taxonomy of Juncus both on the subgeneric and sectional level.A key for the identification of the investigated taxa based on seed characters is provided.  相似文献   

将反义Wx基因转入水稻,导致Wx蛋白不同程度减少,颖果中的直链淀粉含量不同程度下降,总淀粉含量显著降低,直链淀粉与总淀粉的比值极显著降低。在水稻颖果发育过程中,ADPG-PPase、GBSS、SSS和SBE的活性在灌浆前期迅速升高,达最大值后很快下降,在灌浆中后期下降趋缓。Wx蛋白减少后的转基因水稻颖果中的GBSS活性明显下降,下降幅度与直链淀粉含量相一致,而且活性高峰期比其亲本有所提前。转基因水稻颖果中ADPG-PPase和SSS的活性在颖果发育的前中期,SBE则在中后期高于相应的亲本。  相似文献   

Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) caryopses were germinated on moist filter paper and under water in the presence and absence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The sequential growth and development of embryo parts were studied. Germination, as indicated by radicle emergence, was least and slowest in caryopses submerged in deoxygenated water. The coleorhiza in such caryopses elongated much earlier than the root, in contrast to the other treatments where the coleorhiza and the root emerged at about the same time. In caryopses incubated on moist filter paper all embryo parts showed considerable growth. In H2O2 treated caryopses only the epicotyl showed substantial growth over the experimental period. In all treatments the first mitotic peaks were noticed at the same period. The occurrence of these early nuclear divisions may be due to release of 4 C nuclei from inhibition by the uptake of water during caryopsis imbibition. The mitosis continued in the radicle of the embryo in those caryopses germinating on moist filter paper, indicating occurrence of DNA synthesis. In the other two treatments, however, few divisions were detected. Here the early growth of the root, causing caryopsis germination, was due to cell elongation, especially in the proximal part of the root.  相似文献   

The results of a light and electron microscopic study of the caryopsis coat and aleurone cells in ungerminated, unimbibed rice (Oryza sativa) caryopses are presented. Surrounding the rice grain is the caryopsis coat composed of the pericarp, seed coat and nucellar layers. The outermost layer, the pericarp, consists of crushed cells and is about 10 μm thick. The seed coat, interior to the pericarp, is one cell thick and has a thick cuticle. Between the seed coat cuticle and endosperm are the remains of the nucellus. The nucellus is about 2.5 μm thick and has a thick cuticle adjacent to the seed coat cuticle. Interior to the caryopsis coat is the aleurone layer of the endosperm. The aleurone completely surrounds the rice grain and is composed of two cell types—aleurone cells that surround the starchy endosperm and modified aleurone cells that surround the germ. The aleurone cells of the starchy endosperm contain many aleurone grains and lipid bodies around a centrally located nucleus. The modified aleurone cells lack aleurone grains, have fewer lipid bodies than the other aleurone cells, and contain filament bundles (fibrils). Plastids of aleurone cells exhibit a unique morphology in which the outer membranes invaginate to form tubules and vesicles within the plastid. Transfer aleurone cells are not observed in the mature rice caryopsis.  相似文献   

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