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肠道黏膜微生物在调控宿主生理功能方面发挥重要作用,其结构组成受到多种因素影响。性别被认为是塑造肠道微生物的因素之一。然而,性别对肠道黏膜菌群的差异影响还不清楚。目的以江山乌猪为研究对象,探究性别差异对其肠道黏膜微生物组成及功能的影响。方法选取性成熟的雌性和雄性江山乌猪各8头,利用16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术分析回肠和结肠黏膜菌群。结果在回肠黏膜中,雄性江山乌猪菌群的Chao1指数和Shannon指数显著高于雌性(P<0.05),在结肠黏膜中,不同性别江山乌猪菌群Chao1指数和Shannon指数无显著差异(P>0.05)。菌群差异分析显示,回肠黏膜中,沙雷氏菌属(Serratia)和埃希氏志贺菌属(Escherichia_Shigella)在雌性组中的相对丰度显著高于雄性组(P<0.05),雄性组中Oscillospiraceae UCG-005、拟普雷沃氏菌属(Alloprevotella)、布劳特氏菌属(Blautia)和Prevotellaceae_NK3B31_group相对丰度显著高于雌性组(P<0.05);结肠黏膜中,雌性组中unclassified_MuribaculaceaeRikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group和Prevotellaceae UCG-003相对丰度显著高于雄性组(P<0.05),Oscillospiraceae UCG-005、Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136_group和unclassified_Lachnospiraceae在雄性组中相对丰度更高(P<0.05)。功能预测发现,雄性乌猪回肠黏膜菌群显著富集了氨基酸代谢、碳水化合物代谢和能量代谢等功能途径(P<0.05);结肠黏膜菌群主要富集了膜转运相关的ABC转运蛋白和信号转导相关的双组分系统等功能途径(P<0.05)。结论不同性别江山乌猪肠黏膜菌群结构及功能具有明显差异。这些结果揭示了不同性别江山乌猪肠道黏膜菌群的差异特征,为了解和挖掘我国地方畜禽品种肠道微生物资源提供部分参考。  相似文献   

目的 探讨医护人员心理资本、应对方式与工作倦怠的关系。方法 采用心理资本量表、简易应对方式量表和Maslach工作倦怠量表通用版对河北省某省级三甲医院101名医护人员进行调查。结果 (1)医生自我效能得分高于护士,成就感低落得分低于护士(P<0.05)。(2)心理资本与工作倦怠(乐观与成就感低落相关除外)呈显著负相关(P<0.01 or P<0.05),消极应对与成就感低落呈显著正相关(P<0.01)。(3)希望对情绪衰竭和玩世不恭有明显负向预测(P<0.01,P<0.001),自我效能(P<0.001)和消极应对(P<0.05)对成就感低落分别有负向和或正向预测作用。结论 提升心理资本水平,调整消极应对方式能有效预防和矫治医护人员工作倦怠;医院管理层应关注护士群体的心理状态。  相似文献   

为了解运输对断奶仔猪行为与生产性能的影响,针对北京至邯郸的实际仔猪运输,设计两种运输空间容量(0.09 m 2/头和0.15 m 2/头),对运输过程断奶仔猪的躺卧、站立行为进行观察,并对运输前后仔猪体重和体表受损程度进行测定,其结果表明:(1)在试验运输条件下,运输温度与仔猪躺卧行为呈明显的负相关(Pearson Correlation Test,R=-0.324,P<0.01);(2)两种运输空间容量下,仔猪站立行为(Mann-Whitney U Test,P>0.05)及运输过程中仔猪的活动激烈程度无显著差异(Chi-square Test,P>0.05),但仔猪的躺卧行为有显著差异(Mann-Whitney U Test,P<0.05);(3)不同运输时间持续段上,仔猪的站立和躺卧行为所占比例(Friedman Test,P<0.001)和仔猪的活动激烈程度有显著差异(Chi-square Test,P<0.01);(4)两种运输空间容量下,仔猪体表受损程度(Mann-Whitney U Test,P>0.05)和仔猪体重变化无显著差异(t Test,P>0.05)。这些结果提示,将运输空间容量降低到仔猪趴卧时所需的空间容量,对断奶仔猪的躺卧行为有一定的影响,但对仔猪的站立行为、体表受损及体重变化无显著影响。其原因可能是仔猪趴卧的面积并不是仔猪运输空间的最低阈值,这需要进一步研究证实。  相似文献   

目的 探讨对脑卒中患者应用连续性护理的效果。方法 构建连续性护理模式,从入院开始进行连续性护理干预,通过患者住院天数、住院费用、再入院率、护理服务满意度、BI指数等指标评价应用效果。结果 连续性护理干预减少了患者住院天数、住院费用、再入院率(P<0.01,P<0.01,P<0.05),提高了患者对护理服务的满意度及BI指数(P<0.05)。结论 连续性护理是脑卒中患者护理的有效途径,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 本研究旨在观察不同持续时间的模拟失重对大鼠抑郁样行为和海马超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的影响,以探究其影响及可能的作用机制。方法 采用后肢悬挂(HLS)尾吊法模拟大鼠失重状态。将大鼠分为对照组和不同模拟失重时间尾吊组(尾吊时长分别为1、2、3、4周)。采用旷场实验(OFT)、新物体识别实验(NORT)、强迫游泳实验(FST)观察大鼠抑郁样行为,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法测定海马SOD和CAT活性。结果 OFT结果显示,与对照组相比,HLS不同时间大鼠的僵滞时间增加(P<0.05,P<0.01)。在NORT中,与对照组相比,HLS不同时间大鼠对新物体的探索潜伏期增加,探索次数和时间减少(P<0.05,P<0.01)。在FST中,与对照组相比,HLS不同时间大鼠在FST中的不动时间增加,攀爬次数减少(P<0.05,P<0.01)。与对照组相比,HLS不同时间组大鼠海马组织中SOD和CAT水平均下降(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论 短时间或长时间的失重都会导致大鼠产生类抑郁样行为。  相似文献   

陈安群  轩娟  王冬  刘银占 《广西植物》2020,40(11):1575-1583
为明确施肥和刈割对蒙古半干旱草地四种植物化学计量特征的影响,该文于2014年8月以内蒙古半干旱草地的四种植物冷蒿(Artimesia frigida)、菊叶委陵菜(Potentilla tanacetifolia)、羊草(Aneurotepidimu chinense)、扁蓿豆(Melissitus ruthenica)为研究对象,利用方差分析及多重比较分析对照、施氮肥、割草、割草和施氮肥处理下的植物碳、氮、磷含量的差异以及不同处理下碳氮比和氮磷比的变化。结果表明:施氮肥与割草均未影响植物碳含量。施氮肥显著提高了植物氮含量(P<0.05),进而降低了碳氮比(P<0.05),提高了氮磷比(P<0.05)。割草处理后扁蓿豆的氮含量显著提高了0.18%(P<0.05),羊草的氮含量显著降低了0.13%(P<0.05),冷蒿与菊叶委陵菜的氮含量无显著变化。割草显著提高了冷蒿和菊叶委陵菜的磷含量(P<0.05),但是未影响羊草和扁蓿豆的磷含量。该研究证实了氮添加或割草会影响部分草地物种的化学计量特征,但是氮添加或割草对植物化学计量特征的影响存在种间差异。  相似文献   

?????? 目的 对3种不同身份护理人员满意度与忠诚度进行研究。 方法 通过现场调查获得数据,并进行独立样本t检验、相关性分析等统计分析。结果 对整体数据进行分析,忠诚度与年龄、身份、技术职称三个因素有显著相关性(P<0.05)。结论 公立医院对不同身份员工需要采取不同应对策略。  相似文献   

目的 了解县级医院绩效与医务人员生命质量之间的关系。方法 采用随机抽样方法,应用世界卫生组织生命质量测定量表简表(WHOQOL-BREF)对咸宁市8家医院331名医务人员进行问卷调查。结果 县级医院医务人员在生理、心理、环境领域和总体健康状况得分低于常模,差异有显著性(t=8.15,P<0.001; t=7.46,P<0.001; t=3.56,P<0.001; t=5.61,P<0.001);医院绩效和生命质量之间存在相关关系。结论 有必要采取措施提高医务人员的生命质量,从而提高县级医院绩效。  相似文献   

目的 了解湖北省农村地区住院服务利用的家庭聚集性大小及其分布。方法 以湖北省麻城市2014年新农合住院数据库为基础,利用Excel 2010中的“IF”“LOOKUP”等函数获取样本县区所有农村家庭的住院利用情况;利用面积图和散点图绘出洛伦兹曲线并计算出基尼系数;采用IBM SPSS Statistic 22.0对数据进行描述性统计和方差分析等。结果 3%的家庭利用了19%的住院服务,农村家庭住院服务利用的基尼系数为0.366;高住院服务利用家庭门诊服务利用量(29.2±26.9)低于中等住院服务利用家庭(31.7±23.5);除低住院服务利用个体外,高住院服务利用家庭中住院服务利用成员的住院量都大于其他家庭(N高高9.2>N中高4, N高中2.4>N中中2.2>N低中1.7);高住院服务利用家庭到县医院的驾车时间最短(t44.3<t44.9<t45.2),家庭住院人数最多(N>4.5>N4.4>N3.9)。结论 农村地区住院服务利用存在较大的家庭聚集性,存在一定不合理;门诊服务利用的提高可能会降低住院服务的利用。  相似文献   

本文对雌性瑶山肥螈的泄殖腔进行了比较解剖学研究,发现雌性瑶山肥螈泄殖腔具有和其它有尾两栖类相似的皮肤形态。虽然不同部位皮肤组织的厚度存在一定差异,但都具有表皮和真皮等相同的基本结构。雌性瑶山肥螈的泄殖腔还具有和精子储藏相关的特殊腺体结构,即储精管腺和腹腺等腺体,以及与这些腺体结构相关的泄殖腔管。这表明该物种雌性个体的泄殖腔具备了精子储藏功能的形态结构,为其进行多次交配,分批产卵提供了基础。  相似文献   

The effects of cryopreservation on the frequency and type of chromosomal abnormalities in human sperm were investigated. Employing a technique that enables direct visualization of human sperm chromosomes following in vitro penetration of hamster oocytes, sperm samples from 10 normal men were examined before and after freezing in liquid nitrogen. A total of 1,960 sperm karyotypes were analyzed, 1,132 before freezing and 828 after freezing. There was no significant difference in the frequency of structural chromosomal anomalies (10.5% prefreeze vs. 8.5% postfreeze), but there was a significant decrease in the frequency of numerical abnormalities (5.2% prefreeze vs. 3.0% postfreeze). However, there was a large excess of hypohaploid complements compared with hyperhaploid complements, suggesting that the hypohaploid complements were caused by technical artefact. A conservative estimate of aneuploidy, derived by doubling the hyperhaploid frequencies, did not differ before (0.4%) and after (0.4%) freezing. There was no evidence for interdonor variability in response to sperm cryopreservation for total chromosomal abnormalities, structural abnormalities, and sex ratios. The sex ratios were also not affected by cryopreservation and did not differ significantly from the theoretical 50%. It is concluded that cryopreservation does not affect the frequencies of chromosomal abnormalities or alter the sex ratio in human sperm, provided that an adequate cryoprotective buffer and freezing system is employed.  相似文献   

Survival of Micro-organisms in Cryostorage of Human Sperm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors describe the clinical application of semen cryostorage, survival of micro-organism during cryostorage procedures and the risk of cross-contamination.  相似文献   

Synopsis Turbot sperm motility is observed using dark field microscopy and stroboscopic illumination combined with video recording. Sperm motility is triggered by dilution of spermatozoa in sea water or in non ionic media (glucose or saccharose), presenting osmotic pressure ranging from 300 to 2100 mOsmol. The percentage of motile spermatozoa reaches 100% under conditions of osmotic pressure of 300 to 1100 mOsmol and pH close to 8.0. In full sea water, glucose or saccharose solutions an agglutination of spermatozoa is observed; this is prevented by addition of bovine serum albumin (5 mg ml–1). Immediately after transfer in activation solutions, 100% spermatozoa are motile in most samples freshly stripped. This percentage drops suddenly between 15 and 30% after 70 to 100 sec. The beat frequency remains at a constant value of 50 Hz during 40 s post activation and then drops suddenly between 15 and 30 Hz. The spermatozoa velocity is about 200 micrometers s–1 during 30 to 40 s and then declines to a stable value of 100 micrometers s–1 at 50 s post activation. After 1.20 mn, more and more spermatozoa become motionless. The minimum calculated and averaged distance covered during 1.20 min, is about 12 mm. The high performances of turbot spermatozoa motility are interpreted as a compensatory mechanism for the low sperm production.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of sperm concentration in the freezing doses 200, 400, 800, and 1600 × 106 mL−1 on the post-thaw quality and fertility of ram semen. Semen was collected from seven adult Churra rams by artificial vagina during the breeding season. The semen was diluted in an extender (TES-Tris-fructose, 20% egg yolk, and 4% glycerol), to a final concentration of 200, 400, 800, or 1600 × 106 mL−1 and frozen. Doses were analyzed post-thawing for motility (computer-assisted sperm analysis system [CASA]), viability, and acrosomal status (fluorescence probes propidium iodide [PI]/peanut agglutinin conjugated with fluorescein thiocyanate (PNA-FITC), SYBR-14/PI [Invitrogen; Barcelona, Spain] and YO-PRO-1/PI [Invitrogen; Barcelona, Spain]). Total motility and velocity were lower for 1600 × 106 mL−1 doses, while progressive motility and viability were lower both for 800 and 1600 × 106 mL−1. The proportion of viable spermatozoa showing increased membrane permeability (YO-PRO-1+) rose in 800 and 1200 × 106 mL−1. Intrauterine inseminations were performed with the 200, 400, and 800 × 106 mL−1 doses at a fixed sperm number (25 × 106 per uterine horn) in synchronized ewes. Fertility (lambing rate) was similar for semen frozen at 200 (57.5%) or 400 × 106 mL−1 (54.4%), whereas it was significantly lower for 800 × 106 mL−1 (45.5%). In conclusion, increasing sperm concentration in cryopreserved semen, at least at 800 × 106 mL−1 and more, adversely affects the postthawing quality and fertility of ram semen.  相似文献   

In the fly Dryomyza anilis females have two kinds of sperm storage organs: one bursa copulatrix and three spermathecae (two spermathecae with a common duct form the doublet, and the third is a singlet spermathecal unit). At the beginning of a mating the male deposits his sperm in the bursa copulatrix. After sperm transfer the male taps the female''s abdomen with his claspers. This behaviour has been shown to increase the male''s fertilization success. After mating, the female discharges large quantities of sperm before oviposition. To find out where the sperm remaining in the female are stored, I counted the number of sperm in the droplet and in the female''s sperm storage organs after different types of mating. I carried out three mating experiments. In experiment 1, virgin females were mated with one male and the matings were interrupted either immediately after sperm transfer or after several tapping sequences. The results show that during male tapping more sperm moved into the singlet spermatheca. In addition, the total number of sperm correlated with sperm numbers in all sperm storage organs, and male size was positively related to the number of sperm remaining in the bursa. In experiment 2, females mated with several males. The number of sperm increased with increasing number of matings only in the doublet spermatheca. No increase in the number of sperm in the singlet spermatheca during consecutive matings suggests that sperm were replaced or did not reach this sperm storage organ. In experiment 3, virgin females were mated with a single male and half of them were allowed to lay eggs. The experiment showed that during egglaying, females primarily used sperm from their singlet spermatheca. The results from the three experiments suggest that sperm stored in the singlet spermatheca is central for male fertilization success and male tapping is related to sperm storage in the singlet spermatheca. The different female''s sperm storage organs in D. anilis may have separate functions during sperm storage as well as during sperm usage.  相似文献   

Sperm head morphology has been identified as a characteristic that can be used to predict a male's semen quality. In the present study, we have developed an automated sperm head morphology analysis (ASMA) plug-in for open-source ImageJ software (http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/). We describe the plug-in's functionality, and confirm its validity for sperm head morphology analysis using fish sperm. Sperm head morphological measurements (length and width) made with the ASMA plug-in did not differ from manual measurements. Using the plug-in to measure sperm head-shaped objects of known size, the associated plug-in error rate was < 0.5%. Brightness and contrast ratios influenced sperm head measurements, suggesting the need for standardized protocols. This plug-in was effective at measuring elliptical (i.e., Atlantic cod) as well as slightly irregular (i.e., Chinook salmon) shaped sperm heads. In conclusion, our ASMA plug-in represents a versatile alternative to costly sperm morphology software.  相似文献   

In earwigs of the family Anisolabididae, male intromittent organs (virgae) sometimes break off inside female sperm-storage organs (spermathecae) during mating. I examined the effects of this genital breakage on the sperm storage capacity of females using Euborellia plebeja as a representative species. When genital breakage was artificially induced in virgin females, subsequent males successfully inseminated these females. However the sperm-storage capacity of these females was limited by the presence of broken virgae in their spermathecae. In another experiment, genital breakage was experimentally induced in the spermathecae of inseminated females, and their reproductive performance was then monitored for 60 days. In all of four cases where the entire piece of the broken virga remained inside the spermatheca, females deposited fertile eggs (more than 60% hatchability). The average number of clutches, that of eggs laid, and that of hatchlings were similar to those of controls. On the other hand, females laid no eggs in the other two cases where the broken virgae protruded from the spermathecal opening. I discuss the relevance of the results to the mating system and possible removal of rival sperm, which has been reported for E. plebeja. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

雌核发育银鲫和两性生殖彩鲫精子蛋白组份的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对雌核发育银鲫和两性融合彩鲫精子蛋白组份进行了比较分析。通过分级抽提得到精子的不同组份精浆、精头的膜、鞭毛和脱膜精头等,然后经不同的凝胶电泳系统,比较分析了银鲫精子和其两性亲缘种彩鲫精子相应组份可溶性蛋白成份的差异。研究表明,经分级抽提的银鲫精子和彩鲫精子的各个组份都含有其特定的蛋白谱带。精浆蛋白在两种鱼之间和两种鱼的不同个体之间都存在一定差异。精头膜、鞭毛和脱膜精头的可溶性蛋白在同种鱼不同个体间高度一致,但在两种鱼之间表现出差异。两种鱼精头膜的可溶性蛋白在SDS-PAGE电泳图谱上基本一致,而在非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳图谱上则具有各自的特征性谱带。鞭毛可溶性蛋白的SDS-PAGE分析在雌核发育银鲫中揭示出一条特异的蛋白带。脱膜精头的可溶性蛋白在SDS-PAGE电泳图谱上差异明显,存在几条特征性蛋白带,并经Acid-Urea PAGE系统分析,证实这些特征性蛋白为碱性蛋白。这些发现为进一步鉴定雌核发育银鲫雄鱼精子的特异性蛋白和揭示其分子机制打下了基础。  相似文献   

Carp semen obtained from isolated fish after hormonal stimulation was highly variable in terms of volume of semen, osmotic pressure of the seminal plasma, and sperm capacity to move. Moreover, this last parameter was unstable when the spermatozoa were kept within the seminal plasma, and the present work was designed to investigate and possibly correct this phenomenon. Sperm potential movement was the major parameter studied and was measured by the percentage of motile cells in a final 3.000-fold dilution in a medium of low osmotic pressure in which sperm movement is known to occur (Morisawa and Suzuki, Science 210:1145-1147, 1980). This was completed with occasional measurements of flagellar beat frequencies and demembranation-reactivation of axonemal movement. The results showed that sperm potential movement was preserved upon dilution of the semen into cold 200 mM KCl medium and that semen of initially "poor" quality or spermatozoa that had lost their capacity to move during storage in the semen recovered gradually their potential movement during incubation at 2 degrees C in the same medium. The K+ dependence for both the conservation and the regeneration of sperm capacity to move showed a minimal requirement of 50 mM KCl in media of high osmotic pressure. Na+ ions had similar properties but not divalent cations. The K+ activation was not pH dependent between pH 9.03 and 6.04. Whatever the functional state of live spermatozoa, demembranation-reactivation occurred in ATP-Mg2+. It is concluded that, with dilution of the semen in appropriate conditions, carp spermatozoa retain or acquire potential movement and therefore are a lower vertebrate spermatozoa model available year-round. In addition, obtaining potentially nonmotile sperm and reversion in vitro might be useful to study the control of in vitro maturation.  相似文献   

Efforts toward the conservation and captive breeding of wildlife can be enhanced by sperm sorting and associated reproductive technologies such as sperm cryopreservation and artificial insemination (AI). Sex ratio management is of particular significance to species which naturally exist in female-dominated social groups. A bias of the sex ratio towards females of these species will greatly assist in maintaining socially cohesive groups and minimizing male-male aggression. Another application of this technology potentially exists for endangered species, as the preferential production of females can enable propagation of those species at a faster rate. The particular assisted reproductive technology (ART) used in conjunction with sperm sorting for the production of offspring is largely determined by the quality and quantity of spermatozoa following sorting and preservation processes. Regardless of the ART selected, breeding decisions involving sex-sorted spermatozoa should be made in conjunction with appropriate genetic management. Zoological-based research on reproductive physiology and assisted reproduction, including sperm sorting, is being conducted on numerous terrestrial and marine mammals. The wildlife species for which the technology has undergone the most advance is the bottlenose dolphin. AI using sex-sorted fresh or frozen-thawed spermatozoa has become a valuable tool for the genetic and reproductive management of captive bottlenose dolphins with six pre-sexed calves, all of the predetermined sex born to date.  相似文献   

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