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白蜡虫七种寄主植物枝条树皮比较解剖研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规石蜡切片法解剖观察了白蜡虫7种寄主植物一年生枝条树皮横切面结构特征,结果表明:白蜡虫7种寄主植物一年生枝条树皮从内到外由次生韧皮部、初生韧皮部纤维束、皮层和周皮组成;次生韧皮部横向系统均由筛管、伴胞和薄壁细胞组成;轴向系统由射线组成。木栓层以美国白蜡和流苏细胞层数最多,达10~12层;华南小蜡、紫药女贞和白枪杆次之,为5~8层;女贞和白蜡树最少,分别为2~3和3~4层。初生韧皮部纤维束排列整齐连接为带状或分散,女贞属纤维连接成带状,白蜡属和流苏属纤维分散。带状纤维层厚薄不均,厚度在26.93±13~59.15±7μm之间,以白枪杆纤维层最厚,为59.15±7μm;美洲白蜡次之,为50.05±7μm;白蜡树最薄,为26.93±13μm。分散型纤维束直径在25.12±13~76.15±36μm之间,纤维束直径大小顺序为:流苏(76.15±36μm)>紫药女贞(43.44±10μm)>女贞(25.12±13μm)。女贞、紫药女贞和流苏纤维束间距分别为78.53±39μm、149.78±27μm和212.02±95μm。次生韧皮部厚度在48.52±12~377.44±24μm之间,以女贞的次生韧皮部最厚,达377.44±24μm,华南小蜡最薄,为48.52±12μm。树皮次生韧皮部厚、木栓层数少和纤维束直径小为白蜡虫优良寄主植物的显著特征。  相似文献   

本文第一作者于1979年发表乌头霜霉 Peronospora aconiti Yu新种时缺乏对卵孢子的描述,现在四川雅安的乌头 Aconitum cramichaeli Dexb.上发现了该菌的卵孢子,特予补充描述:藏卵器亚球形或卵形,平滑,直径25.8—51.6(平均39.42±4.47)μm;卵孢子球形,浅黄褐色,平滑,单生,不充满藏卵器,直径22.4—37.8(平均28.76±2.96)μm;卵孢子壁厚,其厚度为 2.84—5.04(平均3.77±0.61)μm。  相似文献   

目的探讨肿瘤患者循环血液中DNA改变,及对提高肿瘤患者治愈率和生存率的临床实际意义。方法随机采集了2004年10月~12月大连医科大学附属二院经病理确诊的初治晚期胃、大肠癌患者的血标本18份,门诊健康体检者血标本16份,通过酚/氯仿提取法定量检测两组的血浆DNA片段,进行对照比较,分析健康人与晚期胃肠道肿瘤患者血浆游离DNA片段水平的差异、晚期胃肠道肿瘤患者血浆游离DNA片段水平与预后相关指标的相关性。结果晚期胃肠道肿瘤组血浆游离DNA片段水平高于正常健康对照组,其血浆游离DNA片段的均值分别为(346.3±81.62)μg/m l与(27.6±6.91)μg/m l,差异有显著性;胃癌、大肠癌患者两组间的血浆游离DNA片段差异无显著性,均值分别为:(350.8±110.92)μg/m l与(357.1±126.26)μg/m l;在预后相关指标的各因素中,晚期胃肠道肿瘤患者的血浆游离DNA片段水平与免疫状态、是否存在远处转移有明显相关性,其中与免疫状态呈负相关,与远处转移呈正相关。结论晚期胃肠道肿瘤患者血中的游离DNA片段水平较健康人高,可能与患者自身状态、病理分型、疾病状态有关;游离DNA片段可以作为检测晚期胃肠道肿瘤的特异性指标,还可以替代免疫状态及是否存在远处转移等指标评价远期预后,并有取材方便、检测时间短、可以定量分析的优点,对临床有一定的指导意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

本工作应用培养的新生大鼠心室肌细胞,以~3H-亮氨酸掺入、细胞直径和细胞体积为指标,观察了收缩活动对心肌蛋白质合成速率及细胞生长的影响。在含10%血清的培养介质中,常钾搏动组的心肌细胞(CMC)的~3H-亮氨酸掺入显著高于高钾停搏组的心肌细胞(QMC),24h的掺入量分别为1229±29与1076±60cpm/10~5细胞(每组n=5,P<0.01),CMC掺入为QMC的114.2%。QMC组细胞直径和体积分别为15.14±0.42μm和1842±123μm~3,而CMC组为16.82±0.64μm和2495±210μm~3,分别比前者高11.1%和35.5%(P<0.01,每组n=6)。这些变化随培养时间的延长更趋明显,但两组间的细胞数目并无显著差异(P>0.05)。上述结果表明:收缩活动本身能促进心肌细胞蛋白质合成和细胞生长。  相似文献   

贾春生  洪波 《昆虫知识》2011,48(2):442-446
在中国首次报道了侵染摇蚊的库蚊虫霉(Entomophtora culichs)的形态特征、侵染症状以及发生动态等。库蚊虫霉初生分生孢子,钟罩形,顶部有一明显小尖突,(14.6±1.5)μm×(10.8±1.2)μm。次生分生孢子形似初生分生孢子,但略小,(11.0±1.1)μm×(8.0±0.5)μm。休眠孢子,球形至亚球形,直径(29.3±1.9)μm。被侵染摇蚊尸体以假根附着于基物上,通体覆盖着绿色的真菌子实层。库蚊虫霉侵染率在不同植物上明显不同。库蚊虫霉侵染率随季节不同波动很大,春季最高达90.2%,其次为秋季和冬季,夏季最低为0。2006—2009年库蚊虫霉侵染率为93.5%~95.7%,年际之间变动不大。  相似文献   

心房钠尿因子对麻醉家兔局部血流的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
赵工  何瑞荣 《生理学报》1990,42(1):37-44
在42只麻醉家兔,观察了静脉注射心房肽Ⅱ(AtriopeptinⅡ,APⅡ)对局部血流量以及动脉内注射 AP Ⅱ 对局部血管阻力的影响。结果如下:(1)静脉注射 APⅡ(30μg/kg)5min后,平均动脉压(MAP)降低11.0±1.5mmHg(n=8,M±SE,下同),与溶剂对照组相比有明显差异(P相似文献   

阿的平对热环境中行军战士血液某些生化指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用此色法,竞争性蛋白结合技术及放射性免疫分析法,分析热环境中向重行军战士血液乳酸含量、cAMP,cGMP及皮质醇含量,以探讨热应激过程中机体的生化变化特点,并观察阿的平对这些变化的影响,结果表明:行军后战士血液乳酸浓度、皮质醇含量(2.08±0.18mmol/L,16.25±1.05μg/100mL)较行军前(1.62±0.16mmol/L,14.98±0.9μg/100mL)明显升高,而行军后  相似文献   

七星瓢虫(鞘翅目:瓢虫科)触角的扫描电镜观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用扫描电子显微镜对两性七星瓢虫的触角进行了观察 ,结果显示 ,鳞状触角分七节 ,分别为雄性 95 0 0 0±81 16 μm而雌性为 972 0 0± 9 5 7μm长。电镜下可观察到七星瓢虫触角有 8种类型的感觉器 (sensillae) ,即 :chaetica(Ch) ,trichoidea(Tr) ,basiconica(Ba) ,campaniformia(Ca) ,ampucellaceous(Am) ,scolopalia(Sc) ,placodea(Pl)和钩状感觉器。Ch在雄性长为 6 2 5 0± 2 89而在雌性为 72 5 0± 5 0 0 μm。Tr在雄性长为 10 75± 1 5 0 μm而在雌性为 14 98± 2 2 5 μm长。Ba在雄雌两性中分别为 5 7± 0 0 2 μm和 0 75± 0 0 6 μm长。Ca为半球状 ,其直径在两性中均在 3 0 μm。Am的直径在雄雌中分别为 1 2和 1 5 μm。Ca为椭圆内陷盘状。Sc在其顶部较阔而在末端尖锐 ,2 5 μm。在雄性触角上观察到一钩状感觉器 ,长 2 1 0 μm ,它表明七星瓢虫在触角上的性别两型性。在雄雌中其感觉器Ch ,Ca ,Am ,Pl的数量上接近。Tr在雄性触角上数量较大而Ba则在雌性触角上数量较多。  相似文献   

目的:通过构建肥胖合并动脉粥样硬化大鼠模型,评估模型血管旁脂肪组织中趋化因子chemerin基因及蛋白的表达变化。方法:建立肥胖合并动脉粥样硬化大鼠模型;于模型构建不同时期(8周、12周、16周及24周)取胸主动脉旁脂肪组织,应用realtime-PCR检测chemerin的m RNA表达变化;应用免疫组织化学染色的方法检测蛋白表达变化。结果:与对照组相比,造模8周时模型组大鼠血管旁脂肪组织中chemerin的m RNA表达较对照组明显增加(P=0.031),造模12周及16周时无明显差异,造模24周时表达明显增加(P<0.001);Pearson直线相关分析显示,血管旁脂肪组织中chemerin的m RNA表达与其蛋白表达、血管旁脂肪质量、内脏脂肪质量、皮下脂肪质量、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇浓度及主动脉中层厚度呈正相关;与血管旁脂肪组织中脂联素的m RNA表达及高密度脂蛋白浓度呈负相关。结论:成功建立了肥胖合并动脉粥样硬化大鼠模型;伴随造模时间的延长,模型大鼠血管旁脂肪组织明显增多,动脉粥样硬化逐渐加重,血管旁脂肪组织中chemerin的表达升高。血管旁脂肪组织中chemerin可能参与了动脉粥样硬化发生发展过程。  相似文献   

东北虎血液成分的测定与分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用氰化高铁血红蛋白法、改良纽鲍氏计算板法、显微测量法、低渗NaCl试管法、微量毛细吸管离心法、血细胞计算板法和瑞特氏染色三区计数法,分别测得和算出8只东北虎血液中血红蛋白含量131±7.5g/L、红细胞数7.11±O.53×1012/L、红细胞直径5.58(4.62—6.55)μm、红细胞渗透脆性0.606±0.065—0.430±0.045%、红细胞压积容量38.1±2.68%、白细胞总数23.3±7.5×109/L、嗜中性白细胞57.9%、淋巴细胞35.6%、单核细胞3.5%、嗜酸性粒细胞1.8%、嗜硷性粒细胞<1%、平均红细胞体积53.6±2.75fL、平均红细胞血红蛋白含量17.9±1.25Pg、平均每个红细胞血红蛋白分子数1589±110×105个、平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度33.5±2.7%;用全自动凯氏定氮法测定并计算得出血清总蛋白含量73.6±12.6g/L、血清白蛋白含量46.5±3.2%及血清球蛋白含量27.1±13.1g/L。上述各项结果为保护东北虎提供了难得而有意义的生理参考值。  相似文献   

The brain functions within a specialized environment tightly controlled by brain barrier mechanisms. Understanding the regulation of barrier formation is important for understanding brain development and may also lead to finding new ways to deliver pharmacotherapies to the brain; access of many potentially promising drugs is severely hindered by these barrier mechanisms. The cellular composition of the neurovascular unit of the blood‐brain barrier proper and their effects on regulation of its function are beginning to be understood. One hallmark of the neurovascular unit in the adult is the astroglial foot processes that tightly surround cerebral blood vessels. However their role in barrier formation is still unclear. In this study we examined barrier function in newborn, juvenile and adult mice lacking fibroblast growth factor‐2 (FGF‐2), which has been shown to result in altered astroglial differentiation during development. We show that during development of FGF‐2 deficient mice the astroglial contacts with cerebral blood vessels are delayed compared with wild‐type animals. However, this delay did not result in changes to the permeability properties of the blood brain barrier as assessed by exclusion of either small or larger sized molecules at this interface. In addition cerebral vessels were positive for tight‐junction proteins and we observed no difference in the ultrastructure of the tight‐junctions. The results indicate that the direct contact of astroglia processes to cerebral blood vessels is not necessary for either the formation of the tight‐junctions or for basic permeability properties and function of the blood‐brain barrier. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 1201–1212, 2016  相似文献   

In most areas of the body, arteries and veins run close together, often sharing a common connective tissue sheath. One exception to this is observed in the brain, where arteries come in from the base and veins collect over the convexity. Classically the larger blood vessels are formed by three coats: intima, media, and adventitia. Leptomeningeal vessels are further reinforced by a monolayer of pial cells. In the guinea pig, however, above the corpus callosum we found a group of blood vessels (an artery and several veins) enclosed in a common leptomeningeal sheath. The artery arises at the confluence of the anterior cerebral arteries; the veins drain into the straight sinus. The epithelial nature of the sheath is evident by the close apposition of cell membranes, the presence of junctional devices, and the existence of a basal lamina. The ultrastructural features of this epithelium are similar to those of the arachnoid-dural membrane. Whether this peculiar vascular complex has any specific function needs to be investigated further. The presence of these vessels apparently 'isolated' within a leptomeningeal subcompartment may provide a suitable model to study vascular-extravascular-cerebrospinal fluid substance exchange.  相似文献   

A new concept about sympathetic nerves has emerged recently: not only is sympathetic tone important in short-term regulation of vascular resistance, but chronic effects of nerves on vessels have important effects. This concept is supported by studies of mechanisms by which sympathetic nerves protect the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB is susceptible to disruption during acute and chronic hypertension. Acute, severe hypertension produces passive dilatation of cerebral vessels with disruption of the BBB. Sympathetic stimulation attenuates the increase in cerebral blood flow during acute hypertension and thereby protects the BBB. During chronic hypertension, we have observed disruption of the barrier, which may contribute to hypertensive encephalopathy. Sympathetic nerves protect against disruption of the BBB during chronic hypertension. This protective effect is apparently related to a trophic effect of nerves in promotion of cerebral vascular hypertrophy during chronic hypertension. Thus, this is the first evidence that, in the same vascular bed, sympathetic nerves have two different protective effects. Protection of the BBB is accomplished acutely by sympathetic neural effects on vascular resistance and chronically by promotion of vascular hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Three dimensional observation of the nerve fibers along the cerebral blood vessels was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Electron probe X-ray microanalysis was also performed in the cerebral blood vessels treated with peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemistry intensified by nickel ammonium sulfate. Nerve fibers (2-8 microns in diameter) formed a plexus on the outer surface of the adventitia. After branching, the nerve fibers penetrated the blood vessel adventitia. Substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibers showed a meshwork pattern in the outer layer of the adventitia, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-immunoreactive nerve fibers revealed a spiral running pattern in the inner layer of the adventitia. Taken together with previous studies, these findings suggest that substance P nerve fibers in the cerebral arteries may not be related to arterial dilatation or constriction, but VIP nerve fibers may be vasodilative.  相似文献   

Substance P-like immunoreactivity (SPLI) was studied by immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay in the cerebral arteries, choroid plexus and dura mater of the guinea-pig, rabbit, cat and man. The highest concentrations were found in cerebral blood vessels: 6.1 +/- 2.3 pmol/g (guinea-pig), 9.0 +/- 1.1 pmol/g (rabbit), 7.1 +/- 0.4 pmol/g (cat), and 2.4 +/- 0.9 pmol/g (man). Lower levels were obtained in the choroid plexus and dura mater. The distribution of substance P (SP)-immunoreactive nerve fibres found in various regions of the guinea-pig correlated well with the amount of SPLI measured. Sympathectomy did not alter the concentration of SPLI in the dura mater or in cerebral blood vessels. Electrical field stimulation or 124 mM potassium enhanced the spontaneous efflux of SPLI by 10 and 20%, respectively, from superfused pial arteries in vitro. These data are in support of a functional role of perivascular SP within the cranial circulation.  相似文献   

目的:研究miR-21在脑缺血/再灌注(cerebral ischemia-reperfusion,I/R)损伤过程中对血脑屏障(Blood Brain Barrier)的保护作用。方法:采用线栓法构建SD大鼠脑缺血/再灌注模型。实验随机分为空白质粒组,miR-2l-mimic组和miR-21 inhibitor组。利用Western Blot检测大鼠大脑皮层组织中Bax蛋白的表达变化,透射电镜观察大鼠大脑皮层组织中细胞形态和血脑屏障的完整性,免疫荧光检测大脑皮层组织中自噬相关蛋白LC-3的分布情况。结果:Western Blot实验结果显示:与空白质粒相比,给予miR-2l-mimic的大鼠脑组织中Bax蛋白的表达显著降低,而给予miR-21 inhibitor的大鼠脑组织中Bax蛋白的表达升高;透射电镜结果显示:与空白质粒组相比较,miR-2l-mimic组中内皮细胞周围星形胶质细胞的板层突基本完整,而miR-21 inhibitor组中明显可见自噬小体、溶酶体,并有吞噬物存在;免疫荧光结果显示:与空白质粒组比较,miR-21-mimic组中自噬相关蛋白LC-3表达降低,而miR-21 inhibitor组中LC3蛋白的分布增加。结论:miR-2l可能通过下调Bax蛋白的表达抑制凋亡或通过抑制自噬保护血脑屏障。  相似文献   

The cerebral vasculature is a target tissue for sex steroid hormones. Estrogens, androgens, and progestins all influence the function and pathophysiology of the cerebral circulation. Estrogen decreases cerebral vascular tone and increases cerebral blood flow by enhancing endothelial-derived nitric oxide and prostacyclin pathways. Testosterone has opposite effects, increasing cerebral artery tone. Cerebrovascular inflammation is suppressed by estrogen but increased by testosterone and progesterone. Evidence suggests that sex steroids also modulate blood-brain barrier permeability. Estrogen has important protective effects on cerebral endothelial cells by increasing mitochondrial efficiency, decreasing free radical production, promoting cell survival, and stimulating angiogenesis. Although much has been learned regarding hormonal effects on brain blood vessels, most studies involve young, healthy animals. It is becoming apparent that hormonal effects may be modified by aging or disease states such as diabetes. Furthermore, effects of testosterone are complicated because this steroid is also converted to estrogen, systemically and possibly within the vessels themselves. Elucidating the impact of sex steroids on the cerebral vasculature is important for understanding male-female differences in stroke and conditions such as menstrual migraine and preeclampsia-related cerebral edema in pregnancy. Cerebrovascular effects of sex steroids also need to be considered in untangling current controversies regarding consequences of hormone replacement therapies and steroid abuse.  相似文献   

One-dimensional (1D) simulation of the complete vascular network, so called THINkS (Total Human Intravascular Network Simulation) is developed to investigate changes of blood flow characteristics caused by the variation of CoW. THINkS contains 158 major veins, 85 major arteries, and 77 venous and 43 arterial junctions. THINkS is validated with available in vivo blood flow waveform data. The overall trends of flow rates in variations of the CoW, such as the missing anterior cerebral artery (missing-A1) or missing posterior cerebral artery (missing-P1), are confirmed by in vivo experimental data. It is demonstrated that the CoW has the ability to shunt blood flow to different areas in the brain. Flow rates in efferent arteries remain unaffected under the variation of CoW, while the flow rates in afferent vessels can be subject to substantial changes. The redistribution of blood flow can cause particular vessels to undergo extra flow rate and hemodynamic stresses.  相似文献   

Abstract: The in vivo presence of tryptophan hydroxylase activity in rat major cerebral arteries as well as the possible origin of the structure containing it were explored. Enzyme activity was appraised by accumulation of 5-hydroxytryptophan after inhibition of aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase. Decarboxylase inhibition evoked a significant increase in 5-hydroxytryptophan levels in rat cerebral arteries, striatum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and plasma but had no effect on aorta. p -Chlorophenylalanine reduced 5-hydroxytryptophan accumulation in the cerebral vessels and brain nuclei, whereas α-methyltyrosine did not modify it except in hypothalamus, where it was enhanced. α-Methyltyrosine significantly reduced noradrenaline levels in cerebral arteries and l -dopa accumulation after inhibition of the decarboxylase in striatum. Dorsal raphe nucleus lesioning significantly diminished 5-hydroxytryptophan formation in cerebral arteries, striatum, and hypothalamus, without affecting it in hippocampus. Lesion of median raphe nucleus reduced 5-hydroxytryptophan accumulation in hippocampus and in hypothalamus but not in cerebral blood vessels or striatum. Superior cervical ganglia removal decreased noradrenaline levels in cerebral blood vessels without affecting 5-hydroxytryptophan accumulation. These results indicate the presence of a functionally active tryptophan hydroxylase in rat cerebral arteries associated with fibers originating from dorsal raphe nucleus. This supports that rat major cerebral arteries receive serotonergic innervation from central origin.  相似文献   

目的探讨烫(烧)伤损伤时大鼠脑血管内皮素-1能神经纤维分布与脑血管神经源性调节的关系,以及烫(烧)伤对脑血管损伤的影响。方法应用免疫组织化学技术观察烫(烧)伤大鼠脑底动脉(包括大脑前动脉、大脑中动脉、大脑后动脉和基底动脉)内皮素-1能神经纤维的分布。结果烫(烧)伤大鼠和正常大鼠脑底动脉均可见棕褐色的内皮素-1能免疫反应阳性神经纤维,似细线状,攀附于血管壁上,烫(烧)伤大鼠脑底动脉各主要分支内皮素-1能免疫反应阳性纤维密度较正常大鼠明显增加,纤维走行大多呈网状。结论烫(烧)伤可引起大鼠脑底动脉内皮素-1能免疫反应阳性神经纤维增加,增加的内皮素-1能神经纤维可能诱发脑血管痉挛和脑血液循环紊乱。提示内皮素-1能神经纤维在烫(烧)伤后在脑血管的神经源性调节中可能起重要的作用。  相似文献   

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