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甘薯属植物过氧化物酶同工酶分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用垂直平板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,对23份甘薯属不同倍性材料进行过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱分析。初步结果表明,过氧化物酶同工酶酶带数目与材料倍性无明显相关性;二倍体或四倍体野生种的种间酶谱差异显著;六倍体野生种不同株系间以及六倍体栽培种甘薯的不同品种间酶谱差异较小;但栽培种甘薯与六倍体野生种I.trifida(6x)、四倍体野生种I.littoralis(4x)以及二倍体野生种I.trifida(2x)的酶谱有4条明显共同标记带,表明其间有一定亲缘关系。  相似文献   

[AAGG]异源四倍体新棉种的核型及同功酶分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对山西农业大学棉花育种组创育的[AAGG]异源四倍体新棉种及其二倍体亲本亚洲棉(G.arboreum)、比克氏棉(G.bickii)进行了核型分析,并对[AG]异源二倍体和[AAGG]异源四倍体的过氧化物同功酶进行了分析。研究结果:异源四倍体[AAGG]的体细胞染色体数目为2n=4x=52,表现为双亲染色体数目之和,其核型公式为2n=4x=52=50m(6SAT) 2sm,按stebbins的核型分析原则,异源四倍体[AAGG]属1A型。过氧化物酶同功酶分析表明:[AG]棉种酶谱表现为双亲不完全互补型。并具有新式酶带。因此过氧化物酶同功酶可以作为鉴别远缘杂种的生物技术之一。  相似文献   

以白术(Atractylodes macrooephala Koidz.)二倍体组培苗为材料,对其四倍体诱导方法进行研究,共获得45个白术同源四倍体株系,为优良株系的选育提供了材料。此外,还分析比较了其中8个白术四倍体株系与二倍体的过氧化物酶同工酶(POD)的酶谱差异,发现四倍体各株系过氧化物酶同工酶谱比二倍体的均多了Rf0.310的谱带,且总过氧化物酶比活力也发生了很大改变,对探讨白术四倍体优良株系的生理生化机理具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

用聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳比较分析了单倍体、二倍体、三倍体和复合四倍体4类不同倍性鲫鱼以及单倍体和二倍体鲤鱼在胚胎发育时期4种同工酶(EST,LDH,MDH,SOD)酶谱。结果表明,单倍体鲫鱼和单倍体鲤鱼胚胎与各自的二倍体胚胎相比,同工酶酶谱看不出差异;天然三倍体银鲫胚胎的MDH和SOD同工酶酶谱与二倍体鲫相似,但EST和LDH同工酶比二倍体增多了酶带,有的酶带如EST5和EST6还可在鲤鱼胚胎中找到相应的表达产物,提供了天然雌核发育三倍体银鲫杂交起源的证据;复合四倍体由于含有鲤鱼的一个外来基因组,其胚胎的基因表达有些与杂种类似,在所分析的4种同工酶酶谱中,都可观察到来自鲤鱼基因的影响。此外,在由源于不同复合四倍体个体的卵子发育形成的胚胎间,还观察到同工酶基因表达的异质性。  相似文献   

为探讨我国芸薹属蔬菜的起源及遗传多样性,克隆、测序芸薹属不同种的Chs基因序列。A基因组二倍体、A基因组多倍体、B基因组多倍体和C基因组二倍体的Chs基因突变位点数分别为120、172、194和25个,Chs基因多态性表现为:B基因组多倍体A基因组二倍体A基因组多倍体C基因组多倍体。Tajima'D、Fu and Li'D和Fu and Li'F检验表明A基因组二倍体、C基因组二倍体Chs基因是中性进化基因。HKA平衡检验及误配分析表明A基因组多倍体和B基因组多倍体Chs基因进化中存在选择作用。A基因组和B基因组间存在较低的共有差异和较高的共有多态性,C基因组与A、B基因组存在较高的共有差异和较低的共有多态性。系统发育树将芸薹属Chs基因序列分成4个亚支、10个支系。网状分析表明,白菜可能是四倍体A基因组的供体,黑芥可能是四倍体B基因组的供体,甘蓝可能是四倍体C基因组的供体。中国芸薹属蔬菜在Chs基因位点有较高的遗传多态性,不同基因组间分化程度不一样,B基因组分化较大,A和C基因组分化较小。A和B基因组的亲缘关系较A和C基因组以及B和C基因组更为接近。建议根据基因组的不同将中国芸薹蔬菜分成白菜组、芥菜组和甘蓝组,研究结果支持芸薹属进化的禹式三角模型。  相似文献   

孙高飞  何守朴  潘兆娥  杜雄明 《遗传》2015,37(2):192-203
SSRs(Simple sequence repeats)是一类广泛存在于动植物基因组的DNA短串联重复序列,是重要的基因组分子标记。比较不同基因组同源SSR的差异,有利于了解相近物种间的进化过程。文章使用雷蒙德氏棉基因组(D5)、亚洲棉基因组(A2)全基因组序列和陆地棉(AD1)的限制性酶切基因组测序数据,进行全基因组SSR扫描,比较了A组和D组的SSR分布情况,通过识别3个基因组之间的同源SSR,比较它们之间同源SSR重复序列的差异。结果发现,A组和D组同源SSR的分布规律非常相似,但A组与AD组的同源SSR保守性比D组与AD组同源SSR的保守性强。与AD组同源SSR相比,A组中重复序列长度增长的SSR数量约为长度缩短的SSR数量的5倍,在D组中这一比值约为3倍。可以推测,四倍体AD组在与A组、D组的平行进化过程中,由于基因组融合,导致SSR的重复序列长度变化速率与二倍体A、D组有差异,同时这种差异可能导致了AD组SSR重复序列长度在进化过程中与二倍体相比有变短的趋势。文章首次对3个棉花基因组的同源SSR进行了系统地比较,发现了同源SSR在棉属四倍体基因组和二倍体基因组中的显著差异,为进一步揭示棉属基因组的进化规律提供了基础。  相似文献   

利用SSR标记技术研究棉属A、D染色体组的进化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
郭旺珍  王凯  张天真 《遗传学报》2003,30(2):183-188
利用SSR分子标记技术,对棉属A、D染色体二倍体及四倍体代表棉种进行了遗传多样性分析。供试的10个二倍体代表棉种间遗传多态性丰富,分子聚类结果与Fryxell棉属分类结果相同。分子水平上进一步揭示出属于D染色体组的拟似棉与其他D染色体组棉种的相似系数最低,A,D染色体组间相似系数很高,该结果支持拟全民族似棉是D染色体组最原始棉种,棉属不同染色体组是共同起源,单元进化的理论,利用栽培的异源四倍体棉种不太适于研究棉属A、D染色体组的进化。  相似文献   

棉属种间高代系的过氧化物酶同工酶研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用薄层等电聚焦方法,对已稳定遗传20代的棉属陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum )×中棉(G.arboreum )种间高代系蕾期真叶及花药中的过氧化物酶同工酶进行研究,结果表明:1.同一棉种的不同品种,其过氧化物酶同工酶基本相同,同一染色体组的不同棉种,其过氧化物酶同工酶存在一定的差异,不同染色体组的棉种,其过氧化物酶同工酶存在显著的差异;2.高代系的同工酶谱与母本“科遗2号”相似,而与父本中棉“完紫”具有较大的差异  相似文献   

整理燕麦属(Avena L.)细胞遗传学研究文献,总结相关研究进展。燕麦属有7组29种植物,分属5个基因组类型(A、C、AB、AC、ACD)。基于荧光原位杂交技术和种间杂交实验表明,A、C基因组染色体结构差异较大,A基因组二倍体物种具有等臂染色体,C基因组二倍体物种具有不等臂染色体。燕麦属植物D基因组和A基因组间分化程度较小,B基因组有可能是A基因组的变型——A′基因组。普遍观点认为A基因组二倍体物种可能是燕麦属六倍体物种母系亲本,砂燕麦(A.strigosa)为该属多倍体物种A基因组祖先的假说备受争议,有学者认为加那利燕麦(A.canariensis)可能是多倍体物种A或D基因组的供体。燕麦属多倍体物种基因组互换及染色体重排事件,增加燕麦属种间亲缘关系、多倍体物种基因组起源研究的困难。结合基因组学、分子细胞遗传学技术,有望为上述问题提供新证据。  相似文献   

普通大麦和球茎大麦抗病种间杂种的产生及其同工酶标记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以二棱大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)“苏啤1 号”为母本与四倍体球茎大麦(H. bulbosumL.)“GBC141”杂交, 并通过幼胚培养获得11 株三倍体F1 植株. 三倍体F1 植株与二倍体母本二棱大麦“苏啤1 号”回交, 获得7 株二倍体回交后代BC1. 7 个回交后代株系通过大麦黄花叶病病圃鉴定, 其中BC1-2株系抗大麦黄花叶病. 利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对父本、母本和BC1-2株系进行了同工酶分析,结果表明二倍体二棱大麦与四倍体球茎大麦的过氧化物酶同工酶差异显著,并且在BC1-2株系幼根的过氧化物酶同工酶谱中,发现一条来自父本球茎大麦“GBC141”的过氧化物酶谱带,该酶带的相对迁移率(Rf)为0.47, 重复性好并且易于检测.由于回交后代BC1-2抗大麦黄花叶病, 又带有来自球茎大麦特异的幼根过氧化物酶谱带作为易于检测的同工酶标记,因此该回交后代株系可以作为大麦抗病育种工作重要的抗源.  相似文献   

The genus Gossypium, which comprises a divergent group of diploid species and several recently formed allotetraploids, offers an excellent opportunity to study polyploid genome evolution. In this study, chromosome structural variation among the A, At, and D genomes of Gossypium was evaluated by comparative genetic linkage mapping. We constructed a fully resolved RFLP linkage map for the diploid A genome consisting of 275 loci using an F2 interspecific Gossypium arboreum x Gossypium herbaceum family. The 13 chromosomes of the A genome are represented by 12 large linkage groups in our map, reflecting an expected interchromosomal translocation between G. arboreum and G. herbaceum. The A-genome chromosomes are largely collinear with the D genomes, save for a few small inversions. Although the 2 diploid mapping parents represent the closest living relatives of the allotetraploid At-genome progenitor, 2 translocations and 7 inversions were observed between the A and At genomes. The recombination rates are similar between the 2 diploid genomes; however, the At genome shows a 93% increase in recombination relative to its diploid progenitors. Elevated recombination in the Dt genome was reported previously. These data on the At genome thus indicate that elevated recombination was a general property of allotetraploidy in cotton.  相似文献   

The rate of reassociation of denatured DNA was determined for two selected diploid species, Gossypium thurberi (D genome) and G. arboreum (A genome), and one allotetraploid species, G. hirsutum (AD genome). The relative genome size and DNA content of the chromosomes of the diploids were A greater than D. Renaturation curves indicated that the differences in genome sizes were due primarily to the repetitive DNA content.  相似文献   

Reference electrophoretic spectra that allow compiling electrophoretic formulas of certain cotton species and varieties were obtained on the basis of analysis of the electrophoretic spectrum of water-soluble and barely soluble proteins of seeds of diploid cotton species of genomic group A (Gossypium arboretum var. indicum, G. arboreum ssp. obtusifolum, G. herbaceum ssp. africanum, and G. herbaceum Harga), group C (G. australe, G. bickii, G. nelsone, and G. sturtianum), group D (G. davidsonii. G. harknessii. G. klotzschianum, G. raimondii, G. thurberi, and G. trilobum), and amphidiploid species of group AD (G. mustelinum, G. hirsutum ssp. palmeri, G. tricuspidatum Bagota, G. tricuspidatum Mari Galanta, G. barbadense L., and G. hirsutum L.).  相似文献   

Summary Polyacrylamide and starch gel electrophoresis were used to analyze the isozyme makeup of three enzyme systems (esterases, leucine aminopeptidases and catalases) from the dormant seeds of twenty-nine species within the genus Gossypium.Isozyme variation was observed for all three enzymes between the species of the different genome groups. The within species polymorphism noted for the esterases was not observed for the leucine aminopeptidase and catalase patterns. In general, only minor qualitative banding pattern differences distinguished the A and B genome species, whereas, band variations were greatest between the more distantly related species in the C, D and E genomes. Gossypium longicalyx (F genome) showed an overall banding pattern unique to itself. The species of the genomes (C, D, E and F) removed from the postulated area of genetic origin (Southern Africa) also exhibited greater isozyme variability than that of the wild species of the A and B genomes, both located in Southern Africa.Synthetic mixtures of seed extracts from parent species of recently formed synthetic allopolyploids produced additive isozyme patterns for esterase, leucine aminopeptidase and catalase that were closely comparable to the zymograms produced by their hybrids. In contrast all three enzyme systems showed significant qualitative isozyme variations between the three natural allotetraploids, G. tomentosum, G. barbadense and G. hirsutum when compared to the zymograms of the synthetic mixtures of their alleged parental forms.This paper is part of a dissertation by the first author for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics. Journal paper 1763 of the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station.National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associate.  相似文献   

To explore types, levels and patterns of genetic divergence among diploid Gossypium (cotton) genomes, 780 cDNA, genomic DNA and simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were re-sequenced in Gossypium herbaceum (A1 genome), G. arboreum (A2), G. raimondii (D5), G. trilobum (D8), G. sturtianum (C1) and an outgroup, Gossypioides kirkii. Divergence among these genomes ranged from 7.32 polymorphic base pairs per 100 between G. kirkii and G. herbaceum (A1) to only 1.44 between G. herbaceum (A1) and G. arboreum (A2). SSR loci are least conserved with 12.71 polymorphic base pairs and 3.77 polymorphic sites per 100 base pairs, whereas expressed sequence tags are most conserved with 3.96 polymorphic base pairs and 2.06 sites. SSR loci also exhibit the highest percentage of 'extended polymorphisms' (spanning multiple consecutive nucleotides). The A genome lineage was particularly rapidly evolving, with the D genome also showing accelerated evolution relative to the C genome. Unexpected asymmetry in mutation rates was found, with much more transition than transversion mutation in the D genome after its divergence from a common ancestor shared with the A genome. This large quantity of orthologous DNA sequence strongly supports a phylogeny in which A-C divergence is more recent than A-D divergence, a subject that is of much importance in view of A-D polyploid formation being key to the evolution of the most productive and finest-quality cottons. Loci that are monomorphic within A or D genome types, but polymorphic between genome types, may be of practical importance for identifying locus-specific DNA markers in tetraploid cottons including leading cultivars.  相似文献   

The isozyme make up of esterases of the seeds from fifteen species and twenty-three cultivar of Gossypium was analyzed by isoelectrofocusing. The experimental results are summarized as follows: 1. Differeces were observed in the number of esterase isozyme bands among the species of different genome groups. The cultivated species, G. hirsutum (AD)1 gave rise to 46 isozyme bands, the most among the species of the genus Gossypium. G. barba- dense (AD)2, G. arboreum (A2) and G. herbaceum (A1) gave rise to 42, 40 and 38 bands, respectively. In wild species, G. australe (C3) had 20 esterase bands, the least in all species of Gossypium. The bands given rise from other wild species ranged from 26 to 40. 2. Each species of every genome groups had its marker bands. The results were in agreement with the traditional classification and provided some biochemical evidence for modern classification of Gossypium. 3. It was clear that all cotton species of different genome groups contain 5 main isozyme bands, viz. PI=3.85, 4.61, 5.48, 5.73 and 5.91 in the zymograms. In other words, these zymograms are common characters of Gossypium. 4. The esterase of 23 cultivers in four cultivated species studied showed that no variation in isozyme patterns existed within one species, except the disease-resistant variety Hea-7124 which differs from other 4 cultivars of G. barbadense.  相似文献   

Characterization of the Brassinosteroid Insensitive 1 Genes of Cotton   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Suppression of brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthesis in cotton ovules by treatment with brassinazole inhibits fiber formation, indicating that BR plays an important role in cotton fiber development. Plant responses to brassinosteroids (BR) are mediated through a plasma membrane-bound leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor-like protein kinase known as BRI1. Mutations in the BRI1 genes of several species result in dwarfed plants with reduced sensitivity to BR. A single expressed sequence tag (EST) from cotton with strong sequence similarity to Arabidopsis BRI1 ( AtBRI1 ) was identified in a search of publicly available databases. With this EST as a starting point, full-length cDNAs and genomic coding sequences from upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum ) BRI1 ( GhBRI1 ) were obtained and characterized. Ectopic expression of this coding sequence in BR-insensitive Arabidopsis plants resulted in recovery of normal growth indicating that GhBRI1 is a functional homologue of AtBRI1. G. hirsutum is an allotetraploid (AADD) derived from diploid ancestors. Analysis of several GhBRI1 cDNAs showed two distinct sequences indicating the presence of two GhBRI1 genes, denoted GhBRI1-1 and GhBRI1-2. Sequence comparisons between these GhBRI1 coding sequences and those from related A and D genome diploid Gossypium species ( G. arboreum and G. thurberi ) indicated that GhBRI1-1 is likely to the A sub-genome orthologue while GhBRI1-2 is from the D sub-genome.  相似文献   

To determine the level of microsatellite sequence differences and to use the information to construct a phylogenetic relationship for cultivated tetraploid cotton (Gossypium spp.) species and their putative diploid ancestors, 10 genome-derived microsatellite primer pairs were used to amplify eight species, including two tetraploid and six diploid species, in Gossypium. A total of 92 unique amplicons were resolved using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Each amplicon was cloned, sequenced, and analyzed using standard phylogenetic software. Allelic diversities were caused mostly by changes in the number of simple sequence repeat (SSR) motif repeats and only a small proportion resulted from interruption of the SSR motif within the locus for the same genome. The frequency of base substitutions was 0.5%-1.0% in different genomes, with only few indels found. Based on the combined 10 SSR flanking sequence data, the homology of A-genome diploid species averaged 98.9%, even though most of the amplicons were of the same size, and the sequence homology between G. gossypioides (Ulbr.) Standl. and three other D-genome species (G. raimondii Ulbr., G. davidsonii Kell., and G. thurberi Tod.) was 98.5%, 98.6%, and 98.5%, respectively. Phylogenetic trees of the two allotetraploid species and their putative diploid progenitors showed that homoelogous sequences from the A- and D-subgenome were still present in the polyploid subgenomes and they evolved independently. Meanwhile, homoelogous sequence interaction that duplicated loci in the polyploid subgenomes became phylogenetic sisters was also found in the evolutionary history of tetraploid cotton species. The results of the present study suggest that evaluation of SSR variation at the sequence level can be effective in exploring the evolutionary relationships among Gossypuim species.  相似文献   

Quantitative variation for leaf trichome number is observed within and among Gossypium species, varying from glabrous to densely pubescent phenotypes. Moreover, economically important cotton lint fibers are modified trichomes. Earlier studies have mapped quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting leaf pubescence in Gossypium using allotetraploids. In this study, we mapped genes responsible for leaf trichome density in a diploid A genome cross. We were able to map 3 QTLs affecting leaf pubescence based on trichome counts obtained from young leaves (YL) and mature leaves (ML). When the F(2) progeny were classified as pubescent versus glabrous, their ratio did not deviate significantly from a 3:1 model, suggesting that glabrousness is inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion. The glabrous mutation mapped to linkage group A3 at the position of major QTL YL1 and ML1 and appeared orthologous to the t1 locus of the allotetraploids. Interestingly, a fiber mutation, sma-4(ha), observed in the same F(2) population cosegregated with the glabrous marker, which indicates either close linkage or common genetic control of lint fiber and leaf trichomes. Studies of A genome diploids may help to clarify the genetic control of trichomes and fiber in both diploid and tetraploid cottons.  相似文献   

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