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甘薯近缘野生种资源的杂交亲和性评价及利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘薯近缘野生种与甘薯栽培品种的杂交结实率研究表明,甘薯栽培品种与不同倍性I.trifida的平均杂交结实率为9.33%,其中与六倍体I.trifuta杂交结实率最高,与二倍体I.trifida杂交结实率最低;与四倍体I.1ittoralis杂交的平均结实率为4.22%;与I.leucantha杂交的平均结实率为0.75%。甘薯与近缘野生种杂交,其后代的结薯性出现广泛的分离,甘薯与六倍体I.frifida的杂交后代结薯率高于与其它低倍体的野生种。在甘薯栽培品种与近缘野生种的杂交后代中选出了一些优良的杂种后代。利用六倍体I.trifida与甘薯栽培品种杂交和回交,从其后代中选育出了苏渝303和渝苏297等甘薯品种。  相似文献   

利用种间杂交技术将I pomoea属野生种的 优良种质导人甘薯,是甘薯育种的一条新途径, 打破了甘薯常规育种品种间杂交的局限性。日 本1975年育成具有1/8六倍体野生种1. trifida (6x)血统的抗病、高产新品种“南丰,。江 苏农科院从七十年代开始由国内外引进和征集 I pomoea属野生种,并直接或间接利用六倍体 野生种种质与甘薯栽培种杂交,先后获得403- 109, 404-16等高产、高淀粉、抗病新材料。为 扩大野生种质利用范围,甘薯种间杂交对象已 逐渐扩展到1 pomoea属低倍体野生种。日本 小林正分别做过二倍体玫:,、凡::、四倍体凡33,% K,与甘薯栽培种的杂交。但国内迄今未见有 关这方面的报道。本文仅就甘薯栽培种与四倍 体近缘野生种海滨野牵牛(littoralis)的种间 杂交亲和性及杂种形态学变异作一初步分  相似文献   

以白术(Atractylodes macrooephala Koidz.)二倍体组培苗为材料,对其四倍体诱导方法进行研究,共获得45个白术同源四倍体株系,为优良株系的选育提供了材料。此外,还分析比较了其中8个白术四倍体株系与二倍体的过氧化物酶同工酶(POD)的酶谱差异,发现四倍体各株系过氧化物酶同工酶谱比二倍体的均多了Rf0.310的谱带,且总过氧化物酶比活力也发生了很大改变,对探讨白术四倍体优良株系的生理生化机理具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

以3种不同倍性的Cucum is属种间杂交后代[异源四倍体C.hy tivus(2n=4x=38,HHCC)、异源三倍体(2n=3x=26,HCC)和正反交种间杂种F1(2n=2x=19,HC/CH)]及其双亲为试材,比较研究了过氧化物酶(POD)和酯酶(EST)同工酶在不同器官中的酶谱表达特性.结果表明,花蕾中的POD和EST同工酶谱带都比叶片中的丰富,表现出明显的组织特异性.在相同器官的同一酶系统中,3种不同倍性种间杂交后代的酶谱基本一致,主要表现为互补双亲的酶带,同时出现了双亲所没有的酶带(POD4c和EST3b等),表明远缘杂交扩大了黄瓜的遗传基础.此外,在幼叶和花蕾的POD同工酶中,大部分酶带活性随染色体倍性增加而减弱,表明基因剂量与POD同工酶酶谱的表达呈负相关.  相似文献   

关于棉属四倍体种起源问题的过氧化物酶同工酶研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板电泳和等电聚焦技术,对棉属(Gossypium)A基因组2个二倍体种、D基因组10个二倍体野生种和四倍体2(AD)基因组的3个种进行过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱分析。种间酶谱关系符合形态学,细胞学和遗传学的研究结果,但G.gossypioides,G.thurberi和G.trilobum的酶谱与D基因组其他种有较大差异却与A基因组相似。由二倍体种酶液组成的体外人工混合体与自然四倍体的比较分析表明,四倍体棉种G.darwinii,G.barbadense和G.hirsutum是A基因组和D基因组的异质组合,G.raimondii而不是G.thurberi或G.trilobum为四倍体种祖先基因组的最可能的D亚基因组供体。对过氧化物酶同工酶分析为棉属种间亲缘关系和四倍体起源的研究提供生化遗传依据的可行性进行了阐述。  相似文献   

用聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳比较分析了单倍体、二倍体、三倍体和复合四倍体4类不同倍性鲫鱼以及单倍体和二倍体鲤鱼在胚胎发育时期4种同工酶(EST,LDH,MDH,SOD)酶谱。结果表明,单倍体鲫鱼和单倍体鲤鱼胚胎与各自的二倍体胚胎相比,同工酶酶谱看不出差异;天然三倍体银鲫胚胎的MDH和SOD同工酶酶谱与二倍体鲫相似,但EST和LDH同工酶比二倍体增多了酶带,有的酶带如EST5和EST6还可在鲤鱼胚胎中找到相应的表达产物,提供了天然雌核发育三倍体银鲫杂交起源的证据;复合四倍体由于含有鲤鱼的一个外来基因组,其胚胎的基因表达有些与杂种类似,在所分析的4种同工酶酶谱中,都可观察到来自鲤鱼基因的影响。此外,在由源于不同复合四倍体个体的卵子发育形成的胚胎间,还观察到同工酶基因表达的异质性。  相似文献   

不同倍性不结球白菜营养品质及同工酶比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对二倍体、同源四倍体不结球白菜主要营养品质及叶片和花蕾EST、POD、SOD同工酶谱带进行研究.结果表明:(1)同源四倍体可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、维生素C、有机酸、干物质和纤维素含量分别比二倍体增加16.65%、14.08%、18.18%、15.81%、15.82%和60.00%,差异极显著.(2)叶片中,二倍体EST谱带比同源四倍体多1条;花蕾中二倍体比四倍体多2条谱带;而POD和SOD在谱带条数上没有差异,只是四倍体的谱带亮度较二倍体强,表明其表达量较高,说明它们的酶种类相似但剂量不同.  相似文献   

盾叶薯蓣自然变异类型间的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对取自云南期纳的二倍体和三倍体盾叶薯蓣植株以及重庆城口的四倍体植株进行了形态学、染色体数目及同工酶的比较研究。结果表明,这3种类型植株在叶片形态上有明显的差异。二倍体的染色体数目是2n=2x=20,三倍体为2n=3x=30,四倍体为2n=4x=40;酯酶(EST)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)酶谱显示,3种类型植株之间具有明显的相关性,但多倍体较二倍体的酶带条数少且着色浅。这些差异除了有地理分布不同的因素外,倍性的不同也是很重要的因素。  相似文献   

黄芩过氧化物酶同工酶电泳和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对黄芩(Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi)二倍体和同源四倍体过氧化物酶进行了同工酶电泳分析及抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性测定。结果表明,黄芩二倍体与同源四倍体过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱一致,但后者的着色程度大于前者,二年生黄芩叶子在快速区Rf为0.494和0.512处出现新的谱带,不同发育阶段和不同组织器官的谱带存在明显差异;根和叶中谱带数最多,花其次,种子最少;试管苗谱带数先减少后增加,并在整个培养过程中出现特征性谱带C。各组织器官抗坏血酸过氧化物酶总活力差异明显,顶芽最高,叶子次之,花最低。黄芩一年生和二年生各个多倍体株系叶子抗坏血酸过氧酶总活力均高于二倍体叶子抗坏血酸过氧化酶总活力。试管苗生长过程中抗坏血酶过氧化物酶活活力的变化与生长趋势一致,表明该酶与植株生长发育紧密相关。  相似文献   

应用等电聚焦(IEF)和SDS PAGE方法分析了二倍体长穗偃麦草(Agropyronelongatum2x)和四倍体长穗偃麦草(Ag.elongatum4x)的16种同工酶和3种贮藏蛋白的电泳图谱。结果表明,只有两种同工酶在四倍体和二倍体长穗偃麦草之间表现相同的酶谱,该类型仅占分析标记总数的10.5%;而10种同工酶和3种贮藏蛋白的电泳图谱在四倍体中除了具有全部二倍体的谱带以外,还有自己独特的条带,该类型最多,占分析标记总数的63.2%;另外5种同工酶在二倍体和四倍体之间只有部分条带相同,同时具有各自特异的条带,该类型占分析标记总数的26.3%。由此推测,四倍体长穗偃麦草可能是一个异源四倍体,即只含有一个起源于二倍体类型的染色体组Ee,而另一个染色体组在所分析的生化标记上明显不同于近缘种中的St、J和N染色体组,其起源尚待进一步研究。进一步用小麦的SSR引物对二倍体和四倍体长穗偃麦草进行扩增,结果表明大多数SSR引物在四倍体中既能扩出与二倍体相同的条带,同时还有其特异的条带,这一结果验证了由生化标记得出的四倍体长穗偃麦草是异源四倍体的初步结论。  相似文献   

 The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the inheritance and nucleotide sequence profiles of microsatellite genetic markers in hexaploid sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] and its putative tetraploid and diploid ancestors, and to test possible microsatellite mutation mechanisms in polyploids by direct sequencing of alleles. Sixty three microsatellite loci were isolated from genomic libraries of I. batatas and sequenced. PCR primers were designed and used to characterize microsatellite loci in two hexaploid I. batatas populations, a tetraploid Ipomoea trifida population, and a diploid I. trifida population. Nine out of the sixty three primer pairs tested yielded a clearly discernible, heritable banding pattern; five showed Mendelian segregation. All other primer pairs produced either smeared banding patterns, which could not be scored, or no bands at all in I. batatas. All of the primers which produced discernible banding patterns from I. batatas also amplified products of similar size in tetraploid and diploid I. trifida accessions. The sequence analysis of several alleles in the three species showed differences due to mutations in the repeat regions consistent with small differences in the repeat number. However, in some cases insertions/deletions and base substitutions in the microsatellite flanking regions were responsible for polymorphisms in both polyploid and diploid species. These results provide strong empirical evidence that complex genetic mechanisms are responsible for SSR allelic variation in Ipomoea. Four I. batatas microsatellite loci showed polysomic segregation fitting tetraploid segregation ratios. To our knowledge this is the first report of segregation ratios for microsatellites markers in polyploids. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 4 January 1999  相似文献   

 Four minisatellite core sequences were used as primers in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, known as the directed amplification of minisatellite-region DNA (DAMD), to detect polymorphisms in three pairs of hexaploid/tetraploid wheat cultivars. In each pair, the tetraploid cultivar (genomic formula AABB) was extracted from its corresponding hexaploid (genomic formula AABBDD) parent. Reproducible profiles of the amplified products revealed characteristic bands that were present only in the hexaploid wheats but not in their extracted tetraploids. Some polymorphisms were observed among the hexaploid cultivars. Twenty-three DAMD-PCR amplified fragments were isolated and screened as molecular probes on the genomic DNA of wild wheat species, hexaploid wheat and triticale cultivars. Subsequently, 8 of the fragments were cloned and sequenced. The DAMD-PCR clones revealed various degrees of polymorphism among different wild and cultivated wheats. Two clones yielded individual-specific DNA fingerprinting patterns which could be used for species differentiation and cultivar identification. The results demonstrated the use of DAMD-PCR as a tool for the isolation of informative molecular probes for DNA fingerprinting in wheat cultivars and species. Received: 13 May 1996/Accepted: 11 October 1996  相似文献   

The 5S and the 18S-25S rRNA genes were physically mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in all botanical varieties of cultivated peanut Arachis hypogaea (2n = 4x = 40), in the wild tetraploid A. monticola, and in seven wild diploid species considered as putative ancestors of the tetraploids. A detailed karyotype analysis including the FISH signals and the heterochromatic bands was carried out. Molecular cytogenetic landmarks are provided for the construction of a FISH-based karyotype in Arachis species. The size, number, and chromosome position of FISH signals and heterochromatic bands are similar in all A. hypogaea varieties and A. monticola, but vary among the diploid species. Genome constitution of the species is discussed and several chromosome homeologies are established. The bulk of the chromosome markers mapped, together with data on geographical distribution of the taxa, suggest that peanut originated upon domestication of A. monticola and evidence that the diploids A. duranensis and A. ipaensis are the most probable ancestors of both tetraploid species. Allopolyploidy could have arisen by a single event or, if by multiple events, always from the same diploid species.  相似文献   

中国龙葵复合种三类型的染色体数目研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐秀芳  张海洋  袁秋红  闫妍 《广西植物》2004,24(6):544-545,528
用三种类型龙葵幼果为材料 ,通过常规染色体制片技术 ,获得细胞有丝分裂中期染色体装片。实验结果证实中国龙葵复合种内存在染色体倍性差异 :少花龙葵是二倍体 ( 2x=2 4) ;黄果龙葵是四倍体 ( 4x=48) ;龙葵是六倍体( 6x=72 )。为中国龙葵的系统分类与进化趋势的研究、遗传育种和开发利用提供了可靠的细胞学依据  相似文献   

Summary Heterochromatin differentiation, including band size, sites, and Giemsa staining intensity, was analyzed by the HKG (HCl-KOH-Giemsa) banding technique in the A genomes of 21 diploid (Triticum urartu, T. boeoticum and T. monococcum), 13 tetraploid (T. araraticum, T. timopheevi, T. dicoccoides and T. turgidum var. Dicoccon, Polonicum), and 7 cultivars of hexaploid (T. aestivum) wheats from different germplasm collections. Among wild and cultivated diploid taxa, heterochromatin was located mainly at centromeric regions, but the size and staining intensity were distinct and some accessions' genomes had interstitial and telomeric bands. Among wild and cultivated polyploid wheats, heterochromatin exhibited bifurcated differentiation. Heterochromatinization occurred in chromosomes 4At and 7At and in smaller amounts in 2At, 3At, 5At, and 6At within the genomes of the tetraploid Timopheevi group (T. araraticum, and T. timopheevi) and vice versa within those of the Emmer group (T. dicoccoides and T. turgidum). Similar divergence patterns occurred among chromosome 4Aa and 7Aa of cultivars of hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum). These dynamic processes could be related to geographic distribution and to natural and artifical selection. Comparison of the A genomes of diploid wheats with those of polyploid wheats shows that the A genomes in existing diploid wheats could not be the direct donors of those in polyploid wheats, but that the extant taxa of diploids and polyploids probably have a common origin and share a common A-genomelike ancestor.Contribution of the College of Agricultural Sciences, Texas Tech Univ. Journal No. T-4-233.  相似文献   

采用核糖体DNA内转录间隔区(nrDNA ITS)序列比较分析了甘薯及其近缘野生种的遗传多样性及系统进化关系,首次报道了栽培种甘薯‘徐薯18’(Ipomoea batatas‘Xushu18’)及其近缘野生种I.triloba(DOM),I.cordatotriloba(MEX),I.nil(PER),I.nil(JPN),I.hederacea Jacq.(USA),I.hederacea Jacq.(HK)和种间杂交种67-1(I.batatas‘Xushu18’×I.hederacea Jacq.)及回交种(67-1×I.batatas‘Xushu18’)的nrDNA ITS序列。序列分析表明,栽培种甘薯及其近缘野生种nrDNA ITS序列长度为570~600bp。其中,ITS1序列为185~209 bp,GC含量为53.11%~61.83%;ITS2序列为214~226 bp,GC含量为61.21%~72.89%;5.8S序列均为165 bp,GC含量为54.55%~55.76%。此外,栽培种甘薯及其近缘野生种ITS序列信息位点均集中在ITS1和ITS2区;与其他甘薯属植物相比,I.wrightii ITS2的末端缺失了6~8个碱基。系统进化分析表明,栽培种甘薯‘徐薯18’(I.batatas‘Xushu18’)和野生种I.triloba、I.cordatotriloba、I.lacunosa、I.trifida的亲缘关系较近,与I.wrightii、I.pes-tigridis、I.grandifolia、I.nil、I.hederacea Jacq.、I.purpurea的亲缘关系较远;杂交后代与栽培种甘薯‘徐薯18’(I.batatas‘Xushu18’)亲缘关系较近,与野生种父本I.hederacea Jacq.的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

Using three diploid (Triticum monococcum, AA), three tetraploid (Triticum turgidum, BBAA), two hexaploid (Triticum aestivum and Triticum compactum, BBAADD) wheats and two Aegilops tauschii (DD) genotypes, experiments were carried out under controlled environmental conditions in nutrient solution (i) to study the relationships between the rates of phytosiderophore (PS) release from the roots and the tolerance of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid wheats and AE: tauschii to zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) deficiencies, and (ii) to assess the role of different genomes in PS release from roots under different regimes of Zn and Fe supply. Phytosiderophores released from roots were determined both by measurement of Cu mobilized from a Cu-loaded resin and identification by using HPLC analysis. Compared to tetraploid wheats, diploid and hexaploid wheats were less affected by Zn deficiency as judged from the severity of leaf symptoms. Aegilops tauschii showed very slight Zn deficiency symptoms possibly due to its slower growth rate. Under Fe-deficient conditions, all wheat genotypes used were similarly chlorotic; however, development of chlorosis was first observed in tetraploid wheats. Correlation between PS release rate determined by Cu-mobilization test and HPLC analysis was highly significant. According to HPLC analysis, all genotypes of Triticum and AE: tauschii species released only one PS, 2'-deoxymugineic acid, both under Fe and Zn deficiency. Under Zn deficiency, rates of PS release in tetraploid wheats averaged 1 micromol x (30 plants)(-1) x (3 h)(-1), while in hexaploid wheats rate of PS release was around 14 micromol x (30 plants)(-1) x (3 h)(-1). Diploid wheats and AE: tauschii accessions behaved similarly in their capacity to release PS and intermediate between tetraploid and hexaploid wheats regarding the PS release capacity. All Triticum and Aegilops species released more PS under Fe than Zn deficiency, particularly when the rate of PS release was expressed per unit dry weight of roots. On average, the rates of PS release under Fe deficiency were 3.0, 5.7, 8.4, and 16 micromol x (30 plants)(-1) x (3 h)(-1) for AE: tauschii, diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheats, respectively. The results of the present study show that the PS release mechanism in wheat is expressed effectively when three genomes, A, B and D, come together, indicating complementary action of the corresponding genes from A, B and D genomes to activate biosynthesis and release of PS.  相似文献   

Andigena potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. subsp. andigena Hawkes) (2n = 4x = 48) are important, native-farmer-selected cultivars in the Andes, which form a primary gene pool for improving a worldwide grown potato (S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum). To elucidate the origin of Andigena, 196 Andigena accessions were compared with 301 accessions of 33 closely related cultivated and wild species using several types of chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) markers and nuclear DNA (nDNA) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. Fourteen ctDNA types (haplotypes) and 115 RFLP bands were detected in Andigena, of which the main haplotypes and frequent RFLP bands were mostly shared with a cultivated diploid species, S. stenotomum Juz. et Buk. Principal component analysis of nDNA polymorphisms revealed a progressive and continuous variation from Peruvian wild species with C-type ctDNA to a group of wild species having S-type ctDNA in its variation range (S. bukasovii, S. canasense, S. candolleanum, and S. multidissectum), to cultivated diploid potatoes (S. phureja and S. stenotomum), and to cultivated tetraploid potatoes (Andigena and Chilean S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum). These results suggest that the initial Andigena population arose with multiple origins exclusively from S. stenotomum. The overall evolutionary process toward the present-day Andigena was discussed.  相似文献   

T Gavrilenko  J Larkka  E Pehu  V M Rokka 《Génome》2002,45(2):442-449
GISH (genomic in situ hybridization) was applied for the analysis of mitotic chromosome constitutions of somatic hybrids and their derivatives between dihaploid clones of cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) (2n = 2x = 24, AA genome) and the diploid, non-tuberous, wild species Solanum brevidens Phil. (2n = 2x = 24, EE genome). Of the primary somatic hybrids, both tetraploid (2n = 4x) and hexaploid (2n = 6x) plants were found with the genomic constitutions of AAEE and AAEEEE, respectively. Androgenic haploids (somatohaploids) derived from the tetraploid somatic hybrids had the genomic constitutions of AE (2n = 2x = 24) and haploids originating from the hexaploid hybrids were triploid AEE (2n = 3x = 33 and 2n = 3x = 36). As a result of subsequent somatic hybridization from a fusion between dihaploid S. tuberosum (2n = 2x = 24, genome AA) and a triploid somatohaploid (2n = 3x = 33, genome AEE), second-generation somatic hybrids were obtained. These somatic hybrids were pentaploids (2n = 5x, genome AAAEE), but had variable chromosome numbers. GISH analysis revealed that both primary and second-generation somatic hybrids had lost more chromosomes of S. brevidens than of S. tuberosum.  相似文献   

E N Jellen  R L Phillips  H W Rines 《Génome》1993,36(6):1129-1137
A chromosome C-banding protocol using Wright's stain was employed to compare chromosomes in cultivars and wild accessions of several hexaploid oat taxa (Avena spp.). This technique permits the identification of each of the 21 somatic hexaploid oat chromosomes. Digital images of C-banded cells were captured on computer and used to construct karyotypes of several oat accessions. Polymorphisms for C-bands among oat cultivars and wild accessions are described. These banding polymorphisms can be used to trace introgression of chromosomes from wild sources and to provide physical markers on the genetic map for oat. Although C-banding permits the identification of likely C-genome chromosomes based on comparisons with C-banding patterns in diploid and tetraploid Avena species, the A and D genomes cannot be readily differentiated based on their banding patterns.  相似文献   

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